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        검색결과 1,412

        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Focusing on the effectiveness of a glocalization advertising strategy in China, findings suggest that the ethnicity of endorser moderates the effect of bilingual brand naming (use of both foreign and Chinese brand names) on perceptions of a brand’s luxury quality. Introduction Given a long debate between standardization and localization, many corporations, as a solution, prefer to use both (Featherstone 1990, Sklair, 1995; Friedman, 1999). The right balance of standardization and localization is viewed as the key to success of brands being implemented at a global level, especially in countries the cultural values of which completely differ from those of the brand’s country of origin. The degree of standardization or localization in advertising is determined by various advertising elements. Advertising transfers cultural meaning through signs such as language, aesthetics, endorsers, and so forth, with brands hoping that target audiences positively associate the cultural meanings with the advertised brand (Leclerc, Schmitt & Dubé, 1994; Schmitt, Pan & Tavassoli, 1994; Cheng & Schweitzer, 1996). A brand name and the ethnicity of an endorser, out of the advertising signs, have been recognized as significant cues for conveying a brand image to consumers. This suggests that, in such a place as China, a foreign brand name or a foreign endorser in advertising produces more positive advertising-related responses for a product with foreign characteristics, compared with a Chinese brand name or a Chinese endorser (Zhang & Zhang, 2010). However, when taking a combination of the two strategies or considering the extent of localization in China, little is known about the effectiveness of a glocalization strategy in global advertising in China, which is one of the most attractive international markets to global brands, in particular, luxury brands. In reality, consistent with the argument that the combination of standardization and localization is effective, a number of luxury brands (e.g., Chanel ‘香奈儿’, Dior ‘迪奥’, Bottega Veneta ‘葆蝶家’, Estée Lauder ‘雅诗兰黛’, etc.) create their Chinese brand names when entering the Chinese market while retaining their foreign brand names. This is because most foreign brand names are either too complicated or lengthy, making it difficult for Chinese consumers to remember them or pronounce them (Zheng, 2013). Therefore, the current study attempts to examine the effectiveness of bilingual brand names as a means of a glocalization strategy. Specifically, this study investigates how languages of brand name (presentation of brand name: foreign brand name only vs. Chinese brand name only vs. both of the foreign and Chinese brand names) and the ethnicity of an endorser (Western vs. Chinese) affect consumer perception of the brand’s luxuriousness and consequently influence purchase intention. Method A 3 (language of brand name: foreign brand name only vs. Chinese brand name only vs. both foreign and Chinese brand names) x 2 (ethnicity of celebrity endorser: Western vs. Chinese) between-subject experimental study was conducted to test proposed hypotheses. Six versions of a manipulated print advertisement represented the experimental conditions. For the experiment, data were collected from a sample of 150 undergraduate students in Mainland China through a snowballing sampling technique. To increase internal validity, undergraduate students were used as the sample in the current study as it is suggested that university students are relatively a homogeneous group to reduce individual differences. In addition, considering that most of consumers for luxury goods in China are under 45 years old (Atsmon & Dixit, 2009), and the younger generation (25-35 years old) has been growing into the core consumers for luxury goods in China (Bain & Company, 2014), undergraduates are the potential consumers of luxury brands as they will, in the near future, accumulate consumption power. All subjects logged onto the study’s website, where they were randomly assigned to one of the six experimental conditions. LONGINES, a Switzerland luxury watch brand, was selected as the representative of a luxury brand for subjects, as this particular brand embraces a high degree of localization, having both English and Chinese brand names and both foreign and Chinese celebrity endorsers. It also enjoys high awareness among Chinese consumers. To manipulate the language of the brand name, three variations were used: presentation of brand name in a foreign language [LONGINES], presentation of brand name in Chinese [ 浪琴], and presentation of both brand names in a print advertisement. In the history of its advertising, LONGINES has employed 15 celebrity endorsers, 4 being Chinese. To manipulate the ethnicity of the celebrity endorser, out of the 15 endorsers, Simon Baker and Kate Winslet were selected as Western endorsers while Aaron Kwok, and Lin Chi-ling were used as Chinese endorsers. To reduce confounding effects by using a real brand, brand familiarity and brand attitude were included as covariates in the study. Findings Luxurious Perception of the Brand While controlling brand familiarity (p < .05) and brand attitude (p < .001), the language of the brand name, F(2,142) = 5.254, p < .01, had a significant main effect on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality. More specifically, a follow-up post hoc test indicated that subjects who saw the ad presenting the foreign brand name in Latin showed a stronger perception of a brand’s luxury quality than did those exposed to the ads that presented the Chinese brand name or both of the foreign and Chinese brand names. However, we found no significant difference between the presentation of the Chinese brand name and the presentation of both foreign and Chinese brand names. On the other hand, the ethnicity of the endorser was not found to have a significant effect on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality (p > .05). The results further revealed a significant interaction between the language of the brand name and the ethnicity of the endorser on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality, F(2,142) = 5.647, p < .01. Specifically, Figure 1 shows that both brand names produced a weaker perception of a brand’s luxury quality than the foreign brand name only when the Western endorser is presented, however, both brand names produced an equal effect to the foreign brand name only when the Chinese endorser is presented. The language of brand name, while controlling brand familiarity (p < .05) and brand attitude (p < .001), exhibited a significant effect on purchase intention, F(2,142) = 3.472, p < .05. A follow-up post hoc test revealed that the presentation of the foreign brand name or both of the foreign and Chinese brand names in the ad generated higher purchase intention than the presentation of the Chinese brand name. However, there was no significant difference between the conditions of the foreign brand name and the both brand names. With respect to the main effect of the ethnicity of an endorser on purchase intention, the data did not exhibit a significant effect (p > .05). No significant interaction effect between the language of brand name and the ethnicity of an endorser emerged (p > .05). Mediating Role of Luxurious Perception of the Brand To confirm the moderated mediation of the perception of a brand’s luxury quality on purchase intention, the PROCESS macro model 8 was performed. The study found significant effects of the interaction on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality: βBrand name x Endorser = .54, SE = .17, p < .01. Then, when we examined the joint effects of the interaction effect and luxurious perception of the brand on purchase intention, no significant effect was found from the interaction; βBrand name x Endorser = -.02, SE = .24, p > .05, emerged on purchase intention. However, the effect of the perception of a brand’s luxury quality was still significant; βBrand name x Endorser = .33, SE = .12, p < .01. This implies that the interaction effect of the two independent variables had an indirect effect on purchase intention through the perception of a brand’s luxury quality (CI95, 1,000 bootstrapped samples [.0492, .4229]). Specifically, the perception of a brand’s luxury quality mediated the effect of the language of brand name on purchase intention only in the condition of a Western endorser (CI95: [-.3161, -.0429]), but not in the condition of a Chinese endorser (CI95: [-.0298, .1254]). Discussion The study supports the argument that a brand name is a strong cue for consumer judgment (Thakor & Lavack, 2003; De Mooij, 2010; Elena & Segev, 2012) by suggesting that when a brand uses a foreign brand name (Roman Alphabet), consumers are more likely to view the brand as luxurious; also consumers are more likely to be willing to purchase the brand than when it uses a Chinse brand name. Interestingly, bilingual brand naming has been found to be somewhat complicated. The study suggests that using both foreign and Chinese brand names is as ineffective as using a Chinese brand name only for luxurious perception of the brand. This may be because the use of a Chinese brand name along with a foreign brand name dilutes the cultural meanings (e.g., status, social distinction, etc.) that the foreign brand name on its own transfers to consumers. With respect to purchase intention, however, the use of bilingual brand naming produces an effect equal to the use of a foreign brand name only. This finding indicates that a brand name may be more associated with the perception of brand’s luxury quality than intention to purchase the brand. This further implies that the effectiveness of a glocalization strategy of the brand name by adding a Chinese brand name to an original foreign brand name should be considered with caution. In addition, the current study extends prior research on multi-cue models of country-of-origin effects by demonstrating the moderating role of the ethnicity of an endorser in the effectiveness of the language of a brand name. When a brand uses a Western celebrity endorser, the glocalization strategy of bilingual brand naming seems to be less effective; consumers have a weaker perception of a brand’s luxury quality, compared with a foreign brand name. However, bilingual brand naming is just as effective as foreign brand naming when it uses a Chinese celebrity as the endorser. Supporting previous findings about the synergistic effect of multiple foreign cues (Huang, Fan, & Zhou, 2008), this study implies while the foreign brand name still serves as a foreign cue in bilingual brand naming, the Chinese brand name attenuates the positive effect of the foreign brand name and weakens the synergistic effect from the foreign cues of the foreign brand name and the Western endorser. On the other hand, when a Chinese celebrity endorses the brand, there may not be a synergistic effect from the multiple foreign cues of the foreign brand name and the endorser. Therefore, adding a Chinese brand name to a foreign brand name may not significantly moderate the positive effect of the foreign brand name. Finally, this paper suggests that consumer perception of a product having luxury quality seems to be a strong driver in determining the purchase of a luxury brand, especially when a western celebrity endorsers the brand. Managerially, the study provides insights into the selection of an effective brand-naming strategy and an endorser for advertising when luxury brands do business in the Chinese market. Bilingual brand naming is becoming a common practice in China. Given such a trend in China, is the glocalization strategy on brand naming being deemed effective? If viewing advertising effectiveness from the perspective of enhancing luxurious brand image, the strategy of bilingual brand naming seems to work poorly in China compared with standardized foreign brand naming. It may not be that simple, though, because multiple cues are used to infer cultural meanings of luxury brands and, furthermore, the cues would interact with one another. Considering that many luxury brands use celebrities, especially Chinese celebrities in the Chinese market, foreign or bilingual brand naming is critical to the success of luxury brands, yielding equal effectiveness in luxury perception. This implies that if a brand uses a foreign brand name only, a Western endorser would be more desirable. If the brand adopts bilingual brand naming, then utilizing a Chinese endorser would seem advisable. The study further suggests that the localized strategy in brand name–the use of a Chinese brand name only–is not a good idea for luxury brands in China.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chinese economic develops fast and have became the second economic entity all around the world. The development of economic pushes the popularize of mobile clients. Accordingly, whenever and wherever the consumers are, they can acquire and share information about productions directly, e-word-of-mouth (eWOM) becomes one of the important part of online marketing. Customers prefer to trust opinion leaders and real users’ feedback rather than the advertisements which are made by companies. The choice preference of information source accelerate the development of social media. The Word of Mouth Marketing Association, have grown rapidly and have advocated for the burgeoning new industry. (Robert V. et al., 2010) Marketers and sociologists have recognized the importance of the phenomenon of word of mouth, for more than half a century, proposing, for example, that WOM affects the majority of all purchase decisions (Brooks 1957; Dichter 1966).They find that the “friend who recommends a tried and trusted product” rather than the “salesman who tries to get rid of merchandise” (Dichter 1966, p. 165). Marketing scholars has evolved from a transaction orientation to one based on relationships (Vargo and Lusch 2004) Consumers are regarded as active coproducers of value and meaning, whose WOM use of marketing communications can be idiosyncratic, creative, and even resistant (Brown, Kozinets, and Sherry 2003; Kozinets 2001; Muñiz and Schau 2005; Thompson and Sinha 2008) Therefore, when the behavior is on/off, impact measured as probability of purchase can differ substantially from impact measured as attitude change (Robert East 2015). This study will select significant respondents from Chinese social media users as sample. The WOM communication is send information to marketers from the market-based message interaction community ,gathering consumers with same interests. In this study, not only structural equation modeling (SEM) will be used to test research model. But also using the fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) and SPSS, the first method attempts to find a new configuration to verify the finding and the SPSS can be used to make reliability analysis and validity analysis. WOM of the research model will also be tested by fsQCA and SPSS to obtain the conclusion about what extent do two communication ways influence consumers’ purchase preference. We want to explore different results between opinion leaders and the real users in different communication ways. Based on the results we will give some implication to both marketing scholars and practitioners.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated Jichang Garden in China, which features various visual arrangements for landscape experiences. The purpose of the study was to understand concrete landscape arrangement methods and structure and to analyze the landscape experience therein. The results indicated the following elements. Water spaces in Jichang Garden created synesthetic multi-layers constructed by the sounds of the Eight-pitch stream. A multi-layer landscape structure was created through symmetrical and borrowed landscapes displayed in the buildings centering on the pond. The pot-planting landscape reveals axial and complementing landscapes that extract and separate aesthetic objects from plain walls and distracting surroundings to evoke the profound beauty of mountains and waters. By creating walkways and frameworks, the corridors serve as dividing landscapes that create a sense of direction and dynamics and divide landscapes. The moon gate and openwork windows create visual frameworks, while the overlapping of the framed and window landscapes creates a sense of depth, making the space more intriguing. First, the landscape experience, with framing and layering features, offer visual diversity and illusions. One may find Jichang Garden full of stories and landscapes as it often creates illusions to separate spaces while maintaining the atmosphere through the landscape composition and overlapping unusual layers. Second, Jichang Garden offers the experience of dynamic visual perception. In doing so, Jichang Garden combines standstill and mobile views, which offers opportunities and occasions for each individual to create different layers. Third, to recapitulate huge mountains and waters in nature, Jichang Garden overlaps a range of visual layers, reminiscent of nature outside the garden.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the perception and preferences related to Korean food according to the ethnicity of university students in Yanbian, China. Korean food was preferred by Korean-Chinese as compared with Chinese students, and Korean-Chinese students preferred Korean food more than Chinese food. Both Korean-Chinese and Chinese preferred Korean food more than traditional Chosun food. More Korean-Chinese than Chinese students had positive perceptions of Korean food, which included foods made with jang, kimchi smell, and healthiness due to diversity. For evaluation of Korean food taste, more Chinese than Korean-Chinese subjects thought Korean food is not greasy and hoped salty taste. Both awareness and preferences related to Korean food were significantly higher in Korean-Chinese than Chinese students. Meat foods (so-galbi, dak-galbi, jang-jorim) were relatively high in terms of preference in both Korean-Chinese and Chinese students. Moreover, Chinese students preferred Korean traditional foods (sujeonggwa, yakgwa, gangjeong). In Korean- Chinese students, Korean representative traditional foods (kimchi, jangajji) and Korean traditional holiday foods (tteokguk, mandu-guk) were relatively low in terms of preference. This study found that the traditional food culture of Korean-Chinese has been maintained in Yanbian, whereas there is a change in the young generation.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the perception and preferences related to Korean food of university students in Yanbian, China. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 306 (124 males and 182 females) students. The preferences for Chinese food (44.7%) and a combination of Korean (32.0%) and Chosun food (12.4%) were similar, and Korean food was more preferred than traditional Chosun food. The main reason for preferences for Korean food was taste. The perception of Korean hot spices and kimchi smell was not good, whereas positive perceptions where held for foods made with jang, new Korean food experience and healthiness of Korean food. Awareness of Korean food was in the order of bibimbap, kimchibokkeum- bap, gimbap, baechi-kimchi and ttoe-bbokki. Preference order was bulgogi, so-galbi, jang-jorim, dak-galbi and dewaeji-galbil. Meat foods and Korean traditional foods were relatively high, whereas kimchi, ttoe-bbokki and bibimbap were relatively low in terms of preference. More female than male students preferred Korean food, and the perception of new food experience and healthiness of Korean food were positive. Moreover, both awareness and preference related to Korean food were significantly higher in female than male students. These results can be used as a foundation to prepare a localization strategy of Korean food to China.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 최근 37년(1977-2013) 동안 여름철 동중국해에 영향을 준 태풍빈도와 북서태평양 몬순지수와의 상관 을 분석하였다. 두 변수 사이에는 뚜렷한 양의 상관관계가 존재하였으며, 엘니뇨-남방진동 해를 제외하여도 높은 양의 상관관계는 변하지 않았다. 이러한 두 변수 사이에 양의 상관관계의 원인을 알아보기 위해 가장 높은 북서태평양 몬순 지수를 갖는 11개 해(양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상)와 가장 낮은 북서태평양 몬순지수를 갖는 11개 해(음의 북서태평 양 몬순지수 위상)를 선정하여 두 위상 사이에 평균 차를 분석하였다. 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에는 태풍들이 열대 및 아열대 서태평양의 동쪽해역으로부터 동중국해를 지나 한국 및 일본을 향해 북상하는 경향을 나타내었다. 음의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에는 태풍들이 남중국해를 지나 중국 남부지역을 향해 서진하는 패턴을 보였다. 따라서 동아 시아 중위도까지 먼 거리를 이동하면서 바다로부터 충분한 에너지를 얻을 수 있는 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에의 태풍강도가 더 강하였다. 또한 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에 태풍들이 더 많이 발생하는 특성을 보였다. 850 hPa과 500 hPa에서의 수평 대기순환에 대한 두 위상 사이에 차에서는 열대 및 아열대 서태평양에서 저기압 아노말리가, 동아 시아 중위도 지역에는 고기압 아노말리가 강화되었다. 이 두 기압계 아노말리로 인해 동중국해에서는 남동풍 아노말리 가 발달하였으며, 이 남동풍 아노말리가 태풍들을 동중국해로 향하게 하는 지향류 아노말리의 역할을 하였다. 또한 열 대 및 아열대 서태평양에서 발달한 저기압 아노말리로 인해 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에 태풍들이 좀 더 많이 발 생할 수 있었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 2016년 중국 대학입시 어문과목의 출제문항을 분석하여 2016년 중국 대학입시 의 특징과 변화, 그리고 어문 과목의 출제형식과 중점을 검토했다. 2013년 중국공산당 18대 3 중전회 이후 중국의 대학입시는 중앙정부의 정치적 방향성이 큰 비중을 차지했다. 구체적으 로는 일점사면(입덕수인을 핵심으로 하고 사회주의 핵심가치, 전통문화, 의법치국, 창신정신 을 심화)”의 원칙이라 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 출제원칙들이 2016년 입시 어문 문항에 서 인물전기 중심의 문언문 독해 지문, 전통문화 요소에 대한 강조, 창신정신과 현실성을 반 영한 작문 문항 등의 특징으로 구체화되었다고 생각된다. 이는 최근 고위공직자 사정, 중국몽 과 소프트파워에 대한 추구 등 현대 중국의 시대적 과제를 반영한 내용이라 할 수 있다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In January 2016, Korea began rice exporting to China from six domestic Rice Processing Complexes (RPC). The appearance characteristics and quality of medium-short grain milled rice between the exported Korean rice was compared with Wuchang rice, which is known as high quality in Heilongjiang province in China, and the imported rice from Japan and Taiwan in Chinese circulating marketing. The 1000-grain weight of exported rice is 22.4g, which is similar to that of Chinese Wuchang rice, but it tended to be heavier than that of Japanese and Taiwanese. The rice type is round in exporting Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese rice while Chinese Wuchang rice is thin and long with 2.5. The head rice rate of export rice was 93.3 ~ 98.4%, which was 95.8% on average, which was higher than that of Chinese Wuchang rice, and similar to that of Japanese, and Taiwanese. The protein content of the export rice was 5.2 ~ 6.2%, which was 5.8% on average, similar to that of Chinese Wuchang rice, Japanese and Taiwanese. Amylose content was 18.5% of the exported rice, which was lower than that of Chinese Wuchang rice and slightly higher than that of Japanese and Taiwanese. The whiteness of the exported Korean rice was 35.6 on the average, lower than 41.8 of Chinese Wuchang rice, and lower than that of Japanese and Taiwanese. The purity of rice variety being exported ranged from 87.5 to 100.0%, which was 96.5% on average. This was much higher than that of Chinese Wuchang rice, while the Japanese and Taiwan rices were similar. The sensory test of rice by the experts, cooked rice of the exported was evaluated to be good for all items such as taste, sticky glutinous, and texture compared to Chinese Wuchang rice.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Republic of China was a key period of the development of Confucianism. The Imperial Examination was abolished and the discipline of classics disintegrated, so that intellectuals produced different understandings on traditional Confucianism. There were four understanding dimensions: Confucianism is a kind of religion; Confucianism is a kind of classic; Confucianism is a kind of system; Confucianism is a kind of lifestyle. The dimension of religion, on one hand, promoted Confucianism to the height of religion; on the other hand, maintained the social foundation of Confucianism. The dimension of classic reflected an academic style in the inheritance of Confucianism. The dimension of system was a misunderstanding for Confucianism under the context of the culture conflict between China and the west. The dimension of lifestyle aimed at building a traditional Confucian lifestyle. In the period of the Republic of China, these different understanding dimensions of Confucianism provided different approaches for the modern transition of Confucianism. Nowadays, these approaches still constitute the mainstream of Confucian development.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 1972년 미국 닉슨 대통령의 중국방문을 다룬 존 아담스(John Adams)의 오페라 《닉슨 인 차이나》(Nixon in China)를 미디어적 관점에서 분석한 연구이다. 《닉슨 인 차이나》는 동시 대 사건을 다룬 뉴스를 오페라 무대 위에서 재현했다는 점 때문에 세간의 주목을 끌었다. 그러나 미디어와의 이러한 표면적 연관성은 오히려 작품이 가진 보다 본질적이고 심층적인 미디어와의 연 관성에 대해서는 간과하도록 만들었다. 본 연구는 이러한 점에 착안하여 《닉슨 인 차이나》를 미 디어이론의 틀에서 접근한 새로운 해석을 시도하였다. 즉 본 작품의 내용과 형식에서 모두 미디어 적 속성이 반영되고 있으며 이를 통해 미디어가 현실에 영향력을 끼치는 모습을 작품 속에서 드러 내고 있음을 밝히고자 하였다. 미디어와의 다층적인 연관성이 《닉슨 인 차이나》의 리브레토, 음악, 연출에서 어떻게 나타나는 지 분석하여 현대사회 속 미디어의 모습을 반영하는 오페라로서의 본 작품을 고찰하였다. 분석의 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이 작품의 내용은 닉슨의 중국방문이 아니라, ‘미디어에 비친’ 닉슨의 중국방문이라는 점을 핵심으로 한다. 등장인물들은 TV를 시종일관 인식하고 있으며 이에 따라 대조적인 모습을 보여주어 현대인의 삶과 미디어의 연관성을 포착한다. 둘째, 내용을 담는 작품의 형식을 보면, 뉴스나 쇼 등 구체적인 텔레비전 프로그램의 모방이 나타날 뿐 아니라 패스티시와 플로우 등 텔레비전이 취하는 전형적 구성형식을 취하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 특성은 《닉슨 인 차이나》에서의 파편적 극 구성과 음악구성, 긴장과 이완의 호흡을 고려하여 시종일관 관객의 시선을 놓치지 않도록 하는 배열 등에서 나타난다. 셋째, 내용과 형식을 통해 드러나는 작품의 주제는 미디어적 현실에 대한 비판적 반성으로 볼 수 있다. 이에 사로잡힌 현대인의 모습을 《닉슨 인 차이나》에서는 정신분열증과 노 스탤지어를 통해서 포착한다. 통전적인 인식을 방해하는 미디어의 영향력은 분열된 자기의식, 기표 의 언어유희인 정신분열증을 통해 나타난다. 노스탤지어는 현실도피를 위한 상품화된 가상인데 《닉슨 인 차이나》에서는 노스탤지어 속에서도 이미 자리 잡고 있는 미디어의 모습을 통해 그 무 한 소급적 위력을 드러낸다. 미디어의 막강한 영향력은 하이퍼리얼리티의 생산에서 절정을 이룬다. 이는 현실보다 더 현실 같은 가상과 원본 없는 이미지의 유통을 의미하며 《닉슨 인 차이나》에서 는 극중극 장면에서 첨예하게 나타난다. ‘낯설게하기’는 이러한 주제를 구현하기 위한 효과적 극적 장치로 사용되어 미디어의 영향력에 대한 객관적 거리를 확보하게 한다. 이러한 분석을 근거로, 《닉슨 인 차이나》는 현대사회 속 미디어의 모습을 매개(mediate)하는 역할을 하는 오페라로서 독해가능하며 바로 이 점이 《닉슨 인 차이나》가 지닌 동시대적 오페라로 서의 진정한 지위와 가치를 보장해 주는 것이라고 할 수 있다.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New national security (NNS) represents a twenty-first century’s sociological paradigm on which the law is based on and is characterized by multiple actors, wide covering, low predictability, subjective perception, dual nature, and rampant diffusion. The emergence and expansion of the NNS prompts a highly advanced perspective to the rule of law at both the national and international levels, specifically, the relationship between international and domestic law. In this context, traditional approaches, ‘international approach’ or ‘national approach,’ are insufficient, so that a new ‘managerial approach’ is thus needed. The legal practice in relation to national security of China, a rising great power, attracts close attention in the international society. Furthermore, since Chinese conception of national security has its own ‘Chinese characteristics,’ how China will enforce its national security law in the context of international law remains to be seen. The NNS will lead profound sociological transformation upon which all legal orders are based.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to keep the safety of the car ferry passengers and vessels by investigating and analyzing vessel safety management systems in Korea and China. To this end, we investigated Korea-China car ferries and the current status and causes of global marine accidents corresponding to the sizes of the vessels from Korea and China. Furthermore, we investigated car ferries’ crew management and safety management. As a result of the analysis of the ferry accident, the causes of human error and ship’s age were the greatest, but the ship’s companies showed a negative stance regarding the age restriction. It seems that it is necessary to utilize the near-miss accident reporting system and differentiate the management of ship’s aging. Also, it was analyzed that both the ship company and the crew of the ship need to strengthen their awareness of safety management.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경형동기는 정면이 볼록하게 튀어나와 있는 직경 5cm 이상의 평면 원형의 뉴가 달려 있는 청동기이 다. 주연부의 꺽임 여부를 제1기준, 뉴 위치를 제2기준, 크기를 제3기준으로 할 때 전체 8개 형식으로 분류된다. 대체로 기원전 10~9세기에는 A형계와 B형계가 모두 확인되는 반면, 이후부터는 뒷 시기로 갈수록 A형계만이 지속되는 가운데 뉴가 중심뉴에서 중연뉴를 거쳐 변연뉴로 이동되는 양상을 보인 다. B형계는 기원전 10~8세기 하가점상층문화에만, AIb식·AIc식은 기원전 6~5세기 심양시에만, AIIa 식은 기원전 5~4세기 중엽 길림시에만, AIIIa식은 기원전 3세기 전엽 함평군 일대에만 분포한다. 하가점상층문화의 경형동기는 주로 요대와 관련 부속물에 착장되어 수장층의 의례 활동 관련의 의기 이자 보조적인 위세품으로만 사용된 반면, 정가와자유형에서는 수장층이 살아 생전에 사용한 의기 외 에 수장의 죽음을 영송하는 장례 관련 특수 기물과 위세품적 고급 거마장식류로도 사용되어졌으며, 서 단산문화 후기단계에서는 주로 목에 걸고 사용하는 의기로 사용되어졌고, 강상문화 누상단계에서는 주 로 위세품으로 사용되어졌고, 한반도 영산강 유역의 함평군 상곡리집단에서는 수장이 의례를 진행할 때 여러 매를 그물 구조의 끈에 연결하여 이를 목에 걸어 착용하던 의기로 사용되어졌다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The lantern fly, Lycorma delicatula (White), was firstly introduced at least around ten years ago in the Korean Peninsula, and is now distributed throughout the mainland. We collected 37 L. delicatula isolates, totally 762 individuals from various locations in Korea, China, and Japan. Our results, based on molecular comparison showed multiple introductions of L. delicatula into Korea from China as followed; 1) The population which was spreaded and prevalent in a wide area after 2008 was identical to that of Shanghi, suggesting that main routes was the seedlings of Ailanthus altissima imported a few times from Shanghi into Incheon port in 2004~2005. 2) The populations in Changwon and Samcheok collected in 2011 were from Beijing and Tianjin, respectively. 3) The population in Cheonan collected in 2006 was different from other populations.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Gonioctena Chevrolat, 1836 is one of the largest genera of the subfamily Chrysomelinae with approximately 110 valid species in nine subgenera distributed in the Holarctic and Oriental regions. The Gonioctena mauroi species-group of the subgenus Brachyphytodecta Bechyně, 1948 is proposed to include four species: Gonioctena mauroi Cho & Borowiec, 2016 (Vietnam), G. medvedevi Cho & Borowiec, 2016 (Vietnam), G. kuatunensis sp. nov. (China) and G. longshengensis sp. nov. (China). They are characterized by the presence of setae on the aedeagus, which is unique within the subgenus. A key to the species, habitus photographs, illustrations of diagnostic characters and a distribution map are provided. Ovoviviparity is newly recorded in G. longshengensis sp. nov.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        전 세계적으로 국가정부, 조직, 사업단체 등은 생물다양성의 유지와 자연 생태 등 자원을 보호하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 국제자연보호연맹(IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature)의 창립과 생물다양성협약(CBD, Convention on Biological Diversity)의 체결 등 국제적인 활동을 통하여 자연보호사업은 세계적으로 가장 큰 교류·협조사업으로 자리 잡았다. 지리적으로 인접해 있는 양국, 한국과 중국은 1999년부터 매년 환경장관회의를 개최하여 환경문제를 해결하고자 협력하고 있다. 머지않은 미래에 한반도가 통일을 이룩한다면 중국과 한국은 영토뿐만 아니라 영공, 영해에서도 인접한 국가가 될 것으로 예상된다. 또한 원래 한 문화권에 위치하고 있는 북한을 포함한 한국과 중국 양국이 경제적인 요구의 추세에서 국가라는 장벽을 깨고, 경제뿐만 아니라 자원, 환경, 문화 등 국민들과 밀접한 분야에서 긴밀히 교류하고 협력하는 유럽 연맹(EU)과 같은 공동체가 될 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 향후 양국의 자연자원과 생태환경에 대한 협력과 보호가 더 순조롭게 진행될 수 있도록 자연보호에 대한 연구가 필요하며, 특히 자연보호지역에 관한 연구가 필요하다. 국제사회에서 보호지역 관련 논의를 주도하고 있는 IUCN은 보호지역을 ‘장기적인 자연보전뿐만 아니라 관련생태계서비스 및 문화적 가치 증진을 위해 법적, 또는 기타 실효적 법으로 인지되고 전용화 되고, 관리되고 있는 명확하게 정의된 지리적 공간’이라고 정의하고 있다(Dudley, 2008). 이에 따르면 자연보호지역의 내용과 범위는 매우 방대하며, 한중 양국은 각자의 국정에 의거하여 보호지역의 관리체계를 마련하고 있다. 본 논문은 단행본, 보고서, 논문 등 선행 연구 자료를 참고하여 중국의 자연보호구와 한국의 자연공원을 대표적인 연구대상으로 하여, 양국 자연보호지역의 관리 체계를 파악하고 비교하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 자연보호지역의 분류체계 분야에서 양국이 비슷하지만, 중국의 지형이 한국보다 다양하기 때문에 중국 자연보호지역의 세부 카테고리가 더 다양하다. 자연보호지역에 관한 법률 분야에서 한국이 중국보다 일찍 법률을 마련하였다. 그리고 법률의 세부 작업에서도 더 풍부하고 합리적이며 활용성도 높다. 자연보호지역을 관리하는 기관 및 조직 분야는 양국에서 명확한 차이를 보인다. 정부 기관의 체계가 다름에 따라 보호지역의 지정·해제부터 일상적인 관리 작업을 하는 기관의 유형까지 관리체계에서도 차이가 나타난다. 한국의 보호지역 관리조직구조가 중국과 비교하여 횡적이기 때문에 더 민주적이며, 중국의 보호지역 관리조직구조는 종적이기 때문에 권한과 책임이 더 투철하다. 자연보호지역을 관리하는 사업에서도 양국간 차이가 나타난다. 한국은 최대한 자연자원을 보호하며 이용하는 것을 중점적으로 하는 반면, 중국은 자연자원을 재산화하고 자연자원이 지속가능한 정도까지 최대 이용을 중점적으로 한다. 결과적으로 한중 양국의 자연보호지역 관리체계에서 나타난 차이는 주로 자연자원에 대해 인식이 다르기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 한국은 자연자원을 복지적 자원이라고 인식하고 있고, 중국은 경제적 자원이라고 인지하고 있다. 이 차이에 따라 한중 양국이 자연자원을 개발하는 강도에 차이가 발생하는 것이다. 또한 양국의 자연보호구역의 관리기관 및 조직 체계상에서는 큰 차이가 나타나지 않고, 심지어 비슷한 관리문제도 발생하고 있다. 향후 한중 양국의 자연보호지역 교류·협력 사업을 증진하기 위하여 자연보호지역에 관한 학술적인 정의, 용어, 분류방법 등을 통일시키는 방법에 대한 연구가 필요하며, 대등한 관리기관 간의 교류 및 협조 작업이 필요하다.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료