PURPOSES : According to government data, the Black Spot Program has resulted in an average 28.8% reduction in traffic accidents within one year of project implementation in areas where road conditions improved. However, there has been a lack of in-depth analysis of the midto- long-term effects, with a predominant focus on short-term results. This study aimed to analyze the mid-to-long-term effects of the Black Spot Program to assess the sustainability of its reported short-term impact. Additionally, the differences in the mid-to-long-term effects were investigated based on the scale of traffic accidents at intersections and the characteristics of these effects are revealed. METHODS : The mid-to-long-term effects of the Black Spot Program were analyzed at 122 intersections in Seoul, Korea, where the program was implemented between 2013 and 2017, using traffic accident data spanning five years before and after implementation. Additionally, the differences in the program's effects were analyzed at the top-100 intersections with the highest traffic accident concentration in Seoul using the chi-square test to identify these differences. To theoretically validate these differences, the Hurst exponent, commonly used in economics, was applied to analyze the regression to the mean of the intersections and reveal the correlation with improvement. RESULTS : Through the Black Spot Program at 122 intersections, a 33.3% short-term accident reduction was observed. However, the midto- long-term effect analysis showed a 25.8% reduction, indicating a slightly smaller effect than previously reported. Specifically, the top-100 intersections exhibit a 15.4% reduction. A chi-square test with a 95% confidence level indicated significant differences in the program’s effects based on the scale of traffic accidents at intersections. The Hurst index (H ) was measured for the top-100 intersections, yielding H = 0.331. This is stronger than the overall H = 0.382 for all intersections in Seoul, suggesting that the regression to the mean is more pronounced, which may lead to a lower effectiveness of the improvement. CONCLUSIONS : The mid-to-long-term effects of the Black Spot Program were relatively lower than its short-term effects, with larger differences in effectiveness observed based on the scale of traffic accidents at intersections. This indicates the need to redefine the criteria for selecting project targets by focusing on intensive improvements at intersections, where significant effects can be achieved.
Technology innovation companies are focusing on contributing to business performance by R&D project as a strategic tool. Successful R&D leads to corporate competitiveness enhancement, national industrial development, but there are high uncertainty and risks in R&D. Public and private R&D projects are carried out to achieve various purposes. It was verified how the risk management and benefit management of the R&D project affect the detailed R&D project performance between the Public and private domain. The impact of Project Leadership on R&D performance was also analyzed. Those who have participated in the Public and Private R&D projects at companies or research institutes were surveyed. First, it was found that project risk and benefit management have partially an effect on R&D project performance. Second, Public and private R&D Project Leadership showed partially a interaction effect between project management and project performance.
For the smooth implementation and success of smart city projects, it is necessary to recognize that there is a difference in the perception of value judgments or strategic goals among major stakeholders in the planning process. And it is necessary to aim the values and goals of smart cities through reconciliation of these differences. The two major stakeholders in the smart city development project are citizens group and government officials group. Government officials are in charge of establishing and implementing policies for smart city projects, and their value judgments and perceptions influence the policy direction. In these respects, government officials can be an important stakeholder group. Citizens are a group that includes ordinary residents and business owners who live in smart cities and are the ultimate users of infrastructure and facilities. This study investigated the importance perceptions of citizens and government officials, who are the major stakeholders, about the core values and strategic goals that the smart city project aims. Responses were collected using a structured questionnaire to which the AHP methodology was applied. And the priority of perceptions for constituent items was compared for each stakeholder group. Through the comparative analysis results, it was empirically confirmed that there is a difference in the values and goals pursued by the smart city project between stakeholder groups. As an empirical study on the stakeholders of the smart city project, this study is meaningful in contributing to the theoretical development in that it suggests that the conceptual structural model of the smart city strategy system presented in previous studies can be applied in practice.
Non-face-to-face lectures have become a necessity rather than an option since COVID-19, and in order to improve the quality of university education, it is necessary to explore the properties of non-face-to-face lectures and make active efforts to improve them. This study, focusing on this, aims to provide basic data necessary for decision-making for non-face-to-face lecture design by analyzing the relative importance and execution satisfaction of non-face-to-face lecture attributes for professors and students. Based on previous research, a questionnaire was constructed by deriving 4 factors from 1st layer and 17 from 2nd layer attributes of non-face-to-face lectures. A total of 180 valid samples were used for analysis, including 60 professors and 120 students. The importance of the non-face-to-face lecture properties was calculated by obtaining the weights for each stratified element through AHP(Analytic Hierachy Process) analysis, and performance satisfaction was calculated through statistical analysis based on the Likert 5-point scale. As a result of the AHP analysis, both the professor group and the student group had the same priority for the first tier factors, but there was a difference in the priorities between the second tier factors, so it seems necessary to discuss this. As a result of the IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) analysis, the professor group selected the level of interaction as an area to focus on, and it was confirmed that research and investment in teaching methods for smooth interaction are necessary. The student group was able to confirm that it is urgent to improve and invest in the current situation so that the system can be operated stably by selecting the system stability. This study uses AHP analysis for professors and students groups to derive relative importance and priority, and calculates the IPA matrix using IPA analysis to establish the basis for decision-making on future face-to-face and non-face-to-face lecture design and revision. It is meaningful that it was presented.
This study aims to present the differentiating factors of B2B salesperson competency through comparing the suppliers and buyers in Korean steel industry in their perception on the importance and priority of B2B salesperson competency. Based on previous studies, analysis on B2B salesperson competency has been analyzed using the B2B salesperson performance competency measure factors and appropriately reorganizing them for better application to the steel industry. The required performance competencies of B2B salesperson can be categorized into 3 different types, namely social exchange competency, advisory sales competency, and skill & knowledge competency. AHP analysis was performed for analyzing the relative importance of B2B salesperson competency based on the factors of previous studies, in which categorization of the aforementioned types had been done. As the result, first, it has been confirmed that there is a difference in 1st layer main factors between the supplier group and buyer group. The supplier group valued the advisory sales competency, while the buyer group valued skill & knowledge competency. Second, it has been proved that there is same result of relative importance in 2nd detailed factors between the supplier group and buyer group. Both group confirmed that customer member, identify customer needs and communication skill are very important factors. Third, as the result of analysis on the gap between B2B salesperson competency of the suppliers and buyers, the gap in the product knowledge and sales team member need improvement for buyer’s satisfaction according to overall results of relative importance and priority. The steel supplier was able to develop B2B salesperson competency according to the buyers’ needs based on the result of this study, and furthermore it is expected that this study will be able to contribute to increase in buyer competitiveness through differentiation in B2B salesperson competency.
In this study, through an AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis, the internal construction project was designed to analyze the factors affecting the performance of the project and provide suggestions on the quality of communication. To carry out this study, a selection factor was selected by referring to AHP theory and existing prior research. AHP technique was used to collect weights after analysis, examine and analyze gaps. In the interior construction project, the most important factor among the factors influencing the quality of communication to the project performance was communication interaction. Among the sub-factors, accuracy of exchange of information and timeliness of communication were shown in the order of importance. Looking at the results of comprehensive analysis of the first and second layers, the accuracy of information exchange among the elements of communication quality was found to be the number 1 in weight. The timeliness of communication, which is ranked second, and communication that takes place at an appropriate time can lead to efficiency in shortening the project execution period by eliminating unnecessary work. And, Among the factors that affect communication quality, it was analyzed that communication method is not an important factor when compared to other factors. This study shows that quality of communication influences the performance of interior construction projects and provides suggestions for improving communication quality. And it has been confirmed that managing communication quality can act as an important issue that can improve business performance in project execution and production of results.
Stakeholder management in construction projects is an important factor in project performance creation. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of the recognition of the importance of the quality influence factors among the stakeholders of the construction project on the perceived quality and the project performance. The impact of the project management methodology on the project performance has been actively researched, but there is little research result on the project stakeholders. The projects to be researched are apartments and buildings that have been completed within the last five years of domestic large construction company. The method of survey is to measure the consensus of the importance of the quality influential factors among the three parties such as the ordering party, the design supervisor and the constructor, and confirm whether the agreement affects the quality of the actual project. Finally, the research model was verified by surveying the satisfaction of the client on the final product. The results are as follow. The degree of agreement on the importance of quality influential factors among stakeholders has a significant effect on perceived quality. In the relationship between perceived quality of influence factors, organizational (support) quality influenced technological quality and managerial quality, and technological quality and managerial quality also have significant influence on resource quality. The results of analysis showed that perceived quality of resources strongly influenced project performance. The remaining three experienced qualities also significantly affect project performance.
The study had subject to find out what factors Korean automobile consumer is considering in their decision to purchase cars in the situation of the growing competition in the domestic automobile market. In order to this end, the previous study was reviewed to select various factors considered in the process of buying cars. Based on this, Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to prioritize which factors were considered more important by consumers. In the result of study, we could find that performance had the highest priority, and the second ranking was the price. In contrast, image of brand and convenience of maintenance were shown to be relatively low in importance, ranking 3rd and 4th, respectively. Beside, we could recognized the ranking of other detailed factors. This study has an academic implication in that it is able to grasp the latest tendency of consumers’ purchase choice of car and to make conclusion by applying AHP analysis method to study of related subject. It also have practical significance that can be a basis for make sense what factors should be taken by the automobile industry to uprise the purchase of the consumers through the identification and preparation of the purchase selection criteria of domestic automobile buyers.
우리나라 뮤지션들이 작곡한 힙합 음악들이 최근 국내뿐만 아니라, 본고장인 미국에서도 상당한 인기를 끌고 있다. 서양음악 중에서도 가장 이질적인 요소가 많은 장르로 꼽히는 힙합 음악이 우리나라의 뮤지션들을 통해 만들어지고, 더불어 우리 음악의 수준이 세계적임을 인정받고 있다는 점에서는 상당히 환영할 만한 일이다. 힙합 음악의 특성상, 기존의 음악들의 샘플링과 편집이라는 방식으로 제작이 되는 만큼, 우리 뮤지션들의 음악이 저작권 분쟁에 타격을 받지 않도록 하기 위해서도 관련된 우리 법제를 재점검해 보는 작업은 필요해 보인다.
샘플링은 디지털 기술의 발전과 미국의 흑인문화가 결합되어 탄생한 그리 길지 않은 역사적 배경을 가진 장르이지만, 젊은 세대를 중심으로 한 파급력은 어떤 음악 장르 못지않다. 특히, 샘플링은 또 다른 샘플링을 자극하게 되므로, 유명세를 탄 음악들은 다시금 샘플링이 되어 지속적으로 변형된 음악을 탄생시키게 된다. 샘플링 기법은 원곡의 일부를 그대로 취한다는 점에서 기존의 음악 저작권에서 다루어 온 개작이나 편곡과는 다른 성격을 가지고 있다.
이에, 샘플링 기법으로 제작된 음악에 대해 저작권법에서 어떠한 법적 지위를 부여할 것인가 하는 것이 먼저 논의가 되어야 하며, 이를 기존의 관점에서 포섭한다면, 2차적 저작물로 볼 것인지 혹은 공정이용 항변이 가능한 범주로 볼 것인지 등이 논의되어야 한다. 이러한 포섭 작업이 성공적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 각각의 법리의 요소들이 어떻게 적용되어야 할지 밝히고, 라이선스 체계를 구축하기 위한 추가적인 보완 노력이 기울여져야 할 것이다.
이를 위해 샘플링에 대한 법적 지위에 대한 검토 이후, 힙합의 본고장인 미국에서 힙합음악과 관련된 사건들을 살펴봄으로써 새로운 음악 장르에 대한 법원의 접근 태도를 확인하고, 우리나라에서의 관련 사례들과 비교하여 보고자 한다. 결국, 효율적인 이용허락이 가능한 음악 저작권의 이용구조와 관련 법리의 원활한 적용을 통해 새로운 음악 장르에 대한 법적 안정성이 보장될 것으로 본다.
The use of Project Management Information System (PMIS) is increasing in project management industries such as construction, defense, manufacturing, software development, telecommunication, etc. It is generally known that PMIS helps to improve the quality of decision making in project management, and consequently improves the project performance. However, how much and which parts of project management performance are affected by PMIS still need to be studied further. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of PMIS quality on project management performance. We collected data from various project based industries such as construction, defense, manufacturing, software development and telecommunication by using survey questionnaire. PMIS quality was measured in three dimensions. They are system quality, information quality and service quality. Project management performance was measured in nine variables such as time reduction, work accuracy, cost management, etc. Statistical analyses such as multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that PMIS quality had significant impacts on the project management performance and user satisfaction. It was notable that only two dimensions out of the three PMIS quality dimensions, system quality and information quality, affected the project management performance. Also, it was found that PM performance played a mediating role between PMIS and user satisfaction, and between PMIS and reuse intention. The contribution of this research is that it helps to clarify what aspects of PMIS affect the project management performance and user satisfaction.
세대교체된 신세대 농민공은 농촌에 돌아가길 원하지 않고 도시에 영구 정착하려고 한다. 그러나 호구전환 없이 농민공이 도시에 정착하기는 어렵다. 농민공은 농촌토지도 포기하지 않은 채 도시에서 생활하고 있다. 본 연구는 농민공의 도시정착에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인을 사회관계망 분석을 통해 확인하고, 농민공의 도시정착 정책에 대한 시사점을 도출하였다. 첫째, 농민공 시민화의 핵심은 단순한 호구전환보다 동등한 도시 권리의 향유이다. 둘째, 농촌 토지의 재산권제도 개혁이 농민공의 도시정착과 함께 추진되어야 한다. 셋째, 삼농문제 해결을 통해 농촌의 발전도 함께 도모하여야 한다. 넷째, 농민공은 신형도시화 정책의 의도처럼 소도시로의 이주를 원하지 않기 때문에 대도시의 개방도 함께 추진되어야 한다. 다섯째, 도시계획을 세울 때 도시민과 함께 농민공도 계산에 넣어야 한다.
특허제도의 취지와 목적은 기술발전을 야기한 발명자에게 일정기간 동안 독점적 권리를 부여하여, 발명자가 발명에 투입한 시간과 개발비용 등을 회수할 수 있도록 함으로써, 지속적인 기술발전의 동기를 부여하는 데에 있다. 독점권을 인정하는 대신 발명을 공개토록 함으로써 제3자가 발명을 이용하여 더 많은 발명과 창작을 하는 것을 유인하고 장려함으로써 과학기술의 발전과 경제 발전을 도모하고자 하는 것이다. 그러나 특허제도가 실제 기술과 산업 현장에서 적용될 때에는 각 기술별 특이점으로 인해 일원화 된 시스템(a unitary patent system)과 원칙의 적용이 불가능한 경우가 적지 않다. 특허제도의 목적을 달성하기 위해서는 결국 각 기술마다의 특성을 반영한 제도의 합리적인 변용이 필요하다. 다양한 기술분야 중 현재 우리나라에서는 IT분 야와 BT분야의 변화와 성장의 움직임이 뚜렷하게 나타나고 있다. 두 분야는 세계적으로 경쟁이 치열하고, 특히 미국이 주도하고 있는 기술분야라는 점에서 미국에서의 특허제도와 기업의 IP전략은 우리나라의 기술정책과 기업의 경영전략에도 상당한 영향을 미치고 있다. 이들은 특허제도를 이용하여, 특허덤불 전략이나 에버그리닝 전략 (ever-greening strategy)을 펼침으로써, 후발 경쟁자들의 시장 진입을 어렵게 하고 있다. 특허 권리자와 권리자의 발명을 이용하는 후발 경쟁자를 비롯하여, 특허제품을 이용하는 소비자의 후생 간의 균형을 위해서도 특허제도를 악용하는 사례들에 대해서는 경계와 적극적인 조치가 필요하다.
미국에서 특허침해의 금전적 손해배상을 청구하는 경우에는 소송당사자에게 민사소송절차 상의 배심재판(jury trial)을 받을 수 있는 권리가 주어진다. 통상적으로 배심원단의 평결이 특허권 자에게 유리하게 내려지고 있다는 점 등을 고려하여, 권리자는 승소의 가능성을 높이기 위해 배심 재판을 청구하는 사례가 상대적으로 더 높다. 그런데, 법관의 경우와 달리 배심은 기술 내지 법률 적 전문성을 담보할 수 없는 일반인으로 구성된다. 배심은 비록 일정한 증거법칙을 따라 사실문 제에 대한 판단을 내린다는 제한이 있기는 하지만, 배심의 평결사항에는 특허의 유효성에서 침해 및 침해의 고의성 등의 폭넓고 핵심적인 사항들이 포함되어 있다. 특허의 대상이 되는 기술이 다양해지고 고도화됨에 따라 이를 포섭하는 법률적 판단 역시 복 잡해지면서, 특허의 유효성을 확정하기 위한 요소들 역시 상당한 전문적 지식과 합리적인 판단을 요하고 있다. 특허청구항에 대한 이해, 선행기술과의 비교, 균등론의 해당여부, 침해 여부 판단, 침해의 고의성 판단, 손해배상액의 산정 등에 이르는 특허소송의 판단사항들이 배심원에게 주 어져 있다. 특허소송의 결과 특허의 유무효가 결정되고 침해가 확정되면, 이는 단순히 소송당사자들만 을 기속하는 것이 아니라, 특허법이 공공의 이익에 영향을 미치는 입법이라는 점에서 사회경 제적 파급력이 크다. 이러한 점에서 거대한 배상금이 결정되는 특허소송은 해당 권리를 둘러 싼 이해관계자뿐만 아니라, 일반인들의 관심사 이자 경제 부문에서의 연구대상이 되기도 한다. 특허제도가 과학기술뿐만 아니라 경제적인 발 전을 도모하고 있는 법률체계인 만큼 이 제도와 관련한 이해와 개선은 필요한 것으로 보인다. 우리의 법제에는 없는 제도임에도 특허분쟁의 수행과 결과에서 적지 않은 영향을 받고 있다는 점에서 지속적인 관측과 대응이 필요하다고 판 단된다.
망막은 각막, 동공, 황반부, 시신경원판 등으로 구성된 눈의 요소 중 가장 중요한 부분이다. 망막은 사진기처럼 모든 물체로부터 빛을 감지하기 때문에 손상될 시 일상 생활에 지장을 주며 깐혹 시각을 앓기도 한다. 안과학분야에서 안과학자들은 망막형상을 관찰하기 위해 특수한 기계를 사용한다 이 연구에서 레이저 스캔 및 공초점 시스랩을 사용하여 망막 형상 습득을 위한 기계 를 개발하는 기초적인 조사를 실시하였다. 특히 슬레지, 광량 감쇄기, 폴리곤 미러와 검류계를 포함하는 종합 광학 시스템은 레이저의 통제 및 망막 영상 데이터 획득을 위해 광학 bed 에 설치하였다. 스랩 모터, 레이저 파워 및 APD를 통제하기 위해 Visual C++ 로 인해 모아진 제어판은 ADA ← board와 함께 제공되었다 동시에 망막을 측정하기 위한 소프트혜어를 Open GL(영상 라이브러리)를 이용하여 개발하였다 이 논문의 결과는 망막 측정 시스템의 가능성을 입증하고 있다.
Hydranautic사의 셀룰로오즈 아세테이트 재질로 된 RO S/W 4040을 이용하여 2성분계의 붕산수용액 및 붕산수에 함유된 실리카의 3성분계 수용액에 대하여 조업온도, 운전압력 및 공급유량 변화가 투과량, 붕산회수율, 실리카 배제율에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험을 수행하였다. 붕산수용액의 경우 35℃, 20atm 및 원액의 유속이 2.82l/min에서 붕산회수율 및 투과도는 각각 58.7% 및 2.82l/min, 35℃, 10atm에서는 68.1% 및 1.56l/min이었다. 또한 실리카 및 붕산이 함께 함유된 용액의 경우 35℃, 3.2atm에서 붕산회수율 69.7%, 실리카 배제율 97.5% 및 투과도 0.47l/min의 결과를 보여주었으며, 35℃, 20atm에서 원액의 유속이 2.92l/min의 경우 붕산회수율 56.4%, 실리카 배제율 96.1% 및 투과도 2.72l/min의 결과를 보여 주었다.