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        검색결과 940

        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to shed some light on how market orientation, mediators such as employee satisfaction, service quality and commitment, and business performance are related and to offer important managerial implication for managements or marketing practioners in the International logistics service industry.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to compare tax systems related to shipping companies among German, Norway, the Netherlands, UK and Korea and to identify which country has the most competitive edge in terms of tax burdens. The previous studies of international comparison of shipping competitiveness have been simply concerned with the international comparison of nominal tax rates of some foreign countries with Korea. One of their shortcomings have not fully considered tax systems inherent in the shipping industry, which may produce different conclusions. Having home it in mind, this study has tried to calculate effective tax rates among countries concerned, taking fully into account tax systems of the countries.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Capital cost of ships for advanced maritime countries is generally regarded as an international cost, which is, or can be, irrelevant with respect to the nationality of shipowners. However, Korean shipowners have been not only forced by national laws and regulations to build their ships at Korean shipyards, but also restricted to access to foreign financial markets. Having said that, as far as Korean shipowners are concerned, the capital cost has become a national cost. Consequently, it causes them to lower International competitiveness. This paper aims to identify the causes deteriorating international competitiveness of Korean shipping with reference to capital costs and suggest constructive proposals.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The subject of port efficiency is one of the important issues facing port authorities and policy makers today. A number of studies have been undertaken which compare ports in terms of their efficiency. But any port comparison can only be valid and meaningful if a port’s efficiency is compared with a similar port. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a systematic approach to identifying similar ports based on the technique of principal component analysis and cluster analysis. And it seeks to identify the most important factors underlying the port classification. Lack of awareness of which factors differentiate ports has resulted in an unnecessary collection of data which are of limited use in port classification. This paper has identified five groupings of similar ports within which port comparision can be justifiably made. This approach can be used for any future port comparision.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, a model was developed to analyze the capacity and the total price of the agricultural products marketing between nations through the estimation of the production and consumption amount of the agricultural products in each nation and the analysis of the price and transport cost to each nation. The method which can contribute to the agricultural policy decision support was devised. The main concept of the method is to compute the potential import-export amount and total cost among the nations. In the application, wheat was selected to evaluate the model. The application results showed that the model could analyzed the unit consumption and storage amount per capital of each nation and the price and transport cost per unit weight from each export nation, provided the policy decision maker with the basic data analyzed by GIS.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To research the cause of the low and the poor visibility phenomena of Kimhae international airport statistically, we analyzed the field routine data for the last five years from 1985 to 1989. The poor visibilities below l㎞, 3㎞, and 5㎞ usually occurred at about 6 o`clock in the morning under the condition of calm or light wind from south to southwest direction, and lasted for from 1 to 3 hours. They were caused by the radiative cooling and the inflow of moisture from the South Sea. The frequency of the low visibility(below 9㎞) recorded 48.1% a year. And the low visibility below 8㎞ with relative humidity below 70% often occurred in the case of southeast, southwest, and northwest wind. And it reveals a peak at 11:00 a.m.. It is supposed to be caused by the pollutants flowing from the neighbouring industrial complex, Sasang, Jangnim and by the photochemical reaction. And, when the industrial complex is built in Sinho, Myongji, Noksan located southwest, and Changyu area located northwest direction from Kimhae international airport, the visibility and the air pollution may become worse and worse by the increased pollutants.
        1995.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The protection of the marine environment is one of the main international legal problems in recent years. In parallel with the industrial development, a great quantity of chemical materials were used and in consequence, mass transportation of oil and other dangerous materials was required on the one hand, and discharge of industrial wasters drew also the attention on the other hand. Furthermore, oil tankers accidents, mass use of nuclear materials, sea-bed exploration and exploitation stimulated further deep human concern on the marine environment. The expansion of international concern to new and more dangerous sources of marine pollution regarded more strict and legal control on the Oil Tanker(DWT 95, 000tons, Cb=0.805) model. Calculation results are compared to the international, especially regional level. In particular, this study is concerned with the preservation of the Northeast Asian Seas surrounded by Japan, the Russian Far East, South Korea, North Korea, China and Taiwan. These adjacent countries must intensify cooperation regarding the prevention, reduction and control of the contamination of the sea. And this cooperation between the States concerned should, as much as possible, be aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of measures to prevent or abate transboundary environmental pollution. To achieve this purpose, States concerned should be imposed upon duties such as duty to assess the environmental impact, duty to inform, duty to consult and duty to assist on the basis of general principle of international law, international customary law and other various resolutions of international bodies. Depending on the nature and extent of actual or potential transboundary pollution with the use of a natural resource or the environment in general the establishment of some form of institutionalized cooperation between the States concerned may become useful or indispensable. The functions of this Organization are, inter alia, to keep the implementation of the Convention and the protocals under continuous observation, to make recommendations on regional or sub-regional rules and standards to be elaborated and on measures to be taken by the Contracting Parties, to be notified of any grave and imminent danger from pollution or threat of pollution by the Contracting Parties and to promote in close cooperation with appropriate governmental bodies additional measures to protect the marine environment of the Northeast Asian Seas, and so on. Above mentioned countries, first of all, are located within the Northeast Asian Seas geographically and, therefore, take responsibilities of preserving the clean sea against marine interferences regardless of any difference of the social, political and economic systems. They must be followed under the UNCLOS and other marine conventions. Under the present circumstances, Northeast Asian Seas will become dead seas in case that there is no instant and prompt action against pollution. Hence we have an absolute obligation to promote the development of the mandatory international environmental law, which in turn can faciliate more effective implementation of the regional cooperation by the neighbouring states within this area.
        1995.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the process of containerization, the problem of regional maldistribution of container management plan arises seriously due to several factors like a number of unbalances of containers between loading and discharging ports. This study focus on the minimizing cost. This study is composed of two models which in effective management decision making show decision of the number of containers and transfer of empty containers. One is decision of the number of containers which carriers should possess by appropriate forecasting and the other is effective management decision making which includes the transfer of empty containers on calling ports. This study has suggested as follows, First, the Time Series analysis method, especially the "Exponential Smooting with Trend Adjustment" was used to forecast the trade volumes for the designated traffic route. Second, the Time Series analysis method in deciding the optimal number of owned container at the unbalances trade situation between East Bound and West Bound service, most important variables were found such as total traffic volume, the calling interval at a port, the number of days of voyage and the length of stay on shore of container for the optimal number of owned container. Third, effective management decision making model, which makes it possible to analyze the impacts of change in important matters such as lease and positioning policy, and actually influence decision making.on making.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to find out the most approriate international marketing strategy of Korean shipping firms for Uruguy Round expected to be agreed among GATT members in 1993. In literature sur-vey, the service marketing philosophy was reviewed to clarify the functions and roles of marketing concept in setting up the international marketing strategies for shipping firms. The marketing concepts are characterized as follows ; 1) production-oriented stage, 2) sales-oriented stage, 3) marketing-oriented stage in the order of historical development. An comparative analysis was car-ried out to examine the differences in marketing strategies among Korean shipping firms and U.K. ship-ping firms.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship, 1973, as modified by the Proto-col of 1978 relating thereto, well known as MARPOL 73/78, is probably the most important international agreement on the subject of marine pollution. The main purpose of the Convention is to reduce the total oil remaining on board vessel to minimum. MARPOL is a combination of different sets of rules on oil, chemicals, noxious substances in package forms, sewage and garbage as shown on each Annex. Since the Convention has globally set forth in 1973, it has amended so often whenever reasonable articles are requi-red by contracting states under guidelines of IMO. The amendments, for instance, have continuously perfo-rmed more than 8 times regarding articles, protocols, and five annexes because the original text was badly drafted as the control measures were expressed in general way. This paper, therefore, is intend to summa-rize a main point relating to each amendment, so that persons who have an interest in the Convention would be completely understand for practical implementation. Especially, for legislative purpose or annen-dement of domestic law, it could timely be contributable if specific consolidation and unified interpretations are followed with this paper. Consequently it is much more worth to study for preventing marine pollution from ship with tracing every moment whenever the Convention formally adopted through amending up-to-data.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the education of maritime college has a characteristics of seafaring professional institutions, the potential benefit following from the employment of seafarers would put substantial impact on it. The socio-economic position of seafaring occupations has been deteriorated considerably with changes of ship's auto-mation, specialisation and low cost operation management of shipping companies through severe internatio-nal competitions. The quality and number of applicants for the maritime college has declined and most students have no hopes for the study of seafaring subjects which followed bewildering in their college days. However, the demands for seafarers are fairly large from the viewpoint of national maritime industry. The maritime institutions should not only meet these demands but also revitalise students by reforming the educational contents. The contents should be influenced by the social approach to educational needs in particular maritime shore-oriented subjects. The maritime education is no more restricted to the sea, it covers the land based world of the maritime industry as well. The new contents will lead the maritime educated students to the shore-based occupa-tions after finishing their seafaring if they want to. This may not only make ways to the maritime educa-tion fruitable, but also the students have a zeal and hope for the subjects taught.
        1991.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to investigated the origins and characteristics of flags of convenience(FOC) with International Ship Register(ISR), which was recently adopted by a few Western Europe countries(for example, Norway, U.K., France) and to compare FOC with ISR in terms of shipping policy, ship management, and expenses, and tax policy.
        1985.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the report prepared by Legl Committee of IMO, 1978, since the disaster of motor tanker Amoco Cadiz carrying approximate 220, 000 tons of crude oil was wrecked on the coast of France and damaged the largest oil pollution accident in shipping history, Legal Committee of IMO has studied and discussed a new Salvage Convention with assistance of CMI. CMI has prepared a new draft convention under the chairmanship of professor Erling Chr. Selvig and adopted it as a report of CMI to IMO in the 32 Internaltional Conference of CMI, Montreal, May, 1981. This paper has been written to study comparatively andinterprete the questions and/or considerations of the new draft convention by the delegates participated in the Legal Committee of IMO in particular on the private legal view of it. This Salvage Convention Draft has not yet been deliberated thoroughly to agreed the revisiion of the 1910 Convention in accordance with CMI Report 1981 until session 54, March 1985. Therefore this paper has been prepared in the light of the comments made at the Legal Committee in order to interpret the legal questions and contents of the new draft.
        1981.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There are more damages from collision at sea because of the multiple reasons of sea conditions. For the purpose of avoiding collision at sea, Internaitonal Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972 as an international convention is in force having the nature of international navigating law. According to the nature of the convention and the principle of legislation of the convention, not only it has the preventing nature on collision but it is a basic rules to make clear the faults of collision between vessels by the admiralty court in the developed maritime countries. Since there is no so much case law on it in this country and not to fixed the legal theory to define the faults of collision in civil law as per the above convention, the further study of the civil liability on collision based upon the above convention shall be recognized in the principle of fair of the civil law.
        1977.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        상시 이용가능한 전천후, 범세계적인 정확한 항법을 개발하는 것이 항해자들의 숙원이었다. 이제 시스템의 보완의 문제가 국제적인 규모에 초점이 맞추어 진다면 현시점의 기술로도 이 숙원이 앞으로 10년 내에 이루어 질 가능성이 엿보인다. 범세계적인 전파항법은 그 정의상 수신지점이 아무리 멀리 떨어지고 고립되어 있다 하더라도 육·해·공 어디서나 아무런 전파간섭 없이 수신될 수 있는 것이어야 한다. 범세계적인 항법방식을 채택하는 데 있어서 중요하게 고려되는 사항은 간섭이 없는 주파수 스펙트럼의 이용과 전파항법의 송신사양의 발천이다. 국가안보를 위한 항해와 민간의 목적을 위한 항해 사이의 갈등과 국가간의 요구의 상이는 국가적 결정과 국제적 협력을 위한 의미있는 도전을 나타낸다. 송신국이 육지에 있는 장거리항법방식 2가지, 즉 Loran-C와 Omega는 현재 시행되고 있으며, 인공위성항법방식이 앞으로 실현될 가능성이 있는데, 지금이 바로 행동을 취할 때라고 제안한다. 본 논문은 Loran-C와 Omega 방식의 기술사양서 발행의 절실한 필요성과 이러한 범세계적인 전파항법의 송신에 요구되는 주파수, 스펙트럼의 정의의 필요성을 기술한다. 그리고 국제 전기통신협회의 후원하에 1979년 Genova에서 열린 World Administrative Radio Conference에 앞서서 주의를 요하는 특별한 기술적인 분야에 대해서 기술한다.
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