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        검색결과 783

        2024.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we investigate asteroseismic scaling-relations of evolved stars in star clusters observed by Kepler/K2, aiming to address the issue of whether observed stellar oscillations are influenced by environmental factors, as there are interesting phenomena relating to the stellar pulsations observed in star clusters. Specifically, we compare statistical properties of distributions including Δν, νmax, HGauss, δνenv, and δν02 derived from red giant branch (RGB) and red clump (RC) stars in two pairs of star clusters: NGC 2682 - NGC 6819 and NGC 1817 - NGC 6811. We have found that the slopes of relations between νmax and Δν and between HGauss and νmax associated with RC stars in the more compact star clusters, NGC 2682 and NGC 1817, are in common less steep compared with those for NGC 6819 and NGC 6811. It is also found that the slopes of the relation between δνenv and νmax from RC stars in the more compact star clusters are in common steeper compared with those for the others. For the relation between δν02 and Δν obtained from RGB stars, the slope resulting from NGC 2682 and NGC 6819 is indistinguishable. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests conducted on RC stars in the pairs of NGC 2682 and NGC 6819, as well as NGC 1817 and NGC 6811, indicate that all the seismic quantities considered in this paper are drawn from different distributions. We conclude, therefore, that the properties of star clusters should be considered when asteroseismic data obtained from stars within star clusters are interpreted.
        2024.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Much effort has been carried out to calibrate and revise asteroseismic relations, given their importance of relations in asteroseismology in determining fundamental parameters of stars. In this study, we statistically explore asteroseismic relations with partial correlation coefficients to determine the most fundamental parameters, separately analyzing asteroseismic data based on the evolutionary status of stars from main sequence up to core helium-burning red-clump stars. We have found that regardless of the evolutionary status of the sampled stars the surface gravity and density of stars strongly influence the observed correlations. More importantly, it is found that indirect correlations derived considering the influence of confounding parameters are subject to the evolutionary status. For example, the observed correlation of the large frequency separation Δν with the central frequency νmax is influenced by the stellar mass, radius, and luminosity only for main sequence stars. The observed correlation of the width of the Gaussian envelope δνenv with νmax is influenced by the stellar mass, effective temperature, radius, and luminosity for main-sequence and subgiant stars. The observed relation between Δν and the small frequency separation δν02 is influenced by the stellar mass, radius, and luminosity for main-sequence and subgiant stars. In contrast, effective temperature, metallicity, and age do not seem to significantly affect the observed correlations. Finally, we conclude by discussing implication of our findings.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A poorly known spider, Pholcus kwangkyosanensis Kim & Park, 2009 is redescribed with diagnosis, detailed descriptions, and taxonomic photographs of diagnostic characters. P. kwangkyosanensis is similar in appearance to P. kwanaksanensis Namkung & Kim, 1990, in terms of the shape of the genital organ and body, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by the shape of the cheliceral apophysis, uncus, and procursus in males, as well as the shape of the epigynum and pore plates in females. The specimens of this spider were collected at the type locality (Mt. Gwanggyosan, Suwon), specifically under the bridge on a local stream in an agricultural landscape surrounded by rice fields, upland fields, or horticultural greenhouses.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zooplankton biomass is essential for understanding the quantitative structure of lake food webs and for the functional assessment of biotic interactions. In this study, we aimed to propose a biomass (dry weight) estimation method using the body length of cyclopoid copepods. These copepods play an important role as omnivores in lake zooplankton communities and contribute significantly to biomass. We validated several previously proposed estimation equations against direct measurements and compared the suitability of prosomal length versus total length of copepods to suggest a more appropriate estimation equation. After comparing the regression analysis results of various candidate equations with the actual values measured on a microbalance-using the coefficient of variation, mean absolute error, and coefficient of determination-it was determined that the Total Length-DW exponential regression equation [W=0.7775×e2.0183L; W (μg), L (mm)] could be used to calculate biomass with higher accuracy. However, considering practical issues such as the morphological similarity between species and genera of copepods and the limitations of classifying copepodid stages, we derived a general regression equation for the pooled copepod community rather than a species-specific regression equation.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) is a free-floating perennial herbaceous plant with rosette leaves and a stem. Although this plant multiplies and has adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems, it can be used for biological purification of polluted water and production of valuable substances as a traditional medicine. In this study, we report a protocol to establish an in vitro micropropagation method based on direct shoot organogenesis from stem explants. In media comprising two types of basal medium and different growth regulators, multiple shoot organogenesis was observed on stems. The micropropagation method was most effective on Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) medium with 1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid and 2 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose, on which all explants produced multiple shoots. The shoots rooted spontaneously on solid half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) and SH media without growth regulators (1/2MSO and 1/2SHO). However, roots developed more vigorously in liquid media. Regenerated plants colonized and grew more rapidly in SH basal medium than in MS basal medium and produced 6–8 stolons within 2 weeks on 1/2SHO. In summary, we established a method for micropropagation in vitro through direct organogenesis of water lettuce, which shows the potential of water lettuce as a model aquatic plant for phytochemical and pharmacological research.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spiders play an important role in regulating insect pests in the agricultural ecosystem. The community structure and biodiversity of rice field spiders were surveyed in 5 areas (Anseong, Nonsan, Imsil, Namwon, and Gurye) from 20 May to 30 September, 2021. A total of 5,525 spiders collected were identified as 64 species of 17 families. Species richness and abundance were high in Lycosidae, Tetragnathidae and Linyphiidae. The similarity of rice field spider communities among regions was about 72% and was divided into three groups: the middle inland area, the southern mountainous area, and the southern inland area. Species diversity averaged as 2.55±0.06. On the seasonaliy of The boidiversity tended to increase toward the latter half of cultivation.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated speaking anxiety among advanced Korean language learners in Korean Language Institution classrooms, and the strategies they used to overcome it. The study employed qualitative methodology using online interviews for data collection. The sampling technique involved purposive sampling by selecting 13 Korean learners who had completed an advanced Korean course at TOPIK Levels 5 or 6, with Level 6 being the highest. The interview questions addressed various aspects, including comparisons of speaking skills, anxiety in Korean classrooms, fear of making mistakes, concerns about classmates’ reactions, and anxiety induced by teachers. Thematic analysis was performed by generating initial codes, grouping related codes to uncover potential themes, and highlighting recurring patterns in the participants’ responses. The results revealed three factors that contribute to speaking anxiety: personal reasons, teachers’ classroom approaches, and teaching methods. Advanced learners manage anxiety through three coping strategies: preparation, positive thinking, and seeking support from peers. The study concludes with discussions on the pedagogical implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research in advanced Korean language learning classrooms.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study describes Philodromus paiki sp. nov., which was previously misidentified as P. fuscomarginatus (De Geer, 1778), P. poecilus (Thorell, 1872), and P. spinitarsis Simon, 1895 in Korea, as a new species with diagnosis, detailed descriptions, and taxonomic photographs. Additionally, P. spinitarsis is also described to correct previous misidentifications of Korean records of the species.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of multisensory memory strategies of pairing visual and aural learning strategies of aural lexical advance organizers (LAO) and read-alouds on 146 Korean high school students learning the meaning and pronunciation of 18 unfamiliar English words. In this quasi-experimental design, the control group learned the words on a single mode of written LAO and silent reading as opposed to two treatment groups of aural LAO and silent reading, and of aural LAO and read-alouds, respectively. The effects were tested three times via pre-, post-(immediately after learning), and delayed (30 days later) tests. The immediate and long-term effects were examined by detecting the differences across the three groups in post- and delayed-tests by one-way ANOVA, and the retention of effects was examined by paired t-tests in each group across the three tests. The results indicated that pairing aural LAO and read-aloud strategies was most effective in learning and retention of both vocabulary meaning and pronunciation.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chelating agents in low and intermediate radioactive wastes can form complexes with radionuclides and increase the mobility of the radionuclides. According to the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (Acceptance criteria for low and intermediate radioactive waste, WAC-SIL-2022-1), if the amount of residual chelating agents in the waste are greater than 0.1%, the chemical names and residual amounts should be specified; if greater than 1%, the waste must be solidified and contain no more than 8%. The existing method for analyzing chelates in radioactive waste was based on UV–Visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), but the new method is based on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The analysis was performed in aqueous solution before applying to real samples. Since the real sample may contain several heavy metals, it is expected that the chelates will exist as complexes. Therefore, 1.0×10-4 mol L-1 of EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), NTA (Nitrilotriacetic acid), and excess metals in aqueous solution were analyzed using HPLC using RP (Reverse Phase) column and HILIC (Hydrophilic interaction) column. When the RP column was used, each substance eluted without separation at the beginning of the analysis. However, when analyzed using a HILIC column, the peaks of each substance were separated. LC-MS measurements using HILIC conditions resulted in separations with better sensitivity.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KHNP is conducting research to decommission Wolsong Unit 1 Calandria. Establishment of preparation and dismantlement processes, conceptual design of equipment and temporary radiation protection facilities, and waste management are being established. In particular, the ALARA plan is to be established by performing exposure dose evaluation for workers. This study aims to deal with the methodology of evaluating exposure dose based on the calandria dismantling process. The preparation process consists of bringing in and installing tooling and devices, and removing interference facilities to secure work space. The main source term for the preparation process is the calandria structure itself and crud of feeders. In the case of the dismantlement process, a structure with a shape that changes according to the process was modeled as a radiation source. It is intended to estimate the exposure dose by selecting the number of workers, time, and location required for each process in the radiation field evaluated according to the preparation and dismantlement process. In addition, it is also conducting an evaluation of the impact on dust generated by cutting operations and the human impact of C-14, H-3, which are specialized nuclides for heavy water reactors. KHNP is conducting an exposure dose evaluation based on a process based on the preparation and dismantlement process for decommissioning Calandria through computation code analysis. If additional worker protection measures are deemed necessary through dose evaluation according to this methodology, the process is improved to prepare for the dismantling of worker safety priorities.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radiological characterization of SSCs (Structure, Systems and Components) plays one of the most important role for the decommissioning of KORI Unit-1 during the preparation periods. Generally, a regulatory body and laws relating to the decommissioning focus on the separation and appropriate disposal or storage of radiological waste including ILW (intermediate level waste), LLW (low level waste), VLLW (very low level waste) and CW (clearance waste), aligned with their contamination characteristics. The result of the preliminary radiological characterization of KORI Unit-1 indicated that, apart from neutron activated the RV (reactor vessel), RVI (reactor vessel internals), and BS (biological shielding concrete), the majorities of contamination were sorted to be less than LLW. Radiological contamination can be evaluated into two methods. Due to the difficulties of directly measuring contamination on the interior surfaces of the pipe, called CRUD, the assessment was implemented by modeling method, that is measuring contamination on the exterior surfaces of the pipes and calculating relative factors such as thickness and size. This indirect method may be affected by the surrounding radiation distribution, and only a few gamma nuclides can be measured. Therefore, it has limitation in terms of providing detailed nuclide information. Especially, α and β nuclides can only be estimated roughly by scaling factors, comparing their relative ratios with the existing gamma results. To overcome the limitation of indirect measurement, a destructive sampling method has been employed to assess the contamination of the systems and component. Samples are physically taken some parts of the systems or components and subsequently analyzed in the laboratory to evaluate detailed nuclides and total contamination. For the characterization of KORI Unit-1, we conducted the radiation measurement on the exterior surfaces of components using portable instruments (Eberline E-600 SPA3, Thermo G20-10, Thermo G10, Thermo FH40TG) at BR (boron recycle system) and SP (containment spray system) in primary system. Based on these results, the ProUCL program was employed to determine the destructive sample collection quantities based on statistical approach. The total of 5 and 8 destructive sample quantities were decided by program and successfully collected from the BR and SP systems, respectively. Samples were moved to laboratory and analyzed for the detail nuclide characteristics. The outcomes of this study are expected to serve as valuable information for estimating the types and quantities of radiological waste generated by decommissioning of KORI Unit-1.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to the analysis of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society, saturation of nuclear power plant temporary storage is expected sequentially from 2031, and accordingly, the need for highlevel radioactive waste disposal facilities has emerged. In order to establish a repository for high-level radioactive waste, the performance and safety analysis of the repository must be conducted in compliance with regulatory requirements. For safety analysis, it needs a collection of arguments and evidence. and IAEA defined it as ‘Safety case’. The Systematic method, which derives scenarios by systematizing and combining possible phenomena around the repository, is widely used for developing Safety case. Systematic methods make use of the concept of Features, Events and Processes (FEP). FEP identifies features that affect repository performance, events that can affect a short period of time, and processes that can have an impact over a long period of time. Many countries, such as Finland, Sweden, Japan, United States, etc., are in process of licensing disposal facilities by using ‘Safety case’. And they then develop their own project-specified FEP lists and employ them for performing safety assessments. However, the systematic procedure for generating scenarios for safety evaluation is not clearly defined. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safety Standards Series (SSG- 23), the bottom-up method is an approach for conducting safety analysis using Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs). However, the process of how each FEP is utilized to establish a scenario for safety evaluation remains unclear. Additionally, there exists not only a bottom-up approach for generating scenarios using FEPs, but also a hybrid scenario development method that incorporates a top-down approach based on safety functions. Each country address scenario derivation in accordance with the adopted hybrid method. Nevertheless, a challenge arises in its application due to discrepancies between their approach and the hybrid approach specific which we are going on. Hence, this study introduces the FEP integration methodology for generating scenarios based on the hybrid scenario development method using the FEP list.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Raman characteristics of various minerals constituting natural rocks collected from uranium deposits in Okcheon metamorphic zone in Korea are presented. Micro-Raman spectra were measured using a confocal Raman microscope (Renishaw in Via Basis). The focal length of the spectrometer was 250 mm, and a 1800 lines/mm grating was installed. The outlet of the spectrometer was equipped with a CCD (1,024256 pixel) operating at -70°C. Three objective lenses were installed, and each magnification was 10, 50, and 100 times. The diameter of the laser beam passing through the objective lens and incident on the sample surface was approximately 2 m. The laser beam power at 532 nm was 1.6 mW on the sample surface. Raman signal scattered backward from the sample surface was transmitted to the spectrometer through the same objective lens. To accurately determine the Raman peak position of the sample, a Raman peak at 520.5 cm-1 measured on a silicon wafer was used as a reference position. Since quartz, calcite, and muscovite minerals are widely distributed throughout the rock, it is easy to observe with an optical microscope, so there is no difficulty in measuring the Raman spectrum. However, it is difficult to identify the uraninite scattered in micrometer sizes only with a Raman microscope. In this case, the location of uraninite was first confirmed using SEM-EDS, and then the sample was transferred to the Raman microscope to measure the Raman spectrum. In particular, a qualitative analysis of the oxidation and lattice conditions of natural uraninite was attempted by comparing the Raman properties of a micrometer-sized natural uraninite and a laboratory-synthesized UO2 pellet. Significantly different T2g/2LO Raman intensity ratio was observed in the two samples, which indicates that there are defects in the lattice structure of natural uraninite. In addition, no uranyl mineral phases were observed due to the deterioration of natural uraninite. This result suggests that the uranium deposit is maintained in a reduced state. Rutile is also scattered in micrometer-sizes, similar to uraninite. The Raman spectrum of rutile is similar in shape to that of uraninite, making them confused. The Raman spectral differences between these two minerals were compared in detail.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The thermocatalytic decomposition of methane is a promising method for hydrogen production. To determine the cause of carbonaceous catalyst deactivation and to produce high-value carbon, methane decomposition behavior and deactivated catalysts were analyzed. The surface properties and crystallinity of a commercial activated carbon material, MSP20, used as a methane decomposition catalyst, varied with the reaction time at a reaction temperature of 900 °C. During the initial reaction, MSP20 provided a methane conversion of ≥ 50%; however, the catalyst exhibited rapid deactivation as crystalline carbon grew at surface defects; after 15 min of reaction, approximately 33% methane conversion was maintained. With increasing reaction time, the specific surface area of the catalyst decreased, whereas crystallinity increased. The R-square value of the conversion–crystallinity relationship was significantly higher than that of the conversion–specific surface area relationship; however, neither profile was linear. The activity of the activated carbon catalyst for methane decomposition is mainly determined by the complex actions of the specific surface area and defect sites. The activity was maintained after an initial sharp decline caused by the continuous growth of crystalline carbon product. This study presents the application of carbonaceous catalysts for the decomposition reaction of methane to form COx- free hydrogen, while simultaneously yielding porous carbon materials with an improved electrical conductivity.
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