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        검색결과 29

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oral verruciform xanthoma (OVX) is an uncommon benign lesion of the oral mucosa, clinically mimicking various verrucous lesions. This study aimed to describe the clinicopathological characteristics of OVX. Twenty-one patients diagnosed with OVX were collected. The patients’ age, sex, medical history, clinical features, and treatment were reviewed. Archived slides were reviewed, and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining with CD68, CD1a, and S-100 were performed. OVXs affected 13 males and 8 females (M: F=1.6:1) with a mean age of 52 ± 21 years. The most prevalent site was the gingiva (57.1%), followed by the hard palate (28.5%). The lesions presented as an asymptomatic solitary lesion with verrucous or granular surface, with exception of one case with multiple papules on the hard palate. PAS-positive granules were found in xanthoma cells in 14 (66%) specimens. IHC revealed that xanthoma cells were positive for CD68 and negative for CD1a and S-100 in all specimens. Most lesions were successfully excised, and none of the lesions have recurred. Clinicians should include OVX in the differential diagnosis of various verrucous lesions in the oral cavity to provide appropriate management.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생물다양성협약 (1992년)과 나고야의정서 (2010년)의 체결 이후 우리나라는 한반도의 생물다양성 보전과 생물자원 확보를 위한 자생생물의 조사·발굴 연구에 박차를 가하였다. 이러한 계기로 2007년에 설립된 환경부 소속 국립 생물자원관의 주도로 “한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업”이 진행되었다. 본 사업은 2006년 이후 현재까지 15년 동안 5단계 (1단계 2006~2008년, 2단계 2009~2011년, 3단계 2012~2014년, 4단계 2015~2017년, 5단계 2018~2020 년)로 나누어 진행되었다. 연구의 결과, 본 사업의 이전에 29,916종 (2006년)이던 한반도 자생생물이 본 사업의 각 단계가 마무리되는 시점에서 누계로 집계하여 볼 때, 1단계 33,253종 (2008년), 2단계 38,011종 (2011년), 3단계 42,756종 (2014년), 4단계 49,027종 (2017년), 그리고 5단계 54,428종 (2020년)으로 급속히 증가하여 본 사업 기간 동안 한반도 자생생물 기록종이 약 1.8배 증가하였다. 이 통계자료는 이 기간 동안 연평균 2,320종의 한반도 미기록종이 새로이 기록된 것을 보여준다. 또한 전체 발굴종 중에서 총 5,242 종의 신종을 기록하는 학술적 큰 성과를 거두었다. 분류군 별로는 총 연구 기간 동안 곤충 4,440종 (신종 988종 포함), 무척추동물 (곤충 제외) 4,333종 (신종 1,492종 포함), 척추 동물 (어류) 98종 (신종 9종 포함), 식물 (관속식물과 선태식물) 309종 (관속식물 176종, 선태식물 133종, 신종 39종 포함), 조류 (algae) 1,916종 (신종 178종 포함), 균류와 지의류 1,716종 (신종 309종 포함), 그리고 원핵생물 4,812종 (신종 2,226종 포함)이 한반도에서 새로이 기록되었다. 생물표본은 각 단계별로 집계하여 볼 때 1단계 247,226점 (2008년), 2단계 207,827점 (2011년), 3단계 287,133점 (2014년), 4단계 244,920점 (2017년), 그리고 5단계 144,333점 (2020년)이 수집되어 연평균 75,429점, 총 1,131,439점의 생물표본이 채집되었다. 그중에서 곤충 281,054점, 곤충 이 외의 무척추동물 194,667점, 척추동물 (어류) 40,100점, 식물 378,251점, 조류 (algae) 140,490점, 균류 61,695점, 그리고 원핵생물 35,182점이 채집되었다. 본 사업에 참여한 각 단계별 연구원/보조연구원 (주로 대학원생)의 수는 1단계 597/268명, 2단계 522/191명, 3단계 939/292명, 4단계 575/852명, 그리고 5단계 601/1,097 명으로 전체년도의 참여연구자는 연평균 395명, 총 연인원 약 5,000명이 참여하여 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자와 분류학 전공의 대학원생이 참여하였다. 본 사업 기간 동안 전문 학술지 논문 3,488편 (국내학술지 논문 2,320편, SCI급 국제 학술지 논문 1,168편 포함)이 출판되었다. 본 사업 기간 중 자생생물 조사·발굴 사업 및 생물표본 확보 사업에 투입된 예산은 총 833억원 (연평균 55억원)이다. 본 사업은 국가 주도의 대형 연구 프로젝트로서 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자가 참여하고 대규모 예산이 투입되어 단기간에 이루어 낸 한국식 압축성장의 한 성공 사례로 볼 수 있다. 본 사업의 종발굴 성과는 최근의 생물분류 체 계로 분류되어 국가생물종목록으로 만들어졌으며, 전문가와 학생 및 일반 시민에게 제공되고 있다 (https://species. nibr.go.kr/index.do). 본 사업에서 파생된 기재문, DNA 염기 서열, 서식처, 분포, 생태, 이미지, 멀티미디어 등 각 종의 정보는 디지털화되어 생물의 계통, 진화 연구 등 학문적 발전에 기여하였고, 기후변화에 따른 지표종의 변화 같은 생물 분포 모니터링 사업과 바이오산업의 생물소재를 탐색하는 기반이 되었다. 본 사업을 통하여 젊은 분류인력 (주로 대학 원생)의 양성을 지원할 수 있었던 것은 본 사업이 가져온 가장 의미 있는 성과라고 할 수 있다. 과거 15년간 숨 가쁘게 달려온 본 사업은 아직 진행 중이다. 그동안 발굴된 종 들에 대한 이명 (synonym)과 오동정 등을 바로잡아 학문적인 완성도를 높이고, 한반도에 존재하리라 예상되는 약 10만 종의 자생생물 중에서 남겨진 5만 종에 대한 조사·발굴 연구가 지속되어야 한다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is an unusual histiocytosis by an unknown cause, which rarely occurs in the oral cavity. Its clinical presentation is non-specific, so prevents to differentiate it from other oral mucosal diseases. In addition, limited oral JXG cases have been reported so far, and clinical features and therapy of oral JXG are more and less different from cutaneous JXG. The purpose of this report is to present a case of JXG on the dorsal tongue and a review of relevant literature.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nasopalatine duct cyst is a developmental non-odontogenic cyst caused by the entrapment of remnants during embryologic fusion. Only a few cases have reported the intraluminal amorphous calcification in these cysts. This case showed a well-demarcated, unilocular lesion containing calcifications, which were later turned out to be cartilage graft at previous surgery. We report here this case to emphasize the need for thorough medical history taking.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Benign fibro-osseous lesions are demonstrated as a group of conditions, which normal bone is replaced by a connective tissue matrix that gradually develops cemento-osseous tissue and include developmental lesion, reactive lesion, dysplasia and tumor. Cemento-osseous dysplasia is one of benign fibro-osseous lesions, which is non-neoplastic process. Histologic features of cemento-osseous dysplasia are admixtures of bone and cementoid materials in a fibrous stroma. Cemento-osseous dysplasia associated with traumatic bone cysts has infrequently been reported. Traumatic bone cyst is a pseudocyst that may befound in both the jaws and the long bones. Though blockage of interstitial fluid drainage orvenous obstruction may be the cause of traumatic bone cyst, the exact pathogenesis of traumatic bone cysts is unknown. Melrose et al. was the first to report association of cemento-osseous dysplasia and traumatic bone cystsin their series. It is assumed that different mechanism is involved in cyst formation in these cases. This report presents review of literature and describes a case of focal cemento-osseous dysplasia associated with traumatic bone cyst of the mandible and its surgical treatment.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH) is an unusual reactive benign lesion of vascular origin caused by endothelial cell proliferation, which rarely occurs in oral cavity. IPEH appears in various forms because it has non-specific clinical presentation, so it can be misdiagnosed as a malignant lesion.Therefore, it is important to make a differential diagnosis by understanding the characteristics of this lesion.We report a case of IPEH in a 22-year-old Korean female patient, discussing about differential diagnosis and treatment. This report presents review of literature and describes a case of IPEH.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calcifying Epithelial OdontogenicTumor(CEOT), also known as Pindborg tumor is a rare lesion comprising about 1% of all odontogenic tumors mostly rising in the posterior of the mandible. It generally occurs in patients between 30-60 years old. This paper describes a case of CEOT in a 17 year-old female affecting the right mandible. Histopathologic findings showed sheets of polygonal tumor cells and pools of amorphous, eosinophilic amyloids with calcifications. 1 year after resection of the tumor, no clinical and radiographic signs of recurrence were observed.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Myofibroma is a benign tumor composed of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, occasionally occurring most commonly as a solitary lesion of soft tissue, skin, or bone in children younger than 3 years of age. Solitary lesion of myofibroma is exceedingly rare in adult jaws. This report describes a rare case of myofibroma in the mandible that occurred in a 41-year-old Korean woman.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Warthin’s tumor (Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum) is a benign salivary neoplasm initially. It is predominantly found in the parotid gland and accounts for about 10-15% of all benign tumors of the parotid gland. It is known that it had higher incidence in males and in smokers. Warthin’s tumor had moderate intensity on T1- and T2- weighted images on the magnetic resonance image (MRI). In this case, a 44-year-old man visited our dental hospital with induration and pain on the right preauricular region. The lesion showed high intensity on T2- weighted images on the MRI. We performed tumor removal, with the histopathologic examination confirming Warthin’s tumor. This report presents review of literature and describes a case of Warthin’s tumor with high T2- weighted magnetic resonance image and its surgical treatment.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Cartilaginous choristoma” refers to as a tumorlike cartilaginous mass composed of normal tissues in an abnormal location. Oral cartilaginous choristomas are extremely rare. Although its rarity, most intraoral choristomas occur in the tongue. Adenomatoid hyperplasia of the minor salivary glands may be seen on the minor salivary gland bearing areas, especially seen on the palate. This report describes a case of firm mass on the left lateral tongue that was resulted cartilaginous choristoma associated with adenomatoid hyperplasia, which occurred in a 23-year-old male patient. And It hasn’t recurred during 17 months after complete excision.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Primary intraosseous odontogenic carcinoma (PIOC) is a carcinoma arising within the jaws, putatively developing from remnants of odontogenic epithelium. We describe a case of PIOC arising from odontogenic cyst affecting the left posterior mandible of 72-year-old Korean man. Clinical examination showed a symptom-free hard mass. There was no evidence of ulceration, and there was no pain or bleeding. The overlying mucosa was intact and no regional lymph nodes were palpable. Clinical and radiological studies for other distant primary sites were negative. Radiographically, the tumor showed multilocular radiolucency with a noncorticated, ill defined border surrounding an impacted third molar tooth. Histology exhibited sheets or islands of nonkeratinizing malignant epithelial cells with minimal clear cell component in continuity with begin or dysplastic cyst lining epithelium. Immunostaining for PCNA and p53 protein showed a higher percentage of positive cells and more intense staining in the carcinomatous tissues than in the benign and dysplastic lesions.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Synovial cysts are found mainly in periarticular areas of the wrist, ankle, and knee, but also rarely in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Only 1 case of bilateral synovial cysts in the region of the TMJ has been reported. This case report described bilateral cysts in the TMJ in a 54-year-old Korean woman. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed bilateral oval cystic lesions lateral to the condylar capsule, whereas computed tomography (CT) apparently did not show the right hand side lesion. The cyst on the left side was surgically excised, and fine needle aspiration was performed on the right hand cyst. After 24 months, the long term follow-up showed no sign of recurrence.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The follicular lymphoid hyperplasia is a very rare nonneoplastic lymphoproliferative disease in the oral mucosa. Clinically, it usually presents as asymptomatic, non-ulcerated, normal-colored, soft, sessile, unilateral and slow growing mass in the posterior hard palate. Therefore, soft-tissue mass of the hard palate can be a difficult diagnostic challenge for the clinician. Herein, we report a case of follicular lymphoid hyperplasia located in the left posterior hard palate. A 40-year-old male presented a soft, non-ulcerated, painless mass of 1.5 X 1.0cm in size. Radiographically, it was no bony involvement. Histology revealed germinal center surrounding mantle zone of small lymphocytes. Immunohistochemistry showed CD3,CD20 were postive but Bcl-2 and cyclin D1 were negative. The patient underwent surgical excision and 3-year follow-up has not shown any evidence of recurrence.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calcipex II, calcium hydroxide paste, is used widely as intracanal dressing material during root canal treatment. When extrusion of calcium hydroxide through root canal occurred, various tissue reactions have been reported. Herein, we report a case of chronic maxillary sinusitis induced by extrusion of Calcipex II. A 20-year-old male was referred our institution during #26 root canal treatment. Radiographically, it was presented radiopaque round mass with sinus mucosal thickening. The mass was excised and analyzed histologically. Histology revealed Calcipex II granules engulfed by macrophages and chronic maxillary sinusitis around Calcipex II granules.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dermoid cysts represent approximately 34% of developmental cysts in the head and neck region, and they occur mostly at the midline of the floor of the mouth. However, dermoid cysts may also migrate laterally by expansion. The lesion is usually slow growing and painless, presenting as a doughy or rubbery mass that frequently retains pitting after application of pressure. The differential diagnosis for dermoid cysts includes infections, tumors, mucous extravasation phenomena and abnormalities arising during embryonic development. In this report, we present three cases of unusual oral dermoid cysts. The first case developed on the left floor of the mouth, the second case was in the left submandibular area, and the third case was in the sublingual and submental space. All lesions were removed by the intraoral approach. Histopathologic examination revealed a dermoid cyst. The cysts were lined by orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, with a prominent granular cell layer. The cyst walls were composed of fibrous connective tissue that contained sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and hair follicles.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT), also known as calcifying odontogenic cyst or Gorin cyst is a rare developmental lesion which arises from odontogenic epithelium. It has been classified as a benign odontogenic neoplasm related to odontogenic apparatus by the World Health Organization. CCOT may be associated with other odontogenic tumors, most frequently odontoma, a finding that is a rare event in other types of odontogenic cysts or tumors. This report describes a case of hybrid odontogenic tumor composed of CCOT and ameloblastic fibroma-odontoma of the impacted right maxillary canine region that occurred in a 14-year-old female.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Peripheral ameloblastoma, a rare and unusual variant of odontogenic tumor, representing 1% of all ameloblastomas. The extraosseous location is the peculiar feature of this type of tumor, which is otherwise similar to the classical ameloblastoma. This paper describes a case of peripheral ameloblastoma in a 43-year-old female affecting the left retromolar pad area of the mandible which was clinically diagnosed as a pyogenic granuloma. Histologically, the tumor showed of follicular ameloblastoma in continuity with a surface oral epithelium.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Primary localized amyloidosis of the palate is a rare condition. We present a case of localized amyloidosis of the palate of a 49-year-old Korean female who suffered from asymptomatic nodular swelling. Microscopic examination revealed extensive deposition of pale eosinophilic amorphous material throught the lamina propria and within the walls of small blood vessels. A diagnosis of localized amyloidosis was made after the biopsy revealed characteristic staining on Congo red, and an extensive workup for systemic involvement was negative. Localized amyloidosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of palatal nodular lesions
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