
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,657

        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Surgery has been known as an inefficient approach to reduce back pain in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis; therefore, non-surgical treatments are necessary. However, there has been little research to analyze the effect of non-surgical treatments on lumbar spinal stenosis pain. Objective: To identify the effectiveness of 2 physiotherapeutic treatment approaches to relieve pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis. Design: Randomized controlled trial Methods: The participants were 36 lumbar spinal stenosis patients who were randomized in the joint mobilization group (JMG) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation group (TENSG). Joint mobilization (JM) was conducted at the posteroanterior joint in the spinous process of the lumbar spine with stenosis. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) was applied on the lumbar spine with stenosis at a high frequency and intensity. Results: Visual analog scale (VAS) pain score significantly decreased in both groups, and the VAS value decreased more after JMG than that after TENSG. The pain thresholds of both groups also significantly increased, and that of JMG increased more compared to TENSG. In both the groups, significant improvements in VAS and pain thresholds were found, and JMG showed better results than TENSG. Conclusions: JM and TENS showed significant relief in both pain threshold and painpain, and JM showed more advanced relief compared to TENS.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중기문응애목에 속하는 기생응애과(Parasitidae) 응애는 몸집이 크고 활동력이 왕성한 중요 토양 포식자이다. 토양응애 다양성 연구 중 국내 미기록종 기생응애과를 발견하여 보고하는 바이다. 이 논문에서는 온판기생응애속(genus Cycetogamasus) 2종, 한국온판기생응애(Cycetogamasus coreanus), 주름온판기생응애(C. corculatus), 두판기생응애속(genus Neogamasus) 5종, 두판기생응애(Neogamasus eogenualis), 티코미로비두판기 생응애(N. tikhomirovi), 이쁜두판기생응애(N. laciniatus), 경기두판기생응애(Neogamasus kengicus), 마훈카두판기생응애(Neogamasus mahunkai) 를 한국의 미기록종으로 보고한다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 초고령 사회(super-aged society)를 향해 가고 있으며, 이러한 압축적 고령화(compressed aging) 현상은 여러 가지 다양하고 복잡한 노인문제를 야기할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 고령화 시대 노인의 건강 증진과 삶의 질 향상을 목표로 노인 대상 댄스 게임 콘텐츠를 제안한다. 노인 대상 댄스게임을 디자인하기 위해 기존의 운동을 통한 노인 건강 유지 및 활동 개선에 대한 연구, 노인 대상 신체 운동 게임에 대한 연구 성과와 현재 서비스하고 있는 댄스게임을 살펴보았다. 운동은 정신적, 신체적, 사회적으로 건강하고 독립적인 삶의 질을 확보하기 위해 필요한 행동이다. 노화과정에서 나타나는 신체적, 인지적, 정신적 변화를 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 댄스의 강도, 빈도, 시간 등을 고려하여 운동 프로그램을 제안할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 손목에 착용할 수 있는 Gear S3와 같은 웨어러블 디바이스를 활용하여 헬스앱과 연동하여 노인이 심박수를 체크하면서 안전하고 즐겁게 운동을 할 수 있는 노인대상 댄스게임을 디자인하고 이를 제안하였다. 제안하는 댄스게임은 운동, 음악, 게임성이 합쳐진 콘텐츠로써 안전하고 지속적으로 노인들이 운동할 수 있도록 유인할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Photosynthetic characteristics and growth responses of Phalaenopsis Queen Beer ‘Mantefon’ orchid were determined in plants exposed to variable carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations at 2-, 24-, and 36-weeks age (i.e., corresponding to juvenile, young, and mature vegetative growth stages, respectively). Plants were grown at 400 (control), 800, or 1,600 μmol・mol-1 CO2 for 6 hours during the nighttime for 32 weeks. Phalaenopsis ‘Mantefon’ in 2- and 24-week-old plants grown at 1,600 μmol・mol-1 CO2 had increased leaf number and net CO2 uptake compared with the plants grown at 400 μmol・mol-1 CO2. In 36-week-old of Phalaenopsis ‘Mantefon’, leaf number was significantly greater in plant grown at 800 and 1,600 μmol・mol-1 conditions compared with plants grown at 400 μmol・mol-1 CO2. Leaves that emerged after the start of the CO2 treatment were initially longer in the plants grown at 1,600 μmol・mol-1 CO2 than at 400 μmol·mol-1 C O2, but the final leaf length was shortest in the plants grown at 1,600 μmol・mol-1 CO2 condition. Plants showed crassulancean acid metabolism characteristic of nighttime CO2 uptake regardless plant growth stages. We found that growers may be able to promote leaf growth with increasing leaf number and reducing time to leaf initiation in the 36-week-old (i.e., mature stage) plants with 800 – 1,600 μmol·mol-1 CO2 and 2- and 24-week-old (i.e., juvenile and young stages) plants with 1,600 μmol·mol-1 C O2 for Phalaenopsis ‘Mantefon’.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aimed to investigate rapid weight loss (RWL) and consequent physical and psychological challenges among judo athletes at the national athlete training center in 2017. The following results were obtained. Judo athletes used weight loss methods such as “gradually reduce meal portion,” “skip meals,” “limit water intake,” “wear sweat suit for training,” and “use sauna,” and had physical and mental distress from such unhealthy weight management practices. Information about weight loss was obtained from “colleagues or senior athletes,” “Internet,” and “head coach or coach,” and not experts such as nutritionists or physicians. Thus, athletes are recommended to employ healthy weight control methods based on advice from experts, such as nutritionists and physicians
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in balance and proprioception of adults with limited ankle joint dorsiflexion, after the application of talocrural joint mobilization. The subjects of this study included 23 college students in their twenties with limited ankle joint dorsiflexion. The students were randomly assigned to the ankle joint mobilization group (AJMG, n=12) and the control group (CG, n=11). After 2 weeks of intervention using grade III talocrural joint mobilization in the anterior-posterior movement, the balance and proprioception of the subjects were assessed. Static/dynamic balance capabilities and ankle proprioception were analyzed using paired t-test and independent t-test. The dynamic balance and proprioception of AJMG were significantly improved after intervention (p<.05), In the comparison between the groups after the intervention, the dynamic balance and proprioceptive sense of AJMG were significantly improved compared to the control group (p<.05). This study suggests that AJMG can help improve the dynamic balance and proprioception.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper was to investigate the comparison of balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs in adults. Thirty adults in their 20s participated in this study. The dominant and non-dominant legs were selected based on the dominant hands of the target. The subject's muscle strength of legs was measured with Nicholas MMT, and the balance was measured with BIO-Rescue. We compared the dominant and non-dominant legs based on the results. The result, indicated no statistical difference on balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs(p>.05). The results of this study will be helpful in setting the effective treatment direction and treatment level, and in controlling posture, balance and motor function.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 만 65 세 이상 고령운전자와 50 ~ 65 세 이전의 예비고령 운전자의 시각적 기능을 검사하고, 일반인과 직업 운전자를 구분하여 그 차이점을 연구하고자 한다. 방법: 본 연구에 참여한 대상자는 만 65 세 이상 고령운전자(40 명), 만 65 세 이하 운전자(67 명)이었다. 모든 대상자들은 안과적 질환이 없고, 운전 경력은 5년 이상이었다. 기본적인 데이터(성별, 직업, 연령, 건강상태)와 함께 시각기능 데이터 (대비감도, 정적 및 동적 입체시, 시력회복시간, 눈부심 지수)등을 측정하였다. 결과: 명소시 조건에서의 대비감도는 전반적으로 버스군에서 가장 좋은 감도를 보였으며, 12 cpd와 18 cpd의 주파수에서 일반 1.57, 버스 1.70으로 그 차이 값이 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다(p<0.05). 암소시 조건에서는 65 세 이상 고령층에서는 주파수가 높아질수록 일반군과 택시군에서 유의한 차이를 보여주었다 (p<0.05). 눈부심 후 시력회복시간은 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 다만 연령대가 증가할수록 시간이 길어지는 경향은 보였다. 눈부심 지수에 관한 결과는 65 세 이상의 일반군에서 운전에 방해가 되는 눈부심에 해당하는 지수 3에 가까운 결과를 보였고, 택시 및 화물 운전군에서는 양호한 눈부심에 해당하는 지수 5에 가까운 결과 값을 보여주었다(p<0.05). 결론: 고령자들의 시기능을 분석한 결과, 나이가 들수록 대부분의 시기능이 저하되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 65 세 이상의 고령 운전자의 안전운전을 위해서는 현재 시행되어지고 있는 시력, 색각 검사 외에도 운전 환경과 연관되어 있는 시기능인 대비감도, 눈부심, 입체시력 등의 시각기능 검사가 추가적으로 고려되어야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 본 연구에서는 착색렌즈 농도와 색상에 따라 눈의 조절기능에 변화가 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 연구대상자는 폭주값이 정상, 안위이상과 색각이상, 안질환이 없으며, 안과관련 수술 경험이 없는 20대 남녀 대학생 31명을 대상으로 무착색렌즈와 50%, 80%로 농도로 착색된 gray, blue, brown렌즈를 착용하고 조절기능을 측정하였다. 조절기능검사는 조절력, 조절효율, 양성·음성 상대조절검사 및 조절래그검사를 시행하였다. 결과: 본 연구 대상자들은 착색렌즈를 착용 하였을 때 조절력과 조절래그가증가하였으며, 음성상대조절력은 무착색렌즈 착용 시 보다 착색렌즈 착용하였을 때 양안, 단안, 좌안에서 증가하였다. 양성상대조절력은 blue 50%착용 시 크게 나타났다. 또한, 착색렌즈를 착용 하였을 때 조절용이성은 증가하였으나, 착색렌즈의 농도가 증가함에 따라 조절용이성은 감소하였다. 결론: 착색렌즈의 농도에 따라 조절기능의 변화가 나타나므로 착색렌즈 농도 및 색상 선택 시 작업거리, 착색렌즈 착용 환경 등을 고려하여 선택해야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프리지아 ‘Sweet Lemon’은 2007년 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서 흰색 겹꽃 ‘Teresa’품종과 노랑색 반겹꽃 ‘Yvonne’ 품종을 교배하여 획득한 종자로부터 2007년 연노랑색 향기가 강한 겹꽃 프리지아 계통을 선발하여 품종으로 개발되었다. 2008년부터 2014년까지 개화 생육특성검정 및 육성계통평가회의 기호도 평가를 통해 선발되어 2015년 ‘Sweet Lemon’ 으로 명명되었다. ‘Sweet Lemon’은 연노랑색(RHS color chart Y2B) 겹꽃 프리지아 품종으로 화폭은 6.8cm이며 분지수는 6.7개로 다수확성 품종이다. 초장은 99cm로 초세가 강하며 대조품종 ‘Yvonne’ 91.7cm에 비해 34.7cm 더 크다. ‘Sweet Lemon’의 소화수 및 소화장은 각각 10.7개, 7.7cm로 ‘Yvonne’ 9.7개, 8.3이며 개화소요일수는 126일로 대비품종 보다 약 20일 정도 빠르다. 이 품종의 절화수명은 약 8.7일이며 자구번식력은 5.6배로 대조품종에 비해 우수하다. GC/MS를 이용한 향기분석 결과 총 58개의 방향성 화합물이 검출되었으며 주요성분은 linalool, alpha-Terpineol, alpha-Selinene, limonene이었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ranunculus asiaticus characterizes colorful and attractive flower shapes that are related with the ornamental value of bulbous plants. Improving ornamental value of bulbous flowers has been the general goal of floricultural market. Gibberellic acid (GA3) and benzyladenine (BA) play an important role in growth and developmental processes in floriculture. Combinational treatments of these two hormones have been used in floriculture to improve flower quality. We assessed the effects of combined GA3 and BA, as well as the individual effects of each hormone, on growth characteristics using soil drench application to eight R. asiaticus cultivars, ‘Giallo Millepetali’, ‘Bianco Millepetali’, ‘Arancio Millepetali’, ‘Rosa SC’, ‘Arancio Pratolino’, ‘Giallo Pratolino’, ‘Bianco Pratolino’, and ‘Rosa Ch Pratolino’. GA3 treatments increased plant height and first flower size of R. asiaticus cultivars. Moreover, about 5 to 9 days to flowering were averagely shortened by GA3 treatments compared to controls. On the other hand, the opposites, including first flower size and days to flowering, were observed for cultivars treated with BA, compared with controls. Treatments of GA3 + BA generally affected growth traits, such as plant height, flower size, and the timing of flowering on some R. asiaticus cultivars. In particular, about 5 to 6 days to flowering were reduced on average by Treatments of GA3 + BA. Our results showed positive growth effects, including plant height, days to flowering, first flower height, number of flowers from the application of individual and combined hormones to R. asiaticus cultivars and demonstrate a role for these hormones in future bulbous floriculture.
        2018.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation using a pentafluorophenyl column of parent drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and its active metabolite, desethylhydroxchloroquine (DHCQ) applying to determine bioequivalence of two different formulations administered to patients. A rapid, simple, sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for bioanalysis of HCQ and its metabolite DHCQ in human whole blood using deuterium derivative hydroxychloroquine-D4 as an internal standard (IS). A triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer was operated using electrospray ionization in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Sample preparation involves a two-step precipitation of protein techniques. The removed protein blood samples were chromatographed on a pentafluorophenyl (PFP) column (50 mm × 4.6 mm, 2.6 μm) with a mobile phase (ammonium formate solution containing dilute formic acid) in an isocratic mode at a flow rate of 0.45 mL/min. The standard curves were found to be linear in the range of 2 – 500 ng/mL for HCQ; 2 – 2,000 ng/mL for DHCQ in spite of lacking a highly sensitive MS spectrometry system. Results of intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy were within acceptable limits. A run time of 2.2 min for HCQ and 2.03 min for DHCQ in blood sample facilitated the analysis of more than 300 human whole blood samples per day. Taken together, we concluded that the assay developed herein represents a highly qualified technology for the quantification of HCQ in human whole blood for a parallel design bioequivalence study in a healthy male.
        2018.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Angiotensin receptor blockers, such as telmisartan, are considered effective in the treatment of hypertension and proteinuria due to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats. It selectively blocks the AT1 receptor and does not affect the AT2 receptor, thus effectively blocking the activity of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system. This study aims to compare over time the changes in various indicators, including systemic hypertension and proteinuria, before and after the administration of telmisartan in cats with CKD. Decrease in blood pressure (BP) (p<0.001) and urine protein to creatinine (UP/C) ratio (p<0.001) were found to be statistically significant over time after the administration of telmisartan. BP and the UP/C ratio were 160 ± 22.2 and 0.50 ± 0.647 before telmisartan administration (Day 0), 150 ± 21.0 and 0.27 ± 0.487 on the 30th day (Day 30), 150 ± 17.0 and 0.25 ± 0.376 on the 60th day (Day 60), and 140 ± 17.8 and 0.15 ± 0.233 on the 90th day (Day 90) after administration, respectively. BP and UP/C were statistically significantly lower in cats with CKD over time at each time point from Day 0 to Day 90 at 30 day intervals. Especially after 90 days of telmisartan administration, the improvement of BP and UP/C were estimated to be about 20 mmHg and 0.35, respectively. In conclusion, the oral administration of telmisartan to cats with CKD is effective in improving BP and proteinuria, which has a positive effect on long-term survival in cats with CKD.
        2018.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Echocardiography is one of the most useful diagnostic techniques for differentiating heart disease as well as mitral valve lesion. Forty client-owned small breed dogs (weight, 2.3−13.2 kg) aged between 8−17 years with myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) were included in the present study. The diagnosis of MMVD in dogs was made based on the clinical signs, chest radiography data, and echocardiographic findings. Echocardiographic examinations were conducted in accordance with recommended standards for dogs. M-mode, Doppler, and 2D echocardiography were performed in left and right lateral recumbency. 2D echocardiography was used to measure LA and Ao diameter from 2D short axis at the level of the aortic valve. In the comparison of conventional echocardiography indices in dogs with different stages of heart failure with MMVD, significant differences were observed in E/A ratio (p=0.005), EDV (p<0.001), EDVI (p<0.001), E-peak velocity (p= 0.001), ESV (p=0.028), ESVI (p=0.004), LA (p<0.001), LA/Ao Ratio (p<0.001), LVIDd (p<0.001), LVIDd/Ao Ratio (p<0.001), LVIDs (p=0.036), LVIDs/Ao Ratio (p=0.002), and MR Velocity (p=0.026). In addition, distinct correlations were found in EDV (r=0.712), LA/Ao ration (r=0.830), LVIDd (r=0.724), and LVIDd/Ao ratio (r=0.759). This study found that known conventional echocardiographic indices, including EDV, LA/Ao ratio, LVIDd dimension, and LVIDd/Ao ratio correlated with the severity of MMVD in point of significant differences and distinct correlations.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to establish how community garden spaces should be used to restore communities engaged in village-rehabilitation projects. To achieve this purpose, we have analyzed the perceptions of local residents conducting a town-development project. The community reviewed the benefits of having a garden to improve the residents’ quality of life and comfort. Given the role of gardens in revitalizing communities, it is necessary to build spaces where residents can relax and enjoy community life. Those who participated in this study hoped that their community garden would provide shade and relaxation, a children’s play area, green spaces, and places for conversation. The space and facilities provided by community gardens vary, in accordance with the expectations and needs of each community. It is therefore inappropriate to apply uniform garden designs to all community gardens. Between 20% and 25% of a community garden should be allocated to each of the following: community space, ornamental space, and space for relaxation. As plants that provide shade and help to maintain the ecosystem are strongly preferred in community gardens, all plants should be chosen for their environmental benefits and functionality, rather than aesthetics. Residents may be willing to participate in a range of activities, including community events, the cultivation of plants, and garden management. Towns must therefore set up programs to support these activities. It is essential to continue studying and investigating the formation of community spaces and facilities, reflecting the characteristics of each community.