
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 290

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Here, we investigated antioxidant defense mechanism in the spermatheca of A. mellifera queens via RNA-seq analysis of spermathecae in both mated and virgin queens. We identified the genes encoding antioxidant proteins, which were differentially expressed in the spermatheca of mated queens. The concentrations of antioxidant proteins, such as superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GTPX), and transferrin (Tf) together with the levels of ROS, H2O2, and iron were higher in the spermathecal fluid of mated queens as opposed to those in the spermathecal fluid of virgin queens; this indicated that increase in antioxidant protein concentration is an antioxidant defense mechanism occurring in the spermathecal fluid of mated queens against ROS; this mechanism involves conversion of ROS using antioxidant enzymes and Tf-mediated inhibition of the Fenton reaction occurring between Fe2+ and H2O2. Our data indicate that an increased expression of antioxidant proteins could facilitate prolonged storage and survival of sperms in the spermatheca of mated queens, suggesting the role of antioxidant proteins in antioxidative defense against ROS.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고온기 화색발현이 우수하고 연중생산이 가능한 수출용 스프레이국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 충남농업기술원 화훼 연구소에서 2010년 분홍색의 모본 ‘Borami’를 방임수분하였다. 2011년에 종자를 파종하였고, 이중 화형과 화색이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘SP11-148-01’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2011년부터 2013년까지 주년 생산성을 위해 전조, 자연, 차광재배로 특성을 각각 검정하였고, 생육 및 개화특성은 화형과 화색이 비슷한 자주색 스프레이국화인 ‘Kingfisher’를 대조품종으로 조사하였으며, 2013년 ‘Yes Ruby’로 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘Yes Ruby’는 자주색의 설상화와 연녹색의 통상화로 가을 작형 개화기는 10월 24일로, ‘Kingfisher’의 10월 29일에 비해 빨랐다. ‘Yes Ruby’의 초장과 줄기굵기는 각각 94.9cm와 7.7mm로 ‘Kingfisher’의 89.2cm와 6.4mm보다 컸다. ‘Yes Ruby’의 꽃 직경은 6.2cm로 ‘Kingfisher’의 5.0cm보다 컸으며, 꽃잎수도 ‘Yes Ruby’가 25.7개로 ‘Kingfisher’의 23.3개보다 많았다. 착화수는 두 품종 모두 비슷하였으며, 흰녹병 저항성은 ‘Yes Ruby’가 2단계, ‘Kingfisher’는 3단계의 감염 정도를 나타내어 흰녹병에 대한 저항성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 재배상 유의사항은 ‘Yes Ruby’는 겨울철 균일한 개화가 이뤄지지 않아 겨울철 야간온도를 18℃ 이상으로 관리해줌으로써 균일개화를 유도할 수 있다. 또한 생장억제제인 Daminozide을 처리함으로써 설상화수를 늘려 볼륨감 높은 꽃봉오리를 형성할 수 있어 고온기에도 화색발현이 우수하고 연중생산이 가능하여 안정적 수출을 통한 농가소득 증대에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2019.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the importance of on-site detection of pathogens has drawn attention in the field of molecular diagnostics. Unlike in a laboratory environment, on-site detection of pathogens is performed under limited resources. In this study, we tried to optimize the experimental conditions for on-site detection of pathogens using a combination of ultra-fast convection polymerase chain reaction (cPCR), which does not require regular electricity, and nucleic acid lateral flow (NALF) immunoassay. Salmonella species was used as the model pathogen. DNA was amplified within 21 minutes (equivalent to 30 cycles of polymerase chain reaction) using ultra-fast cPCR, and the amplified DNA was detected within approximately 5 minutes using NALF immunoassay with nucleic acid detection (NAD) cassettes. In order to avoid false-positive results with NAD cassettes, we reduced the primer concentration or ultra-fast cPCR run time. For singleplex ultra-fast cPCR, the primer concentration needed to be lowered to 3 μM or the run time needed to be reduced to 14 minutes. For duplex ultra-fast cPCR, 2 μM of each primer set needed to be used or the run time needed to be reduced to 14 minutes. Under the conditions optimized in this study, the combination of ultra-fast cPCR and NALF immunoassay can be applied to on-site detection of pathogens. The combination can be easily applied to the detection of oral pathogens.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 전남지역에 발생하는 주요 돌발 및 남방계 해충으로 벼먹노린재와 애멸구, 감 미국선녀벌레, 갈색날개매미충, 볼록총채벌레, 풀색노린재, 포도 꽃매미, 갈색여치를 조사하였다. 갈색날개매미충 월동난 부화율은 평균 21.8%로 낮았으며, 약충밀도는 전년 대비 26.1% 감소하였다. 동계 최저온도 확인결과 영하 10℃이하가 5일 지속되었음을 확인하였다. 미국선녀벌레의 경우 2017년 장성과 영암의 산림지역에 주로 발생하였는데 올해는 화순 그리고 보성, 신안 압해도의 농경지까지 발생지역이 확산되었다. 점착트랩 색상별 볼록 총채벌레 유살정도는 청색보다 황색을 선호하였고, 9 시ㆍ군에서 모두 발생하여 6월 상순에 발생최성기로 조사되었다. 꽃매미의 월동난부화율은 65%로 작년과 비슷하였으며, 현재까지 산림지역에서 주로 발생하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 먹노린재는 조기재배지역과 친환경단지에서 발생밀도가 높게 조사되었고, 7월 상순에 최대 발생밀도를 나타내었다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 유통 중인 농산물 9품목(n = 578)에 대한 납과 카드뮴 함량을 조사하고 이들의 섭취로 인한 위해성을 평가하고자 하였다. 납과 카드뮴의 함량은 마이크로웨이브 분해 후 ICP-MS로 분석하였다. 조사대상 농산물의 납 평균 함량은 각각 보리 0.014 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.010 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.008 mg/kg, 녹두 0.006 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.008 mg/kg, 살구 0.016 mg/kg, 매실 0.015 mg/kg, 자두 0.021 mg/kg, 대추 0.019 mg/kg이었고, 카드뮴 평균함량은 보리 0.017 mg/kg, 완두콩 0.004 mg/kg, 강낭콩 0.007 mg/kg, 녹두 0.005 mg/kg, 파인애플 0.001 mg/kg, 살구 0.002 mg/kg, 매실 0.002 mg/kg, 자두 0.002 mg/kg, 대추 0.003 mg/kg이었다. 모든 시료의 납, 카드뮴 함량은 EU, CODEX 및 국내 기준보다 낮은 수준이었다. 조사 대상 농산물에 대한 납, 카드뮴의 인체노출량을 산출한 결과, 납은 잠정주간섭취허용량(PTWI, 25 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.067%, 카드뮴은 월간잠정섭취허용량(PTMI, 25 μg/kg b.w./month)의 0.28%이었다. 이상의 결과는 조사 대상 농산물의 납, 카드뮴 오염도와 이들의 섭취에 의한 위해성이 모두 낮은 수준이라는 것을 보여준다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스탠다드국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 충남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2009년에 황색의 모본 ‘Summer Yellow’와 부본 ‘ST07-09-02’계통을 인공 교배하였다. 2010년에 종자를 파종하였고, 이중 내병성이 강하고 기호성이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘ST10-047-01’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2011년부터 2013년까지 주년 생산성을 위해 촉성 및 자연, 억제재배 특성을 각각 검정하였으며, 2013년 ‘Geumhwa’로 명명하고 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘Geumhwa’의 생육 및 개화특성은 국내에서 많이 재배되고 있는 황색 스탠다드국화인 ‘Summer Yellow’를 대조 품종으로 하여 조사하였다. ‘Geumhwa’ 품종은 자연개화기가 10월 6일로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 10월 25일에 비해 빨랐다. ‘Geumhwa’는 초장이 86.3cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 93.8cm보다 작았고, 곁가지 제거수는 8.1개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 16.6개보다 적었다. ‘Geumhwa’의 꽃직경은 13.6cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 13.5cm와 비슷하였으며, 꽃잎수는 ‘Geumhwa’가 263.6개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 295.3개보다 적었다. 재배상 유의사항은 ‘Geumhwa’는 중간종이므로 초기생육이 왕성하도록 비배 관리를 하고 생육기간 중 지베렐린 1,000mg・L-1를 2회 처리하여 신장력을 높이도록 한다. 또한 설상화수가 적은 편이므로 재전조를 실시하여 설상화수를 늘린다면 황색의 연중 조기개화가 가능한 고품질 신품종 스탠다드 절화국화로써 소비자 기호 충족 및 농가소득 창출에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Honeybee (Apis mellifera) egg-yolk protein vitellogenin (Vg) plays roles in immunity, antioxidation, and life span beyond reproduction, but it also acts as an allergen Api m 12 in venom. Here we established antimicrobial and antioxidant roles of honeybee Vg in the body and venom. Using the cDNA encoding Vg identified from Asiatic honeybee (A. cerana) workers, recombinant A. cerana Vg (AcVg) protein of approximately 180 kDa was produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells. In A. cerana worker bees, AcVg was expressed in the fat body and venom gland and was present in the secreted venom. AcVg induced structural damage in microbial cell walls via binding to microbial surfaces and exhibited antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. AcVg protected mammalian and insect cells against oxidative damage through direct shielding of cell membranes. Interestingly, AcVg exhibited DNA protection activity against reactive oxygen species (ROS). Furthermore, the transcript level of AcVg was upregulated in the fat body, but not in the venom gland, of worker bees with antimicrobial peptides and antioxidant enzymes in response to microbial infection and oxidative stress. Our data indicate that AcVg is involved in innate immunity upon infection and in a defense system against ROS, supporting a crucial role of honeybee Vg as an antimicrobial and antioxidant agent in the body and venom.
        2018.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Radiotherapy (RT) is a mainstay in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). For locally advanced HCSCC, concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) benefits HCSCC patients in terms of better survival and loco-regional control. In this study, we evaluated changes in oral microbiota in patients, who received CCRT for head and neck cancer. Oral rinsed samples were weekly collected before and during CCRT and at 4 weeks following treatment from HNSCC patients, who had received 70 Gy of radiation delivered to the primary sites for over 7 weeks and concurrent chemotherapy. Oral microbiota changes in three patients were analyzed by next-generation sequencing using 16S rRNA 454 pyrosequencing. On an average, 15,000 partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from each sample. All sequences fell into 11 different bacterial phyla. During early CCRT, the microbial diversity gradually decreased. In a patient, who did not receive any antibiotics during the CCRT, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phylum. During the early CCRT, proteobacteria gradually decreased while Firmicutes increased. During the late CCRT, firmicutes gradually decreased while Bacteroides and Fusobacteria increased. In all the patients, yellow complex showed a gradual decrease, while orange and red complex showed a gradual increase during the CCRT. At 4 weeks after CCRT, the recovery of oral microbiota diversity was limited. During CCRT, there was a gradual increase in major periodontopathogens in association with the deterioration of the oral hygiene. Henceforth, it is proposed that understanding oral microbiota shift should provide better information for the development of effective oral care programs for patients receiving CCRT for HNSCC.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We demonstrated the sensitivity of optically active single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with a diameter below 1 nm that were homogeneously dispersed in cement composites under a mechanical load. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was selected as the dispersing agent to achieve a homogeneous dispersion of SWCNTs in an aqueous solution, and the dispersion state of the SWCNTs were characterized using various optical tools. It was found that the addition of a large amount of DNA prohibited the structural evolution of calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate. Based on the in-situ Raman and X-ray diffraction studies, it was evident that hydrophilic functional groups within the DNA strongly retarded the hydration reaction. The optimum amount of DNA with respect to the cement was found to be 0.05 wt%. The strong Raman signals coming from the SWCNTs entrapped in the cement composites enabled us to understand their dispersion state within the cement as well as their interfacial interaction. The G and G’ bands of the SWCNTs sensitively varied under mechanical compression. Our results indicate that an extremely small amount of SWCNTs can be used as an optical strain sensor if they are homogeneously dispersed within cement composites.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The advanced information technology leads to network age, making existing competitive advantages such as differentiation and cost leadership powerless in B2B context. The competitiveness of individual firm plays a significant role in enhancing the competitive advantage of a business network that a firm belongs to. The competitiveness of a business network depends on value co-creation, the interaction among firms in a network. Value co-creation has desirable and risky aspects. The increases in profits, brand reputation, and time and cost efficiency, client and supplier learning, etc. are positive aspects. But role conflicts, role ambiguity, and tension, etc. are negative outcomes. How can the industrial firm succeed in value co-creation with its partners in B2B context? The study focuses on the firm’s strategic marketing orientations as an antecedent of value co-creation. Strategic marketing orientations as the values and beliefs of the firm affect the collaboration with other firms during value co-creation. Previous literature assumes that a firm pursues one single strategic orientation. However, the study assumes that an industrial firm has entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, long-term orientation, and relationship orientation. The study mostly focused on the relationships among those strategic marketing orientations. Based on these inter-relationships, the study proposed a set of value co-creation activity criteria such as information seeking, information sharing, personal interaction, responsible behavior, feedback, helping, advocacy, tolerance. Value co-creation has been evaluated by relationship performance such as trust and commitment. The study examined the relationships between strategic marketing orientations and value co-creation. Data was collected from 159 Korean manufacturers in B2B context and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The study provides evidence that entrepreneurial orientation affects market orientation positively and market orientation has positive effects on long-term orientation and relationship orientation, and long-term orientation and relationship orientation influence value co-creation directly. Value co-creation has a positive effect on relationship performance. The results of the study provide valuable implications to the mangers of industrial firms in B2B context. To succeed the value co-creation, the firm first has to look at the difference between strategic marketing orientations that the value co-creation partners pursue. In terms of selecting value co-creation partner, industrial firm with long-term orientation and relationship orientation will be more effective. Six activities of interactions during value co-creation play an important role in enhancing trust and commitment. The study contributes to the value co-creation literature by identifying strategic marketing orientations as independent variable influencing the value co-creation in B2B context. The study has several limitations that call for future research.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated the antimicrobial efficacy of different concentrations of ozonated water with organic matter, fetal bovine serum, at different concentrations and incubation times with bacteria. In the absence of organic matter, total eradication of up to 5 log of Escherichia (E.) coli was achieved, however, interference by organic matter led to inefficiency of ozonated water as a disinfecting agent. In addition, diminishing antimicrobial effects at higher temperatures, even in the absence of organic matter, were also demonstrated. These findings indicate that ozonated water will be a safe and effective disinfectant agent that could be useful in meat processing, especially an intestine processing, in Korean slaughter houses.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated pollination and foraging activities of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) during flowering season of the asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia N.) under different weather conditions. There was no significant statistical difference about the pollination activities of two species. However, the pollination activities of bumblebee were more active than those of honeybee under low temperature and rainfall period. The activities of honeybee and bumblebee were more influenced by temperature than other factors (i.e. illumination and wind velocity). Honeybee was more sensitive to temperature and illumination than bumblebee. At low temperatures (<20℃) on cloudy days (<30,000 lux) with a certain wind velocity (>4.0 m/s), the pollination activity of the honeybee was lower twice than that of bumblebee.
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