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        검색결과 141

        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale) is widely used as a spice or a traditional medicine. It contains the phenolic compounds, such as gingerol, zingerone and shogaols as the major pungent compound. Ginger is commonly used for various types of "stomach problems," including motion sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea. The cultivation area of ginger is 1,046 ha, and it is cultivated as 5th of 55 medicinal crops in Korea (2016). When ginger is cultivated in a vinyl house, the growing periods can be prolonged by early sowing and the yield is improved compared to the conventional cultivation. This experiment was carried out to investigated on growth, rhizome shape and yield as affected by the soil covering in rain-shelter greenhouse. Methods and Results : Seed ginger was planted on March 10 at 75 × 15 ㎝ planting density in greenhouse. The soil covering on furrow area was carried out on June 20, July 20 and August 20. The control, conventional cultivation was planted four rows on 120 ㎝ wide ridge. As a results of applying the soil covering, emergence was 2 - 3 days earlier than that of conventional cultivation. On November 5, samples were harvested for each treatment, and growth characteristics, tuber shape, and yield were investigated. As the number of soil-cover increased up to 3-times, the weight of the tuber increased to 44.4% and the length to 21.9% as compared with the control. However, as the number of soil-cover increased, workspace was needed, resulting in fewer seeding gingers and lower total yield. Therefore, it was advantageous to perform two times soil-cover to obtain the maximum yield. In the case of soil cultivation, the length of the foot was longer than that of conventional cultivation, and the quality was improved. Conclusion : From the above results, it is recommended that the soil covering is carried out twice at greenhouse’s cultivation. The first covering is in mid-June, and the second is in mid-July.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Zingiber officinale is known as the source of the pungent, aromatic spice called ginger. Ginger, especially dried rhizomes, has been widely used for many medicinal purposes. The pungent principles in ginger are the non-volatile phenolic compounds gingerol, gingeridione and shogaol. It is cultivated 1,046 ha as 5 th of 55 medicinal crops in Korea (2016). Ginger has been successfully propagated using internodal cuttings. Ginger emergences at 18℃ or higher, and it takes about 40 - 50 days to emerges after sowing. Therefore, it is required a cultivation method that promote the emergence. Methods and Results : The internodal cuttings with 25 – 35 g was planted on 30 April at 30 × 30 ㎝ on 120 ㎝ broad bed. Five covering materials included the illite non-woven fabric (18 g/㎡), rice straw and vinyl were treated to promote emergence and early growth. Soil temperature covered by illite non-woven fabric was higher by 2.6 - 2.8℃ than that of rice straw covering, and lower by 2.2 - 2.4℃ than that of the transparent vinyl mulching. Emergence was faster in the illite non-woven fabric mulching by 5 - 6 days compared to vinyl mulching. It was presumed to be due to the small diurnal difference with increasing soil temperature. The covering with illite non-woven fabric had a large plant height and a large leaf number. So, the early growth in the covering of illite non-woven fabric was better than other treatments. There was a differences in rhizome’s yield among treatments. The content of gingerol was 2.29 – 2.37 ㎎/g and there was no significant difference. Conclusion : From the above results, covering illite non-woven fabric until sprouting after planting promoted its emergence and early growth.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Jungmo2501’ (Avena sativa L.), a winter oat for forage use, was developed by the breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2010. The following is the characteristics of ‘Jungmo2501’ that is characterized as light green leaf, yellow brown culm and whitish yellow grain. The heading date of ‘Jungmo2501’ was about 3 days earlier than that of check cultivar ‘Samhan’(May 7 and May 10, respectively). Its plant height was 11 cm longer than 103 cm of the check, and the leaf blade ratio of aerial parts was 26 % higher than the check (11.8% and 9.4%, respectively). The cold tolerance, resistance to lodging and wet injury of ‘Jungmo2501’ were similar to those of the check. The average forage dry matter yield of ‘Jungmo2501’ harvested at milk-ripe stage was 5% higher than the check (15.5 ton ha -1 and 14.7 ton ha -1 , respectively). ‘Jungmo2501’ was higher than the check in terms of protein content (6.6% and 5.9%, respectively), neutral detergent fiber (58.5% and 57.6%, respectively), and acid detergent fiber (34.5% and 32.1%, respectively), while total digestible nutrients was lower than the check (61.6% and 63.6%, respectively), and TDN yield was 0.37 ton ha -1 more than that of the check (9.71 ton ha -1 and 9.34 ton ha -1 , respectively). The silage grade of ‘Jungmo2501’ estimated by Flig score showed level Ⅱ, meaning good quality. Fall sowing cropping of ‘Jun
        2017.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Upper airway obstruction is a common problem in pediatric patients. There were a few reports that airway obstruction caused by redundant arytenoid mucosa. The etiology of redundant arytenoid remains unknown. Redundant arytenoid mucosa is diagnosed endoscopically when one or both arytenoids anteriorly displace into the glottic inlet upon inspiration. The common symptoms are hoarseness, stridor, snoring or dyspnea on exertion. These symptoms are similar to croup and they can be easily misdiagnosed as croup. We experienced rare case of upper airway obstruction caused by redundancy of arytenoid mucosa and report it with review of literatures.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the farmers who grow Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense Miller) in rain-shelter greenhouses increase, it is necessary to develop a cultivar with early-flowering. In addition, the new varieties should be continuously selected in order to adapt to climate change and to respond to future demands. The new line, CB07423-104, was selected from the cross between Cheongmyeong (IT232706) and CB04341-286 in 2007 to breed a cultivar with early flowering and high yielding. Its preliminary yield tests were performed from 2009 to 2010 and the selected line was named Cheongyang 17. Its regional yield trial was carried out in Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo from 2011 to 2013 and Cheongyang 17 was registered as the new variety, ‘Cheonghong’ (Certificate on grant of plant variety rights: Grant number No.5642, Protection period 06/07/2015 ~ 05/07/2035) in 2013. The major characteristics were summarized as follows; The plant shape was spreading type. Leaf had ellipsoidal small sizes and 3~5 leaves on a node. The fruit was oblong and yellowish red. The flowering time was June 17 and faster about 11 days than the check ‘Cheongmyeong’. The branching was generated less than the check variety. This cultivar has a lot of flowers bloom per a node and many fruits per a plant. The resistances to anthracnose and eriophyidae mite were a little better than that of the check variety. The content of betaine of dried-fruit and brix degree of fresh fruit were higher than those of the check. The dried-fruit yield was 16 percent higher than the check at regional yield trials conducted at Cheongyang, Yesan and Jindo. Applications are customarily available in both medicinal and edible. This variety has self-incompatibility. So, the companion variety, Cheongmyeong, was required as pollinizer and recommended to plant 1 : 1.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Chinese matrimony vine (Lycium chinense Mill.) is a deciduous shrub belonging to the Solanaceae. The leaves are used as an alternative raw material replacing dried fruits associated with high production costs in many industires. The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of drying temperature on the leaves used in the manufacture of functional products. Methods and Results : The leaves of Chinese matrimony vine were harvested when the plant height reached 60 - 70 ㎝ in the spring and treated at four different temperatures (40℃, 50℃, 60℃ and 70℃). The time to reach the desiccation state of 20% was 63 h at 40℃, 37 h at 50℃, 17 h at 60℃ and 11 h at 70℃. The drying rate per hour was 1.28% at 40℃, 2.25% at 50℃, 4.94% at 60℃ and 7.60% at 70℃. No significant difference were observed in ash, crude fat, polyphenol or rutin content of treated samples. Crude protein and betaine content decreased with higher dry temperatures. Nitrogen free extract of the treated samples increased with higher drying temperatures. Conclusions : Taking into consideration drying time, drying rate, color value, energy consumption and functional ingredients is advantageous to dry the leaves of the Chinese matrimony vine at 60℃ using a hot air agricultural dryer.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        총체생산성이 높은 밀품종을 육성하기 위해 장간, 다수성인 Kanto75/8/탑동밀/4/Bb#1/장광//STRAMCHO/3/수원220호/5/수원185호/CI 12703//관동75호///수원219호/7/F 1277에서 유래한 우량계통을 모본으로 하고, 중단간이면서 농업적 특성이 우수한 식용 밀 표준품종인 금강밀을 부본으로 하여 1998년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 육성하였다. 계통육종법으로 전개하여 초형이 우수하고, 장간인 SW98008-YB-7-5-1-1-2 계통을 선발하였다. 3년간 생산력검정 예비시험과 생산력 검정 본시험을 실시한 결과, 총체수량이 우수하여 ‘익산326호’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2008년부터 2009년까지 지역적응성 시험을 수행하여 총체수량성이 높고 한해에 강한 계통으로 입증되어 2009년 12월 직무육성품종선정심의회에서 신품종으로 선정됨과 동시에 ‘청우’로 명명하였다. 그 후 국립종자원의 재배심사를 거쳐 2013년 종자산업법 제55조에 따라 품종보호 등록원부에 등록(품종보호 제4311호) 되었다. ‘청우’는 잎색이 진녹색이고, 잎폭은 중간 정도이며, 줄기는 길고 직립형태는 중간 정도로 뻗은 형태이다. 이삭은 중간 정도의 길이고, 이삭의 까락은 황백색이고 길이가 길며, 종실의 크기는 중간 정도이고, 종실색은 백색을 띄는 백립계이다. 출수기는 밭상태에서 4월 22일로 대비품종인 금강밀보다 1일 빠르고, 논상태에서 4월 24일로 금강밀과 유사하였다. 황숙기는 밭상태에서 5월 19일로 금강밀보다 2일 빠르고, 논상태에서 5월 22일로 1일 빠르다. 초장은 91 cm로 표준품종인 금강밀보다 장간형이고, 수장은 7.1 cm로 금강밀보다 0.9 cm 작은 편이지만, 경수는 1,070개/m2로 많다. 건물수량은 14.8 MT/ha으로 표준품종인 금강밀에 비해 12% 증수한 다수성이다. 조사료 품질은 표준품종 금강과 비교하여 유사하나, TDN 수량은 ha당 10.0 MT으로서 9.0 MT인 금강에 비해 높다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        내병충, 다수성 계통인 CB02214-131 (IT232701)을 모본으로 하고, 청양 7호(IT232601)를 부본으로 인공교배를 실시하여 CB04340-64를 선발하고, 생산력검정 시험 결과 병충해에 강하며 다수성으로 인정되어 ‘청양 14호’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 구기자 우량계통 ‘청양 14호’는 청양, 예산, 진도 등 3지역에서 2009∼2011년 3개년간 지역적응성을 검증한 결과 생육이 양호하고 병해충에 강하며 약용성분이 많을 뿐만 아니라 수량성이 우수하여 ‘청광’으로 2012년에 품종보호출원하였고, 국립종자원에 품종보호등록(품종보호 제 4794호, 2014.02.10∼2034.02.09) 되었다. 주요특성을 요약하면 잎은 둥근 피침형이고 다소 작으며, 열매는 장타원형이고 중간크기이었다. 개화기는 6월 26일로서 중생종이였다. ‘청광’은 대비품종에 비하여 2회의 적심에 의하여 분지 발생이 많았다. 혹응애와 탄저병 저항성은 중강으로 대비품종과 비슷하였다. 지표성분인 베타인 함량은 0.75%, 당도는 15.3°Brix로 대비품종에 비하여 다소 높았다. 건과수량은 대비품종에 비하여 생산력 검정시험에서 15%, 지역적응시험에서 6% 증수되었다. 이 품종은 자가불화합성이 있으므로 수분수 품종으로 ‘청명’과 같이 혼식하여 재배하여야 한다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2007년에 내병성이면서 장타원형인 청명(IT232706)과 다수성인 CB04341-286로 인공교배를 실시하였고, CB07423-104 개체를 선발하여 2011년 “청양 17호”로 계통명을 부여하였다. 청양, 예산, 진도 등 3지역에서 2011~2013년까지 3년간 지역적응성을 검정한 후 개화기가 빠르면서, 키가 작고, 내병충성, 지표성분 고함유, 다수성으로 인정되어 우수성을 인정받아 2014년도 “청홍(靑紅, Cheonghong)으로 명명하였다. 구기자 신품종 “청홍”의 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 잎은 피침형으로 녹색이고 대비품종인「청명」에 비하여 가늘다. 개화기는 대비품종에 비하여 약 11일 빨랐고, 수형은 개장형으로 키가 작고 적심에 의한 분지발생이 적은 편이다. 열매는 황적색이면서 장타원형이고 100과중이 약 19g로서 중간크기이다. 병해충 저항성은 무방제 상태인 노지포장에서 자연 발생 정도를 조사하였는데, 탄저병 이병과율과 혹응애 발생률은 대비품종인 「청명」과 비슷하여 저항성이 강하였다. 주요 지표성분으로 베타인 함량 0.85%, 당도 15.4°Brix로서 대비품종에 비하여 높았고, 건과수량은 대비품종에 비하여 생산력 검정시험에서 22%, 지역적응시험에서 16% 증수되었다. 주요 용도는 약용과 식용으로 모두 이용이 가능하였다. 신품종 「청홍」의 수분수는 열매크기가 비슷하고 두 품종의 혼식시 결실률이 높은「청명」품종이 가장 적합하였다. 또한 건조 후 외관 품질 향상을 위하여 적기에 수확하고, 건조온도를 준수할 필요가 있다.
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