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        검색결과 1,260

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 일반적인 상황이 아닌 전시라는 특수한 환경에서의 영상기반 AI 모션캡쳐 적용방법의 다양한 시도 를 살펴보았다. 이전의 방식을 살펴보면서 다양한 전시 환경과 조건에 따라 활용 가능한 방법을 연구하고, 장 단점을 서술하여 인터렉션 전시공간에 적용 가능한 영상기반 AI 모션캡쳐 모션캡쳐 기술의 필요성과 적용 가 능성을 설명한다. 또한 MIVA 프로젝트를 진행하면서 전시공간이라는 비규격화 된 공간에서의 불편한 점을 파 악하고 이에 대한 대응할 수 있는 기술적인 환경 구성에 대하여 정리하였다. 또한 실제 공간에서 캡쳐 프로그 램을 설치하고 전시에 적용하면서 생기는 문제점을 파악하고 해결하면서 적절하게 적용 가능한 모션캡쳐 기 술 환경 파이프라인을 제안한다.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        실버 페이스트는 상대적으로 낮은 열처리로 공정이 가능하기 때문에 전자 소자 응용분야에서 유용한 전극 재료이다. 본 연구에서는 은 페이스트 전극에 대기압 플라즈마 제트를 이용하여 전극 표면을 처리 했다. 이 플라즈마 제트는 11.5 kHz 작동 주파수에서 5.5 ~ 6.5 kV의 고전압을 사용하여 아르곤 분 위기에서 생성되었다. 플라즈마 제트는 대기압에서 수행함으로써 인쇄 공정에 더 유용할 수 있다. 플라즈 마 처리시간, 인가된 전압, 가스유량에 따라 전극의 표면은 빠르게 친수성화 되었으며 접촉각의 변화가 관 찰되었다. 또한, 대면적 샘플에서 플라즈마 처리 후 접촉각의 편차가 없었는데, 이는 기판의 크기에 관계없 이 균일한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구의 결과는 대면적 전자소자의 제조 및 향후 응 용 분야에서 적층 구조를 형성하는데 매우 유용할 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        송충살이고치벌아과의 Aleiodes의 미기록종 4종(A. lipwigi, A. guidaae, A. subemarginatus, A. caprinus)을 국내 최초로 보고한다. 본 연구에 선 종의 동정을 위한 진단, 분포, 삽화 및 DNA 바코드 서열을 제공한다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) is an educational approach that deals with the physiology of the nervous system as well as the pain system and refers to educating patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as chronic back pain. Objectives: This study examined the effects of pain neuroscience education on patients with low back pain. Design: Systematic review. Methods: Electronic bibliographic databases of a regional information sharing system (RISS) and PubMed were searched to identify randomized controlled studies. In the final outcome, 43 publications were identified, and 13 studies met the inclusion criteria. Results: There were a total of 13 pain-related studies, including 11 studies using NPRS (VAS) and 2 studies using other pain measurement instruments. In NPRS, the effect size was 0.683, which had a medium effect size. In Roland morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ), the effect size was 0.544, which had a medium effect size. In Oswestry disability index (ODI), the effect size was 0.951, indicating a large effect size, but the confidence interval could not be obtained because there was only one study. Conclusion: Pain neuroscience education has positive effects on low back pain and disability index in related patients.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is essential that continual assessments of the impact of mine-derived water as a long-lasting burden on freshwater environments. Abundance-based evaluations of benthic macroinvertebrates have been conducted to evaluate anthropogenic disturbances and devise policies to reduce their impact. In this study, the status of a stream habitat was evaluated based on the body length and biomass weight of benthic macroinvertebrates of the family Baetidae. Following the renewal of the mining water treatment plant, the abundance of Baetidae assemblages recovered to a level comparable to that of a reference site. However, relatively low values were found for both body length and biomass weight in Baetidae species inhabiting the reddened streambed area, suggesting that the habitat has not yet been completely recovered despite the recovery of the abundance of the Baetidae assemblages. Therefore, continuous investigation and evaluation of this disturbed stream are necessary until their growth conditions of the habitat have functionally recovered
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Subunit vaccines are being developed as a potential therapy for preventing microbial pathogen infection. In this study, the immunogenicity of recombinant Brucella (B.) abortus Fe/Mn superoxide dismutase (rFe/Mn SOD) protein as a subunit vaccine against B. abortus was investigated in BALB/c mice model. Brucella Fe/Mn SOD gene was cloned into a pcold-TF DNA vector. The bacterial recombinant protein was expressed using the Escherichia coli DH5α strain with a size of 82.50 kDa. The western blotting assay showed that rFe/Mn SOD reacted with Brucella-positive serum, indicating the potential immunoreactivity of this recombinant protein. After the second and third vaccinations, the peripheral CD4+ T cell population was increased significantly in the rFe/Mn SOD-immunized mice group compared to the PBS control group. Moreover, immunization of this recombinant protein increased the CD4+ T cell population from the first vaccination to the third vaccination. Meanwhile, the CD8+ T cells were slightly enhanced after the second vaccination compared to the first vaccination and compared to control groups. Fourteen days after the bacterial infection, the splenomegaly and the number of bacteria in the spleen were evaluated. The result showed that both rFe/Mn SOD and positive control RB51 decreased the bacterial replication in the spleen and the splenomegaly compared to control groups. Altogether, these results suggested that rFe/Mn SOD could induce host immunity against B. abortus infection.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Expression changes of stress-induced peroxidase (swpa2 and swpa4) and storage root-specific sporamin (spo-A and spo-B) genes were examined using qRT-PCR after treatment with wounding and bacterial pathogens on leaves of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) plants. As a result of examining the expression change in the wounding treatment condition for 48 hours after treatment, which is a representative physical stress, the expression of all genes increased after 12 hours of wounding treatment, but the expression pattern of each gene group showed distinct differences thereafter. Expression levels of swpa2 and swpa4 strongly increased up to 36 or 48 hours after wounding treatment, whereas spo-A and spo-B expression levels strongly decreased after 24 or 36 hours after wounding treatment. Peroxidase and sporamin genes are involved in the early response after wounding treatment and, in particular, the peroxidase swpa2 and swpa4 genes are also involved in the late response after wounding treatment. Gene expression analysis after infection with P. chrysanthemi, which causes softness in sweetpotato, showed that the swpa2 and swpa4 genes were weakly induced after 8 hours and then strongly induced after 20 hours during pathogen infection. Expression of the spo-A gene was weakly induced in the pathogen-treated group after 20 hours, whereas spo-B showed an expression pattern similar to that of the peroxidase genes. The above results indicate that expression of the stress-induced peroxidase gene used in this study is induced not only by abiotic stress but also by biological stress caused by bacterial pathogen invasion and that peroxidase plays an important function in the initial defense response.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is very sluggish compared to the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Considering this difference is essential when designing and developing a cost-effective and facile synthesis method for a catalyst that can effectively perform OER activity. The material should possess a high surface area and more active sites. Considering these points, in this work we successfully synthesized sheets of cobalt phosphate hydrate (CP) and sulphurated cobalt phosphate hydrate (CPS) material, using simple successive ionic layered adsorption and reaction (SILAR) methods followed by sulfurization. The CP and CPS electrodes exhibited overpotentials of 279 mV with a Tafel slope of 212 mV dec1 and 381 mV with a Tafel slope of 212 mV dec1, respectively. The superior performance after sulfurization is attributed to the intrinsic activity of the deposited well-aligned nanosheet structures, which provided a substantial number of electrochemically active surface sites, speeded electron transfer, and at the same time improved the diffusion of the electrolyte.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plasma Arc Melter (MSO) system has been developed for the treatment and the stabilization of various kinds of hazardous and radioactive waste into the readily disposable solidification products. Molten salt oxidation system has been developed for the for the treatment of halogen- and sulfurbearing hazardous and radioactive waste without emissions of PCDD/Fs and acid gases. However, PAM system has showed some difficulty in the off-gas treatment system due to the volatilization of radionuclides and toxic metals at extremely high-temperature plasma arc melter and the emissions of acid gases. MSO system has also showed the difficulty in the treatment of spent molten salt into the disposable waste form. Present study discussed the results of organics destruction performance tests for the PAM-MSO combination system, which is proposed and developed to compensate the drawbacks of each system. The worst-case condition tests for the organics destruction were conducted at lowest temperatures and the worst-case condition tests for the retention of metals and radionuclides were conducted at highested temperatures under the range of normal operating condition. For the worst-case organic destruction test, C6H5Cl was selected as a POHCs (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) because of its high incinerability ranking and the property of generation of chlorine gases and PCDD/Fs when incompletely destroyed. Simulated concrete waste spiked with 1 L of C6H5Cl was treated and the emissions of 17 kinds of PCDD/Fs and other hazardous gases such as CO, THCs, NOx, SO2 and HCl/Cl2 were measured. For the worst-case condition tests for the retention of metals and radionuclides, Pb and Cs were selected because of its high volatility characteristics. The emissions of PCDD/Fs was extremely lowered than the emission limit and those of other hazardous constituents were below their emission limit. The results of performance tests on the organics destruction suggested that tested PAM-MSO combination system could readily treat PCBs-bearing spent insulation liquid, spent ion-exchange resins used for the treatment of spent decontamination liquid in the decommission process and the concreted debris bearing hazardous organic coating materials. The decontamination factor of Cs and Co were 1.4×105, 1.4×105, respectively. The emisison of Pb was 0.562 ppm. These results suggested that tested PAM-MSO system treated low-level radioactive and pb-bearing mixed waste.