아산화질소(N2O, Nitrous Oxide)는 6대 온실가스 중 하나로 대기 중에서 적외선을 흡수하여 온실효과를 유발하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 특히 지구온난화지수(GWP)는 CO2에 비해 310배 높아 국내뿐만 아니라 전 세계적으로 이슈화되고 있으며, 그에 따른 강력한 환경 규 제 강화법들이 발의되고 있다. N2O 저감 기술에는 물리적인 방식에 따라 농축회수, 촉매분해, 그리고 열분해로 구분할 수 있는데, 본 연구 에서는 그 중 가장 효과적인 열분해 처리방식에 대해 논의하고자 일반적인 연소 조건 내 고온 열분해 방식을 이용하여 비용 저감과 함께 질소산화물을 저감시키는 온도 조건 및 반응 시간에 대한 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 열분해 조건으로 선정된 고온 영역은 1073 K부터 1373 K 까지 100 K 간격을 두고 계산을 수행하였다. 1073 K과 1173 K의 온도조건에 경우, N2O 저감율과 일산화질소 농도가 체류시간에 따라 비례관 계를 이루는 것이 관측되었으며, 1273 K에 경우, 체류시간이 증가함에 따라 발생되는 역반응으로 인해 N2O 저감율이 감소되는 것이 관측되 었다. 특히 1373 K에 경우, 모든 체류시간에 대해 정반응과 역반응이 화학 평형상태에 도달하여 N2O 저감에 대한 반응진행율이 오히려 감 소하는 것으로 확인되었다.
FDM 3D printing structures have rough surfaces and require post-treatment to improve the properties. Fumigation is a representative technique for removing surface unevenness. Surface treatment by fumigation proceeds by dissolving the surface of the protruding structure using a vaporized solvent. In this study, 3D printed PVB outputs are surface-treated with ethyl-alcohol fumigation. As the fumigation time increases, the surface flattens as ethanol dissolves the mountains on the surface of PVB and the surface valleys are filled with dissolved PVB. Through the fumigation process, the mechanical strength tends to decrease, and deformation rate increases. Ethanol vapor permeates into PVB, widening the distance between chains and resulting in weak bonding strength between chains. In order to confirm the effect of fumigation only, an annealing process is performed at 80 oC for 1, 5, 10, 30, and 50 minutes and the results of the fumigation are compared.
국내 출원 예정인 알스트로메리아 유망 교잡 계통 C269의 기내번식체계 조건 구명을 통해 국산묘의 안정적인 보급에 기 여하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 생장점을 MS배지에 치상하 여 초대배양 후, 준비된 근경 생장점은 근경 증식을 위해 6-Benzylaminopurin(BAP)와 Kinetin(KIN)처리를 하였다. KIN 처리구의 경우, 신초 발생량이 많고 조밀하게 생장 했다. 이는 근경 증식을 위한 근경 분리가 힘들어 근경 증식에는 적합하 지 않았다. BAP 처리구의 경우 0.2mg·L-1이하의 농도 배지 에서 키운 근경을 분리하여 증식 시키는 것이 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 뿌리 발근 배지는 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA) 0.25mg·L-1첨가 배지에서 가장 많은 뿌리가 발생되었다. 하 지만, NAA 호르몬 처리에 의한 비정상적인 뿌리 비대가 발생 되었다. 반대로 무처리구에서는 정상적인 뿌리, 세근 및 뿌리 털 발생이 더 좋았다. 순화 과정 중에는 호르몬 처리구 보다 무처리구가 많은 생존률을 보였을 뿐만 아니라 신초 발생 및 지상부 생육도 무처리구에서 왕성하였다. 결론적으로 알스트 로메리아 교잡 계통 C269는 BAP 0.2mg·L-1처리에서 근경을 증식한 후 MS 배지로 옮겨 치상 후 발근을 유도하여 순화를 시키는 것이 효과적인 증식체계로 판단되었다.
In this paper, an experimental study was carried out for vibration control of cable bridges with structurally flexible characteristics. For the experiment on vibration control, a model bridge was constructed by reducing the Seohae Grand Bridge and the shear type MR damper was designed using the wind load response measured at Seohae Grand Bridge. The shear type MR damper was installed in the vertical direction at the middle span of the model bridge, and dynamic modeling was performed using the power model. The tests of the vibration control were carried out by non-control, passive on/off control and Lyapunov control method on model bridge with scaled wind load response. The performance of the vibration control was evaluated by calculating absolute maximum displacement, RMS displacement, absolute maximum acceleration, RMS acceleration, and size of applied power using the response (displacement, acceleration, etc.) from the model bridge. As a result, the power model was effective in simulating the nonlinear behavior of the MR damper, and the Lyapunov control method using the MR damper was able to control the vibration of the structure and reduce the size of the power supply.
The object of this container is to store uranium precipitated in Mo-99 production process for long term. It will be used in the Gijang reactor. Uranium precipitates is stored in a container such as a form of filter cake. This container will be stored in the underground concrete storage for about 50 years when considering a storage facility life and safety. It is required high degree of structure integrity when considering decay heat from radioactive precipitated, external impact and etc, because it has to store radioactive materials for long term. In this study, thermal, structural and impact analysis about a container inserted 6 canisters was carried out. In the case of this thermal analysis, the object is to investigate the effect decay heat of uranium precipitate on the structure integrity of a container. The structural analysis was carried out to evaluate a structure integrity of the bottommost portion container among the 9 loaded containers. Finally, the impact analysis was carried out to evaluate the structure integrity of a container when that is dropped from maximum height of 5m during transport. As a result of this study, the structural integrity of this container is satisfactory about thermal, structural and impact.
In the case where a MR-damper is employed for vibration control, it is important to decide on how much control capacity should be assigned to it against structural capacities (strength and load, etc). This paper aims to present a MR-damper's control capacity suitable for the capacities of the structure which needs to be controlled. First, a two span bridge was built equipped with a MR-damper, which constitutes a two-span MR-damper control system. Then, inflicting an earthquake load on the system, a basic experiment was performed for vibration control, and a simulation was also carried out reflecting specific control conditions such as MR-damper and rubber bearing. The comparison of the results against each other proved their validity. Then, in order to calculate an optimal control capacity of the MR-damper, structural capacity was divided into eleven cases in total and simulated. For each case, an additional load of 30 KN was inflicted everytime, thereby increasingly strengthening structural capacity. As a result of the study, it was found that the control capacity of MR-damper of 30 KN was safely secured only with lumped mass of more than 150 KN(case 6). Therefore, it is concluded the MR-damper showed the best performance of control when it exerted its capacity at around 20% of structural capacity.
This study performed an inverse detection of fiber stiffness degradation that occurs due to damages in free vibrating composite structures. Five unknown parameters are considered to determine the fiber stiffness which is a modified form of the bivariate Gaussian distribution function. The proposed approach is more feasible than the conventional element-based damage detection method from the computational efficiency because a finite element analysis coupled with a genetic algorithm using a small number of unknown parameters is performed. The numerical examples show that the proposed technique is a feasible and practical method, which can prove the location of a damaged region as well as inspect the distribution of deteriorated fiber stiffness although there is a small difference in dynamic characteristics between damaged and undamaged structures.
벼의 유묘 생육과 광합성 효율에 대한 저선량 방사선과 생장조절물질 간의 상승작용 효과를 확인하기 위해 4년 된 종자로 기내실험과 온실실험을 수행하였다. 기내실험에서 관찰한 종자 발아의 경우 방사선을 조사한 IBA 0.001 ppm 처리구에서 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 또한, 파종 6일 후 측정한 유묘 생육은 방사선 무 조사구보다 방사선을 조사한 GA₃와 IBA 처리구에서 대체로 높은 값을 보였으며, 그 중 IBA 0.001 ppm 처리에서 저선량 방사선과
Phosphamidon의 가수분해속도상수는 25。C, pH 4, 7 및 9에서 각각 0.0020, 0.0022 및 0.0049이었고, 40。C에서 각각 0.0040, 0.0050및 0.0150으로 측정되었다 같은 pH에서 온도가 높을수록 촉진되었으며, pH 9의 염기성조건에서는 15。C상승에 반감기가 약 3배 정도 빨랐다. 또한 같은 온도에서 산성(pH 4)과 중성조건(pH 7)에 비해 염기성조건에서 가수분해반응이 약 2∼4배 정도 빨랐다. Profenofos의 가수분해속도상수는 25。C, pH 4, 7 및 9에서 각각 0.0022, 0.0047 및 0.0860이었고, 40。C에서 각각 0.0031, 0.0086 및 0.1245로 측정되었다. Profenofos의 가수분해는 phosphamidon과 마찬가지로 같은 pH에서 온도가 높을수록 촉진되었으며, 같은 온도에서 산성과 중성조건에 비해 염기성조건에서 가수분해반응이 약 15∼40배 정도 빨랐고 반감기가 모두 8시간 이내로 가수분해반응이 현저하게 일어났다. Profenofos의 가수분해속도가 phosphamidon보다 빠른 것을 알 수 있었다. 가수분해에 의한 분해산물을 확인하고자 GC/MS분석을 한 결과 phosphamidon의 분해생성물은 m/z=153의 O, O-dimethyl phosphate(DMP)와 m/z=149의 N, N-diethylchloro acetamide로 추정된다. Profenofos의 분해생성물은 m/z=208로 4-bromo 2-chloro phenol과 m/z=240으로 O-ethyl S-propyl phosphate로 추정된다.
Seventy-four Vibrio strains were isolated from imported frozen seafoods and identified according to their physiological and biochemical properties. They included two V. cholerae non-0l sp., two V. diazotrophicus sp., one V. hollisae sp., five V. natriegens sp., eight V. fluvialis sp., and four V. nereis sp. Two of them were not identified as Vibrio species. When these strains were tested using API-20E ket for identification, however, only the results for two V. cholerae and five of the V. fluvialis strains matched the results obtained previously. Due to the importance of detecting V. cholerae from foods, phylogenetic identification of the strains was attempted based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the 16S rDNAs amplified by PCR. The results suggested that the two strains had identical RFLP patterns which were more closely related to that of V. proteolyticus than V. cholerae. The problems associated with identification of pathogens originated from seafoods demand development of accurate and rapid identification methods.
In this study, the SMG fluid was developed for compensating the defect of the MR Fluid that is commonly used in Semi-active control system. And the damper with SMG fluid have been developed for practical application. The dynamic load test was conducted to evaluate the control performance of the SMG damper at 0.5Hz and 1Hz frequency conditions and 0A and 0.5A current conditions. As a result, the remarkable performance of the SMG damper was verified.
In this study, MR(Magneto-Rheological) Grease fluid was developed for compensating the settling phenomena of MR(Magneto-Rheological) fluid which is widely used in semi-active control system. In order to characterize the settling phenomena of the MRG fluid, the experimental comparison was conducted. The control performance assessment of the MRG fluid was also evaluated. As a result, it was verified that the MRG fluid have the sufficient performances to use as a material for semi-active control device.
In this study, MR(Magneto-Rheological) Grease fluid was developed for compensating the settling phenomena of MR(Magneto-Rheological) fluid which is widely used in semi-active control system. In order to characterize the settling phenomena of the MRG fluid, the experimental comparison was conducted. The control performance assessment of the MRG fluid was also evaluated. As a result, it was verified that the MRG fluid have the sufficient performances to use as a material for semi-active control device.
This study attempted to assess performances of adopted MR-damper to control the complex behavior caused by the interaction of independent continuous structures. For this, MR-damper (30kN) was designed and fabricated, and the MR-damper model was investigated using the Nonlinear Bingham Plastic Damper (NBPD). To assess experimental performances, a control test on the model structure was performed while El-centro 150% of seismic load was being applied. Then, MR-damper was placed between two independent structures to have it control independent displacement and complex behavior between the two structures. This study found that MR-damper is effective in controlling complex behavior of structures.
This paper aims to prove the effectiveness of MR damper as a smart control device when controlling the earthquake invoked transverse vibration of a two-span simple bridge. Applying a 40% of Kobe earthquake and a 120% of El-centro on a target structure, experiments were performed under two conditions: passive on (current on) and Lyapunov control algorithm embedded. MR damper's control performance was analyzed and contrasted under each different condition. It was concluded that MR damper was effective in controlling the vibration of the bridge.
In this research an experimental study was carried out to decrease the damage caused by the collision of bridges as earthquake load was added. For the experiment, we designed a model of successive bridge composed of a reinforced concrete bridge top and I section steel. As for damper, we ourselves designed and produced a MR damper of 30 KN. The result proved that the MR damper of our own design was effective to prevent the successive bridge model from colliding.