동해연안의 반폐쇄성 해역인 영일만에서 고주파해양레이더(HF-Radar)로 측정된 표층 해수유동 자료를 활용하여 1)바람과 수평 적인 해수유동 사이의 상관성을 파악하고 2)수직적으로 조밀한 간격의 층별 수온시계열 자료와 연계하여 수평적 및 수직적 해수유동의 특성을 파악하였다. 시계열 관측기간 중 영일만 해역의 전역에 걸쳐 북동풍이 우세하게 나타났을 때 표층부터 저층까지 수온의 급격한 상승이 동반되었다. 또한 표층의 장주기 해수유동에서도 풍향과 유사한 방향의 흐름이 뚜렷하게 관측되었다. 바람과 표층 해류 사이의 지 연상관 분석을 통해 영일만에 북동풍의 바람이 불기 시작하여 일정하게 지속된다면 짧은 시간(1 ~ 2시간) 내에 남서향의 표층 해류가 발 생되는 것을 확인하였다. 일평균된 장주기 표층 해류로부터 수렴과 발산을 계산하였고 이를 통해 층별 관측지점에서 발생한 두 번의 급 격한 저층수온 상승이벤트가 모두 영일만의 북동풍과 연관된 표층 해수(상대적 고온수)의 수렴(침강) 현상으로 인해 나타난 것으로 판단 하였다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the ultimate strength of carbon steel (SS400) fillet-welded connections with weld metal fracture through monotonic tensile test. Specimens of CTFW series (transverse fillet weld against loading direction), CLFW series (longitudinal fillet weld against loading direction) and CFW series (a combination of transverse weld and longitudinal weld) failed by tensile fracture, shear fracture and block shear fracture, respectively. Test strengths were compared according to welding direction and weld length
Stainless steel has many advantages such as excellent durability, ductility and corrosion resistance. Recently, the use of stainless steel has been increased in a variety of structural members and industrial fields. But, stainless steels are not included is the structural materials of Korean building standards and corresponding design standards are not specified. In this paper, finite element analysis has been performed to investigate the ultimate strength of single shear duplex stainless steel (STS329FLD) four-bolted connection with extended variables. As a result, strength reduction ratio by curling was estimated quantitatively.
최근에 오스테나이트와 페라이트의 조직을 갖는 듀플렉스계 스테인리스강이 개발되었고 오스테나이트계 스테인리스강에 비해 고강도, 응력부식균열에 대한 고내식성과 재료비절감으로 다양한 산업분야에서 사용량이 증가되고 있다. 그러나, 현재 스테인리스강은 한국 건축구조기준에 구조용재료로 지정되어 있지 않고 구조설계기준도 마련되어 있지 않는 실정이다. 이 연구에서는 2행 1열 듀플렉스계 스테인리스강(STS329FLD) 볼트접합부에 대한 구조적 성능을 조사하기 위한 실험적 연구를 수행하였다. 주요변수는 전단접합형태(일면전단과 이면 전단)과 하중방향 연단거리이다. 종국파단형태는 전형적인 블록전단파단, 인장파단과 면외변형이 관찰되었다. 일면전단 접합부에서 면외변 형발생으로 최대 20%까지 내력저하가 발생되었다. 실험최대내력은 현행설계기준 AISC/AISI/KBC, EC3와 AIJ 및 기존연구자에 의한 제안된 식에 의한 예측내력과 비교하였다. 면외변형이 발생하지 않은 접합부에 대해서 실제 전단파단단면을 고려한 Clement & The의 식에 의한 예측 내력이 실험내력에 가장 근접했고 면외변형을 동반한 접합부에 대해서는 면외변형을 고려해 제안한 Kim & Lim식에 의해서 과대평가하는 것으로 나타났다.
In this study, structural behaviors such as ultimate strength and fracture shape of duplex stainless steel (STS329FLD) fillet-welded connections according to welding direction were investigated through monotonic tensile test. Main variables are weld length and welding direction against the loading direction. Specimens of SDTFW series (transverse to the loading direction) and SDLFW series (longitudinal to the loading direction) failed by tensile fracture and shear fracture, respectively. Ultimate strengths got higher with the increase of weld length and SDTFW series showed higher ultimate strengths than SDLFW series.
오스테나이트계 스테인리스강은 우수한 내식성, 내구성 및 내화성을 지닌다. 특히, 오스테나이트계 스테인리스강중의 대표인 STS304에 비해 저탄소를 함유하고 있는 STS304L은 현장용접 후 별도의 열처리 없이 높은 내입계부식성능을 지니고 있어 용접후 내입계 부식이 우려되는 부재접합에 적용할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 티그(TIG)용접으로 필릿 용접된 STS304L 용접접합부의 용접재(용착금속부) 내력과 파단 메카니즘을 조사하고자 한다. 주요변수인 하중방향에 대한 용접선의 배치에 따라 TFW(하중직각방향 용접), LFW(하중방향용접), FW (하중방향용접과 하중직각방향 용접조합)시리즈의 실험체를 제작하여 인장실험을 실시하였고, 각각 인장파단,전단파단, 블록전단파단(인장 파단과 전단파단의 조합)이 발생하였다. 동일 용접길이에 대해 TFW 시리즈의 접합부가 가장 높은 내력을 나타났으며, 현행기준식( KBC2016/AISC2010)과 기존 연구자의 식에 의한 예측내력과 비교한 결과, TFW와 LFW접합부는 과소평가되었고 FW실험체는 과대평가되었다 .실제 파단 위험단면과 블록전단파단 메카니즘을 고려한 내력식을 제안하였다.
Background: Adenophora triphylla var. japonica (Regel) H. Hara shows vegetative growth with radical leaves during the first year and shows reproductive growth with cauline leaves and bolting during the second year. In addition, the shape of the plant varies within the same species. For this reason, there are limitations to classifying the species by visual examination. However, there is not sufficient genetic information or molecular tools to analyze the genetic diversity of the plant. Methods and Results: Approximately 34.59 Gbp of raw data containing 342,487,502 reads was obtained from next generation sequencing (NGS) and these reads were assembled into 357,211 scaffolds. A total of 84,106 simple sequence repeat (SSR) regions were identified and 14,133 primer sets were designed. From the designed primer sets, 95 were randomly selected and were applied to the genomic DNA which was extracted from five plants and pooled. Thirty-nine primer sets showing more than two bands were finally selected as SSR markers, and were used for the genetic relationship analysis. Conclusions: The 39 novel SSR markers developed in this study could be used for the genetic diversity analysis, variety identification, new variety development and molecular breeding of A. triphylla.
Background: In the herbal medicinal industry, Angelica gigas Nakai, Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels. and Angelica acutiloba (Siebold & Zucc.) Kitag. are often confused, because the roots of the three species can not be distinguished by their appearance. This confusion can cause serious side effects. In this study, we determined the origins of Angelica roots distributed in the Korean market using the simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed based on the A. gigas chloroplast DNA sequence. Methods and Results: We collected twenty seven A. gigas and three A. acutiloba samples from the Seoul, Daegu, and Cheongju herbal medicinal markets. Fifty sections of one collection were mixed and ground to make a powder, which was used for DNA extraction using the cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Chloroplast based SSR markers were applied to the DNA for the determination of the species. In addition, polymorphism was found in eight samples. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the A. gigas roots collected from herbal medicinal markets were clearly discriminated from A. sinensis and A. acutiloba even though they were grouped into four clusters. Conclusions: This study showed that chloroplast based SSR markers would help the discrimination of Angelica roots in the Korean herbal medicinal industry and the markers are useful to prevent confusion between Angelica roots.
This study focused on the ultimate behaviors(ultimate strength and fracture mode ) of single shear bolted connection with austenitic sainless steel(STS201) and curling effect on the ultimate strength using finite element analysis based on test results. Main variables are end distance in the parallel direction to loading and edge distance in the perpendicular direction to loading. The validation of finite element analysis procedures was verified through the comparisons of ultimate strength, fracture mode and curling(out-of-plane deformation) occurrence between test results and numerical predictions. Curling was observed in both test and analysis results and it reduced the ultimate strength of single- shear bolted connections with relatively long end distances. Strength reduction ratios caused by curling were estimated quantitatively by maximum 19%, 32%, respectively for specimens with edge distance, 48 mm and 60 mm compared with strengths of uncurled connections with restrained out-of-plane deformation. Finally, analysis strengths were compared with current design strengths and it is found that design block shear equations did not provide the accurate predictions for bolted connections with strength reduction by curling.
In this paper, block shear fracture behavior in base metal of fillet-welded connection fabricated with duplex stainless steel (STS329FLD) were investigated through experimental procedures. Main variables are weld lengths in the longitudinal and the transverse directions of applied force. As a result, test specimens failed by typical block shear facture (the combination of tensile fracture and shear-out fracture) in base metal not weld metal. Ultimate strength of the specimens tended to get higher with the increase of the weld lengths.
Recently, the use of duplex stainless steel which has a two-phase microstructure consisting of grains of ferritic and austenitic stainless steel has been increased in a variety of industrial fields. Especially, STS329FLD with lower nickel content and higher yield strength compared with austenitic stainless steel has been developed. In this paper, experiments have been conducted to investigate the structural behaviors of single shear duplex stainless steel(STS329FLD) bolted connection with four bolts. Specimens with relatively long end distance failed by block shear fracture accompanied with curling (out-of-plane deformation) and the curling reduced the ultimate strength.
Background : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica (Regel) H. Hara shows vegetative growth by radical leaf until 1 year after sowing and shows reproductive growth during the second year and there is a characteristic of bolting by turning into cauline leaf. In addition, the phenotypes of plants varies even though they are belonging to the same species. For this reason, there is a limit for the classification of the species by the method of visual examination. Methods and Results : Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed based on the genomic sequence of A. triphylla using next generation sequencing to prepare the basis of molecular breeding and analyze the genetic diversity. Ninety-five primer sets including tri-, tetra- and penta-nucleotide motif types were randomly selected and they were applied to mixed genomic DNA and finally 39 primer sets showing from two to four bands were selected and used for genetic relationship analysis. Conclusions : Using the next generation sequencing, 39 polymorphic SSR markers were developed.
This study investigates structural behaviors such as ultimate strength and weld metal fracture mechanism of carbon steel (SS400) fillet-welded connections with shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) through monotonic tensile test. Specimens of TFW series (transverse fillet weld against loading direction) and LFW series (longitudinal fillet weld) failed by tensile fracture and shear fracture, respectively in the weld metal of connections. Test strengths of specimens were compared according to welding direction and weld length.
This paper deals with block shear fracture behavior in base metal of carbon steel welded connection. Monotonic tensile experiments have been conducted to investigate the structural behaviors of carbon steel fillet-welded connection with the block shear fracture in base metal. Main parameters are weld lengths in the longitudinal and transverse directions of applied force. Finite element analysis in this paper focused on the ultimate strength and fracture mode of welded connections. It was shown that predictions by finite element analysis method were in a good correspondence with test results for ultimate behaviors such as fracture mode and ultimate strength.
Background : Angelica gigas, also called Dang Gui or Korean Angelica, is a major medicinal herb used in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and China. A. gigas has many active constituents such as dercursin, decursinol angelate, nodakenetin, nodakenin, β-sisterol or α -pinene. But, there is no research on the gexpression of the genes related to saponin biosynthesis from A. gigas. In this study, we compared the expression of saponin biosynthesis related genes from various organs of A. gigas. Methods and Results : The reads of Angelica gigas mRNAs were produced using Illumina Hiseq 2000, and the reads were assembled to produce 113,597 contigs using CLC Genomic Workbench. To select the saponin biosynthesis genes, assembled contigs were subjected to BLAST analysis at NCBI site. RNAs were extracted from five tissues, roots, stems, flowers, old leaves and young leaves of A. gigas. We produced total of 16 gene specific primers and used for RT-PCR. PCR conditions composed pre-denaturation at 95℃ for 3min, then 35 cycles of 95℃ for 30 sec, 57℃ for 30sec and 72℃ for 1min, and a final extension at 72℃ for 5min. Electrophoresis performed at 100 V, 30 min using 1.2% gel. Our experiment shows that A. gigas has several genes related to saponin biosynthesis and the genes were expressed from variety of organs. Conclusion : From the above results, we may suggest A. gigas genes related to the biosynthesis of saponins.
Ultimate behaviors such as ultimate strength and fracture mechanism of fillet-welded connections with TIG(tungsten inert gas) welding have been investigated through test results. Main variables of specimens are weld length and welding direction against loading and ultimate strengths were compared according to the variables. Ultimate strengths were compared with current design predictions and modified design equations were proposed to consider the strength difference according to welding direction.
This study investigates the ultimate strength and curling influence in single shear bolted connection with 7075-T6 aluminum alloys using numerical approach. The applicability of finite element analysis was validated through the comparison between existing test results and numerical predictions. Curling was observed in some specimens with a relatively long end distance and reduced the ultimate strength of bolted connection. Strength reduction ratio by curling was estimated quantitatively and it is known that curling caused the strength reduction by maximum 21%.
This study investigates the ultimate strength and curling influence in single shear bolted connection with aluminum alloys(6061-T6) using finite element analysis. The applicability of numerical modeling was validated through the comparison of existing test results. Main variables are end distance and edge distance. Strength reduction ratio by curling was estimated quantatively and it is known that the curling reduced the ultimate strength by maximum 26%.