
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 86

        1995.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to determine the optimum condition and timing for in vitro maturation of oocytes to metaphase of meiosis II (M II), the immatured follicular oocytes were recovered by puncturing the large(1.0~1.5 mm in diameter) and small(<1.0 mm in diameter) follicles in the ovaries of rabbits treated intramuscularly with a single dose of 100 TU PMSG 68 hours previously. The follicular oocytes were classified into three grades by the attachment of cumulus cells. The Grade I and II follicular oocytes from large follicles were cultured in BO-DM medium with 10% FCS, 35 g /nl of FSH, 10 g /ml of LH and 1 g /ml of estradiol-17 at 39t in a 5% incubator for 11 to 23 hours. In 3 hours interval during the culture period, the oocytes were harvested and their cumulus cells were removed with hyaluronidase. The denuded oocytes were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye and their meiotic status and extrusion of the first polar body (PB) were examined under a fluorescence microscope. Also the fragmentation of the first PB and the distance between the first PB and nucleus were examined. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The mean recovery rate of follicular oocytes from the large and small follicles was 59. 9 and 31.3%, respectively. The mean number of oocytes recovered per rabbit and the Grade I percentage were 14.6 and 94.4% in large follicles, but 2.1 and 61.1% in small follicles, respectively. All the parameters examined were different significantly (p<0.05) between both the folliclular size. 2. Most of the follicular oocytes(86.8%) were matured in vitro to M II phase in 14 hours in Grade I oocytes, but the significantly(p<0.05) less oocytes(45.5%) were matured in Grade II oocytes. 3. The first PB was extruded in most of the oocytes(94.7%) in 14 hours of culture with the fragmentation rate of 29.6%, but the fragmentation rate of the first PB increased significantly (p<0.05) as the culture period for maturation was longer to 20 hours(63.5%). 4. The distance between the first PB and nucleus was increased linearly (p<0.05) as the maturation time passed from 14(7.1rn) to 23 hours(58.4m). 5. From the above results it was concluded that the optimum time for in vitro maturation culture might be 14 hours in the follicular oocytes from rabbit primed with PMSG for 68 hours, expecially when these follicular oocytes were used for recipient cytoplasms in embryo cloning.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to produce cloned aniraals by nuclear transplantation in rabbits. The ovulated oocytes were collected from the oviducts between 14 and 15 hours after hGG injection. The denuded oocytes were used as nuclear recipient cytoplasm following enucleation by micromanipulation. The blastomeres separated from the 8-cell embryos were used as nuclear donor. The nucleated oocytes receiving a blastomere in the perivitelline space were electrically fused in the 0.28 M mannitol solution at 1.5 kV /cm, 60sec for three times. The nuclear transplant embryos which were used and developed to 2- to 4-cell stage in vitro were transferred into the oviducts of synchronized recipient does. A total of 64 nuclear transplant embryos were transferred to 7 recipient does and produced three offspring(4.7%) from a foster mother 31 days after embryo transfer.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        High temporal resolution precipitation data can provide information about rainfall intensity, and can better reveal the essential physical process of precipitation intensity than daily totals do. Using hourly precipitation data at 14 stations during 1961-2014, the changes in the characteristics of summer precipitation in South Korea analysed. Although the precipitation amount in summer has increased at all stations, hourly precipitation in summer shows different directions and magnitudes of changes at each station in South Korea. Results showed that the change pattern of hourly precipitation is mostly attributed to change in the frequency of hourly precipitation of 10mm or more.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes the correlation between Western Pacific (WP) teleconnection pattern index (WPI) in April during 1954-2008 and rainfall amounts in the same month. Based on the results, it is identified that there have been strong positive correlations between central China, Korea and the southwestern part of Japan in the East Asian region. Through differences between 10 positive WP years and 10 negative WP years selected from the April WPI excluding ENSO years, it is found that rainfall amounts increase in April of positive WP years due to the following characteristics. Increases in rainfall amounts are evident in the East Asian middle latitudinal region where the positive correlation between the two variables is the highest and this is because anomalous southwesterlies are strengthened in the East Asian middle latitudinal region due to the spatial pattern of a south-low-north-high anomalous pressure system centered on this region that is made by anomalous anticyclones centered on the southeastern side of the region and other anomalous anticyclones centered on the northeastern side of the region. In addition, anomalous westerlies (jet) are strengthen in the upper troposphere of the East Asian middle latitudinal region and as a result, anomalous upward flows are strengthened in this region and thus anomalous warm air temperatures are formed in the entire level of the troposphere in the region. In addition to atmospheric environments, anomalous warm sea surface temperatures are formed in the seas in the East Asian middle latitudinal region to help the rainfall amount increases in the East Asian middle latitudinal region.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the climate regime shift using statistical change-point analysis on the time-series tropical cyclone (TC) frequency that affected Japan in July to September. The result showed that there was a significant change in 1995 and since then, it showed a trend of rapidly decreasing frequency. To determine the reason for this, differences between 1995 to 2012 (9512) period and 1978 to 1994 (7894) period were analayzed. First, regarding TC genesis, TCs during the 9512 period showed a characteristic of genesis from the southeast quadrant of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific and TCs during the 7894 period showed their genesis from the northwest quadrant. Regarding a TC track, TCs in the 7894 period had a strong trend of moving from the far east sea of the Philippines via the East China Sea to the mid-latitude region in East Asia while TCs in the 9512 period showed a trend of moving from the Philippines toward the southern part of China westward. Thus, TC intensity in the 7894 period, which can absorb sufficient energy from the sea as they moved a long distance over the sea, was stronger than that of 9512. Large-scale environments were analyzed to determine the cause of such difference in TC activity occurred between two periods. During the 9512 period, anomalous cold and dry anticyclones were developed strongly in the East Asia continent. As a result, Korea and Japan were affected by the anomalous northerlies thereby preventing TCs in this period from moving toward the mid-latitude region in East Asia. Instead, anomalous easterlies (anomalous trade wind) were developed in the tropical western Pacific so that a high passage frequency from the Philippine to the south China region along the anomalous steering flows was revealed. The characteristics of the anomalous cold and dry anticyclone developed in the East Asia continent were also confirmed by the analysis of air temperature, relative humidity and sensible heat net flux showing that most regions in East Asia had negative values.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the change in tropical cyclone (TC) activity according to the fluctuation in July-to-September average North Pacific Oscillation index (NPOI) and its underlying large-scale environment during the last 37 years from 1977 to 2013. For this purpose, seven years with highest index NPOI value (positive NPOI phase) and another seven years with lowest NPOI index value (negative NPOI phase) among the 37 years were selected as sample after excluding the ENSO years. During the positive NPOI phase, TCs were created in the east of tropical and subtropical western North Pacific and moved to the west from the Philippines toward the southern region in China or toward far eastern sea of Japan. Meanwhile, during the negative NPOI phase, TCs tended to proceed to the north toward Korea or Japan passing East China Sea from the eastern sea of the Philippines. As a result, also in the TC recurvature, TCs in positive NPOI phase showed a tendency of recurving toward more eastern direction compared to TCs in negative NPOI phase. Hence, TC intensity was stronger in negative NPOI phase which allowed more time for obtaining energy from the ocean.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ˜e onset, retreat, and precipitation of the Korean summer rainy season (Changma) signiÿcantly a˛ect human health and daily lives as well as domestic industry and economy. To increase revenue during Changma period, retail industry has tried to develop various weather marketing strategies on a regional basis. This study investigated the impact of Changma on the retail sales in Jeju. During Changma in Jeju in 2014, the temperature has dropped by 2.3°C, from 26.2°C to 23.9°C while the precipitation has significantly increased from 115.3mm to 441.5mm compared to last year. Due to these weather characteristics of Changma, large retailers in Seogwipo city have seen a high increase in sales of umbrellas, raincoats, and rain boots by 250-400 percent, but a decrease in sales of air conditioners by 15 percent. This results from more frequent rainfall and cool weather compared to the previous year. However, opposite results were found regarding traditional markets in Jeju. Depending on industrial structures in each region, the identical weather phenomenon have different impacts on the number of visitors to the markets. In other words, the impact of Changma on local retail sales is in˝uenced by multiple local factors including demographic composition and industrial structure in the regional economy.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The geographical distributions of CDDs and HDDs in South Korea for the period 2000~2009 with 2050~2059 are studied by using daily mean temperature data with 1 km horizontal resolution estimated by MK (Modified Korean)-PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions an Independent Slopes\ Model) driven by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways)2.6/8.5. The HDD amounts in winter season decrease, declining from north to south and from the high mountain area to the coastal area. In summer season, the higher fuel consumption appears in urban areas, with much higher CDD amounts and for a longer period of time. In the mid-century under RCP2.6 (RCP8.5), HDDs are projected to decrease by 13% (16%) while CDDs are likely to increase by 36% (51%). The total length of cooling (heating) period in Korea is projected to increase (decrease) due to the advance (delay) of the beginning date and the delay (advance) of the end date. These results suggest that special attention should be paid to space cooling, since the cooling demand is expected to grow rapidly in most regions except for mountainous areas. The projection of future CDDs and HDDs will be useful for various energy projects and other environmental applications.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        극한기후현상은 평균적인 기후변화보다 사회, 경제 및 자연환경에 더 큰 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 특히 과거 수십 년간 빠른 인구증가와 산업화가 진행된 거대도시 서울은 극한기후현상으로 인한 인명 및 재산 손실의 잠재성이 크다. 이에 본 연구에서는 분위회귀분석방법을 이용하여 1908~2011년 동안의 서울 극한강수 변화를 분석하였다. 분석기간 동안 서울의 연강수량 및 계절별 강수량, 6~9월의 일강수량 모두 분위별로 다른 변화 추세를 보였다. 연강수량은 모든 분위에서 증가 추세에 있으나 하위 분위보다 상위 분위에서 변화율이 더 크게 나타났다. 6~9월 일강수량의 경우 과거(1908~1972년)에는 모든 분위에서 변화가 없었으나 최근(1973~2011년)에 상위 분위로 갈수록 급격하게 변화율이 증가하여 최근 극한강수의 강도가 증가하고 있음을 보였다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 CO2 농도와 온도가 상승함에 따라 인삼의 생육반응 및 광합성 특성의 변화를 알아보기 위해 실험하였다. 유리 온실 안에 대조구(대기중 CO2 농도)와 CO2 + 온도상승구(750-800 ppm, 2℃ 상승)로 나누어 비교하였으며 다음과 같다. 1. 인삼의 개엽율은 1년생 인삼을 이식한 후 1주일 이후인 4월 6일에 CO2 + 온도상승구의 개엽율이 대조구보다 더 높았다. 그러나 최종 개엽율은 CO2 + 온도상승구간 차이가 없었다. 2. 꽃이 나오는 시기는 대조구보다 CO2 + 온도상승구가 3일 빨랐고, 열매관찰시기와 열매 성숙시기는 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구간 차이가 없었다. 3. 인삼의 줄기길이는 대조구보다 CO2 + 온도상승구에서 길었고, 잎수는 대조구보다 CO2 + 온도상승구에서 많았다. 4. 지하부 생량무게는 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구간 차이가 없었다. 5. 광합성은 모두 대조구보다 CO2 + 온도상승구가 높았다. 대조구 내에서는 년도별 광합성이 차이가 있었다. 하지만 CO2 + 온도상승구에는 1년생과 2년생 간 차이가 없었다. 6. 증산률은 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구에서 모두 년생간 차이가 있었다. 1년생은 대조구보다 CO2 + 온도상승구가 높았고, 2년생은 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구간 차이가 없었다. 7. 수분이용효율은 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구에서 모두 1년생과 2년생간 차이가 있었다. 1년생은 대조구와 CO2 + 온도상승구간 차이가 없었고, 2년생은 대조구 보다 CO2 + 온도상승구가 높았다. 이상으로 볼 때 지구온난화는 인삼의 생육과 생리 생태학적 반응에 다소 긍정적인 영향을 준다.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was held to identify the germination feature of Papaver radicatum var. pseudoradicatum which has high economical value. Seeds were collected in the Mt. Changbai in China. To eliminate dormancy of the seeds, chilling treatment were carried out in the 5 ℃ refrigerator. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days of chilling treatments were taken. After being Treated, seeds were under 15, 20, 25 ℃ of temperature and light, dark conditions respectively to see the differences in germination. Within many features, germination ratio of seeds and germination period were investigated. Also, features related to early growth were checked through the closer look into acrospire, growth of cotyledon of young plant. Over 30 days of chilling treatment was all effective. Especially, 120 days of chilling treatment was most effective. The seeds germinated well in the light conditions. 120 days of chilling treatment, 15 ℃, light conditions were found to be most effective conditions as 54.5% of the seeds germinated. The germination period was 4.29 days. 30 days after germinating, length of the aerial part had been 1.90 cm. But after 45 days, the length grew rapidly to 4.58 cm. Fresh weight of scales plant was also increased dramatically after 45 days. Therefore, transporting the plant 45 days after seeding judged to be good.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research conducted a vegetation survey on Mt. Changbai which are habitats of Papaver radicatum var. pseudoradicatum to obtain a basic data for artificial cultivation. The habitas of P. radicatum var. pseudoradicatum consisted of two communities as Dryas octopetala var. asiatica community and Aconogonon ajanense community. The community units as D. octopetala var. asiatica community and A. ajanense community belong to alpine vegetation in Mt. Changbai. A. ajanense community is distributed around altitude of 2007-2061m, and D. octopetala var. asiatica community is distributed altitude of 2350-2570m at relatively high elevation. According to the correlation between the vegetation structure and elevation. This vegetation structure can be simplified at the herb layer. The vegetation is classified into D. octopetala var. asiatica community and A. ajanense community on the axis 1 basis in the BC ordination analysis. Further, there appeared higher plant life totalling to 40 taxa comprising 35 species, 4 varieties and 1 forma with 20 families and 34 genuses at the whole survey area. Among these, Cyperaceae and Ericaceae plants excellent in resistance to environment was surveyed the most, accounting for 16%.
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