PURPOSES : The aim of this study is to evaluate the stripping resistance of a bead coating via the Hamburg wheel tracking test and image analysis.
METHODS : First, the stripping resistance of the bead coating was evaluated via the Hamburg wheel tracking test. A pneumatic wheel with a load of 175±2 N was used to simulate repeated skid cycles. Several bead coating mixtures with different numbers of coating layers, i.e., zero, one, two, three, and four layers, i.e., zero, one, two, three, and four layers,were conducted. Finally, an image analysis program was developed to analyze surface images captured from the Hamburg wheel tracking test.
RESULTS : The results show that the samples with more coating layers exhibit higher stripping resistance. After 500 stripping cycles, the percentage of bead loss is 4% to 28%. At 80% bead loss, the mixture with one coating layer presents more skid cycles than the control sample without a coating layer.
CONCLUSIONS : Incorporating a coating layer can improve the stripping resistance of glass beads under repeated skid cycles. Additionally, an image analysis program is established in this study to determine the percentage of bead loss caused by the stripping test.
PURPOSES : A mechanistic-empirical (ME) predictive design logic that can compute the reflective cracking life of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlaid on top of a composite pavement is proposed herein.
METHODS : The overlay thickness design and analysis logic of the HMA were formulated based on the ME concept of reflection crack propagation. Climate data, traffic load data, the pavement material properties, and the thickness of each layer of the pavement are the main inputs for the ME-Reflective Cracking Rate (RCR) prediction algorithm. An Microsoft Excel Virtual Basic for Application (VBA) program was created to aid designers in assessing the expected performance of an HMA overlay design. Calibration was done using data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) sections. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to compare the results yielded by the program and data from a report by the Texas Transportation Institute.
RESULTS : The predictive model performance effectively generates the dynamic and relaxation modulus curves. The correlation value of the calibration factors, R2, is 0.79. The calibration factors used for the Asphalt Overlay Thickness Design (AOTD) program and the sensitivity analysis, i.e., k1, k2,, and k3,, are set to 5, 5, and 150, respectively. The sensitivity of the AOTD program affords reasonable results. Additionally, the program yields results similar to the trends presented in a report by the Federal Highway Administration.
CONCLUSIONS : The proposed ME design logic is successfully translated into an Excel VBA program, AOTD, which can perform routine assessments of laboratory tests for HMA overlays. The program can effectively perform numerous iterations and computations to predict an HMA overlay. The predictive model can generate reasonable dynamic modulus and relaxation modulus curves for the characterization of HMA overlays. Under the same asphalt binder grade and HMA type, doubling the HMA overlay thickness yields three times the expected reflective cracking service life.
This study was conducted to develop a heat interception permeability aggregate pavement material that resists increase of air temperature and has permeability by decreasing pavement temperature of city in summer. For this study, a heat interception polymer binder mixed with heat interception material and polyurethane binder. And the study made heat interception permeability aggregate pavement material by mixing heat interception polymer binder. Using the materials, the study conducted flexural strength test and temperature reduction effect experiment. As the result, flexural strength was 5.43MPa average and the temperature reduction effect was effective up to maximum 16 degrees Celsius compared to current asphalt concrete.
Salsola komarovi Iljin is a halophyte and herbaceous annual native to the sand dunes and beaches of Japan, northern China, Sakhalin, and Korea. The plants have been known as an ecologically important species for enhancing formation of sand dunes in Korea. The purpose of this study was to examine the anti-gastric ulcer effect of Salsola komarovi Iljin halophyte in an HCl-ethanol-induced gastritis model. SD rats (7-weeks-old) were divided into normal (I, n=10), control (II, 60% HCl-ethanol + water, n=10), 60% HCl-ethanol + Ranitidine 300 mg/kg (III, n=10), 60% HCl-ethanol + Salicornia herbacea L. 500 mg/kg (IV, n=10), 60% HCl-ethanol + 50% alcohol extract of Salsola komarovi Iljin 500 mg/kg (V, n=10), and 60% HCl-ethanol + water extract of Salsola komarovi Iljin 500 mg/kg (VI, n=10) groups. Salsola komarovi Iljin significantly suppressed gastric lesions and ulcers in the 60% HCl-ethanol-induced gastric model. Especially, 500 mg/kg of 50% alcohol extract of Salsola komarovi Iljin showed significant inhibitory effects against gastritis. Especially, 50% alcohol extract of Salsola komarovi Iljin 500 mg/kg showed a significantly inhibitory effect, which was more potent than that of 300 mg/kg of Ranitidine. In histopathological analysis of the animal model, Salsola komarovi Iljin attenuated gastric ulcer formation. Our results suggest that Salsola komarovi Iljin has inhibitory effects against gastritis and gastric ulcers and could be developed as a new anti-gastric ulcer agent.
In recent years, there has been a rapid global decline in amphibian populations, and infectious diseases have been associated with this decline. Diseased Gold-spotted pond frogs (Rana plancyi chosenica) were collected from a frog farm in Korea and identif
Pure WC powders which does not include a binder phase were consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) process at 1600~185 for 0~30 min under 50 MPa. Microstructure alid mechanical properties of binderless WC prepared by SPS were investigated. With increasing sintering temperature, sintered density and Vickers hardness of binderless WC increased. The fracture toughness of binderless WC was 7~15 MPa depending on the sintered density and decreased with increasing the Vickers hardness. It is found that the binderless WC prepared by SPS at 175 for 10 min under 50 MPa showed nearly full densification with fine-grained structure and revealed excellent mechanical properties of high hardness (~HV 2400) and considerably high fracture toughness (~7 MPa ).
제품의 품질을 측정함에 있어 대부분의 방법들은 각각의 항목들에 대해 가중치를 부과하고 등급을 부여함으로써 실시된다. 그러나 고객의 입장에서는 단순한 등급보다는 객관적인 품질과 주관적 품질을 모두 고려한 보다 객관적인 품질평가지표를 원한다. 이 논문에서는 품질을 평가하는데 있어서 쌍대비교(Paired Comparison)와 메디안랭크(Median Rank) 방법을 사용하여, 상호 품질항목에 대한 쌍대비교를 통해 척도를 산출해 낸 후 해당되는 메디안 랭크를 부여함으로써 객관적 및 주관적 품질요소를 모두 반영한 통합된 품질평가 방법을 제시하고자 한다.
본 시험은 우리나라에서 발생하는 푸른곰팡이병균의 종의 빈도와 발병환경 및 방제법을 구명코져 실시하였다. 시험결과 Trichoderma koningi, T. lignorum, T. glaucum과 미동정의 1종등 4종의 병원균이 분리되었고 이들의 빈도는 각각 와 이었다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 감자배양액, 왁스만배양액과 리차드배양액에서 생육이 잘 되었으며 중성-염기성배지에서는 생육이 불량한 반면 산성에서 생육이 왕성하였으며 최적산도는 pH4였다. 양송이 수확기간 중 재배사내의 온도는 내외 일 때 본명의 발생이 적었고 수량이 많으며 이상에서는 본병의 발생이 격심하였다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 복토흙 소독시 에서 60분, 혹은 에서 30분간 열처리하므로서 완전히 사멸하였고 퇴비 후발효 과정에서도 사멸되었다.
관망의 해석은 관망의 설치, 운영에서 매우 중요한 요소이다. 이를 위한 연구 방법은 1차원 모형과 3차원 모형이 있으나 각각은 정확도와 계산속도의 면에서 관망 해석에 장점과 한계점을 보인다. 2차원 모형의 경우 1차원 모형과 달리 난류 점성을 이용하여 보다 정확한 마찰을 모의할 수 있게 하는데, 이때 사용되는 난류 점성을 모의하는 모형은 Five-Region Turbulence Model을 이용하였다. 그러나 이들 모형에 사용되는 매개 변수들은 실험에 의한 값이기 때문에 이러한 매개변수에 따른 2차원 부정류 해석 방법의 응답 특성을 알아보았다. 이를 위해 실제 상수관망에서의 수격압 데이터와 부정류 해석 모형으로 부터의 수격압 데이터를 비교하고, 다양한 매개변수에 따른 속도 분포 모의 특성을 조사하였다. 이를 통해서, 난류 해석 모형의 마찰 거동과 매개변수와의 관계를 규명하였다.
A recent report demonstrated that in human aging brain after menopause/andropause luteinizing hormone (LH) is localized in the cytoplasm of pyramidal neurons of hippocampus and a significant increase of LH is also detected in the cytoplasm of pyramidal neurons and neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease brain compared to age-matched control brain. It was suggested that the decreased steroid hormone production and the resulting LH expression in the neurons vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease pathology may have some relevance to the development of Alzheimer's disease. It is, however, unclear whether the presence of LH in neurons of human aging and Alzheimer's disease brain is due to intracellular LH expression or to LH uptake from extracellular sources, since gonadotropins are known to cross the blood brain barrier. Moreover, there is no report by using the brain of experimental animal that LH is expressed in such neurons as found in the human brain. In the present study, we found that LH immunoreactivity is localized in the pyramidal neurons of cerebral cortex and hippocampus of 12 and 18 months old rats but can not detect any immunoreactivity for LH in the young adult (3-5 months old) rats. To confirm that these LH immunoreactivity results from de novo synthesis in the brain but not the uptake from extracellular space, we performed RT-PCR and found that mRNA for LH is detected in several regions of brain including cerebral cortex and hippocampus. These findings suggest us that LH expression in old rat brain may play an important role in aging process of rat brain.
A new soybean variety “Geomjeongkong 3” was released by the National Crop Experiment Station, RDA, in 2001. This variety was derived from the cross between Shinano-kuro and SNU78010, the elite breeding line with large seed, in the summer season, 1990. The