주입구멍의 크기와 수관 상태에 따른 약액의 수간주입 속도를 알아보고자 주입구멍의 지름을 5mm와 10mm로 하고 수관을 온전, 절반 제거, 1/4씩 두 곳 제거 등 세 수준으로 구분하여 식용색소 적색3호 수용액을 수간주입하고 일정 시간별로 주입량을 측정하였다. 수간주입 4시간 뒤에 대부분의 느티나무에서 약액이 30% 이상 흡수된 상태였으며, 7시간 후에서는 7그루에서 모든 약액이 흡수된 것을 확인하였다. 48시간 후에는 처리 조건과 방법에 관계없이 한 그루를 제외한 모든 개체에서 주입액이 완전흡수되었다. 주입구멍의 크기나 수관의 상태 등은 수간주입 속도와 통계적 유의성이 없었다. 주간에서 움트는 잔가지의 잎들은 수간주입 후 24시간에 붉은색을 나타내기 시작하였으며, 48시간 후에는 수관의 잎들도 엽육조직이 붉게 변하여 수관도 붉은 색을 보였다. 수관이 변색된 나무의 수도 처리 내용 간에 통계적 유의차가 없었다. 줄기 단면 관찰에서도 주입구멍의 크기나 수관 상태 간에 적색주입액의 분포 차이가 없었다. 본 연구의 결과로부터 주입구멍의 크기나 수관의 엽량은 수간주입의 효율에 영향을 미치지 않음이 확인되었다. 따라서 큰 상처를 남기는 지름 10mm 주입구멍보다는 지름 5mm 주입구멍을 사용 하는 것이 나무의 자가치유를 도와주는 올바른 수간주입법이라고 할 수 있다.
Background : Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. meyer) is a medicinal herb which has been used for prevention and treatment of diseases in Korea, China and Japan for a long time. Ginseng is well known to have effects such as immunity enhancement, anticancer, antioxidative effect and blood circulation improvement. These pharmacological effects of ginseng have been reported to be due to various ginsenoside components. Recently, many studies have been actively conducted to identify the major components and functionalities of ginseng berry. Ginsenoside, a representative active ingredient of ginseng, is distributed in various parts of ginseng. However, contents of certain ingredient such as ginsenoside Re which have antidiabetic effect is higher in ginseng berry. This study was conducted to compare ginsenoside content and UV blocking effect according to the color of ginseng berry.
Methods and Results : The ginseng berry extracts for the component analysis and UV-blocking effect test were obtained by harvesting the ginseng berry by color in 4-years-old ginseng cultivated, and then removing the seeds and extracting only the flesh of the ginseng berry and the peel with methanol. Ginsenosides analysis was carried out by dissolving 100 ㎎ of the extract in 2 ㎖ of methanol, filtering it with a 0.50 ㎛ filter and using it as a sample for HPLC analysis. Analysis of ginsenoside content showed that the total ginsenoside and ginsenoside Rb2 content of yellow ginseng berry were 23.9 and 2.9 ㎎/g, while those of red berry was 19.6 and 2.3 ㎎/g, respectively. The UV blocking effect of yellow ginseng berry was 17.4%, which was higher than that of red berry.
Conclusion : The ginsenoside content and UV blocking effect of yellow ginseng berry were superior to those of red berry. These results suggested that yellow berry is more useful as cosmetic material for UV protection.
Background : This study was carried out to introduce Atractylodes macrocephala as a new income element in Gangwon area and to develop the technology necessary for stable quality seedling production.
Methods and Results : For the production of high quality seedlings of Atractylodes macrocephala, seedling growth characteristics were investigated according to the types of plug cell size and seedling raising period. Atractylodes macrocephala seeds were sown on February 14, 2018 in 72, 105, 128, 162, and 200 plug trays. The emergence period after sowing was March 2, and the final occurrence rate was 76.6 - 79.5%. The number of days of emergence took 18 to 20 days from sowing date. Growth of seedlings tended to be better with less number of plug trays, such as seedling height, seedling width, leaf length, leaf width and leaf number. On the other hand, roots (net formation) increased rapidly as the number of plug trays increased. After 60 days, the matured seedling rate was good at 75.5 ± 8.4% for the 200 plug tray and 72.5 ± 4.1% for the 162 plug tray. The net formation ratio of matured seedling was the best in 60 days of seeding in 162 plug trays. The rooting rate was 98.0 ± 2.1 - 99.3 ± 1.2% when seeded for 60 days or more regardless of the type of plug tray.
Conclusion : In order to produce efficient and stable seedlings in the cultivation of Atractylodes macrocephala in Gangwon area, it was considered to be advantageous for 60 days of seedling settling in the plug trays of more than 162 and less than 200.
Background : Atractylodes macrocephala is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Asteraceae and should be cultivated in field soils with good water dripping due to plant characteristics. However, cultivating farmers mainly have recently been cultivated in paddy soil due to their regional characteristics, which causes the decrease in yield due to poor drainage. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the cultivation in high ridge and subsoil breaking effect for stable paddy soils cultivation technology of A. macrocephala.
Methods and Results : Soil was paddy soils in the fall of 2017, and the pH (1 : 5) was 6.61 ± 0.15 as a result of chemical and physical properties. EC was 0.49 ± 0.05 dS/m, and organic matter content was 28.69 ± 69 g/㎏ and effective phosphoric acid was 306 ± 17.8 ㎎/㎏. As a result of the soil layering survey, the surface layer was 0 - 26 ㎝ deep as paddy soil mounded with sandy loam in the past. In the surface layer, there was a light layer after 17 ㎝ depth, and volume density was 1.71 ± 1.3 g/㎤. The porosity of the plow pan was 33.41 ± 2.34%. The cultivation methods were cultivation in high ridge (30 ㎝ or more) and level row (10 ㎝ or less) at 2 levels and 3 repetitions. In subsoil breaking, the depth of the plow pan was increased from 17.1 ± 0.5 ㎝ before treatment to 31.1 ± 3.6 ㎝ after treatment and the hardness was 24.8 ± 1.5 ㎜. In the case of rotary plowing, the depth of the plow pan was 17.1 ± 1.9 ㎝ before treatment and 26 ± 2.4 ㎝ after treatment and the hardness was 25.8 ± 2.9 ㎜. The medium growth characteristics of A. macrocephala per treatment showed the tendency of increase in plant length, culm length, number of nodes, number of leaves, and fresh weight in level row cultivation after subsoil breaking. Root growth of cultivation in high ridge after subsoil breaking tended to be good with rhizome weight of 11.6 g per hill. The survival percentages were 98.8 - 100% and the bolting rate was 93.4 - 96.2%
Conclusion : In cultivation in high ridge after subsoil breaking in the paddy field of Gangwon area, the decrease of yield of A. macrocephala due to drainage was expected to be alleviated, but final conclusion should be drawn after analyzing soil temperature and soil moisture data.
Background : The cultivation method of ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) has been introduced not only in the existing shading facilities but also in the cultivation method using the rain shelter house. In addition, direct seedling cultivation of ginseng is increasing in order to save labor. Ginseng cultivation area in the northern area is increasing with the disappearance of first planted field. Proper shading method in the northern ares is needed to grow direct grown ginseng using rain forest house.
Methods and Results : Shading method using rain shelter house was Polyethylene film with layered polyethylene net 75%, blue-white duplicated PE film 85%, blue-white duplicated PE film 90%. Plant materials is 5-years-old Ginseng using direct seedling cultivation. In order to select proper shading materials of the rain shelter house in northern area, we investigated photosynthetic properties and growth of 5-years-old ginseng in rain shelter house. The temperature and humidity were slightly different between the traditional conventional shade facility and the rain shelter house, but the light intensity of the shading facility tended to decrease with the passage of time. The difference in shading method in rain shelter house was the highest at polyethylene film with layered polyethylene net 75%. As a result of the growth characteristics of the top part, 90% of blue-green double-sided film showed the greatest growth with 89.8 ± 1.5. The difference in top part between rain shelter house and shading facility is about 23 ㎝.
Conclusion : Although the above growth characteristics of the ginseng shows this tendency, the root growth characteristics of the ginseng must be further observed.
Background : The roots of Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf are used as medicines such as expectorants, and they are edible. Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf currently has a very small cultivation area, and there are no breeding cultivars, most of the native species are cultivated in the farm house. Therefore, it is important that identification of collecting species characteristic in order to breeding strategy. In this study, morphological features of the leaves and stems of the collecting species in the area were observed.
Methods and Results : The morphological characteristics of mansam collected from three areas including Cheolwon (41 accession), Jeongseon (19 accession), and Pyeongchang (15 accession) were investigated at the flowering stage on leaf and stem. As a result of investigation of leaf characteristics, The leaf shape was the most frequent with 78.9% in the kidney type, 8.5% in the cardiac type, 7.0% in the wide-elliptical type, and 2.8% in the egg and egg-oval type. The leaf length was the most frequent with 67.1% in case of short, 28.6% in case of middle, and 4.3% in case of long. The leaf width was 67.1% in case of middle, 30.0% in case of broad, and 2.9% in case of narrow. Leaf hair was 47.1% in case of plenty, 27.1% in case of middle, and 25.7% in case of small number. The degree of greenness of the leaves was 60.0% in case of middle, 31.4% in case of darkness, and 8.6% in case of lightness. The degree of pigmentation of anthocyanin in petiole was 41.4% in case of lightness, 31.4% in case of darkness, and 27.1% in case of middle. As a result of investigating the characteristics of stem, The presence and absence of hair on the stem was 95.7% in case of little, 2.9% in the middle, and 1.4% in case of plenty. The degree of staining of anthocyanin in the stem was 42.9% in case of middle, 30.0% in case of darkness, and 27.1% in case of lightness.
Conclusion : We intend to use this data as a basic data for cultivating varieties by supplementing investigation of traits such as expansion of collection area and investigation object and flower shape in the future.
Background : Licorice has been used as a source of medicine and a food material in East-Asia. Recently, demand for licorice increased in market due to a growing interest in health. Thus we conducted breeding research to solve the problems associated with domestically cultivated licorice such as low productivity and low glycyrrhizin content. Methods and Results : We crossed European licorice (G. glabra L.; female parent) and Chinese licorice (G. uralensis Fisch; male parent) in the greenhouse in May 2007. In September 2007, crossed and germinated seeds were retrieved and sown in the greenhouse. In June 2008, stolons were separated from the F1 licorice seedlings and cultivated, resulting in 32 clonal lines of interspecific hybrids. Among them we selected good lines and then conducted the replicated yield trials (RYT) in 2012-2013 and local adaptability test (LAT) in 2014-2015. The results, GLYES9 showed that was elect of stem, oblong of leaf shape, red-brown of root color. Glycyrrhizin conten of GLYES9 (3.0%) was higher than G. uralensis (1.9%) at four regions from 2014 to 2015. GLYES9 was less than 10% in the desease of brown spot (G. uralensis was more than 30%). The root yield of GLYES9 was 4.31 ton per hectare, which was increased 193% compared with a check variety of G. uralensis. Therfore, we named GLYES9 as new cultivar ‘Dagam’. Conclusion : Depending on the above results, we have developed a new licorice cultivar ‘Dagam’ by the medicinal crop breeding team of National Institute of Horticulture and Herbal Science, RDA, in 2015. It showed brown spot disease resistant, high-glycyrrhizn content and high-yielding than colleted Glycyrrhiza spp.
Background : For the GAP standard cultivation, weed occurrence pattern was investigated by planting density and mulching method of Bupleurum falcatum L. Methods and Results : Vinyl and rice straw were used for mulching. The planting density were 10, 20, and 30 cm, and the spacing between plants were 5 ㎝. The amount of weed emergence were examined twice at the end of July and at the end of September. The degree of importance was based on the Braun-Branquet’s dominance value distinction criterion. As a result, the kind of total weeds emerged during the cultivation of Bupleurum falcatum L. were identified as 20 species in 10 families. Amount of weed’s occurrence were the highest in rice straw covering after 10 × 5 ㎝ sowing, and it were lowest in vinyl mulching after 30 × 5 ㎝ sowing. The frequency of weed emergence was highest with 10 species of 8 families in rice straw mulching treatment. On the other hand, the treatment with the least emergence frequency of weeds was 30 × 5 ㎝ sowing after vinyl mulching, and weeds of 7 species of 6 families appeared. In the second survey in September, weeds of 15 species in 9 families were identified in the test field. The amount of weed’s occurrence were the highest in rice straw mulching after 10 × 5 ㎝ sowing, and it were the least in the case of vinyl mulching after 30 × 5 ㎝ sowing. The frequency of emergence of weeds was highest in rice straw mulching after 20 × 5 ㎝ sowing, and the kind of weeds were 11 species of 8 families. The treatment of the lowest emergence frequency of weeds was 30 × 5 ㎝ sowing after vinyl mulching. Three kinds of weeds occurred. Conclusion : From the above results, it is expected that we can suppress the weed occurrence at the planting density of 30 × 5 ㎝ after vinyl mulching at the sowing of Bupleurum falcatum L.
Background : Gangwon-do (Province) is chief producing district of six-year-old raw material of red ginseng and transplanting culture is more than 90%. The 6-year-old red ginseng is easy to differentiate in quality and can secure a stable market, but it has high disadvantages such as high seedling cost, effort cost, and long term cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop environment-friendly products that enhance price competitiveness based on 3 to 4-year-old ginseng by using direct seedling cultivation techniques. When ginseng seed sown directly, it is highly productive and has high disease resistance, which is advantageous for environment-friendly cultivation. Thus, it is advantage to save work force in seed production stage. The purpose of this study is to find the planting density for 4-year-old ginseng. Methods and Results : In order to determine proper planting density, ginseng growth characteristics such as root length, root diameter, raw weight, and yields were investigated at 4-year-old ginseng after planting 34, 67, and 100 roots per ㎡. As a result, the root length was the longest at 33.9 ± 5.45 ㎝ in 67 roots/㎡, and there was no difference in root diameter. The raw weight of 4-year-old ginseng was the highest at 65.1g in 34 roots/㎡. However, yields were 4.3 ± 0.78 and 4.8 ± 0.50 ㎏ in the 67 roots/㎡ and 100 roots/㎡, respectively, which were higher than the 34 roots/㎡. Conclusion : The proper planting density for direct seedling cultivation of yunpung cultivar was 67 - 100 roots/㎡, and these results could be applied to increase productivity in direct seeding cultivation of ginseng.
Background : The Production of high quality ginseng seedling become increasingly important in the cultivation of ginseng because the quality of ginseng seedling is closely related to yield of ginseng. However, it has become difficult to produce high quality ginseng seedling due to environmental instability such as an increase in the occurrence of abnormal climate and pests, and the difficulty in obtain new place to cultivate ginseng seedling. This study was carried out to analyze the growth characteristics of ginseng seedling according to application of fermented compost during ginseng seedling cultivation Methods and Results : In order to evaluate the effect of fermented compost on the growth of ginseng seedling, fermented compost containing antagonistic microorganism was prepared and applied 300kg per 10a to planned place for ginseng cultivation. After seeding of the ginseng seeds, the growth of ginseng was analysed. The pH, EC, organic matter, P2O5 and NO3-N of the compost treated group were 6.1, 2.75 ds/m, 18.97 g/㎏, 1,202 ㎎/㎏ and 287.4 ㎎/㎏, respectively, while those of non-treated group were 6.6, 0.25 ds/m, 14.67 g/㎏, 1,055 ㎎/㎏ and 8.77 ㎎/㎏, respectively. As a result of analyzing the growth characteristics of ginseng seedling, the growth of aboveground part was not significantly different between the treated and non-treated group. The root length and root diameter were 13.0 ± 1.50 ㎝ and 5.5 ± 0.27 ㎜, respectively, which were not significantly different from non-treated group. However, root weight was 1.20 ± 0.14 g, which is 1.4 times higher than that of control. Conclusion : It was confirmed that the quality of ginseng seedling was improved by compost application. These results suggested that fermented compost could be used as a material for nutrients management in ginseng seedling cultivation.
Background : This study for the stable production and supply of seeds of Angelica gigas Nakai(Man-chu Korean Angelica), when seeds harvested using nets, seed productivity was investigated. Methods and Results : Planting density is 50 × 25cm, Fertilizer per 10a was sprayed amount of N-P2O5-K2O = 16-17-10kg. And the amount of compost per 10a was sprayed 3000kg. Seed harvesting nets were used for a time formed the endosperm of the seeds (later in mid-August to late). And net for seed production was used for onion nets (at least 13 × 18cm). Shoot growth conditions were as follows. Bolting rate was 89.0% in the untreated, the treated group was 93.1%. The length and thickness of each stem was 129.3 ~ 130.8cm, 1.8cm. The number of nodes per plant was 6.7 ~ 7.5 pieces, and the number of petiole was 14.8 ~ 15.5 per plant. The number of umbel was 10.3 ~ 11.1 piece per plant, and number of deleted umbel was 7.1 ~ 7.2 piece. Seed weight per plant was 24.2g of the net treatment, but ripening seeds 19.6g, 1000 grain weight were all treated and untreated 2.8g. The total seed weight per plant, the net treated was 24.2g, was the weight of the ripening seeds 19.6g. The weight of the ripening seeds were heavier than those of the control. However, the weight of 1000 grain were both treated and untreated 2.8g. When treated nets, the total seed yield per 10a was 88.0kg production, increased by 60.9% compared to untreated. In addition, the ripening seed production per 10a was 71.5kg production, increased by 50.1% compared to untreated. Researching after germination Seed Production, germination rate was 50.8% in the control group and the treatment group was 54.9%. When applying the germination rate, high-quality seed production per 10a was able to produce 39.2kg, compared to control obtain the results increased by 65%. Conclusion : Through the above results, When producing angelica seed, use of net for seed production is thought to be used as a way to prevent early shattering and insect damage.(True bug, etc.).