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        검색결과 22

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI) in improving the analysis of significant wave height (SWH) within wave models using satellite-derived SWH data. Satellite observations revealed higher SWH in mid-latitude regions (30o to 60o in both hemispheres) due to stronger winds, whereas equatorial and coastal areas exhibited lower wave heights, attributed to calmer winds and land interactions. Root mean square error (RMSE) analysis of the control experiment without data assimilation revealed significant discrepancies in high-latitude areas, underscoring the need for enhanced analysis techniques. Data assimilation experiments demonstrated substantial RMSE reductions, particularly in high-latitude regions, underscoring the effectiveness of the technique in enhancing the quality of analysis fields. Sensitivity experiments with varying ensemble sizes showed modest global improvements in analysis fields with larger ensembles. Sensitivity experiments based on different decorrelation length scales demonstrated significant RMSE improvements at larger scales, particularly in the Southern Ocean and Northwest Pacific. However, some areas exhibited slight RMSE increases, suggesting the need for region-specific tuning of assimilation parameters. Reducing the observation error covariance improved analysis quality in certain regions, including the equator, but generally degraded it in others. Rescaling background error covariance (BEC) resulted in overall improvements in analysis fields, though sensitivity to regional variability persisted. These findings underscore the importance of data assimilation, parameter tuning, and BEC rescaling in enhancing the quality and reliability of wave analysis fields, emphasizing the necessity of region-specific adjustments to optimize assimilation performance. These insights are valuable for understanding ocean dynamics, improving navigation, and supporting coastal management practices.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cryopreservation of bovine embryos is used to efficiently implant surrogate mothers. It has been widely accepted that high lipid content in the oocyte interrupts its survival during freeze-thaw cycles. Serum component in the culture medium is thought to increase the embryo`s lipid contents. Conversely, L-carnitine stimulates lipid metabolism by transporting long chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. Objective of this study was to analyze the effect of L-carnitine supplementation in IVM medium and defined IVC medium on the development, lipid contents and the cryosurvival of bovine IVF embryos. 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 mM L-carnitine was supplemented in IVM medium, respectively (IVM-LC 0.0, LC 1.5, LC 3.0 and LC 6.0). Development rate from the 2cell to the morula stages was higher in IVM-LC 3.0 groups than those of IVM-LC 6.0 (p<0.05). But there were no significant differences among the other groups in the blastocyst rates and lipid content results. When 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 mM L-carnitine were supplemented in IVC medium (IVC-LC 0.0, LC 1.5, LC 3.0 and LC 6.0), development competence was not significantly different between those embryos. Lipid contents of embryos treated L-carnitine (IVC-LC 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0) were significantly lower than embryos of non-treated group. L-carnitine was supplemented 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 mM during IVM and 3.0 mM during IVC (LC 0.0 - 3.0, LC 1.5 – 3.0, LC 3.0 – 3.0, LC 6.0 – 3.0) and cryosurvival of blastocysts confirmed after freezing-thawing. There were no significant differences on development, but LC 3.0 – 3.0 was significantly lower lipid contents than other groups. And LC 3.0 – 3.0 had better survival rates and hatched rates of blastocysts than LC 0.0 – 0.0. In conclusion, supplementation of L-carnitine in defined IVC medium decreases lipid contents. And L-carnitine supplementation improves cryosurvival and developmental ability of bovine IVF embryos.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The concentration of manufacturing factories in China signals a significant change in the global economy. Manufacturers in countries that are not price competitive feel a sense of crisis and use servitization in the manufacturing industry as a countermeasure. In particular, with the recent rapid development of IoT and AI, service methods are becoming faster and more diverse resulting in increased research on servitization. Vandermerwe and Rada (1988), who first mentioned the term servitization, define it as providing customer-focused products, services, support, self-service, and knowledge, all bundled together. Despite numerous studies on servitization few consider the customer’s perspective, although many consider the producer’s point of view. So far existing research only explored on how consumers accept value-in-use based on an accurate understanding of consumers' needs from the consumer perspective in servitization, based on expectation-confirmation theory. This study examines how customers accept servitization and links it to customer satisfaction. Literature review Servitization Ren and Gregory (2007) defined servitization as a strategic change in which manufacturing companies develop service-oriented or better services to satisfy customers, gain competitive advantage, and improve corporate performance. Raja et al. (2013) examined servitization to find the most important attributes of value-in-use for customers using servitized products and classified them into seven attributes. This study is based on the seven attributes identified by Raja et al. (2013). Perceived Usefulness, Confirmation, and Customer Satisfaction Bhattacharjee developed the Continuance Use Model based on the expectation-confirmation theory and conducted empirical studies for verification (2001b). Our study analyzes the correlation between customer acceptance process and customer satisfaction based on the Expectation-Confirmation model by Bhattacharjee (2001b). Research method We conducted surveys and analyzed the data of 50 Korean university students and members of the public using Smart Pay (Samsung Pay, Apple Pay etc.). The reliability of the questionnaire was verified by using the Cronbach’s alpha values and exploratory factor analysis. The seven variables of the value-in-use attributes of servitization identified by Raja et al. are as follows: relational dynamic, accessibility, range of product and service offering, knowledge, price, delivery, and locality. We measured three additional variables: perceived usefulness, confirmation, and customer satisfaction. Contributions Academic contribution This study provides a theoretical basis for examining the relationship between variables and the influence of the value-in-use attributes of servitization on customer acceptance and satisfaction. Practical contribution We present implications for customer satisfaction in the servitization process of manufacturing companies by explaining how customers accept the value-in-use attributes of servitization.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Supply and demand patterns have dynamically changed in recent years due to the increased global competition. Firms have selected quality and price as competition components and have accomplished corporate innovation in order to achieve competitive advantage. Innovation has been recognized as the way to enhance corporate competitiveness and to continuously grow in churning global competition (Homburg, Schwemmle, & Kuehnl, 2015; Moon, Miller, & Kim, 2013). Although innovation becomes a common means to improve a firm’s performance, it has the limitation of achieving a firm’s strategic goal as a long-term strategy. Thus, firms need to have more fine-grained strategies to survive in dynamically changing business environment, such as design innovation (Moon et al., 2015). For example, Apple has produced its products (e.g., iPhone, iPod and iPad) focusing on innovative product design to influence consumer purchase intention. Design can lead to a distinct competitive advantage (Bolch, 1995). Furthermore, product design can be used by firms to create amd enhance brand recognition, as well as to increase firms’ value (Mozota, 2002). Brand experience positively influences customer satisfaction and brand loyalty (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Thus, we assume that design experience and product innovation have a positive effect on consumers’ purchase behavior and customer value. However, while the importance of design innovation is recognized, it is not easy to apply the design innovation to marketing due to the lack of relevant research in the field. In fact, relevant research on the influence of innovative new product design and design experience on customer value is scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how brand experiences and innovative product design affect customer value. Successful innovation is accomplished by identifying customer needs first and developing innovative products to satisfy their needs (Hauser et al., 2006). Design is seen as the core of innovation and the moment when a new object is conceived of, devised, and shaped in a prototype form (Landwehr, Wentzel, & Herrmann, 2013). Verganti (2008) studies the concept of "user-centered design," which describes how companies can use design to improve their relationships with users and develop a better understanding of user needs. In this research, design innovation has three dimensions: aesthetic attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes. First, aesthetic attributes focus on the product design itself. The aesthetic appearance of a product has a large bearing on its potential market share (Liu, 2003). Second, feature attributes focus on the product features and functional aspects that are required to satisfy customer needs. Feature attributes enable performance that can give results in the operating process (Crawford & Di Benedetto, 2007). Third, emotional attributes focus on consumers’ feeling when they purchase a new product to satisfy their needs. Emotional attributes are generated by consumers’ experience when they purchase a new product in the store. The more the product design satisfies customer's emotional needs, the more customers’ attention is attracted to the purchase of a product (Mokarian, 2007). A product satisfying the aesthetic, feature, and emotional attributes through design innovation provides a new experience to customers (Desmet & Hekkert, 2007). A consumer’s purchase decision making is affected by both direct and indirect experience of using the product and the function of product (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Therefore, a designer comes to design the product, taking an interest in the experience that the product gives besides its shape and function. Product experiences occur when a customer interacts with the product ̶ for example, when customers search for, examine, and evaluate products (Hoch, 2002). The product experience can be direct, i.e. when there is physical contact with the product (Hoch & Ha 1986) or indirect, i.e. when a product is presented virtually or in an advertisement (Hoch & Ha 1986; Kempf and Smith 1998). Brand experience can be split into four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral), which are differentially evoked by various brands (Brakus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). According to previous studies, these four experience dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral experience dimensions) have an effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer value can be defined as the trade-off between the benefits and sacrifices as a customer purchases a product or service from a supplier (Ulaga & Chacour, 2001). Ulaga and Chacour presented three dimensions of customer value: product-related components, service-related components, and promotion-related components. The researchers argued that customer value could be an important strategic marketing tool to clarify a firm's proposition to customers. Product-related components are intrinsic product characteristics. Product quality is a key factor of relationship value (Ulaga, 2003). Customer value consists of product value and service value. Customer value can be enhanced by quality, diversity, payment, and service quality and decreased by price, convenience, and risk (Jarvenpaa & Todd, 2003). Service-related components include all aspects of service associated with the product. Various service components play an important role in differentiating a supplier's offering (Narus & Anderson, 1996). Promotion-related components include all items used to promote the product to the customer. For all purchasing processes, it is necessary to assess the perceived customer value, such as service quality and promotional quality (Qualls & Rosa, 1995). In the present study, we conducted a research survey with 300 subjects and analyzed the data. In order to test the reliability of questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha was used. In order to test the validity, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Measurement was made for 3 variables, i.e. design innovation, design experience, and customer value. Three variables (aesthetical attributes, feature attributes, and emotional attributes) were used for design innovation. Three types of attributes were introduced for a mobile phone design innovation. Four dimensions (sensory, affective, intellectual, behavioral) were measured using a technical design experience and a humanistic design experience. Three variables (product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value) were employed for customer value. The results of the analyses demonstrate that design innovation has a positive effect on design experience, while design experience has a positive effect on customer value. Aesthetic attributes of design innovation have a positive effect on technical design experience and humanistic design experience. Feature attributes have a positive effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. Emotional attributes have an effect on the technical design experience and the humanistic design experience. The technical design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value, and promotion-related customer value. The humanistic design experience has a positive effect on product-related customer value, service-related customer value and promotion-related customer value. This study will make it possible to empirically examine how customer's experience in design innovation affects customer value. Our results will provide a theoretical foundation for examining a relationship between variables regarding how design innovation influences customer value through design experience. It is intended to give a direction as to the design innovation of firms by clarifying and presenting antecedent factors having an effect that design innovation produces on customer value. The results of the present study will inspire designers to design in consideration of design experience. Finally, our study will provide marketers with guidelines as to how design experience can influence customer satisfaction and loyalty.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The use of bee venom (Apis mellifera L., BV) occasionally causes side effects such as inflammation and allergic reactions in the recipients. Several case reports also suggested the treatment of BV has some limitations in its clinical uses, due to the occurrence of dermal necrosis and anaphylatic reactions. It is generally understood that bee venom allergy is mainly the result of its allergic component, phospholipase A2 (PLA2). The present study was aimed to generate PLA2-free bee venom (PBV) and evaluate its efficacy as skin care and cosmetic preparation, comparing with original bee venom (BV). Our results showed that both BV and PBV exhibited significant protective effects in UVB-irradiated human keratinocyte (HaCaT) and human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells and they also induced type I collagen synthesis in UVB-irradiated HDF cells except BV at 3 μg/ml. Furthermore, BV and PBV showed the inhibition of UVB-stimulated matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), a major collagen degrading enzyme in skin. However, BV, unlike PBV, exhibited strong cytotoxicities in skin cells (both HaCaT and HDF) at its working concentrations of anti-wrinkle effect. The underlying cell signaling mechanisms of anti-wrinkle effects of BV and PBV were demonstrated by the activation of ERK1/2, and p38. Conclusively, PBV appears to be the bee venom of choice with less cytotoxicity and higher efficacy on UVB-irradiated skin cells in comparison with original bee venom (BV). Therefore, PBV can better be used as a cosmetic ingredient exhibiting excellent anti-wrinkle effect against photoaging than original BV.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the effects of upper and lower limb composing patterns of PNF(proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) on the static balance ability by 20 subjects for 6 weeks. This study was measured left one leg standing and right one leg standing with closed eyes on Good Balance system. These results led us to the conclusion that the mean speed of X, Y direction, COP(center of Pressure) velocity moment showed a statistical decrease when applying post-exercise. The above results from this study indicated that upper and lower limb composing patterns of PNF exercise has improved the static balance ability. As a result, this study showed that upper and lower limb composing patterns exercise improve the ability of balance in young adults. Based on this study, it may be applied to old people.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        흡연 유무의 남성을 대상으로 뇌 회백질의 손상 유무를 파악 할 수 있는 확산텐서영상을 검사하여 영상을 획득 한 후 Tract-Based Spatial Statics(TBSS)방법으로 뇌 회백질 부위의 기저핵 신경섬유로의 비등방도 FA(fractional anisotropy)값을 측정 분석한 결과 모든 영역에서 흡연자가 비흡연자보다 비등방성 측정값이 낮게 관찰되었으며 FA값은 통계적으로 유의하였다. 본 연구의 측정한 FA결과 값으로 추측하자면 즉, 흡연이 뇌 회백질 기저핵의 모든 해부학적 미세 구조성 변화에 크게 영향을 미치며 신경 섬유로를 손상시키고 이와 관련된 기능적 이상에 영향을 준다고 할 수 있다.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new six-rowed naked waxy barley variety, ‘Saehanchal’, was developed by the barley breeding team of the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), R.D.A. This variety was derived from a cross between ‘SB7803G-BC6-B-B-47-2’ and ‘Suwon262’ in 1989. The fi
        2006.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Research Institute (HARI), NTCS, RDA, in 2004. This cultivar has a short grain shape and about 123 days growth duration from trans-planting to harvesting under the reclaimed saline area of the south-western and the mid-western coastal plain and Honam plai
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