Understanding the behavior of soil under cyclic loading conditions is essential for assessing its response to seismic events and potential liquefaction. This study investigates the effect of non-plastic fines content (FC) on excess pore pressure generation in medium-density sand-silt mixtures subjected to strain-controlled cyclic direct simple shear (CDSS) tests. The investigation is conducted by analyzing excess pore pressure (EPP) ratios and the number of cycles to liquefaction (Ncyc-liq) under varying shear strain levels and FC values. The study uses Jumunjin sand and silica silt with FC values ranging from 0% to 40% and shear strain levels of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1.0%. The findings indicate that the EPP ratio increases rapidly during loading cycles, with higher shear strain levels generating more EPP and requiring fewer cycles to reach liquefaction. At 1.0% and 0.5% shear strain levels, FC has a limited effect on Ncyc-liq. However, at a lower shear strain level of 0.2%, increasing FC from 0 to 10% reduces Ncyc-liq from 42 to 27, and as FC increases further, Ncyc-liq also increases. In summary, this study provides valuable insights into the behavior of soil under cyclic loading conditions. It highlights the significance of shear strain levels and FC values in excess pore pressure generation and liquefaction susceptibility.
프랑스의 월권소송은 우리나라의 취소소송에 상응하는 것이고 프랑스의 완전심리소송은 우리나라의 당사자소송에 상응하는 것인데, 일방적 행정행위는 월권소송의 대상이 되고 행정계약은 완전심리소송의 대상이 된다. 행정계약의 체결과 집행을 위한 행정청의 제반조치는 월권소송의 대상이 된다. 계약 체결 전에 존재하는 모든 행위와 계약의 이행, 변경 또는 해지와 관계되는 계약체결 후의 모든 행위를 분리행위로 여긴다. 행정계약에서 분리행위의 개념이 도입된 것은 Martin 사건이다. 꽁세이데따는 Martin 사건에서 일방적 행위의 개념을 인식했고 행정계약에서 분리행위의 개념을 도입했다. 꽁세이데따는 이 사건에서 월권소송의 대상이 될 수 있는 분리행위로 받아들였다. 행위의 고유한 하자가 있어 분리행위가 되어 취소된다고 해도, 계약이 자동적으로 무효가 되지는 않을 것이다. 월권소송에 있어 분리행위로 될 수 있는 것은 행위의 불법, 형식의 하자의 존재, 또는 절차의 하자에 제한된다. 소송참가인은 분리행위의 취소에 따라 계약이 유지될 수 없다고 여기면 계약 무효를 담당하고 있는 판사에게 청구하기 위해 완전심리소송을 이용한다. Société Tropic Travaux Signalisation 사건에서 탈락한 경쟁자가 계약을 체결할 때로부터 계약 체결전의 행위에 대해 월권소송을 제기하는 것이 허용되지 않았다. 이 소송은 완전심리소송과 관련된 소송으로 계약의 제3자가 계약의 유효성을 직접 다툴 수 있는 새로운 유형의 소송이다. 완전심리소송을 선택한 것은 계약의 계속성을 위한 것이다. 계약에 대한 소송의 길을 여는 것은 일단 계약이 체결되면 적어도 계약체결 전의 행위에 대해 분리행위의 단계를 없애는 효과를 갖는다. 제3자가 계약 체결의 행위로부터 잠재적으로 권리가 침해된 때로부터 제3자는 계약의 취소를 청구할 가능성이 없다. 이러한 변혁은 분리행위의 확인과 소송의 구별과 관련되는 판례 사이에 존재하는 관계의 결과이다. 계약에 대한 객관적 소송을 인정하는 것은 계약영역에서 분리행위 이론의 적용을 완전히 침해하는 것이 아니라 계약의 이행조치 영역에서 그것을 묶어두게 될 것이다. 계약에서 분리된 행위로 보아 취소판결을 해도 취소의 효과가 나타나는 것은 행정기관의 의사와 관계가 있으므로 취소의 효과가 나타나지 않을 수도 있다. 취소의 효과를 나타내기 위해 판사는 행정기관에 대해 간접강제 결정에 따른 배상금 지불판결과 이행명령 권한을 행사한다면 계약취소의 효과를 나타내는데 큰 기여를 할 것이다. 그러나 우리나라는 프랑스식의 이행명령 제도를 인정하고 있지 않은데 우리나라도 계약에서 분리된 행위에 대한 취소판결을 할 때 취소의 결과를 끌어내기 위해서는 판사에게 이행명령 제도를 인정해야 할 것이다.
The special organization that our military service is conscripted by the duty of national defense purposes to the period of military service. So couple of soldiers are think as the corresponds to college, or some knowledge layer from the operating management discarding period, lifetime value. But, now a day changed of the military life, it is when the individual soldiers can have some self-development and the lifelong education in terms of a period, and can changeing the footsteps of the new life that the function as a 'bridge' to activate production of barracks life. So that it can be supported themselves need to strive for human resource development. This study is being discussed on the correlation of military human resources and qualified operating and sustainable and promising future eligibility for qualified by taking advantage of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix(Boston Consulting Group Matrix).
Although the national technical qualification scheme has a historical background for thirty-five years, it hasn't any study of an obvious cause analysis, effective counterplan and analysis relation to its historical changes. This paper analyses the internal and external factors of technical qualification policy of the Human resources development service of Korea using PEST and SWOT and surveys the influence on its environment and the variation cause of the ratio of successful applicants to the qualification scheme. This paper also suggests systematically the direction for development of the technical qualification scheme using FMEA. Thus, this study assists to construct rapidly a correspondence system to the environment change simultaneously to determine decision making to the marketing policy.
The construction industry in Korea after the Korean-war has evolved until these days. But the construction industry accident severity rate and frequency is over then the All industry rate. This study analyzed the 'Disaster Statistical Yearbook' of the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, based on the factors that affect construction accidents that is selected and fined the some factors the construction Disaster Prevention Factors. This study will develop the methodology for analyzes that the national qualification is effected to the construction industrial machine disaster prevention status. It suggest two ways to the establishment of disaster trends. First way is the disaster quantitative analysis and second way is comparing the statistical data and the analysis of expert opinion.
Nowadays, our industries and occupation are increased under the economy development of government. So, this paper introduce to compare with coefficient's of correlation on the time series of the education and the qualification in our country. For this reason, the decision making to qualifications' foresight which will be change to the education category-prospective on the time series. The qualification has claasified 5 degrees-master craftsman, professional engineer, engineer, technician(or industrial engineer), craftsman - and 516 qualification items. Education has classified to 4 degrees(7 degrees) - elementary, middle, high, high scholastic level school(college, university, graduation). This paper has matched to educational classification and qualification classification through the following method. We defined the same level between education and qualification after analysed correlation under the time series, so the craftsman equals high school graduation people, technician equals college graduation people, engineer quals university graduation people, now we could not analyse master and professional levels. This paper will suggest to the qualification's future policy direction and improve the education policy direction.
프랑스에의 2005년 4월 22일 법률이 안락사를 절대적으로 적법화하는 것은 아니고 이 법률은 안락사를 일정한 경우 엄격한 요건 하에 형사처벌을 하지 않음으로써 안락사에 대한 개혁을 가져왔다. 이 법률은 의사가 죽어가는 환자의 존엄과 그의 생명을 보장할 의무를 갖도록 한다. 이 법률에 의하면 의사는 환자의 의사를 존중하도록 한다. 의사는 환자가 치료할 수 없는 심각한 경우 치료를 제한하거나 중지하는 것을 결정할 때 환자의 의사를 존중한다. 이 법률에 의할 때 환자가 인생의 말기에 있고 자기의 의사를 표현할 수 없는 상태에 있을 때 의사는 무의미한 치료를 제한하거나 중단할 수 있다. 환자의 권리와 인생의 종말에 관한 2005년 4월 22일 법률은 모든 사람은 자기가 자기의 의사를 표현할 수 없는 경우를 위해 자기의 종말에 관한 사전의사결정서를 작성할 가능성이 있다고 규정한다. 이러한 사전의사 결정서는 환자가 의식을 잃기 3년 전에 작성된 경우에는 의사는 이 사전의사결정서를 고려해야 한다. 의사가 무익한 치료를 제한하거나 거절할 수 있다지만 의사는 여러 조건과 집단지도 절차를 존중해야 한다.
We need a study of the ratio of successful applicants control methodology about the national technical qualification under the global-green industrial society and rapid change of international circumstances, infinite competition rider society under FTA aspects. It is necessary to develop of HRD Korea selfishness and increase brand value of national technical qualification. So, this study is analysed to the ratio of successful applicants of national technical qualification toward change of the 'bank of problems' control rule, various characters of candidates and the trend of demand and supply of labours instead of the absolute evaluation method. Accordingly, this study suggests to a methodology for the forecasting model of the ratio of successful applicants using the level of problems difficulty and pattern and the candidates academical carriers.
This study is aimed at proposing the framework of international cooperation business in HRD KOREA. To achieve this goal I collected all of data that were used in process of international cooperation business in HRD KOREA and interviewed some people to get information from the people concerned. After that I analyzed data involved in using SWOT technique and proposed the framework of international cooperation business in HRD KOREA. The conclusions are as these. First, alliances must be vitalized between businesses besides between organizations. For example 'Developing of voluntary comeback program for foreigner' and 'Establishment of HRD KOREA Center' can be proposed as action plans for this strategy. Second, glocalization must be pushed ahead. For example 'Business career monitoring system for PMC' can be proposed as action plan. Third, building of preemptive base must be done. For example 'Standing of international HRD forum' can be proposed as action plan. Fourth, reinforcement of organizational competency must be done. For example 'The program for internationalization' can be proposed as action plan. Fifth, SBU(Strategic Business Unit) must be pushed ahead. For example 'Customer diversification portfolio' can be proposed as action plan.
Aimed at fostering global human resource and utilizing it, this study presents a more systematic approach for encouraging overseas employment of the young generation. This study suggests a method for the objective evaluation of the overseas employment program through to used the M. Porter's 5-Forces and business administrative technologies. The result of this research will allow us to suggest a well-organized and more systematic frame of the international exchange programs, in which various new policies can be found. Since the overseas employment program is a non-standard, yet important, national policy plan, the future direction of the program was suggested based on the data of the previously-promoted programs.
National technical qualification does not recognised degree of working-career in labor market and an industrial field situation. National qualification is supply to nurture expert manpower and accomplish of self-development and a duty accomplishment ability improvement at a side of personal. So, This study is purposed to find that a method for recognition of working-career on the national technical qualification system According to, this study is designed to questionnaire with BSC(Balaced ScoreCard), SEM(Structure Equation Model) with the delphi method, and is analysed using the AMOS 7.0 program package. Finally, This study is suggested growing to qualification standard for an examination a degree of master craftsman only under the change of national qualification systematization as a standard to operation and control.
The employment permit system for foreigners, which stresses introduction of foreign work force in a legal manner rather than in the position of being trainees, is anticipated to efficiently improve introduction and the overall management system of foreign work force and related difficulties such as illegal alien problems, absurdity on sending laborers overseas. In this paper, a prospective model of supply and demand of work force has been developed basing on various categories of industries and patterns about nationally practical foreign employees to look over efficient supply and demand of work force suiting employment of foreigner among foreign work force policies. To propose the prospective model, we have derived industry- and pattern-related matrixes of foreign laborers basing on Inter-Industry Analysis Method put forth by Professor Leontiyef in 1930, and through the derived matrix assessed repercussions concerning overall domestic industries and foreigner types and decided yearly weight; the capacity of supply and demand of foreign laborers can be compared through proposed statistical estimation and government estimation by combining the determined weight with yearly incomes of foreign laborers. This paper has thoroughly considered the particularity of our employment permit system for foreigners and applied the Weibull distribution and incorporated the dependence of foreign laborers during the limited period of 3 years to the industry relation analysis, ultimately proposing an efficient supply and demand method about domestic foreign work force.
Nowadays, a logistics and distribution center plays an important role in all industries. In addition to its traditional functions as a storage and unloading facility the distribution center serves as an assembly place for information, a source of information, and a turning point for the flow of information. On account of the above-mentioned reasons, each and every industry has increasing need of logistics distribution center. At this juncture, the present author thinks that it is necessary to make a study of the establishment and maximization of a ceramics logistics distribution center as a way for activating the ceramics industry.
If do not become whole optimization because enterprise's individual enterprise internal determinate improvement effort is associated with activity in enterprise SCM, competitive power can not but be extremely limited the result. Therefore, to spur in hidden cost's discovery and logistics' optimization is actuality. In this paper, as long as it is by logistics cost except empty driving if reverse logistics happens in distribution channel progressing, logistics reverse logistics' hidden cost through model that do minimization profit of logistics to look for plan that can do maximization try. Finally, is based on dual of distribution cost and profit of logistics and reverse logistics and achieves Pull, optimal system modeling that use Push system and gropes method of effective logistics cost.
공급망사슬관리(Supply Chain Management : SCM)의 기법이 도입되어 운영되는 한편에서는 최근의 RFID(Ratio Frequency IDentification)의 활용등 SCM, VMI의 Visibility 향상과 유비쿼터스 비즈니스 환경의 실현을 가능하게 하는 신기술들의 상용화가 일부 선진국에서는 기업들의 RFID 기술접목 도입등에 힘입어 더욱 빨라질 것으로 전망된다. 특히 SCM 간의 정보공유와 협력을 바탕으로 고객관리, 서비스, 수요예측, 구매, 마케팅, 물류, 재고관리 전반을 효율화함과 동시에 RFID의 신기술을 접목하는 IT시스템 도입으로의 발전은 피할 수 없는 우리 기업의 경영전략이 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 유통업체와 제조업체의 재고운영을 위한 재고관리, 결품방지의 효과에 대한 실태를 분석하고 KPI지수 요인과, 수요예측과의 상관관계를 검증, 고찰하여 재고운영에 관한 문제점과 해결방안을 모색하고 더 나아가 RFID 신기술 접목을 위한 환경모델을 제시하고자 한다.
도자기 산업 유통단지 선정 시 성능 특성은 구매선호도, 가격, 제품, 생산품질 등 여러가지가 있지만 모든 성능 특성을 동시에 고려하는 것은 불가능 하다. 따라서 이들 중 중요인자를 선정하고, 유통단지의 필요정도만을 특성치로 선택하여 제품에 대한 범위를 결과로 도출하고자 한다. 이로 인해서 현행의 부진한 도자기시장을 활성화할 수 있도록 판촉 방안의 문제점 및 개선 방안을 강구하고, 효율적인 유통시스템의 설계로 인한 도자기 산업 전반의 비용 절감을 모색하고자 한다. 또한 본 연구는 일반 대중들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 형태의 유통구조 개선에 따른 마케팅 접근방법을 제시하여 유통단지 구축으로 판매 촉진 방안을 수립하는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다.
Growth possibility is big to culture tourism resources and representative tourist resort of the Korea that use view of nature photon circle properly such as ceramics that target area possesses. Area development plan through growth possibility should be arranged to international ceramics production complex and distribution complex. Therefore, Marketing analyzing future district theme establishment and strength in priority via past and present of target area.
1. 꽃무릇으로부터 용매를 다르게 하여 잎과 인경의 MeOH와 수용추출물을 bioassay 한 결과, 농도가 5% 및 10%로 증가하였을 때는 전혀 발아되지 않았으며, 1%에서는 근장이 크게 억제되었다. 용매간의 추출효과에는 차이가 없었으나, 상추의 생장에서는 인경추출액이 잎추출액보다 억제효과가 다소 높은 것으로 보였다. 2. 꽃무릇의 인경을 추출하여 UV를 조사하였을 때 Rf 0.49-0.52에서 보인 spot는 GC-MS에 의해 lycoris alkaloid계통의 lycorenan으로 동정되었다.
In reality, the mono-pile foundation system of OWT (Offshore Wind Turbine) can be damaged due to uncertainties and variations in both ocean environmental loadings and/or soil resistance around the foundation. In other words, the uncertainty parameters directly influence the safety, the performance and the structural behavior of a structure. In this study, a laterally loaded mono-pile foundation for OWT structure is considered to examine the degree of influence of uncertainties in the pile-soil system of the structure by an accurate and practical reliability assessment approach.
Probabilistic risk of an offshore wind turbine tower-monopile foundation structure is investigated using in this paper. It can consider both soil-structure-fluid coupled effect in the system and a large amount of variability in both ocean environmental load and soil resistance.