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        검색결과 926

        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Open source "Boost Lib" in this paper is to propose a distributed processing architecture of the game server, and the server models the whole vertical extension of the load generated by a specific process, the load on the game server for both the horizontal scale model of a typical distributed system, Dispersing the processing game process, and corresponds to the load.Multi-server architecture is distributed into the game world to the local level. Since the distributed server to process by integrating the entire process of the game server divided area, when only a specific process, the throughput increases a load to cause the load itself is transferred, the entire game server the local server is slow. If the load is generated in the specific process in the multi-server architecture must scale the game server or the game server cluster. However, while the load of a particular server extensions are uneconomic to process less meaningless. Therefore, the conventional method of dispersing uniformly without separate operations for all the processes are dispersed to the more process unit will be more and better ways to game services in general reliable service throughout is possible. for all the processes are dispersed to the more process unit will be more and better ways to game services in general reliable service throughout is possible.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physics game engine, the graphics engine and network engine, artificial intelligence engine, sound engine, isometric engine that is more variety such thoughts. The engine for the convenience of the various parts during manufacture of the game. If there is no engine, it is to use this to be produced by programming a portion corresponding thereto directly, saving time and money. For example, look at some first example I saw a lot of Havok physics engine in the engine is relatively inde For example, depending on the intensity and direction of the character is pushed when the hammer hits the hammer Distance, angle, an engine that can help you easily apply a variety of calculations, such as physical strength. The following is a typical wah, etc. also wrote the Gamebryo graphics engine as. Sikimyeo optimize the graphics engine built object in 2D or 3D image through techniques such as Shader serves to make faster, more glamorous images that appear on the screen. Artificial intelligence engine to assist so that you can easily AI characters Any engine helps but, for example, A * pathfinding algorithm, easy to like Adjust the AI monster any play a role. Thus the role that can help you more easily and quickly to play the game engine is produced. In the paper, we analyze the "Unreal Engine" and "Unity3D" engine.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the effects of a story-writing class and a digital story-game class for primary school students at an after-school English program. To compare the effectiveness of a story-game p(23 students) and a story-writing class (22 students), this study used preand post- English achievement tests. This study also administrated a survey on students’ attitude towards their learning, and interviewed students as well as teachers. The results showed the two classes improved the students’ English ability in terms of reading, listening, writing and vocabulary over the 16 weeks. However, there were big differences between listening skills and writing skills between the two classes. The students in the story-game class showed a big improvement in listening skills. The students in the story-writing class were highly motivated by writing English stories in a group. Based on the results of the two classes, this paper discusses the factors that lead to an effective class with English story-based language learning. By exploring these elements, this paper suggests the educational implications for those who want to develop and implement a digital story-based language learning program for primary school students.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Go is an extremely complex strategic board game despite its simple rules. Recently computer Go based on MCTS plays at human-master level and also has defeated top professional players with handicap games in 19×19 Go. Before implementing computer Go, in this paper we show weakness of pure MC algorithm for playing robust Tic-Tac-Toe game and present alternative method to make up the weakness. Furthermore we show how UCB algorithm works for balancing exploration and exploitation in game tree and discuss the need of a hybrid algorithm combined with UCB and strategy based MCTS, for implementing an enhanced computer Go.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Typical games and dance in conjunction with research to express the character and the heart of digital content in it is very difficult relationship, looking for relationship problems also have difficulties. However, analysis of the history and the story of the character and skills, and to extract emotional elements, each with its own character is only through the collective images that melts in your character, and want to revive your character as a human being with a new emotional vocabulary. In other words, game content and prejudices that have a negative genre, thus free from adverse effects it caused, watching the game character as a human being it seeks sublimated into art of dance. This place inside cultural content to the artistic value of game genres, be re-evaluated when the digital element is considered highly likely to have a greater significance that can be converted into a new perspective to the analog element. The research method is a game of emotions LOL prototype model of James Russell (J. Rusell) to organize a theoretical basis mainly characterized by emotion and skill of the women champions background with LG Business Insight Weekly Focus 'emotional code of the digital crowd'It presents a new emotional models centered round. And to analyze the characteristics of the X-axis independent champion (Hero), crowd (Hero) analysis of the structure in the Y-axis line (善) and the plot, and presents an opinion on the scope and sensibility.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of adolescents’ game usage on game addiction and the mediation effects of withdrawal symptoms and loss of control. The subjects of the study was 6,499 elementary, middle and high school students included in the panel data from the survey conducted by The National Youth Policy Institute. For data analysis, SPSS WIN 21 and AMOS 21 programs were used to test the structural equation model by examining the relationships among game usage, withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, and game addiction. The results are as followings. First, adolescents’ average daily game playing hours and average daily game playing hours on holidays caused withdrawal symptoms and loss of control, increasing the possibility of game addiction. However, the relationship between the number of years of playing games and game addiction was not mediated by withdrawal symptoms and loss of control. This implies that playing computer games from young age does not necessarily lead to game addiction unless the students show withdrawal symptoms or lose control.
        2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000년대 초반부터 온라인게임의 과금방식이 부분유료화로 정착됨에 따라, 새로운 수익모델로서 게임사업자가 이용자들에게 직접 유료 아이템을 판매하는 방식이 등장했다. 그리고 수익을 늘리기 위해 아이템을 확률형으로 제작하여 판매하는 방식을 고안하였다. 2010년을 전후로 발매된 모바일게임들도 동일한 방식을 채택하였다. 확률형 아이템은 구매하여 사용하기 전까지는 결과를 알 수 없고 우연에 따라 그 결과가 도출된다. 그 특성상 과소비⋅과몰입⋅사행성 요소를 배 제할 수 없다는 점에서 규제의 필요성이 인정된다. 이러한 지적에 따라 업계에서 자율규제를 시도하였으나 일부 업체들을 제외하고는 가시적 성과를 내지 못했고, 결국 2015년 3월 9일에 정우택 의원 포함 10인의 국회의원들이 게임산업법을 개정하여 확률형 아이템의 확률을 공개하도록 하는 안을 발의하였다. 그러나 개정안에는 ① 확률을 게임물내용정보에 편입시키는 문제, ② 적용대상의 불명확성 문제, ③ 부칙으로 인한 개정안의 실효성 문제가 있다. 본고는 업계의 자율규제안도 가시적 성과를 보이지 못했고, 규제의 실효성을 확보하고자 제출된 개정안도 법학적⋅법정책적 한계를 보인다는 점을 지적한다. 이에 대안이자 앞으로 추가적인 연구가 필요한 부분으로서 현행 게임물 등급분류제도를 통한 규제 및 새로운 법문언을 간략히 제시한다.
        2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        게임산업은 문화콘텐츠산업의 핵심으로 불릴 정도로 수익성이 좋고 산업구조상 파급효과가 커 서 산업정책의 주된 진흥대상으로 간주되어 왔다. 이러한 게임산업은 경제성장에 이바지할 뿐만 아 니라, 문화증흥에 기여하여 문화국가 이념을 달성하는 데에 도움이 되며, 이용자의 행복추구권과 제작자의 표현의 자유를 증진시킨다. 그 결과 대 한민국은 2006년 세계 최초로 게임에 관한 독립 된 법률을 제정하여 게임산업을 진흥시키기 위해 노력해 왔다. 하지만 한국 게임산업의 미래를 장미빛으로 평 가하는 사람들은 많지 않다고 생각된다. 이는 역 설적으로 게임산업을 진흥시키기 위해 제정된 게 임산업진흥에 관한 법률과 그에 기초한 규제 때문 이라고 보인다. 현재 게임산업에 대한 규제가 혁 신을 저해하고 있다며 평가되는 지점은 크게 두 가지이다. 하나는 규제가 비대칭적이라는 점이고, 다른 하나는 규제가 비현실적으로 단행되고 있다 는 점이다. 이러한 문제의식은 어느 정도 공감대를 형성하 고 있는 것으로 보인다. 게임물관리위원회의 등급 분류 기능을 민간 자율로 이양하고 게임물관리위 원회는 사후관리와 연구업무에 집중하는 것이 바 람직하다는 데에 중론이 모아지고 있으며, 조만간 같은 방향으로 게임산업진흥에 관한 법률도 개정 될 것으로 보인다. 규제에 대한 법경제학 논의를 살핀다. 다음으로 오늘날 급변하는 게임산업의 현실에 비추어 현 행 규제방식이 적정했는지를 알아본다. 만일 현행 규제방식이 적정하지 않다면 논의 중인 개선방안 이 타당한지 검토한다. 이를 통해 규제를 혁신의 단초로 만들 수 있는 묘안을 모색한다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Digital games are conducted by the interaction between players and characters. Even if it’s same in the MOBA games, the characters in these games are not the ones which players can bring themselves in. But they do occur player’s semiotic process by controlling them. To prove this hypothesis, this study analyzes the correlation between MOBA game player and game character based on the player’s consumption behavior. The two MOBA games, League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm have been selected for the study, by the reason of semiotic difference between the characters. As focusing on the particular structures of MOBA games, this study can confirm the characteristic of this game genre.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Remediation in game has two logics, transparent immediacy and hypermediacy. Transparent immediacy is a form of visual representation that wipes out the presence of the medium for users and makes them feel as though they are in the presence of the objects of representation. Although game has characteristics of both transparent immediacy and hypermediacy, it has particularly strong transparent immediacy, which allows users to become immersed in the game. The self that is formed in game remediates another self through immersion in immediacy and the awakening of hypermediacy. This study analyzes the characteristics of the remediation self based on the virtual self represented in immediacy and networked self represented in hypermediacy in game. The virtual self is characterized by the immersion and dissolution of Descartes’ ego, which are enabled by the provision of linear perspective and six degrees of freedom. The networked self is characterized by a desire for hypermediacy,which is fulfilled bythe interface windows and a high level of interactivity. This paper explores how game as a new digital medium redefines the self.
        2015.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 게임 산업의 발달과 함께 다양한 디지 털 콘텐츠가 생성되고 있다. 특히 우리나라에서는 지난 2000년 이후로 컴퓨터 네트워크 기반 시설 의 확충과 PC방의 등장, 속칭 ‘국민게임’이라고 일컬어지던 ‘스타크래프트’의 등장으로 관련 산업 이 급격하게 성장하였다. 그 이후 방송사업자는 게임물을 기반으로 기획한 ‘e-스포츠 경기 영상’ 을 제작하여 인기몰이를 하였다. 또한 인터넷 네 트워크를 이용한 동영상 전문 사이트(Youtube 등) 또는 개인 블로그 등 사설 플랫폼 사업이 활 성화되면서, 게임 이용자인 플레이어 개인들이 스 스로 게임물을 활용한 창작을 하기에 이르렀다. 그러나 게임 플레이어가 제작한 영상물에 대하 여는 그 저작물성에 대한 논의가 극도로 제한된 조건 하에서의 판단이거나 오래되었으며, 단지 원저작물인 게임물의 내용이 반영되었을 뿐이라 는 이유로 저작물성을 인정하지 않는다. 하지만 오늘날에 들어서 상황이 바뀌었음에도 불구하고, 관련 연구나 법원의 판례 또한 드물어 권리관계 가 명확하지 않은 실정이다. 따라서 본 논문에서 는 게임기반영상물의 저작물성과 게임물과의 권 리관계를 명확화하기 위한 목적으로 법적 상태를 논의하며 모델을 제시하고, 그 제작에 주도적 역 할을 한 게임 플레이어의 법적 지위를 살펴보고자 한다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a macroscopic research for the interaction of mobile game platform, I have analyzed the differentiation & characteristic of interaction for each platform. ‘Game & Watch’ was the first handheld game console released by Nintendo in 1980, the initial model was merely a combination of clock and game consoles to emphasize mobility. However, ‘Game&Watch:DonkeyKong’ which equipped with Yokoi Gunpei’s cross key provided an opportunity for the development of a full-fledged multi-screen gaming. ‘GameBoy’ was the beginning of a portable game machine in the modern sense. It has brought a lot of changes for the gameplay pattern using the contrast of color, smooth animation, as well as interchangeable cartridge system. Also, ‘NDS(Nintendo DS)’, which had several interaction system such as dual screen, voice input and touch input, had contributed to expanding the emergence of innovative game content and women game users. ‘PSP(Playstation Portable)’ by SONY in 2004 materialized 3D games using high performance and progressed to multimedia platform.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The online game market has grown rapidly in worldwide. The world game market earned 111.7 billion US dollars and online game occupies 18.9% (21.1 billion US dollars) in the world game market in 2012. Online game companies have launched a variety of free online games to online game players such as League of Legends (LOL), World of Tank, and Hearthstone. These online games provide online game with free install with online game players. Online game companies, however, sell some of online game items to the game users. For example, LOL sells Skin that is the cloth which only provides fancy effect to online game hero through the online game shop. In case of ‘Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft’, game user can purchase game card deck by cash. This study was initiated to answer the following research question called “How these online game companies get profit?” because their online games are free to play. The research upon the question mentioned above leads to the second research question called “how online game users purchase the cash game items?”. To understand purchasing behavior and attitude of online game players about cash game item, this study conducts focus group interview of LOL game player to understand purchase behavior of game players for online games items. The results of focus group interview help us to understand the relationship between attitude toward online game items and consumption values. The purposes of this study are 1) to understand online game players’ purchasing behavior for LOL luxury Skin, 2) to find out relationships among online game experience, design innovative Skin, consumption values, and repurchase intention, and 3) to draw academic and practical implications based upon the result of analysis in this study.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study surveys basic costumes and games from the 11 Genre paintings by Junkeun Kim in the book “Korean Games (Stewart Culin 1858-1929)”. The characters in the painting are 3 adult males, 19 boys, and 8 girls. The characters of the general dress-costumes, games and the culture of life from the late 19thCentury in genre painting of Junkeun Kimare are as follow. It is classified as a children’s game and combined game, children’s game classified one more as a boy’s game and the girl’s game from life culture. It also classified the body type and the multi complex type by game character. The boy’s games are kite-flying, spinning tops, playing shuttlecock with the feet, blind man’s bluff, yut (“Four-Stick Game”). Girl’s games are seesaw with board, blind man’s bluff, and marbles. Combined games are mount shoulder, sledge, tightrope walking for men with boy. The strengthen one’s body type were seesaw with board, tightrope walking and the multi complex type were yut (“Four-Stick Game”), kite-flying. The study results on the costumes of 19 boys, 8 girls, and 3adultsin genre paintings are as follow. Boy’s hair was knotted on the back of the head by ‘Dang-ki’ (Korean traditional hair ribbon) with the middle part in his hair which was colored red and bright brown. A ‘Go-kal’ (peaked hat), ‘Cho-lip’ (straw hat), towel hood, ‘Pung-cha’ and ‘I-um’ for winter on their heads. They wore a ‘Po’ (Korean traditional coat) which was ‘So-chang-i’, ‘Do-ru-ma-gi’ and ‘Jun-bok’ (Korean traditional vest). They were green, yellow green, violet, pink. The boys wore ‘Jeogori’(Korean traditional jacket) which were blue, red, violet, green and pink which reached down to the hip line. The variety of colors was more colorful than men’s. The ‘Jeogori’ had mostly ‘Dunggun-kit’ (a round head collar) or ‘Dangko-kit’ (a round head with nose collar), ‘Kal-kit’ (knife shaped collar) with white ‘Dong-jung’ and fit around the neck and ‘Go-rum’ was short and narrow. ‘Baji’ (slacks) were white with a colorful sash (green, blue and red) knotted at the waist, worn ‘Hang-jun’ (shank band). They wore white ‘Beoseon’ (Korean traditional socks) with Jipsin (straw shoes), ‘Mi-to-ri’, black or red, brown ‘Hea’ (leather shoes) and ‘Sulmal’ (sleigh shoes).They wore a green, indigo and red collar ‘To-si’(Korean traditional wristlets) for winter and attached a ‘Yum-lang’ (a Korean traditional pocket bag). The common man wore ‘Jeogori’ (Korean traditional jacket) which were green and white with a white lining that reached down to the hip line with white ‘Baji’ (slacks). The shape and method of wearing modern man’s Hanbok (a Korean traditional costume) remained unchanged. But it istied by another color sash for padding Jeogori in winter games. They wore white ‘Baji’ (slacks) with a colorful sash (red and white) knotted at the waist and wore a ‘Hang-jun’ (shank band).Park C.S. et al. (2009) found the same result in that the basic color was white with various intermediate colors. They wore padded Jeogori and Bajiin the winter while wearing, single a layer ‘Po’ inthe summer. They wore their hair in a topknot (sangtu) with a green color towel surrounding the forehead with ‘Bungezi’ and ‘Got’ on their head in a topknot. They wore ‘So-chang-i’, but they often did not wear ‘Po’ and put on ‘Jipsin’ (Korean traditional straw shoes) or ‘Sulmal’ (sleigh shoes). The girl’s hair was knotted to the back of the head or with partedbraidedhairso that there was a pigtail over each ear tied with a ‘Dang-ki’ (a Korean traditional hair ribbon) with a middle part in the hair. ‘Jeogoei’ was short and fitted with the narrow sleeve of a short and narrow ‘Go-rum’. It has ‘Dunggun-kit’ (a round head collar) or Dangko-kit (a round head with nose collar) with a white ‘Dong-jung’ and fit around the neck.They wore indigo, green, red ‘Jeogori’ matching the color of the ‘Kit’ (collar), ‘Go-rum’ (ribbon), ‘Kut-dong’ called ‘Ban-hoijang-jeogori’ and with a indigo/red, green/red, and red/indigocolor combination.They wore ‘Chi-ma’ (a Korean traditional skirt) colored red, green, and pink that contrasted with the ‘Jeogori’. The right side of ‘Chi-ma’ was covered to the left side and knotted by a waist band stringin the front of the chest and tucked up skirt. The width of ‘Chi-ma’ was adequate. The white inner slacks came from under the skirt. They put on ‘Jipsin’, brown ‘Hea’ (leather shoes). Through genre painting in the 19thcentury, we know a boy’s ‘Jeogori’ and ‘Ba-ji’ were similar to a modern man’s and boy’s ‘Hanbok’ with a traditional method of wearing. We believe that the originality of a traditional costume was an unchangeable characteristic. Girl’s ‘Jeogori’ and ‘Chi-ma’ changed in length and width, and method of wearing; however, the basic shape did not change. The analysis for artist’s genre painting which was ordered by a foreigner and the late of 19thcentury’s children’s costume and game of life culture is useful to match the counters and show how to wear a modern Korean costume used to understand the ‘Hanbok’ and establish a costume of life.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper unveils the strong competition in container cargo between Hong Kong Port which has been emerging as an international maritime center since the 1970s and Shenzhen Port which has recently gained remarkable achievements in the Pearl River Delta region. Among various competing strategies, the study focuses on the long-term one in which two ports will decide to compete by investing in capacity. The purpose of this research is to examine their decision, making process and to suggest future strategic actions in the current situation. Within its scope, only economic profit brought back from the investment is considered. For this reason, an uncertain payoff two-person game model is developed where an uncertain factor of demand is involved. In applying Uncertainty theory (Liu, 2013), the two methods to solve the game are introduced, including uncertain statistics and the expected Nash Equilibrium strategy. The results obtained from this research generate meaningful suggestions for future competition plan for the two selected ports, which conclude that Shenzhen is the dominant port in this long-term strategy. Compared to existing works on the same topic, the paper shows its distinctiveness by studying the latest competitive situation with regard to the uncertain demand in the game model.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kegel exercise is commonly prescribed to improve the urination and evacuation capabilities of a patient. Assistive devices developed for Kegel exercise are found limited in terms of clinical effectiveness and motivation. The present study is intended to develop a serious game to support active and sustainable Kegel exercise for patients. A four-step process (benchmarking, analysis of patent and technology, ideation of hardware and software, and implementation) is applied in the present study to development of a Kegel serious game. The proposed serious game for active Kegel exercise needs to be validated in urology clinics.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We explored the effects of mandala art therapy game for attention deficit children who were enrolled in day care center for children. We found 17 ADD children through questionnaire DSM-Ⅳ. For 2 Months, from 1st of April to 20th of May, experiments of art therapy program and Mandala art therapy games were carried out twice a week. After analysis of experimental results, Mandala art therapy game is effective for ADD children.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many researches have been performed on eye tracking technology and its major researches include mobile UI measurement, navigation, internet web measurement, measurement of TV concentration. However, a research on evaluating concentration of mobile gamer has not been performed so far. In this study, a possibility of being able to provide mobile game designer with data for concentration measurement was verified by measuring concentration of mobile gamer based on GazePlot, HeatMap, Cluster by utilizing eye tracking technology. In addition, based on the result of measuring eye tracking experiment, several advantages for objectivity, differentiation and complementarities of eye tracking technology were suggested. In order to measure suggested experiment result, an experiment was performed by using eye tracking system software (Tobii Mobile Device Stand for 2x2) and data, graph that could be utilized as reference data at the time of game development in the future were presented by identifying concentrated part and not concentrated part in playing a game after measuring concentration by each age group.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Historical Experience Program is a certain type of a field trip for elementary and middle school students, which includes visiting a historical place and having various outdoor activities related to the historical events that actually happend in the area. Usually the students make a group to participate, but the education is only done with the printed handouts and the guidance teacher's verbal explanation. In this research, we would like to make use of both location-based system and gamification theories to advance the educational form. Each students will be given smart devices to perform the tasks that are conducted by gamifying the historical information and materials. Location-based system will be guiding them to find the missions and clues around the area. The guidance teacher will be also using a smart device to figure out each student's location and how well they are performing. We've also run the actual field test, and found out that it was a very effective method for Historical Experience Programs. Students were very motivated by cooperting and competing with other students on gamified educational material, and had been very ammused by having outdoor activities using location-based system, and it lead to a significantly effective education.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine what factors affect the use of promotion advertisement of Social Network Game(SNG). The results show that the user's age has significant impact on privacy concern. The user's sex and SNG time don't make a difference to privacy concern. Privacy concern has an influence on the advertising attitude of SNG user's. As user had more privacy concern, user has lower attention and credibility, higher annoyingness. User's perception for usefulness, credibility of mobile game advertising and SNG time are proved to be effective factors on the use of SNG promotion advertisement.