
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,527

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To prevent the release of radionuclides into the biosphere, disposal facilities for radioactive waste should be located to provide isolation from the accessible biosphere for tens of thousands to a million years after closure. During the period of interest, the constantly evolving natural environment and possible geological events of the site can cause disturbances to the containment function of the repository. Thus, for the long-term safety assessment of the repository, the possible long-term change of natural barrier should be considered. Due to the characteristics of radionuclides that transport mainly through the groundwater, understanding the long-term evolution of groundwater flow and geochemical properties is essential to assess the long-term changes in the natural barrier performance. The changes in characteristics of natural rocks and geological structures are one of the main factors that determine the hydrological and geochemical characteristics of the deep underground. In this study, we plan to develop a methodology to estimate these future geological evolutions in order to assess the possibility of hazardous events of the site that can affect hydrological or geochemical properties over the period of interest, and also in order to verify the change in the geological environment is within the safe performance range even after the period of interest. However, it is very unreliable to predict future changes in the natural environment because it is very heterogeneous, complex, and difficult to observe directly. For the preliminary study of the project, we reviewed cases of future evolution prediction researches with regard to the geological environment of disposal site and methods they applied to reduce the uncertainty of the prediction. The results will be used to establish basic data for future studies on the long-term evolution of hydraulic-mechanics performance of natural barrier and long-term evolution of geochemical performance around KURT site. In addition, it can contribute to construct long-term evolution scenario of the geological environment around future URL site.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The timescale of safety assessment for a geological disposal system is considered up to hundreds of thousands of years when the radionuclides in spent nuclear fuel decay to levels comparable to natural radioactivity. During this long period, a variety of climate changes are expected to occur, including variations in temperature and precipitation as well as long-term sea level changes and glacial cycles. These climate changes can either directly affect water balance components or indirectly affect water balance by altering terrain and vegetation that have an impact on water balance. Water balance is a significant element of safety assessment, because it affects the radionuclide transport via groundwater flow, which in turn affects the radiological risk to humans and other biotas. Therefore, it is important to understand the hydrologic response to climate changes for proving the long-term safety of the disposal system. To this end, this study performed hydrological simulations using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) for several climate change scenarios. SWAT is the watershed-scale hydrological model developed by the USDA-ARS (United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service) and has been widely used to quantify the water balance in a watershed. It calculates the hydrologic cycle based on the water balance equation with different physical processes for water balance components such as evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and groundwater recharge. This study assumed several climate change scenarios (e.g., variations in temperature and precipitation, sea level change, and formation of permafrost) and analyzed how the components of the water balance would respond under different scenarios and which scenarios would have the greatest impact on the water balance. These findings can provide valuable insights for future long-term safety assessments on the Korean Peninsula and can also be used as input data for the biosphere module of APro (Adaptive process-based total system performance assessment framework).
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since high-level radioactive wastes contain long-lived nuclides and emit high energy, they should be disposed of permanently through a deep geological disposal system. In Korea, the first (2016.07) and the second (2021.12) basic plans for the management of high-level disposal systems were proposed to select sites for deep geological disposal facilities and to implement business strategies. Leading countries such as Finland, Sweden and France have developed and applied safety cases to verify the safety of deep geological disposal systems. By examining the regulatory status of foreign leading countries, we analyze the safety cases ranging from the site selection stage of the deep geological disposal system to the securing of the permanent disposal system to the investigation, analysis, evaluation, design, construction, operation, and closure. Based on this analysis, we will develop safety case elements for long-term safety of deep geological disposal systems suitable for domestic situation. To systemically analyze data based on safety cases, we have established a database of deep geological disposal system regulations in leading foreign countries. Artificial intelligence text mining and data visualization techniques are used to provide database in dashboard form rather than simple lists of data items, which is a limitation of existing methods. This allows regulatory developers to understand information more quickly and intuitively and provide a convenient interface so that anyone can easily access the analyzed data and create meaningful information. Furthermore, based on the accumulated bigdata, the artificial intelligence learns and analyzes the information in the database through deep learning, and aims to derive a more accurate safety case. Based on these technologies, this study analyzed the legal systems, regulatory standards, and cases of major international leading countries and international organizations such as the United States, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Switzerland, and the IAEA to establish a database management system. To establish a safety regulation base suitable for the domestic deep geological disposal environment, the database is provided as data to refer to and apply systematic information management on regulatory standards and regulatory cases of overseas leading countries, and it is expected that it will play a key role as a forum for understanding and discussing the level of safety of deep geological disposal system among stakeholders.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two sets of analyses for the cases of groundwater release to well and sea ecosystems were conducted for the environmental impact assessment of high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities. After obtaining the respective BDCF (Biosphere Dose Conversion Factor) results for the scenarios of well-farming and marine water fishing using different biosphere assessment conceptual models implemented in ECOLEGO, they were compared each other. The purposes of these analyses are to identify reference generic biosphere conceptual models and to get insight on model uncertainty. In this study, the endpoint used for the comparison of the ECOLEGO biosphere models was the socalled Biosphere Dose Conversion Factor (BDCF), which is defined as the maximum value of the total dose to the exposed group, in Sv/yr, resulting from a continuous unit release of 1 Bq/yr during the whole simulation time either to the well compartment (BDCF_Well) or to the marine water compartment (BDCF_Sea). The radionuclides considered in the comparison were Cs-137, I-129, Nb-94, Ni-59, Ni- 63, Sr-90 and Tc-99. The conceptual models used in the biosphere assessment of the releases to a well are based on models that have been used by the DOE (simple-soil model) and SKB (complex-soil model) in safety assessments of radioactive waste repositories, respectively. Difference between two conceptual models used in the assessment of the releases to a sea is the number of compartments representing the sea; i.e., one model represents the sea with one compartment for the water and one for the sediment (singlecompartment model), whereas the alternative model uses two compartments for the water and the sediments: one for the inner coast and one for the outer coast (double-compartment model). The results of the BDCF_Well to a farmer obtained with the DOE and SKB models are shown to be very close to each other. Despite the differences in conceptual models and parameters, the results are within a maximum difference of a factor of 4. The results from the SKB model were higher for all radionuclides. The values of the BDCF_Sea obtained with the single- and double-compartment models are shown to be larger differences with a maximum order of 2. For all studied radionuclides, the double-compartment model produces higher BDCFs than does the single-compartment model. The differences would be due to activity concentrations in both water and sediments. Since the hydrodynamic behavior assumed for flow in the sea could significantly influence the dilution volumes and hence the concentrations, it is found that site-specific investigations are necessary to establish an appropriate marine biosphere conceptual model.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The deep geologic repository (DGR) concept is widely accepted as the most feasible option for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels. In this concept, a series of engineered and natural barrier systems are combined to safely store spent nuclear fuel and to isolate it from the biosphere for a practically indefinite period of time. Due to the extremely long lifetime of the DGR, the performance of the DGR replies especially on the natural geologic barriers. Assessing the safety of the DGR is thus required to evaluate the impacts of a wide range of geological, hydrogeological, and physicochemical processes including rare geological events as well as present water cycles and deep groundwater flow systems. Due to the time scale and the complexity of the physicochemical processes and geologic media involved, the numerical models used for safety evaluation need to be comprehensive, robust, and efficient. This study describes the development of an accessible, transparent, and extensible integrated hydrologic models (IHM) which can be approved with confidence by the regulators as well as scientific community and thus suitable for current and future safety assessment of the DGR systems. The IHM under development can currently simulate overland flow, groundwater flow, near surface evapotranspiration in a modular manner. The IHM can also be considered as a framework as it can easily accommodate additional processes and requirements for the future as it is necessary. The IHM is capable of handling the atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface processes for simultaneously analyzing the regional groundwater driving force and deep subsurface flow, and repository scale safety features, providing an ultimate basis for seamless safety assessment in the DGR program. The applicability of the IHM to the DGR safety assessment is demonstrated using illustrative examples.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Once systems, structures and components (SSCs) of dry storage systems are classified with respect to safety function or safety significance (i.e., safety classification), appropriate engineering rules can be applied to ensure that they are designed, manufactured, maintained, managed (e.g. aging management) etc. In Unites States, the systems, structures and components (SSCs) consisting DSSs are classified into two or several grades (i.e., class A, B and C or not important to safety, and important to safety (ITS) or not important to safety (NITS)) with respect to intended safety function and safety significance. This classification methods were based on Regulatory Guide 7.10 (i.e., guidance for use in developing quality assurance programs for packaging). Also, in Korea, SSCs of DSSs should be classified into ITS and NITS in much the same as method based on Regulatory Guide 7.10. In that guidance, for providing graded approach to manage the SSCs of packaging, they were trying to classifying SSCs in accordance with radiological consequences. But there was limitations that the provided classification criteria was still qualitative, so that it was not enough for managing the SSCs according to graded approach. On the other hand, in some other nuclear facilities (i.e., nuclear power plant, radioactive waste management facility and disposal facility etc.), quantitative criteria relevant to radiological consequence (i.e., radiation doses to workers or to the public) or inventory of radioactivity are existed so that it can be applied for classifying safety classes. In summary, the study on the application safety classification that applied quantitative criteria to perform safety classification of SSCs in DSS is inadequate or insufficient. The purpose of this study is proposing the preliminary framework for estimating safety significance of SSCs in DSS which can be utilized in our further advanced studies. In this study, a framework was established to estimate the safety significance of SSCs related to radiation shielding and confinement using MCNP® 6.2 and Microsoft Excel. Referring to the methodology of IAEA Specific Safety Guide 30, we assumed severity for failures of components that could lead to degradation of the SSC’s performance. The safety class of SSC was decided based on the impact of SSC’s failure on consequences.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Uranium inventory in Boeun aquifer is facing the artificial reservoir that intended for supplying water to nearby cities (40-70 m apart) where, toxic radionuclides might mobile and enter the reservoir. In order to understand U mobility in the system, groundwater and fracture filling materials (FFMs) were analyzed for microbial signatures, C, O, Fe, S and U-series isotopes. The δ18O-H2O and 14C signatures suggested groundwater was originated from upland recharges dominantly and not affected by mixing with the surface water. However, the 234U/238U activity ratios (ARs) and 230Th/234U ARs in FFMs ranged from 0.93 to 1.67 and from 0.22 to 1.97, respectively, indicating that U was mobile along the fractures. In shallow FFMs, the U accumulations (~157 mg/kg) were found with Fe enrichments (~226798 mg/kg) and anomalies of δ56Fe and δ57Fe, implied U mobility in shallow depths was associated with Fe-rich environment. Also, in the shallow depths, Fe-oxidizers, Gallionella was prevailing in groundwater while Acidovorax was abundant near U ore depth. The Fe-rich environment in shallow depths was formed by pyrite dissolution, demonstrated using δ34S-SO4 and δ18O-SO4 distribution. Conclusively, the Fe-rich aquifer was capable of immobilizing the dissolved U through biotic and abiotic processes, without significant discharge into the nearby reservoir.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic nuclear power plants have developed radiological emergency plans based on the USNRC’s NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-Rev.1 report and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety’s (KINS) research report on radiation emergency criteria for power reactors (KINS/RR-12). NUREG-0654 is a US emergency planning guide for nuclear power plants and provides detailed technical requirements for the content of radiological emergency plans. The document classifies radiological emergencies into three levels: Alert, Site Area Emergency, and General Emergency, which correspond to the white, blue, and red emergency levels used in domestic nuclear power plants. KINS/RR-12 is a technical guidance document published by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety in 2012, which divides radiological emergency criteria into criteria for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and criteria for boiling water reactors (BWRs), and describes in detail the regulatory position and implementation of radiological emergency criteria for domestic PWRs and BWRs. The physical protection-related radiation emergency criteria included in the radiological emergency plan are specified in the radiological emergency criteria guidelines. There are two items each related to white and blue emergencies and one item related to red emergencies. Standard order of emergency plan lists the physical protection-related radiological emergency criteria for domestic PWRs and BWRs, which are identical according to the radiological emergency criteria guidelines. To enhance the physical protection regulation, the legal and regulatory basis for target set identification and vital area identification need to be established by considering radiological and physical protection emergency plan.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although it is highly dependent on the production of coastal and offshore fishing, the Fishing Vessels Safety Fisheries Act was enacted in 2019 due to the continuous increase in marine accidents of coastal and offshore fishing vessels. However, the law is too focused on fishing and navigation in certain waters and does not contain accident-preventive content. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries proposes a plan to revise the Fishing Boat Safety Fishing Act through legal comparison with Japan's Seafarers' Labor Sanitation Rules. It also proposes an amendment that includes the content of the Seafarers Act on post-accident action obligations. Under the Fishing Vessels Safety Fishing Act, the safety fishing education is implemented for specific people and adopts a method of delivery education after completing the education. The reason for this is that the educational requirements are not sufficient compared to the number of education personnel. Moreover, four hours of education are conducted once a year, which is not suitable for insufficient educational conditions. For efficient safety fishing education, improvement measures are proposed compared to education in the United States and the United Kingdom.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the hazard factors based on imported food non-compliance and global food hazard information for the last 4 years to suggest imported food safety management. Food safety management on utensils or packaging containers is appropriately managed for the compounds derived from them. Food safety management on health-functional foods, processed foods, and agricultural products is concentrated on ingredient contents, food additives, and pesticide residuals. Additional hazards are illegal compounds, mycotoxins & pesticide residuals, hygieneindicator microorganisms and food-borne pathogens in health-functional foods, processed foods, and agricultural products, respectively. The continuous increase in hazards related to safety and hygiene in global food hazard information needs additional attention. To reduce the hazard factors, this study proposes that imported food be limited to products certified by HACCP or an equivalent food safety management system because registering foreign food facilities for processed and health-functional foods is mandatory. Additionally, the customs clearance inspections should focus on the hazard factors derived from the global food hazard information system. This study suggests a global food hazard information system that could derive frequently issued hazard factors at a given period and newly issued hazard factors in aspects, such as food items, subcategories, and exporting countries.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with improvement plans and application results to improve the safety of secondary batteries and chargers applied to Tactical Multi-band Multi-role Radio(TMMR), a new military communication equipment. Due to the nature of the portable weapon system, the terminal structure and manufacturing process of the battery and charger were improved to strengthen resistance to vibration and shock generated during movement, and the battery structure was partially changed to secure resistance to mechanical shock generated when the charger was coupled. In addition, retrospective application was completed for all secondary batteries and chargers previously delivered for TMMR, helping the Korean military to operate next-generation radios in a safer environment.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내외 매년 지속적으로 증가하는 대기오염의 상당량이 선박에서 배출되고 있으며, 이러한 선박에서의 배출량을 감축하기 위 해 정부는 환경규제를 강화하고 해양대기환경 개선을 위해 「환경친화적 선박의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률」을 제정 및 시행하여 친환경 에너지를 동력원으로 사용하는 환경친화적 선박을 보급하여 해양오염 저감 기술이 개발되도록 하고 있다. 환경친화적 선박의 기 술은 최근 순수 전기추진 내지는 전기복합 추진체계까지 진화하고 있으나, 선박의 안전한 운용을 위한 검사 및 설비기준 등 관련제도의 정비는 이를 못 따라가는 실정으로, 특히 국내 연안선박의 다수를 차지하는 어선에 대한 제도는 정비가 시급한 시점이다. 이번 연구를 통 해 어선에의 전기복합 추진체계 등의 적용을 위해 핵심기자재인 배터리, 전력변환장치 등을 정의하고 이에 필요한 안전기준을 진단, 마련 하여 친환경 어선의 도입과 보급을 위해 관련된 산업을 지원할 수 있도록 최소한의 안전기준안을 마련하고자 한다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, computer simulation of the drawbridge structure was performed to verify the validity of the design and to evaluate its safety. For this, the follower bracket was modeled, and the parts of the follower bracket were connected using 1D elements. The boundary condition applied moments to the rotation shaft of the girder gear in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions, and the connection between the upper parts was modeled using 1D elements to model the bolted connection. In case of rotational shaft deformation, an analysis was performed on the displacement occurring in the structure during the opening/closing operation. As a result of structural analysis of the follower bracket for various cases, the stress at the connection was lower than the tensile strength and yield strength, so it was evaluated as safe. Through this, we intend to use it as a data that can identify anomalies.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기상불량으로 인해 발생하고 있는 해양사고 중 해무 발생에 따른 시계제한은 선박의 좌초, 선저 파손 등의 사고를 유발하는 것과 동시에 사고에 따른 인명피해를 동시에 수반하고 있으며 이는 매년 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 또한 해상에서의 저시정은 지역간 국소적으로 차이가 존재하는 경우에도 일괄적으로 여객선에 대한 운항 지연 및 통제 조치를 하고 있어 섬주민들의 교통수단 이용에 상당 한 불편을 초래하는 등의 사회적 문제로 대두되고 있다. 더욱이 이와 같은 조치는 지역적 편차나 사람마다 관측의 판단 기준이 상이하여 이를 객관적으로 정량화하지 못하고 있어 더욱 문제가 심화되고 있는 실정이다. 현재 각 항만의 VTS에서는 시정거리가 1km 미만인 경우 선박의 운항을 통제하고 있으며, 이 경우 저시정에 따른 해무 가시거리를 시정계 혹은 육안에 의한 목측(目測)에 의존하고 있을 정도로 객관적인 데이터 수집을 통한 평가에 있어서는 한계가 있다. 정부에서는 이와 같은 해양교통안전 저해요소를 해결하기 위한 일환으로 해 무 탐지 및 예측을 위한 해양기상신호표지 및 해상안개관측망을 구축하여 운용하고 있으나, 국지적으로 발생하는 해무를 관측하기 위한 시스템은 매우 부족한 현실적 어려움에 놓여있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 해상에서의 저시정으로 인해 발생하고 있는 여러 사회적 문 제를 해결하기 위한 국내․외 정책동향에 대해 살펴보고, 이와 관련한 일반국민 및 현장 이해관계자의 인식 정도를 조사․분석하여 해무 에 따른 해상교통안전을 확보하기 위한 정부지원(해무 탐지 및 예측 기술을 기반으로 한 해상교통운영 체계 개발 등)의 필요성에 대한 기 초자료를 제공하고자 한다. 또한 이는 궁극적으로 해무로 인해 발생할 수 있는 해상안전 위험요소를 사전에 차단함으로써 보다 안정된 해상교통운영체계를 마련하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        「선박안전법」은 선박의 감항성(堪航性, Seaworthiness) 유지 및 안전운항에 필요한 사항을 규정하고 있으며, 이와 관련해서 이 법 제10조에서는 선박소유자가 선박검사를 받은 후 해당 선박의 선박검사증서에 적혀 있는 내용을 일시적으로 변경하고자 하는 경우에 임시검사를 받도록 하고 있다. 이와 같은 조치는 이 법 제15조에 따른 선박검사 후 선박의 상태유지에 따른 것으로 여기에는 「항만법」 제39조제1항에 따른 “항만건설작업선”을 포함하고 있다. 그러나 항만건설작업선은 본래 부선(艀船)과 동일한 운용체계를 보이고 있음에 도 불구하고 「선박안전법」을 적용받지 아니하고 「건설기계관리법」에 따른 등록 및 검사ㆍ점검을 받아오다 2012년 12월 14일 울산항 만 내에서 작업 중 발생한 “석정36호” 침몰사고를 발단으로 2016년「항만법」이 개정되면서 「선박안전법」에 추가해서 적용받게 된 점 등을 고려할 때 항만건설작업선을 「선박안전법」에서 정하고 있는 모든 규정을 따르도록 적용하는 것은 현실적 한계가 있다 할 것이다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 항만건설작업선의 개념, 등록, 작업구역, 검사규정, 임시변경 적용사례 등을 통한 작업특성 및 실제 항만건설작 업선의 「선박안전법」적용범위와 관련해서 논란이 되고 있는 사항 등에 대해 살펴보고, 또한 「항만법」의 개정에 따라 항만건설작업 선을 「선박안전법」의 검사대상으로 편입하게 된 입법취지 등을 통해 「선박안전법」제10조에서 규정하고 있는 임시검사 중 “임시변 경”에 관한 사항을 적용하는데 있어서의 그 적정범위를 제시하고자 한다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        안전한 해상운송을 위한 다양한 안전대책이 요구되는 국제적 추세 속에서 내항선사들도 다양한 해상 안전정책을 수립하여 지 속가능성을 추구하고 있다. 내항선사의 안전관리시스템과 안전문화 인식이 높아지면, 사고 확률을 최소화하고 내항선사의 지속가능성을 높일 수 있을 것이다. 이에 내항선사의 안전관리시스템(안전정책, 위험관리, 안전보증)이 안전문화를 매개하여 기업의 지속가능성에 미치 는 영향을 실증 분석하였다. 선행연구에 기반하여 각 변수의 설문 문항을 구성하고 내항선사에 근무하는 임직원 204명의 표본을 분석에 최종 활용하였다. 그 결과 안전정책은 안전문화에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았지만, 위험관리와 안전보증은 안전문화에, 안전 문화는 지속가능성에 각각 정(+)적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 추가로 위험관리 및 안전보증과 지속가능성 간 관계에서 안전문화는 매개효과가 있음을 검증하였다. 결국, 내항선사는 안전문화 인식을 높이기 위해 위험관리와 안전보증을 체계화하고 강화할 필 요가 있으며, 안전문화 인식이 높아지면 지속가능성도 높아질 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the design of fuel tanks for SUVs (sports utility vehicles) was dealt with through structural analysis. Fuel tank analysis was performed to evaluate safety, and improvement plans for weak areas were found and reflected in the design. In addition, strength analysis and pressure analysis were performed in parallel to solve the problem of oil leakage around the lower part of the fuel tank and the rear mounting that occurred during the endurance test, and the analysis results were reflected in the design. As a result of analysis through various design changes, it was possible to present an appropriate reinforcement flange shape. In addition, when the thickness of the fuel tank was changed from 1.0mm to 0.8mm, the stiffness of the fuel tank decreased by approximately 30%, and reinforcement was required.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제사회는 글로벌 기후위기 극복을 위해 2050년까지 탄소중립(Net Zero)을 목표로 다양한 탈탄소 에너지원 개발을 지속하고 있다. 우리 정부에서도 ‘재생에너지 3020’ 정책을 수립하고 태양광이나 풍력을 이용한 에너지 개발계획을 추진함에 따라 해상 풍력발전단 지와 같이 연안해역에서 기존에는 볼 수 없었던 대규모 해양개발사업이 추진되고 있다. 해양시설물은 선박의 입장에서 볼 때는 항행 장 애물의 일종이며, 해양시설물 설치에 따라 좁아진 수역에서 선박 간 충돌사고 발생 또는 선박과 해양시설물의 접촉사고 발생시 환경오염 및 인명피해 등의 발생이 우려된다. 이에 국내외의 해상풍력발전단지 개발계획을 살펴보고 풍력단지에서 선박의 안전한 통항을 보장하기 위한 제도적 장치가 완비되어 있는지 분석하였으며, 해외의 입법 사례와 국내 법규를 비교하여 법적 사각지대를 해소하기 위한 새로운 법령안을 제안함으로써 대한민국의 관할해역에서 해양시설물의 안전한 운영과 선박의 안전한 통항을 기대하였다.