
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,768

        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sensing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a growing research topic because of the concern about their hazard for the environment and health. Furan is a VOC produced during food processing, and it has been classified as a risk molecule for human health and a possible biomarker of prostate cancer. The use of carbon nanotubes for VOCs sensing systems design could be a good alternative. In this work, a theoretical evaluation of the interactions between furan and zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes takes into account different positions and orientations of the furan molecule, within a density-functional theory first-principles approach. The van der Waals interactions are considered using different exchange-correlation functionals (BH,C09, DRSLL and KBM). The results indicate that vdW-functionals do not significantly affect geometry; however, the binding energy and the distance between furan and nanotube are strongly dependent on the selected exchange-correlation functional. On the other hand, the effects of single and double vacancies on carbon nanotube are considered. It was found that the redistribution of charge around the single-vacancy affects the bandgap, magnetic moment, and binding energy of the complex, while furan interaction with a double-vacancy does not considerably change the electronic structure of the system. Our results suggest that to induce changes in the electronic properties of carbon nanotubes by furan, it is necessary to change the nanotube surface, for example, by means of structural defects.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 서로 다른 지리적 특성을 갖는 지역에서 발생되는 해륙풍에 의한 항만 내 선박 대기오염물질의 항구도시 확산 범위를 규명하고자 하였다. 연구 대상 지역은 서해안(인천항 및 평택·당진항), 다도해 지역(목포항), 남해 및 동해(부산항 및 마산항), 동해 산간 지역(동해·묵호항)으로 선정하였다. 해륙풍 발생과 그로 인한 항만 내 선박에서 기인하는 대기오염물질의 확산 모사를 위하여 비선형(Non-linear) 및 비정상(Unsteady) 거동의 국지 순환풍 모사가 가능한 HOTMAC-RAPTAD 프로그램을 활용하였으며, 모사 기간은 전형적인 여름 날씨인 7월 중순으로 하였다. 그 결과, 해륙풍의 발생 특성과 항만에서 발생되는 대기오염물질의 주변 지역 확산 거동이 지역 마다 서로 다르게 나타났는데 연구 대상 항만인 인천항, 목포항, 부산항, 동해·묵호항에서 배출되는 대기오염물질은 항구로부터 각각 27~31km(서울 서쪽 일부 지역), 21~24km(무안 남부), 20~26km(김해 및 양산 인근), 22~25km(태백산맥 능선 지역)까지 영향을 끼치는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 도출된 결과는 향후 효과적인 항만 지역 대기질과 선박 대기오염물질 관리에 있어 매우 중요한 기초 수단으로 활용 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2020년 3월 18일부터 20일까지 영동지역에 강풍이 발생했던 사례(남고북저형, 대류권계면 접힘에 의해 급격하게 발달하는 저기압)의 종관 및 열역학적/운동학적특성을 조사하기 위해 AWS 관측 자료, 종관 일기도, ECMWF 재분석 자료, 레윈존데, 윈드프로파일러 자료를 이용하였다. 분석결과, 사례 기간 영동지역 5개소에서 관측된 최대 순간 풍속은 20 m s−1 이상으로 나타났으며 대관령(27.7 m s−1)에서 가장 강하게 나타났다. 종관분석에서는 남고북저형의 기압배치와 함께 영동지역으로 등압선의 모양이 사인(sin)파 형태를 보이며 강한 기압경도력에 의해 강풍이 발달 하다가 3월 19일부터는 한반도 북부지역에서 하루 내에 19 hPa 이상의 기압 하강과 함께 발달하는 저기압에 의해 지속적인 강풍이 발달했다. 북강릉 단열선도에서 역전층의 고도는 하층 강풍대와 함께 산 정상의 약 1-3 km 고도에 위치 하였고, 레윈존데 및 수직 측풍 장비(윈드프로파일러)의 연직 바람장 분석 결과와 일치함을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 열역학적 및 운동학적 연직 분석에서, 하층에서 온위의 연직 경도에 의한 강한 바람과 대류권계면 접힘에 의한 위치 소용돌이도의 발달이 영동지역 강풍 발생에 큰 역할을 한 것으로 사료된다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, using the concept of perezhivanie as an analytical tool, we were trying out new ways to investigate L2 identity taking the peripheral educational context into account. We examined how two graduates from non-academic high schools perceived their peripheral school situation through their perezhivanie, and described how this situation affected the individual trajectories of L2 identity development as well. When two students immersed themselves in marginalized classroom contexts, they have experienced academic stigma in the context of classroom community. Moreover, they all experienced emotional conflicts related to English learning. Besides, they struggled over deficit remedial L2 identity, entailing identity tensions. As they attempted to reconcile the contradictions between themselves and their circumstances, their perezhivanie made their social situation of development differently. Depending on how the contradiction was being emotionally experienced through the prism of each student’s perezhivanie, the same contradiction had different meanings, led to different reactions, and had differing impacts on their L2 identity.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 철근콘크리트 고층건물의 사례연구를 통해 성능기반 내풍설계를 수행하였고 그 적용성을 평가하였다. 초기 설계 시 비탄성 거동 도입을 위해 공진성분을 절반으로 줄여 설계하고, 이에 대한 비탄성 성능을 검증하였다. 비탄성 해석을 위한 해석 모델링 방법을 제시하고, 잦은 설계 변경에서도 적용할 수 있도록 시간이력 풍하중은 설계기준에서 제시하는 파워스펙트럼밀도 함수로부터 재생하였다. 이 때 비선형 해석을 위한 시간이력 하중 재생 시 고려해야 할 사항들을 함께 제시하였다. 해석 결과 공진성분을 줄여 설계했음에도 비탄성 거동은 수평부재에서만 발생하였고, 소성회전각은 즉시거주 성능 수준을 충족하였다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a case study of system improvement measures for urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment. The example areas are Hwangnam and Inwang Hanok districts in Gyeongju City, which operate various systems to solve the urban decline problem caused by the historical and cultural environment regulations. The subjects of this study are resident support programs and district unit planning systems under the advanced promotion system established in the case area. As research methods, literature studies, field surveys, and in-depth interviews were conducted. Through this, the background and purpose of introduction of each system, major plan contents, and problems of the system application process were analyzed. This study drew the following implications through case studies. First, in order to more effectively promote the urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment, it is necessary to improve the related systems in an integrated and systematic manner. Second, in order to resolve the policy distrust of local residents in the historical, cultural and environmental management system, a wider variety of planned alternatives to narrow the difference in interests between the public and private sectors should be presented.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study embraces the viewpoint that intercultural sensitivity can be efficiently increased by accepting the communication behaviors(CB) of different groups which are closely related to the components of world views. This study is to examine the CB of North Korean refugees with South Korean people in terms of intercultural sensitivity. It surveyed six North Korean refugees who could share their broad experience of CB. The results show that the participants experienced harsh communication behaviors caused by the dichotomous views, and the stereotypes due to the political impact in denial and defense stages of ethnocentrism. Although the CB based on human empathy in minimization stage was experienced, this situation was made when they tried concealing their origin or putting down their self-esteem. Also, in this stage their revealing the North Korean way of CB inadvertently caused misunderstandings and conflicts. Finally, based on the research findings, this study suggests some ways to accept the CB of North Korean refugees in terms of increasing intercultural sensitivity.
        2021.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        팬픽션은 처음에는 같은 취향을 지닌 마니아층에서 무상으로 공유되었지만, 과학기술의 발전으로 인해 많은 사람이 인터넷을 통해 팬픽션을 접하게 되었다. 그중 대중들의 많은 사랑을 받은 팬픽션은 출판이 되기도 하였다. 팬픽션은 원작의 캐릭터와 인물관계를 이용해 스토리를 풀어나간다는 특징을 지니고 있어 상업적으로 출판이 되는 경우 원저작자와의 법정 다툼을 빚기도 한다. 2018년 8월 16일, 중국의 첫 팬픽션 사건에 대한 법원의 1심 판결이 진행되었다. 법원은 피고 강남에 대해 즉각 부정경쟁행위를 중단하고, 원고에 대해 손해 배상과 재고 서적을 소각할 것을 명하였다. 해당 판결은 저작권법의 보호를 받지 않는 원저작물 속 인물 요소들을 사용한 팬픽션에 대해 부정경쟁방지법으로 규제하는 것이 타당한지에 대한 논의를 촉발했다. 해당 논문은 ‘차간적소년 사건’을 통해 저작권 법의 보호를 받지 않는 원저작물속 인물 이름⋅ 인물관계 등 요소들을 사용한 팬픽션을 부정경쟁 방지법으로 규제하는 것이 타당한지에 대해 살펴 보았다. 피고는 <차간적소년>에서 원고의 원저작 물속 인물 이름, 인물관계 등 추상적인 요소만 차용하였고 구체적인 인물이나 스토리 면에서 원작과는 뚜렷한 차이점이 존재한다. 저작권법의 보호가 부여되지 않는 성과를 부정경쟁방지법의 일반 조항으로 넓게 해석하여 쉽게 확대 적용하는 것은 타당하지 않다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to analyze the semantic network structure of keywords and the visual composition of images extracted from Instagram in relation to the multipersona phenomenon with in fashion imagery, which has recently been attracting attention. To this end, the concept of a ‘secondary character’, which forms a separate identity from a ‘main character’ on various social media platforms as well as on the airwaves, was considered as the spread of multi-persona and #SecondaryCharacter on Instagram was investigated. 3,801 keywords were collected after crawling the data using Python and morphological analysis was undertaken using KoNLP. The semantic network structure was then examined by conducting a CONCOR analysis using UCINET and Netdraw to determine the top 50 keywords. The results were then classified into a total of 6 clusters. In accordance with the meaning and context of the keywords included in each cluster, group names were assigned : virtual characters, relationship with the main character, hobbies, daily record, N-job person, media and marketing. Image analysis considered the technical, compositional, and social styles of the media based on Gillian Rose’s visual analysis method. The results determined that Instagram uses fashion images that virtualize one's face to produce multi-persona representation s that show various occupations, describe different types of hobbies, and depict situations pertaining to various social roles.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze changes to body measurements and silhouettes after wearing an early 19th century women’s corset. Two types of corsets were tested. Changes in body size and silhouette were compared based on the levels of tightening strength of the corset. The tightening strength was adjusted in 4 steps by making the length of back fastening string 10-40 cm shorter than the standard. The silhouette was compared with the front silhouette and the side silhouette. The results were as follows. After wearing the experimental 19th century corsets, the chest circumference and front interscye length increased. However, the chest circumference did not increase proportionally to the tightening strength. The underbust circumference, waist circumference, and back interscye length also decreased. The waist width was decreased to create a slim front silhouette. The change in the body silhouette differed depending on the style of the experimental corset. The experimental corset made with the six-piece torso pattern changed the posture so that the shoulders were pulled back and the chest was pushed forward. The experimental corset with the side bodice pattern resulted in the subject’s shoulders reclining backward and the chest and abdomen extending forward. The results of this study show that women’s body sizes and silhouettes could be changed by wearing the early 19th century corsets, but the changes in body size and silhouette vary depending on the wearer's individual body type or corset style.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sediment makes up the sea floor and plays an important role as a habitats for living things in the sea. However, pollution of coastal sediment due to internal and external factors such as inflow of contaminants from land and self-pollution becoming more serious, the needs for management of sediment that play an important role in ecology, is increasing. In particular, the review and evaluation of the effects of sediment in marine development projects including reclamation and dredging, have significance in terms of proactive protection and management of surrounding ecosystems. This study proposed the improvement measures for marine sediment management standards on the sea area utilization consultation for the development of public water. For the purpose, The evaluation and management standards of domestic and overseas marine sediments were reviewed and compared. The sediment environment guidelines under the Marine Environment Management Act of Korea were reviewed. Accordingly, the cases of Canada and NOAA, which have various evaluation standards consist of comprehensive factors, were analyzed. For analysis of operational cases, the port and fishing port development projects for the last five years (2016-2020) that are considered to have the greatest impact on sediments among the sea area use consultations were also reviewed. Finally, this study suggested that the assessment factors for ecological hazards and potential human risks should be considered in the sediment environmental standards in the sea area utilization consultation system.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현재 마약중독에서 회복되었고 마약 밀매를 하지 않는 남성으로 과거의 마약 밀매 경험을 탐색하여 밀매의 구조적 변화와 밀매 전략, 밀매조직을 살펴보고 이를 근거로 마약 밀매자의 중독회복과 마약 공급차단 정책 수립을 위한 교정차원의 정책마련의 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 참여자 선정은 마약밀매 경험이 7년 이상, 마약중독에서 최소 3년 이상 회복을 유지하고 있는 5인을 대상으로 하였다. 자료수집은 1대1 심층 면담을 통해 자료를 수집하였으며, 수집 된 자료는 Creswell(2013)의 사례연구방법으로 분석하였다. 연구는 마약 밀매자의 마약밀매 과정을 시간 흐름에 따른 현상의 동태적 과정과 결과를 분석하고, 특히 맥락을 이해하고 자 하였다. 그 결과 4개의 분석영역, 11개의 범주와 39개 개념결집이 도출되었다. 첫째, 진입동기에서는 마이다스의 비즈니스와 사회적 지위의 초고속상승, 가난한 자의 꿈으로 나타났다. 둘째, 마약공급 조직에서는 항구적 상선구축, 불신과 배신구조, 믿음의 근원 현금으로 나타났다. 셋째, 소비시장 확장전략에서는 주변지인 공략, 다단계식 밀매조직, 중독의 무한루프에 가두기로 나타났다. 넷째, 사회관계에서는 평범의 가면 쓰기, 거짓 봉사로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 마약밀매자로 부터 마약 예비중독자와 중독재발의 위험이 있는 개인을 보호할 수 있는 공급차단정책과 수요감 소정책을 통해 마약밀매자의 회복을 위한 교정정책차원의 논의 및 제언하였다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 가정 폭력 청소년의 모래상자치료 사례이다. 본 연구의 대상은 여중생으로 모래상자치료를 활용한 단일 사례이다. 본 연구의 사례는 총 30회기로 2020년 8월 13일 ~ 2021년 5월 10일까지 총 30회기를 주 1회 50분간 실시하였다. 초기 연구참여자는 정서적 불안정감과 우울감이 높았으며 아빠에 대한 분노감과 불신감이 팽배되어 인연을 끊고 싶을 정도로 분노가 내재되어 있었다. 또한 학교생활에서 선생님과의 갈등이 심해 자존감이 낮고 학업 성취도에서도 뒤처지는 양상을 보였다. 그러나 꾸준한 모래상자치료로 어둠 안에 서 갇혀만 지냈던 폐쇄성의 틀을 깨고 차츰차츰 밝고, 명랑한 성격으로 바뀌었다. 또한 왜곡된 인지에서 오는 부정적이었던 생각들보다는 적극적이고 긍정적인 사고의 전환으로 갈등 완화가 이루어졌다. 후반에는 자신의 진로에 대한 결정과 학업에 대한 열정이 높아 컴퓨터에 관련된 다양한 자격증을 취득하여 성취감을 얻게 되었다. 결론적으로 과거 가졌던 우울감과 불안감이 감소 되었으며 정서적 안정감이 향상되어 대인관계에도 원만함을 볼 수 있었다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Universities have recently introduced problem-based learning (PBL) to various subjects to enhance problem-solving skills (including self-directed learning and small-group learning) required in industry. The PBL module was applied to the personal production process in a draping class. A study was based on a questionnaire after conducting two PBL modules with a group of students. Each PBL module included ‘design analysis’, ‘presentation of flat sketch and draping plan’, ‘discussion of the plan’, ‘evaluation of the draping result and correcting the problem’, and ‘final evaluation of the completed project’. Results showed that satisfaction with the PBL method and its activities was higher than satisfaction with existing teaching methods. In particular, among the various components, the ‘design analysis’ and ‘the presentation step of flat sketch and draping plan’ stages were more helpful to students compared to small-group discussion. Moreover, the effects of PBL were observed through student reflection essays, in which students suggested that PBL was very effective in enhancing problem-solving through self-directed and small-group learning. Despite the overall satisfaction with PBL, students expressed some minor difficulties associated with awkwardness with a novel learning method, lack of diverse perspectives among each group, and poor communication skills. Therefore, the study shows that PBL is highly likely to be useful to students when they are solving pattern drafting problems and making samples through self-directed learning and small-group learning.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, online education has emerged as an important research field to match its growing necessity. In this vein, this research explores one of the challenges facing online teaching of the Arabic language to Korean students at the university level based on the practical experience of online teaching in the academic year of 2020 while focusing on the role of students. The main goal of this research is to give some answers to its main question, which is: How is it possible to activate the role of students in the online classes of the Arabic language? The study suggests some online activities through which the role of students in online classes can be activated. An online survey questionnaire was provided to test the influence of some of those activities and to explore the students’ feedback. Additionally, interviews were conducted with some students to gain further understanding of their opinions about those activities. The results of the study showed positive feedback from the students towards those activities and provided some advantages of using those online activities for adding enjoyment to the students’ assignments. It is also recommended that teachers include more innovative online activities which match their students’ needs.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the shift from gasoline vehicles to electric ones, auto parts manufacturing companies have realized the importance of improvement in the manufacturing process that does not require any layout changes nor extra investments, while maintaining their current production rate. Due to these reasons, for the auto part manufacturing company, I-company, this study has developed the simulation model of the PUSH system to conduct a process analysis in terms of production rate, WIP level, and logistics work’s utilization rate. In addition, this study compares the PUSH system with other three manufacturing systems -KANBAN, DBR, and CONWIP- to compare the performance of these production systems, while satisfying the company’s target production rate. With respect to lead-time, the simulation results show that the improvement of 77.90% for the KANBAN system, 40.39% for the CONWIP system, and 69.81% for the DBR system compared to the PUSH system. In addition, with respect to WIP level, the experimental results demonstrate that the improvement of 77.91% for the KANBAN system, 40.41% for the CONWIP system, and 69.82% for the DBR system compared to the PUSH system. Since the KANBAN system has the largest impacts on the reduction of the lead-time and WIP level compared to other production systems, this study recommends the KANBAN system as the proper manufacturing system of the target company. This study also shows that the proper size of moving units is four and the priority allocation of bottleneck process methods improves the target company’s WIP and lead-time. Based on the results of this study, the adoption of the KANBAN system will significantly improve the production process of the target company in terms of lead-time and WIP level.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational safety and health management activities on safety and health performance by using the results of safety activity level evaluation of public organizations. To this end, a research model was established by using three fields as independent variables among the four areas of the safety activity level evaluation index: safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level, and the safety and health activity performance field as a dependent variable. Correlation analysis and regression analysis between major variables were performed. As a result of the correlation analysis, the safety and health activity performance had a significant positive (+) correlation with all of the safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level. The safety and health system had a significant positive (+) correlation with the safety and health activity plan and safety and health activity level, and the safety and health activity plan had a significant positive (+) correlation with the safety and health activity level. And as a result of the regression analysis, it was found that the organization’s safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level all had a significant positive (+) effect on safety and health activity performance.