
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 291

        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the management practices and to measure the degree of job satisfaction of employees of hamburger chain restaurants in Seoul. Management practices were evaluated in terms of service, quality, cleanliness and shift management in 30 hamburger restaurants of 3 domestic and 3 foreign chain brands. Employee job satisfaction was measured by using questionnaires of Job Descriptive Index. 200 employees from the same 30 restaurants were participated in the survey. Results were analyzed by using SAS program in terms of t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. The results are as follows: 1. The factor of quality got the highest score and cleanliness the second, service the third, and shift management got the lowest score in the evaluation of management practiecs of hamburger chain restaurant. The foreign brands showed significantly higher scores than the domestic ones in every measured factors. 2. The factor of coworkers got the highest score and then supervision, the work-itself, promotion and pay got the next highest scores in descending order in measured Job satisfaction. The foreign brands showed significantly higher scores than domestic ones in JDI. 3. The foodservice employees rated work-itself was considered by employees the most important job satisfaction factor, and the next important factor was pay and then coworkers, supervision, and promotion. 4. The significant positive relationship between management practice factor of shift management and all the factors of job satisfaction except the factor of pay were found.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Central commissary school foodservice operations' practices and their dietitians' job duties were assessed and compared with those of their counterpart of conventional school foodservice operations to find out strategies for early settlement and better management for commissary system. Survey qestionnaires consisted of general background, employees' work schedule and dietitians' job duties. 12 commissary schools(out of 22 existing in Korea) and 77 conventional schools from Kyungkido were participated in the survey. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Central commissary school foodservice was presently utilized at 5 schools from islands type, 11 schools from rural type, and 6 schools from urban type, consisting total of 22 commissary schools, and 52 satellite schools. 2. Dietitians were evenly employed with their experiences, 55.5% were those with less than 2 years of experience, 44.6% were those with more than 2 years of experience. 3. Commissary schools employed more full-time empolyees(1.8±0.7) than conventional schools(0.3±0.5), however as far as the production capacity was concerned, only the part-time employees played significant roles(p〈.01). Regardless of the number of students, an absolute number of full-time employees were employed, and their duties were not carried out efficiently. The part-time employees of commissary schools performed more loaded work compared to their counterparts in conventional schools. 4. Out of the dietitians' foodservice duties, 'basic food service production(3.9±0.7)' were carried out adequately, whereas 'nutrition education and advertisement(2.5±0.6)' and 'administrative affairs and information related duties(2.8±0.9)' were not. In order to enhance their working capacity, systematic organizational reforms are imminent. 5. Survey results also showed that dietitians performed less duties at satellite school than at the central commissary. This indicates more systematic foodservice management practices are urgently needed.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the industry foodservice management practices in Pusan Kyeung Nam provinces and to suggest the guideline for the effective foodservice management. Questionnaire survey method were used in this study. Questionnaire were administered to 307 dietitians in Pusan Kyeung Nam. Data were analyzed for frequency, percentage, and χ2-test using SPSS-X Package. The results are as follows: 61.7% of industry foodservice establishment serviced foods over three times a day and 18.0% of them were less 500 won in the cost of food. 64.5% of the dietitian had less 3 years experiences, and they are not fully performed the effective management in nutrition education, job design and utilization of standardized recipes. Equipped facilities in surveyed foodservice operations were assessed as the insufficient condition, especially, efficient facilities such as a cutting machine were scarcely make up.
        1988.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        34 packaged meal (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments were assessed in terms of working environment, production and transportation practices. Questionnaires and facility check-lists were developed. Most establishments were small in business, and production personnel as well as production facilities were insufficient compared with production capacity of establishments. Mean production capacity for packaged meals in terms of optimum and maximum levels were 6,500 and 15,166 meals in large sized establishments; 2,662 and 8,301 in medium; and 2,112, and 4,733 in small respectively. Those figures indicate potentially hazardous practices in production especially in small and medium sized establishments. Most meals were produced to order. Transportation facility and kitchen space were assessed as insufficient.
        1982.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농촌진흥청산하의 41개 병새충발생예찰소에서 1966년부터 1979년까지 14년간 조사된 이화명나방의 유살자료를 기초로 기상자료, 품종의 변천, 경종법의 변동, 기지 농업기술의 변천에 따르는 이화명나방 발생양상의 변동을 분석함으로써 금후 본 해충의 발생예찰을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고 이화명나방을 중심으로 한 생태계의 연구용 Model을 구성하는 기초로 삼고자 수행하여 다음과 같을 결과를 얻었다. 1. 이화명나방의 유살수는 벼 통일계 신품종이 재배되기 전인 1971년 이전에 비해 확대보급된 1972년 이후에 급격히 감소하였으며 특히 1화기의 감소가 현저하였다.2. 이화명 나방의 1화기에 대한 2화기 유살량의 상대비율은 지리산 부근의 산간지와 추풍령 이북지방에서 높고 기타지방에서 낮은 경향을 보였으며 통일계 신품종이 보급된 1972년 이후 그 비율이 점차 높아지는 현상을 나타내었다. 3. 이화명나방의 유살일은 1,2화기 공히 동남해안지방에서 늦었고 중서부로 갈수록 빨라지는 경향을 보였다. 4. 1977년 이후 3개년간의 2화기 유살량, 2화기의 1화기에 대한 유살량의 상대비율, 그리고 2화기 유살일에 있어서 추풍령을 경개로 남북간에 뚜렷한 생태적 층화현상을 보였다. 5. 2화기 증식량은 6월과 7월중의 평균기온과 부의 상관을 나타내었으며 6월중의 강우량과도 부의 상관관계가 있었다. 한편 1화기의 증식량은 전년 9,10,11월 및 동년 3월중의 온도와 각각 정의 상관관계를 보였으며 전년 9월초순의 강우량과 동년 3월의 강우량 및 5월의 습도와 각각 부의 상관관계를 보였다. 6. 이화명나방의 1,2화기 유살일까지의 유효적산오도는 상하 한림계온도 의 범위에서 년차변이가 이내로서 신뢰성 있는 추정이 가능하였으며 이 해충이 1새데 경과에 소요되는 적산오도는 Day Degree 로 나타났다.
        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the rapid development of society and the wide application of information network technology, we have entered the era of new media, and more and more schools have opened the course of "New Media Marketing", trying to better fit the new media with the marketing profession in order to meet the needs of a diversified society and cultivate high-quality talents. This article lists the teaching examples of online plus offline plus practice during the COVID-19 epidemic, and examines the current situation, the main problems faced and the solutions of the blended teaching practice of the New Media Marketing Course in the context of the actual situation of university teaching.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines the relationship between credit risk and operational risk (understanding of risk management, risk identification, risk assessment and control, and risk monitoring) on risk management practices followed by private and public sector commercial banks. The cross-sectional data method was used to check the impact of risk management practices. Data was collected from the bank employees and a total of 284 respondents were finally selected for further analysis. Measurement Invariance of Composite Models analysis is used to test the quality of the measurement model for sub-samples, and multi-group analysis is used for path analysis in sub-sample through PLS-SEM. The findings of the study as the total sample show that both types of banks are managing adequate and significant risk management practices. On the other hand, sub-groups’ results show private sector banks are more momentous than public sector banks. Risk identification is significantly different at the sub-group level, which shows public sector banks are more concentrating on this type of risk. Understanding of risk management has no significant effect on both types of banks and risk assessment & control for public sector banks, and there is a difference in the risk management practices among private and public sector commercial banks.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This inductive study seeks to establish a conceptual background for theoretical development regarding talent misuse in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The two objectives for the goal were (1) to explore and build a list of unethical treatment practiced on young talents; (2) to establish new framework for the special context or refining the existing framework on employee mistreatment. For the first goal, an attempt was made to develop a list of mistreating behavior by collecting and analyzing cases of ethical disputes. Analyses on 64 cases of talent mistreatment, namely ‘passion pay’, was conducted to present a conceptual ground for further investigation. Then, for the second objective, this study has proposed an integrative approach for assessing these ethical elements. The ethical implications were discussed based on an assessment conducted using three theories of ethics. Finally, a cluster analysis further shows the emergence of three groups based on the mistreating behaviors. We observed seven different mistreatment behaviors under four categories of mistreatment practices. Additionally, the cluster analysis results imply that talent mistreatment may be rooted in work characteristics. Organizational size may provide some contextual reasoning, but the extent to which this factor interacts with work characteristics left unclear.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to assess the level of management accounting practices (MAPs) in manufacturing companies in Vietnam. Secondly, it purports to explore the impact of potential contingency factors on the current level of MAPs in the sample of studied companies from the industrial sector in Vietnam. The study examines the hypotheses that MAPs in Vietnamese manufacturing firms are affected by a range of contingent variables. A quantitative research was conducted by sending questionnaires to the target respondents that comprise both accountants and managers in 160 manufacturing enterprises in the north of Vietnam. The first main findings from the study reveal that MAPs in Vietnam are mainly traditional rather than contemporary ones, and oriented toward the shortterm rather than the long-term. The second main research findings resulted from multiple regression model show that MAPs in Vietnam are significantly affected by company size, commitment of directors, advanced manufacturing technology, and distinct number of products. However, no significant associations are found between MAPs and intensity of competition from the emerging market as hypothesized in this study. Research findings are bases for recommendations to promote the application of contemporary practices and enhance management accounting functions in manufacturing companies in Vietnam.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 일반계 고등학교 특수학급 학생을 대상으로 학교 내 현장실습을 운영하는 교사의 경 험과 인식은 어떠한지를 살펴보았다. 본 연구를 위해 K도 소재 7명의 일반계 고등학교 특수학급 교사가 참여하였으며, 면담을 통해 질적 자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 특수교사들은 학교 내 현장실습을 통해 장애학생의 책임감 향상과 직장예절 습득을 중점적으로 지도하고 있었다. 둘째, 학교 내 현장실습을 통해 장애학생은 취업하고자 하는 의지를 향상시킬 수 있었고, 익숙한 환경에서의 실습은 업무에 적응하는데 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 학교 내에 서의 직종 선택의 제한, 직업 현장 적응력 감소, 현장실습으로 인해 발생되는 수업결손과 학생으로 서의 신분 혼란이 발생되었다. 넷째, 일반교사의 학교 내 현장실습에 대한 부족한 인식, 직무지도 교사의 비협조, 관리자의 무관심이 학교 내 현장실습 운영을 어렵게 하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 학교 내 현장실습이 효율적으로 운영되기 위해서는 지역사회의 협력과 학교 내 현장실습에 운영에 따른 특수교사 업무의 경감 및 학교 구성원의 관심과 협조가 요구된다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to investigate the roles of financial education (FE) as a moderator to financial attitude (FA), parental financial socialisation (PFS), and financial literacy (FL) to ensure the success of prudent financial management practices (PFMP) among Malaysian youth. The study was designed quantitatively and employed self-administered questionnaires, which were adopted from previous studies and distributed to 480 youths in Malaysia. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test hypotheses of the study. The results showed FA, PFS and FL have significant and positive relationship with PFMP. However, as regards moderating interaction of FE, results showed that FE does not significantly moderate the relationship between FA, PFS and FL with PFMP. The results further highlighted serious concerns on the effectiveness of FE towards improving youth capability in managing their financial affairs prudently. This proved that mandated FE prior to graduation has less effect and does not lead to behavior changes among Malaysian youth. It shows the challenges faced by the country stakeholders to strengthen FE, enhance the effectiveness and encompass the right FE elements to ensure today’s young Malaysians are able to apply what they learned in the classroom to their real life.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As environmental concerns continue to grow, green supply chain management (GSCM) is attracting attention as an element of competitive advantage for companies. This study examined internal GSCM practices to show how they influenced the end-point of the supply chain from the perspective of the end-consumer. It identified the effects of environmental concerns on consumer purchasing behavior mediated by the company image of internal GSCM practices. Data were collected through an email survey of Korean consumers. Reliability and validity were verified using SPSS 18.0. Cronbach’s alpha, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that environmental concerns had a positive impact on such practices, and the image of internal GSCM practices was found to have a significantly positive effect on consumer purchasing behavior. Companies will have to actively reflect environmental factors in their operational activities, and GSCM implementation will become a necessity. A positive image of internal environmental management and eco-design, which are key elements of internal GSCM practices, strengthened the company’s eco-friendly image and ultimately affected consumer purchasing behavior. This suggests that it is important for companies to evaluate their environmental attitude and make eco-friendly products from a consumer’s perspective, making it a differentiation strategy for a company in building an eco-friendly corporate image.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Long-term shipping contracts represent the cooperative and coexisting relationships between the shipping and steel industries. Yet, differences between the contract forms for iron ore and steel products have emerged. Specifically, the large proportion of consecutive voyage charters (CVC) is being applied in the iron ore trade, whereas the contract of affreightment (COA) is proportionally higher for shipping steel products. The literature review and in-depth interviews in this study identified through the research model, the characteristics of the shipping and market structure in both markets have significantly contributed to the preference of different long-term contracts. It has been determined that the mutual oligopoly market structure and the characteristics of shipping such as, the small number of suitable vessels in the market, the single fixed load/discharge ports, the long-distance voyages, and the potential risks for fatal accidents because of cargo liquefaction, for the iron ore trade, provide higher contribution to the preference of CVC contracts. In contrast, the consignor oligopoly market structure and the shipping characteristics, such as the greater number of suitable vessels available in the market, the variation in ports, the cargo quantity per shipment, the various load/discharge ports, and the need for experienced carriers for steel product loading in the steel product trade has shown higher preference on the COA contracts as the consignors with superiority over the shipowners, resulting in favorable contract types and conditions for the consignors.