
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 306

        1973.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시비량의 증시에 따라 수량은 증가하지만 어느 일정수준 이상 과용하던 병충해발생을 유발하여 수량의 감소를 초래하므로 시비량을 현행수준 보다 올리는 반면 병충해 방제를 강화하여 병충해피해를 줄이고 최대한의 증수를 가져 올 수 있는 적정시비수준과 병충해 방제효과를 구명하고자 본 시침을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. (1) 잎도열병, 이삭도열병 발병율은 다 같이 시비량과 수준에서 높은 정(+)의 상관을 나타내었고 인산과 가리를 과용하면 삼요소 표준구보다 발병이 훨씬 많았다. (2) 병충해방제를 실시하지 않을 때는 시비량을 질소기준 8-8.5kg/10a 시용하였을 때 347-378kg/10a의 최고현미수량을 얻었는데 비하여 병충해방제를 실시하면 질소기준 18.5-19kg/10a수준에서 453-462kg/10a의 최고수량을 나타내었고 병충해방제 실시여부에 따른 수량의 차이는 평균 100kg/10a을 상회하였다. (3) 질소비료만 증시한 구와 삼요소비료를 동시에 증시한 구 사이의 수량에 미치는 영 향은 유의 차가 없었다. (4) 현미수량지수로 환산한 병충해탕제효과는 최고 에서 최저 까지 나타났으며 평균방제효과는 였다.
        1971.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        약제 저항성 응애류를 효율적으로 방치하기 위하여 지역별 응애계통의 약제 저항성 수준을 조사하고 유기인제계의 저항성 응애계통에 대하여 화학적 group이 다른 Alternative acaricide로 방제 시험한 결과 1. 유기인제계 (Metasystox 및 Folidol)와 유기염소제계 (C-8514)에 대한 지역 별 응애계통의 저항성 정도를 보면. 가. Metasystox에 대한 사과응애는 인주감수성 계통에 비하여 충주계통이 96배 대구계통이 52배 예산계통이 4배 춘천계통이 3배 수원계통이 2배 가량의 저항성이 생겼고 점박이응애는 감수성계통에 비교하여 대구계통이 32배, 춘천계통이 29배, 예산계통이 25배, 그리고 수원계통이 17배의 저항성을 보였다. 나, Folidol에 대한 사과응애는 감수성계통에 비교하면 충주계통은 126배, 춘천계통은 48배, 예산계통은 33배, 화성계통은 30배 그리고 수원계통이 6배의 저항성이 생겼다. 다. C-8514에 대한 점박이응애 계통은 오산 감수성 계통에 비교하여 대구 계통이 59배 충주계통이 29배 그리고 경산계통이 19배의 저항성을 보였으며 사과응애는 춘천 감수성계통에 비교하여 대구계통이 42배, 수원 및 화성계통이 31배, 그리고 충주계통이 29배의 저항성을 나타냈다. 2. 유기인제계 저항성 사과응애에 대한 교체약제의 방제시험 결과 유기염소제계인 Kelthane MF,주석제인 Plictran, Carbonate계인 Morestan 그리고 혼합제인 K 114의 효과가 우수하였다.
        1971.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 우리나라에서 발생하는 푸른곰팡이병균의 종의 빈도와 발병환경 및 방제법을 구명코져 실시하였다. 시험결과 Trichoderma koningi, T. lignorum, T. glaucum과 미동정의 1종등 4종의 병원균이 분리되었고 이들의 빈도는 각각 와 이었다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 감자배양액, 왁스만배양액과 리차드배양액에서 생육이 잘 되었으며 중성-염기성배지에서는 생육이 불량한 반면 산성에서 생육이 왕성하였으며 최적산도는 pH4였다. 양송이 수확기간 중 재배사내의 온도는 내외 일 때 본명의 발생이 적었고 수량이 많으며 이상에서는 본병의 발생이 격심하였다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 복토흙 소독시 에서 60분, 혹은 에서 30분간 열처리하므로서 완전히 사멸하였고 퇴비 후발효 과정에서도 사멸되었다.
        1969.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study involved determination of resistance levels of spider mites ta argano-phosphates using topical application and slide dip techniques, laboratory serening tests of alternative acaricides using an O/P resistant strain and a field trial of the screened materials. 1. Strains of Tetranychus were from Timaru(TR), Havelock Narth (HNR), Lincaln (LN). Germany (GR, GN). Comparisons of the resistant strains and normal strains at the LD50 and LC50 levels were as follows : (a) Using the topical application tochnique, with Parathian. resistant levels of the GR. TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were respeativuly, 1035. 484 and 452 times as resistant' as the LN strain. (b) Using the slide dip technique, with Phosdrin, resistant of GR, TR and HNR strains of T. urticae were 635, 274 and 266 times greater respeativuly, than the GN strain. 2. The laboratory sereaning tests were carried out far their contact plus stomach and residual effect to assess the toxicities of eleven alternative materials which would be used far control of O/P resistant strain of T. urticae. The acaricide groups represented were 3 organo-chlorines (Spidex, Kelthane and C 8514), 2 nitrophenyls (UC 19786 and Morocide), 2 cyclic carbonates(Eradex and Morestan). I carbamate (UC2004 7A), 1 mixture of carbamate and orano-chlorine and 2 other chemicals (C 8677 and M2527). From all acaricide tested. Kelthane and Morocide were the most effective, folowed by Spidex and M2527. Morestan, C8514. C8677 and RS 143 were intermediate, but Eradex, UC 19786 and UC 20046A were poor. 3, The number of sapmles required for estimation of the population in the field evaluation of acaricidal effects was one giving the highest practical precision. It was decided, after preliminary sampling trials. to use samples of 30 leaves per replicate which gave a standard error. 4. In the field trials, Morocide applied at the a. i. conc. to black currant trees gave excellent control of O/P resistant population of T. urticae for about 12 days, but Morocide 0.025 and Kel thane a. i. cone. gave efficient control for about 6 days. In other words. first applications of Kel thane ane Moroeide gave very high degrees of control of O/P resistant population of the two-spotted spider mite. However, the results indicate that secondary application would sometimes be necessary. There was no foliage damage of black Currants and strawberries by either acaricides at the concentrations used. Acknowledgment ... The authors are grateful to: Dr. R. P. pottinger, Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Zoology. Lincoln college. New Zealand. for his helpful assistance in aiding with the organization of thd field work. Department of agriculture officers for mite colonies. Mr. D. A. Slade, Technical Advisor. Fruitgrowers' Federation (now at Massey University) for his assistance and provision of mites for testing. Mr T. McRae of Timaru for permission to use his crops for field tests. The following chemical companies and I or their New Zealand agents for so readily supplying samples of acarides, Ivan Watkins-Dow Limited. Fruitgrowers Chemical Company Limited. Henry H. York & company (New Zealand). Shell Oil (New Zealand) Limited.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 동기화-지속 과제(synchronization-continuation task)를 수행할 때 발생하는 타이밍 제어 특성을 무용 숙련성과 템포의 측면에서 규명하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법: 연구참여자는 국내 직업무용단에서 활동하고 있 는 무용 숙련자 12명과 비숙련자 12명이다. 실험과제는 각기 다른 템포 조건(60, 120, 180bpm)에서 주기적으로 제공되는 청각자극에 맞춰 손가락 태핑(finger tapping)을 동기화하는 것과 청각자극 없이 기존 템포를 지속하며 태핑하는 것이다. 청각자극이 제시되는 동기화 과제에서 비동기성의 절대오차는 타이밍 정확성으로, 비동기성의 표준편차는 타이밍 가변성으로 산출하였다. 청각자극이 없는 지속 과제에서는 탭 간 간격(inter-tap interval, ITI)과 목표시간 간 차이를 타이밍 정확성으로, ITI의 표준편차는 타이밍 가변성으로 산출하였다. 결과: 동기화 과제에서 타이밍 정확성은 120bpm 조건에서 가장 높게 나타났고, 무용 숙련자의 타이밍 가변성은 비숙련자와 비교하여 60bpm, 120bpm 조건에서 유의하게 낮게 나타났다. 지속 과제에서 나타난 타이밍 가변성은 숙련자가 비숙련자보 다 낮게 나타났으며, 60bpm 조건에서 다른 템포 조건보다 높게 나타났다. 결론: 이러한 연구결과를 통해 무용 숙 련자는 주기적인 리듬에 맞춰 일관적으로 움직이는 것뿐만 아니라 청각자극 없이 규칙적인 움직임을 생성하고 유 지하는 데 특화되어 있으며, 오랜 무용훈련 경험이 이러한 능력을 촉진하는데 긍정적인 효과를 가져왔음을 짐작 할 수 있다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the vast majority of geostationary satellites currently in orbit, station keeping activities including orbit determination and maneuver planning and execution are ground-directed and dependent on the availability of ground-based satellite control personnel and facilities. However, a requirement linked to satellite autonomy and survivability in cases of interrupted ground support is often one of the stipulated provisions on the satellite platform design. It is especially important for a geostationary military-purposed satellite to remain within its designated orbital window, in order to provide reliable uninterrupted telecommunications services, in the absence of ground-based resources due to warfare or other disasters. In this paper we investigate factors affecting the robustness of a geostationary satellite’s orbit in terms of the maximum duration the satellite’s station keeping window can be maintained without ground intervention. By comparing simulations of orbit evolution, given different initial conditions and operations strategies, a variation of parameters study has been performed and we have analyzed which factors the duration is most sensitive to. This also provides valuable insights into which factors may be worth controlling by a military or civilian geostationary satellite operator. Our simulations show that the most beneficial factor for maximizing the time a satellite will remain in the station keeping window is the operational practice of pre-emptively loading East-West station keeping maneuvers for automatic execution on board the satellite should ground control capability be lost. The second most beneficial factor is using short station keeping maneuver cycle durations.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        목적: 본 연구는 동작의 연속성과 속도에 따른 내적 타이밍 과제 수행의 정확성과 가변성 차이를 살펴보고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 메트로놈 동기화 훈련의 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 방법: 연구 참여자(n=24)는 동작이 시작되는 지점에서 정지하는 구간의 유무에 따라 구분된 연속 동작 집단, 불연속 동작 집단에 각각 12명씩 무선할당 되었다. 두 집단의 연구 참여자는 무선으로 제공되는 세 가지(30bpm, 45bpm, 60bpm) 속도 조건의 청각신호에 따라 오른손을 연속 혹은 불연속적으로 돌리면서 목표물과 접촉하는 타이밍 과제를 수행하였다. 또한 감각운동 동기화 능력의 향상을 확인하기 위하여 상호작용 메트로놈(interactive metronome)을 활용한 4일간의 메트로놈 동기화 훈 련(synchronized metronome training)을 진행하였다. 타이밍 정확성은 시간의 절대오차, 가변성은 시간오차의 변동 계수, 수행 성공률은 15ms 이내의 시간오차로 산출하였다. 결과: 타이밍 정확성과 수행 성공률은 불연속 동작보 다 연속 동작에서, 그리고 동작의 속도가 빠를수록 높게 나타났다. 타이밍 가변성은 연속성에 따른 유의한 차이 를 보이지 않았으나, 속도가 증가할수록 유의하게 증가하였다. 동작의 속도와 연속성의 상호작용 효과는 타이밍 정확성에서 나타나지 않았지만, 타이밍 가변성은 속도가 빠를수록 두 집단 모두에서 높아지는 효과가 나타났다. 메트로놈 동기화 훈련 결과 연속 동작 집단의 경우 2일 이상의 훈련이 타이밍 정확성 및 수행 성공률의 향상을 가져왔다. 결론: 내적 타이밍 과제에서 연속적인 동작 조건에서 상대적으로 빠른 속도를 이용한 운동제어 및 학 습 전략이 수행의 정확성과 일관성에 효과적이다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In a four-wheel independent drive platform, four wheels and motors are connected directly, and the rotation of the motors generates the power of the platform. It uses a skid steering system that steers based on the difference in rotational power between wheel motors. The platform can control the speed of each wheel individually and has excellent mobility on dirt roads. However, the difficulty of the straight-running is caused due to torque distribution variation in each wheel’s motor, and the direction of rotation of the wheel, and moving direction of the platform, and the difference of the platform’s target direction. This paper describes an algorithm to detect the slip generated on each wheel when a four-wheel independent drive platform is traveling in a harsh environment. When the slip is detected, a compensation control algorithm is activated to compensate the torque of the motor mounted on the platform to improve the trajectory tracking performance of the platform. The four-wheel independent drive platform developed for this study verified the algorithm. The wheel slip detection and the compensation control algorithm of the platform are expected to improve the stability of trajectory tracking.
        2019.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Concrete is most widely used construction material in the world. Its superior properties make it a suitable material for utilization. Modern age concretes are more durable and have high strengths as compared to old age concretes. However, these high strength concretes presents high shrinkage at early-ages, which is due to low water/binder (w/b) ratios. Keeping in view this problem, this research study is conducted. Mortars were made with cement and silica fume as binders with incorporation of two different size ranges of tea waste particles. Setting time, flow and chemical shrinkage of fresh mortars were investigated. The results showed that the addition of saturated tea waste particles reduced the chemical shrinkage at early ages as compared to the mixes without tea waste particles.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is perennial, frequently damaged by various diseases and insect pests, due to this, quantity and quality decreases. Particularly, Alternaria blight greatly damages the stem in its germination and the leaves after leafing. Here, this research conducted a test by investigating the control effect of lime-sulfur mixture in the market on 5 ginseng Alternaria blight, in order to utilize it as the disease control measure for disease and pest for eco-friendly cultivation of ginseng. Methods and Results : This research investigated the control effect of 5 types of lime-sulfur mixture in market on ginseng spotting disease by distributing the solvents to 5-years ginseng by 100 times and 200 times on April 29, May 15, and May 27. Also, this research investigated spore germination inhibition effect on Alternaria panax, Colletotrichum sp. and Botrytis cineria spore germination inhibition effect was investigated with spore germination inhibition ratio by manufacturing 100 times’ culture and 200 times’ culture per lime-sulfur mixture medium. There were two materials among 5 lime-sulfur mixture products to control over Alternaria blight using eco-friendly ginseng material, which didn’t damage during the leafing period of ginseng, and this research selected Sulfur 153, effective for Alternaria blight. Sulfur 153 was effective for Alternaria blight control due to its 82.2% control effect when treating by 200 times. Sulfur 153 was effective for spore germination inhibition of Alternaria panax, Colletotrichum sp. and Botrytis cineria and the rates of spore germination inhibition were 71.5, 100, 19.5% respectively. Conclusion : There were 2 materials among 5 lime-sulfur mixture products to control over Alternaria blight using eco-friendly ginseng material, which did not damage leafing period, and sulfur 153 was selected as the material effective for Alternaria blight. Sulfur 153 appeared to suppress germination of spore of Alternaria panax and Colletotrichum sp.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        EunMi Hong. 2017. Subject To-Infinitives and Control. Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 1-22. This paper stems from an effort to explain control in English from the semantic point of view. Following such semantic tradition of control as Pollard and Sag (1994), and Culicover and Jackendoff (2001, 2003, 2005), it puts in the center the semantic properties of control predicates when it comes to choice of controller in subject to-infinitive sentences. This paper also classifies control predicates which typically co-occur with subject to-infinitives and identifies a control structure for each category. Through this approach, this paper concludes: (1) local control is encoded in the argument structures of predicates; (2) LD-control is actually speaker (or thinker) or hearer control; (3) lastly, the so-called Intervention Effect with disturb type predicates can be accounted for by an interaction between the lexical structure and the topic position, and no such effect with help type predicates by a propositional peculiarity of the infinitive they take.
        2017.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Experimental investigation of the tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is a primal factory task prior to its installation at a site and is mainly undertaken by a real-time hybrid simulation. In this study, a noncontact standalone vision sensing system is developed to replace a series of the conventional sensors installed at the TLCD tested. The versatile measurements of the system is theoretically and experimentally evaluated through a wide range of lab scale dynamic tests.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        임진강 유역은 북한과 인접해 있는 지리적 특성 때문에 수문관측에 어려움이 있고 급작스러운 홍수발생 시 대응측면에서 취약하다. 이에 따른 대책으로 2005년 군남홍수조절지 건설이 계획되었다. 그러나 이러한 구조적 대책에도 불구하고 북한의 무단방류에 의한 피해가 계속 발생되고 있고, 2012년부터 지속된 한반도 가뭄의 영향과 북측댐의 일방적인 저수로 임진강 유량이 급격히 감소하여 임진강 하류에서 가뭄 피해가 발생하 고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 임진강유역의 가뭄피해를 대비하고 홍수발생 시 효율적인 대응시간을 확보하기 위하여 군남홍수조절지의 새로운 운영방법을 도출하였다. 먼저 가뭄피해 대비를 위해 저수용량을 확보하는 방안으로서 홍수기 군남홍수조절지 운영수위를 EL.23.0 m에서 EL.31.0 m로 상향하여 유지하는 운영방법은 기존운영방법과 비교․ 분석 시 약 14백만 m3의 용수를 추가 확보할 수 있다. 또한, 홍수발생 시 초기 250 m3/s로 조절방류를 하여 유입량을 일부 저류시키는 운영방법은 기존운영방법과 비교․ 분석 시 저수지 저류효과가 평균 2.66% 증가한 것으 로 나타났다. 이는 기존의 운영방법과 비교하였을 때 평균 약 19시간의 대응시간 확보가 가능한 것으로 분석되었다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. Accordingly, a chemical control system was made with the aim of effectively control gray mold, anthrax, and spotting disease which occur during growth period. fungicide resistance of gray mold rot was examined to find out whether the chemical control system can be used over the long term. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geumsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. The chemical control system was done to the plants of two years old or older. As for the order of the treatment, from the end of April to May Fludioxonil (A) and Pyraclostrobin (B) were used; from the mid-May to the end of July of growth stages Difenoconazole (C), Iminoctadinetris (albesilate) (D), Cyprodinil (E), Metconazole (F), Fluazinam (G) and Pyrimethanil (H); from August to September nonresidualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb (K); in November of hibernating period, Fenhexamid (I) and Carbendazim/diethofencarb (J) were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The isolation of Botrytis cinerea for examination into mycelial growth inhibition rate was conducted to 4-year old ginseng in Geumsan, 5-year old in Yesan, and 3-year old in Sejong. In Geumsan, the mycelial growth inhibition rate to Botrytis cinerea was 75.5% - 100%. Every fungicides showed good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was seen in fungicide B at 75.5%. K showed the prevention rate at 76.8%, D at 82.7%, and I at 82.2%, and other fungicides at 100%. In Sejong area, the hyphal prevention rate of Botrytis cinerea was 71.0% - 100%, indicating all fungicides show good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was recorded by fungicide B at 71.1%, D at 81.1%, K at 85.4%, and I at 95.4%. Yesan area also showed similar results to those of Geumsan and Sejong. Conclusion : Botrytis cinerea was isolated from ginseng and mycelial growth inhibition effect was examined in concentration of 11 kinds of fungicides. In all three areas where chemical control system were applied, resistance was not found, suggesting that the chemical control system can be applied to control diseases of ginseng.
        2017.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, it was modelled high-rise building applying outrigger damper system and analyzed by applying eccentric load. By controlling the variation of damping and stiffness of the damper, the seismic response control performance of outrigger damper system was analysed. An outrigger damper system is effective in controlling the top floor displacement response and torsional angle. Therefore, the damper should be selected the proper stiffness value because the variation of stiffness have an influence on the torsional angle.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For articulated swimming robots, there have been no researches about controlling the motion or trajectory following. A control method for articulated swimming robot is suggested by extending a previous algorithm, ESPG (Extended Swimming Pattern Generator). The control method focuses on the situation that continuous pre-determined swimming pattern is applied for long range travelling. In previous studies, there has not been a way to control the propulsive force when a swimming pattern created by ESPG was in progress. Hence, no control could be made unless the swimming pattern was completed even though an error occurred while the swimming pattern was in progress. In order to solve this problem, this study analyzes swimming patterns and suggests a method to control the propulsive force even while the swimming pattern was in progress. The angular velocity of each link is influenced and this eventually modifies the propulsive force. However, The angular velocity is changed, a number of problems can occur. In order to resolve this issue, phase compensation method and synchronization method were suggested. A simple controller was designed to confirm whether the suggested methods are able to control and a simulation has affirmed it. Moreover, it was applied to CALEB 10 (a biomimetic underwater articulated robot) and the result was verified.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, review anti-corrosion performance of the metal spraying sealing agents in according to molecular weight. It was evaluated according to KS D 9502 CASS test for determine anti-corrosion performance of sealing agents. Results showed, the molecular weight range of 20,000∼30,000 molecular sealing treatment manufactured through the control material exhibited the best performance.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Generating motion of center of mass for biped robots is a challenging issue since biped robots can easily lose balance due to limited contact area between foot and ground. In this paper, we propose force control method to generate high-speed motion of the center of mass for horizontal direction without losing balancing condition. Contact consistent multi-body dynamics of the robot is used to calculate force for horizontal direction of the center of mass considering balance. The calculated force is applied for acceleration or deceleration of the center of mass to generate high speed motion. The linear inverted pendulum model is used to estimate motion of the center of mass and the estimated motion is used to select either maximum or minimum force to stop at goal position. The proposed method is verified by experiments using 12-DOF torque controlled human sized legged robot.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 실리콘계 정포제의 특성에 따른 폴리우레탄 폼 지수제의 cell 구조와 흡수량 변화를 알아보기 위하여 6종의 정포제를 사 용하여 폴리우레탄 폼 지수제를 제조하여 FE-SEM으로 분석한 결과 실리콘 정포제의 실록산 주사슬 말단에 PO n개가 결합되어 있는 DC-193, DC-2585, DC-5125, DC-198의 cell 구조는 close cell로 확인이 되었고, 실리콘 정포제의 실록산 주사슬 말단에 EO n개가 결합 되어 있는 DC-5043과 DC-5598은 open cell 구조로 나타났다. 또한 cell 구조 변화에 따른 흡수량 에서는 close cell의 크기가 가장 세밀하고 균일한 DC-193의 흡수량이 가장 적게 나타나 내수성이 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났으며 open cell의 크기가 가장 크게 형성된 DC-5043의 흡수량이 가 장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 이들의 방수성능을 콘크리트 구조물을 모사하여 시험한 결과 누수가 없음을 확인하였다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mortality was tested to organic control materials to the E. maslovskii adults by the dipping method in laboratory. As the result, in 2014, the extracts of Neem Ⅰ was not shown control effect by 10.2% control efficacy to E. maslovskii adults in laboratory. The extract of Sophora flavescens roots was shown 84.7% mortality. And other 5 materials were shown 100% insecticidal activity to the adults in laboratory. I n 2015, Plant extract+pyrolignous acid Matrine 0.45% and Plant extract Matrine 0.5+paraffin oil 8% were shown 100% and 94.6% control efficacy, respectively. In the Japanese apricot orchards, the fruit damage rate was low on spray at 21th April in Daap, Gwangyang city, and 8th May Hwangjeon, Suncheon city in Jeonnam province in 2014. The fruit damage rate differed from spray timing and materials, but it was considered that the control of E. maslovskii should be in late April to early May. Otherwise, in 2015, the fruit damage was significantly low in late April spray in Daap, but no significant was in between one spray at 21th, 27th April and 2 spray that days. Meanwhile, the control effect was better 2 times spray of the days in Hwangjeon, Suncheon city in Jeonnam province. Therefore, in organic Japanese apricot, the use of insecticidal materials recommended to control over twice spay in from meddle to late April.