
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 367

        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this paper are to report the English proficiency of Korean university students through TOEIC test, and to suggest feasible ways to improve their communicative competence. A total of one thousand and forty-two sophomore students who took the Practical English course participated in this study. The data based on TOEIC scores were analyzed and the major findings revealed that: (1) Although students had slightly higher scores on the written language sections than on the spoken language parts, they had the lowest scores in the grammar section; (2) The total listening comprehension scores were significantly correlated with the total reading scores; (3) There was a high positive correlation between students’ proficiency level and their scores; (4) Multiple regression analysis showed that part 3 (short conversations) influenced significantly on the total listening part, while part 6 (grammar) had a significant effect on the total reading part. In conclusion, these findings contribute to the emerging picture of what constitutes a successful language learner by proposing a more refined model based on Willis’. In conclusion, the results of this study offer several suggestions for language teaching professionals as providers of effective instruction of communication strategies for enhancing the development of communicative competence.
        2006.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality tends to be the dominant contributor to personal exposure, because most people spend over 80% of their time indoors. In this study, indoor and outdoor NO2 concentrations were measured simultaneously with personal exposures of 30 university students in weekday and weekend in Daegu, Korea. House characteristics and subject's activity pattern were used to determine the effects on personal exposure. Since university students spent most of their times indoor, their NO2 exposure was associated with indoor NO2 level during both weekday and weekend in spite of different time activity. Using a time-weighted average model, NO2 exposures of university students were estimated by NO2 measurements in indoor home, indoor school, and outdoor home. In conclusion, major personal exposure to NO2 resulted from air quality of indoor environment at house.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 채식, 비채식 남녀대학생을 대상으로 골밀도를 측정하고 신체계측, 식습관, 운동 등의 요인이 골밀도에 미치는 영향을 조사하였으며 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 채식남학생은 33명(44.0%), 여학생은 34명(25.2%), 비채식군남학생 42명(56.0%), 여학생 101명(74.8%)이었으며 평균신장과 체중은 채식남학생 172.61cm, 62.42kg, 비채식남학생은175.38cm, 72.52kg, 채식여학생은 160.47cm, 55.76kg, 비채식여학생은 161.77cm, 56.34kg이었다. 2. 평균 BQI은 남학생군에서 채식군과 비채식군 각각 101.73, 107.43이었고, 여학생군에서는 각각 84.15, 89.64이었다. Z-score는 채식남학생 -0.16, 비채식남학생 0.15, 채식여학생은 -1.07, 비채식여학생은 -0.73이었고, T-score는 채식남학생 -0.28, 비채식남학생 0.03, 채식여학생 -1.07, 비채식여학생은 -0.77이었다. 3. 조사대상자의 골밀도 상태를 정상, 골감소증, 골다공증 3군으로 분류하였을 때 골밀도가 정상인 경우는 채식남학생 75.8%, 비채식남학생 83.3%, 채식여학생은 44.1%, 비채식여학생은 60.4%이었다. 골감소증은 채식남학생 24.2%, 비채식남학생 16.7%이었고, 여학생의 경우 각각 55.9, 37.6%로 채식군의 골감소증 비율이 높았다. 조사대상자에서 골다공증은 비채식여학생군에서 2명(2.0%)이었다. 4. 식습관을 조사한 결과 영양보충제를 섭취하지 않는 비율은 채식남학생 66.7%, 비채식남학생 54.8%, 채식여학생 58.8%, 비채식여학생 44.6%이었고, 규칙적으로 식사를 하는 경우는 채식남학생 75.8%, 비채식남학생 50.0%이었고, 채식여학생은 44.1%, 비채식여학생 34.7%으로 채식군의 비율이 높았다. 육식과 채식을 혼합하여 섭취하는 비율은 비채식남학생 83.3%, 비채식여학생 87.1%이었으며, 아침을 매일 먹는 채식남학생은 78.8%, 비채식남학생은 33.3%, 채식여학생 47.1%, 비채식여학생 39.6%이었다. 또한 식사의 양은 과식한다는 응답이 채식남학생 24.2%, 비채식남학생 38.1%, 채식여학생은 29.4%, 비채식여학생 40.6%으로 비책식군의 과식율이 높았다. 5. 식품 섭취빈도는 두부 및 콩제품을 매일 섭취하는 경우는 채식남학생 54.6%, 비채식남학생 16.7%, 채식여학생은 38.2%, 비채식여학생이 16.8%이었다. 우유 및 유제품을 매일 섭취하는 경우는 채식남학생 6.1%, 비채식남학생 33.3%, 채식여학생 14.7%, 비채식여학생은 21.8%이었으며, 녹차, 커피 등 차를 마시지 않는다는 비율은 채식남학생 69.7%, 비채식남학생 28.6%, 채식여학생 29.4%, 비채식여학생 25.7%이었다. 인스턴트 식품을 매일 섭취한다는 응답율이 채식남학생 9.1%, 비채식남학생 21.4%, 채식여학생은 17.7%, 비채식여학생은 14.9%이었다. 6. 운동, 체중 조절 등에 대한 조사 결과 항상 운동을 하는 경우는 채식남학생 30.3%, 비채식남학생 28.6%, 채식여학생 14.7%, 비채식여학생 18.8%이었으며 운동시간은 1~2시간 하는 경우는 채식남학생 30.3%, 비채식남학생 38.1%, 채식여학생은 8.8%, 비채식여학생은 17.8%이었다. 체중에 만족하는 정도를 보면 채식남학생 57.6%, 비채식남학생 23.8%, 채식여학생은 23.5%, 비채식여학생은 15.8%가 만족한다고 하였다. 체중 조절 경험에서 경험이 있는 경우가 채식남학생 3.0%, 비채식남학생 31.0%, 채식여학생은 23.5%, 비채식여학생 31.7%이었다. 7. 골밀도 BQI값과와 몇가지 요인의 상관관계를 살펴보았을때, 채식남학생은 영양보충제의 섭취와 유의적인 양의 상관관계를, 해조류의 섭취정도와 유의적인 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 비채식대학생의 경우 골밀도와 여러 요인과는 유의적 상관관계를 보이지 않았다. 채식여학생은 식사규칙성에서 유의적 음의 상관관계를, 식사량과 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 비채식여학생군에서도 비채식남학생군과 같이 전반적으로 유의적 상관관계를 보이지 않았다.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the pizza purchasing behavioral characteristics of respondents and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase, to estimate the effects of attributes on pizza restaurant choice, and to predict probability of selecting a particular pizza restaurant. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: The paired experimental profiles, purchasing behavior and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase. This study generated profiles of 16 hypothetical pizza restaurant based on the seven attributes. The profiles comprised 16 discrete sets of variables, each of which had two levels. For this study, researcher randomly selected 150 students of university as respondents. Twenty students did not complete the survey instrument, resulting in a final sample size of 129. All estimations were carried out using frequencies, 2, independent samples t-test, phreg procedure of SAS package. The results are as follows. Some purchasing behavioral characteristics and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase were significantly different by gender. Based on the estimated models developed for male student group and female student group, the Chi-square statistics were significant at p〈0.001. The parameter estimate for late delivery time with male student group was highest, and the parameter estimate for price with female student group was highest. The pizza restaurant that charged \20,000, offered 100% discount on eleventh pizza, promised to deliver pizza in 40 mins, usually delivered the pizza as promised time, offered only 1 type of pizza crust, delivered warm pizza, offered the money-back guarantee was favored by each of male student group and female student group. The results from this study suggested that there was an opportunity to increase market share and profit by improving operations so that customers receive discount and money-back guarantee simultaneously, and by reducing price, delivery time.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese university students' in Beijing perception for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows: A questionnaire was examined on male 145 (45.7%) and female 172 (54.3%) college students of residing in Beijing. Nationality of Kimchi answered Korea 83.3% of all the participants, and have eaten Kimchi was 59.0%. Male purchased commercial Kimchi 39.7%, and female restaurant 44.9% (p< .05). The first answered 'it was taste' 52.1% when commercial Kimchi purchased, and packing size of commercial Kimchi was 50g 50.0%. Among the intake experience have eaten Kimchi was the highest Baechu Kimchi 79.1%, Mu Kimchi 68.4% and Oi Kimchi 63.6%, also preference of Kimchi was Baechu Kimchi 44.3%, Mu Kimchi 29.3% and Oi Kimchi 19.2% in order. After have eaten Kimchi answered good 64.6% (p< .05), Kimchi liked reason were the highest 'refreshing taste' 42.4%, unliked were 'oder (of garlic, ginger and anchovy juice, etc)' and 'too spicy' 33.3%, respectively. Improvement on consumption extention of Kimchi answered 'not too salty' 30.2%, 'not too hot' 28.5% and 'not too strong seasoning' 22.7%. Perception for Kimchi answered the highest mean (3.95) 'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice'.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 휴대전화기 문자 쓰기 속도와 손의 민첩성과의 상관관계를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 연구방법 : 손에 손상을 받은 경험이 없는 47명의 인제대학교 학생을 대상으로 하였다. 설문 조사 후에 Nine Hole Pegboard Test(Smith & Nephew Rehabilitation Division version)와 대상자의 휴대전화기로 일정한 문장을 쓰는데 소요되는 시간을 측정하였다. 결과분석은 SPSS 10.0을 이용하였다. 연구 대상자의 일반적인 특성에 따른 문자쓰기 속도와 손의 민첩성은 t-검정과 ANOVA를 사용하여 분석하였다. 그리고 문자 쓰기 속도와 손의 민첩성에 대한 관계를 알아보기 위하여 스피어만 상관계수(Spearman correlation coefficient)를 사용하여 분석하였다. 결과 : 연령과 문자 쓰기 속도와의 관계는 유의한 차이(P<0.05)가 있었으며 연령이 낮을수록 문자 쓰기 속도가 더 빨랐다. 성별과 오른손 민첩성과의 관계는 유의한 차이(P<0.05)가 있었으며 여자가 남자 보다 민첩성이 더 높았다. 문자 쓰기 속도와 손의 민첩성은 관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 손의 손상이 없는 성인에서 휴대전화기의 문자 쓰는 속도와 손의 민첩성에서 유의한 상관관계는 없었다. 그러나 연령에 따라 문자 쓰는 속도에 차이가 있었으며, 성별에 따라 오른손 민첩성에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 본 연구를 바탕으로 기능적인 손 사용에 영향을 미치는 요소들을 알아보기 위한 연구와 손 기능에 문제를 가진 사람을 대상으로 문자 쓰기 활동이 손 기능 향상에 도움을 줄 수 있는 것인가에 대한 연구가 필요하리라 생각된다.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate eating-out behavior patterns of university students. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 610 university students(male : 41.5%, female: 58.5%). The main results are as follows: The motivation of eating out for the university students was the highest to take care of a meal, the second motivation was the social reason for the male student, but accomodate diversion for the female student. The time of eating-out was the highest from 31 minutes to 60 minutes. The eating-out cost of one time was highest from 5,000 won to 10,000 won. The eating-out cost of one month was the highest from 50,000 won to 100,000 won. The both male and female students were favorite of the korean foods. The left-over foods were higher female students compared with male students. The style of left-over foods was highest the korean foods. The payment style was high the most student by turns. The frequency of eating-out was high male students compared with female students as below (lunch>dinner>breakfast). The criteria for the selecting eating-out level was appeared as below (Taste>Cleanliness and hygiene>Kindness and good service>Price>Atmosphere>Variety of menu>Promptness of service>Convenient location>Quantity of food>Reputation). Both students liked hot tastes.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese university students' in Shanghai perception for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows : A questionaire was examined on male 139(49.5%) and female 142(50.5%) college students of residing in Shanghai. Nationality of Kimchi answered Korea 75% of ail the participants, and have eaten Kimchi was 60.9%. Male purchsed commercial Kimchi 42.2% and female restaurant 46.3a(p< .01). The first answered 'it was taste' 51.6% when commercial Kimchi purchsed, and packing size of commercial Kimchi was 200g 56.9%. Among the intake experience have eaten Kimchi was the highest Baechu Kimchi 77.8%, Mu Kimchi 58.5% and Oi Kimchi 35.7%, also preference of Kimchi was Baechu Kimchi 49.7%, Mu Kimchi 26.9% and Oi Kimchi 13.8% in order. After have eaten Kimchi answered good 54.5%(p< .01), Kimchi liked reason were the highest 'refreshing taste' 39.7%, unliked were odor(of garlic, ginger and anchovy juice, etc) and too spicy in order Improvement on consumption extention of Kimchi answered 'not too hot' 30.4%, 'not too salty' 28.6% and 'not over-riped' 21.7%. Perception for Kimchi answered the highest mean 3.51'Kimchi can be preserved for a long time' (p< .05) and 'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice'.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary and the living habits of 606 university students located in the Chonnam area. The subjects included 290 freshmen (47.9%) and 316 undergraduate students (52.1%). This survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Most students (73.9%) skipped breakfast because of lack of time (65.8%) of the cases. Self-reported eating habits problems were eating irregular meal (52.8%), overeating (21.1%), unbalance diet (13.0%) and skipping meal (7.3%). The type of favorite snack was biscuit (31.8%) and cup Ramyon(31.8%). The weight control was higher in freshmen compared to undergraduate. The rates of smoking in freshmen and undergraduate were 21.0% and 26.6% respectively. The coffee intake and alcohol drinking frequency was higher in undergraduate compared to freshmen. The living habits of undergraduate students were undesirable. Therefore they should have a nutritional program to improve their food habits and the dietary behaviors for students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically.
        2004.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aimed to establish the basic elements of social life and provided initial information to be of help to sports activity participation program by recognizing the necessity of sports activity participation, and at the same time, by using sports
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study primarily aims at identifying and classifying the most frequently occurring error types in Korean university students’ written work. This study will also try to find some ways to prevent those errors by discussing the issue of error treatment. A total of one hundred and fifteen Korean university students participated for two consecutive studies. The writing samples were collected and errors were extracted from native speaker teachers’ error correction of student writing. After the errors were identified, they were analyzed based on a modified linguistic category taxonomy (Dulay, Burt, & Krashen, 1982). In this study, the most common errors were ‘Noun Phrase’ errors, followed by ‘Verb Phrase’ errors. This possibly suggests the existence of interlanguage and implies that the differences in the two language systems or the absence of certain features in L1 (Korean) caused difficulty in their application in L2 (English) in using the correct forms. Pedagogical implications based on the findings are then discussed.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed in order to investigate to dietary behavior, perceived stress level and their correlations for University students. Dietry behavior of 72% subjects was poor and only 1.8% was good. The dietary behavior of subjects was correlated with their residence type. The overage stress point was 1.76±0.53 and female students was more stressed than male. Stress elevate the food uptakes and digestion disorder in female students. 12 Factors of stress was analyzed in University students, identification, study, friends and off-school activity related factors were more influenced in female students and health related factor was dominant in male. The subjects who more stressed in factor of religion and around people were preferred salty taste. Study, friends, health related stress factor effect to digestion and food uptake level. Religion, boy or girl friends and sex related stress factor effect to alcohol uptake
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L1 and L2 summaries written by Korean university students in an EFL writing class were studied to determine the causes of instances of “plagiarism.” Summaries in both L1 and L2 were evaluated holistically along with seven essays in L2. It was found that more proficient writers in L1 and L2 tend to demonstrate less Reliance on the Source Text1); and a good amount of Reliance was also present in L1 as well as L2, suggesting that L2 interference is not the only cause of Reliance. These findings indicate a relation between Reliance on the Source text and writing ability both in L1 and L2. Moreover, a closer look at instances of Reliance often revealed efforts by the writers to integrate source text material into their own texts, though these attempts often seemed like “plagiarism” to writing teachers. However, Reliance in these cases may not be plagiarism per se from students’ point of view. The results are expected to help teachers understand the causes and nature of students’Reliance on the Source text in the writing instruction.
        2004.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the food habits and dietary intakes of University students in Busan areas. The survey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 130 male and 156 female students. The results obtained were as fellows. 1. 95.3% of male and 76.4% of female students answered they are moderate or healthy. The rates of alcohol drinking in male and female students were 94.5% and 81.0% and the rates of smoking were 73.2% and 2.0% respectively 34.6% of male and 56.9% of female students didn't regular exercise. 2. 21.3% of male and 10.5% of female students were satisfied with their current body image and 74.3% of female students wanted thinner figure. Male students attempted to weight control by exercise and females did by exercise and fasting. 3. The average BMI of students were 22.60 in males and 19.53 in females respectively and 78.0%, of female students were underweight. 4. Breakfast was skipped in 79.5%, of male and 83.7% of female students and it appeared male students eat faster than female students. 5 Male students preferred beverage and noodles and females preferred bread, biscuit, snack and beverage as snack food and female students had a higher tendency to enjoy snack time. The frequency of eating out was higher in female students and the standard of food choice was preference > price > convenience > nutritional value. The favorite dishes were meats > poultry > fruits > fishes, cereals, noodles in male and fruits > meats > cereals > poultry > noodles > fishes in female students. 6. The average energy intake were 1715.70kca1 in male and 1588.71kcal in female students respectively and the intakes of Ca, vitamin A and B2 were lower than RDA in male and female students.
        2003.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the relationships among personality preferences, dietary habit and nutrient intake of University students (n=283). Mean dietary habit score was similar between sexes and was 46.1/100 in male students and 45.1/100 in female students. Average energy intake of male students was 2,019 kcal (80.8% of RDA) and that of female students was 1,675 kcal (83.7%). Male students were taking less than 90% of RDA in calcium and vitamin B2 and female students were taking less than 90% of RDA in calcium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Students preferring Judgment had significantly higher dietary habit score than students preferring Perception. Extraversion had higher nutrient intake than Introversion both in male and female students. Male students preferring Feeling had also higher nutrient intake than students preferring Thinking. Nutrient density per 1,000 kcal was higher in Thinking and Judgment than Feeling and Perception. In conclusion, students preferring Judgment and Extraversion have better dietary habit and nutrient intake than those preferring Perception and Introversion. More studies are necessary between personality preferences and dietary behavior to contribute to effective nutrition education and counseling.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing body mass index of 618 university students located in the Gwangju area, from Nov. 20th to 30th, 2002. The subjects included 301 males(48.7%) and 317 females(51.3%). This survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. The percentage of students who were underweight, normal and overweight based on their body mass index(BMI) was 3.7, 88.0 and 8.3 for the males, and 29, 71 and 0 for the females, respectively. Most students (73.8%) skipped breakfast. This was because of lack of time(65.1%) of the cases. Self-reported eating habit problems were eating irregular meal(52.4%), overeating(21%), prejudiced meal(12.4%) and skipping meal(7.4%). The type of favorite snack was biscuit(31.9%) and cup Ramyon(31.9%). The type of favorite beverage was juice(23.3%). The coffee intake was higher in males compared to females. The rates of alcohol drinking in male and female students were 88.0% and 85.8% respectively, and the rates of smoking were 35.9% and 2.8% respectively. Percentages of weight control experience were 30.2 and 51.4 in the male and female, respectively. The BMI of students living in home and eating breakfast was higher than that of the other students. The BMI of students eating cup Ramyon and water increased. The BMI of students taking regular exercise and weight control tended to be higher than that of subjects not doing so. When the amount of pocket money available and the rates of coffee intake, alchol drinking and smoking increased, the BMI was increased. Therefore, nutritional education for university students is needed so as to improve their health and to modify life habits and nutritional education program should be developed to meet the various needs of these students.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to provide basic materials for food service consumption culture by proving the problem with food service purchase and its improvements. For this purpose, it was attempted to grasp university students' food service purchase behavior and level of satisfaction with it and to investigate the factors influencing their level of satisfaction with food service purchase. The questionnaire research was conducted for university students living in Seoul and Chungcheong provinces. 453 questionnaires obtained from them were used for final analysis. As a results, the following finding were obtained: 1. In case of university students, their level of consumer satisfaction with food service purchase was shown to be the score of 37.99(63.06/on the basis of 100 points). They showed the highest level of satisfaction with quality, followed by facility and atmosphere, service, price and the like. 2. The factor having the greatest influence on university students' level of satisfaction with food service purchase was shown to be gender(female), followed by food service place(Korean food restaurant, Chinese food restaurant, Western food restaurant, flour-based meals restaurant), consumer attitude, average monthly food service cost.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to establish marketing strategy and efficiency management of the department of occupational therapy in the University and College. The subject population included 890 students from six college and five university in National area. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire in a period from April 5 to May 5, 2001. The results are as follows: 1. It appeared that regarding criteria for selection of college by among students’ in the University and College, two type of college (University and College) were motivation of job obtain. 2. It appeared that regarding satisfaction of college life, University students are more satisfied than college students. Also it appeared that regarding satisfaction of department’s operation and environment of educations, University students are more satisfied than college students. 3. The opinion of development in the college setting efforts to develop of field-based learning curriculum. Also, in the university setting to obtain of able professor.