
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 707

        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울시 아파트 200가구의 거주자를 대상으 로 실내식물이 거주자의 행복지수에 미치는 영향을 알아 보기 위한 조사로서, 그 동안 원예치료와 식물의 기능성 연구 등 여러 연구를 통해 나타난 식물의 인간에 대한 긍정적인 역할에 착안하여, 거주자와 가장 가까이 있는 실내식물이 궁극적인 목표인 거주자의 행복에 어떻게 관여하고 있는지를 분석하고자 하였다. 실내식물을 키 우면서 행복감이 가장 컸을 때는 꽃이 피었을 때라고 응 답한 사람이 전체의 57% 로 가장 많았고, 그 뒤를 이어 새싹이 돋았을 때가 33% 를, 분갈이 했을 때와 직접 키 운 식물을 분양했을 때가 각각 2%, 기타가 7% 였다. 식 물과 함께하는 시간이 많을수록 행복지수는 1시간 내 에서 정비례관계를 보였다. 실내식물의 재배관리주체가 누구냐에 따른 행복지수 에서는 본인이 직접 관리하는 경우의 행복지수가 67.90, 가족구성원이 관리하는 경우의 행복지수는 65.09, 기타가 64.79로 분석되었다. 실내식물 선호도와 실내정원의 면 적에 따른 행복지수도 정비례관계를 나타냈으며 실내화분 식물의 개수가 많아지면 행복지수도 증가하였다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We examined the relationship between breakfast eating, nutrient intake, and health outcomes using dietary intake, anthropometric, and biochemical measurements in Korean adults. Data from the 2007 National Health and Nutrition Survey were obtained, and 2,514 adults aged 20 to 64 years were analyzed. The prevalence of skipping breakfast, using a 24-hour diet recall, was 54.5% in the 20-29 age group, 31.2% in the 30-49 age group, and 19.2% in the 50-64 age group. In the 20-29 age group, waist circumstance and serum cholesterol were significantly higher in breakfast skippers than in breakfast eaters. In the 30-49 age group, breakfast skippers had higher triglyceride levels than breakfast eaters. Energy intake of breakfast skippers in every age group was significantly lower than that of breakfast eaters. Furthermore, in the 20-29 and 30-49 age groups, the percent of energy from carbohydrates in breakfast skippers was significantly lower than that of breakfast eaters, whereas the percent of energy from lipids in breakfast skippers was significantly higher than that of breakfast eaters. Additionally, in the 20-29 and 30-49 age groups, breakfast eaters showed higher carbohydrate and iron intake per 1,000 kcal than breakfast skippers and lower lipid intake per 1,000 kcal than that of breakfast skippers. Breakfast skippers showed intakes of less nutrients than EAR was higher than breakfast eaters except vitamin B2 and calcium intake in males of the 20-29 age group. In conclusion, nutrition education, and policy should be implemented to teach the importance of breakfast, appropriate dietary intake, and proper food choice for each age group.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Articulation Index(AI) is the one of the evaluating methods for the interior sound of the automobiles. The AI measures the articulation level of the sound in the vehicle cabin as passengers talk to another. In this study, the effects of AI were investigated according to the various structures of tire. As the structures of tire were changed, the road noise of the vehicle tire was measured using objective measurement. From this measurement data, the AI was calculated. The AI of front is larger than that of rear. Increasing the tread hardness of tire or decreasing the apex height the AI is improved.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Articulation Index(AI) is the one of the evaluating methods for the interior sound of the automobiles. The AI measures the articulation level of the sound in the vehicle cabin as passengers talk to another. In this study, the effects of AI were investigated according to the various structures of tire. As the structures of tire were changed, the road noise of the vehicle tire was measured using objective measurement. From this measurement data, the AI was calculated. The AI of front is larger than that of rear. Increasing the tread hardness of tire or decreasing the apex height the AI is improved.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 우리나라의 고층기상 관측자료와 수치모델(RDAPS 10km) 예상 자료를 활용하여 대기 불안정도와 건조도를 포함하는 산불잠재 위험지수인 Haines Index(HI)와 산불과의 관계를 분 석하였고, 그 결과 산불 확산 잠재성이 높은 HI=5, 6은 4월에 가장 높게 나타났고, 대기의 안정도 보다는 건조도가 높게 나타났으며, 산불의 발생과 확산에 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 행복지수에 기초한 ‘행복한 코칭’의 방법론과 그 적용 사례를 제시하고 코칭산업의 발전에 기여하고자 하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. ‘고객은 왜 코칭을 받는 것인가? 행복이라는 관점에서 코치는 우선적으로 두 가지 문제를 생각해봄이 바람직할 것이다. 첫째는 행복이란 무엇이며 어떻게 측정할 것인가? 둘째는 코치입장에서 코칭 성과를 어떻게 측정할 것인가? 그러나 안타깝게도 두 가지 문제에 대한 바람직한 답을 찾기란 쉽지가 않다. 첫째, 행복을 정의하고 측정하는 방법으로 다양한 분야에서 다양하게 연구되고 있기는 하다. 그러나 현재까지 발표된 방법 중에서 GNH(Gross National Happiness; 국민 총 행복)은 국가 차원의 거시적인 관점에서의 방법이며, Rothwell과 Cohen의 행복지수는 개인 차원의 행복을 측정하는 방법이기는 하나 설문에 의존하며 다소 정적(靜的)이어서 동적(動的)인 실제생활을 실시간으로 반영하기에는 무리가 따르는 것이 현실이다. 둘째, 지금까지 소개된 무수히 많은 코칭 방법론은 어떻게 코칭할 것인가에 대한 코칭 방법에 국한하고 있을 뿐 고객이 코칭을 받은 후에 얼마나 행복해졌는지에 대한 성과 측정 및 평가방법을 제시하지 않았다는 것이다. 본 연구를 통하여 코칭 성과를 측정하고 평가하는 방법이 필요하다는 요구가 점점 더 강해지고 있는 시점에서 첫째, 행복을 측정하는 새로운 방법을 제시하고, 둘째 행복지수를 활용하여 코칭 과정에 대한 체계적인 관리 및 코칭 결과에 대한 성과를 객관적인 측정과 평가가 가능하게 하는 방법을 제시한다는 측면에서 그 의미가 크다고 볼 수 있다.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Clinical measures that Quantify falling risk factors are needed for the accurate evaluation of patients and to plan an intervention strategy. The purpose of this study was to examine the test-retest and interrater reliability of the dynamic gait index (DGI) for persons with Parkinson's disease (PD). A total of 22 idiopathic PD patients were recruited from rehabilitation hospital, Korea in this study. The DGI was assessed in two sessions that were, three days apart. We also measured Berg balance test (BBT) and geriatric depression scale (GDS) for concurrent validity with DGI. Intrarater and interrater reliability (.96 and .98 respectively) for DGI were high. indicating good agreement. The DGI was showed a good positive correlation with the BBS (r=.852). but not GDS (r=-.462). Intrarater and interrater reliability of DGI were high in people with PD. The DGI could be a reliable measure to evaluate functional postural control during gait activities in the PD population, and the ability of DGI to detect real change is acceptable in research and clinical settings.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the effect of resistance exercise and balance exercise on proprioception and WOMAC index of patients with degenerative knee osteoarthritis. A total of 40 subjects participated in this study. The subjects were diagnosed with degenerative knee osteoarthritis and all were more than 60 years old. They were divided into three groups. Group Ⅰ(n=8) was trained with resistance exercise, Group Ⅱ(n=6) was trained with balance exercise and GroupⅢ(n=6) was trained with range of motion as a control. The results of this study were as follows. It was significantly indicated that the resistance exercise group and balance exercise group elicited error-reduction on proprioception goal-angle (p<.05). There was a statistically significant difference on proprioception between resistance exercise group and control(range of motion) group. There was a statistically significant reduction on WOMAC index between resistance exercise group and balance exercise group (p<.05) and on the WOMAC index between resistance exercise group and range of motion group(p<.05). In conclusion, resistance exercise and balance exercise are effective on degenerative knee osteoarthritis and resistance exercise is the most effective for improving proprioception and WOMAC index. More research on the intervention according to the degree of degenerative knee osteoarthritis is needed.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Causing by economic stagnation and financial management difficulty of the domestic small and medium business company, the actual condition which enlarges the plan of politic funds increased from the government. The government authority as the SBC (small a
        2010.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In fabricating plasma display panels, the photolithographic process is used to form patterns of barrier ribs with high accuracy and high aspect ratio. It is important in the photolithographic process to control the refractive index of the photosensitive paste. The composition of this paste for photolithography is based on the B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 glass system, including additives of alkali oxides and rare earth oxides. In this work, we investigated the density, structure and refractive index of glasses based on the B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 system with the addition of Li2O, K2O, Na2O, CaO, SrO, and MgO. The refractive index of the glasses containing K2O, Na2O and CaO was similar to that of the [BO3] fraction while that of the SrO, MgO and Li2O containing glasses were not correlated with the coordination fraction. The coordination number of the boron atoms was measured by MAS NMR. The refractive index increased with a decrease of molar volume due to the increase in the number of non-bridging oxygen atoms and the polarizability. The lowest refractive index (1.485) in this study was that of the B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3-K2O glass system due to the larger ionic radius of K+. Based on our results, it has been determined that the refractive index of the B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 system should be controlled by the addition of alkali oxides and alkali earth oxides for proper formation of the photosensitive paste.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) was developed and widely used as a clinical tool to assess balance performance during gait. The purpose of this study was to validate the Korean translated DGI using Rasch analysis. A total of 105 community-dwelling elderly was participated in this study (age range = 65~95 years; mean = 78.0 years). The translated DGI showed sound item psychometric properties, and the 8 items were arranged in order of difficulty for the total participants. The most difficult item was 'Steps' and the easiest item was 'Level surface'. Also, each of the original 4 rating scale categories satisfied the Linacre's essential criteria suggestions for optimal rating scale category effectiveness. Although, thirty eight person (36.2%) showed the maximal high score, but the most of them was no history of fall in the preceding year. For subjects who has falling history, all of the person's ability was arranged within the item's difficulty. The 8-item Korean translated DGI can be used to measure gain in elderly person with balance disorders without compromising important clinical measurement characteristics in Korea.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the change in the anthropometric values, biochemical index, nutritional knowledge, food habits and nutrient intakes in obese children after a weight control program. The subjects of the study were 22 obese children with an obesity index over 120%. The children that participated in this study took nutritional education for weight control along with exercise once a week. The weight control program was conducted for 10 weeks. The BMI, WHR (Waist-Hip ratio), body fat (%) significantly decreased at the end of the weight control program. Total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were also significantly decreased. The nutritional knowledge scores and knowledge score about obesity were slightly improved. Energy intake significantly decreased from 1768 to 1421 kcal. Intake of Ca, Na, K, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and folate increased, while intakes of P, Zn, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E and niacin decreased. The distribution of energy intake was significantly changed for the better. The percent fat consumed decreased from 26.5 to 19.7%. In addition, the distribution of energy intake in the meals was changed, where the percent calories consumed during lunch significantly increased from 31.4 to 40.1% and the calorie percentage consumed from snacks significantly decreased from 17.6 to 10.7%. In conclusion, the nutritional education in the weight control program, which was conducted for 10 weeks, was effective in improving the anthropometric values, biochemical index and nutrient intake although nutrition knowledge and eating behaviors only changed slightly. Thus, nutritional weight control programs for obese children should be continuously provided under the proper cooperation of a nutritional teacher at elementary schools.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        금강수계에서 어류상과 서식지 적합도 지수(HSI: habitat suitability indexes)를 산정하기 위하여 2007년 10월부터 2009년 3월까지 23개 지점을 선정하여 어류 채집을 실시하였다. 이를 바탕으로 어류상, 상대풍부도 및 생물다양도 등을 포함한 하천의 건강성 평가를 실시하고, 우점종에 대하여 서식지 적합도 지수를 산정하였다. 모든 지점에서 채집된 어류는 총 11과 50종 6188개체였다. 한국고유종은 감돌고기(Pseudopungtungia nigra) 및 각시붕어(Rhodeus uyekii) 등 21종(42%)이 출현하였다. 출현어종중 개체수 구성비가 가장 높은 종은 피라미(Zacco platypus)로 34.3%를 차지하였고, 다음은 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 10.2%, 쉬리(Coreoleuciscus splendidus) 8.4% 등의 순으로 나타났다. 대부분 지점에서 우점종으로 나타난 피라미(Z. platypus)의 서식지 적합도 지수는 수심 0.1~0.9m, 유속 0~0.9m/s 및 하상재료 실트(<0.1mm)~호박돌(100.0~300.0mm)로 나타났다. 본 조사결과 금강수계 23개 지점에서 한국고유종 및 멸종위기종이 다수 출현하는 것으로 조사되어 보존 및 보호대책이 필요하다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 전면이 평면인(γ=∞) 하드코팅 된 렌즈에서 코팅박막의 두께와 굴절률을 박막의 손상없이 측정한다. 방법: He-Ne 레이저를 박막에서 도파되도록 렌즈로 집속시켜 Gadoliniun Gallium Garnet(G.G.G.) 프리즘에 입사시키고 입사된 광의 고유모드 중 일부가 도파관을 새어나가서 m차 line(m은 정수)으로 관측되도록 장치하였다. 이 line들 사이의 떨어진 거리를 광 검출기로 측정하는 prism-film coupler 방법으로 실험하였다. 결과: TE(transverse electric) mode에서 박막두께는 약 2.42 ㎛, TM(transverse magnetic) mode에서는 약 2.55 ㎛로 평균 약 2.49 ㎛로 측정되었고, 굴절률은 두 mode에서 약 1.60으로 같은 값을 얻었다. 결론: 이 값(2.49 ㎛)은 전자현미경(SEM)으로 측정한 두께와는 5.5%의 오차를 나타냈다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we propose development of new products including the proposed process of at the customer's requirements. The success of new product development depends on customer satisfaction in the marketplace. Existing product development process, including the customer's interest was weak. In this paper, we propose development of new products which include Kano's attractive quality factor method and Timko's customer satisfaction index method. Also we verified new medical treatment of incontinence-nency which is applied to the proposed process.