
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,096

        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        출연기관은 국가 발전을 위한 연구개발을 수행하는 역할을 수행하고 있다. 최근 환경 등의 사회적 이슈가 확대되면서 출연연의 사회적 책임에 대한 인식도 강조되어가고 있다. 그 결과 출연연이 기본 연구개발의 가치 창출뿐만 아니라 사회적 공헌 또는 기여를 통하여 사회와 더불어 공존하면서 지속가능한 성장을 추구해야 할 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 논문은 출연연 이해당사자 교육성과에 대하여 공유가치창출(CSV)의 지표들을 분석하고 도입 시 고려해야 할 정책방안들을 제안한다
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In international businesses human resource elements acquired in different countries might have different values in varied industries due to different quality of education and experiences in original countries. Using existing models to evaluate expected values of human resource elements such as education and experience setc. acquired in sending countries they are expanded to examine also the values of science and engineering degrees in technology jobs with selectivity bias correction. This paper used the US census survey data of 2015 on earnings, academic degrees etc. to contrast qualitative effects with quantitative effects of human resource elements compared to those in the native and/or white group.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기업이 지속적으로 성장하기 위해서는 반드시 가치를 확보해야 한다. 많은 기업들의 전략은 고객으로부터 가치를 최대한 확보하고 전유하는 것에 초점이 맞춰져 있다. 이에 따라 가치에 대한 연구는 학계와 산업계에서 활발하게 진행되고 있으나 대부분의 경우 지나치게 개념적이거나 이론적인 경우가 많아 실증적인 연구로 이어지는 것에는 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 VCA(value creation and appropriation)model을 이용해 국내외 항공 산업에서 발생하는 가치창조와 전유 동향을 분석하였다. VCA모델을 통해 가치를 창조하기 위해 투입된 자본과 노동력을 바탕으로 기업이 실제로 창출한 가치의 양을 계산할 수 있으며 또한 창조된 가치가 기업의 이해관계 자(임직원, 고객, 공급업체 자본투자자 등)들에게 어떻게 배분(distribution)되는지 파악할 수 있다. 한국, 일본, 중국 및 동남아시아 국가의 주요 항공사의 재무제표 등 접근 가능한 데이터를 활용해 분석을 수행했으며 2000년부터 2015년까지의 총 15개년의 데이터를 수집했다. 분석 결과 각 국가, 기업 규모, 연도별로 가치의 창조와 전유에는 일정한 패턴과 유형이 존재하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 최종적으로는 가치창조와 전유의 유형별로 주요 이슈를 도출하고 이에 대응하기 위한 시사점을 제시하였다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insects are attracting the attention of alternative sources of protein. In order to produce high quality insects, studieson the development of safe and nutritious feed sources are needed. Given the cost of rearing insects, agricultural andindustrial by-products were good materials of insect feed. In the current study, Citrus unshiu peel (CP), soybean curdcake (SCC), soybean oil meal (SOM), and brewers dried grain (BDG) were investigated for their effects on larval growthand development of Protaetia brevitarsis. Interestingly, larvae fed on 10% SCC increased their weight by 3.5 times. Forthe larval period, they were significantly shorter than the control. Furthermore, minerals and amino acids were recordedto be high in them. The heavy metals were not detected in any of the investigated groups. These findings provided ascientific basis for the utilization of soybean curd cake as a nutritional feed source to promote larval growth and producequality insects.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서론 안동 하회마을은 문화적 전통과 민속을 보존하고 계승하 고자하는 국가 차원의 정책 목표 아래, 1984년 최초 민속마 을로 지정되었다(김창민. 2009). 이후 하회마을은 조선시대 가옥형태와 전통적인 삶이 그대로 전승되고 있는 생활공간 으로, 주민들이 세대를 이어 삶을 영위하고 있는 살아있는 유산(Living Heritage)으로 가치를 인정받아 2010년 세계문 화유산에 등재되었다. 이렇듯 하회마을은 ‘민속마을’ 혹은 ‘세계문화유산’이라는 이름으로 전통적 가치를 공식적으로 인정받고 있지만, 자연과 삶이라는 유기체적 범주에서 전통 경관보존을 위해 상호 조화되는 과정에는 다양한 문제가 발생한다. 하회마을 형태를 구성하는 수직경관요소는 담장, 건축물, 수목이고, 이 세 가지 구성요소는 마을경관변화에 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 방문객의 입장에서 살펴봐도 마을길 을 따라 보이는 제한된 관람환경임을 고려할 때 건축물과 담장을 제외한 수목은 생장을 하며, 계절에 따라 개화 및 단풍을 연출하는 등 마을경관변화에 영향을 미치는 주요 경관요소이다. 그러나 마을 내 전통경관을 보존하기 위해 그동안 수행되었던 종합정비계획 및 기타 연구 자료는 건축 물의 보수와 정비에 초점을 둔 수리보고서 성격이 대부분이 다. 하회마을 식생경관과 관련하여 식물연구가 진행되었지 만 대부분이 식물상 조사에 그쳤으며, 더구나 식물상조사의 경우는 연차적인 모니터링 결과가 중요함에도 불구하고 단 발성 연구에 그치고만 한계를 보이고 있었다. 연구의 부재 뿐만 아니라 마을 내 유입되는 수목의 반·출입 기록은 고사 하고, 현재 생육하는 수목의 현황조차 파악되지 않는 실정 이다. 그리고 하회마을은 사유지가 대부분으로 개인취향에 의한 무분별한 식재, 혹은 지자체 합의에 의한 주체적인 경 관식재 등이 조성되면서, 전통마을에서 최소한 유지되어야 할 고유 식재경관이 점점 변화되고 있다. 이에 문화 및 생물 학적 가치에 우선한 수목분석을 통해 정비·보존되어야 할 식재경관의 장기적인 비전을 제시하고자 한다. 조사방법 하회마을 동측 진입부 수계를 경계로 한 135개소의 가구 별 정원수목과 기타 마을 내부에 생육하는 수목의 전수조사 (2017.2.∼2017.9.) 자료를 바탕으로 자연적·문화적 가치를 평가하여 도면분석을 실시하였다. 먼저 수목의 전수조사는 조사대상지 내 자연발생이 아닌 인위적으로 조성된 교목을 연구 범위로 설정하였고, 근원 3cm 이하 또는 수고 1m이하의 경우 조사범위에서 제외하 였다. 단 앞의 조건에 의해 제외된 수목이지만 인문적 요소 가 가미되거나 정원수로 가꾸어 수고가 높지 않은 경우는 연구자 판단에 의해 조사범위에 포함하였다. 하회마을 ‘식생경관 보존’을 최종목표로 한 평가항목을 설정하기 위해 수목의 가치를 대변할 수 있는 모든 요소를 나열하고 유형화하는 반복과정을 통해 자연적 가치 5가지 와 문화적 가치 5가지의 세부평가항목을 선정하고, 추출된 평가항목의 요소별 평가값은 하회마을 수목현황을 근거로 상대적으로 부여하였다. 생물학적 가치는 수목자체가 지니 는 생육상태를 기존 선행되었던 노거수 자원평가보고서(문 화재청, 2006) 건강성평가항목을 참고하여 설정하였고, 여 기서 도출된 등급자체가 수목가치의 절대값을 대변하지는 않는다. 역사적 가치 평가기준은 인문현황과 관련한 자료의 진정성정도에 따라 등급을 구분하였다(Table 1). 도면중첩분석은 지도상에 공간적 정보를 통합하여 합성 하는 과정으로 주로 토지이용의 최적지 타당성 분석 등에 주로 활용되고 있다. 그러나 도면중첩은 평가항목별 누적된 결과에 대한 위치별 가치평가가 가능하기 때문에 하회마을 내 식생경관 가치의 계량화 분석이 가능하다. 전수 조사된 수목을 1:1000 수치지형지형도에 CAD로 작성하고, 도면에 표현된 수목심볼의 실측값(Point)에 더 큰 가중 값을 주어 보간하는 IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted)를 활용하여 문 화적·생물학적 요소의 가중치를 중첩하여 분포결과를 도출 하였다 결과 및 고찰 하회마을 연구범위에 식재된 교목은 총2,483주(상록교목 709주, 낙엽교목 1,774주)로 집계되었다. 성상은 상록교목 총15종으로 가이즈까향나무, 구상나무, 노간주나무, 반송, 백송, 비자나무, 선주목, 섬잣나무, 소나무, 스트로브스잣나 무, 실화백, 전나무, 주목, 측백나무, 향나무이고, 낙엽교목 총 48종으로 가중나무, 감나무, 고로쇠나무, 공작단풍, 꽃사 과류, 노무라단풍류, 느릅나무류, 느티나무, 단풍나무, 대추 나무, 두릅나무, 두충나무, 때죽나무, 마가목, 매화나무, 모 과나무, 목련류, 밤나무, 배나무, 배롱나무, 버드나무, 벽 동, 복숭아, 산딸나무, 산사나무, 산수유, 살구나무, 석류나 무, 소사나무, 아까시나무, 음나무, 오갈피나무, 왕벚나무, 은행나무, 이팝나무, 일본목련, 자귀나무, 자두나무, 중국단 풍, 참나무, 층층나무, 팥배나무, 팽나무, 헛개나무, 호두나 무, 회화나무로 조사되었다. 생물학적 평가항목인 수목의 근원직경(수관폭), 수령, 수세, 수형, 특수성 총 5개의 기준으로 가중치를 적용하여 분석한 결과 1등급 8주(0.3%), 2등급 281주(11.3%), 3등급 400주 (16.1%), 4등급 463주(18.6%), 5등급 1,331주(53.6%)로 나 타났다. 역사적 중요도를 반영한 문화성, 역사성, 기록성, 시대성, 문화재지정여부 유지 총5개의 항목으로 도면에 데이터 코 딩을 실시한 결과 1등급 3주(0.1%), 2등급 267주(10.8%), 3등급 4주(0.2%), 4등급 112주(4.5%), 5등급 2,097주 (84.5%)로 나타났다. 생물학적 가치와 문화적 가치가 합산 된 수목의 평가값은 1등급 4주(0.2%), 2등급 269주(10.7%), 3등급 28주(1.1%), 4등급 714주(28.8%), 5등급 1,468주 (59.2%)로 분석되었다. 본 연구는 안동하회마을 내 생육하는 수목의 가치분석을 통 해 현재 변화하고 있는 식생경관 재건을 위한 기초자료로 제 시하고자 하였다. 수목의 가치에 영향을 주는 자연적 가치 5항목과 문화적 가치 5항목을 선정하고, 분석의 최종단계에 서 종합가치5등급을 제시하였다. 그 중 수목종합가치가 1등 급으로 나타난 삼신당 느티나무 등 4주와 2등급에 해당하는 만송정 숲 일원 소나무 등 267주는 마을 역사의 흔적을 포함 하는 수목으로 가치가 우수하며, 추후 하회마을 식생경관 관 리계획에 있어 우선에 포함해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 이상 안동하회마을의 식생경관 재건이라는 측면에서 살펴볼 때, 마을에 식재된 수목의 진정성 확보를 위한 평가항목의 추가 적인 보완과 세부적인 보존·관리방안 관련 연구는 추후 과제 로 남기고자 한다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hay-making is one of the most common forage preservation practices in livestock operations. The objective of hay-making is to minimize nutrient loss by shortening field drying time. Measuring the impacts of cutting height of forage crop is necessary to optimize hay production balancing yield and quality, in order to obtain substantial biomass increase through harvest of regrowth. This experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of cutting height of rye (Secale cereale L.) on drying rate and hay quality. Heading stage rye was harvested at 8cm or 15cm stubble heights. Hay was daily tedded at 09:00 and sampled at 09:00, 13:00 and 17:00 to determine moisture content (MC). After two month of preservation, CP (crude protein), ADF (acid detergent fiber), NDF (neutral detergent fiber), IVDMD (in vitro dry matter disappearance), TDN (total digestible nutrient), RFV (relative feed value), DM (dry matter) loss, visual scores and total fungi count were determined for estimation of hay quality. Cutting height at 15cm could enhance the drying rate and CP content (p<0.05), but also increases DM loss (p<0.05) compared to cutting at 8cm. Cutting heights did not affect ADF, NDF, IVDMD, TDN and RFV value (p>0.05). Visual scores of rye hays cutting at 8cm and 15cm, ranged from 83 to 85. Cutting at 8cm tended to maintain higher core bale temperature and fungal count than cutting at 15cm during preservation, but there was no significant difference.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 연구개발스톡과 6개의 지식스톡(특허의 질적 가치)이 기업의 시장가치에 미치는 영향을 포함하는 연구모형을 설정하여 기업의 시장가치와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 구체적으로 토빈Q 모형을 사용하여 우리나라 402개 기업의 미국특허등록 108,851건(연 도관측치 2,795건)의 특허를 분석하였다. Hall모형의 확장 모형 분석결과, 연구개발스톡/자산, 청구항스톡/특허스톡, 인용스톡/특허스톡 등이 기업의 시장가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 유의수준이 높진 않지만 피인용스톡/특허스톡, 발명자스톡/특허스톡 등 도 기업의 시장가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과에 따라 특허경영시대에 특허의 질적 수준 고도화와 특허의 가치 제고를 위한 정책 방안이 마련되어야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        개발과 보전 간 갈등을 최소화할 수 있는 지속가능한 국토 관리를 위해서는 기본적으로 다양한 생물들의 서식처가 될 수 있는 자연환경 우수지역에 대한 관리가 이루어져야 한다. 자연환경 우수지역에 대한 효율적 관리를 위해서는 자연환경 우수지역 중에서도 법적·제도적으로 보호받지 못하고 개발에 노출된 지역들에 대해 지속적인 현황 파악의 노력이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 국토환경성평가지도의 환경생태적 평가 결과와 법제적 평가 결과를 활용한 Gap 분석을 통하여 환경생태적으로 자연환경이 우수하나 제도적으로 보호받지 못하는 관리취약지역을 추출하는 방안을 제안하고자 하였다. Gap 분석 결과, 전국토의 4.81%와 국토환경성 평가지도 환경생태적 평가 1등급 지역의 11.22%가 자연환경적으로 우수하나 제도적으로 보호받지 못하는 관리취약지역으로 분석되 었다. 그리고 이러한 대표지역들의 현황을 살펴본 결과, 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률상 자연녹지지역으로 지정되어 있었으며, 기타법률에 의거 준보전산지, 가축사육제한구역 그리고 인근 학교로 인한 상대보호구역으로 지정된 지역들이었으며, 이러한 관리 취약지역들은 여건만 조성된다면 개발이 발생할 수 있는 지역들이었다. 따라서 이러한 지역들의 보호를 위해 제도적으로 보호할 수 있는 관리 방안을 고려해야 한다. 그리고 이러한 자연환경이 우수한 관리취약지역의 제도적 관리와 보호 대책 마련을 통해 국내 생물다양성을 증진시키고 지속가능한 국토관리가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine how the mobile social network service experience affects value co-creation and customer lifetime value. The mobile social network service experience includes mobile convenience, social compatibility, social risk, and cognitive effort. The research hypotheses with structural equation modeling are tested. In mobile SNS context, value co-creation behaviors essentially determine customer lifetime value of mobile shopping apps. Value co-creation behaviors have received little attention in mobile shopping. The mobile SNS experience strongly influences value co-creation behaviors. This study is based on a sample of mobile SNS users nationwide in Korea. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Furthermore, the study examines customer lifetime value, which is good sales predictor of mobile shopping apps. Moreover, the research model included the positive and negative determinants on mobile SNS experience. Future researches examine other use intentions of mobile SNS. Value co-creation behaviors substantially affect customer lifetime value. Mobile shopping apps should increase customer lifetime value from mobile SNS experience and value co-creation. This study shows how individual mobile SNS user provides mobile shopping apps with profit through value co-creation. This study is the first to examine how mobile SNS users enhance value co-creation and how value cocreation behaviors affect customer lifetime value of mobile SNS users.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ABSTRACT The growth of the social platform has led to a rapid increase in sustainable value cocreation activities with customers in order to know what a customer wants. In this study, we have studied about co-creation experience in social platform service. Previous prior studies have systematically classify co-creation between customer and enterprise as co-product and value-in-use, Conceptual factors. The co-creation and value-in-use factors theoretically derived from previous researches attempt to investigate the relationship between value co-creation experience and online service quality. We also tried to investigate the relationship between value co-creation experience and online service quality, customer equity, and online word of mouth. To do this, social platform services are divided into open sns and closed sns. Open SNS was targeted to Facebook, Twitter, and Pintrest users. Closed sns were targeted to Instagram, Cyworld, Band, and KakaoTalk users. In this study, it was confirmed that the relationship between online service quality, customer equity, and online word of mouth is significant through value co - creation experience. In the future, companies that design social platforms will be asked to do what they should do to co-create with customers, and provide suggestions for how to operate the platform in order to continuously activate value co-creative experiences.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In contemporary society, the severity of social problems, such as environment pollution, is gradually raising people’s awareness towards sustainability (Gleim, Smith, Andrews, & Cronin, 2013). The fashion industry’s interest in sustainability is growing. However, consumers have neither sufficient knowledge or, nor faith in, sustainable fashion, and often question the reasons to pursue sustainability (Skov, 2009). The success of sustainable fashion depends on effective branding and marketing communications strategies designed to enhance consumers' knowledge, benefit and value perception. Providing consumers with the benefits of new products is an effective way of communicating (Lee & Colarelli O'Connor, 2003). Knowledge is an important variable affecting consumers ' perceived benefits (Haas & Hansen, 2007). Consumers’ values, attitude, and knowledge also affect their environment awareness and actions (Laroche, Bergeron, & Barbaro-Forleo, 2001). According to a previous study, environmental knowledge plays an important role in consumer behavior (Tilikidou, 2006). Consumers perceive various kinds of value according to their knowledge (Haas & Hansen, 2007; Hartmann & Apaolaza-Ibáñez, 2012). Therefore, it is crucial to create awareness of the effect of consumer behaviors on the environment (Cegarra-Navarro, Cordoba-Pachon, & Fernandez de Bobadilla, 2009). Many studies have highlighted the leading factors influencing sustainable behavior (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). However, there a dearth of research on how sustainable knowledge influences perceived benefit, perceived value and behavior Thus, the purpose of the present research is as follows: (1) to identify the effects of sustainable fashion knowledge on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) to investigate how perceived benefit and perceived risk influence perceived value, and (3) to investigate perceived value’s influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention. Sustainable fashion education, nationality, and uncertainty avoidance, will have a moderating effects on relationships among sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, and knowledge sharing intention. Four hundred fifty samples were collected to measure sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, knowledge sharing intention, uncertainty avoidance, and demographic variables. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 for descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS 18.0 for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), validity test and multiple group analysis on the results. A measurement model was then estimated by examining the results of the CFA. The main results of this research are as follows: (1) sustainable fashion knowledge has a positive influence on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) perceived benefit and perceived risk have a positive influence on perceived value, (3) perceived value has a positive influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention, and (4) there was a difference in the relationship between variables according to the consumer groups (education, nationality, uncertainty avoidance tendency). This study is meaningful for taking an in-depth look at the influence of customers’ perceived value, based on their level of sustainable knowledge, on consumer behavior and on knowledge sharing related to sustainable fashion. In terms of practical applications, this study can provide in-depth and empirically-supported online education and a brand marketing strategies regarding an actual sustainable fashion brand.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The main objective of this study is to compare the difference of consumers’ perception on brand context. The focal factors are brand equity, brand personality and perceived customer value. This would enhance the knowledge of cross-cultural brand equity and brand personality, especially in Fast-Fashion industry. In addition, the findings of this study show that, for a brand in different marketing context, how customers perceive the brand and contribute it to their value. The sample size of 800 consumers is applied (400 Japanese consumers and 400 Thai consumers. The focal brand is randomly selected by the researcher. The Structural Equation Modelling with multiple group analysis would be conducted for examining the differences of consumer perception on a Fast-Fashion brand. All major model fits indicator would be evaluated. Finally, the results of the study would be discussed.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Along with the growth of disposable income and the improvement of consumers’ living condition, consumers are no longer satisfied only with the fulfillment of functional needs of products. Instead, they seek to meet higher level of demand such as emotional and symbolic needs when consuming products. One reflection of this kind of pursuit in consumer behavior is “conspicuous consumption”, which is the tendency for individuals to enhance their image and communicate status to others through overt consumption of possessions (O’Cass & McEwen, 2004). Moreover, the emergence of social networking service (SNS) has boosted the phenomenon of such overt consumption. For example, a consumer who bought a new luxury sports car uploads a photo of his/her car on Facebook to show off his/her wealth, status, uniqueness, taste, etc. In this context, if a product is scarce due to a limited supply, then consumers might use the product for conspicuous consumption (Gierl & Huettl, 2010). Thus, it can be inferred that consumers who have conspicuous consumption tendency will be attracted by new product which is scarce in its early diffusion process. Moreover, the literature has added new content to conspicuous consumption with the development of social economy and value. Consumption value goes far beyond satisfying functional needs, and consumption and possessions are regarded as the extension of the self (Belk, 1988). Hence, consumers would be eager to present and show off their “extended self” on SNS using new products. As a consequence, this research aims at exploring the relationship and internal mechanism between the new paradigm of conspicuous consumption and consumers’ new product adoption intention, mediated through perceived consumption value. Different traits of consumers and resulting value perceptions are influential on consumer adoption behavioral intention and outcomes (e.g., Kastanakis & Balabanis, 2014). Despite the fact that identifying and adequately meet the needs of target consumers is essential in new product success, current literature still lacks understanding on how consumers perceive value of new products based on their needs for conspicuous consumption in adopting new products. Moreover, even though there are some evidence in the literature showing that consumers with high needs for conspicuous consumption accept new products more quickly, there is limited guideline for managers for how and why different perspectives of conspicuous consumption tendency affect new product adoption intention through perceived value of the product. In addition, consumer behavior literature of conspicuous consumption has overemphasized the role of status seeking without fully understanding other motives and needs for it. Accordingly, we will start by examining different types of conspicuous consumption tendencies and studying how they affect different value perceptions, which lead to new product adoption intention. A large number of studies from various disciplines have defined “conspicuous consumption” differently. Earlier, Veblen (1899) proposed the term “conspicuous consumption” to describe the behavior of rich American people who spent a significant portion of their time and money on unnecessary and unproductive leisure expenditures. As indicated, in early days, “conspicuous consumption” was thought to be only occurred to the upper class of the society that wishes to display wealth or status through luxury consumption. However, Mason (1988) pointed out that conspicuous consumption is not only associated with the rich and privileged, but is a worldwide phenomenon that is easily observed at all social and economic levels. Moreover, recent research advocates that conspicuous consumption is not only about displaying wealth, but also about delivering self-images and enhancing social standing through consumption. The symbolic meaning of products is commonly used as an outward expression of consumer self-concept and connection to the society (Chaudhuri & Majumdar, 2006). The motives to show their social status, unique taste or conformity trigger overt consumption of different kinds of goods to satisfy the need of belonging, increase their popularity, as well as be highly respected, admired, or envied (Gierl & Huettle, 2010). Drawing from current literature (e.g., Chaudhuri & Majumdar, 2006; Chen, Yeh, & Wang, 2008; Gierl & Huettl, 2010; O’Cass & McEwen, 2004; Shukla, 2008), this research defines conspicuous consumption as the tendency for individuals to enhance their image and communicate status to others through overt consumption, and proposes it to be a multidimensional concept consists of three dimensions namely ostentation of a high social status (a superior position within a social hierarchy), demonstration of uniqueness (differences from people belonging to the same social group), and demonstration of conformity (similarity to people belonging to a certain social group). We aim at examining the individual differences in three different conspicuous consumption tendencies and how they are related to new product adoption intention. It is important to study new product success from the consumer’s perspective because the success of new product eventually depends on the decisions of consumers to adopt or reject the new product (Im, Bhat, & Lee, 2015). According to Hirschman (1980), innate personality of the consumer has an important influence on whether to adopt new product or not. Moreover, Venkatesh and Brown (2001) found that relevant others such as friends, family, and other important connections can influence the adoption decision. As such, those who are influenced by the people around them will choose products that can convey an image congruent with the social image they wish to project. (Sheth, Newman, & Gross, 1991). New products, depending on their characteristics and types, can be used to show social status, uniqueness, or conformity. When the new product is first launched in the market, it is often released at a high price, though it is not a necessity to most consumers. Thus, adopting the high priced but unnecessary new products or frequently upgraded products in a certain category can signal economically rich status. In addition, consumers adopt new products to demonstrate their needs for uniqueness due to the scarcity in early diffusion process. Finally, new product can also help consumers conform to a certain group they wish to belong. For example, when most of a consumer’s friends or colleagues have adopted iPhone, he/she also is willing to adopt iPhone in order to assimilate with the group member and achieve a sense of belonging. In conclusion, there might be positive relationships between consumers’ tendency to demonstrate high social status, uniqueness and conformity and new product adoption. Im et al. (2015) argued that consumers’ evaluation of or attitude toward a product and ultimate decision to adopt depends on their perceptions of the product’s value. Thus, perceived value may act as an important determinant in new product adoption. Besides, now that perceived value is derived from subjective evaluation and judgement of consumers, different consumers involved in the purchasing process can vary on the perceptions of new products (Perkins, 1993). Moreover, individuals tend to perceive what they need and want while ignoring other irrelevant stimuli around (Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2016). Since consumers with three different types of conspicuous consumption tendency have different needs and wants, they will respond differently to the value offered by products. Thus, we propose the mediating role of perceived value between conspicuous consumption and consumers’ intention of new product adoption. Another important individual level variable that impacts perception of new product is creativity-seeking personality, which refers to the tendency to seek information that is novel and meaningful (Im et al., 2015). Since novelty and meaningfulness are important features of innovation that are embedded in new products, consumers who seek for them are more likely to appreciate the new products more. Thus, we assert that creativity-seeking personality is also important in forming new product adoption behavior. Moreover, according to Im et al. (2015), novelty affects perceived hedonic value while meaningfulness influences perceived utilitarian value. This research attempts to explore the moderating role of creativity-seeking personality on the relationship between conspicuous consumption and perceived value to reveal the synergy effect of conspicuous consumption and creativity-seeking personality. Creativity-seeking personality consists of a novelty-seeking personality (a personal tendency related to the willingness to seek information that is new and different), and a meaningfulness-seeking personality (a personal tendency related to the willingness to seek information that is useful and relevant) (Hirshman, 1980; Im et al., 2015). Specifically, we propose that demonstration of uniqueness has a stronger impact on hedonic value among consumers with high level of novelty-seeking personality and demonstration of conformity has a stronger impact on utilitarian value among consumers with high level of meaningfulness-seeking personality. As such, drawing on the existing literature about conspicuous consumption, creativity-seeking personality, perceived value and purchase intention, this research proposes the mediating role of perceived value through which conspicuous consumption impact consumers’ new product adoption intention. In the meantime, this research explores the moderating role of creativity-seeking personality on the effect of conspicuous consumption on perceived value of new products. Accordingly, our research model is given as demonstrated in Figure 1. We expect the positive relationship between conspicuous consumption and new product adoption intention. Moreover, we predict perceived value mediates the impact of conspicuous consumption on new product adoption intention whereas creativity-seeking personality plays a moderating role. This research has several academic contributions and managerial implications. First, this research distinguished three types of conspicuous consumption from modern perspective including ostentation of a high social status, demonstration of uniqueness, and demonstration of conformity. By testing the impact of three types of conspicuous consumption on new product adoption intention, this study extends existing literature by identifying drivers of new product adoption. Second, it shed light on a mediating mechanism of perceived value through which conspicuous consumption conveys its effect on new product adoption. Third, it identified the moderating role of novelty-seeking personality and meaningfulness-seeking personality on the effect of conspicuous consumption on perceived value. Though we are proposing the theoretical model in Figure 1 based on prior literature in this paper, we expect to empirically validate the relationships in the model by collecting data through multiple experiments using Mechanical Turk. Before the data collection, we will go through the IRB approval for the subject pool and research design. As for managers, they can flexibly apply the consumers’ tendency of conspicuous consumption and creativity-seeking personality as market segmentation tool and implement the appropriate marketing strategy to improve new product adoption behavior for better new product performance. First, managers should be aware that conspicuous consumers are not a homogeneous group. They need to understand the heterogeneous drivers of consumers’ motives regarding conspicuous consumption and formulate appropriate marketing strategy to segment them. Second, this research provides some guidelines in new product promotion. For example, advertisement of the new products can highlight the different kinds of value when targeting consumers with different types of conspicuous consumption tendency. Third, as for sales people, they can provide novel product information to consumers who have tendency to demonstrate uniqueness and provide meaningful product information to consumers who have tendency to demonstrate conformity to increase purchase intention of consumers.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the interrelationships among customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, and switching costs as antecedents of customer loyalty in business-to-business (B2B) contexts. Customer loyalty influences firms’ performance as a key source of competitive advantage. Customer loyalty is essential in B2B contexts, although many studies of customer loyalty have focused on the business-to-consumer (B2C) context. Recently, the use of robotics in the industrial marketing environment has become increasingly prevalent. Given the prevalence of robotics in B2B contexts and the importance of customer loyalty, this study investigates the impacts of robotics in industrial marketing relationships, customer perceived value, customer satisfaction, and switching costs on enhancing customer loyalty.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Luxury market is changing with new competitors to the market, more modest growth, and new types of customers (Kim and Ko 2012). To stay relevant, luxury houses need to develop experience-based marketing strategies that emphasise interactivity, connectivity and creativity (Atwal and Williams 2009). Subsequently, with the rise of digital marketing of luxury (Okonkwo 2009), consumers have been granted a more active role in the value co-creation of luxury brands. Indeed, adopting more inclusive and consumer-oriented marketing strategies has proven successful to iconic luxury brands such as Burberry (Phan, Thomas & Heine 2011), and Hermes (Robins 2016). Previously, value co-creation has been studied from consumer perspective following resource-based view (Arnould, Price and Malshe 2006) and practice theory (Schau, Muniz, and Arnould 2009). However, in the field of luxury marketing, research on co-creation has been limited to one case study of value co-creation processes (Tynan, McKechnie & Chhuon 2010). In addition, no previous research exists on the role of space and spectacular environment in value co-creation in luxury. This article extends these streams of researchby analysing 42 narratives (Polkinghorne 1995) from consumers that have attended two branded exhibitions of Louis Vuitton: SERIES3 held in London in the fall 2015 and Volez, Voguez, Voyagez in Paris in Spring 2016. In essence, luxury is about seduction; recreating a dream and providing meaningful, personal experiences for its consumers (Kapferer and Bastien 2009). Here, a branded exhibition provides a way to invite consumers to feel, see, and experience the brand in its full splendour. These encounters, in turn, transform the value-creation logic between the brand and the consumer from a one-way affair to a co-creational relation. This article demonstrates how exhibition context allows the consumer to participate in the value co-creation for Louis Vuitton, a prestigious luxury brand. Here, the brand provides a context and props for the consumer’s processes of value co-creation. This, in turn, then results into four types of value; utilitarian, experiential, relational, and symbolic. The contribution of this study is three-fold. First, this study extends the literature on value co-creation (Arnould et al. 2006) by demonstrating the role of space in the process of value co-creation. Second, our results extend previous research on luxury (Tynan et al. 2010) by illustrating the value co-creation from consumer perspective. From managerial perspective, the results show how brand exhibitions may act as platforms for content creation and enable rich self-expression with the brand.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The advanced information technology leads to network age, making existing competitive advantages such as differentiation and cost leadership powerless in B2B context. The competitiveness of individual firm plays a significant role in enhancing the competitive advantage of a business network that a firm belongs to. The competitiveness of a business network depends on value co-creation, the interaction among firms in a network. Value co-creation has desirable and risky aspects. The increases in profits, brand reputation, and time and cost efficiency, client and supplier learning, etc. are positive aspects. But role conflicts, role ambiguity, and tension, etc. are negative outcomes. How can the industrial firm succeed in value co-creation with its partners in B2B context? The study focuses on the firm’s strategic marketing orientations as an antecedent of value co-creation. Strategic marketing orientations as the values and beliefs of the firm affect the collaboration with other firms during value co-creation. Previous literature assumes that a firm pursues one single strategic orientation. However, the study assumes that an industrial firm has entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, long-term orientation, and relationship orientation. The study mostly focused on the relationships among those strategic marketing orientations. Based on these inter-relationships, the study proposed a set of value co-creation activity criteria such as information seeking, information sharing, personal interaction, responsible behavior, feedback, helping, advocacy, tolerance. Value co-creation has been evaluated by relationship performance such as trust and commitment. The study examined the relationships between strategic marketing orientations and value co-creation. Data was collected from 159 Korean manufacturers in B2B context and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The study provides evidence that entrepreneurial orientation affects market orientation positively and market orientation has positive effects on long-term orientation and relationship orientation, and long-term orientation and relationship orientation influence value co-creation directly. Value co-creation has a positive effect on relationship performance. The results of the study provide valuable implications to the mangers of industrial firms in B2B context. To succeed the value co-creation, the firm first has to look at the difference between strategic marketing orientations that the value co-creation partners pursue. In terms of selecting value co-creation partner, industrial firm with long-term orientation and relationship orientation will be more effective. Six activities of interactions during value co-creation play an important role in enhancing trust and commitment. The study contributes to the value co-creation literature by identifying strategic marketing orientations as independent variable influencing the value co-creation in B2B context. The study has several limitations that call for future research.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate feed value and usability of soybean varieties as livestock forage. In this study, three soybean cultivars, OT93-26, Geomjeongsaeol, and Pungwon, were harvested at R5 (beginning seed development)- and R6 (full seed)-reproductive stages for analyzing feed value of soybean. Days to R5 stage harvest of OT93-26 among the three soybean cultivars was 55 days and the shortest while Pungwon took 103 days to reach at R6 stage. The R6-harvested soybeans had higher dry matter (DM) yields and crude protein (CP) content than the R5-harvested. However, both DM and CP were the highest in the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol. Contents of neutral detergent fiber (nDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of Pungwon harvested at R5 were the highest whereas the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol had the lowest. Digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), and relative feed value (RFV) of the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol and Pungwon were higher than those of the R5-harvested, but in case of OT93-26, those at R6 stage were low rather than those at R5 stage. However, soybean could be used as alternative forage with high feed value for livestock. Taken together, Geomjeongsaeol could be used for developing new forage soybean varieties with high feed value, and R6 would be the optimum harvesting stage for yield and quality of forage soybean.