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        검색결과 135

        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        문화재 보호와 국민의 재산권 보장은 헌법에서 규정한 국가의 당연한 책무이다. 그러나 현실은 그러하지 못하다. 지표조사 과정에서 유물이 발견되면 모든 공사는 즉시 중단되고 발굴조사를 진행하여야 하며, 이에 따른 개발지연으로 사업비용 증가는 물론 발굴·보존비용 전부를 개발사업자가 부담해야 한다. 또한 역사·예술·학술적 가치에 따라서 문화재보존지역·문화재보호구역·고도보전지역 등으로 지정돼 건축물의 신축·증·개축 제한 등 재산권 행사에 많은 제약이 따르고 있다. 그 결과 각종 개발 사업으로 인한 매장문화재 훼손·파괴의 원인을 제공하고 있다. 문화재청에서는 개인 및 영세사업자가 지불해야 할 비용의 부담을 해소하기 위하여 지표조사 국비지원 사업과 소규모 발굴조사 국비지원 사업을 운영하고 있다. 그러나 근본적인 손실보상 대책 없이 제한적으로 지원하는 이러한 지원사업은 유명무실하다는 비판을 받고 있다. 이에 매장문화재 발굴에 따른 손실보상의 문제점과 개선방안을 제시함으로써 보다 효과적인 손실 보상대책이 이루어 질 수 있도록 하고자 한다. 지표·발굴조사 지원 정책의 한계와 문제점을 개선하기 위해서는 지표조사 및 발굴조사 지원 대상을 모든 토지로 확대 개편해야 한다. 매장문화재 훼손 방지를 위해서는 처벌기준의 강화와 더불어 매장문화재 보상금 제도 도입이 필요하다. 손실보상을 위한 보존재원 마련 방안으로 문화재발굴조사비라는 납세항목을 신설해야 하며, 결합건축제도, 개발권양도제, 용적률거래제, 결합개발제도를 적극 도입·활용하여 보존 재원을 마련해야 한다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The International Labor Organization (ILO) selected fishing as the most dangerous group of jobs in the world, and it is well known in Korea as a 4D industry. Offshore large purse seine accounts for the largest portion of the fishing industry in the coastal region with high death rate and the accident rate. The repeated disaster rate survey by the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) shows offshore large purse seiner is the highest at 22.3 percent and coastal gill nets and offshore stow net are following at 12.4 percent and 11.9 percent in order. Therefore, risk factors occurring in offshore large purse seiners were analyzed based on data from the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (NFFC) for three years from 2015 to 2017 and 4M (Man, Machine, Media, Management) 3E (Engineering, Education, Enforcement) techniques were used to provide a safe fishing environment. The number of accidents on offshore large purse seiners each year was more than 150, and the number of accidents on every fishing boats was as high as 17 percent in 2015. If the accident rate and the risk level were divided by insurance, the accident resulting from contact with machinery was the highest, and the risk of a contact with gear was low but frequently occurring. This was caused by collisions and contact with gear in situations where death and disappearance risk are not high, and accident types in situations where death and loss risk are considered to be contact with machinery, falls or other accidents. Through these analysis techniques, the frequency and risk of each type of accident on a offshore large purse seiners can be demonstrated, and it is expected to raise awareness of a safer fishing environment and contribute to the reduction of accidents.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we analyzed the structural safety and vibration characteristics of rotational drive in 3D CT scan equipment using finite element analysis. The analysis results showed a safety factor of 9.2 and a left and right vertical deflectional deviation of 0.24mm from the maximum equivalent stress. After applying weight compensation of 27.7kgf, the structural analysis reduced the safety factor to 7.6, but the deflectional deviation of the left and right structure was reduced to 0mm. Also, we presented the optimum design of rotational drive through the vibration analysis.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The ocean is very important to mankind for its infinite value in resource storage and utilization. In shallow coastal waters, landfill as well as pollution damage occurs frequently for the promotion of important public and private projects that are the driving forces of national development. In this case, compensation paid for the loss or damage of fishing rights acquired by the fishing community shall be distributed to each individual of the fishing community in accordance with the appropriate balance. In reality, as fishing communities in different sectors coexist, the voting rights of the general meeting of fishing communities are ignored as a minority, and the demand for the rights is ignored by the majority. Many other industries receive fish compensation, even though they have not suffered much damage. As a result serious conflicts between the individuals of the fishing community have caused social problems. Therefore, similar cases are investigated and analyzed to provide a reasonable solution.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Although hotel employees are trained to deliver the best service, service failures may happen at any time because service is delivered by people to people (Susskind, 2002). Moreover, customers are more impressed by failed services than good services (Titz, 2001). According to the recovery paradox, customers have higher satisfaction level after experiencing a service failure if they receive satisfactory service recovery or compensation (McCollough & Bharadwaj, 1992). With the development of information communication technology and mobile device, customers can receive personalized services in recent days (Migacz, Zou, & Petrick, 2018). They also can easily share their experience on the online review platforms such as TripAdvisor, as well as select hotels based on shared online reviews (Liu & Park, 2015; Nieto-Garaía, Muñoz-Gallego, & González-Benito, 2017). Therefore, it is important for hotel managers to understand the mechanisms for service failure and recovery strategy. Thus, this study aims to examine the relationship between different emotion, customer engagement and brand loyalty under the context from the luxury hotels in China that different service failure compensation strategies are adopted. Particularly, the following two research questions are aimed to be addressed: First, do emotions (anger, regret and helplessness) significantly affect hotel brand loyalty through customer engagement? Second, does compensation type (immediate vs. delayed) significantly affect customer engagement and hotel brand loyalty based on customers’ emotions? The results of this study will benefit industry practitioners for formulating effective service failure recovery strategies. Theoretical frameworks and hypotheses development Stimulus-Organism-Response framework Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework is a commonly used form of behavioral research in which events or occurrences are said to be the result of certain stimulus leading to a certain response, following a set of organism processes (Kim & Lennon, 2013; Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). In behavioral research, the S-O-R theory explains “how” something happens and a variance theory describes “why” (Chiles, 2003). We adopted the S-O-R framework in an attempt to explain the effect of the compensation types (immediate vs. delayed) on hotel brand loyalty. In our research model, customer engagement is used an intervening construct on the causal relationship between emotions of customer (anger and regret as a retrospective emotions, helplessness as a prospective emotion) (Gelbrich, 2010) and hotel brand loyalty. Customer engagement is composed of multidimensional concepts of identification, enthusiasm, attention, absorption, and interaction (So, King, & Spark, 2014). Our model thus explains four basic processes of relationship impact on service failure as “stimulus”, emotions and customer engagement as “organism”, and hotel brand loyalty as “response”. This study also emphasizes compensation type as “moderator”. The model shows how to enhance the understanding of emotions that affect hotel brand loyalty through customer engagement based on the moderating effect of compensations type. Customer engagement It is important for a firm to manage customers to improve a firm’s performance. Customer management has transformed from customer transactions, to relationship marketing, and then engaging customers (Pansari and Kumar 2017). There are different definition about customer engagement and most of them define customer engagement as the activity of the customer toward the firm. For example, Pansari and Kumar (2017) define customer engagement as how customer contributes to the firm by “the mechanics of a customer’s value addition to the firm, either through direct or/and indirect contribution.” Vivek et al. (2012) define customer engagement as “the intensity of an individual’s offerings or organizational activities, which either the customer or the organization initiates” (p.127). It has been discussed that customer engagement has been affected by customer emotion and also has significant impact on behaviour intention and brand loyalty. However it has not been discussed under service failure context and when different types of compensation strategies are employed. This study therefore aims to explore this mechanics. Under hospitality context, So, King and Sparks (2014) develop five factors to measure customer engagement: identification, enthusiasm, attention, absorption, and interaction. Since this study also examine hotel guest customers, we adopt the scale of So et al. (2014) due to its comprehensiveness and consistent context. Service failure and emotion Customer emotion is an important antecedent of customer engagement. Currently firms have been shifted their focus from selling products to emotional connection with their customers (Pansari and Kumar 2017). Positive emotion may enhance customer engagement and thereby improve customer loyalty. But when service failure occurs, customers have different negative emotions including anger, frustration, helplessness, regret amongst others. These negative emotions of customers disappoint customers themselves and reduce customer loyalty. Different emotions may have different impact on customer engagement. Anger often refers to the attributes of others such as the service providers (Weiner, 1985) whereas regret often refers to the service failure locus of customer himself/herself such as the customer is regret to choose this service provider (Roseman, 1991). Both anger and regret refer to retrospective emotions and when customer would like to solve questions they may also negative emotion of helplessness which is called prospective emotions (Davidow, 2003; Gelbrich, 2010). This study aims to examine and differentiate the impact of two retrospective emotions of anger and regret and one prospective emotions of helplessness. The first hypothesis is therefore proposed: H1: Anger has negative impact on customer engagement. H2: Regret has negative impact on customer engagement. H3: Helplessness has negative impact on customer engagement. Service failure compensation Though service providers aim to deliver zero fault service, it is inevitable service failure may occur that may bring customers anger and dissatisfaction and damage the customer loyalty thereby. It is found that compensation is an effective way to comfort and delight the dissatisfied customers. Therefore, it is important to formulate effective compensation strategy when service failure occurs. Different compensation strategies such as monetary or nonmonetary (Fu et al. 2015), immediate or delayed compensation (Boshoff, 1997; Davidow, 2003), may be suitable to different contexts/situations. According to prospect theory, a customer is risk-reverse in case of gains. A customer may value products available now more than products obtained in the future due to the higher certainty of the former. Similarly, immediate compensation has less uncertainty than delayed compensation, and therefore is supposed to have higher value. Therefore customers with anger are assumed to have higher customer engagement when immediately compensated. On the other hand, regret customers attribute failure to himself/herself and therefore less expect compensation. The immediate compensation may lead to unfair and thereby less effect than delayed compensation. Therefore immediate compensation may not always be superior over the delayed one under different contexts. We therefore propose the second hypothesis: H1a: Compensation type (immediate vs. delayed) moderates the relationship between anger and customer engagement. H2a: Compensation type (immediate vs. delayed) moderates the relationship between regret and customer engagement. H3a: Compensation type (immediate vs. delayed) moderates the relationship between helplessness and customer engagement. Brand loyalty Brand loyalty refers to the loyalty of a customer toward the brand both behaviourally and attitudinally (Dick and Basu 1994; Li and Petrick 2008; So, King, Sparks, and Wang 2013). It is a key goal of marketing activities, and its antecedents have been extensively examined such as satisfaction, perceived quality, received value, and brand trust, amongst others. Customer engagement, as the activity of a customer toward to a firm, is naturally viewed to influence brand loyalty. This study therefore adopts brand loyalty as the consequence of customer engagement. Furthermore, we would like to examine if compensation types have moderating effect between customer engagement and brand loyalty. We therefore propose below two hypotheses: H4: customer engagement has positive impact on brand loyalty. H4a: Compensation type (immediate vs. delayed) moderates the relationship between customer engagement and brand loyalty. The research model is shown in Figure 1 where all hypotheses are demonstrated. Our research model is developed based on the S-O-R framework in which emotions are antecedent of customer engagement, and customer engagement impacts hotel brand loyalty. This research model also shows the moderating effects of compensation types has on causal relationships between the aforementioned constructs. Methodology Scenario design Scenario based questionnaire is designed to obtain quantitative data for analysis. Based on the interview with hotel managers/operators, one service failure scenario and two compensation scenarios (immediate and delayed) are designed. In-depth interviews with a couple of hotel managers and guests were conducted to verify the realisation of the scenarios formulated. The questionnaire begins with a screening question: in the previous 12 months have you ever had experience staying in a four- or five-star hotel? The survey would only continue if the answer is “yes”. Then the participant is asked to write down the name of this hotel and read the below service failure scenario thereby. Service failure scenario: Imagine you have checked into this hotel again. During your stay in hotel, you send your coat for laundry. It is a nice coat and you bought it a year ago with the price of 1000RMB. However when you collect the cleaned coat, you notice that there is a damage on your coat which makes you cannot dress this coat anymore. You therefore call the service counter for complain. Immediate and delayed compensation scenarios were designed as follows: Immediate compensation scenario: after 15 minutes, the duty manager of the hotel went to our hotel and expressed his sincere apology. You showed him about the damage and informed him the original price of your coat. The manager offered you the cash compensation with the original price of your coat and you agree with this. After half an hour you received 1000RMB cash as the compensation. Delayed compensation scenario: after 15 minutes, the duty manager of the hotel went to your room and expressed his sincere apology. You showed him about the damage and informed him the original price of your coat. The manager said according to the hotel policy, they need to check how this happened and confirm the price of your coat first before making the compensation for you. After two weeks you left the hotel, you received 1000RMB compensation which is transferred into your bank account directly. Participant emotion is measured after the participants read the service failure scenario and before they read the compensation scenario. Each participant is randomly assigned to be involved in one compensation scenario only. Customer engagement and hotel brand loyalty are measured after the compensation happened. Variable measurement Customer engagement is measured using 25-item scale developed by So et al. (2014) in which five factors are involved: identification, enthusiasm, attention, absorption, and interaction. Particularly, identification is measured by four attributes: “When someone criticizes this brand, it feels like a personal insult”, “When I talk about this brand, I usually say we rather than they”. “This brand’s successes are my successes”. “When someone praises this brand, it feels like a personal compliment”. Enthusiasm is measured by five attributes: “I am heavily into this brand”. “I am passionate about this brand” “I am enthusiastic about this brand” “I feel excited about this brand” “I love this brand”. Attention is measured by five attributes: “I like to learn more about this brand” “I pay a lot of attention to anything about this brand” “Anything related to this brand grabs my attention” “I concentrate a lot on this brand” “I like learning more about this brand” . Absorption is measured by five attributes: “When I am interacting with the brand, I forget everything else around me” “Time flies when I am interacting with the brand” “When I am interacting with brand, I get carried away” “When interacting with the brand, it is difficult to detach myself” “In my interaction with the brand, I am immersed” “When interacting with the brand intensely, I feel happy”. Interaction is measure by five attributes: “In general, I like to get involved in brand community discussions” “I am someone who enjoys interacting with likeminded others in the brand community” “I am someone who likes actively participating in brand community discussions” “In general, I thoroughly enjoy exchanging ideas with other people in the brand community” “I often participate in activities of the brand community”. Three emotion of anger, regret and helplessness are included as the measurement of emotion. Particularly, according to Gelbrich (2010), three attributes are adopted to measure anger “I would feel angry with the hotel/hotel employees”, “I would feel mad with the hotel/hotel employees”, and “I would feel furious about the hotel/hotel employees”. Three statements are employed to measure regret (Tsiros & Mittal 2000): “I would feel sorry for choosing this hotel”, “I regretted choosing this hotel”, and “I should have chosen another hotel”. Four statements are used to measure helplessness (Gelbrich 2010): “I would feel helpless”, “I would feel lost”, “I would feel defenceless”, and “I would feel stranded.” Five statements are used to measure brand loyalty (So, King, Sparks, & Wang 2013): “I would say positive things about this brand to other people.” “I would recommend this brand to someone who seeks my advice.” “I would encourage friends and relatives to do business with this brand.” “I would consider this brand my first choice to buy services.” “I would do more business with this brand in the next few years.” A seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (=disagree strongly) to 7 (=agree strongly) is adopted for all measurement. Data collection and analysis method In-depth interview with managers from upscale hotels and customers will be used to finalize scenarios. Opinions of academic experts will be used to revise variable measurements and questionnaires. Convenience sampling method will be adopted to obtain about 400 respondents who has experience of staying at four- or five-stars hotels in China in the previous year. Regarding with data analysis, Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is used to test the hypotheses proposed. Expected results The manipulation check has been conducted to verify the scenarios designed. The negative relationship between emotions and customer engagement are expected and compensation timing (delayed or immediate) may moderate this relationship. Most importantly, it is expected that this moderating effect varies when different emotions and customer engagement are examined. Contributions The theoretical contributions have three folders. Firstly, this study first considers compensation timing into the examination of relationship between different negative emotions and customer engagement, after service failure occurs. Secondly, this study adopts stimulus-organism-response theory to explore the mechanism how service failure could be well recovered by relationships of different negative emotions, effective compensation type, customer engagement, and brand loyalty. Thirdly, this study applies second order factor for the measurement of customer engagement and also divides negative emotions into retrospective and prospective ones to shed light on customer engagement in the context of service failure and compensation. The practical implication of this study will benefit industry practitioners for their formulation of compensation strategies. Especially as the development of big data, hotel industry is able to adopt different strategies for individuals to maximize customer experience. The findings of this study could propose different strategies for different situations/individuals thereby.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The current study develops a pair model considering the intensity of negative emotions and strategic combinations of recovery means and timing under hotel service failure scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performances of these different combinations through customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and fitting curves between the two under Chinese hotel service scenarios. Previous studies have found that service failures cause economic losses as well as negative emotional responses from customers (Grönroos, 1984; McColl Kennedy and Sparks, 2003). However, customers might display higher satisfaction and purchase intentions when proper service recovery actions are taken instead of when no service failures occur (Smith et al., 1999; McCollough et al., 2000). Concerning the means of service recovery during a service failure, customers in a negative emotional state require specific recovery solutions from the service provider; concerning the timing of service recovery, immediate recovery appears to be an effective way to address customer complaints (Kelley et al., 1993). While, previous research has partially shown that for extremely angry customers, the performance of “as soon as possible” recovery is unsatisfying and may even cause the service recovery to fail (Mattila and Ro, 2008). A 2 (recovery timing: immediate/delayed) × 2 (recovery means: psychological/economic) × 3 (type of service failure: failure in a delivery system/failure in responding to customer needs/improper employee behavior) between-subject experimental design was employed with 456 part-time MBA students in China to examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intention under different levels of negative emotion after experienced a service failure. The results suggest that immediate and economic recovery effectively raises the service recovery evaluations from customers with low-intensity negative emotions, whereas delayed and psychological recovery helps customers with high-intensity negative emotions to give higher evaluations. This study sheds light on the role that negative emotions play in the process of service recovery and provides implications for service industry managers, that is the decisions to use economic recovery or psychological recovery are necessitate consider the intensity characteristic of negative emotions, for customers in low-intensity negative emotional states, the immediate and economic recovery strategy is effective, whereas for customers in high-intensity negative emotional states, the delayed and psychological recovery strategy may lead to better outcomes. According to these findings, it is important for managers to train front-line staff to adopt proper recovery strategies to manage service failure when facing consumers with different intensity of negative emotion.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hair style allows consumers to express their aesthetic sense and individual beauty. However, due to the attributes of hairdressing services and the high expectations of consumers, complaints are increasing rapidly. This study examined the complaint behavior, compensation and hair salon patronage of consumers. Then, a model is presented that explains the complaint behavior for hairstyling, forms of compensation, and hair salon patronage through empirical analysis. This study was conducted by a survey method. A total of 399 questionnaires were used for the analysis. The data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 statistical software. The dimension of complaint behavior for hair style included verbal complaints, non-verbal complaints in the salon and private complaints outside the salon. The forms of compensation included re-procedure, psychological, and material compensation. Hair salon patronage was one-dimensional. These results were obtained through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Then the conceptual model was empirically analyzed by covariance structure analysis and obtained in final form through model modification. Verbal complaint behavior positively influenced re-procedure compensation. In addition, non-verbal complaint behavior had positive effects on psychological and material compensation. Hair salon patronage was positively affected by re-procedure and psychological compensation. However, private complaint behavior had a negative effect on hair salon patronage. The direct and indirect effects of the paths among variables were verified by analyzing the mediating effects of different forms of compensations. It is possible to establish differentiated marketing strategies with these findings for consumers with complaint behaviors by considering the forms of compensation.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Purpose:Recently, studies have been conducted to improve the signal intensities by increasing the filling factor, which is the volume ratio of the subject in the coil using a compensating material that does not appear as a magnetic resonance signal. Previous studies note that the magnetic susceptibility difference between the air and the compensation material should be minimized. Therefore, in this study, we tried to investigate and compare the materials that can reduce the susceptibility differences most effectively among various materials similar to human tissue density. Materials and Methods:The customized phantom was constructed using 7 different compound(borax powder, saline solution, sulfur powder, silicon power, graphite powder, wheat flour and silicon pad). A Bland-Altman plot was used to measure the magnetic susceptibility difference between the air and the phantom compound. Image acquisition was performed using a 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging system (Skyra, Siemens, Germany) and a 15-channel head coil. Validation of a quantitative susceptibility mapping acquisitionw were carried out on T2 and T2* apping using Matlab (Ver.7.10, Mathworks, USA) and Image J (Ver.1.47v, NIH, USA) program. Results:The mean values of graphite (upper: -88.4, center: -100.5, lower: -101.6) and silicone (upper: -74.0, center: -37.1, lower: -96.6) were appeared negative which meant the susceptibility differences were higher than air. In contrast, wheat flour(Upper: 9.0, center: 0.3, lower: 11.3), silicon pad (upper: 13.9, center: -0.7, lower: 13.5), saline (upper: 11.9 , center: 1.0, lower: 16.3), borax (upper: 19.1, center: 1.2, lower: 13.6)and sulfur (upper: 19.0, center: 1.1, lower: 13.9)showed positive value which meant lower susceptibility difference compared to air. As a compensating material to overcome difference in susceptibility uniform performance and less deviation were observed in the compounds other than the graphite and silicon regardless of their position. Conclusion:The magnetic susceptibility is the intrinsic physical quantity of the elements in the periodic table such as mass and spin. In other words, when an element is exposed to an external magnetic field, it is a measure of how much the element is magnetized. Therefore, in selection of the magnetic susceptibility compensating material, it is important to select one the with the small magnetic susceptibility difference compared to air. In this study, the differences of susceptibility among wheat flour, silicon pad, physiological saline, borax and sulfur were observed to be appropriate. Increasing the filling factor with magnetic susceptibility compensating materials proposed in this study can improve the signal intensities.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The most time consuming job in the sheet metal forming process is compensating for springback. Factors such as uneven material properties and process conditions generate noise, which in turn create springback. The springback is very sensitive to the process and noise conditions, and the main effects of the design variables cannot be obtained from mean analysis. Therefore, to achieve minimal springback, an effective design countermeasure must be put in place to reduce noise effects. In this study, two robust design methods to achieve minimal springback in U-channel forming, including compensation process, are proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is shown with an example of the sidewall curl springback. The proposed methods consistently outperform our previous work, indicating that the complex method is more preferable to the mean analysis, if there is no evidence of additivity of effects.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2008-2014년 기간 동안 상하이증권거래소와 선전증권거래소에 상장되어 있는 중국기업들의 경영자 보상 내지 임원보수가 이들 기업의 미래 경영성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 더 나아가 대리인문제를 고려하고 기업지배구조 수준에 따른 임원보수와 경영성과 간의 관계를 분석한 바, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, CEO, 최고경영진 및 이사회 의장의 산업조정 초과보수가 높을수록 미래의 주식시장 성과지표인 Tobin’s Q 비율에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 내생성을 통제한 후에도 동일하게 나타났다. 한편, 이러한 경영자보상 지표들은 ROA, ROE 등 회계적 경영성과 지표들과는 유의한 관계가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, CEO 초과보수가 높을수록 Tobin's Q에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있지만, 이사회 규모가 클수록 기업가 치에는 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있어서, 이사회 규모가 크면 오히려 경영자보상의 긍정적인 효과를 잠식하는 것 으로 보인다. 셋째, 최고경영진의 초과보수와 Tobin's Q와의 관계에 있어서는 이사회 규모 뿐만 아니라 최대주주 지분율이 높으면 경영자보상의 긍정적인 효과를 감소시키는 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 이사회 의장의 초과보수와 Tobin's Q의 관계에 있어서는 이사회 규모, 최대주주 지분율이 음(-)의 조절 효과에 대해, 이사회 의장의 경영진 감독 역할과 함께 다수의 대주주가 지분을 공유할 때에는 경영자보상과 함께 시너지효과를 보이면서 기업가치를 더 높이는 것으로 추론된다. 다섯째, CEO의 초과보수가 미래의 기업가치인 Tobin's Q에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 가운데, 특히 적절한 CEO 보상이 이루어지면 CEO와 주주 간의 대리인문제가 완화됨으로써 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것 으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 독립 사외이사 비율로 상위 20%에 속하는 지배구조가 우수한 기업 그룹에서는 경영자 초과보수가 미 래 기업 성과에 긍정적인 영향을 보이는 반면, 하위 20%에 속하는 지배구조가 취약한 기업 그룹에서는 오히려 초과보수가 높을수록 미래 기업성과에 대한 긍정적인 효과가 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 CEO 등에 대한 경영자보상은 중국기업의 미래 경영성과, 특히 기업가치에 긍정적인 영향을 미치 며, 다수의 대주주가 지분을 공유하는 지배구조가 우수한 기업일수록 경영자보상이 미래 경영성과에 미치는 영향 이 더 컸다. 이와는 대조적으로 1인 대주주 지분율이 높고 이사회 규모가 커서 지배구조가 취약한 기업의 경우에 는 경영자 초과보상이 기업성과에 미치는 긍정적인 효과를 잠식하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과들은 향후 중국기업들이 지배구조를 획기적으로 개선하는 동시에, 경영자보상 유인이 기업성과에 상응하여 합리적으로 정립 될 필요성이 있음을 시사한다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, factors analysis is performed for reducing friction in elevation motion of a large television stand over 50 inch. The first study is for specification decision and volume compensation experiment as an apparatus for compensating of the volume of the cylinder is compressed as the volume of piston rod. The second study is for optimized piston structure development by comparison pipe orifice and labyrinth orifice. Consequently, the result of total consideration in stability problem and performance of volume compensation for specification decision and volume compensation experiment is determined the final speculation of hollow rod ∅8 x ∅4 and riveting system. and the labyrinth orifice is not founded that of the Ø0.4~0.6 orifice both tests on 300 mm intervals.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, The first study attempted to reduce the frictional force the gas seal lip technology. The second study is for specification decision and volume compensation experiment as an apparatus for compensating of the volume of the cylinder is compressed as the volume of piston rod. Consequently, in the gas seal lip technology, the outer-in diameter of ∅20 x ∅8 in the test result of hollow rod is revealed more proper if the weight of 50 inch television assumed as 30 kg. and the result of total consideration in stability problem and performance of volume compensation for specification decision and volume compensation experiment is determined the final speculation of hollow rod ∅8 x ∅4 and riveting system. The spring constant(K) showed an excellent value above the target value of 0.01 to 0.015 N/mm.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study for reducing friction in elevation motion of a large television stand using over 50 inches is performed in this paper. The first study attempted to reduce the frictional force the gas seal lip technology. The second study is for optimized piston structure development by comparison pipe orifice and labyrinth orifice. As the result of the first study, in the gas seal lip technology, the outer-inner diameter of Ø20 × Ø8 in the test result of hollow rod is revealed more proper if the weight of 50 inch television assumed as 30. As the result of the second study, the optimized piston structure development through experiment is fixed orifice specification as labyrinth orifice because pipe orifice is founded slip up/down phenomenon of the Ø0.4~1.0 orifice and the labyrinth orifice is not founded that of the Ø0.4~0.6 orifice both tests on 300 mm intervals.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, factors analysis is performed for reducing friction in elevation motion of a large television stand over 50-inch. The first is a pipe type cross-section control for accurate position control of the piston rod. Here it was compared with the pipe type and labyrinth type orifice cross-section. The second study is for optimized piston structure development by comparison pipe orifice and labyrinth orifice. Consequently, in the orifice cross section study between pipe type and labyrinth type through CAE and experimental consideration, cross section of labyrinth type orifice is preferred for reducing of friction. The result of optimized piston structure development through experiment is fixed orifice specification as labyrinth orifice because pipe orifice is founded slip up/down phenomenon of the Ø0.4~1.0 orifice and the labyrinth orifice is not founded that of the Ø0.4~0.6 orifice both tests on 300 mm intervals.
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