
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,080

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thermal cutting processes that can be applied to dismantling nuclear power plants include oxygen cutting, plasma cutting, and laser cutting. According to the global trend, research projects are being carried out in various countries to upgrade laser cutting, and many studies are also being conducted in Korea with plans to apply laser cutting processes when dismantling nuclear power plants. However, with the current technology level of the laser cutting process, the maximum thickness that can be cut is limited to 250 mm. Therefore, in this study, a laser-oxygen hybrid cutting process was implemented by adding a laser heat source to the oxygen cutting process that can cut carbon steel with a thickness of 250 mm or more (RV, beam, column, beam, etc.) when dismantling the nuclear power plant. This has the advantage of improving the cutting speed and reducing the cutting width Kerf compared to conventional oxygen cutting. In this research, the laser-oxygen hybrid cutting process consisted of laser cutting to which Raycus’ 8 kW Fiber Laser power source was applied and oxygen cutting to which hydrogen was applied with Fuel Gas. The oxygen torch was placed perpendicular to the test piece, and the laser head was irradiated by tilting 35° to 70°. The effects of cutting directions on quality and performance were studied, and cutting paths were selected by comparing cutting results. Thereafter, it was confirmed that there is an optimal laser output power according to the cutting thickness by studying the effect on the cutting surface quality by changing only the laser output power under the same cutting conditions. The results of this study are expected to be helpful in the remote cutting process using laser-oxygen hybrid cutting when dismantling domestic nuclear power plants in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Decontamination is one of the important processes for dismantling nuclear power plants. The purpose of decontamination is to reduce the radiation levels of contaminated nuclear facilities, ensuring the safety of workers involved in decommissioning and minimizing the amount of radioactive waste. In this study, we investigate the reaction mechanisms and their thermodynamic energies of the HyBRID (Hydrazine-Based Reductive participated metal Ion Decontamination) process for decontamination of the primary coolant system of a nuclear power plant. We computed the thermodynamic properties of HyBRID dissolution mechanisms in which corrosion metal oxides accumulated in the primary coolant systems along with radionuclides are dissolved by HyBRID decontamination agents (H2SO4/N2H4/CuSO4). The HyBRID reaction mechanism has been studied using a commercial database (HSC Chemistry®), but Cu ions have been used instead of Cu-hydrazine complexes when calculating reactions due to the absence of thermodynamic properties for Cu-hydrazine complexes. To address this limitation, we supplemented the quantum calculations with Cu-hydrazine complexes using the density functional calculations. It is intended to simulate a more practical reactions by calculating the reactions considering Cu-hydrazine complexes, and to improve understanding of the HyBRID dissolution reactions by qualitatively and quantitatively comparing the reactions without considering the complex formation.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Various types of solidifying materials are used to stabilize and solidify low and intermediatelevel radioactive dispersible waste. Portland cement is generally used to solidify various radioactive wastes because its facilities and processes are simple, less dangerous, and it has excellent compressive strength after curing compared to other materials. However, it is difficult to use Portland cement in radioactive waste containing highly water-soluble harmful substances such as sodium fluoride because it is prone to leaching harmful ingredients in immersion tests due to its low water resistance. In this study, solidification was achieved using an organic-inorganic hybrid solidifying binders consisting of inorganic binders such as Portland cement, blast furnace slag powder, silica fume, and organic binders such as epoxy resin. This material was then compared with a solidification material made of Portland cement alone. The mixing ratio of inorganic binders, water, and organic binders to simulated waste is 35%, 20%, and 25%, respectively. The mixing ratio of inorganic binders and water when using only Portland cement for simulated waste is 100% and 80%, respectively. The mixed paste was poured into a cylinder mold (Φ 5 × 10 cm) to seal the upper part, cured at room temperature for 28 days to produce a solidification specimen, and then subjected to various tests were performed, including compressive strength, immersion compressive strength, hydration peak temperature, length change, and immersion weight change. The compressive strength of the organic-inorganic hybrid solidification test was 13-17 MPa, the immersion compressive strength was 15-18 MPa, the hydration peak temperature was 33-36°C, the length change rate was -0.086%, and the immersion weight change rate was –2.359%. The compressive strength of the Inorganic solidification test using only Portland cement was 16-18 MPa, the immersion compressive strength was 20-21 MPa, the hydration peak temperature was 23-25°C, the length change rate was -0.150%, and the immersion weight change rate was -5.213%. The compressive strength and immersion compressive strength of the organic-inorganic hybrid solidification materials were slightly lower compared to those of Portland cement solidification materials, they still met the compressive strength standard of 7-12 MPa, taking into consideration the strength reduce and economic feasibility of the core drill process. Furthermore, it indicates that the rates of change in length and immersion weight decreased to about 1% and 5%, suggesting an improvement in water resistance. The above results suggest that applying the organic-inorganic hybrid solidification method to radioactive waste treatment can effectively improve water resistance and help secure long-term stability.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Conducting a TSPA (Total System Performance Assessment) of the entire spent nuclear fuel disposal system, which includes thousands of disposal holes and their geological surroundings over many thousands of years, is a challenging task. Typically, the TSPA relies on significant efforts involving numerous parts and finite elements, making it computationally demanding. To streamline this process and enhance efficiency, our study introduces a surrogate model built upon the widely recognized U-network machine learning framework. This surrogate model serves as a bridge, correcting the results from a detailed numerical model with a large number of small-sized elements into a simplified one with fewer and large-sized elements. This approach will significantly cut down on computation time while preserving accuracy comparable to those achieved through the detailed numerical model.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Corona crisis has led to serious changes in teaching in MBA programs in recent years. Within a very short time, teaching at business schools was changed from face-to-face to online. While younger undergraduate students have sometimes had problems with this form of teaching, it has been very well received by typical MBA-students, , which are older, some of whom are working and often have families. This paper shows how the MBA market in Germany is developing and how Darmstadt Business School is positioning itself for the future in this challenging market environment.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라에서 수수-수단그라스 교잡종 (sorghum bicolor L.: SSH)에 대해 극단기상과 정상기상 간 생산량을 비교할 목적으로 수행하였다. SSH 데이터 (n=1,025)는 농촌진흥청의 신품종 적응성 실험보고서(1979 ―2019)로부터 수집하였다. 기상자료는 기상청으로부터 평균기온, 최저기온, 최고기온, 최대 강수량, 누적 강수량, 최대풍속, 평균풍속 및 일조시간을 10일 기준으로 계산하 여 수집하였다. 극단기상과 정상기상 간 구별을 위해 상 자 그림을 이용하여 탐색하였다. 극단기상과 정상기상 간 생산량 차이는 5% 유의수준 하에서 t-검정 및 ANOVA를 통해 확인하였다. 그 결과, 극단기상은 극단적으로 강한 바람을 동반한 봄 가뭄, 극단적으로 높은 강우량을 기록 하는 여름장마와 가을장마가 두드러졌다. 예측 생산량 피 해(kg/ha)는 각각 1,961―6,541, 2,161―4,526 및 508― 5,582로 나타났다. 본 연구는 우리나라의 SSH에 대한 취 약성 및 피해 산정에 도움이 되는 기초자료로서 극단기상 과 정상기상 사이의 생산량 차이를 확인하는 데 의의가 있다.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With a strive to develop light-weight material for automotive and aerospace applications, aluminum-based hybrid nanocomposites (AHNCs) were manufactured utilizing the compocasting approach in this study. Chopped carbon fibers (CFs) are reinforced along with different weight fractions of nanoclay (1–5%) in the matrix of AA6026 forming AHNCs. The AHNCs specimens were examined by microstructural analysis, mechanical characterization, fatigue, and corrosion strength as per ASTM guidelines. Electroless plating method is adopted for coating CFs with copper to improve the wettability with matrix. SEM pictures of manufactured composites reveal thin inter-dendritic aluminum grains with precipitate particle of eutectic at intergranular junctions, as well as nanoclay particles that have precipitated in the matrix. Tensile strength (TS) rises with inclusion of nanoclay up to a maximum of 212.46 MPa for 3% nanoclay reinforcement, after which the TS is reduced due to non-homogeneity in distribution, agglomeration and de-bonding of nanoparticles. Similarly, micro-hardness increases with addition of 3% nanoclay after which it decreases. Higher energy absorption was achieved with 3% nanoclay reinforced hybrid and a significant improvement in flexural strength was obtained. With addition of both CFs and nanoclay, the fatigue strength of the hybrid composite tends to increase due to flexible CFs and high surface area nanoclays which strengthen the grain boundaries until 3% addition. Addition of nanoclay lowers the corrosion rate with nanoclays filling the crevices and voids in the matrix.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KAERI has been developing a new decontamination process that does not contain any organic chemicals in the decontamination solution and minimizes the use of ion exchange resin in the solution as a purifying step. The process is hydrazine based reductive metal ion decontamination for decommissioning (HyBRID) and consists of N2H4, H2SO4 and Cu+ ions. The primary system of the LWR is composed of materials with high corrosion resistance, such as stainless steel and Inconel, but among the materials, the feeder and header of the primary system of the PHWR are composed of carbon steel (SA106Gr.B) with low corrosion resistance. Therefore, when decontamination of PHWRs, attention should be paid to corrosion of carbon steel. Since Fe3O4, a contaminating oxide film formed on the surface of carbon steel dissolves faster than ferrite or chromite formed on the surface of Inconel or stainless steel, the base material is exposed to the solution and is corroded during decontamination. When a large amount of iron ions is eluted into the decontamination agent due to corrosion of carbon steel, not only the soundness of the base metal is adversely affected, but also the amount of decontamination waste increases. The purpose of this study is to develop inhibitors that can minimize corrosion of carbon steel when decontamination of PHWRs using the HyBRID decontamination process. CG, 570S and PP3 were selected as corrosion inhibitors. In addition, corrosion tests of carbon steel were conducted in the HyBRID solution with corrosion inhibitors. The best corrosion inhibitors and optimal operating conditions were selected, and HyBRID decontamination agents with corrosion inhibitors were much better in corrosion resistance than existing commercial decontamination agents.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To conduct numerical simulation of a disposal repository of the spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to numerically simulate the entire domain, which is composed on numerous finite elements, for at least several tens of thousands of years. This approach presents a significant computational challenge, as obtaining solutions through the numerical simulation for entire domain is not a straightforward task. To overcome this challenge, this study presents the process of producing the training data set required for developing the machine learning based hybrid solver. The hybrid solver is designed to correct results of the numerical simulation composed of coarse elements to the finer elements which derive more accurate and precise results. When the machine learning based hybrid solver is used, it is expected to have a computational efficiency more than 10 times higher than the numerical simulation composed of fine elements with similar accuracy. This study aims to investigate the usefulness of generating the training data set required for the development of the hybrid solver for disposal repository. The development of the hybrid solver will provide a more efficient and effective approach for analyzing disposal repository, which will be of great importance for ensuring the safe and effective disposal of the spent nuclear fuel.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To obtain a license for a deep geological disposal repository for spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to perform a safety assessment that quantifies the radiological impact on the environment and humans. One of the key steps in the safety assessment of a deep geological repository is the development of scenarios that describe how the repository evolves over the performance period and how events and processes affect performance. In the field of scenario development, demonstrating comprehensiveness is critical, which describes whether all factors that are expected to have a significant impact on the repository's performance have been considered. Mathematical proof of this is impossible. However, If the scenario development process is logical and systematic, it can support the claim that the scenario is comprehensive. Three primary approaches are being considered for scenario development: ‘Bottomup’, ‘Top-down’, and ‘Hybrid’. Hybrid approach provides a more systematic and structured process by considering both the FEPs (Features, Events, Processes) and safety functions utilized in the bottomup and top-down approaches. Many countries that develop recent scenarios prefer demonstrating scenario comprehensiveness using a hybrid approach. In this study, a systematic and structured scenario development process of a hybrid approach was formulated. Based on this, sub-scenarios were extracted that describe the phenomena occurring in the repository over the performance period, categorized by period. By integrating and screening the extracted sub-scenarios, a scenario describing the phenomena occurring over the entire period of disposal was developed.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내외 매년 지속적으로 증가하는 대기오염의 상당량이 선박에서 배출되고 있으며, 이러한 선박에서의 배출량을 감축하기 위 해 정부는 환경규제를 강화하고 해양대기환경 개선을 위해 「환경친화적 선박의 개발 및 보급 촉진에 관한 법률」을 제정 및 시행하여 친환경 에너지를 동력원으로 사용하는 환경친화적 선박을 보급하여 해양오염 저감 기술이 개발되도록 하고 있다. 환경친화적 선박의 기 술은 최근 순수 전기추진 내지는 전기복합 추진체계까지 진화하고 있으나, 선박의 안전한 운용을 위한 검사 및 설비기준 등 관련제도의 정비는 이를 못 따라가는 실정으로, 특히 국내 연안선박의 다수를 차지하는 어선에 대한 제도는 정비가 시급한 시점이다. 이번 연구를 통 해 어선에의 전기복합 추진체계 등의 적용을 위해 핵심기자재인 배터리, 전력변환장치 등을 정의하고 이에 필요한 안전기준을 진단, 마련 하여 친환경 어선의 도입과 보급을 위해 관련된 산업을 지원할 수 있도록 최소한의 안전기준안을 마련하고자 한다.
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