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        검색결과 736

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Most Red bus1) (metropolitan bus) routes to Seoul need to increase supply by increasing the number of buses and number of trips because of the high level of congestion in buses, which also accommodate standing passengers. Due to the recent Itaewon disaster, people have been banned from standing on Red buses due to concerns over the excessive use of public transportation, adding to the inconvenience of passengers, such as increased travel time. However, some routes incur a large deficit owing to excess vehicles and trips relative to the number of passengers, thereby increasing the financial burden of Gyeonggi. Therefore, in this study, a reasonable operation plan is required based on the demand on Red bus routes. METHODS : Using accurate data from smart cards and a Bus Management System, the model was applied to consider bus usage, bus arrival distribution, waiting time, and operating conditions, such as actual bus usage time and bus dispatch interval. RESULTS : As a result of applying the model, buses between 7:00 and 9:00 and 16:00 and 18:00 were very crowded because of standing passengers, and passenger inconvenience costs decreased because of the longer waiting times for bus stops in Seoul. Currently, there are 15 buses in operation for the red bus G8110. However, considering the annual transportation cost, transportation income, and support fund limit, up to 12 buses can be operated per day. The G8110 route was analyzed at 23.6 million won for passenger discomfort cost, as 15 buses operated 97 times per day on weekdays. However, when establishing optimal scheduling, 12 buses per day operated 75 times per day, with a 19.7 million won passenger discomfort cost. CONCLUSIONS : As all red buses run from the starting point, passengers at the bus stop wait for more than an hour before entering Seoul, and the passenger discomfort cost of using demand-responsive chartered buses decreases only when commuting from Jeongja Station and Namdaemun Tax Office stops. Currently, many people commuting from Gyeonggi-do to Seoul are experiencing significant inconvenience owing to the ban on standing in Red buses; a suitable level of input can be suggested for the input and expansion of chartered buses.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From 2020, Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency has reset the withdrawal time (WT) for veterinary drugs typically used in livestock in preparation for the introduction of positive list system (PLS) program in 2024. This study was conducted to reset the MRL for amprolium (APL) in broiler chickens as a part of PLS program introduction. Forty-eight healthy Ross broiler chickens were orally administered with APL at the concentration of 60 mg/L (APL-1, n=24) for 14 days and 240 mg/L (APL-2, n=24) for 7 days through drinking water, respectively. After the drug treatment, tissue samples were collected from six broiler chickens at 0, 1, 3 and 5 days, respectively. Residual APL concentrations in poultry tissues were determined using LC-MS/MS. Correlation coefficient (0.99 >), the limits quantification (LOQ, 0.3~5.0 μg/kg), recoveries (81.5~112.4%), and coefficient of variations (<15.5%) were satisfied the validation criteria of Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. In APL-1, APL in all tissues except for kidney was detected less than LOQ at 3 days after drug treatment. In APL-2, APL in liver and kidney was detected more than LOQ at 5 days after treatment. According to the European Medicines Agency’s guideline on determination of withdrawal periods, withdrawal periods of APL-1 and APL-2 in poultry tissues were established to 3 and 2 days, respectively. In conclusion, the developed analytical method is sensitive and reliable for detecting APL in poultry tissues. The estimated WT of APL in poultry tissues is longer than the current WT recommendation of 2 days for APL in broiler chickens.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        진해만은 태풍 내습 시 피항 선박이 폭주하고 강한 바람 등의 영향으로 주묘가 자주 발생하며 이에 따른 선박 간 충돌 및 좌초 등 해양사고 발생 개연성이 매우 높다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 해역 특성에 맞는 진해만 정박지의 선박 간 안전이격거리 설정을 위한 연 구를 수행하였다. 진해만 태풍 피항지에는 태풍 내습 시 평균 100 ~ 200여척의 선박이 정박을 하고 있으며 풍속이 25m/s 이상되는 강한 외력에서 전체 선박의 약 70%에 주묘가 발생하는 상황인 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 국내외 설계기준 상 제시된 황천 시 정박 선 박간 이격거리, 실제 피항지로서 사용된 진해만 피항선박 간 이격거리, 강한 외력에 따른 선박 표류 시 적정 안전거리 등을 분석하여 제 시하였다. 그 결과 설계기준 상의 최소 기준과 비상조치 시간을 고려하여 약 400 ~ 900m의 안전이격거리가 필요하며, 공간상의 여유가 있 는 경우에는 700 ~ 900m 이격거리 설정이 필요한 것으로 도출하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 진해만 피항지를 이용하는 선박에 대해 선박 간 안전 이격거리를 위한 지침 수립 시 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 중국 불교 오신채 규정 성립의 혼란과 정립과정을, 마늘, 파, 부추, 염교 등 4가지 백합과 훈채와 중국에 존재하지 않았던 훈채인 흥거를 통해 고찰하려는 작업이다. 인도 오신채와 중국 오신채 항목은 마 늘과 파를 제외한 훈채명이 일치하지 않으며 불일치하는 훈채명의 정립 은 중국 농업사에서 4가지 백합과 훈채의 성립과 관계되어 있다. 중국에 서 번역되거나 중국에서 찬술된 훈채 관련 경전인 능가경과 범망경 은 5세기경에 중국에서 번역되거나 찬술되는데 이 시기에 중국 농업사에 서는 마늘, 파, 부추, 염교의 4가지 백합과 훈채가 농업상 정착되어 있었 다. 중국 훈채 관련 경전에서 가장 먼저 언급되는 마늘[大蒜]은 전한시기 장건의 서역 사행을 통해 중국에 전래되면서 중국 토종인 소산(小蒜)을 누르고 마늘을 대표하는 훈채로 정립된다. 또한 염교[薤]는 중국 자생종 식물로서 인도에는 없는 훈채이나 중국 불교문헌의 백합과 4가지 훈채로 자리잡는다. 오신채 중 주로 마지막에 언급되는 흥거(興渠)는 중국에 없었던 식물 인 관계로, 중국불교문헌에서 많은 혼란과정을 보여주는데 흥거는 유채를 의미하는 운대(芸薹, 蕓薹)나 고수풀을 의미하는 호유(胡荽)로 착락되거나 식질(蒠蒺, 무)로 오해되기도 하였다. 흥거가 유채나 고수풀로 착란된 이 유로는 형초세시기에 보이듯 중국 전통의 훈채로 존재했다는 이유와 도교의 오신채 중 두 가지 항목으로 기능하고 있었다는 사실도 영향을 준 것으로 보인다. 이러한 혼란을 거쳐 중국불교는 당나라 시기에 인도와 서역사정에 밝은 범어 전문가인 현응이나 혜일과 같은 승려들에 의해 흥 거의 정체가 파악되고 중국에서는 아위(阿魏)라는 명칭으로 오신채 항목 으로 정립되게 되었다. 그러나 교통, 통신의 미발달은 당나라 시기 그 실 체가 파악된 흥거는 그 이후 시기에 있어서도, 심지어 청나라 시기까지 이전의 혼란상이 문헌에서 교정되지 않는 채 여전히 잘못된 훈채명이 사 용되는 문헌이 존재하는 모습을 보이고 있다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Support for nuclear power plant (NPP) dismantling & decommissioing (D&D) industry is necessary through development of the infrastructure and the D&D technology. Because KORI#1 and Wolsong#1 is planned to decommission until around 2030. Korea research institute of decommissioing (KRID) was established through the preliminary feasibility study. KRID has plan to support nuclear companies to join D&D industry. Normal facilities (Lv.1) of KRID infracstucture are currently being constructed and radiation management facilities (Lv.2) construction is expected to begin in October. Further, KRID is planning the construction of equipment to develop the procedure for radionuclide analysis through R&D project. A total period of the R&D project is 45 months, and the total R&D funding for this period is 19.4 billion won. The ultimate goal of the R&D project is to build the infractstucture base to analyze decommissioning radioactive wastes. Furthermore, the R&D project is important to reliably perform the NPP D&D.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, many characteristic component facilities and technologies in general experimental areas for non-radiative materials are owned by industry-academia research. Still, no characteristic analysis test technology has been developed for large, intermediate-level decommissioning waste emitted by neutron irradiation. Since Korea plans to decommission nuclear power plants in 2027, securing analysis technology for intermediate-level decommissioning waste is essential. Accordingly, the Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning (KRID) plans to secure an infrastructure (hot cell) to analyze the characteristics of intermediate-level dismantled waste. Afterward, we intend to stably dispose of the waste generated while decommissioning the current Gori Unit 1/Wolseong Unit 1 using the intermediatelevel dedicated hot cell. It aims to secure high-dose/high-radiation decommissioning waste handling technology through intermediate-level hot cells for the first time in Korea, supports domestic nucleardecommissioning projects, and secure and validate procedures related to material characteristics and nuclide analysis of intermediate-level waste. Furthermore, research on intermediate-level radioactive materials is expected to be carried out in cooperation with schools and research institutes.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A lot of solid wastes are generated when nuclear power plant is dismantled, and a lot of treatment costs and optimal waste treatment technologies are required to treat the generated solid wastes. Currently, there is no optimized reduction and solidification technology for each characteristics of radioactive dismantling waste, so the customized treatment technology for each waste is required to respond actively to this issue. This paper shows the evaluation results of molding and sintering characteristics using preliminary sample to derive operational characteristics and improvements for powder mixing device, molding device, and sintering device manufactured for solidification of dispersible radioactive waste. Zeolite was used as a preliminary sample for performing basic operation characteristics evaluation of each unit device. First of all, the basic operation characteristics of the powder mixing device was evaluated by analyzing the sample distribution, mixing degree, and tap density. It was confirmed that the preliminary sample was well mixed in all areas of the cylinder where the mixing was performed. In the tap density analysis, the increase effect of the volume reduction of the sample was confirmed according to the increase of the RPM speed (up to 2000 RPM). Since the particle size of zeolite sample is very small (nanometer size), the particular consistency of the change of average particle size with RPM speed couldn’t be confirmed, but the uniform of particle size distribution was confirmed with RPM speed size. The basic operation characteristics of the molding device was evaluated for each mold size (ID30, ID50, ID100) according to the moisture content (0-20%) and the molding pressure condition (25-200 MPa) for the preliminary sample. In the characteristics evaluation of the sintered body, the strength of the sintered body was much higher than that of the molded body. However, it was confirmed that as moisture evaporated during the sintering process according to the moisture content contained in the molded body, the swelling occurred in the sintered body due to vapor pressure, and this caused cracks in the longitudinal or transverse direction inside and outside the sintered body. Therefore, optimal moisture content conditions for sintering should be derived. In conclusion, if the operation characteristics and improvements of powder mixing, molding and sintering devices derived from this study are reflected and improved, it is judged that it is possible to derive the optimal process for solidification of dispersive radioactive wastes.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since high-level radioactive wastes contain long-lived nuclides and emit high energy, they should be disposed of permanently through a deep geological disposal system. In Korea, the first (2016.07) and the second (2021.12) basic plans for the management of high-level disposal systems were proposed to select sites for deep geological disposal facilities and to implement business strategies. Leading countries such as Finland, Sweden and France have developed and applied safety cases to verify the safety of deep geological disposal systems. By examining the regulatory status of foreign leading countries, we analyze the safety cases ranging from the site selection stage of the deep geological disposal system to the securing of the permanent disposal system to the investigation, analysis, evaluation, design, construction, operation, and closure. Based on this analysis, we will develop safety case elements for long-term safety of deep geological disposal systems suitable for domestic situation. To systemically analyze data based on safety cases, we have established a database of deep geological disposal system regulations in leading foreign countries. Artificial intelligence text mining and data visualization techniques are used to provide database in dashboard form rather than simple lists of data items, which is a limitation of existing methods. This allows regulatory developers to understand information more quickly and intuitively and provide a convenient interface so that anyone can easily access the analyzed data and create meaningful information. Furthermore, based on the accumulated bigdata, the artificial intelligence learns and analyzes the information in the database through deep learning, and aims to derive a more accurate safety case. Based on these technologies, this study analyzed the legal systems, regulatory standards, and cases of major international leading countries and international organizations such as the United States, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Switzerland, and the IAEA to establish a database management system. To establish a safety regulation base suitable for the domestic deep geological disposal environment, the database is provided as data to refer to and apply systematic information management on regulatory standards and regulatory cases of overseas leading countries, and it is expected that it will play a key role as a forum for understanding and discussing the level of safety of deep geological disposal system among stakeholders.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuel temporary storage in South Korea is approximately 70% of total storage capacity as of the 4th quarter of 2022 amount is stored. In addition, according to the analysis of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society, saturation of nuclear power plant temporary storage is expected sequentially from 2031, and accordingly, the need for high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities has emerged. Globally, after the conclusion of the EU Taxonomy, for nuclear energy in order to become an ecofriendly energy, it is necessary to have a high-level radioactive waste disposal site and submit a detailed operation plan for high-level radioactive waste disposal site by 2050. Finland and Sweden have already received permission for the construction of high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities, and other countries, such as Switzerland, Japan, the United States, and Canada, are in the process of licensing disposal facilities. In order to establish a repository for high-level radioactive waste, the performance and safety analysis of the repository must be conducted in compliance with regulatory requirements. For safety analysis, it needs a collection of arguments and evidence. and IAEA defined it as ‘Safety case’. The Systematic method, which derives scenarios by systematizing and combining possible phenomena around the repository, is widely used for developing Safety case. Systematic methods make use of the concept of Features, Events and Processes (FEP). FEP identifies features that affect repository performance, events that can affect a short period of time, and processes that can have an impact over a long period of time. Since it is a characteristic of the Systematic method to compose a scenario by combining these FEP, the Systematic method is the basic premise for the development of FEP. Completeness is important for FEP, and comprehensiveness is important for scenarios. However, combining all the FEP into one scenario is time-consuming and difficult to ascertain the comprehensiveness of the scenario. Therefore, an Integrated FEP list is being developed to facilitate tracking between FEP and scenarios by integrating similar FEP. In this study, during the integrated FEP development process, a method for utilizing experts that can be used for difficult parts of quantitative evaluation and a quantitative evaluation process through the method were presented.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Satellite imagery is an effective supplementary material for detecting and verifying nuclear activities and is helpful in areas where access and information are limited, such as nuclear facilities. This study aims to build training data using high-resolution KOMPSAT-3/3A satellite images to detect and identify key objects related to nuclear activities and facilities using a semantic segmentation algorithm. First, objects of interest, such as buildings, roads, and small objects, were selected, and the primary dataset was built by extracting them from the AI dataset provided by AIHub. In addition, to reflect the features of the area of interest (e.g., Yongbyon, Pyongsan), satellite images of the area were acquired, augmented, and annotated to construct an additional dataset (approximately 150,000). Finally, we conducted three stages of quality inspection to improve the accuracy of the training data. The training dataset of this study can be applied to semantic segmentation algorithms (e.g., U-Net) to detect objects of interest related to nuclear activities and facilities. Furthermore, it can be used for pixelbased object-of-interest change detection based on semantic segmentation results for multi-temporal images.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop a method for establishing an educational system for World Heritage interpretation applicable to World Heritage sites and to design an education program for World Heritage interpretation by applying the developed education system in this study. This study first identified the definition of interpretation and the relationship between interpretation and education through previous research and analyzed the role and significance of heritage interpretation due to the paradigm transition in the capacity building of World Heritage sites. Next, the educational status of World Heritage interpretation was analyzed through educational institutions, educational subjects, and curriculum examples. Finally, this study argues that a method for establishing a World Heritage interpretation education system should be presented according to the composition of the curriculum, and the interpretation curriculum planning by interpreters should be proposed focusing on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World Heritage sites.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article focuses on the Namdaemum repair and the Seokguram restoration, which had begun in 1961, as an important repair conducted during the time of seeking the conservation principle of architectural heritage after liberation in Korea. Through the analysis of the principles described in the repair report issued after the two repairs, meeting records, and related expert announcements, it is shown that the principle of 'preservation of the historic state' had been established at Namdaemun repair and later have changed to the principle of 'restoration of the historic form' which means reconstruction in Seokguram restoration. By analyzing the minutes of the Cultural Heritage Committee's meeting on the repair of other cultural properties during this period, it is revealed that the key terms related to the preservation principle, 'historic form' and 'restoration', were given meaning as 'object' and 'method' of preservation, and then 'restoration of the historic form' has been gradually used as a conservation principle.
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