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        검색결과 522

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        꼬마짤름나방아과는 날개편길이 5.5-12mm로 태극나방과 중에서는 크기가 작은 나방에 속한다. 본 아과는 주로 온대구를 포함하여 구북구에 분포한다. 기주식물은 곰팡이, 지의류 등으로 일부 알려져 있으며 이들의 생활 사 등은 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 또한, 본 아과의 상위분류군은 밤나방상과로 나비목 중 가장 큰 분류군이다. 각 분류군의 형질을 기준으로 상위분류체계에 많은 변동사항이 있었다. 본 상과에 속한 여러 아과 중 일부 족 수준으 로 강등되어 본 아과에 포함되는 등 분류학적 위치에 많은 혼란이 있었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서 꼬마짤름나방아과 및 근연분류군의 계통분류학적 연구를 통해 검토하고자 한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Smartphone camera quality has been progressing alongside the advancement of the smartphone market. Consequently, there has sparked interest in macro photography of insects using smartphones either through using built-in "macro mode" or accessories like macro lenses, mounts, and auxiliary lighting. However, some limitations have become apparent, including challenges in capturing small insects, a short focal distance of no more than 10 cm, a narrow focus range, and lower image quality compared to dedicated cameras. We introduce an effective knowhow to these problems when taking pictures of insects in the field using a smartphone. And it provides a manual for tele-macro photography in the field, and suggestions for the future direction of smartphone and accessory development.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Firms are increasingly using social media influencers to promote their products. We develop a two-period model to investigate a firm’s strategy for introducing a product via an influencer, where there is uncertainty in the influencer-product match. In the second period, the influencer exerts an effort to promote the product to her followers, who can spread the product information to non-followers via word-of-mouth (WOM). In the second period, the firm sells to the non-followers. We show that the firm’s pricing, production, and commission contract decisions depend on the influencer’s incentive-independent excess payoff from the promotion and on the difference between the WOM effect of followers who do or do not make a purchase rather than the WOM effect of each group. As the influencer’s incentive-independent payoff increase, the firm will increase (decrease) commissison rate and commission rate when the followers’ sensitivity to product price is relatively low (high) compared with that to the influencer’s effort. As the marginal WOM benefit of the first-period sales increases, the firm tends to reduce his unit net profit from sales. The influencer with a medium-sized follower base receives the highest commission rate and exerts the largest promotion effort. While the followers of influencers with a medium-sized follower base may pay the highest price. We also show that (i) there exists a threshold for the probability of match, above which the firm faces zero demand in the first period if an influencer-product mismatch occurs; and (ii) the firm may charge followers a lower price than non-followers, even though followers are less sensitive to price than non-followers. Finally, regarding influencer selection, we find that the firm may not be better off employing an influencer with a larger follower base.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조직이 원격근무를 도입하고자 할 때 실질적으로 고려해야 할 사항들을 분석해 제안하려는 목적으로 실행되었다. COVID-19로 인해 확산된 원격근무는 생산성의 보전 및 일-가정 양립 등의 효용을 가져와 포스트 팬데믹 시대에서도 뉴노멀로 활용될 수 있다는 가능성이 타진되었다. 그러나 원격근무는 전염병으로 인한 위기 상황에서 주입적으로 실행되었을 뿐 그에 맞는 운영 방침이 정해지지 않아 기업들 의 효율적인 도입이 어려웠다. 기존부터 원격근무에 관련된 연구는 진행되고 있었다. 그러나 선행연구들 은 원격근무의 이론적인 방향성을 언급하거나 긍정적인 효과에 대한 기대점을 시사하는 내용이 주를 이루었고 원격근무를 도입하거나 개선하고자 하는 기업을 위해 정량적 기법을 활용하거나 구체적인 제도 수립을 위한 요인 제시에 있어서는 미흡한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구는 원격근무 도입 시 고려해야 할 핵심 요인을 도출하여 기업들의 원격근무 도입에 실용적이고 통합적인 관점을 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 경영학계 교수 및 인사관리 전문가들로 구성된 패널을 대상으로 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 델파이 연구 는 정립되지 않은 분야에서 방향성을 도출하기에 적합한 사회 연구 방법론이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 델 파이에 관련된 선행연구를 따라 가장 적합한 방식으로 총 3차에 걸친 델파이 조사를 진행하였으며, 조사 결과 최종적으로 조직문화, 업무환경, 인적자원, 성과관리의 네 가지 영역에 걸친 16가지의 핵심 요인이 도출되었다. 본 연구는 원격근무와 관련된 명확한 가이드라인이 없는 상황에서 원격근무 도입 시 인사 관리자들이 실질적으로 고려할 수 있는 요인들을 체계화했다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the changes found on the toi-maru of the Sang-chun-heon Historic House indicate that the upper structure of the toi-maru of the late Joseon Dynasty houses where toi-bo was installed was not completed in an instant. Toi-maru with stud is especially typical in 3-Dori type Structure, and can be found in many historic houses in Yang-dong Village, where the many 3-Dori type Structure is located. This type can be interpreted as the intermediate type that began at the eaves was settled as a toi-maru with a separate toi-bo. It seems that the toi-maru in front of the on-dol room at the time of the construction of the Sang-chun-heon historic house would not have been the same as it is now. The members dividing the on-dol room, the walls, and the various incomplete appearances seen in the window composition can be construed as traces of the change. The fact that all three types of houses that occurred during the spread of toi-maru after the mid-Joseon Dynasty can be examined can be added to the existing evaluation of cultural property houses in Yang-dong Village.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 2021년 기준 OECD 국가중 화학농약 사용량 3위로 농약사용의 개선이 필요하다. 특히 범국가적인 One Health 정책 관점에서 농작물에 사용되는 항생제 농약관리도 필요하다. 현재 시행중인 PLS, 판매관리인 교육 및 농약판매기록 제도들이 선정된 농약 사용의 안정성에 초 점을 맞춘다면, 진단과 처방을 중심으로 한 식물의약사 제도는 농약 선정의 정확성을 높일 수 있는 제도이다. 국내 발생 병해충은 연간 1,000여종 이 상이며, 하나의 고위험 병해충에 적용가능한 등록약제는 100~200개로 작용기작과 처리방법 측면에서 다양하다. 정확한 진단을 바탕으로 적합한 약 제를 선정하는 처방은 수백종 이상의 병해충에 대한 전문지식과 다양한 약제에 대한 이해와 실무경험이 요구된다. 본 연구에서 농업인에 대한 설문 조사 결과, 응답자중 81% 농업인이 농약구매와 사용에 대한 전문가의 도움이 필요하며, 이중 48% 농업인들은 매우 필요하다는 의견을 제시하였다. 판매관리인에 대한 설문조사 결과, 42%의 판매관리인이 진단 및 처방에 대한 전문성 강화가 절실함을 주장하였으며, 필요성을 인지하는 판매관리 인도 44%로 확인되어, 전체적으로 42~86%의 판매관리인들이 진단 및 처방에 대한 전문성 강화에 관심이 있었다. 식물의약사 제도화 초기에 현장 경험이 많은 판매관리인을 제도권으로 수용할 수 있는 특별전형을 고려해야 한다. 병해충 종류별 등록된 농약의 저항성 수준을 자료화하고 효과적인 방제력을 구축하여 진단 및 처방의 정확성을 높여야 한다. 판매관리인은 식물의약사 자격을 경쟁 우의 차별화 전략으로 인식하고, 더 이상 판매관리 인이 아니라 식물의약사로서 “믿음이 가는 식물의약사가 처방하는 농약”의 시장 포지셔닝을 통해 매출액 향상을 도모할 수 있다. 향후 법제화를 위 한 관련법 개정, 전문성 강화 교육 커리큘럼, 자격제도 운영에 대한 실무적인 논의가 필요하다. 식물의약사 제도화를 통해 판매관리인의 전문성을 상 향 평준화 함으로서 농업 현장의 병해충 진단 및 처방 기술을 선진화하고, 국민의 건강과 직결되는 합리적인 농약 사용을 위해 노력해야 한다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Measurement of oxide ion (O2-) concentration is a basic technology required in molten salt fields, from energy storage systems to electrolytic reduction of rare earth elements or spent nuclear fuels. In a molten salt reactor, O2- ions react with actinide elements to form their oxides or oxy-chlorides to induce actinide precipitation, and promote metal corrosion to cause a failure of structural material. For these reasons, removal of O2- ions and monitoring of the O2- concentration in molten salt reactors are essential. In this study, methods using chemical and electrochemical methods were investigated for measuring the concentration of O2- ions in a molten salts. The acid-base neutralization reaction was used as a chemical analysis method. And electrochemical methods using the O2- diffusion limit current and YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) indicator electrode were used for measuring the O2- concentration. Finally, a modified method using porous membrane electrode was applied to monitor the O2- concentration. The O2- concentration was measured up to about 2wt% of Li2O by the method using the O2- diffusion current, up to about 4wt% by the YSZ indicator electrode, and about 6wt% by the porous membrane electrode in LiCl molten salts.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During decommissioning and site remediation of nuclear power plant, large amount of wastes (including radioactive waste) with various type will be generated within very short time. Among those wastes, soil and concrete wastes is known to account for more than 70% of total waste generated. So, efficient management of these wastes is very essential for effective NPP decommissioning. Recently, BNS (Best System) developed a system for evaluation and classification of soil and concrete wastes from the generation. The system is composed of various modules for container loading, weight measurement, contamination evaluation, waste classification, stacking, storage and control. By adopting modular type, the system is good for dealing with variable situation where system capacity needs to be expanded or contracted depending on the decommissioning schedule, good for minimizing secondary waste generated during maintenance of failed part and also good for disassemble, transfer and assemble. The contamination evaluation module of the system has two sub module. One is for quick measurement with NaI(Tl) detector and the other is for accurate measurement with HPGe detector. For waste transfer, the system adopts LTS (Linear Transfer System) conveyor system showing low vibration and noise during operation. This will be helpful for minimizing scattering of dust from the waste container. And for real time positioning of waste container, wireless tag was adopted. The tag also used for information management of waste history from the generation. Once a container with about 100 kg of soil or concrete is loaded, it is moved to the weight measurement module and then it transfers to quick measurement module. When measured value for radioactivity concentration of Co- 60 and Cs-137 is more than 1.0 Bq/g, then the container is classified as waste for disposal and directly transferred to stacking and storage rack. Otherwise, the container is transferred to accurate measurement module. At the accurate module, the container is classified as waste for disposal or waste for regulatory clearance depending on the measurement result of 0.1 Bq/g. As the storage rack has a sections for disposal and regulatory clearance respectively, the classified containers will be positioned at one of the sections depending on the results from the contamination evaluation module. The system can control the movement of lots of container at the same time. So, the system will be helpful for the effective nuclear power plant decommissioning in view of time and budget.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Canada’s Pickering Unit 3 was performed a three-stage decontamination from June to August 1989 in preparation for pressure tube replacement. The first step was a reducing CAN-DECON treatment to dissolve the magnetic film inside the reactor, which was applied following partial defueling of the reactor core. The second step was an oxidative dilute alkaline permanganate treatment to remove the chromium-rich oxides of the stainless steel parts. And the final CAN-DECON step was applied continuously after completely removing fuel from the reactor core. In situ pipe gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques were applied to measure radioactivity within feeder piping during various stages of Pickering Unit 3 decontamination. Measurements were performed at a maximum dose rate of 5 mSv/h, and both the detector and the scanned feeder pipe were properly shielded from other neighboring pipes. 60Co was the dominant radionuclide in feeder piping prior to decontamination. And radionuclides 103Ru, 95Zr, 95Nb, 59Fe, 140La and 124Sb were detected. The Co-60 radioactivity was 2.09×105 Bq/cm2 before decontamination and 3.11×103 Bq/cm2 after decontamination in the inlet feeder pipe T18. And in the outlet feeder pipe P21, it is 2.56×104 Bq/cm2 before decontamination and 2.04×103 Bq/cm2 after decontamination.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori-1 and Wolseong-1 nuclear power plants were permanently shut down in June 2017 and December 2019, and are currently in the preparation stage for decommissioning. In this regard, it is necessary to secure nuclear power plant decommissioning capacity in preparation for the domestic decommissioning marketplace. To address this, the Korea Research Institute of Decommissioning (KRID) was established to build a framework for the development of integrated nuclear decommissioning technology to support the nuclear decommissioning industry. The institute is currently under construction in the Busan-Ulsan border area, and a branch is planned to be established in the Gyeongju area. Recently, R&D projects have been launched to develop equipment for the demonstration and support verification of decommissioning technology. As part of the R&D project titled “Development and demonstration of the system for radioactivity measurement at the decommissioning site of a nuclear power plant”, we introduce the plan to develop a radioactivity measurement system at the decommissioning site and establish a demonstration system. The tasks include (1) measurement of soil radioactive contamination and classification system, (2) visualization system for massive dismantling of nuclear facilities, (3) automatic remote measurement equipment for surface contamination, and (4) bulk clearance verification equipment. The final goal is to develop a real-time measurement and classification system for contaminated soil at the decommissioning site, and to establish a demonstration system for nuclear power plant decommissioning. The KRID aims to contribute and support the technological independence and commercialization for domestic decommissioning sites remediation of nuclear power plant decommissioning site by establishing a field applicability evaluation system for the environmental remediation technology and equipment demonstration.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, in the United States, Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is stored at the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs) at 73 Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). The SNF inventory stored on-site either in pools or dry storage was 84,500 MTU in 2020. The inventory stored in on-site dry storage facilities was 39,207 MTU (46% of the total), and it is growing at a rate of approximately 3,500 MTUs per year. However, because a site for geologic repository for permanent disposal of SNF has not been constructed in the U.S., the SNF will need to be stored in dry storage facilities across the U.S. for a much longer period of time than originally planned. During this time, the dry storage facilities could experience earthquakes of a different magnitude than the one for which they were originally designed. However, there is little data on the response of SNF inside dry storage systems to seismic loads in the U.S., and the various gaps and nonlinearities between storage containers, canisters, baskets, aggregates, and fuel make it very difficult to evaluate by analytical methods. Therefore, a full-scale shake table test is being planned as an international joint research project led by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in the U.S. In Korea, KNF decided to participate in this seismic test through the project of SNF integrity evaluation under road and sea normal transportation conditions organized by KNF and conducted by KORAD, KAERI, and Kyung-Hee University, and has provided the KNF 17ACE7 and PLUS7 test assemblies for the tests to SNL. The test will be conducted at the LHPOST6 shake table test facility operated by University of California in San Diego (UCSD) from 2023 to 2024, with the participation of KNF, CRI, and KAERI in Korea. The test units consist of a NUHOMS 32 PTH2 canister, a mockup of a generic vertical cask, a mockup of a generic horizontal storage module, 4 surrogate fuel assemblies, and 28 dummy assemblies. The seismic inputs for the tests will consist of ground motions (acceleration time histories) representative of hard rock, soft rock, and soil sites and seismic conditions in moderately tectonically active Central and Eastern US and highly tectonically active Western US. Ground accelerations for soft rock and soil conditions will be developed taking in account soil-structure interaction. Not only is this test almost impossible to conduct independently in Korea in terms of scale, facilities and costs, but it is also considered an essential test for those of us who are preparing for dry storage of spent nuclear fuel, given the increasing social concern about earthquakes due to the recent earthquake in Turkey.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양산업시설의 위험유해물질 배출이 미치는 사회영향을 평가하고, 기술근거배출허용기준 설정과정에서 요구되는 사회영향평 가 항목 및 방법적용에 대한 시사점을 도출하였다. 연구범위는 인천광역시에 있는 해양산업시설을 대상으로 하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기업 및 산업에 대한 영향은 ‘큰’ 것으로 평가되었지만, 대기업은 영업이익손실과 도산가능성, 그리고 고용손실의 영향이 적 었고, 소기업과 중기업은 영향이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 지역사회 및 경제에 대한 영향은 ‘적은’ 것으로 평가되었으나, 직접적으로 인 과관계를 지니는 어업생산자나 지역관광종사자, 그리고 해당 지역은 그 영향이 집중되어 크게 나타날 수 있기 때문에 이에 대한 세심한 정책적 개입이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, 기술근거배출허용기준의 설정방법에서 사회적 손실비용 및 사회적 편익산정 항목과 방법 이 유용하게 적용될 수 있는 것으로 판단된다.
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