
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 607

        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey on the preferences and notion about kimchi and kimchi products was conducted from july to october, 1999 to investigate basic information for increasing the consumption of kimchi for sale. 1,241 subjects of women and men aged 10 to 60 in Kyung-nam area participated in this survey. Most of the subjects made kimchi by themselves at home but this rate of making kimchi at home became lower than past, so increment of consumption of kimchi for sale will be expected in the future. When the people buy kimchi, they considered taste first, and then hygiene, nutrition in order. When they purchase kimchi, more men (69.1%) than women(56%) considered taste, but more women(36.1%) than men(20.6%) considered hygiene first. Subjects aged 30 or older groups considered more the hygiene of kimchi than the subjects of 10~20 age groups did.(p〈0.05) And people of household income over 3 million wons considered more hygiene than people of below 1 million wons income group did. People liked manufactured kimchi the packed with whole or partly transparent material in order to observe the contents.(p〈0.05) They liked better kimchi packed with bottle(46.1%) and vinyl(39.6%) than plastic(14.3%) and this tendency was more in the subjects of women(49.8%) and over 30 age groups.(p〈0.05) They prefered 200~500g packing unit of kimchi whether the family size were big or small. Among the processed kimchi products, men liked better a rice covered up with kimchi, a pot stew with kimchi or a soup with kimchi, On the other hand, women liked better a dumplings with kimchi, a grilled food with kimchi, a pizza with kimchi.(p〈0.05) Subjects aged 10 to 20 years old liked all kinds of kimchi products, but people aged 40 or older disliked them.(p〈0.001)
        2000.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey on the preference of kimchi and actual amounts of kimchi intake conducted from july to october 1999 to get basic information needed for the augmentation of kimchi intake. Total 1,241 of women and men aged 10~60 in kyung-nam area participated in this survey. Except people aged 20~30, all of subjects, especially in people aged 60 and over, liked fresh prepared kimchi best, and then fermented kimchi. But all of subjects disliked over fermented kimchi.(p〈0.001) And women(4.3±0.9) liked better fresh prepared kimchi than men(4.2±1.0), men(4.0±0.9) liked better fermented kimchi than women(3.9±1.1).(p〈0.05) In subjects aged above 40, as age grow up, the preference of fermented kimchi and over fermented kimchi grew lower. All of subjects best liked chinease cabbage kimchi, and then chonggak kimchi, kakdugi, yeulmu kimchi, dongchimi in order. And women liked better nabag kimchi, yeulmu kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, bek kimchi, cucumber kimchi, godulppegi kimchi than men and men liked better chinease cabbage kimchi, kakdugi, dongchimi than women.(p〈0.05) People aged 10~20 and above 60 disliked chonggag kimchi. The preference of kakdugi were high in people aged 10~20, but as age grow up, the preference of kakdugi became lower.(p〈0.001) The preference of nabak kimchi and dongchimi with juice were significantly high in people aged 60 and over but people aged 10~20 disliked. Also subjects aged 10~20 disliked significantly yeulmu kimchi, sesame leaf kimchi, green onion kimchi, bek kimchi, cucumber kimchi, mustard leaf kimchi and godulppegi kimchi and subjects aged 20~30 disliked significantly yeulmu kimchi, mustard leaf kimchi, godulppegi kimchi(p〈0.001). But subject aged 30 and older liked all kinds of kimchi. The amounts of kimchi intake in Kyung-nam area were same level of average amount(100g) of korean intake but the amounts of kimchi intake of men(106.4±74.0) were more than women(96.9±69.5)(p〈0.05)
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The empirical research was conducted to investigate women's consumption pattern of Korean rice cakes and to analyze the preference of them by their demographic backgrounds. The results of this study provide useful informations for a systematic development of Korean rice cake. A self-completed questionnaire survey of 281 women in Seoul was undertaken and detailed information was collected from each. A questionnaire consisted of three parts including demographic backgrounds, consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cakes, and the need assessment. Demographic variables of respondents included age, marital status, education, family style, monthly income etc. Most of them(82.6%) were married with the average age of 36.3±8.4 year old. The results of eating frequency rate showed that about half of women(49.1%) had Korean rice cake once or twice a month followed by once a week(23.1%), once per two months(13.9%), once per six months(8.2%), and once per three months(3.9%). Average preference score of 14 Korean rice cakes was 3.08±1.49 out of 5, indicating 'so-and-so'. Ingeolmi received the highest score of 4.02, whereas Duteopteok had the lowest score of 0.18. The preference score of Korean rice cake and the respondents' knowledge of them showed significantly strong positive correlation. The need-assessment score for improving the quality of Korean rice cake was 3.72±1.35 out of 5, showing moderate willingness for improvement of Korean rice cake.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        향은 방향성 또는 휘발성 물질에 의해 코의 점막을 통해 흡입되어 뇌파등의 생체 신호의 변화를 초래하고 풍부한 감성도 유발시킨다. 향은 기억력에 관련된 원시 감정을 유발시킬 뿐만 아니라 생체에서 나오는 페로몬(pheromone)은 행동 양식까지 영향을 미친다. 또한 향을 이용하여 증상의 경감, 예방효과등 질환을 치료하는 aromatherapy는 매우 유망한 분야이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 페로몬향과 aromatherapy에 사용되는 essential oil등을 이용하여 주관적 감성 평가를 실시하고 이를 통계 분석하여 여러 종류 향들의 자극으로 유발되는 감성의 특징을 밝혀내고자 하였다. 둘째로 향의 선호도를 결정하는데 작용하는 감성요인을 알고자 하였다. 실험에 사용된 향은 26종류이고, 총33명의 지원자가 참여하였다. 설문지는 9점척도의 18문항을 선별하여 4가지 유형으로 작성한 후 유형별로 자료를 정리하여 베리막스의 요인분석, 외귀분석, 군집분석등을 이용하여 분석하였다. 베리막스의 요인분석으로 설문에 사용한 감성 형용사를 쾌한 감성으르 결정하는 요인, 자극의 강도를 결정하는 요인, 이외의 다른 고풍스럽거나 현대적인 요인 등 비슷한 3개 요인으로 나누었다. 향의 선호도를 결정하는데 중요한 감성척도에서는 피검자 성별에 따라 차이가 있음을 보여주었다. 남성의 경우 '황홀하다, 여성적이다' 인데 반해 여성인 경우 '쾌적하다. 친숙하다'라는 감성 척도가 중요하게 작용하였다. 또한 각 향별로 군집을 분류하여 향의 종류를 구분할 수 있었으며 또한 각 향별 선호도를 결정하는 감성 척도도 구해 보았다. 또한 향의 분류에 따른 감성 척도의 특징을 성별로 관찰한 결과 페로몬 향의 경우 essential oil과는 달리 성별에 따른 차이가 나타났다. 결론적으로 후각을 자극하는 향물질로 유발된 감성을 측정해 본 결과 성별에 다라 선호도를 결정하는 감성요인의 차이를 알 수 있었으며, essential oil에서는 성별 차이가 없는데 비하여 페로몬 향의 경우 성별의 차이를 나타내었다.
        1999.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대구지역 남자 대학생의 체중조절지향 및 체형에 따른 식습관 및 기호도, 영양지식을 조사하기 위하여 대구 C대 남학생 219명을 대상으로 설문지 및 신체계측을 통하여 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상자의 평균연령은 19.8±2.3세였으며, 평균 신장 및 체중은 173.8±8.7cm 와 65.8±7.9Kg, 그리고 평균 BMI는 21.9±2.4로 한국인 체위기준치의 표준신장 172.0cm, 체중 66Kg, 평균 BMI 22.3과 비슷한 수준이었다. 조사대상자들이 생각하는 이상적인 신장과 체중은 179.3cm와 70.4Kg로 이는 대체로 실제보다 큰 체형이었으며 이때 BMI는 21.9였다. 2. 스스로 평가한 자신의 체형은 '보통이다' 혹은 '여위었다'라고 생각하는 대상자는 72.7%였으며. 이상적으로 생각하는 체형은 '약간 살찜'이라고 답하였다. 체중조절에 대한 관심은 '좀 더 살찌기를 원함'이라고 답한 대상자가 74명으로 전체의 33.8%였고, '여위기를 바람'이라고 답한 대상자는 47명으로 전체의 21.5%였으며, '지금의 상태에 만족함'이라고 답한 대상자는 98명으로 44.7%였다. 3. 평소 식사량은 많은 편으로 '먹을 수 있는 최대의 양을 먹는다'고 답한 수는 전체 조사대상자의 40.6%였으며 체중군별로는 과체중군이 48%로 가장 높았다. 각 체중군이 가장 중점을 두고 식사를 하는 시간은 '저녁식사'였다. 식사의 규칙성은 전체 조사대상자의 51.6%가 '아침'을 규칙적으로 먹는다고 답하였으며 저체중군은 점심을 불규칙적으로 하는 것으로 조사되었다(51.1%). 식사를 거르는 이유는 '시간이 부족해서'라고 전체 조사대상자의 60.3%가 답하였으며 과체중군에서 '습관적으로 식사를 거른다'가 다른 군보다 높게 나타났다. 자신의 식생활에서 가장 문제가 되는 것은 '불규칙한 식사시간'이라고 조사 대상자의 45.2%가 답하였다. 4. 영양관련 정보를 습득하는 경로는 조사 대상자의 49.8%가 '신문이나 잡지, TV'라고 답하였으며 '부모님', '학교수업' 및 '영양관련 서적' 등 이었다. 반면에 '영양관련 지식의 습득이 전혀 없다'라고 대답한 조사대상자도 26.5%나 되었다. 식품군별 섭취빈도조사 결과 '저체중군'은 '육류'의 섭취빈도가 높은 반면 '과체중군'은 '채소'의 섭취빈도가 높게 나타났다. 5. 영양관련 지식에 대해서는 각 체중군은 20점 만점에 평균 15점을 기록하였다. 이들 체중군 사이에는 유의적인 차이가 없었으며 조사 대상사의 연령이 증가함에 따라 영양관련 지식은 상대적으로 감소하였다(p〈0.05). 6. 체형에 따른 식품섭취빈도는 일반적으로 '곡류 및 면류'를 가장 선호하였으며, '야채류 와 '기호식품 및 간식류'의 선호도도 높은 편이었고 '햄, 소세지'에 대한 선호도는 모든 체중군에서 낮게 나타났다. '김치'의 섭취빈도가 각 체형군에서 고르게 가장 자주 섭취하였다. '과체중군'은 다른 군에 비해 '쇠고기'와 '기호식품 및 간식류'의 섭취빈도가 낮아 유의적인 차이를 보였다(p〈0.01). 저체중군'은 '과체중군'에 비해 육류의 섭취빈도가 높은 반면 '과체중군'은 야채와 과일 섭취빈도가 높았다. 이상의 결과로 남학생의 체형에 대한 올바른 인식과 이에 따른 식사행동이나 식습관의 바람직한 방향을 위하여 영양학의 이해나 영양교육이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        1999.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was carried out from March to May in 1998 to compare the food habits and food preference of 391 men in Kyung Nam area who were between twenties and sixties. The summarized results are as follow: 1. The 30's were highest(173.8cm) and the 60's were lowest(168.3cm) in their average stature. The 30's were heaviest(68.2Kg) and the 20's were lightest(62.3Kg) in their average weight(P<0.001). Average BMI was highest in the 50's and lowest in the 20's. 2. Average food habit score of the subjects(4.08) was as low as belonging to the poor group and lowest was 20's. 3. The rate of not eating was highest in the breakfast and the subjects ate breakfast more as they were older(P<0.001). The serious problem of food habit was irregular eating time. The subjects ate in the more irregular time as they were younger. 4. 88.9% of the subjects preferred cooked rice and cereals as their main food, kimchi as their side dish and fruit as their eating between meals. 5. We found great differences in the kinds and number of drinkings subjects preferred as their ages(P<0.001). 20's preferred cider and cola. 30's, 40's and 50's preferred coffee and 60's preferred ginseng tea and citron tea. The rate of smoking was higher in 30's and 40's then in 20's and 50's. 6. 72.9% of the 20's and 16.7% of the 60's ate instant food more than 2-3 times a week. They ate Ramen most often because of its convenience. They ate out more as they were younger and preferred Korean food as their eating out menu. 7. The degree of preference in a sweet taste was highest in 20's and lowest in 40's (P<0.01) and the degree in the preference of a sour taste became lower as they were older(P<0.001). Only in the preference of a salty taste, we could find the difference of the BMI level. They showed high degree in the preference of a salty taste as the order of the over-weight group, normal group, under-weight group and fat group. They showed meaningful correlationship between the level of BMI and the degree of preference of a salty taste in 20's and 40's and between the food habit score and the level of BMI in 60's (P<0.05).
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and preference of 'Jook' among people to find the effective way of promoting consumption of Korean traditional 'Jook'. This survey was conducted in Seoul, Suwon, Pyongtaek area. Among 450 questionnaires, 363 responses were collected and were analyzed by SAS program. The results were as follows: 47% was male,33.1% were 20 to 29 years old and 45% were students. Age and sex were main factors influencing the perception and preference of 'Jook' Older generation and women liked 'Jook' the most. 'Potjook', 'Hobakjook', 'Dakjook', 'Hinjook' were mostly preferred in order. 'Jook' was eaten because of 'easy to digest', 'special treat', 'convenience food', and 'therapeutic purpose'. But taste was the most preferred characteristics selecting 'Jook' except 'Hinjook'. In developing 'Jook' to be consumed, diversity and convenience should be placed in the first priority.
        1998.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소비자의 감성적 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는 직물 및 의류의 설계 및 생산을 위해서는 직물의 접촉시에 유발되는 감성반응의 객관적이고 정량화된 평가 체계의 개발이 절실히 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 질감을 표현하는 형용사들을 추출하여 최종적으로 18개의 감각 및 감성을 구분한 Likert Scale을 개발하였으며 이 척도의 신뢰도(reliability)는 매우 높았다. 이들 18개의 형용사는 요인분석 결과 5개의 주된 요인으로 묶였으며 구성타당도가 높은 척도이다. 19종의 내의 표본에 대한 세 차례의 측정을 통해 내의 직물의 선호도(감성)에 영향을 미치는 주된 감각적 감성요인을 추출하였다. 특히 "매끄러움", "부드러움". "섹시함". "편안함". "폭신함". 등의 감성요인이 선호직물과 비선호 직물을 매우 잘 구분해 주는 소비자의 대표적 감성으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 가장 중요한 결과로, Kawabata Evaluation System을 이용하여 시료 내의 직물의 16개 역학적 특성을 분석하였으며, 이들 특성이 감성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 회귀 분석을 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구의 시료직물 중 선호되는 내의류들은 폴리에스테르(속칭, 물실크)종류이었으며, 가장 비선호 되는 것들은 망사나 모시메리로 나타났다. 내의류 js호도에 가장 많은 영향을 미치는 주된 심리적 특성인 "매끄러움". "부드러움". "섹시함". "편안함" 그리고 "푹신함" 등을 결정짓는 방정식을 만들었다.끄러움". "부드러움". "섹시함". "편안함" 그리고 "푹신함" 등을 결정짓는 방정식을 만들었다." 그리고 "푹신함" 등을 결정짓는 방정식을 만들었다.결정짓는 방정식을 만들었다.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumption and general views of housewives in Inchon on commercial kochujang(fermented red pepper-soy paste) were surveyed by questionnaires in June through August, 1997. Respondents considered the taste (88.1%) as the most important factors to determine the quality of kochujang and preferred hot(621%) and bright red colored kochujang(70.6%) with fine red pepper powder Eighty seven percent of respondents preferred the traditional kochujang to the commercial one mainly due to the taste and the reliability to the materials kochujang. Especially all housewives at the age of sixty and over preferred traditional kochujang and those at twenties had a higher preferrence for the commercial one compared to other age groups. While 51.4% of the respondents consumed both e traditional and commercial kochujang, 16.2% and 32.5% did only commercial and traditional kochujang, respectively. Consumption of commercial kochujang decreased with age and main food with it was pan fried dishes(33.7%). Convenience(76.6%) was the major reason for purchasing commercial fried and most respondents(44.1%) selected the special brand from the previous experience of their own. Problems to be improved in commercial kochujang were better taste(31.3%) and development of diverse usage(62.4%).
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the consumers' Dining-out preference and behavior for the chilled meat consumption strategy . A total of 328 persons in Seoul, Kyunggi areas were selected by stratified random sampling method and were responded to this study questionnaire which was composed of six parts with 65 statements about chilled meat consumption. 1. The frequency of Dining-out is characterized that 'once a month' is the highest pattern of consumers(46.3%) : In that cases, the married people showed 'once a month'(52.7%) and 'once biweekly'(23.3%), but the unmarried people showed the more frequent pattern as 'once a week'(27.3%) and 'twice a week'(27.3%). And the frequency of Dining-out in relation with the education level revealed that 'the graduate people' are the highest (37.5%). 2. Generally the first food for the Dining-out is 'Kalbi'(26.2%), and the others were 'pork grilling','chilled meat grilling','fish sasimi','chinese foods','pizza' etc.... But there were some variation in relation with incomes and housing types: For the agriculture/physical labor class, they prefers the 'pork griling'(25.0%), the office work class prefers the 'Kalbi' For the house-owner group, they prefers the 'Kalbi', but the house-renting/lodging group, they prefer the 'chinese food' or 'pork grilling' etc.... 3. In choosing the Dining-out place,'quality of food'(54.3%) and 'hygiene'(21.0%) were rated as the first important factor. 4.'Soups', 'Noodles' and 'Cooked rice in casserole' were chosen as good lunch menu : for male, they prefer the 'Soups', but females prefer 'Cooked rice in casserole'. 5. People with commercials/services(44.7%) and agriculture/physical labor(50.0%) ate their lunch in private restaurant, but peoples in the office work(57.0%)/public service personnel(70.4%) and industry use refectory; and it showed significant difference. 6. Consumers prefer the chilled meat as a Dining-out menu, but they didn't recognize the difference between chilled meat and frozen meat 7. For Dining-out menu, many people proper the beef, but the price of beef was so high than pork, agriculture/physical labor class choose the pork grilling instead of beef : commercials/services/office worker prefer the beef chilled meat . 8. The first admirable cooking method for chilled meat is direct radiation grilling with charcoal and many of consumers prefer tender, marbling, some chewy and juicy, flavor, soft as a quality of meat but physical labor class prefer the some tough and chewy texture.
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding, the perception, and the preference of Korean traditional food in 487 middle school boys and girls living in urban and rural areas. The students got 6.66/10 points in the knowledge about Korean traditional food. The girl and the student from nuclear families got significantly higher scores than the boy and the student from extended families respectively. Most of the students(95%) responded that Korean traditional food must be in succession and be developed because it suits Korean tradition of our own and our tastes. However, Korean traditional food must be improved in cooking process to more convenient way and in tastes. Especially students in urban area emphasized cooking process, and students in rural area emphasized tastes. Many students(80%) answered that the households may play the most important role in succeeding and developing Korean traditional food. Most of students(82.5%) thought that the Korean traditional food needs to be made fast food because they need to take it more easily. However, hygiene, taste and nutrition have to be considered. Pulgogi, Mandoo, Rice, Ddeokgook, Chabchae are highly preferred foods while Torantang, Mookuen-Namool, Jutgal, Jeonyoouh are poorly preferred. Some students had never tasted Shinseonro, Goocheolpan, Torantang, Chokpyun and Pyunyook.
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study were to assess high school students' consumption pattern of Korean rice cakes and to analyze the preference of them by students' demographic backgrounds. Self completed questionnaires were collected from 672 high school students in Seoul area. A questionnaire consisted of three parts including demographic backgrounds, student's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cakes by type. Statistical data analysis was done using the SPSS/PC program for descriptive analysis, t-test and 2 test. Approximately half of the students were male(52.6%) with the average age of 16.7 The consumption frequency rate showed that 41.6% students had Korean rice cake once a week followed by once or twice a month(39.1%), once per six months(11.0%), and once per two months(8.3%) Ingeolmi received the highest preference score(4.28), whereas Duteopteok had the lowest score(0.18).
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to assess eating habits of 230 rural elementary school students living in ChunNam province. Anthropometric data showed that their mean height of girl students was significantly higher than that of boy students. Irregular eating pattern of girl students was noted. There was a significant difference in concerning on weight control between girls and boys. Girls especially view themselves as too obese even though their weight was in normal range and they were more concerned on weight control due to appearance. Nutrition education at school was an important factor ruling out peaky eating habits in participants. More effective nutrition education might be suggested to form a good eating habit which result in maintenance of ideal weight and promote health for rural elementary school students.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 김치첨가용 수산부재료(젓갈류 포함)의 사용현황과 문제점, 개선방향 등을 조사하여 수산물 첨가김치의 과학적 제조기술 및 산업화를 위한 김치조미료 개발을 위한 기초자료로 이용코져 실시하였다. 조사대상자는 주로 30~50세 연령대의 가정주부였으며 가족형태는 핵가족 형태로 월평균소득이 100~200 만원대의 중간소득층이었다. 김치의 기호도는 조사대상자의 65.3%가 매우 좋아 하는 필수식품으로 아직은 우리나라 부식으로 중요한 위치를 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 매일 먹지 않아도 크게 불편하지 않다 6.0%, 싫어한다 0.5%로 나타나 향후 상용식품으로서의 김치의 입지가 변할 것으로 생각된다. 김치를 담글 때 젓갈과 수산물을 첨가하는 이유는 김치의 맛과 냄새를 좋게 하기 때문에, 김치의 영양가를 높여주기 때문에가 각각 79.5%와 54.2%로 나타났으며 첨가하지 않는 이유는 주로 맛과 냄새를 좋지 않게 하기 때문에, 젓갈이 위생상태가 불안해서, 김치를 오래 저장할 수 없기 때문에가 각각 13.5%, 1%, 12.8% 로 나타났다. 김치첨가용 수산부재료중 가장 선호하는 젓갈은 멸치젓(84.9%)과 새우젓(69.1%)이었으며 가장 선호하는 수산물(해조류 제외)은 생굴(76.4%)과 작은 생새우(54.7%)이었고 가장 선호하는 해조류는 청각(58.8%)으로 나타났으나 수산물(해조류 제외)을 사용하지 않는다가 15.3%로 해조류를 사용하지 않는다가 31.4%로 나타났다. 김치의 국제적 발전을 위해서는 대부분의 응답자가 한국김치의 식품학적 특성을 살리되 풍미를 국제감각에 맞도록 발전(86.5%)시키고 위생적 안정성 확보가 가장 중요하다(50.9%)고 응답하였다.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research was conducted to investigate the children's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cake by analyzing the relation among their socio-demographic backgrounds. This study provides basic information for systematic development and wide spread of Korean rice cake as a traditonal Korean food. A self completed questionnaire survey of 639 elementary school students in Seoul was undertaken. A survey questionnaire consisted of two parts including demographic backgrounds, children's consumption pattern and preference of Korean rice cake. A likert scale of one to five was used to determine the childrem's preference of Korean rice cake. Statistical data analysis was done using the SPSS/PC program for descriptive analysis and 2 test. Approximately half of the participants were male (51.5%) and 5-degree year (50.7%) students. 77.2% of respondents were nuclear families. The results of eating frequency rate showed that 57.1% students had Korean rice cake once a month followed by once a week (18.8%), once per two months (12.2%) and once per six months (10.5%). The major reasons for having Korean rice cake were good taste (55.2%), healthy food (22.3), our traditional food (17.3%), and etc (2.2%) in order. Average children's preference score of 14 Korean rice cakes was 2.82±1.59 out of 5, with the highest score of 4.30 for Songpyun and the lowest score of 1.06 for Bukumi.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다식성 산림해충인 주동무늬차색풍뎅이(Adoretus tenuimaculatus Waterhouse)의 기주식물과 기주선호도를 조사한 결과, 야외조사에서는 25과 66종류의 식물을 가해하는 것으로 밝혀졌고, 먹이공급 실험을 통하여는 5과 14종의 식물을 식해하는 것으로 나타나 문헌상에 있는 32과 136종류의 기주식물을 합하면 주둥무늬차색풍뎅이의 기주식물은 총 42과 186종류가 되었다. 이들 중 새로 밝혀진 기주식물은 19과 50종이었다. 한편, 15과 39종의 식물을 대상으로 기주선호도를 조사한 결과, 가장 많이 유인된 것은 호두나무(Juglans sinensis)였으며, 가장 많이 식해한 식물은 밤나무(Castanea crenata)였다. 유인율과 피해도가 높은 수종들은 밤나무, 아까시나무(Robinia pseudoacasia), 아그배나무(Malus sieboldii), 호두나무, 신갈나무(Quercus mongolica), 갈참나무(Q. aliena)였다. 그러나 고욤나무(Diospyros lotus), 혹호도(Juglans nigra), 들메나무(Fraxinus mandshurica), 물푸레나무(F. rhynchophylla), 파란칸타(Pyracantha angustifolia), 오동나무(Paulownia Coreana), 팽나무(Celtis sinensis)등에는 전혀 유인되지 않았다. 동일 종류의 식물일지라도 지역에 따라 주둥무늬차색풍뎅이가 가해하였던 것과 가해하지 않았던 경우가 있었으며, 피해 정도도 지역과 시기에 따라 차이가 있었다.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오대산 국립공원의 삼림경관, 삼림 시설물 경관, 집단시설지구 경관, 사찰경관을 대상으로 물리적 환경이 지닌 환경적 질을 계량적 접근방법으로 분석하여 합리적인 이용개발 및 보전관리에 필요한 기초자료를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 심리량 분석을 취해 S.D.Scale을 측정하고 인자분석 알고리즘을 통하여 물리적 환경의 공간 이미지 구조를 밝혔으묘, 시각적 선호도를 측정하여 결정인자를 추출하였으며 각 인자 상호간의 중요성을 규명하였다. 오대산 국립공원의 공간 이미지를 함축하는 변인은 종합평가적 차원, 공간적 차원, 자연성 차원 및 물리적 차원, 호감성 차원 등 5개 인자군으로 분석되었으며 종합평가적 차워, 공간적 차원 및 호감성 차원의 인자가 공간 이미지를 대표하는 인자군으로 나타났다. 시각적 선호도를 결정짓는 주요 설명변수는 계곡물의 깨끗함과 상쾌함, 지형지세의 특이성, 등산로 설치의 자연스러움 및 사찰건물 외관과 주변 인공식생과의 어울림 등이 시각적 선호도 결정의 주요변수로 작용하고 있었다.