
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,464

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lifting plan in the large spacial structure is an important factor influencing the efficiency and economy of the construction process. The purpose of this study was deriving the requirements for lifting techniques as the basic research in the double spoke wheel roof structure construction. In the lift up erection method, management plan of the interference error in the column and outer-ring was needed that occur during lifting roof structure. In the bent erection method, material usage reduction plan was required by the structural design of the temporary bent. In the hybrid erection method, lifting plan was needed that minimizes weather condition and crane usage. All lifting techniques were required Value Engineering model for reduction of cost and construction period.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The safety accident has been repeatedly abolished and resurrected according to the social atmosphere and the issue of the effectiveness of education has been constantly raised. As shown in [Figure 1], the training of the manager, During the ten years of revival due to the amendment of the law in 2007, the accident rate further increased. Industrial accidents often occur in combination with unsafe behavior and unsafe conditions. Unsafe behaviors are indispensable factors in the work that human beings engage in. In order to prevent accidents, it is imperative to establish systems and measures to understand the more obvious causes.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Safety accident in Building construction work in the process of preparation and implementation of the insecure human, material status is often caused by combining the reality is that many things. Accident rate is a similar level in the case of Korea and foreign countries than any country in the measures by the higher fundamental prescription is needed. In this paper, construction safety management of subcontracting work and small construction plan to apply through a survey to reach a sensible alternative. I did In conclusion, the educated workers know well, and so on the work schedule then quickly if safety management personnel in disaster will be able to reduce the rate to a miracle appeared.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many transgenic domestic animals have been developed to produce therapeutic proteins in the mammary gland. However, purification of therapeutic proteins from transgenic milk are very important for productivity of recombinant protein. Development of a knock-in vector system is needed to improve production of therapeutic proteins. In this study, we are develop Knock-in vector to express human Erythropoietin protein (hEPO) using Gluthathione S-transferase (GST) fusion system on mouse β-casein exon 3 locus. The knock-in vector consisted of the 5 homologous arm (1.02 kb), GST, PreScission protease site, hEPO cDNA, BGH polyA signal, CMV-EGFP, and 3homologous arm(1.81 kb). The analysis of nucleotide and amino acid sequence revealed that GST-hEPO mRNA is probably translated with the mouse β-casein sequence and the β-casein-GST-hEPO fusion protein is probably secreted by ER-Golgi pathway. After that, the hEPO protein can be cleaved to remove the GST from the fusion protein by PreScission protease during purification of recombinant protein. This knock-in vector may help to create transgenic mouse expressing human Erythropoietin protein via the endogenous expression system of the mouse β-casein gene in the mammary gland.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The production of therapeutic proteins from transgenic animals is one of the most important successes of animal biotechnology. Endostatin is 20 KDa C-terminal fragment derived from type XVIII collagen and an endogenous inhibitor of tumor growth by inhibition of angiogenesis. In this study, we are developed knock-in vector consists of 5’ arm region (1.02 kb), human Endostatin cDNA, CMV-EGFP, and 3’ arm region (1.83 kb). To express Endostatin gene as transgene, the F2A sequence was fused to the 5’ terminal of Endostatin gene and inserted into exon 3 of the β -casein gene. If this knock-in vector is inserted into the porcine β-casein gene locus by homologous recombination, human Endostatin mRNA are expressed using the gene regulatory region of the β-casein. Also, the β-casein and Endostatin fusion protein is translated and Endostatin protein is separated by F2A self cleavage during translation. In conclusion, our knock-in vector may help to create transgenic pig expressing human Endostatin protein via the endogenous expression system of the porcine β-casein gene in the mammary gland.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Varroa destructor is a devastating ectoparasitic mite which attacks Honeybee, Apis mellifera. V. destructor feeds on honeybee hemolymph, and often harbors small RNA viruses such as the deformed wing virus to transmit these viruses in the infested bee hive. To survey the genes of V. destructor, total RNA was subjected to high-throughput transcriptome sequencing to construct in silico cDNA library by using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Total of 2×107,748,792 paired-end short reads were obtained and quality filtered reads were subjected to Trinity de novo assembler followed by TransDecoder, and CD-HIT program to make a V. destructor reference cDNA library containing 28,023 of clustered contigs with protein coding capacity. These cDNA sequences will help us to understand the molecular biology of V. destructor.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        목화진딧물의 방제에 RNA interference(RNAi)를 이용하여 새로운 시각으로 새로운 방제를 시도하고자 한다. RNAi를 이용하여 목화진딧물의 방제에 이용할 target유전자들을 선발하기 위하여 gateway system을 이용한 목화진딧물 cDNA library를 제작하였다. 그 결과 RNAi에 적합한 약 100~400bp의 insert를 확인하였으며, blast search 및 EST database 비교분석 결과, 목화진딧물 관련 유전자임을 확인하였고, 최종적으로 8.4x105 titer의 목화진딧물 cDNA library를 완성하였다. 이러한 cDNA library는 att site를 가지는 TRV(Tobacco rattle virus) RNA2 vector에 LR recombination한 다음 Agrobacterium tumefacience(GV2260)에 transformation하였다. Agro-infiltration을 통하여 RNAi기작이 진단된 오이 에 목화진딧물을 접종하여 섭식시켰다. 섭식을 통한 살충 또는 기피효과를 bio-assay함으로써 target유전자를 선발하는 데 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aquatic ecosystems are receiving various harmful effects due to anthropogenic chemical pollutions. To protect wildlife, risk assessments of the chemicals are conducted using reference indexes of toxicity estimated by species-level laboratory tests and/or micro-/mesocosm community-level studies. However, the existing micro-/mesocosm communities are structurally too complicated, and it is also difficult to compare the experimental results directly with those from species-level tests. Here, we developed a procedure of a simple bi-trophic microcosm experiment which contains the common species (a green algae, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and a cladoceran, Daphnia magna) for testing chemical toxicities. For the proper operation of bitrophic microcosm experiment, the minimum required concentration of primary producer (P. subcapitata) is 5×105 cells mL-1. The microcosm system showed higher stability when the initially introduced D. magna population was composed of neonates (<24-h old) than adults and those mixture. This simple microcosm system would be an applicable tool to estimate the disturbing impacts of pollutants on plant-herbivore interactions, and linking the species- and population-/community level risk assessments in the future studies.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        교도소와 구치소와 같은 교정시설은 범죄인을 격리·구금하고 교정·교화하여 사회에 복귀시키는 국가가 운영하는 교육시설이다. 교정시설은 신축한 후 통상 30-40년이 경과하고 시설이 노후화 되고 협소하거나, 현재의 교정시설 주변이 도시화의 진전 등으로 인해 지자체 지역주민들의 이전요구로 보다 외곽지역으로 신축·이전이 추진되고 있으며. 최근에는 경찰서 대용 구치시설 해소를 위해 교정시설이 신축되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 최근 10년간의 교정시설 신축 이전사례를 중심으로 그 유형을 ① 대체적으로 계획에 따라 추진된 사례, ② 지방자치단체의 적극적인 지원·협조로 순조롭게 추진된 사례, ③ 지자체 및 지역주민들이 교정시설 신축을 적극 유치한 사례, ④ 지자체 및 지역주민들의 반대로 지연・중단되고 있는 사례로 구분하여 각 사례별로 특성을 정리하고 교정시설의 바람직한 신축・이전 사업과 지역사회 상생방안을 제시하였다. 그 방안으로 지방자치단체의 적극적 협조와 지원, 지역사회 주민 친화형 상생모델 제시, 교정시설 이전을 대신한 재건축・리모델링 추진, 법원・검찰청・구치소의 통합 법조타운 조성 추진, 신축·이전 대상 교정시설의 일정연한경과제 실시, 교정시설의 중층화 및 도시미관을 고려한 사회 친화적 설계 등을 제시하였다. 최근 군비행장, 한전 발전소, 폐기물 처리시설 등과 교도소·구치소는 비선호시설로 인식되어 입지단계부터 주민 반대 등으로 사업추진에 어려움을 겪고 있는 실정이다. 우리사회에서 법원, 검찰청, 경찰서와 함께 교정시설은 반드시 필요한 형사사법시설이며 국가 주요시설이다. 따라서 교정시설의 신축·이전사업도 병원 등 의료시설이나 교육시설, 상업시설, 사회체육시설 등의 선호시설처럼 보다 효율적으로 원활하게 추진되어야 할 것이다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on safety improvement measures through analysis of accident cases during plant storage tank construction. Storage tank is a general term for artificial ground facility constructed to store oil, water, gas, and other chemicals. Some companies have clustered storage tanks (tank farm). The construction methods vary according to the component and types of fluids. Because most of the construction procedures include lifting heavy weight materials using heavy construction equipment and are carried out at high places, storage tank construction contains more risk factors than normal aerial construction. Recently, major accidents such as storage tank collapse have occurred often, and cost many lives due to the characteristics of the structure. In this study we would like to analyze the cause of these accidents and propose measures to improve safety.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Occupational Safety and Health Expenses Law in construction industry was enacted in 1988 by the notification of Ministry of Employment and Labor and 22 revisions have been made since. The fact that revisions have been made almost every year since the first enactment shows that Occupational Safety and Health Expenses can effectively prevent construction accidents and the need for revisions to fit the reality has been raised continuously. Despite the construction industry has undergone various internal and external environmental changes, (such as the changes in the safety and health management techniques and the increase in the construction employees’ desire for safety) the appropriation standard of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses has been calculated based on the contract price. The construction industry has constantly suggested that the Occupational Safety and Health Expenses be calculated based on the estimated construction expenses since applying the current method doesn’t provide enough money to secure the safety. Also because it has become mandatory to hire a health manager since 2015, the lack of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses is expected to get worse. In this study, we will analyze the usage of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses and propose a more practical and realistic change in setting the appropriation standard of Occupational Safety and Health Expenses.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent frequent occurrence of urban sinkhole brings a need for the periodic inspection of sewer pipelines. Sewer inspection using a CCTV device needs a lot of time and efforts. Many of previous studies which have focused to reduce the laborious tasks are mainly interested in the developments of image processing S/W and inspection H/W. Nevertheless, there has been no attempt to find meaningful information from the existing CCTV images stored by the sewer maintenance manager. In this paper, we carried out a study about the construction of unfolding image of sewer video image. In general, the analysis results show that the image development is judged to have been well represented. It is expected to be a reference to the basic research of panoramic image.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The regulation for industrial accident rate level assessment of construction companies was introduced to the construction industry in the Republic of Korea since 1993 and has brought positive outcome on industrial accidents reduction at construction work sites. There were considerable decrease of industrial accident ratio and enforcing of contrators' safety organizations from the beginning of the regulation for industrial accident rate level assessment. In spite of these positive outcomes, there were some negative effects such as contractors' shrinking accident reports to keep good accident ratios since these figures had a great impact on pre-qualification stage of bidding when general contractors were competing for new construction projects. In addition, Comprehensive evaluation bid system, which replaces the lowest price bid system is applied to government-ordered construction projects since 2016. Comprehensive evaluation bid system includes construction company's accident rate as one of the evaluation items and carries out with the industrial accident rate level assessment of construction companies at the same time. The regulations of two systems have been called for improvement to unify these different procedures and standards which have led business stakeholders to confusion for several years. This study aims to devote on lessening shrinking accident reports and to reduce the waste of business stakeholders through changing the regulation for industrial accident rate level assessment.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        만성리 해안은 중조차 해빈으로 조립한 해저질으로 구성되어 있으며, 외해에 대해 남동쪽으로 열려있어 조석 조류보다 파랑에 의한 해빈변형이 우세하게 나타났다. 파랑은 춘계와 하계에 강하여 유의파고가 2~3m에 달하는 폭풍파가 자주 출현하였으나 추계와 동계는 고파랑이 출현하지 않는 정온한 해상상태를 보였다. 관측된 해안선변화의 계절적 특징은 입사파와 깊은 관계를 나타내었다. 춘계와 하계의 고파랑시에 해안선이 침식하였고 추계과 동계의 정온시에 침식을 회복하였다. 이런 현장자료를 바탕으로 실측해안선자료를 사용하여 해안선변화의 검증수치실험을 수행하였는데, 검증매개변수 C₁ = 0.2와 C₂ = 1C₁일 때 사후예측된 해안선은 실측해안선과의 RMS 오차가 1.26 m 정도로 만족스러웠다. 이 값을 사용하여 잠제와 도류제 등이 완공된 10년 후 만성리 해빈의 해안선을 예측한 결과, 잠제배후역에서 5~15 m 정도 해안선이 전진하며, 잠제배후역 북측에서 5~15 m 정도 해안선이 후퇴하는 결과를 나타내었다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It was believed that Jeongnimsa temple was built after the capital was moved from Gongju to Buyeo. It was confirmed that it was built A.D. 625 ± 20 by conducting a paleomagnetic analysis on the fireplace, which was recently found at the bottom of Jungmunji(middle gate). Consequently, it is assumed that the temple was built in the early 7th century unlike the previous point of view. Therefore, this study evaluated if the fireplace at the bottom of Jungmunji was found at the geological stratum representing the Jeongnimsa temple. Moreover, the study examined when the fireplace at the bottom of Jungmunji was constructed on the soil stratum. It is possible that the fireplace was built in the early 7th century as shown in the paleomagnetic analysis. However, when we compared the soil strata of the Jungmunji and the existing five-story stone pagoda, it showed that the ground was prepared differently and they were built over a fairly long period of time. Furthermore, I discovered that there was a wooden pagoda under the five-story stone pagoda by examining the soil strata map. Therefore, previous studies evaluated the arrangement of auxiliary buildings of Jeongnimsa temple and concluded that it was built in the early 7th century. It is hard to determine when the temple was built based on the arrangement of auxiliary buildings, because it takes a long time to build a temple and auxiliary buildings can be relocated during this long construction period. Rather, we have to admit that there are various arrangement patterns through minor changes in buildings from the one pagoda and one main building(Geumdang) arrangement.