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        검색결과 1,729

        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 저습환경 근로자들은 환경적인 요인으로 건성안이 증가하는 실정이다. 따라서 건성안 선별검사방 법에 따른 유병률을 알아보고, 비교분석하여 이에 따른 기준을 알아보고자 한다. 방 법: 충남지역 이차전지(리튬이온) 생산 공정에서 환경적으로 밀폐된 공간인 클린룸(상대습도 1%미만) 에 근무하는 근로자 543명을 대상으로 하였다. 자각적으로 McMonnies 설문지와 일반적 특성을 설문 조사하 였고, 타각적으로 눈물막 안정성검사와 눈물량 검사를 실시하였다. 결 과: 4개의 건성안 선별검사에서 모두 양성으로 진단 받은 사람은 72명이었고 음성으로 진단 받은 사 람은 471명이었으며, 양성으로 진단 받은 사람 72명과 일반적인 특성과의 상관관계를 분석해 본 결과 수면 시간과 음의 상관관계가 있었다. 건성안 검사방법에 따른 신뢰도 분석한 결과 맥모니 검사가 0.53으로 가장 일치도가 높았으며 타당도 분석인 ROC곡선을 비교결과도 0.90으로 가장 높았다. 건성안 선별검사에서 모두 양성으로 진단받은 환자여부에 관한 예측 적합 모형 분석결과 1차 맥모니검사 후 맥모니검사에서 양성으로 진단받은 환자에 대해 2차 눈물량 검사를 하는 방법이었다. 결 론: 저습 환경 근로자들의 건성안 판정은 수면시간과 유의한 관계를 보였다. 따라서 저습환경 근로자 들의 수면시간을 일반적으로 권고되고 있는 8시간 수면으로 교육하여 수면량 조절을 할 필요가 있다. 본 연 구에서 4개의 건성안 선별검사방법을 비교분석해본 결과 가장 신뢰도와 타당도가 높은 맥모니검사를 눈 건강 검진 시행시 문진에 추가하여 건성안 환자 여부를 판별하는데 도움이 되리라 사료된다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It was a case study to use as a basic data for efficient the preservation and management of subalpine coniferous forest in national parks. It is based on inhabitation condition of 210 individuals of Abies koreana Wilson that was found through local investigation in the sub-alpine zone of Jirisan National Park and Songnisan National Park. It analyzed the effect of the geographical location and topographical features, which are the basics of location environment, on the growth of A. koreana. The variables related to the growth of A. koreana are tree height and diameter at breast height. Topographical features include geographical longitude, altitude above sea level, slope of the mountains, aspect that describes the direction in which a slope faces and topographical wetness index. Topographical features were extracted through GIS spatial analysis. It used canonical correlation analysis to estimate whether the two variables groups have related to each other and how much they are related, if any, and estimated the effect of the geographical and topographical features on the growth structure of A. koreana using multiple regression analysis. The tree height and diameter at breast height that represent the growth structure of A. koreana show greater relation to geographical latitude distribution than topographical feature and the geographical and topographical factors show greater relation to diameter at breast height than tree height. The growth structure’s variable and geographical and topographical variable of A. koreana have meaningful relation and the result shows that geographical and topographical variables explain 18.1% of the growth structure. The variables that affect the diameter at breast height of A. koreana are geographical latitude, topographical wetness index, aspect and altitude, which are put in order of statistical significance. The higher the latitude is, the smaller the diameter at breast height. Depending on the topographical feature, it becomes bigger. The variable that affects the tree height is topographical wetness index, which was the only meaningful variable. Overall, the tree height and diameter at breast height that are related to the growth structure of A. koreana are affected by geographical and topographical feature. It showed that the geographical feature affected it the most. Especially the effect of water among the topographical features is expected to be bigger than the other topographical factors. Based on the result, it is expected that geographical and topographical feature is an important factor for the growth structure of A. koreana. Even though it considered only the geographical and topographical features and used spatial analysis data produced by GIS, the research results will be useful for investigating and researching the growth environment of coniferous forest inhabiting in sub-alpine zone of national parks and are expected to be used as basic data for establishing measures to efficiently manage and preserve evergreen needleaf tree such as A. koreana.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        프라이버시 콘텐츠를 활용한 서비스가 일상이 되어버렸고, 기술은 더 더욱 진화되며 부지불식간에 개인의 사생활을 엿보고 있다. 하지만 이러 한 기술이나 서비스를 법이나 제도로 막는다는 것 자체가 어불성설(語不 成說)이다. 그렇다고 우리가 역사적으로 많은 투쟁과 희생을 통해 얻은 프라이버시권을 포기할 수 없으며 절대로 포기되어져서도 안 된다. 이러 한 문제의식을 바탕으로 본 고에서는 사인이 가지는 프라이버시권와 공 권력의 정당화요소로서 공익, 그리고 영업의 자유와의 갈등·충돌관계를 분석하고 그 조화방안을 모색해 보고자 하였다. 그간 이러한 갈등과 충 돌을 해결하고자 하는 공권력의 설계가 헌법상의 기본 원칙하에 이루어 지기 보다는 단편적·선제적 방식이 잦았다. 따라서 여러 차례 공권력 발동의 근거가 되는 규제실패를 격어야 했으며 그러한 결과는 의도하지 못한 부작용만 초래하면서 관련 산업에 타격을 주고, 공권력에 대한 국 민적 공감대를 상실시켰다. 뿐만 아니라 이러한 공권력 행사는 국내사업 자에 한정되는 반쪽짜리 공권력으로 전락하여 결국 불평등 집행으로 인 해 자국민의 사기저하를 불러일으키며 국가에 대한 신뢰도를 약화시키는 결과만 초래하였다. 공권력은 공익이라는 가치를 법치주의에 의해 구현 함으로서 정당화된다. 뿐만 아니라 그러한 공익가치의 실현을 위한 공권 력 행사의 내용은 반드시 비례원칙을 준수하여야 한다. 따라서 이러한 충돌을 해결하는 기본원리로서 본 논문을 다음을 제안하였다. 공익과 사 익간의 갈등에 대하여는 비례원칙이 적용되어야 하며, 사익간의 갈등에 대하여는 사적자치의 원칙을 존중하되, 사인간의 기본권 충돌의 조정은 이익형량의 원칙과 규범조화적 해결원칙에 따라야 한다. 본 연구는 이러 한 원칙 하에서 카카오톡 감청사례 , 잊힐 권리 , 무인항공기 를 둘러싼 프라이버시와, 공익 그리고 영업의 자유의 충돌에 있어서 조화방안을 모 색해 보았다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 목포 유달산을 중심으로 한 인근 도서에 분포하는 왕자귀나무군락의 식생구조 및 입지환경 특성을 밝히고 자 실시되었다. 목포 유달산의 왕자귀나무군락(군락Ⅰ)은 상대적으로 해발고가 높은 곳에 위치했고, 주요 수종의 수령 은 30년 정도였다. 이 군락은 지속적인 교란으로 식생발달 초기단계의 식생구조를 보였다. 바닷가 인근 평지의 모래토양 에 형성된 군락 Ⅳ는 주요 수종의 수령이 9년 정도였다. 이 군락은 비교적 최근 인위적으로 교란된 곳에 열악한 환경에 적응력이 강한 왕자귀나무가 유입되어 순림을 형성한 것으로 추측된다. 그 외 군락(Ⅱ, Ⅲ)은 왕자귀나무와 낙엽성 참나무류가 서로 경쟁하는 식생상황을 보였으며, 주요 수종의 수령은 13∼30년이었다. 상대적으로 식생구조가 발달한 왕자귀나무군락일수록 바닷가 인근에 해발고가 높은 급경사에 위치했다. 식생발달 초기단계에는 임상으로 유입되는 광합성 유효광이 많아 관목층에 왕자귀나무의 치수발생 및 생장량이 높았다. 왕자귀 나무는 바닷가 훼손지나 척박한 토양에 적응력이 강해 이러한 곳에 출현할 가능성이 높았다. 하지만, 식생구조가 발달하 여 지력이 높을수록 낙엽성 참나무류와의 경쟁에 밀려 왕자귀나무의 세력이 약해졌다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Level of urbanization in China has reached 53.73% in 2013, indicating a tremendous progress on the urbanization of China. On the other hand, the number of villages in China reduces by around one million from 3.6 million in 2000 to 2.7 million in 2010 (Zhang, 2014). Issues in both urban and rural areas of China appear, including the imbalance between increased population and limited resources in urban region, and more significantly, the increasing disparity between rural and urban areas. Chinese researchers interpret and analyse these matters from different perspectives. For instance, Zheng (2006) and Ma (2006) suggest the importance of the infrastructure construction and public service. Wu (2006) advises that the government should pay attention to the development of the secondary and tertiary industry. Wen (2005) proposes that the improvement of social institution and the recovery of social cultural environment are required to achieve sustainability in the urbanization process in China. Previous studies in environmental psychology put quality of life, attachment to place, and residence satisfaction at the center to understand the relationship between inhabitants and their neighborhood of residence. However, there are gaps in this research realm in both practice and theories. Firstly, very limited research studies this environmental psychology issue in China (e.g. Mao, Fornara, Manca, Bonnes, & Bonaiuto, 2015). Secondly, there are different opinions on the causal order between quality, attachment, and satisfaction. Research on the relationship between perceived residential environment quality (PREQ), place attachment, and environmental satisfaction has not reached a consensus. The debate on the direction of the causal relationship between perceived quality and satisfaction has been summarized by Bradya and Robertson (2001). They conclude that the quality to satisfaction causal order holds up well across diverse cultures. However, relevant debate is still ongoing. A number of research articles place satisfaction as an antecedent to attachment, e.g. Chen, Dwyer, and Firth (2014); Lee, Kyle, and Scott (2012); Ramkissoon and Mavondo (2015); etc. Some argue that place attachment is an indicator of satisfaction. Kyle et al. (2004) investigate the effect of place attachment on the perceived values of tourists and find that place attachment is an important factor explaining the variance of perceived values. This is supported by research e.g. Hwang, Lee, and Chen (2005); Prayag and Ryan (2012); Yuksel, Yuksel, Biljm (2010); etc. As to the relationship between perceived quality and attachment, the debate has not stopped. Through comparisons, Mesch and Manor (1996) conclude that the residents who give a higher evaluation of the social and natural environment may have greater place attachment. Brown, Perkins, and Brown (2003) also suggest that the residents who agree that the street environment is better would attach to this place. Sam, Bayram, and Bilgel (2012) have certified the relationship between residential environment quality and place attachment. Furthermore, Borrie and Roggenbuck (2001) and Walker and Ryan (2008) find that the connection between human beings and the nature environment would affect their affection toward the environment. It means that the closer the relationship with the nature environment is, the stronger the attachment would be, which in turn, enhances the intentions to protect the environment. This quality to satisfaction relationship is supported by other research such as Bonaiuto, Aiello, Perugini, Bonnes, and Ercolani (1999); Grisaffe and Nguyen (2011); Yu, Chen, and Chen (2015); etc. Nevertheless, a different opinion arguing that attachment to a place may affect one’s perception on the quality related to a place is emerging in tourism research (e.g. Neuvonen, Pouta, & Sievänen, 2010). This paper takes the credit of quality → attachment → satisfaction causal order as the initial model and proposes three hypotheses as follows. H1a: One’s PREQ has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H2a: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place; H3a: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between PREQ and environment satisfaction.To be noted, the initial model has its theoretical basis as discussed above but is not necessarily the absolute optimal model. Relatively, this model provides more theoretical interpretation and practical implications in the specific research context: residential psychology in urban and rural areas of China. On this basis, this article further examines a competing model illustrating an alternative theoretical framework on the relationships between these three constructs (satisfaction → attachment → quality). Relatively, another group of hypotheses in this competing model is listed as follows. H1b: One’s attachment to a place has a positive impact on his/her PREQ; H2b: One’s satisfaction to the environmental settings in this place has a positive impact on his/her attachment to this place; H3b: Place attachment in addition performs as a mediating role between environment satisfaction and PREQ. A survey approach is employed and data are collected from several backgrounds. Dataset A (rural) is collected from three villages from Heilongjiang Province and two villages from Shandong Province in China from July to August 2014. The choices of the provinces, rural areas, and the sampling process are random. 490 valid questionnaires are included in the data analysis. Dataset B (urban) is collected via an online survey portal, which allows a nationwide sampling reach. In total 1368 online survey entries are recorded and 420 valid questionnaires are included, resulting in a valid rate of 30.7%. The measures for each construct are based on an extensive literature review. The measurement of perceived residential environment quality is from Sam, Bayram, & Bilgel’s (2012) development on the perception of residential environment. The measurement of place attachment in this study is adopted from Kyle, Graefe, and Manning’s (2005) and Chen, Dwyer, and Firth’s (2014) evaluation based place attachment dimensionality and scales. As for the scale of environmental satisfaction, Pelletier, Legault, and Tuson’s (1996) measure was applied. All the entire variables adopted multiple-item, 5-point Likert scales were adopted, where “1” indicated “strongly disagree” and “5” indicated “strongly agree”. After pre-testing the preliminary version of the survey instrument, a revised version was developed. This study adopts structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) modeling given the small sample size and the explorative purpose of this study (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015a). The software used was Smart PLS 3.0. The reliability and validity of the constructs were assessed. Cronbach’s alpha and the value of CR of each construct were found to exceed the cut-off value of 0.70 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981), except for adequacy of education which is close to 0.70 (only for Cronbach’s alpha but not for CR). Furthermore, the AVE of each construct exceeded the variance attributable to its measurement error cut-off value of 0.50 (Chin, 1998; Fornell & Larcker, 1981). In addition, heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) is recommended as a better method to test discriminant validity (Henseler, Dijkstra, Sarstedt, Ringle, Diamantopoulos, Straub, Ketchen, Hair, Hult, & Calantone, 2014). The result shows that there is neither value of the HTMT higher than the threshold of 0.85 nor confidence interval containing the value one, indicating that all the constructs exhibit satisfactory discriminant validity. The hypothesized effects in the theoretical model were tested by structural equation modeling (SEM). The first group of models tested the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction through place attachment i.e. initial model (Model A, Model B, Model C), while the second group of models tested the reverse effect of environmental satisfaction on perceived environmental quality through place attachment (Model D, Model E, Model F). Both the full model and the multi-group model were tested. The value of SRMR of the full model that tests either the effect of perceived environmental quality on environmental satisfaction (SRMR = 0.104, t = 41.826, p < 0.001) or the reversed effect (SRMR = 0.106, t = 37.736, p < 0.001) shows that the models fit the data quite well (Dijkstra & Henseler, 2015b). However, the former is little bit more significant. In this study, PREQI is found different impacts on place attachment and environmental satisfaction. This provides evidence to support a similar mechanism of studying residents’ psychology with SERVEQUAL model. However, the model testing is found significantly different between rural and urban samples, indicating a systematic difference in the psychology of rural and urban populations. Quality  attachment  satisfaction causal order is found significant and supported by both samples in this study. However, a reversed causal order model (satisfaction  attachment  quality) is also supported by the samples. Although the results may not be able to end the debate on alternative models between PREQ, place attachment, and environmental satisfaction, this paper provides empirical evidence from a specific context (urban and rural China) for further research. Specifically, PREQ has a significant impact on place attachment in both urban and rural areas in China. As for the impact of place attachment on environmental satisfaction as well as the indirect impact of PREQ on environmental satisfaction, the influence is more significant in cities of China compared to rural areas. This suggests in the urban areas in China, affective and emotional responses to their lives play an important role to residents. Local government in cities should balance between improving and maintaining quality of the environment and strengthening local residents’ psychological attachment to the place. Governments in rural areas, on the other hand, should lay great focus on the physical aspects of the environment including nature, health, education, commerce, and venture of the rural areas, to enhance residents’ living experience and satisfaction. Further, there are some limitations. Although this study attempts to clarify the framework of “perception-affection-attitude” in the field of environment management, considering the practical implications, the future study could bring the individuals’ behaviors or intentions into this model such as willingness-to-pay for environment-friendly products. It will also benefit from reviewing more literature on community-based social marketing.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Luxury is an intriguing and alluring concept. The word ‘luxury‘ is used very often in advertisement, indicating something positive, some-thing worth striving after, something worth desiring. This thesis will focus on how luxury, and particularly luxury brands, are created, represented and consumed in an online environment. The Internet has proven to be of great importance for many types of brand when it comes to communicating and providing information to consumers and potential consumers. Luxury brands, however, work on different premises than other brand categories. Thus, luxury brands on the Internet would seemingly be an oxymoron. Given the growing importance of the luxury goods industry in economic terms and the increasing scholarly interest for not only the phenomenon of luxury brands but also luxury brands online (c.f. Dall‘Olmo Riley and Lacroix, 2003), it would seem that more systematic research is warranted on how brands, and luxury brands in particular, are handled on the Internet. The consumption of luxury brands, as opposed to the consumption of physical goods, lies in the difference in ownership. A luxury brand can be ‘consumed’ without the actual owning of a physical good produced by the brand. This type of consumption is instead a sort of merging of the consumers‘ view of themselves with their image of the luxury brand. This relatively new way of viewing consumption is of central importance when viewing brands online. The virtual ownership or ‘consumption‘ of luxury brands also brings with it new forms of expressing ownership or kinship with the luxury brand, as well as with other types of consumer sharing in the affection of a brand. The problems facing luxury brands, is best summed up in the ‘luxury brand paradox‘, in which the core is a balancing act. In this balancing act, the perception of exclusivity surpasses that of actual scarcity. The perception of exclusivity has to be invoked in consumers for the luxury brand paradox to maintain equilibrium. If (or perhaps when) there was an actual scarcity to luxury goods and luxury was truly limited, the consumption of luxuries was quite different from the consumption of luxury brands today. The clicks environment The clicks environment has brought with it not only new ways for brands to communicate with consumers but also for consumers to ‘consume‘ the brands. The following aspects will be emphasized the rise of the Internet and its characteristics, the business logic that is emerging from this, consumers on the Internet and new communication patterns. New to not only luxury consumption, but also retailing and consumption is the entrance of the Internet as a means of distributing, marketing and gaining information on goods and services. The advent of the Internet brought with it a frenzy for no-name and generic brands, as well as some high-priced, status brands to not be left behind in incorporating a clicks environment, with many luxury brands jumping on the bandwagon. Many luxury brands can thus now be viewed and, to some extent, purchased online by anyone having access to a computer. Luxury brands are presenting themselves online and communicating everything from designer influences to products and prices and store listings. On the Internet, old trusted methods cannot be used to the same extent and the migration to an online environment will inevitably bring with it new problems as well as intensify some old ones: the perception of scarcity is harder to create. Maintaining the balance between maximizing profits and evoking feelings of exclusivity is one of the most important tasks for luxury brands. The creation of perception of exclusivity or social desirability in a luxury context is the basis for non-functional demand. This is a balancing act that comes into greater focus with the entrance of the Internet. This research examines the new business logic in the clicks environment from the problems that arise for luxury brands in particular. For mass-producing brands, the clicks environment does not pose the same kind of threat as it does for luxury brands. The cost of marketing could be lowered by using the means provided by the Internet and giving access to products to many new consumers, something that in the case of luxury brands can be a danger. The specific nature of luxury brands and the new business logic on the Internet generate new challenges as well as opportunities. The Internet environment brings with it the fact that luxury brands can be not only consumed but also represented and created in a widely diverse environment. This requires a specific way of viewing consumption, which will be explored in this chapter Representing, creating and consuming luxury brands online The luxury context has been changed with the entrance of the Internet, challenging luxury brand management and forcing luxury brands to act in new ways. Where the borders were previously stricter and the consumption of luxury brands was solely an act between company and consumer and luxury brand identity was communicated from company to consumer, with rather few distractions, the Internet gives rise to many other constellations. The creation of brand image is thus now intertwined and overlapping. For luxury brands to be consumed online by consumers, they have to be represented online. Although the representation can be officially either by the brand or by others, it is when ‘others‘ get involved in luxury brand representation that the preconditions change. The online representation of luxury brands is a basis for luxury brand consumption, but as will be explained later, the consumption taking place online does not have to involve purchase of actual physical goods. Brands can, to a certain degree, be ‘created‘ online as a luxury brand or status brand, all depending on the processes surrounding the brand in question. This research starts with the presumption that the luxury context is changing with the entrance of the Internet and that luxury brands are now exposed to new challenges in which the luxury brand image is more elusive than ever. The Internet has become a valuable communication tool for brands in their endeavor for a favorable and prosperous brand image. However, the belief is that as a communications and distribution channel the Internet has led to changes in the market structure as well as changes in producer and consumer roles (Peterson, et. al., 1997; Prahalad et. al., 2000). To be able to be viewed and purchased online would seem an ideal situation if not for the inherent paradoxical nature of the luxury brand. Luxury brands face several challenging problems within the online context. Online rarity The term luxury rests on certain assumed connotations, such as the ‘rarity principle‘, meaning that the rarer the good, the more desired the commodity is (Phau and Prendergast, 2000). With the Internet as a distribution channel, the ‘rarity principle‘ may be lost when the brand can be not only viewed and desired but also consumed by all. According to Dubois and Paternault (1995), the prestige of the brand may be eroded if too many people own it. The possibility of online purchase may give opportunity for the ‘masses‘ to consume these products and the company can maximise its profits and sell even larger amounts, something that would, however, be in sharp contrast with the need of luxury brands to maintain a fragile equilibrium between high exposure and awareness but a controlled level of sales (Roux and Floch, 1996 in Dall‘Olmo Riley and Lacroix, 2003). It is also feared that the possibility of purchasing luxury brand goods online could give greater opportunities for counterfeiters to sell copied merchandise as ‘original‘ merchandise. Studies have shown that price and price discounts are very important factors in online purchasing and when revisiting a website. Luxury brands online thus face problems, largely because they do not compete with low price or price discounts. Consequently, online distribution pro-vides a challenge. How do you make consumers buy the much more expensive genuine product instead of a cheap counterfeit when many of the core elements of the luxury brand are lost online? Another problem is the ever-increasing product range of luxury brands. Because many luxury brands today include all sorts of products, this makes it harder to distinguish counterfeit copies from the original. This is a problem that could devalue the brand and increase the temptation for consumers to buy cheaper ‘knock-offs‘ or counterfeits‘ online. de Chernatony (2002:186) suggests that brand strategists need a new mental model to "develop integrated brands in a digital age which goes beyond the classical and which recognizes the new roles consumers are taking". New roles for consumers are an important fact for luxury brands in that consumers are more involved in creating a buzz for certain brands, engaging in reviewing, discussing and sharing opinions online. The online environment and the challenges to luxury brands that follow show a significant change in the business logic. The new business logic on the Internet, with the consumption of brands instead of actual goods, is problematic for brands in general and for luxury brands in particular. The specific problems regarding luxury brands are seen in relation to the previously described inherently difficult luxury brand paradox. The problems arising from the very scattered Internet context for luxury brands are many, as well as interrelated. Empirical contributions There are four main groupings of websites that have been examined: (1) brand websites, (2) consumer-to-consumer sites, (3) communities and (4) Replica sites and such. (1) The first type of sites is the sites that are officially connected with one brand, multiple brands or a conglomerate. In this category ‘umbrella‘ sites are also included, which can be directly owned by a luxury conglomerate (such as eluxury.com, or sites such as prêt-a-porter.com or yoox.com that sell a wide range of upper-range and luxury brands). (2) The second type of site is the online auction site where consumers sell to consumers, or in some cases, an organized firm conducts the selling. This type of site is not associated with the luxury brand. Although somewhat separate from the community website, this type shares many of the characteristics of the community websites, including being mostly consumer driven and not directly affiliated with a luxury brand. Thus, the auction websites are grouped together with the community websites. (3) The third type of site examined is the community websites. These come in different forms, ranging from sites associated with fashion magazines in which involvement only can occur on an observer or viewer basis to communities discussing all aspects of fashion and luxury to community sites dedicated to identifying the brands celebrities are wearing. The sites that are the online version of fashion magazines can be viewed only with possibilities to receive weekly (sometimes daily) fashion updates and newsletters, include chat possibilities and bulletin boards, and in some cases have limited product sales. (4) The fourth type is the website that sells replicas or counterfeits. In this category sites that rank and review sellers of counterfeit merchandise are included. Conclusions Four themes on the sense of a luxury brand have emerged throughout this research. The themes show how the sense of a luxury brand is created in an online environment. The four themes are luxury history, authenticity, community and paradox. Luxury history refers to the stories (either real or thought up as marketing campaigns) told by luxury brands, as well as the history that is thought up of and shared by consumers of the brand. Authenticity pertains to the need for luxury brands to have authenticity and genuine products in the sense of having reputable and innovative designers to repel counterfeits. Community concerns the different types of community formed online, i.e. communities formed for a particular brand or other common interest. Paradox relates to the inherent problem for luxury brands to create desire and appeal (and hence the power to sell a particular product) while simultaneously giving the perception of uniqueness. Paradox also refers to the contradictory workings online in the creation of a sense of luxury brand. As has been revealed through the empirical data, the online environment for luxury brands is an environment for communication and interaction, an environment that is both lively and active. The online context is comprised of many different elements that are interwoven, making up the platform for luxury brands online. This is seen in not only the different people involved in the online context but in some instances also the changing roles they play and the often multiple activities that they perform. This is because the luxury environment is made up of these sometimes very different yet interlocking elements. Examining the data from different perspectives and by comparing them to previous research on brands, luxury and the Internet the conclusion is that a new and exciting arena for luxury brands and their consumers emerge, an arena that will be referred to as an online fair. The online context is a highly scattered and chaotic environment that exhibits a scope of different characteristics. These characteristics resemble those pertaining to a fair. Definitions of a fair can range from describing the display of farm animals to entertainment and amusement. The common denominator is the key-concepts of display and the people there to see the display or to be amused and entertained. The online fair embodies different actors and activities that will be described together with the special environment of the online fair. The actors that are identified in the online fair are the audiences, the exhibitors and the copycats. The activities performed by these three groups are exhibition and display, sales and trade and entertainment. Finally, the online fair environment is characterized by its globality, openness, accessibility and fuzzy boundaries. As opposed to many bricks-and-mortar fairs, the online fair requires no entrance fees. Neither does it have strict admission controls based on special invitations, as is often the case with luxury fashion shows. The online fair is instead open and accessible to all. The audience in the online fair encompasses various consumer types and how ‘active‘ a consumer or potential consumer is, is not dependent on his or her status as an ‘actual consumer‘. The online audience also serves as reinforcement for consumers with regard to postpurchase feelings. Given that the online fair is open to anyone, there will inevitably be those wishing to profit from someone else. In this context these ‘tricksters‘ would be counterfeit sellers trying to profit from the luxury brand image.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As well as all other branches of trade, so retail trade itself undergoes various changes and trends with regard to the development of information and communication technologies which affect not only traders themselves but also their customers. It is the retail store environment itself which is one of the decisive aspects of purchase because more than 70% of consumer decisions take place directly at the point of sale. It is the last place which can reverse the purchasing decision. A final customers´ decision is influenced not only by price, quality but also by in-store communication and visual aspects of each store. That is the reason for continuous gathering of feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of these means of communication in real environment. Besides traditional research techniques there are situations which require the involvement of relatively new research methods. Thanks to the innovative interdisciplinary approach with the use of neuromarketing, it is possible to create effective marketing strategies and thus stimulate the customer attention and emotions. By these emotions, it is possible to achieve better motivation toward purchase and an increase in the number of sales and subsequent raise in income. The paper deals with a complex, interdisciplinary examination of the in-store communication impact on customer visual attention, emotions and related spatial behaviour of customers in grocery stores. Research integrates measurements of mobile eye camera (Eye tracker), mobile electroencephalograph (EEG), face reading technology (FA) and internal position system in real conditions of retail store. The purpose of this research is to recognise the attention, emotional response and spatial customer preferences by means of selected in-store communication tools. At the end of the paper we explain how the neuromarketing methods can be used for better understanding of consumer behaviour at the point of sale.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Skin-derived precursors (SKPs) have potential to differentiate to various cell types including osteoblasts, adipocytes and neurons. SKPs are a candidate for cell-based therapy since they are easily accessible and have multipotency. Most mammalian cells are exposed to a low oxygen environment with 1 to 5% O2 concentration in vivo, while 21% O2 concentration is common in in vitro culture. The difference between in vitro and in vivo O2 concentration may affect to the behavior of cultured cells. In this report, we investigated the effect of hypoxic condition on stemness and proliferation of SKPs. The results indicated that SKPs exposed to hypoxic condition for 5 days showed no change in proliferation. In terms of mRNA expression, hypoxia maintained expression of stemness markers; whereas, oncogenes, such as Klf4 and c-Myc, were downregulated, and the expression of Nestin, related to cancer migration, was also downregulated. Thus, SKPs cultured in hypoxia may reduce the risk of cancer in SKP cell-based therapy.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 이른 봄철 계곡에서 번식하는 계곡산개구리 산란지의 수온 및 음환경을 규명하는 것이다. 연구대상 지는 한국 중부지역 치악산국립공원의 75개소이었다. 조사기간은 2015년 3월 23일부터 4월 24일까지이었다. 알덩이수 와 산란지의 물리적 요인간 상관관계 분석결과 산란지 수온과는 양의 상관관계(p<0.05)를, 산란지 음량과는 음의 상관관계(p<0.05)를 나타내었다. 그러나 면적과 수심은 알덩이수와 상관관계를 나타내지 않았다. 계곡산개구리 산란지와 본류 의 수온을 비교한 결과 산란지가 본류보다 평균 2.2℃ 높았다(p<0.001). 계곡산개구리는 이른 봄철 낮은 온도를 극복하 기 위하여 물이 고여 있고, 수심이 10cm 내외로 얕은 곳의 수온이 높은 곳에 산란하고 있었다. 또한 알들을 서로 붙여 낳음으로서 보온효과를 극대화하고 있었다. 계곡산개구리와 산란지의 음량을 본류와 비교한 결과 산란지는 본류보 다 6.9㏈ 조용한 것으로 나타났다(p<0.001). 따라서, 계곡산개구리는 이른 봄철의 낮은 온도, 시끄러운 물소리를 극복하 기 위하여 계곡 내에서도 수온이 높고, 조용한 미소서식지를 찾아 산란하는 것으로 판단된다. 본 논문은 양서류 산란지의 음환경 특성을 밝힌 첫번째 논문이라는데서 의의가 있다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        「채무자 회생 및 파산에 관한 법률」 (이하 ‘채무자회생법’으로 약칭함)이 2006년부터 시행 되고 있다. 그러나, 채권자들이 회생절차내에서 실질적인 권한을 행사하는데 제약이 많을 뿐만 아니라 회생사건 처리에 대한 법원의 비전문성 등으로 회생절차에 대한 채권금융기관 들의 신뢰가 낮아 신규신용공여 등이 활성화되지 못하고 있어 기업이 회생절차를 통하여 정상적으로 시장에 복귀하는 비율이 낮다. 특히, 건설기업의 경우에는 제조업과는 달리 대표적인 수주산업에 속하고, 물적 자산이 거 의 없는 등의 특수한 부분이 있음에도 회생절차에서 그러한 특성이 고려되지 못하여 정상 적인 시장 복귀는 더욱 더 어렵다. 본 연구는 건설기업과 관련하여 현행 「채무자회생법」 상 내재되거나 운용상에서 나타난 문 제점을 파악하고, 개선 방안으로 제3자 관리인 선임 원칙으로 전환, 채권자협의회에 관계 인설명회 개최요구권 신설, DIP Financing 활성화를 위한 최우선공익채권의 범위 확대와 보호 강화, 장래구상채권의 의결권 평가기준으로 보증기관의 대위변제율 적용, 회생전문법 원의 설치, 임금채권지급보증제 도입, 인수합병 활성화를 위한 위탁경영 방식과 가교기관 설립을 제시하였다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was to survey the site environment, vegetation structure and soil characteristics in the wild habitats of Acer tegmentosum Maxim. and offers basic information for habitats conservation and restoration. Most of the wild habitats were located at altitudes between 605~1,413m with inclinations ranged as 8~30°. The bare rock rate were 8~50%. The vegetation structure by the PC-ORD based on the Two Way Cluster Analysis were divided into three groups CommunityⅠ(Acer tegmentosum – Quercus mongolica), CommunityⅡ(Acer tegmentosum - Carpinus cordata), CommunityⅢ(Quercus mongolica – Tilia amurensis). The species diversity(H') was highest in CommunityⅡ as 1.474, CommunityⅠwas 1.471, Community Ⅲ was 1.219. The soil textures were Clay loam, The average soil pH was 4.8, Soil organic matter was 15.15% and available phosphorus was 2.33ppm. Ordination analysis result by soil characteristics, community, characteristic species showed that the greatest effect factors were slope, altitude, tree and shrub’s cover rate, organic matter, total-nitrogen, calcium, magnesium. Correlation analysis between environment factor result showed that O.M. - (T.N., K+, Mg2+, CEC, EC), T.N. - (K+, Mg2+, CEC, EC) were positive correlations.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are approximately 116 straits used for international navigation around the world. Some of them are important international maritime chokepoints, namely the Dover Strait, Hormuz Strait, Straits of Malacca and Singapore and the Russian straits across the Northeast Arctic Passage. Due to the high number of navigational traffic going through these straits, vessel-source pollution is endemic in these waters. This article examines the applicable international legal framework on protection of the marine environment of straits used for international navigation such as Part XII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other related legal measures like International Maritime Organization conventions on protection of the marine environment. This article concludes by stating that the present framework is not sufficient in properly balancing two vital interests in the maritime world – protection of the marine environment vis-à-vis shipping.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다문화 청소년들의 문화는 다양한 환경, 이중적 언어 환경을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 사회 전반적 교육환경 차원에서 그들을 위한 개별화된 교육과정이나 공교육에서 다문화 청소년을 위한 진로교육환경에 대한 적절한 전문성과 대응 교육은 별도로 진행되고 있지 않다. 본 연구는 다문화 청소년의 직업의식, 직업교육을 환경적 관점을 문헌 탐색하여 직업교육에 대한 직업적합성을 분석 하고 진로교육환경에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. 또한 직업의식 방법들과 관계성을 분석함으로써 다문화 청소년들의 자기이해와 자아존중감이 직업환경에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는지 알아보고자 하며, 다문화 청소년들의 욕구와 흥미, 진로에 대 한 인식교육을 개인의 경험과 역량을 살려 다양한 환경 속에서 자아를 찾고 그 속에서 직업의식을 바탕으로 직업적합성의 효능감을 찾을 수 있도록 영향을 주고자 함이다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of dietary β-glucan, obtained from bacterial fermentation, on the intestinal mass, short chain fatty acids, lactate production and pH in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were evaluated. SD rats fed with 0% (control group), 1% or 5% β-glucan supplemented diets (w/w) for 3 weeks. The presence of β-glucan in the diets resulted in a significant increase in colonic contents in a dose dependent manner. The amount of short chain fatty acids increased in rats fed β-glucan diets. Rats fed the 5% β-glucan diets had higher levels of acetate, propionate and butyrate by 1.8, 1.7 and 3.0 fold of the control group in the cecum, and 2.2, 2.9 and 3.1 fold of the control group in the colon, respectively. The β-glucan diets also significantly increased the levels of cecal and colonic lactate by 1.4~3.4 fold, when compared to the control diet, indicating that dietary β-glucan stimulated the growth of lactic acid bacteria within the intestine. These results suggest that dietary β-glucan, by providing short chain fatty acids and reducing the cecal and colonic pH, may be beneficial in improving gut health, and provide evidence for the use of β-glucan as a dietary supplement for human consumption.