
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,701

        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is implemented the impact analysis of leveling system used to maintain the level of jacket structure in construction of jacket structure for wind turbine which widely used in offshore wind power. The major problem during the construction of offshore wind power is that a tower or bottom structure which are supporting structures of the generator are passing above the jacket, and it is necessary to maintain its leveling by accurately measuring the level of the jacket while constructing. Due to its purpose, the level of jacket is adjusted with the leveling system which operates hydraulically, but the leveling system inevitably exposed to the impact load during the pile drive. This study interpreted the influences of impact during the design or construction of the leveling system by considering the interaction between the ground and the jacket structures.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The spring emergence of individual insect would be influenced by surface temperature during winter season. The oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, overwinter as a full-grown larva within spherical and compactly woven cocoons in the clefts of tree bark. It consume new shoots early and fruits later in the growing season. To estimate the spring emergence of G. molesta, we used the lower developmental threshold (8.14°C) and thermal constant (279.3) for overwintering G. molesta. The climate data were obtained from the web site of the Korea Meterological Administration(KMA) from 1975 to 2015 at 61 locations, respectively. The spring emergence of G. molesta was changed depending on ambient temperature of each year.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경주 중·저준위 방사성폐기물 처분시설의 운영에 따라, 한국원자력연구원(대전)에 임시보관 중인 방사성동위원소폐기물 을 처분시설로 육상운반하였다. 본 연구에서는 방사성동위원소폐기물의 국내육상운반에 따른 작업자 및 일반인에 대한 방 사선 피폭선량을 평가하고 그 결과를 국내 방사선피폭 법적제한치와 비교하였다. 또한 방사성폐기물의 상하차 작업 시 작업 자와 드럼 간 거리 및 방사성핵종 누출율의 변화에 따른 예상피폭선량의 민감도를 분석하였다. 정상 및 사고조건에서의 예 상피폭선량은 국내 법적제한치를 충분히 만족하였음을 확인하였다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        급속하게 변화하고 있는 21세기 기업환경에서, 조직의 성공과 생존을 위해 변하는 환경에 빠르게 적응 하고 적절하게 의사결정하며 변화를 이끌어나가는 조직 구성원들이 그 어느 때보다 필요하다. 이러한 배 경 속에서 대두된 개념인 적응 수행(adaptive performance)은 급격하게 변화하는 업무 상황에 적응하는 개인의 능력을 의미한다. 그동안 적응 수행에 영향을 미치는 선행변인에 대한 연구는 어느 정도 이루어졌 으나, 특히 개인의 성격변인과 관련된 연구결과는 다소 일치하지는 않는 경우가 있었다. 따라서 본 연구는 개인의 성격 변인이 적응 수행에 미치는 영향을 명확하게 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 성격 변인들은 그 동안 적응 수행에 대한 영향력이 명확하게 규명되지 않았는데, 그 이유는 사용된 변인의 포괄성 때문일 수 있다는 것에 주목하고 성격요인의 하위척도 수준에서 적응수행과의 관계를 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 는 성격의 5요인 중 개방성의 외적경험지향척도, 성실성의 성취지향척도, 외향성의 야망지향척도, 그리고 정서적 안정성과 적응수행과의 관계를 분석하였다. 228명으로부터 수집한 자료를 바탕으로 실증분석한 결과 개방성의 외적경험지향척도, 성실성의 성취지향척도, 외향성의 야망지향척도, 그리고 정서적 안정성 은 조직구성원의 적응수행에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과와 함께 다양한 이론 적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 심리적 임파워먼트가 LMX와 조직몰입의 관계를 매개하는지, 그리고 육성적 피드백이 심리 적 임파워먼트의 매개효과를 조절하는지 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 연구에 사용된 표본은 수도권에 소 재한 6개 대기업에 근무하는 327명의 직원이었으며, 이들로부터 수집한 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같 다. 첫째, LMX는 심리적 임파워먼트와 조직몰입에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 심리적 임파워먼 트는 조직몰입에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미쳤으며, LMX와 조직몰입 간의 관계를 부분 매개하였다. 셋째, 육성적 피드백의 수준이 높아질수록 LMX가 심리적 임파워먼트에 미치는 정(+)의 영향이 강화되었다. 넷 째, 육성적 피드백의 수준이 높아질수록 LMX와 조직몰입 간의 관계에 대한 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개효과가 강화되었다. 본 연구 결과는 조직 구성원의 조직몰입 수준을 향상하기 위해서는 LMX를 관리하는 동시에 육성적 피드백을 높은 수준으로 제공함으로써 조직 구성원이 경험하는 심리적 임파워먼트를 증진 하는 것이 중요하다는 것을 시사한다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand how to affect the safety behavior to the organization's trustees to investigate the level of safety awareness, safety awareness via the distribution center workers prepare the logistics industry disaster prevention measures. The survey was analyzed data to target by the clothing distribution center employees of 182 people. Analysis First, the level of safety awareness showed on a positive effect on organization trust. Second, it was found on the safety level of consciousness a positive effect on the safety behavior. Third, the level of safety awareness affect the safety behavior showed that the mediating role of organization trust. That is a higher level of safety awareness, such as the strict practice of business activities, investments, safety rules on safety education and training emphasis on safety increases confidence in the organization. It was confirmed the higher the confidence in the safety organization appears behavior such as actively participating in the work carried out in a safe manner, safety education and training. In addition, the effect was mediated by the organizational impact on confidence in the safety of personnel safety awareness actions. Based on that research results prepared safety awareness was raised through the industrial accident prevention measures
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계적으로 자유무역협정(FTA), TTP (Trans- Pacific Partnership) 등의 국제 무역협정이 빠르 게 확산되는 가운데 독자적인 기술보다는 전 세계 적으로 통용되는 표준 기술에 대한 수요가 증가하 고 있으며, 산업 경쟁력을 확보하려면 국제표준의 선점은 필수가 되고 있다. 이에 따라 표준특허의 개발을 둘러싼 각국의 경쟁이 갈수록 치열해지고 있다. 표준특허 또한 기본적으로 특허의 기본원칙에 따라 독점배타권을 가지나, 표준특허는 특성상 침 해가 불가피하고, 기술의 상용화를 통한 보급과 활용이라는 측면에서 표준화 단체의 FRAND 정 책에 따라 표준특허는 그 배타권이 제한되고, 표 준기술을 누구나 공평하게 사용할 수 있는 공익적 인 기능이 보장된다. 이에 따라 표준특허권은 필 연적으로 각국의 경쟁법 또는 독점규제법과 연관 될 수밖에 없으며, 표준특허권자의 침해금지청구 (prohibitory injunction)권 행사가 경쟁법 또는 독점금지법에서 금지하는 시장지배적 지위의 남 용이 아닌지 여부에 관해서 각국에서 견해가 대립 되고 있다. 이번 Huawei v. ZTE 사건에서의 사법재판소 의 판결은 표준특허권자의 권리 제한의 근거를 TFEU 102조 및 표준특허권자에 의한 FRAND 선언에서 찾고 있으며, 표준특허의 소유자가 FRAND 라이선스 조건이 비차별적인지 등의 여 부를 판단하는데 필요한 정보의 접근성에 있어서 침해자보다 더 유리한 위치에 있다고 보아, 침해자 가 단순히 라이선스 의사만 표현한 경우에도 표준 특허 소유자에게 구체적인 조건을 제시하여 더 적 극적으로 라이선스 합의를 도출할 의무를 부여하 고 있다. 또한, 기존과 달리 침해자가 라이선스 합 의 의사와 별개로 특허의 표준특허 여부 및 유효성 에 대하여 보다 자유롭게 다툴 수 있게 되었다. 이번 유럽 사법재판소의 판결은 표준특허권 자의 침해금지청구권 등의 권리행사가 경쟁법 TFEU 102조에 따른 시장지배적 지위의 남용에 해당하는지 여부에 대하여 유럽 차원의 통일적 해 석 기준을 제시하는 점에서 당사자들에게 예견가능성을 부여하고, 이를 통하여 사회 경제적 분쟁 비용을 완화시키며, 표준화의 효율성 증대 효과를 높일 수 있게 하였다. 상기 유럽 사법재판소의 판결은 표준특허권자 의 침해금지청구가 어떤 경우에 시장지배적 지위 의 남용에 해당하는지에 관하여 국내 심사지침에 서 참조할 수 있는 명확하고 구체적인 기준을 제 시하고 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 국내 심사지 침에서 표준특허권에 기반한 침해금지청구권을 행사하기 전에 당사자들이 지켜야 할 절차 및 기 준이 모호한 현 상황에서, 상기 유럽 사법재판소 에서 제시한 절차 및 기준을 참조하여 국내 심사 지침을 정비한다면, 침해금지청구권을 행사하기 전에 당사자들이 지켜야 할 절차 및 기준을 보다 명확하게 하여서, 당사자들에게 예견가능성을 부 여하고, 사회 경제적 분쟁 비용을 완화시킬 수 있 을 것이다.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사물인터넷, 빅데이터 등 개인정보를 적극적으 로 활용하는 기술이 발전하면서, 프라이버시 침해 위험도 커지고 있다. 개인정보 보호가 중요해지고 있는 이 시점에서, 정보주체의 동의에 의존하고 있는 현행 개인정보 보호 법제에 대한 비판의 목 소리가 많다. EU의 개인정보보호규정(GDPR)은 개인정보 자기결정권을 강화하면서도, 개인정보 보호를 개인의 책임으로만 남겨두지 않고 여러 구 조적⋅기술적 조치를 도입했다. 그중 개인정보 영 향평가는 사생활 침해 위험을 사전에 완화한다는 점에서 매우 중요한 제도이다. GDPR은 개인정보 영향평가 및 사전 협의 제도를 도입하고 있으며, 이는 우리나라 개인정보보호법에도 시사점을 준다. 우선 민간분야에 의무적인 영향평가를 도입해 야 하는지에 대해 검토할 필요가 있다. 또한 감독 기관이 영향평가 결과를 활용하여 적극적인 자문 역할을 하는 점도 참고할 만하다. 평가 대상을 결 정할 때 위험성을 초래하는 상황을 고려하는 점, 영향평가 의무 위반에 대해 강력히 제재하는 점도 고려해볼 필요가 있다. 현재처럼 평가주체를 특정 기관으로 지정해야 할지에 대해서도 고민이 필요 하다. 앞으로 평가방법론 등 개인정보 영향평가에 대한 많은 연구를 통해, 개인정보를 선제적으로 보호할 수 있는 환경을 조성할 필요가 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        During the field operation of the Korean MBT(Main Battle Tank), the multi-smoke projectile launching system failed to function. As a result of conducting analysis, it was confirm that the gear shaft of reducer was failed. Therefore, a study on improvement in impact resistance of the reducer was conducted. The reducer was improved impact resistance by changing the design and material of gear shaft. The reliability of modified reducer was investigated by finite element analysis, performance and environmental tests. As a result of analysis, a strength of the modified gear shaft was improved by about 20 times than before improvement. The results of performance and environmental test show that the modified reducer is applicable for Korean MBT under the severe conditions. The quality improvement of multi-smoke projectile launching system contributes to survivability of Korean MBT.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of drying temperature and steaming time on the browning and antioxidant activity of dried Platycodon grandiflorum was investigated. Thirteen treatment conditions were constructed using central composite face-centered design containing 5 center points. Drying temperature and steaming time (as factors) were 45-75oC and 15-45 min. According to treatment conditions, dried Platycodon grandiflorum was assessed for color characteristic, degree of browning, total polyphenol content, and DPPH and ABTS free radical scavenging (as responses). When increasing drying temperature within a given steaming time, dried Platycodon grandiflorum exhibited decreased lightness, increased redness, degree of browning, and total polyphenol contents, and enhanced antioxidant activities. Except for total polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities, steaming time within a given drying temperature exhibited similar effects to those observed in drying temperature. However, steaming time did not likely influence total polyphenol contents and revealed the opposite trends observed for the effect of drying temperature on their antioxidant activities. The overall results suggested that drying temperature was the main factor for changes in the browning and antioxidant activity of dried Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        URPOSES: The objective of this study was to develop an impact resonance (IR) test procedure for thin disk-shaped specimens in order to determine the ⎢E*⎢ and phase angle values of various asphalt mixtures. METHODS: An IR test procedure was developed for evaluating thin disk-shaped specimens, in order to determine the dynamic modulus (⎢E*⎢) of various asphalt mixtures. The IR test method that was developed to determine the elastic modulus values of Portland cement concrete was evaluated, which method uses axisymmetric flexural vibration proposed by Leming et al. (1996). The IR tests were performed on three different mixtures of New York with varying nominal maximum aggregate sizes (NY9.5, NY19, and NY25) at six different temperatures (10 - 60℃). The ⎢E*⎢ values obtained from the IR tests were compared with those determined by the commonly used AASHTO T342-11 test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : The IR test method was employed to determine the ⎢E*⎢ values of thin-disk-shaped specimens of various asphalt mixtures. It was found that the IR test method when used with thin disk-like specimens is a simple, practical, and cheap tool for determining the ⎢E*⎢ values of field cores. Further, it was found the ⎢E*⎢ values obtained from the IR tests using thin disk-like specimens were almost similar to those obtained using the AASHTO T342-11 test.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of the present study is to propose a model to examine the relationships among social Website interactivity, brand experience, brand choice, and behavioral intentions in the context of online travel agencies brand websites, as well as to examine the ultimate moderating role of the age of the traveler in the dynamic of this model. Drawing on website interactivity and brand development theories, current research suggests that the inclusion of social website interactivity in the design of online travel agencies brand websites helps to directly and indirectly create a positive brand experience and to enhance the perception of online travel agencies brand websites as valuable. These perceptions may consequently impact the behavior of travelers to pay higher prices and to continue buying from the online travel agencies brand websites. However, while this existent research mostly considers the positive and causal relationships among the aforementioned constructs, there is also some indication that the perceptions of travelers in relation to the proposed relationships change with age, suggesting that older travelers (age above 25) may perceive distinctively the relationships among these constructs in the context of online travel agencies brand websites as compared to younger travelers (aged 18-25). The study attempts to analyze on this relevant and under-examined research topic. This research is mainly based on a sample of travelers who have used an online travel agencies brand websites in China. The empirical findings suggest that social website interactivity, brand experience, and brand choice are essential factors for travelers to be willing to pay higher prices and to continue buying. The empirical findings also suggest that the proposed theoretical framework is adequately adjusted, therefore confirming that the age of the traveler moderates the proposed relationships first between social website interactivity and brand choice, second between brand choice and price premium, third between brand choice and buying intention, and lastly between brand experience and buying intention. Overall, the theory-driven framework accomplishes an acceptable model fit. Additionally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Social Website Interactivity (SWI) construct is defined as the reciprocal communication between individuals and technology. Research shows that SWI exerts a positive impact on the user that eventually causes an e-loyal behavior (Cyr et al., 2010). Voorveld et al. (2009) conclude the design of a theoretical model that includes SWI and branding elements is required to brand Websites. The theory explains SWI as a branding tool and its influence on travelers’ perceptions and behaviors in the travel context. Given these findings, the authors of this study predict that OTA Websites that incorporate features of SWI may have a remarkable competence to build a brand online. Based on the given review, it is rational to expect that SWI might influence user perceptions of value and positive brand experience of the OTA branded website. A favorable experience is what reduces perceived risks when buying online and what influences users to revisit the website. Brand selection and brand experience (Morgan-Thomas & Veloutsou, 2013) are key elements to influence consumers’ behavior therefore must have a significant influence on behavioral intentions and willingness to pay premium prices. The current perception in social sciences and behavioral marketing is that age is a critical demographic variable that has direct and moderating role in the impact of interactivity and brand selection, brand selection and willingness to pay higher prices, brand selection and behavioral intentions, and online experience on behavioral intentions (Kirk et al., 2012).
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Firms acquire customers using myriad forms of marketing media (Neslin & Shankar 2009), and different media strategies yield different results to the firms. Therefore, allocating media strategy given a firm’s spending raises important questions for managers. This is especially the case since the media landscape has changed dramatically, with new media channels incorporating online, mobile, and social media now being considered the mainstream. It is crucial to understand how each form of media influences consumers and how it operates alongside traditional media. Based on Stephen and Galak (2012), marketers distinguish earned media from paid media. Earned media is defined as media activity that a company does not directly generate, such as press mentions on the internet and online community posts in consumer-generated social media. On the other hand, paid media refers to the media activity which a company generates (for example, television, radio, print, and direct mail). It is common for firms to consider using earned media and paid media at the same time when developing marketing communication strategies. Despite the coexistence of paid and earned media channels, previous empirical findings focus either on paid media or earned media and suggest that these individually will increase a firm’s marketing outcomes. However, there is a lack of research that examines the question of whether the use of paid media and earned media at the same time is synergistic. The effects of a cross media synergy only focuses on the resource allocation within paid media (for example, TV–Radio (Edell & Keller 1989), TV–Magazine (Confer & McGlathery 1991), TV–Print (Dijkstra, Buijtels, & Van Raaij 2005), and TV, Radio, Print and Outdoor (Briggs, Krishnan, & Sheeran 2003)). Thus, by considering paid media and earned media concurrently, this study investigates whether the synergies between paid and earned media have a stronger effect on a firm’s long term profitability than the isolated effects of TV or word of mouth (WOM) alone. In addition, the research on earned media has focused on short-term outcomes such as customer actions (for example, website sign-ups) and sales growth, sales rank, cross-product sales, and ratings (Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels 2009; Li & Hitt 2008; Moe & Trusov 2011). Moreover, in the limited research on the relationship between earned media and long-term outcomes, the outcomes are restricted to those related to soft metrics of communication effectiveness (for example, attitude and brand awareness). Therefore, we use customer equity, which is regarded as a forward looking firm outcome variable, thereby enabling marketers to monitor and measure the long-term financial impact of marketing spending (Kumar & Shah 2015). Moreover, cross-media synergy can be accurately measured by customer equity, which incorporates both customer acquisition and retention. Based on Villanueva, Yoo, and Hassens (2008), customers acquired through paid media focus more on trials, whereas customers acquired through earned media provide the firm with more repeats. In other words, paid media plays a key role in the acquisition of customers, while, on the other hand, earned media increase the retention of customers. Thus, it is appropriate to measure the cross-media synergy with the customer equity (long term profitability) that can capture the customer acquisition and retention simultaneously. Regarding the long term impact of the firm’s media strategy, previous research has used the economic impact of traditional marketing channel (for example, television, radio, magazine or newspaper, advertisement, e-mail links, and direct mail) versus that of WOM (for example, links from Web sites, magazine, or newspaper articles, referrals from friends or colleagues, referrals from professional organizations or associations, and referrals from search engines) on customer equity. Traditional marketing had a stronger effect than WOM in the short term, while WOM is a quiet, gradual-impact, long lasting driver (Villanueva, Yoo, & Hassens 2008). This result can be attributed to the different characteristics of each media channel. Although earned media, including WOM, is not entirely controlled by the firm, earned media may be more likely to last longer for various reasons. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that earned media has greater credibility than conventional marketing activities that are implemented by the firms, and is therefore more persuasive than conventional advertising (Brown & Reingen 1987, Villanueva, Yoo, & Hassens 2008). In other words, considering the impact of each type of media in itself, earned media is more effective in increasing long-term profitability. However, the interaction effect of earned and paid media has not been empirically tested yet. Thus, it is conceivable that a cross-media synergy (incorporating the implementation of earned media and paid media at the same time) will last longer than the implementation of each isolated media. As Armelini and Villanueva (2010) pointed out, earned media and paid media have complementary effects. For example, offline advertising increases website visitation by influencing consumer awareness, while online advertising directly leads to website traffic (Ilfeld & Winer 2002). The consumer buying process involves distinct stages such as awareness, consideration, and purchase (Lavidge & Stener 2000) and each media influences customer buying behavior in a different way. Hence, it enhances the effectiveness in terms of long-term profitability to utilize the cross-media effect properly. For example, in the car industry, 64 % new car buyers become aware of the features and benefits of a car by obtaining information online, even though they purchase their cars from an offline dealership (J.D. Power and Associates 2004). This finding implies that a firm’s implementation of both paid and earned media properly will maximize the customers’ arousal of the target brands. Furthermore, converging paid media and earned media is expected to proliferate the growth of a firm’s profitability, such as sales, revenue, and customer’s equity, at an exponential rate. For example, the effects of TV advertising execution can be enhanced by press mentions that a company does not directly generate; this is because press mentions support the credence of TV advertising. Inversely, since paid media activities reach the audience relatively more than WOM (due to the high audience penetration share), the online share of press mention can proliferate rapidly with the execution of paid media activities. Therefore, the interaction between earned media and paid media has a greater effect on customer equity than isolated media implementation. The impact of a media synergy has more positive effect and last longer than isolated media implementation (and our model is displayed in Fig. 1). We collect data on marketing efforts, word-of-mouth circumstance, and performance of a telecommunication company. Based on customer equity models and quarterly marketing and performance data, we first estimate the lifetime value of the newly acquired and existing customers. Thereafter, we determine the customer equity of the company over each period. We develop and employ a time-series model for examining the relationship between cross media efforts (paid media vs. earned media) and the estimated firm’s customer equity. Finally, we examine the synergistic effect of cross media on the firm’s long-term profitability.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The value created by supply chain management (SCM) practices means managers today are even more interested in these initiatives, this is especially true in emerging markets where they can have a profound impact. This research examines several critical SCM initiatives (strategic supplier partnerships, information quality, and proactive logistics practices), and their impact on supply chain flexibility, and ultimately organizational performance for small scale (fewer than 100 employees) manufacturing firms in India. These constructs are especially important for India because it has been suggested that they have high logistics costs as a result of insufficient infrastructure (e.g., power grid) and various labor-related issues. Under the Extended Resource Based View of the firm (Mathews, 2003) managers realize that capitalizing on supplier capabilities can improve the firm’s own responsiveness and overall performance. Therefore we examined strategic supplier partnerships (the long-term cooperative exchanges with critical suppliers) and proactive logistics practices (the interactions specifically with logistics providers regarding planning and joint problem solving), along with information quality (including accuracy, adequacy, timeliness, and credibility of information being exchanged) (Monczka et al., 1998). Other constructs include supply chain flexibility (the ability of the firm to respond to any change concerning its trading partners) and organizational performance (capturing productivity, efficiency, market share, and profit level) (Yamin et al., 1999; Tan et al., 1998). Validated scales developed by Li (2002) and Tan et al. (1998) were used and firm owners were targeted from a list of Coimbatore’s (a city in India) small scale manufacturers covering a wide-range of industries. The result was 75 completed surveys (a 94% response rate) which we evaluated using partial least squares (PLS) path modeling as appropriate for our sample size. The findings indicate that improving strategic supplier partnerships and information quality enables the firm to achieve a more flexible supply chain and ultimately better organizational performance. This research improves our understanding of critical considerations
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sport is a lucrative and universal form of popular culture, transcending international and social boundaries (Andrews & Jackson, 2001) providing sports men and women with increasingly lucrative financial opportunities through involvement in sponsorship and endorsement deals (Colapinto & Benecchi, 2014). Whilst sport celebrities have long been used in marketing communication and sponsorship campaigns to increase levels of consumer interest and attention (Gupta 2009; McCracken 1989; Van der Veen & Song, 2001), what is not well researched, is the role that electronic word-of-mouth communications plays in the transmission of potentially negative effects on consumer attitudes towards the sport celebrity brand image when a transgression occurs. Not only does electronic word-of-mouth communication make the transmission of a transgression immediate and widely disseminated, it also provides numerous opportunities for celebrities themselves to share information about themselves and their lives sometimes resulting in a “too much”, “too soon” and “too often” nexus. With the removal of a social privacy filter common with many of the younger generation, this TMI (too much information) state or increased self-disclosure (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) makes managing the brand image of sport celebrities by their managers and their sponsors an increasingly difficult problem.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper proposes a conceptual model for understanding the determinants of business school reputation from a company’s perspective, and further, investigates the potential effect that business school reputation has during the recruitment process. Although extant research enhanced the knowledge of business school reputation enormously (e.g. Corley & Gioia, 2000; Rindova, Williamson, & Petkova, 2010), business school reputation from the stakeholder perspective of practitioners has been largely underrepresented. Instead researchers have focused on examining business school education from students’ and academics’ perspectives (e.g. Baden-Fuller, Ravazzolo, & Schweizer, 2000). However, only few studies examine all three constituencies: students, firms and academics (e.g. Safón, 2009; Vidaver-Cohen, 2007). Reputation is pertinent as it reduces uncertainty among stakeholders and foremost, serves as signal to evaluate the quality of a product or service (Fombrun & Shanley, 1990, p. 237). For example, in the context of business schools recruiters assess the quality of graduates by recruiting candidates directly “off campus”. Thus, practitioners are regarded as a stakeholder group that exerts a powerful influence on business schools (Safón, 2007, p. 218). That is, successful alumni not only influence the perception of prospective and current students directly, but more generally contribute to external perceptions as part of rankings and media (e.g. Glick, 2008, p. 19). Hence, it is pivotal for business school management to know what drives the reputation of the institution in order to invest in and leverage on the most important determinants. Responding to a more holistic approach of business school reputation (e.g. Safon, 2009), the proposed conceptualization of business school reputation moves beyond prior literature to an understanding of multiple factors, internal and external, that influence business school reputation. Based on empirical qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 12 recruiters from multidisciplinary backgrounds, in terms of industry and experience and extant literature, four main determinants of business school reputation were identified. These determinants include Media Coverage, Quality, Alumni and the Institution itself and are in line with prior research findings (e.g. Armstrong & Sperry, 1994; Sweitzer & Volkwein, 2009). Adding to the above, it is also evident that business school reputation has an influence on the selection process during recruitment (e.g. Safon, 2009). Therefore, this study not only contributes to the discussion on business school reputation from a multiple stakeholder perspective in identifying main drivers of reputation, but also on its influence on the recruitment process. Thus, the scarcity of research on business school reputation from practitioner’s perspective calls for a theory-based conceptual model for further foundation of research. By addressing these research gaps, this study makes several contributions. First, examining business school reputation from a practitioner’s perspective expands existing literature on business school reputation. Second, the proposed conceptual framework advances the importance of business school reputation from a management perspective with regard to its influence on the recruitment process.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Service customers influence the quality of service outcome through their role in the service delivery process. As a way of informing customers of their role and motivating customers to play the role well, service providers often use auditory announcements. However, how to design an effective announcement for service customers still remains largely under-studied. To fill this gap in the research, the current study examines the impact of humor in a service announcement on customer intention to comply with the announced message. Specifically, we examine the impact of two humor design factors: location of humor in the announcement and the degree of message-relatedness of the humor. Further, we explore the structure of the impact of humor on customer intention to comply. We propose that the two design elements of humor will first influence the degree of customer perceptions of funniness of the announcement, which will influence the degrees of customer attention to the announcement and customer memory of the message, which will eventually influence customer intention to comply with the message. To empirically examine our hypotheses, we conducted a two (positions of humor: beginning versus ending of the announcement) by two (message relatedness of humor: strong versus weak) between-subject experiment. The context of our experiment was college students’ course evaluation. In the message, listeners were asked to participate in an online evaluation of the course which they were taking. Pre-recorded messages were played to students at the beginning of five different sections of one particular course at a business school in a major university in Seoul, Korea. The results of an ANCOVA analysis demonstrated the significant impact of both humor position in the message and the message-relatedness of the humor. A structural equation modeling analysis showed that perceived funniness influence customer attention to the announcement but not customer memory of the message. The degree of customer attention, in turn, influenced customer intention to comply with the announced message.