
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,485

        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연간 우리나라 전체 인구의 약 1/3에 해당하는 약 1,500만 명이 해상여행을 즐기고 있는 오늘날, 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하며 안전 하고 즐거운 해상여행을 위하여 다중이용선박의 이용 및 관리에 대한 안전관리 시스템 구축 방안에 대하여 연구해 보고자 한다. 다중이용선박의 근거 법령 및 운영 기관의 현황과 해상사고 사례분석을 통하여 현재 실태 분석 및 문제점을 도출하여, 선진국 사례 및 국내 방안 벤치마킹을 통한 대처방안을 모색하고자 하며 나아가 법제도적, 운영관리적, 시스템적 측면에서 종합적인 안전관리 시스템을 설계하고자 한다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산광역시 기념물 제 40호로 지정되어 있는 기장읍성은 조선시대의 읍성축조수법이 정형화된 형식으로 정리되기 이전에 축조되어 고려시대 성곽 축조수법과 조선의 읍성축조수법이 혼합되어 성곽축성사에 있어 읍성축조수법의 변화를 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 그 가치가 있다고 할 수 있겠다. 기장읍성에서 확인되는 사직선기단의 축조는 과거 고려시대말까지 계속 축조된 판축토성(版築土城)의 기단부 축조방식을 읍성축조에 적용한 결과로 고려 판축토성에서 조선시대 석축성인 연해읍성의 축조로 이어지는 흐름의 연결고리라고 할 수 있다. 기장읍성 동벽 체성부에서 확인되는 세장방형 외벽면석 축조수법은 일반적으로 알려진 조선시대 읍성의 장대석 입수적 축조수법과는 차별성을 지닌다. 기장읍성 남벽과 동벽 체성부 기저부 축조수법은 김해읍성, 웅천읍성, 동래읍성, 고성읍성 등에서 확인되는 지대석 설치 이전에 바닥에 판석을 이용하여 바닥면의 수평을 맞추어 정리된 구조물은 확인되지 않는다. 따라서 이러한 축조수법이 사용되기 이전 시기에 축조된 형태임을 알 수 있다. 이를 통해 기장읍성은 사직선기단축조수법, 체성부 세장방형 외벽면석의 사용과 더불어 고려시대의 성곽축조수법과 조선시대 연해읍성 축조수법이 혼용된 과도기적 읍성임을 알 수 있는 것이다.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the previous study, the construction guideline of IT infra-structure for a u-City was introduced. However, it is only concentrated on the components and construction procedure for provider-oriented and technology-oriented sensor networks. In this paper, it is described (1) introduction of the construction guideline of IT infra-structure for a u-City, (2) the problems of the previous study, and (3) the enhancement direction of the construction guideline of IT infra-structure for a u-City.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has constructed online database of the Korean Astronomical Almanac as a part of the 'Knowledge and Information Business Project 2009' supported by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Throughout this project, KASI provides both digitized images and extracted text from the almanac covering approximately 240 years. The primary purpose of this paper is to serve as a reference for users of the almanac database. Hence, we introduce the calendar history and kinds of the astronomical almanac used in Korea, and explain the contents of the almanacs according to its appearance time. We also briefly mention the steps employed in constructing the database system and Web site. Since ancient times, astronomical almanacs have been an essential part of daily life. We, therefore, believe that the astronomical almanac database constructed by KASI will prove its usefulness in various fields, and particularly in the study of historical astronomy.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A steady-state analysis and a simple dynamic model as simplified methods are developed, and results of energy consumption loads are compared with results obtained using computer to evaluate the analytical solution. Before obtaining simplified model a mathematical model is formulated for the effect of wall mass on the thermal performance of four different houses having various wall construction. This analytical study was motivated by the experimental work of Burch et al. An analytical solution of one-dimensional, linear, partial differential equation for wall temperature profiles and room air temperatures is obtained using the Laplace transform method. Typical Meteorological Year data are processed to yield hourly average monthly values. This study is conducted using weather data from four different locations in the United States: Albuquerque, New mexico; Miami, Florida; Santa Maria, California; and Washington D.C. for both winter and summer conditions. The steady state analysis that does not include the effect of thermal mass can provide an accurate estimate of energy consumption in most cases except for houses #2 and #4 in mild weather areas. This result shows that there is an effect of mass on the thermal performance of heavily constructed house in mild weather conditions. The simple dynamic model is applicable for high cycling rates and accurate values of inside wall temperature and ambient air temperature.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While the study of written discourse that informs ESL writing has provided a number of insights into its conventional features and structures, individual variations such as voice and identity have largely been neglected. To examine how a socially situated notion of voice plays a role in disciplinary online writing, this study explored the co-construction of an author’s identity by peer readers in online written exchanges. The goal of this paper is thus to explore how voice articulated as sociocultural point of view is developed through dialogic interactions with others and how such development can be traced through the discursive constructs such as positioning, epistemic/affective stance, and intertextual relations. This study has important educational implications in relation to academic writing that is a critical issue for many Korean college students who pursue their studies in the United States in that the number of Korean international students has continued to increase in the U.S. universities.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 초기 생태하천 조성사업인 수원천을 대상으로 조성 후 10년간의 식생변화를 분석하고 생태하천의 식생관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구구간은 1차 복원사업 구간인 경기교~영연교 구간을 대상으로 하였으며 지형구조에 따라 3개 조사구를 설정하고 횡단면 지형구조, 식생분포현황과 초본식물군집구조를 조사하였다. 하천 횡단면 지형구조 분석결과 하천 전체 폭 26.5~28.0m, 저수로 10~20m이었다. 친수공간 조성지역은 넓은 둔치를 확보하고 있었고 보 상부 저수지역은 물 흐름이 완만하고 수심이 비교적 깊은 상태였으며 보 하부 여울지역은 저수로 폭이 넓고 여울을 형성하고 있었다. 식생구조 분석결과 현재 식재종은 9종이었고 조성당시 식재한 종 중 남아있는 종은 버드나무, 갈대, 잔디, 토끼풀 등 6종이었다. 둔치지역은 조성 당시 파종한 종 중 잔디와 토끼풀 2종만이 남아있었고 금번 조사 시 관찰된 신규 식재종은 큰김의털과 오리새 2종이었다. 식재종 이외에는 자연발생종으로 강아지풀과 쑥 등 건조지성 초본이 세력을 형성하고, 귀화종이 15종으로 다양하게 출현하였다. 호안지역은 조성 당시 자연석 쌓기 공법을 적용하고 버드나무, 돌단풍과 바위취 등을 식재하였으나 현재는 식재종이 모두 사라진 상태로 쇠뜨기와 환삼덩굴 등에 의해 피복되어 있었다. 이는 생태하천 복원 당시 유지관리상의 이유로 콘크리트 기초 위에 자연석을 부착하여 식물생육 기반이 확보되지 않았기 때문으로 판단되었다. 저수로는 친수공간 조성지역에 조성 당시 부들, 창포 및 갈대 등 습지성 식물을 식재하였으나 현재 버드나무, 갈대와 줄만이 남아 있었고 보 상부 저수지역과 보하부 여울지역에는 갈대와 줄이 세력을 유지하고 있었다. 자연발생종으로는 고마리가 주로 우점하였고 보 하부 여울지역에서 환삼덩굴이 일부 세력을 형성하고 있었다. 수원천의 식생관리는 친수공간 조성지역은 이용자를 고려한 식생관리 측면에서 양호한 하천식생경관의 연출이 필요하여 이를 위해 물억새를 군락으로 식재하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단되었다. 보 상부 저수지역은 줄, 부들과 갈대 등을 수심에 맞게 보완 식재가 필요하였다. 보 하부 여울지역은 갈대, 고마리 등 습윤지성 자생종이 안정적으로 세력을 형성할 수 있도록 환삼덩굴의 지속적 관리가 필요하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We constructed a standard curve to quantify Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat product, especially sausage samples, using real-time PCR. A standard curve was generated using serially diluted L. monocytogenes cells in distilled water. When cells were artificially inoculated in 10 g of sausage samples in 90㎖ buffered peptone water, the cell concentration of range was approximately 1.0×108 to 100 CFU/㎖. The standard curve of the serially diluted cells was linear for at least seven orders of magnitude from 103 to 109 CFU/㎖ of L. monocytogenes. When cells were diluted in sausages, the linearity range was from 104 to 108 CFU/㎖. The correlation coefficient (R2) of diluted cells was 0.9888 and the slope of the curve was —2.6621. The coefficient and slope of inoculated samples were 0.9916 and —2.747, respectively. The R2 value for serially diluted L. monocytogenes and artificially contaminated sausage samples were acceptable. The approach described in this study represents the potency of the quantification of L. monocytogenes in sausage samples by quantitative real-time PCR. It can be used in monitoring the presence and persistence of this pathogen in sausages.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is about the study on construction contractors in Daegu during the Japanese Colonial Rule. The first construction contractors who involved with Kyong-bu railroad work in 1904 personally. But, after they go through the bidding method, changed by the Japanese Government General of Korea in 1922, and the second bid rigging in 1932, contractors was changed gradually the organization into unlimited partnership, limited partnership or stock corporation. The number of them was increased. Most contractors were Japanese, and organized a limited partnership which has been capitalized at 30,000 won. On the other hand, Korean contractors couldn't work at an important part, except for the personal activities of Youngsil Lee(李永實). They were usually employed as consultants or field deputies by Japanese contractors. After the Liberation, Japanese construction contractors returned to Japan, however Tatuoka-kumi(龍岡組), Yasiro-kumi(屋代組) and Sakano-kumi(坂野組) that was leading the business which were took over by Koreans. They were leading architecture field in Daegu.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        King Seong carried out the large-scale construction transferring the capital from Wungjin (Gongju) to Sabi (Buyeo) in 538. But because most of the Buyeo area was the low swamp in the time, it needed above all to form a site before transferring the capital. Until recently, in addition to the scientific excavation, the relief excavations for the construction of new building or the formation of road were conducted on many sites in the Buyeo area. As a result, many remains which were formed on the low swamp including the temple site of Neungsan-ri, Dongna Castle, the remains of Ssangbuk-ri (280-5 Bukpo, Hyeonnaedeul) and the remains of Gua-ri were identified. Also in these remains, the various engineering construction methods irrespective of the nature of remains were used for the purpose of the soft ground reinforcement as follows: mattress method of construction, pile designation, stone alignment, filing of decomposed granite soil, culverts and storage tanks. Especially, the mattress method of construction and the pile designation are thought to be the traditional engineering construction method at least in that they are appeared since the Three Han Sates era. And these soft ground construction methods had an effect on the construction of reservoir in Japan at the time. In the future, the construction method for soft ground reinforcement shall be concerned and studied further in the architecture and the civil engineering as well as the archeology.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeongrimsaji as temple remains of Baekje Sabi period, its re-excavation has been carried three times in full scale. As a result, the buildings in left and right of lecture hall was largely identified in 3 forms. First, layout of small buildings in left and right of lecture hall. Second, layput of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Third, layout of construction site in the north of corridor in left and right of lecture hall. Above second is included into remains of Gorye, the third is included into remains of Baekje - the remains were almost ruined then. The first form and third form in above is different each other in size of buildings, form of layout, and location. It is important to investigate these points: the time of constructing the buildings; what position have the use and function of the buildings in the temple? ; transition process of layout of the Buddhist temple. In this context, of temple remains in Baekje during the 5~7th century, the cases where construction sites in left and right of lecture hall and construction site in the north of corridor are identified, have been reviewed. Based on this review, the use and function of buildings, their transition process were investigated. The survey results show that small buildings in left and right of lecture hall existed in the middle and later period of the 6th century. During the later 6th century ~ the 7th century, construction site in narrow and long square shape was located in left and right of lecture hall instead of small buildings in the north of corridor. Therefore, it is identified that the aforementioned thing is earlier stage and the latter thing is later stage.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to analyze the architectural characteristics and facade construction of brick masonry auditorium through the Auditorium of Namsan Primary School in 1936. The results of this study were described separately as follows. 1. The auditorium is located away from the school buildings, and its plane is a chamber of rectangle type with an entrance installed on each of the four sides. 2. The external appearance is Renaissance eclectic style, laid red bricks on the lower wall of the window and having a mansard roof. The front and the rear are symmetric with respect to the projected wall at the center. 3. As to the structure of the building, a concrete lower wall was built on the concrete continuous footing, and the brick wall was constructed on the lower wall. The roof is queen post roof truss, and the wall girders were installed on the brick wall. 4. The auditorium has had a number of repairing and maintenance works, which changed the roof and windows outside and the floor, walls, ceiling, etc. inside. 5. The decorative elements of external appearance include lower wall, brick wall, entrances, windows, roof, and dormer windows. The brick wall gives verticality and solidity to the surface of the wall, and the lower wall and wall girders are connected like a cornice of the wall. The surface of the mansard roof and dormer windows express a stable vertically oriented shape.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main aim of this study is Joseph Cornell’s (1903-1972) box construction ofPenny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacall, and how the designing process fromproduction of the film to the screening embodied in a box the centre of Cornell’sgeneral interests: Penny Arcade Machine, Cinema and Actress, and to bring out itsvisual meaning with a cinematic view.Joseph Cornell was a Dutch American artist who had produced works of art usinga variety of forms of media such as collage, assemblage and film-making sincel930’s. As abstract expressionism was becoming the trend in art in America, he wasvigorously devoting his artistic talents to the making of a box construction whichwas regarded by some as ‘strange’. Ironically, Cornell’s major features: repetitivecomposition of adopted images and use of object were transformed into modern artafter the l960’s, and this illustrated his irresistible influence. His box constructionwas the centre of attention of both artists and art critics. Cornell’s box, which wasschematized compositing with collages of copied famous paintings and photographsin the box were sporadically made with no consideration of certain periods; themeslike his series of boxes:the Soap Bubble Sets, the Ballet, the Medici Slot Machine,and the Bird Cage from the l930’s to l950’s. The Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacallis evaluated as his masterpiece,which demonstrates his artistic values and his interpretation of the world as if hiswhole life was displayed in his own individual exhibition: Romantic Museum, at theHugo Gallery-Portraits of Woman in l946. Whilst Cornell was engrossed in MediciSlot Machine series, he became fascinated by the leading Lauren Bacall after he hadwatched her performance in the film ‘To have and have not’(1944) rather than beinspired by the movie itself. This brought him to start work on The Penny ArcadePortrait of Lauren Bacall.The most significant point in this work is to show its morphological featurethrough the motive, and through his record of the work. In other words, Cornell hadleft a dossier about Bacall from earliest beginning until 1970, two years before hisdeath. On the basis of the records, this research will describe the process of how heimported the structural features of Penny Arcade Machine which is the original formof film, and other filming techniques into this work. This also divided into Mise-en-Scene editing and showing aspects from filming to screening. First of all, Mise-en-Scene, which includes camera angles, movement and framing in a movie shows howrestraint photos in the frame was reconstituted in a formative way, and withreproduction of time, space and the controlling of distance between spectators.Secondly, editing confirms that each frame has a big effect on vision and brings asatisfactory result as interpreted frames by Mise-en-Scene are closely connected.Needless to say, predictable flow of works formed with narrative, generallydevelops with panoramic formation. Whilst Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacalldoes not have a clear direction or narration nor substance and was not summarizedas a special event, however, Cornell expanded the narrative by use of a montage, anda cross-cutting technique in his film.Lastly, The Screening, which is the core of this research, ‘Screening’does not refer to the practical meaning of showing. ‘Screening’at this point is a descriptiveword for basic installation, stimulation of illusion and, effectively, realization. Theapplied materials of the effective screen are that the first interlocking device in theform of Kinetoscope - as if pieces of film are moving, the second, ball in motion,and the third, Bacall’s close-up photo like a screen of film. Sorting through Bacall’sclose-up photographs, there are questionable facts which are evaded, trends in themovie, such as Bacall’s eyes towards the spectators; frame in frame, and exposingglasses as it stands. These features represent self reflection in a film, which meansan awareness of unrealistic illusion.Cornell tells us about the unrealism, and the fact that it is only installation whichleads people to look at fantasy, and intended vision by the use of self-reflection, as ifexposing that which lies beneath a mask. Through the characteristic of self-reflection in the media, Cornell presumably expressed his regret at the controversialremarks about Bacall as sexual material according to the opinion of the Researcher.