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        검색결과 299

        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Curcumin is a hydrophobic polyphenol extracted from turmeric that exhibits a variety of biological functions has albeit with limited efficacy as a functional food material owing to its low absorption when administered orally. The newly developed curcumin powder formulation exhibits improved absorption rate in vivo. This study evaluates the anti-oxidant effects of Theracurmin® (TC), which is highly bio-available in curcumin powder. The antioxidant activity of TC was investigated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity, ferrous reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays, NO radical, superoxide radical, H2O2 scavenging activity, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Additionally, we evaluated the antioxidant activity of TC in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed streptozotocin (STZ)-induced Type 2 diabetic rats. As a result of oral administration of TC for 13 weeks in type 2 diabetic rats, the group administration of 2,000 mg/kg significantly increased FRAP, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and reduced the level of glutathione (GSH) in liver tissue 1.9, 1.2, and 1.2-times, respectively. Furthermore, serum TAC levels increased by 1.3-fold after the rats were administered with a dose of 500 mg/kg. These results were consistent with the in vitro assay results. In conclusion, TC exhibited its potential as a functional food material through its antioxidant properties.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the characteristics of obesity induced by a high-fat diet (HD) over 13 weeks in Rhbdf2 gene knockout (KO) mice. Forty 7-week-old Rhbdf2 wild and KO mice were used and the mice were divided into 4 groups: Wild-ND (n=10, Rhbdf2 wild mice, normal diet (ND)), Wild-HD (n=10, Rhbdf2 wild mice, HD), KO-ND (n=10, Rhbdf2 KO mice, ND) and KO-HD (n=10, Rhbdf2 KO mice, HD). The relative epididymal fat weight in KO-HD was significantly increased compared with that in KO-ND (P<0.01). The relative liver and spleen weights in KO-HD were decreased compared with those in Wild-HD (p < 0.05) and KO-ND (p < 0.01). The mRNA expression of SOD1 in KO-ND was significantly reduced compared with that in Wild-ND (p < 0.05). In Wild-ND and HD, the mRNA expressions of TNF-α and IL-6 in epididymal fat were significantly increased compared with those in KO-ND and HD (p < 0.01). A significant increase of TNF- α and IL-6 mRNA expression was observed in KO-HD compared with KO-ND (p < 0.01). These results indicated that Rhbdf2 genes may regulate high fat diet-induced obesity damage by anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative roles in fat tissue of mice.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 비만여대생을 대상으로 섭식제한(DG), 유산소운동(EG), 섭식제한과 유산소운동 (DEG) 그룹으로 나누어 체중, 비만의 개선, 혈중지질성분 및 대사성위험요인에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 실험은 8주간 주 5회 실시하였으며, DG는 1일 에너지 섭취열량을 300㎉를 제한하였고, EG는 런닝 머신을 이용하여 300㎉를 소비시켰으며, DEG는 각각 150㎉를 제한과 소비시켰다. 결과, 신체조성의 경우 DG에서는 체중(p<.011), BMI(p<.008)가 감소하였고, EG와 DEG에서는 체중(p<.044, p<.017), 체지방량(p<.047, p<.018), BMI(p<.03, p<.008), 체지방률(p<.036, p<.015), WHR(p<.049, p<.027)이 유의하게 감소하였다. 혈중지질성분은 DG에서 HDL-C(p<.028), EG에서 TG(p<.038), DEG에서는 TC(p<.014), LDL-C(p<.007)에서 유의하게 감소하였다. 대사성위험요인은 DG에서 HOMA-IR (p<.035), leptin(p<.007), EG에서 FBG(p<.043), leptin(p<.003), DEG에서 FBG(p<.014), insulin (p<.005), HOMA-IR(p<.005), leptin(p<.016), resistin(p<.040)에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과로부터 비만여대생들이 섭식제한, 유산소운동의 단독처치보다 섭식제한과 유산소운동을 병행 하는 것이 신체조성, 혈중지질성분, 대사성위험요인의 개선에 가장 효과가 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the late 19 century, the Choseon dynasty forcibly opened the door to western countries, including Japan. In addition, cultural propagation called ‘modernity’ caused subtle changes in dietary life. Based on the theory of colonial dual society, this study examined the dietary modernity in Kyungsung (mid 1930s~early 1940s) when 50 years had passed since the Open-Door policy. Three films, <Turning point of the youngsters>(1934), <Sweet Dream>(1936) and <Spring of Korean Peninsula>(1941) (those made in 1930s~1940s) were analyzed. Twenty six scenes [14 scenes from <Turning point of the youngsters>, five scenes from <Sweet Dream>, and seven scenes from <Spring of Korean Peninsula>] related to the dietary life from films were chosen and classified according three criteria (degree of modernization, main influential countries, and benefit groups from modernization). The degree of modernization of all films was more than 80%. The average proportion of the countries that affected modernization were western (35%), western-Japan (28%) and Japan (20%). Approximately 33, 53 and 14% of the upper, middle, lower classes, respectively, benefited from diet modernization. The main places where modernized dietary culture could be enjoyed were cafes, western restaurants, tea rooms, and hotels. The main food or beverages that were considered as modernized dietary culture were liquor (especially beer), coffee, and western meals. People in Kyungsung in the mid 1930s~early 1940s experienced modernity in dietary life differently according to the social classes and these culture changes were generally accepted as a symbol of modernity.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        풀무치[Locusta migratoria (메뚜기목: 메뚜기과)]를 사육할 때 보조먹이로서 전지분유, 밀기울, 옥수수잎 가루, 설탕을 주성분으로 한 혼합 인공사료를 제조하였다. 갓부화 약충에 인공사료만을 제공하여 성충 사망 때까지 사육하였을 때, 다음 세대 집단을 얻지 못했다. 인공사료를 매일 제공하면서 옥수수 잎을 하루걸러 제공하였을 때도 다음 세대 개체를 얻지 못했다. 그러나 인공사료와 옥수수 잎을 하루걸러 번갈아 제공하였을 때는 이후 4세대까지 사육이 가능하였다. 성충의 생식력도 옥수수 잎과 인공사료를 매일 같이 제공한 경우보다, 두 먹이를 하루걸러 번갈아 제공 한 경우가 더 높았다. 이상의 결과로 본 연구에서 개발된 인공사료를 주먹이인 식물체의 보조먹이로 삼아 일정기간 풀무치 집단 유지에 이용할 수 있을 것으로 추정되었다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Whole grain cereal (WGC)-rich diets provide macronutrients that are important for the regulation of energy metabolism. The current study evaluated whether WGCs had a preventive effect on sarcopenic obesity in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obese mice. C57BL/6N mice were fed a normal diet (ND), ND+WGC, HFD, and HFD+WGC for 12 weeks. WGCs significantly reduced body weight gain, food efficiency ratio, fat mass, and adipocyte size in HFD-induced obese mice. WGCs attenuated HFD-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by decreasing liver weight and hepatic fat accumulation. In addition, WGCs increased muscle strength and muscle mass in HFD-induced obese mice as well as in ND mice. Taken together, WGCs can be employed as functional food materials for the prevention of sarcopenic obesity by inhibiting fat accumulation and increasing muscle mass.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        니트로사민은 산성이나 열을 가했을 때 2급 아민과 질 소산화물이 반응해서 생성되는 발암물질이다. 일반적으로 위해 물질에 대한 안전성평가는 그 노출량을 mg/kg body weight/day로 산출하여 독성기준치와 비교하는 방법을 사용한다. 이런 방법은 정책 근거자료로는 적합하나 소비자 들에게 식생활 정보로 제공하기에 미진한 부분이 있다. 따라서 주재료 및 조리법으로 분류한 음식군에 대한 NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine), NDBA (N-nitrosodibutylamine) 및 6종 니트로사민(NDMA, NDBA, NDEA (N-nitrosodiethylamine), NPYR (N-nitrosopyrrolidine), NPIP (N-nitrosopiperidine), NMOR (N-nitrosomorpholine) 함량 분포를 파악하여 식습관 교육에 도움을 주고자 본 연구를 실시하였 다. 2014~2016년 국민건강영양조사 24시간 회상법 자료를 사용하여 만 7세 이상을 연구 대상으로 음식별 레시피와 섭취량을 추출하였고, 2013~2015년 총식이조사 원자료를 바탕으로 음식 한끼니 제공량 내 니트로사민 함량 분포를 R프로그램으로 산출하였다. 볼락, 장어, 멸치 육수, 명태 등의 기여로 어패류 및 해조류를 주재료로 한 음식군은 섭취량과 상관없이 NDMA, NDBA 및 총 6종 니트로사민 모두에 대한 노출을 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 조리법에 따른 분류에서는 국 및 탕류와 찌개 및 전골류가 가 장 크게 노출에 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 곡류, 과실류 및 유제품류 주재료 음식군, 밥류 및 밥 외의 다른 재료를 부가한 음식군들의 니트로사민 노출에 대한 기여도는 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 니트로사민의 경우 조리시 생 성되는 여타 화합물과는 달리 국, 탕, 찌개, 전골 등 끓임을 주로 하는 음식과 어패류를 주재료로 하는 음식에서의 기여율이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 기존에 가공육류를 니트로사민의 주노출원으로 생각하던 것과는 매우 큰 차이를 보인다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Diet and temperature are the two most critical environmental factors affecting life-history traits in insects, but the combined effects of these factors have been rarely investigated. In this study, various life-history traits were recorded from adult and larval Drosophila melanogaster fed on one of eight synthetic diets differing in protein:carbohydrate ratio (P:C=1:16, 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, or 8:1) under one of six ambient temperatures (13, 18, 23, 28, 31, or 33oC). The patterns of adult and larval life-history traits expressed across 48 diet-by-temperature combinations were visualized using thin-plate spline technique and the presence of any significant linear, quadratic, and correlational effects of diet and temperature on trait expressions was analyzed using a second-order polynomial multiple regression. Life-history traits exhibited qualitatively different responses to variations in both diet and temperature, with the maximal expression of each trait being achieved at a completely divergent region of the diet-temperature fitness landscape. In adult females, for example, lifespan was maximized at P:C 1:16 under 13oC, but fecundity was maximized at P:C 4:1 under 28oC. These results provide empirical support for the emerging notion that environmental factors, such as diet and temperature, can mediate life-history trade-offs in insects.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Supplementation with glutamine(Gln) has beneficial effects on intestinal and immune functions. Cage-reared chicks suffer from various stressors during early growth, but the effect of Gln supplementation on growth performance and stress hormones is uncertain. We investigated the effect of Gln on growth performance and blood corticosterone levels in Hyline chicks. Groups of 3-day-old chicks were fed one of three diets: normal feed(CTL group), normal feed supplemented with a low level of Gln, or normal feed supplemented with a high level of Gln. Growth and various physiological and biochemical parameters related to stress were assessed. On day 30, after a 24-h fast, blood was analyzed for corticosterone and other parameters, including glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, blood total protein, and inorganic phosphate. Growth performance was maintained in Gln supplemented groups. The corticosterone level was decreased in the two groups receiving Gln supplementation compared to the CTL, and all other humoral factors did not differ between the groups. We suggest that Gln supplementation is a safe and useful strategy for reducing the effects of stress in cage-reared chicks.
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