
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 100

        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우백혈청(牛白血病)virus에 대한 혈청항체의 측정(測定)을 위한 간접효소면역법(間接酵素免疫法)(ELISA)의 확립(確立) 및 ELISA법(法)의 감도(感度)를 알기 위하여 한천(寒天) gel 면역확산법(免疫擴散法)(ID)과 비교검토(比較檢討)하였으며 한우(韓牛), 유우(乳牛) 및 육우(肉牛)등 264두(頭)의 혈청(血淸)을 공시(供試)하였다. 혈청(血淸)을 가(加)하지 않은 공(孔)의 흡광치(吸光値)(C)로서 혈청치(血淸値)를 제(除)한 후, 표준(標準)BLV항체흡성혈청치(N)로서 피검혈청치(被檢血淸値)(T)를 나눈치(値)(T-C/N-C)가 1.5이상(以上)인 것을 BLV항체 양성(陽性)으로 하였을 때 gp-ID의 성적(成績)과 98.5%(259/263)가 일치(一致)되었다. gp-ID 향성혈청(陽性血淸) 145예(例)중 144예(例)가 ELISA 양성(陽性)으로 99.6%, gp-ID 음성혈청(陰性血淸) 118예(例)중 115예(例)가 ELISA음성(陰性)으로 97.5%가 일치(一致)되었다. 이상에서와 같이 gp-ID용(用)의 BLV 항원(抗原)을 사용한 ELISA법(法)을 gp-ID와 동등(同等) 또는 더 감도(感度)가 우수한 BLV의 혈청항체측정법 임이 입증되었으며 실용성(實用性)이 충분(充分)하다고 사료(思料)된다.
        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the inte actions between recipients and embryos to compare pregnancy rates in bovine embryo transfer, such as synchrony and stage of embryos, synchrony and quality of embryos, synchrony and side of uterine horn, and preservation time and stage of embryos. Fifty-two embryos were transferred by surgically to 42 Holstein heifers, 3 Holstein cows and 7 Korean native heifers from Feb., 1985 to June, 1986. The results were as follows: 1. In the trial of interactions between synchrony and embryo stage, recipients synchronired from- hours to + 12 hours in synchrony and embryos from morulac stage to advanced blastoctyst stages showed reason able pregnancy rate. 2. Excellant (A) and good (B) grade embryos showed good pregnancy rate, 81.8% and 73.3% respectively, but fair (C) grade embryos showed poor, 25% only at the same boundary of recipient synchrony. 3. More recipients had corpus luteum on the right ovary than the left, and also had better pregnancy rate (26/32 vs 13/20,81.3% vs 65%). 4. A good pregnancy rates (over 60%) were obtained with the embryo transferred 17hrs after flush at room temperature or field condition in culture medium.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A soybean cultivar for soy-paste, ‘Uram’, was developed from the cross between ‘Suwon190’ and ‘SS99244’ (Shinpaldal-2 X T243) by soybean breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2010. A promising line, SS00232-B-B-3SSD-9-4-1-1, was selected and designated as the name of ‘Milyang188’. It was prominent and had good result from regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) in southern area of Korea for three years from 2008 to 2010 and released as the name of ‘Uram’. It has a determinate growth habit, white flower, gray pubescence, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum, spherical seed shape and large seed (25.8 grams per 100 seeds). ‘Uram’ was found to be resistant to bacterial pustule and soybean mosaic virus, the major soybean diseases in Korea. The lowest pod height of ‘Uram’ was 19cm and it will be able to reduce seed loss during mechanical harvesting. The average yield of ‘Uram’ is 3.27 ton per hectare in southern double cropping area. Through these results, ‘Uram’ is soybean cultivar that is favorable for mechanization harvesting, resistant to diseases and highly yield.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 한국형 바이오에너지작물로 선발된 물억새인 ‘우람’의 미성숙 화기를 이용한 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분 화 조건을 확립하고자 하였다. 캘러스 유도율은 MS배지에 2,4-D 3 mg L-1 첨가에서 93.3%로 높게 나타났으며, 2,4-D 3 mg L-1과 BA 0.1 mg L-1 처리에서 86.7%로 높게 나타났 다. 식물체 재분화율은 BA가 첨가된 배지에서 유도된 캘러스 를 이용하였을 경우 BA가 첨가되지 않은 배지에서 유도된 캘 러스보다 높게 나타나는 것을 확인하였다. 재분화를 위한 배 지 조성은 BA 5 mg L-1과 NAA 0.1 mg L-1 호르몬 조합에 서 재분화율이 86.7%로 가장 효과적이었다. 재분화된 소식물 체는 캘러스로부터 분리하여 MS배지에서 발근을 유도하였을 때 배양 4주 이후 뿌리가 3 cm 이상 신장하였다. 기내에서 발 근이 된 소식물체의 순화를 위해 상토에 이식하고 온실에서 재배하였을 때, 5주 후 지상부가 20 cm 이상으로 신장하여 성공적으로 활착되었다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        억새(Miscanthus spp.)는 화본과 중 광합성 효율이 높은 C4 식물군에 속하는 식물로 한국, 일본, 중국 등 동아시아가 원산지인 대표적인 바이오에너지 원료작물이다. 억새는 주로 지하경을 이용하여 번식하여 왔으나 지하경을 이용한 번식은 유전형은 유지할 수 있으나 우량 품종 개발에 불리하다는 문제점이 있다. 조직배양기술은 유용 자원을 이용한 돌연변이 육종과 형질전환 기술을 이용한 신품종 육종을 위한 기반기술로 활용 될 수 있어 바이오매스의 확보측면에서 유용하다. 국내 유망 바이오매스 자원인 억새의 신품종 육성을 위해서는 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화에 효율적인 조직배양 기술을 확립하는 것이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 농촌진흥청에서 선발한 ‘우람’ 억새(Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Wooram)의 미성숙 화기를 이용한 안정적인 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화 조건을 확립하여 신품종 육종을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고자 하였다. 식물재료는 국립식량과학원 바이오에너지작물연구소 내의 억새 재배포장에서 미성숙 화기가 5 mm 이하로 분화한 개체만 채취하여 사용하였으며, 수집한 재료는 70% EtOH로 2분, 0.45% NaOCl으로 20분간 표면 살균하여 배지에 치상하였다. 미성숙화기로부터 캘러스 유도율을 조사한 결과, MS배지에 생장조절제인 3 mg L-1 2,4-D를 첨가한 처리가 캘러스 유도율 93.3 %로 가장 높게 나타났고 3 mg L-1 2,4-D + 0.1 mg L-1 BA를 혼합 처리한 배지에서도 86.6 %의 캘러스 유도율을 나타냈다. 이후 캘러스로부터 식물체 재생 실험에서 3 mg L-1 2,4-D에 0.1 mg L-1 BA를 혼합 처리한 배지에서 유도된 캘러스가 3 mg L-1 2,4-D 처리 배지에서 유도된 캘러스보다 식물체 재분화율이 높게 나타났다. 캘러스 유도에는 최종적으로 3 mg L-1 2,4-D + 0.1 mg L-1 BA 처리 배지가 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 식물체 재분화를 위한 최적 생장조절제 농도에 대한 실험에서는 5 mg L-1 BA + 0.1 mg L-1 NAA 배지에서 재분화율 86.6 %로 가장 효과적이었다.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The isolated single coronary artery is a rare congenital anomaly, in which both coronary arteries arise from a solitary ostium. Diagnosis of coronary anomalies and identification of the exact anatomy of coronary arteries has significant clinical importance, hence, myocardial ischemia or sudden cardiac death is usually related to its course of anomalous coronary artery. Most patients with a single coronary artery are asymptomatic and have normal electrocardiogram and negative stress tests. However, if the patient has other structural abnormalities, for example, ventricular hypertrophy, the exam is determined. This report describes a case of single coronary artery, where the right coronary artery originated from the distal left circumflex artery in a patient with hypertrophic ardiomyopathy.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        태백산지역과 주변의 선캠브리아기 고기 화강편마암류 및 고생대 퇴적변성암류 분포지역에 산포되는 소규모 암주상 우백질(알카리) 화강암류는 기존 연구에서 다소 기재가 등한시되어왔다. 그 구분을 위하여 야외노두의 육안상 차이, 광물조성 및 지화학적 특성 등을 파악하였다. 고기 화강편마암(고기 화강암질암)류는 미그마타이트조직을 나타내거나, 유색광물류에 의한 편마구조가 뚜렷한 편이다. 그리고, 부분적으로는 석영과 장석류의 녹회색화로 어두운 암색을 나타내거나, 복운모화강암이나 우백질화강암의 특성을 나타내기도 한다. 이에 비하여 후기 우백질화강암류는 훨씬 밝은 암색을 나타내며 구성광물은 석영, 장석류, 백운모 외에 각섬석류, 견운모, 전기석류 및 레피도라이트(lepidolite) 등을 소량 포함하기도 한다. 모든 우백질 화강암류는 칼크-알카리계열이며, 과알루미나형으로서 S-형에 속한다. 또한, 이들은 분화를 거치면서 알바이트화(albitization) 등에 의하여 CaO와 철함량이 상대적으로 감소하였으며, 영운암화(greisenization) 작용으로 인하여 K2O와 Na2O는 부화되었다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated the optimal conditions for keratinase production by feather-degrading Pseudomonas geniculata H10 using one variable at a time (OVT) method. The optimal medium composition and cultural condition for keratinase production were determined to be glucose 0.15% (w/v), beef extract 0.08% (w/v), KH2PO4 0.12% (w/v), K2HPO4 0.02% (w/v), NaCl 0.07% (w/v), MgSO4․7H2O 0.03%, MgCl2․6H2O 0.04% along with initial pH 10 at 200 rpm and 25℃, respectively. The production yield of keratinase was 31.6 U/ml in an optimal condition, showing 4.6-fold higher than that in basal medium. The strain H10 also showed plant growth promoting activities. This strain had ammonification activity and produced indoleacetic acid (IAA), siderophore and a variety of hydrolytic enzymes such as protease, lipase and chitinase. Therefore, this study showed that P. geniculata H10 could be not only used to upgrade the nutritional value of feather wastes but also useful in situ biodegradation of feather wastes. Moreover, it is also a potential candidate for the development of biofertilizing agent applicable to crop plant soil.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to select a proper forage crop, and to estimate the proper level of application of cattle manure and carrying capacity of organic livestock per unit area. Corns and forage sorghum hybrids were cultivated with different types of livestock manures and different amount of them to produce organic forage. For both corns and forage sorghum hybrids, no fertilizer plots had significantly (p<0.05) lower annual dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields than those of other plots, whereas the N-P-K(nitrogen-phosphorous-kalium) plots ranked the highest yields, followed by 150% cattle manure plots and 100% cattle manure plots. DM, CP and TDN yields of in cattle manure plots were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of no fertilizer and P-K (phosphorous-kalium) plots. The yields of in cattle slurry plots tended to be a little higher than those of in composted cattle manure plots. Assuming that corn and forage sorghum hybrids produced from this trial were fed at 70% level to 450kg of Hanwoo heifer for 400g of average daily gain, the carrying capacity (head/year/ha) of livestock ranked the highest in 150% cattle slurry plots (mean 6.0 heads), followed by 100% cattle slurry plots (mean 5.3 heads), 150% composted cattle manure plots (mean 4.7 heads), 100% composted cattle manure plots (mean 4.4 heads), and no fertilizer plots (mean 2.8 heads) in corns (or the cultivation of corns). Meanwhile, in the case of forage sorghum hybrids, 150% cattle slurry plots (mean 6.4 heads) ranked the highest carrying capacity, followed by 150% composted cattle manure plots (mean 4.8 heads), 100% cattle slurry plots (mean 4.4 heads), 100% composted cattle manure plots (mean 4.1 heads), and no fertilizer plots (mean 2.8 heads). The results indicated that the application of livestock manure to cultivated soil could enhance not only DM and TDN yields, but also the carrying capacity of organic livestock as compared with the effect of chemical fertilizers. In conclusion, the production of organic forage with reutilized livestock manure will facilitate the reduction of environmental pollution and the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products by resource circulating system.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This trial was conducted to assess effects of cattle slurry application on productivity and feed values of barley and hairy vetch when they were influenced by single or mixed-sowed cultivation in paddy fields, and to obtain good quality of organic forage resources. The results summarized are as follows. For barley and hairy vetch, single-sowed cultivation was lower in annual dry matter (DM) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields than mixed-sowed (P
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper analyzes the theological relationship between penitence and God's love in Luther's letter to Johannes von Staupitz (Reverendo et Vere Patri Suo Iohanni Stupitio, S. T. professori, Augustinianae familiae Vicario. F. Martinus Luther discipulus saltutem et seipsum, 1518). Luther was terrified by the word, "poenitentia," but Staupitz taught that true penitence does not come from human efforts but from God's love. The paper presents 10 theses about the contents of the letter. First, penitence begins with God's love. Second, the entire Bible teaches penitence from God's love. Third, penitence is "transformation of mind (transformatio mentis)." Fourth, the transformation of mind is testified by the whole Bible. Fifth, the medieval church made serious mistake both in defining and in translating "poenitentia." Sixth, the sales of the Indulgences degrade the true character of penitence. Seventh, Luther never attacked the papal authority in 1518. Eighth, Luther believes that he is a person like coarse weeds (corchorus), but God can use him as an effective servant. Ninth, Luther hoped that God control the mouth of the Pope. Tenth, Luther proclaims that he will praise God no matter what consequences emerge. In 1518, Luther was fatigued by threats and persecutions from his theological enemies, but he quietly awaits Pope's reply and God's providence. The paper demonstrates that Staupitz plays the critical role in Luther's discovery of the new meaning of penitence.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to isolate mesophilic chicken feather-degrading bacteria and to evaluate feather hydrolysate as alternative biofertilizer. Isolate RS7 was isolated from compost and identified as Bacillus pumilus according to API analysis and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis. Chicken feathers were completely degraded after 5 days of cultivation at 30℃. Feather hydrolysate treated by B. pumilius RS7 positively influenced Helianthus sannuus L. (sunflower) growth (e.g. growth rate, number and dry weight of leave, and flowering rate). These results suggest that feather hydrolysate prepared using B. pumilius RS7 could successfully be used as alternative biofertilizer, thereby reducing the environmental impact of feather waste from the poultry industry.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1999.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study intends to find out contents and impacts of rural development projects implemented by government in Ucheon myon-center village (Hoingseong-county) between 1989-1995. The projects in concern are Rural Industrial Estate Project(1989-90) and Rural Collective Village Project(1992-93), The restructuring of village plan introduced new construction and renewal of buildings that are required for a myon-center in general has to be. The study reveals some morphological patterns the village has and needs to be adjusted. As a conclusion, it proposes a conception of self-containment for a myon-center development. It is necessary that a project plan strategy should be based upon harmonious exploitation between old and new, flexible planning, and sense of technological alternatives.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한반도에서 비씨뿌리기에 의한 인공증우 가능성을 강우량 관측자료, 운량, 위성자료 및 상층관측자료로부터 조사하였다. 안동지역의 일 강수강도는 약 2.7mm/day, 1회 강수강도는 11 mm/day로 가장 작은 값을 보였다. 그러나 인공강우에 적합한 구름(운정온도가 -10'~-30')의 출현일은 1연에 130일로서 큰 값을 나타냈다. 이 지역에서 출현 운형은 층적운(Sc)이 가장 많았고, 다음으로 권운(Cirrus)및 고층운(Altostratus)였다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has been conducted to investigate the mating behavior, time sequence of mating and time limit with which female can fulfill spawning and brooding after pre-spawning molting in the giant fresh-water prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii reared in the laboratory. the results obtained were summarized as follows. Mating happened spontaneously as the following sequences: courting gesture, seizure of female by male, mounting, turning of female, copulation. The entire mating lated approximately seven minutes. The endopodite of 2nd pleopod of male bore the appendix masculins whcih are male's secondary sex characteristic. cinciulli was formed at the distal portion of appendix interna which are on the upper portion of appendix masculins and helped stabilizing the connection of each side of 2nd pleopod during mating. After the connection of each side of 2nd plepod was fixed on the posterior portion of the thoracic sternum in female, a gelatinous spermatophore that emitted at the basipodite of 5th pereiopod during courting gesture was deposited on the ventral groove of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th pereiopod. time limit which female can fulfill copulation and brooding was from 3 hours to 15 hours after pre-spawning molting.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has been conducted to investigate the molting behavior and the effects of rearing temperature and day length on molting in the behavior and the effects of rearing temperature and day length on molting in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii reared in the laboratory. The results obtained were summarized as follow: 1. After pre-spawning molting, the protopodites of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th except 5th pleopod bore new breeding setae which conserve eggs in the brooding chamber and the basis of 3rd, 4th, and 5th pereiopods bore new breeding dresses which transport the ovulated eggs into the brooding chamber. 2. Adult females reared in 27.5- molted 10-12 times per year at interval of 27-35 days, of which four or six moltings were common molting for growth and another four or five moltings were pre-spawning molting for spwaning and brooding. In winter season, pre-spawning molting did not happen to most of adult females in spite of the same temperature. 3. Duration of intermolt cycle was 31-38 days and 26-30 days at 25.3- and 28.7- of rearing temperature, respectively.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a basic research for the reorganization of the rural villages and the enhancement of the rural residential environment this study intends to compare attitudes and perceptions of the residents in the planned districts(Munhwa-Maul) and the existing districts in the two rural villages, Wolam-1-Ri and Woohang-2-Ri The major fadings of this study can be summarized as follows 1) The three types of reorganization of the rural villages are identified . addition of the new residential site to existing village, development of a new village in a new site, redevelopment of existing village 2) The residents have low degrees of satisEaction at medical facilities, park and green spaces, public open spaces 3) The rates of residents who think their village territory include both the planned and the existing district is higher in the Woohang-2-Ri than in the Wolam-1-Ri 4) 57.6% of the farm householders in the two planned districts think the lot sizes are small, But the majority of the residents think the sizes of their houses are adequate. 5) A large number of residents show positive response to the development of the planned district 6) Since the majority of the residents(about 70%) in the two planned districts are not farm householders, new strategies need to be deveolped to induce more farm householders to the planned district.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The practical shiphandlers, such as ship's captain, pilot and mooring master, in charge of the SBM app-roaches and mooring operations of loaded VLCC should have a highly advanced shiphandling skills because of taking advantage of the wind and current from ahead without assistance of big tugboats. But now except some approaching skills in the vicinity of SBM buoy or waiting anchorage we do not have an optimal controlled approaching maneuvers in the entire course of port approaches. Consequently this study presents the optimal SBM approaches to the practical shiphandlers of VLCC and puts to use with effect in the practical operations. The conclusions of this simulation study are as follows : 1) The optimal SBM approaches in combination of Woo's Approach and a large change of heading were presented for the practical shiphandlers, 2) According to simulation of the pilotship the angle of a large change of heading for reducing headway is more than 70 degrees approximately. 3) Applied this optimal approaches to the SBM operations of simulated Port of Ulsan and confirmed the control of ship and the economy of port approaches time.
        1993.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우척지에서의 수도재배는 일반 숙답과는 토양조성이 다르고, pH가 높고, C.S.C가 낮으며, 염해의 피해가 커 벼의 생육을 저해한다. 특히 벼 이질시의 손상에 의한 피해를 줄이고자 Rotary 후 환수 회수 및 이질시기가 토양의 염분농도 변화 양상과 벼의 생육 및 수량등에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 1. 염분농도는 염농도 0.35%의 포장에서 담수하여 Rotary한 직후에 0.41%로 높아졌고, Rotary후 환수를 3, 4회 실시할 수록 0.2%까지 낮아졌으며, 담수호액도 0.2%에서 0.11%로 낮아졌다. 2. 토층별 염분농도는 5cm 깊이 내에서 1회 환수후에는 0.31%이었으며, 3~4회 환수를 많이 할수록 낮아져 0.22%로 감소되었고, 7cm 이하에서는 염분농도의 감소 정도가 적었다. 3. 이질묘의 고사는 염농도 0.35% 포장에서는 Rotary후 익일 이앙이 37%로 높았으나, 3회 환수 6일 이앙한 처리구는 20%로 적었으며, 0.50% 포장에서는 0.35% 포장보다 고사율은 높았으나 경향치는 같았다. 4. 수량은 염농도 0.35% 포장에서는 Rotary후 3회 환수하여 6일째 이앙한 처리가 350kg/10a으로 관행(1회 환수 익일 이앙)에 비하여 14% 증수하였고, 염농도 0.50% 포장에서는 이앙묘의 손상이 심하여 관행(73kg/10a)에 비하여, 3회 환수 6일째 이앙한 것이 250kg/10a으로 매우 높았다. 고농답에서 Rotary후 2일 이내에 이앙은 제염효과가 낮아 생육이 불량하고, 고농답 일수록 2~3회 환수와 5~6일 경과후 이앙하는 것이 활착이 양호하고 고사주율이 낮아, 초기 생육이 양호하였다. 그러나 이앙시기가 8일이 지나 10日 이상으로 늦어질수록 토양의 경화로 인하여, 이앙시 부묘가 않아 결주율이 높았으며 수량도 감소되 는 경향이었다.고, ABA는 이러한 변화에 상조적으로 작용하나 GA3 는 큰 영향이 없음을 알 수 있었다.다.e 및 free fatty acid) 는 13.3~17.4%로 나타났다.로 빠른 시일에 집중적인 연구가 필요하다고 본다.다. 4. 저온저장(4℃ , RH 50%)한 벼는 2년반 저장한 벼도 밥맛의 변화가 거의 없었다. 5. 1988년산 및 1989년산 일반계를 10분도와 12분도로 도정하였을 때 도정도에 따른 밥맛의 차이는 없었다.X>CoOx는 Co3O4 로 존재하고, 반응 전의 경우에는 이와는 다른 chemical state를 보여주었다. XRD 및 XPS 결과를 바탕으로, 촉매표면에 존재하는 Co3O4 의 외부표면이 Co2TiO4 와 CoTiO3 같은 CoTiOx 로 encapsulation되어 있는 모델구조를 제안할 수 있고, 이는 반응시간의 함수로 나타나는 촉매활성에 있어서 전이영역의 존재를 잘 설명할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, XRD와 XPS에서 얻어진 촉매의 물리화학적인 특성을 잘 반영할 수 있다. 나타냈고, 골격근과 눈 조직에서 피루브산에 대한 LDH의 친화력이 상당히 크므로 LDH가 혐기적 조건에서 효율적으로 기능을 하는 것으로 사료된다.5) and "Cleanliness of clothes & features" (p <0.05) of VIP ward were significantly higher than those of a general ward.tive to apply.아울러 고려(考慮)해야 한다. 이것은 고무기술자(技術者)가 당면(當面)해야할 과제(課題)에 속(屬)하며 바람직 한것은
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