
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 114

        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare EMG activity for pectoralis major muscle during shoulder movement with various abduction angle and rotation position in supine position. Fifteen healthy subjects were recruited for this study. All subjects performed shoulder horizontal adduction holding a 2 kg dumbbell in shoulder abduction 40˚, 70˚, 90˚, 130˚, 160˚ with shoulder neutral, internal rotation (IR), and external rotation (ER). Surface EMG activity was recorded from pectoralis major clavicle part and pectoralis major sternum part for 5 seconds and EMG activity was normalized to the value of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). Dependent variables were examined with 3 (Neutral, IR, ER) 5 (40˚, 70˚, 90˚, 130˚, 160˚) analysis of variance with repeated measures. The EMG activity of pectoralis major muscle was significantly different between shoulder abduction angles and between shoulder rotation positions (p<.05). The highest value of EMG activity of pectoralis major clavicle part among shoulder abduction angles was in 70˚ and, 90˚ in that order. The highest value of EMG activity of pectoralis major sternum part among shoulder abduction angles was in and 130˚, 90˚ in that order. According to the rotation degree, shoulder ER showed the highest value and IR showed the lowest value in both muscle parts. These results suggest that shoulder abduction 70˚, 90˚, 130˚ will be effective during manual muscle testing (MMT) and strengthening exercise for pectoralis major muscle. It is also supposed that shoulder ER is the efficient posture for strengthening of pectoralis major muscle.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared the electromyographic activities and input performance of computer operators using a computer mouse and a trackball. Muscle activities were assessed at the upper trapezius (UT), middle deltoid (MD), extensor digitorum (ED), and first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI). Twenty-six healthy subjects were recruited, and the test order was selected randomly for each subject. The task set was to click moving targets on a Windows program. The EMG amplitude was normalized using the percentage of reference voluntary contraction for UT and MD and the percentage of maximal voluntary contraction for ED and FDI. To analyze the differences in EMG activity, a paired t-test was used. UT muscle activities were significantly greater when the computer mouse was used (p<.05). FDI muscle activities were significantly greater when the trackball was used (p<.05). Using a trackball can reduce the load on the UT during computer work and help to prevent and manage work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to suppose basis data the influence of different chair type and pelvic control on quadriceps muscle activity and strength during knee joint extension isometric exercise in hemiplegic patients. This research were investigated in ten healthy adults and tens hemipelgic patients. Surface electromyography (EMG) and Biodex system were used to collect kinematic data and muscle activity, respectively. Independent t-test, paired t-test and one-way repeated ANOVA were used to determine a statistical significance. The results showed as follows: (1) Posterior pelvic angles in healthy group and hemiplegic group were significantly different on isokinetic equipment (p<.05). (2) Different chair type and pelvic control on quadriceps muscle activity and strength were significantly different in hemiplegic patients (p<.05). From the result of this research, posterior pelvic angle control during knee joint extension isometric exercise in hemiplegic patients on isokinetic equipment is necessary to increase quadriceps muscle strength in hemiplegic patients.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a repetitive lifting task on the level of activation and median frequency of the paraspinal muscles, and to provide basic data of the maximal acceptable duration of the lifting task to avoid muscle fatigue. Ten healthy male subjects were recruited as participants and they repetitively (12 lifts/min) lifted a box (46 ㎝ × 30 ㎝ × 30 ㎝, 15 kg) for 10 minutes. Electromyographic data (muscle activation and median frequency), heart rate, and Borg CR10 score were recorded at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 minutes after the lifting task. Electromyographic data was recorded from the elector spinalis, mutifidus, external oblique abdominis, and rectus abdominis for 1 minute. The results showed that as the repetitive lifting task progressed, the heart rate and Borg CR10 score significantly increased. In addition, activation of the muscles increased. The median frequency significantly decreased over time in the elector spinalis, mutifidus, and external oblique abdominis (right side), except for the external oblique abdominis (left side) and rectus abdominis. It is suggested that the median frequency recorded from a dynamic task is used to monitor muscle fatigue. Furthermore, the repetitive lifting task (15 kg, 12 lifts/min) should not continue for more than 3 minutes in order to avoid muscle fatigue.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to prevent upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, effective keyboard selection is an important consideration. The aim of this study was to compare upper extremity muscle activity according to transverse plane angle changes during vertical keyboard typing. Sixteen healthy men were recruited. All subjects had a similar typing ability (rate of more than 300 keystrokes per minute) and biacromion and forearm-fingertip lengths. Four different types of keyboard (vertical keyboard with a transverse plane angle of 60˚, 90˚, or 120˚, and a standard keyboard) were used with a wrist support. The test order was selected randomly for each subject. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to measure upper extremity muscle activity during a keyboard typing task. The collected EMG data were normalized using the reference contraction and expressed as a percentage of the reference voluntary contraction (%RVC). In order to analyze the differences in EMG data, a repeated one-way analysis of variance, with a significance level of .05, was used. Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons. There were significant differences in the EMG amplitude of all seven muscles (upper trapezius, middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor carpi ulnaris) assessed during the keyboard typing task. The mean activity of each muscle had a tendency to increase as the transverse plane angle increased. The mean activity recorded during all vertical keyboard typing was lower than that recorded during standard keyboard typing. There was no significant difference in accuracy and error scores; however, there was a significant difference between transverse plane angles of 60˚ and 120˚ with regard to comfort. In conclusion, a vertical keyboard with a transverse plane angle of 60˚ would be effective in reducing muscle activity compared with vertical keyboards with other transverse plane angles.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to compare abductor hallucis (AbdH) muscle activity during toe curl exercise according to position of interphalangeal joint (IPJ). Fifteen healthy subjects with neutral foot were recruit for this study. All subjects performed toe curl exercise with towel while maintaining the IPJ in flexion (condition 1) and extension (condition 2). Toe curl exercise with towel was perform three trials for five second periods in each condition. Surface electromyography (EMG) activities were recorded from three muscles (AbdH, tibialis anterior, peroneous longus) in each condition. EMG activity was normalized to the value of maximal voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). The EMG activities acoording to position of IPJ were compared using a paired t-test. This study showed that the EMG activity of AbdH during toe curl exercise with IPJ extension significantly increased compared to those during toe curl exercise with IPJ flexion (p<.05). However, the EMG activity of tibialis anterior and peroneus longus were not significantly different between the conditions (p>.05). These results suggest that toe curl exercise with towel must be performed with extension of IPJ in order to strengthen intrinsic muscle in subjects with overuse injuries related to excessive pronation.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM) with a pressure biofeedback unit can be used to prevent excessive lumbar lordosis during bridging exercise. Therefore, in this research, the effects of an ADIM on lumbar lordosis and lower extremity muscle activity during bridging exercise were investigated in thirty healthy adults. Surface electromyography (EMG) and VICON system were used to collect kinematic data and muscle activity, respectively. A paired t-test was used to determine a statistical significance. The results showed as follows: (1) When performing bridging exercise with an ADIM, the height of the anterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter decreased significantly (p<.05). (2) When performing bridging exercise with an ADIM, the trunk extension angle and pelvic angle increased significantly (p<.05). (3) When performing bridging exercise with an ADIM, the EMG signal amplitude increased significantly in the rectus abdominis, internal oblique abdominis, external oblique abdominis, medial hamstring, and lateral hamstring (p<.05). (4) When performing bridging exercise with an ADIM, the EMG signal amplitude decreased significantly in the erector spinae (p<.05). From the result of this research, an ADIM trained with pressure biofeedback unit during bridging exercise is effective to prevent excessive contraction of erector spinae, to limit excessive motion of pelvis from sagittal plane and to increase muscle activity of abdominal muscles and hamstring muscle.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cross-legged sitting postures are commonly assumed during computer work. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of leg crossing on trunk muscle activity while typing at a computer. Trunk muscle activity was measured in three 8 different sitting postures, in random order. These posture were: normal sitting with a straight trunk and both feet on the floor (NS), upper leg crossing (ULC), and ankle on knee (AOK). The right leg was crossed onto the left leg in both cross-legged postures. Twenty able-bodied male volunteers participated in this study. Subjects typed on a computer keyboard for one minute. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to record bilateral muscle activity in the external oblique (EO). internal oblique (IO), and rectus abdominis (RA). The EMG activity of each muscle in the NS posture was used as a reference (100% EMG activity) in relation to the two cross-legged postures. Muscle activity in the right EO. right IO, and left IO was significantly lower in the ULC posture than in the NS posture. In contrast, muscle activity in the right RA was significantly higher in the ULC posture than in the NS posture. Muscle activity in the tight RA was significantly higher in the AOK posture, as compared to the NS posture, whereas activity in the left IO was significantly lower in the AOK posture, as compared to the NS posture. The right-left muscle activity ratios in the EO and IO showed significantly different patterns in the cross-legged postures, suggesting that asymmetrical right-left oblique muscle activity had occurred.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 정상성인남성의 마시기 동작을 표면근전도와 삼차원 동작 분석기를 통하여 상지 움직임에 대한 계량적(운동형상학: kinematics, 근활성도: muscle activity) 자료를 수집하여 마시기 과제 수행 시 운동 패턴과 전략에 대해서 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 연구 대상자는 건강한 20대 젊은 남성 30명을 대상으로, 삼차원동작분석기(VICON MX System)와 근전도기(MP-100)를 이용하여 마시는 동작의 관절가동범위, 속도, 근활성도를 측정하였다. 결과 : 물 마시기 수행 중 컵을 잡는 동안 어깨에서 최대 내전과 팔꿈치의 최대 신전이 나타났고, 마시는 동안 어깨에서는 최대 굴곡 및 외전이 팔꿈치에서는 최대 굴곡이 나타났다. 뻗기 단계에서 각 관절의 각도 변화에 대해 피어슨상관계수(pearson product-moment correlation coefficient)를 이용한 결과 어깨와 팔꿈치사이에서 (r=-.904), 어깨와 손목사이에서(r=.722), 팔꿈치와 손목사이에서(r=-.700)로 통계학적으로 유의한 상관관계를 나타냈다(p<.05). 입으로 가져오기 단계에서는 위쪽등세모근(7.31%)과 위팔두갈래근(1.60%)이 가장 높은 활성도를 보였고, 정리하기, 마시기, 뻗기 단계에서 각각 위팔세갈래근(.43%), 중간어깨세모근(1.33%), 긴노쪽손목폄근(2.20%)에서 활성도가 높게 나타났다. 결론 : 본 연구는 작업치료사가 중추신경계 및 근 골격계 환자의 치료 계획 및 치료 전략을 설정 시 적용 될 수 있으며, 또한 치료적 중재 후 상지 움직임 향상에 대한 평가의 기초자료로 이용 될 수 있을 것이라고 사료 된다.
        2007.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reductions in strength and range of motion in older persons have been associated with decreased functional mobility and risk of falls. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of intensive dynamic balance exercise (DBE) during 8 weeks on onset time of medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscle contraction after perturbation in older women. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned into DBE group or control group. The DBE group participated in 50 minutes 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Surface electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from the medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles of left side. Outcome data were collected both groups at the pre-exercise and post-exercise. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used to determine the statistical difference. Results showed that the passive range of motion and functional reach test were significantly increased in the DBE group than the control group at the post-exercise (p<.05). The onset time of both muscles and discrepancy of onset time significantly reduced in the DBE group than the control group at the post-exercise (p<.05). The onset time of both muscles were significantly reduced in the post-exercise than the pre-exercise in the DBE group (p<.05). The discrepancy of onset time in the DBE group was significantly reduced in the post-exercise than the pre-exercise (p<.05). These findings suggest that intensive dynamic balance exercise for the eight weeks was effective in improving the postural control with older persons.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve trunk stability, various exercise protocols were introduced into the clinical field. Trunk and lumbar stability exercises on unstable surfaces are especially recommended to improve lumbar stability. The purpose of this study was to compare abdominal oblique muscle activity during leg raising in hook-lying position among 3 different type of surface conditions (on floor (F), vestibular board (VB), and foam roll (FR)). Sixteen able-bodied volunteers, who had no medical history of lower extremity or lumbar spine disease, were recruited for this study. Surface electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from the internal and external oblique muscles of both sides. The normalized EMG activity was compared using a one-way repeated ANOVA. The results showed that the EMG activities of the internal oblique and external oblique of the lifted leg side during straight leg raising significantly increased under the FR condition when compared to the F condition. There was no significant difference of the EMG activity in abdominal oblique muscles between the VB and the FR conditions. The EMG activity of the internal oblique of supported leg side during the straight leg raising was significantly greater under the FR condition than the VB and F conditions (p<.05). The composition ratio of EMG activity of internal oblique muscles during straight leg raising was significantly increased under the FR condition. Therefore, straight leg raising exercise on foam roll in hook lying position could be beneficial to improve trunk and lumbar stability.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of spine orthosis and sit-to-stand motor strategies on ground reaction force (GRF) and lower extremity muscle activity. Twenty healthy adult men participated, and subjects randomly performed sit-to-stand motions in three different conditions: Momentum-transfer strategy (MTS); MTS with spine orthosis; and zero-momentum strategy (ZMS) with spine orthosis. GRF data, onset time, and muscle activity were determined and compared using force plate and electromyography. Data were statistically analyzed by the SPSS version 13.0. One-way repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significance, and least significant difference was used as a post hoc test. The level of significance was .05. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Peak GRF and relative time to peak GRF were not significantly different in the three different conditions (p>.05). 2. Onset time of four muscles, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, biceps femoris and rectus femoris, in the three different conditions were significantly different (p<.05). 3. The tibialis anterior and rectus femoris muscle activity before hip-off and tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, and rectus fermoris muscle activity after hip-off were significantly different in the three different conditions (p<.05).
        2006.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The walker provides stability for walking for people whose lower extremities are disabled. It is important to measure and determine the appropriate height of a walker to conserve energy and to improve function. The purposes of this study were to examine effects of walker height and gait velocity on triceps, latissimus dorsi muscle activation, and energy expenditure index (EEI) during ambulation with a walker. Fifteen healthy subjects participated in this study. Each subject was assigned a walker with one of three heights (high, standard, lower height) and of two gait velocities (comfortable gait velocity or fast gait velocity). Electromyographic data were collected from triceps and latissimus dorsi, and EEI was determined from each condition. Two-way repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significance. Post hoc comparison was performed with the Bonferroni test. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. There was a significant difference in the %MVIC of triceps among different walker height factors. Post hoc comparison revealed that %MVIC of dominant triceps brachii was more significantly increased in patients who used the higher walker than those who used the lower walker (p<.05). 2. There were significant differences in the %MVIC of the latissimus dorsi among different walker height factors and gait velocity factors. Post hoc comparison revealed that the %MVIC of dominant latissimus dorsi was also more significantly increased in patients who used the higher walker than those who used the lower walker (p<.05) and in those who used the faster gait velocity than those who used the slower gait velocity (p<.05). 3. There were significant differences in the EEI among different walker height factors and gait velocity factors. Post hoc comparison revealed that the EEI was significantly increased among those who used higher and lower walkers compared with the standard walker. The EEI was also more significantly increased among those who used the fast gait velocity than those who used the slower gait velocity (p<.05). It has been concluded that increased muscle activation in triceps and latissimus dorsi was required when the walker height increased and that more energy was exp ended when the gait velocity increased. Therefore, from the findings of this study, it is recommended that walker height be adjusted according to the purposes of gait training and that healthy subjects conserve energy when ambulating with standard walkers in a comfortable gait velocity.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to compare movement patterns of shoulder joints between the right and left symmetry in stroke patients and control subjects. This study proposes use of the voluntary response index (VRI) calculated from quantitative analysis of surface electromyographic (sEMG) and motion data recorded during voluntary movement as a feeding task. The VRI is comprised of two numeric values, one derived from the total muscle activity recorded for the voluntary motor task (magnitude), and the other from the sEMG distribution across the recorded muscles with the similarity index (SI). Five stroke patients and five age-matched healthy controls were recruited. Feeding motion was performed using the provided spoon five times with rests taken on a chair in between tasks. EMG data were digitized and analyzed on the basis of the root mean square (RMS) envelope of activity. The average amplitude of responses was calculated. Responsiveness and clinically meaningful levels of discrimination between stroke patients and control for EMG magnitude and SI were determined. The similarity index of the results from two successive examinations of both sides apart for stroke patients and control subjects were .86 and .95 in motion analysis and .84 and .99 in electromyographic analysis. The SI of sEMG data and motion data was significantly correlated in stroke patients. The data suggest that SI is a sensitive program for comparing and analyzing the symmetry of muscle activity and motion in both sides. This analysis method has a clinical value in grading muscular activity and movement impairment after brain injury.
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the hip internal rotation on gluteal and erector spinae muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity during treadmill walking. Eleven healthy subjects were recruited. All subjects performed treadmill walking while maintaining the hip in neutral position (condition 1) and in internal rotation (condition 2). Surface EMG activity was recorded from four muscles (gluteus maximus (GM), gluteus medius (GMED), tensor fascia latae (TFL), and erector spinae (ES)) and the hip internal rotation angle was measured using a three dimensional motion analysis system. The gait cycle was determined with two foot switches, and stance phase was normalized as 100% stance phase (SP) for each condition using the MatLab 7.0 program. The normalized EMG activities according to the hip rotation (neutral or internal rotation) were compared using a paired t-test. During the entire SP of treadmill walking, the EMG activities of GM in condition 1 were significantly greater than in condition 2 (p<.05). The EMG activities of TFL and ES in condition 2 were significantly greater than in condition 1 (p<.05). The EMG activities of the GMED in condition 1 were significantly greater than in condition 1 (p>.05) except for 80~100% SP. Further studies need randomized control trials regarding the effect of hip internal rotation on the hip and lumbar spine muscle activity. Kinetic variables during gait or going up and down stairs are also needed.
        2005.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is often attributed to malalignment and maltracking of patella within the patellofemoral joint. Most exercise for PFPS has focused on selectively strengthening the vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO). This study was designed to identify the effect of medial, lateral wedge and difference of Quadriceps angle (Q-angle) on vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis muscle (VL) activity ratios. The subjects were twenty young adult males who had not experienced any knee injury. They were asked to perform isometric contraction exercises in three postures using medial and lateral wedge. The EMG activity of the VL and VMO were recorded in three postures by surface electrodes and normalized by %MVC values derived from seated, isometric knee extensions. The normalized EMG activity levels (%MVC) of the VL and VMO for the three postures of the lower extremities were compared using 2-way repeated measures ANOVA with 1 between-subject factor (group), and 1 within-subject factor (wedge). Results of repeated measures of ANOVA's revealed that the medial wedge isometric contraction exercise produced significantly greater EMG activity of VMO/VL ratios in Group I (Q-angle or less) (p<.05). But, the medial wedge isometric contraction exercise was no significant difference of VMO/VL ratios in Group II (Q-angle or more) (p>.05). These results have important implications for selective VMO muscle strengthening exercises in PFPS patients.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the postural muscle activity during wearing a lead apron with and without applying waist belt at working posture. Ten healthy male subjects were recruited for this study. Electromyography using a surface EMG recorded the activity of the splenius capitis, trapezius, and erector spinae. EMG activity was recorded at quiet standing, 45 degrees of neck flexion, 45 degrees of neck flexion with 15 degrees of trunk flexion. The testing order was selected randomly. The subjects were asked to maintain the each posture for 3 minutes. The mean root mean square (RMS) of EMG activity was calculated. EMG activity was normalized using the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) elicited using a manual muscle testing technique. Two-factor repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the average RMS value of EMG activity for each condition. The EMG activity of trapezius muscle was significantly decreased with applying waist belt (p<.05). The muscle activity of splenius capitis and erector spinae showed significant difference according to postures (p<.05). These results suggest that applying waist belt during wearing a lead apron will be useful to prevent shoulder pain.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most exercise for Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) has focused on selectively strengthening the vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO). Although open chain knee extension exercises are effective for increasing overall quadriceps strength, they are not always indicated for PFPS rehabilitation. This study was designed to identify the effect of combined posture of lower extremity on Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the vastus lateralis muscle (VL) and VMO during static squat exercises. The subjects were twenty young adult males who had not experienced any knee injury and their Q-angle was within a normal range. They were asked to perform static squat exercises in five various postures using their lower extremities. The EMG activity of the VL and VMO were recorded in five exercises by surface electrodes and normalized by %MVC values derived from seated, isometric knee extensions. The normalized EMG activity levels (%MVC) of the VL and VMO for the five postures of the lower extremities were compared using one way ANOVA with repeated measures. Results of repeated measures of ANOVA's revealed that exercise 3 and exercise 5 produced significantly greater EMG activity of VMO/VL ratios than exercise 1 (p<.05). When the static squat exercise was combined with hip adduction and toes pointed outwardly, the EMG activity of VMO/VL rates was increased. The EMG activity of VMO/VL ratio was highest during static squat exercises performed on a decline squat. These results haveimportant implications for progressive and selective VMO muscle strengthening exercises in PFPS patients.
        2004.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Altered scapular kinematics in the scapular joint is commonly believed to be a factor contributing to trunk posture. The purpose of this study was to analyze the muscle activity with several changes of the shoulder angle. Tests were performed on 10 male subjects by repeated measures. Each subject was measured while sitting in both erect and slouched trunk positions. In each sitting posture, a three-dimensional motion analysis measurement was used to measure thoracic angle and shoulder abduction angle. Measurements were taken with the shoulder abdcution angle at , , , , , and . By using surface Electromyography (EMG) electrodes, we recorded the activity of the upper trapezius, middle trapezius, lower trapezius, middle deltoid, and serratus anterior muscle while the subject held a 4 kg weight at each angle. The mean of root mean square (RMS) of EMG activity was calculated. The middle trapezius, lower trapezius, and middle deltoid muscle activity showed significantly higher results but serratus anterior muscle activity showed significantly lower results (p<.05). With the shoulder angle increased, the muscle activity was also significantly increased (p<.05). In conclusion, the thoracic spine posture significantly affects the scapular muscle during scapular plane abduction, and the slouched posture is associated with increased trapezius muscle activity and with decreased serratus anterior muscle activity.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle activity during a push-up on a suspension sling and a fixed support at the same level. Tests were performed on 15 male subjects. Electromyography using a surface EMG recorded the activity of the triceps, pectoralis major, and internal and external oblique muscles during each push-up. EMG activity was recorded at 0, 45, and 90 degrees of elbow flexion in the push-up position on a suspension sling or a fixed support at the same height above the floor (30 cm). The testing order was selected randomly. The subjects were asked to maintain the push-up position with straight knees, hips, and trunk for 5 seconds at each elbow angle. The mean root mean square (RMS) of EMG activity was calculated. EMG activity was normalized using the maximum voluntary isometric contractιn elicited using a manual muscle testing technique. Two-factor repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the average RMS value of EMG activity for each condition. The EMG activity for the pectoralis major, and internal and external oblique muscles during a push-up on a sling was significantly higher than on a fixed support at all angles of elbow flexion (p<.01). There were significant differences in the EMG activity of the pectoralis major and triceps brachii muscles at difference angles of elbow flexion (p<.05). The pectoralis major muscle had the highest EMG activity at 90 degrees of elbow flexion on both the sling and fixed support. The triceps brachii muscle had the highest EMG activity at 45 degrees of elbow flexion on both the sling and fixed support. The internal and external oblique muscles had the highest EMG activity at 0 degrees of elbow flexion, although the difference with angle of flexion was not significant. These results suggest that to improve proximal and trunk stability and muscle strength, push-ups are more useful when performed on a suspension sling than On a fixed support.
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