Background : This study was carried out to investigate the changes of the growth of ginseng in the house when the light intensity was increased. Three shading screens were used: shading materials 85%, 77%, and 55% net. Changes in the growth of ginseng and the quality of red ginseng were investigated in these shading materials. Methods and Results : The test site was a three house constructed in the Punggi Ginseng Research Institute, Gyeongsangbuk - do Agricultural Research and Extension Services. The entrance to the house is located east-west, and the structure is double steel frame. The inside of the house is covered with vinyl, and 85%, 75%, 55% shading net is installed for each shading treatment. From the end of June to the middle of August, a 55% shading net was double covered to reduce the high temperature damage. The test material was grafted on March 20, 2013. The management of the irrigation water was from 30 kPa to 10 kPa. The aM-21A data log of Wise Sensing Co., Ltd. was used to measure the cultivation environment in the house. Photosynthesis was measured using Lci Compact Photosyntheisi System, adc, UK. Surveys were carried out in accordance with the inspection standards of the Rural Development Administration. The data were analyzed statistically using SPSS. Conclusion : The summer temperature of shading method was more than 2℃ higher than other treatments in 55% shading treatment and more than 6℃ in autumn. The light intensity of 90 μmol/s/㎡ was lower than that of August, and the light intensity was higher than 400 μmol at the end of September. The 55% shading method showed twice as much light in summer and more than four times in autumn. The amount of photosynthesis increased due to the light intensity of 55% treatment, especially in the morning of May. In the light of shading method, 85% light shading method showed the best growth at 2 years, but 55% at 3 years and more, and 5 years at 5 years.
Background : This study is designed to select the best shading materials for the 4-year old ginseng K-1 variety by examining the light volume, photosynthesis and growth characteristics of ginseng. Methods and Results : The ginseng seedling was transplanted in the 7 lines x 9 rows (63 plants)/ 1.65 ㎡. The shading materials were installed in the form of rear line with 170 ㎝ high for front pole and 100 ㎝ high for rear pole. The installation of shading materials were installed in combination of polyethylene, blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene, polyethylene + polyethylene, polyethylene + aluminium screen 70%, polyethylene + aluminium screen 100%, aluminium shade plate to inspect the photosynthesis and ginseng's growth characteristics. The photosynthetic rate was measured on the middle of small leaf using the photosynthetic tester (L1-6400, Li-COR) a t 10 : 00 – 14 : 00 on a clear day with the light volume of 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,400, 1,800 μmol s-1m-2.For the ginseng K-1, which is 4-years old, the aerial parts growth (such as survival rate, height of plant, length of stem, diameter of steam and length of leaf) and underground part (length, diameter and weight of root) were examined in 2016. As for the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), the aluminum shade plate showed the best performance while the polyethylene + polyethylene showed the least. As for the photosynthetic rate, the following order was shown in the decreasing order: blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene > polyethylene > aluminium shade plate ≒ polyethylene + aluminium screen 100%, > polyethylene + polyethylene > polyethylene + aluminium screen 70%. As for the survival rate for 4-year old ginseng, the polyethylene + aluminium screen 70% showed the highest survival rate with 91.0%. As for the growth of aerial part of ginseng, the polyethylene and polyethylene + polyethylene showed the best growth. As for the underground part of ginseng, the polyethylene, blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene, and polyethylene + polyethylene showed the best growth in the length of roots and length of main root while polyethylene and blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene showed the best growth in the weight of roots. Conclusion : In conclusion, considering the characteristics of photosynthesis and the underground parts of ginseng, it was found that the best shading materials for K-1 4-year old ginseng is blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene.
Background : Recently, some of the previous stuies reported that was useful technique on growth and yield of organically grown ginseng transplantation in a rain shelter greenhouse. This study was conducted to investigate the optimum method of greenhouse shading for ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) cultivaton in the northern area of Ganwon, Korea. Methods and Results : We carried out to select optimal shade materials and light-penetrated ratio among polyethylene film with two-layered polyethylene net(PEF+PEN) and blue-white duplicated PE film(BWD-PEF) in the condition of greenhouse for ginseng cultivation. The order of light-penentrated ratio by shade meterials was PEN(75%)+PEF 〉 PEN(85%)+PEF 〉BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) and the order of air temperature was BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) 〉PEN+PEF(85%) 〉PEN+PEF(75%). The net photosynthetic rate was higher in PEN(75%)+PEF than other shading material treatments during growth season including summer high-temperature period. The root weight and yield were increased by 31.2~55.0% and 25.6~52.2%, respectively under PEN+PEF(75%) compared to other shading materials. Conclusion : We concluded that the PEN+PEF(75%) could be a good shading meterails of the greenhouse for organic 4-year-old ginseng cultivation in northern area of Gangwon, Korea.
Background : This experiment was carried out to improve the labor-intensive task to construct of the traditional ginseng shading system in Korea. In this experiment the selected shading materials was new 6 kinds that HDPE - knitted- monofilament and taped PE Net, with taking into account of the amount of light and the amount of leakage to screen the UV stabilized 0.3% - 0.6%. Compared with the traditional shading material, the black-shading material (wt. 200g/㎡) and the yellow shading material (wt. 300g/㎡) was suitable for the ginseng growing environments in Korea. Methods and Results : The installation of shading system was the 45 degree slope -2 meter height from the ground with the selected shading materials for the wide structure ginseng cultivation. Temperature and light intensity was measured with a week interval from the surface to a height of 30cm. The two kinds of the 1st selected materials and the traditional black + blue two layer shading materials, aluminum screen, Canada Gintec shading material, total 5 kinds of materials were installed in wide structure. The growing environmental analysis was measured using data logs (watchdog 1600series). Conclusion : In the first selection of shading materials for Ginseng wide structure, the levels of light intensity were higher in order of blue-shading> Aluminum- shading> black-shading order. The temperatures of the under wide structures were lower in order of the black-shading< aluminum-shading screen< blue-shading order, especially the temperature of the black shading material was lower than the outside temperature. For the second selection of shading material of the ginseng wide structure, the black and yellow shading material were superior to the other materials, in the amount of light shading material and growing conditions and the degree of leakage etc. The temperatures of mid-May in wide structures of ginseng cultivation were higher in order of aluminum-screen> Canada shading materials (Gintec Co.) 2 layer material> Yellow shading> black shading order, and also the amounts of light intensity also was shown to be with the same manner
Potentilla kleiniana is a perennial herb beloning to Rosaceae family. Herein we investigated the effect of light intensity, light quality and chemical elicitor on plant growth and the accumulation of bioactive compounds in P. kleiniana. After 60 days of cultivation under different shading level [0% (200 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ), 35% (95 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ), 55% (65 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ), 75% (40 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 )] in the greenhouse, chlorophyll and carotenoid content were the highest under 35% treatment, however, plant height, leaf number and biomass were the highest under non-shading. As a result of cultivation among strong light condition as a control, florescence and three mixture light sources [red:white:blue (RWB) = 8:1:1, red:blue (RB) = 8:2, red:green:blue (RGB) = 8:1:1] as treatments in plant growth chamber (25 ± 2℃, 185 ± 3 μmol·m -2 ·s -1 ), growth, biomass, chlorophyll content low difference between total phenolic compouds and flavonoid content were higher under RWB treatment. DPPH radical elimination ability was the highest under all treatments especially florescence and RGB treatment except control. As a result of treating chemical elicitor [salicylic acid (SA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA)] concentration (0, 50, 100, 200 μM) respectively, plant height, petiole diameter and biomass were higher under non-treatment, MeJA 50 μM. It was investigated that fresh weight and dry weight under MeJA 50 μM treatment were especially a little high. Total phenolic compounds and flavonoid content of SA 50 μM treatment was the highest but DPPH radical elimination ability was significantly the highest under MeJA 200 μM (88.65%) and MeJA 50 μM (87.84%) treatment. Thus, this study suggested that we determined optimal shading and light quality in the greenhouse and plant growth chamber also confirmed bioactive compound content, antioxidant ratio increase according to different chemical elicitation concentration.
Background : Clematis trichotoma is a deciduous climber belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. This study was carried out to survey the effect of shading levels on growth characteristics in Clematis trichotoma seedling. Methods and Results : Seeds were collected from plants growing in the Mt. Kariwang Jeongseon, Gangwon-do in October 2013, and they were sown to 96 cell plug tray filled with Peatmoss (TKS-2) soil at March, 2015. The experiment was performed with four different shading levels (0, 30, 60, 90%) at July, 2015. According to the experiment, plant height was the highest under 90% of shading. It was found that fresh weight and dry weight of clematis trichotoma were the highest under 90% of shading. The leaf number was the highest under 30% of shading. The leaf number decreased as the shading level increased. Root number and length were the highest under 90% of shading. Conclusion : According to the results, Clematis trichotoma seedling showed the highest growth under 90% shading.
Background : This experiment was conducted to find the right degree of shading to reduce summer months when the death Allium hookeri cultivation in the southern highland in Korea. This experiment was conducted at an altitude of 500m, Jeonbuk Namwon unbong plateau region The soil was tested in phosphatic content was slightly higher so 671 ㎎/㎏ than regular soil. Every soil testing was conducted in sandy soil with good water. The test day highs at 50% shading plots of shading in this period about 6.1℃ lower than the non-shading. The soil temperature is lowered to 1.9℃ at 50% shading plots compared with the non-shading. As a result, Allium hookeri underground quantities produced per 1,682 ㎏ 10a in 50% shading plots. This was a 35% increase compared to the non-shading plots. Allium hookeri is native to the Alpine 4,200m from 1,400m above sea level, near the Himalaya Mountains. Myanmar is known as the National vegetables. Allium hookeri is Allium plants. It flies three flavors, including sweet, spicy, bitter taste. Allium hookeri roots are similar to ginseng roots called as 'three vegetable' This is a randomly named. The in Korea was first introduced in 2006. By 2015, the country has been found to 190㏊, Jeonbuk 35㏊ (18.3%) is growing. Therefore, this study was conducted to introduce the cultivation of plants in the southern highland in Korea. Methods and Results : In order to use this experimental Allium hookeri seedlings were planted in Jeonbuk Sunchang after buying. Allium hookeri cultivation methods put the 3∼4 one eye on the roots. Planting the root length was cut to leave a 3∼5㎝. The planting distance was 40×20㎝. The shielding 35, two months were 50 and 75% by July 1, August 31. The air temperature, soil temperature were investigated in accordance with the changes of light in this experiment. And examined the withering rate, brightness, growth conditions, such as Yield. Conclusion : Test results were as follows. Allium hookeri roots emerged on March 2 during planting 43-68 days. Allium hookeri after shading shoot growth characteristics were as follows. 35% shading and 50% shading was a tendency for the number of leaves increased compared to the non-shading. As a result, flooding was 35% as compared to production per 10a 1,682 ㎏ no light shielding at 50%. Plant analysis leaf mineral contents tended increased nitrogen, phosphate, gallium compared to the non-light cultivation. Mineral contents of the root was nitrogen, potassium is higher in comparison with 75% shading no shading.
Background : Ginseng is a semi-shade plant which prefers cool temperature and mild lighting, and artificially installed shading facility is required from preventing photo-oxidation occurrence when ginseng is exposed to direct sunlight. High temperature damages are commonly noticed due to recent global warming although more farmers are using aluminum foil and blue light-proof screen instead of 4-layered polyethylene shade net (blue 3 + black 1) to prevent the rise in temperature and influx of rainwater, there are insufficient research conducted. Methods and Results : In mid-March, 2015, we have installed steel A type shading facility after transplanting 2-year-old domestic variety ginseng in 7 lines, 10 rows per 3.3㎡. We have prevented the excessive influx of direct light by fixing 4-layered shade net, aluminum foil and blue light-proof screen as shading materials on facilities and adding 2-layered black polyethylene shade net. During July and August with high temperature, light transmission rates have shown varying according to shading materials used: blue light-proof screen (8.4%) > aluminum foil (5.9%) > 4-layered shade net (3.3%). In case of the highest temperature reached, the order followed blue light-proof screen (42.3℃) > 4-layered shade net (40.8℃) > aluminum foil (38.3℃), and in case of average temperature it followed blue light-proof screen (48.7%) > 4-layered shade net (37.6%) > aluminum foil (33.2%). Although there were no difference about leaf area among the shading materials, ginseng leaf grown in aluminum foil has lower chlorophyll content than the other two treatment plot because of photooxidation by light damage. The 3-yr-old ginseng root weight harvested in end of October increased as follows light-proof screen (14.4g) > 4-layered shade net (11.9g) > aluminum foil (9.8g). Conclusion : Aluminum foil showed greater influx of light but lower temperature than 4-layered shade net due to its materialistic character. However the front side of foil can reflect light and cause photo-oxidation of rear-planted ginseng leaves, so it is a need for improvement. In case of blue light-proof screen, although it had higher inside temperature, the root weight of ginseng was the heaviest because of less influx of light and destruction of chlorophyll.
The Tree of apartment building is important to achieve a sustainable design for urban environment and to increase residental satisfaction. This study presents the solar shading effect of trees for multi-layer planting. The site for field test is located in Junju, Korea. Four main factors, daylight, illumination, temperature and relative humidity for planting, is tested for 3 months from June to August. Results from the field test are as following; The highest value to block the sunlight is at mean 553.1 W/m2 in shading space under Prunus serrulata var. spontanea, that height is 8.3 m and crown diameter is 6.7 m and The lowest of that is at mean 253.8 W/m2 under Malus prunifolia (willd.) Borkh. The difference of temperature between sunshine space and shade one ranged from 0.6°C to 6.7°C because of tree in Summer. The results shows that solar shading effect of trees can be used to estimate the change of plant growth condition for ground cover planting.
Background : Aruncus dioicus var. kamtschaticus, functional wild vegetable, is perennial herb and young leaves with soft texture are generally used as edible food. So the demand for the vegetable has increased recently. This study was carried out to determine the effects of temperature and shading on germination characteristics of A. dioicus.
Methods and Results : The experiment was performed by temperature and shading treatments. Seed pre-treatment before the germination experiment was carried out by the storage in low temperature (4℃) under wet condition (LTW) for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days and shading treatment were 35%, 50%, and 75% under control, BA (6-benzyladenine) and GA3 (gibberellic acid) condition for 24 hours. Increasing the length of the storage periods led to increases seed germination percent in low temperature (4℃) under wet condition (LTW), germination rate of A. dioicus seed was the highest at 15℃ with 60 days of seed pre-treatment. In the case of seeds pre-treatment with LTW, the more temperature went up, the more days to 50% of Germination of Final Germination Rate (T50) went down. As a result of surveying shading treatment, germination rate was the highest in control of 35% shading and the next higher was in control of 50% shading.
Conclusions : It is concluded that the temperature and shading are important factors to produce A. dioicus. Also, We suggest these results as basic data of A. dioicus for sexual propagation.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of shading degree and rooting media on the growth of Caragana sinica and Sedum middendorffianum after cutting. In C. sinica, the highest rooting rate was obtained in cuttings planted in horticultural soil (Sunshine Mix #1) and peat moss mixture (peat moss : perlite = 1 : 1, v/v) under one layer of 35% shading and in cuttings planted in kanumatsuchi soil mixture (kanumatsuchi soil : decomposition of granite = 1 : 1, v/v) under non-shading. Whereas, regardless of shading degree, most cuttings of S. middendorffianum rooted in both horticultural soil and peat moss mixture. Cuttings of C. sinica showed the highest root length, 10.4㎝ in kanumatsuchi soil mixture under one layer of 35% shading but the highest fresh and dry weight of roots in kanumatsuchi soil mixture under non-shading. In S. middendorffianum, the highest root length, fresh and dry weight of root were obtained in cuttings planted in horticultural soil under non-shading. With these results, we recommended that cuttings of C. sinica should be propagated in kanumatsuchi soil mixture under non-shading and cuttings of S. middendorffianum in horticultural soil under non-shading.
This study was carried out in order to investigate the photosynthesis response and leaf characteristics of Peucedanum japonicum growing in forest farming. The experiment was performed by leaf mold (pine tree and chestnut tree) and shading levels (0%, 35%, 50% and 75% shading). Light relative intensity was 100% (full sunlight), 60.3% (35% shading), 35.1% (50% shading), and 17.4% (75% shading) respectively. Light response curves of pine-leaf mold and chestnut-leaf mold were the highest in control (full sunlight) and these were getting lower in the higher shading level. Photosynthesis capacity and light saturation point were indicated higher in chestnut-leaf mold within the same shading level. As the shading level increased, maximum photosynthesis rate decreased. And apparent quantum yield was not indicated statistically significant difference from all treatment. Leaf area, leaf length and leaf width were significant higher in 35% shading and control under chestnut-leaf mold in all treatment. As the shading level increased, LAR (leaf area ratio), SLA (specific leaf area) and SPAD value decreased in pine-leaf mold and chestnut-leaf mold. As a result of surveying the whole experiment, P. japonicum is judged better growth and higher yield by maintaining 35% shading (relative light intensity 60%) under chestnut-leaf mold in forest farming.
This study was carried out in order to investigate the early growth and root development characteristics of Peucedanum japonicum container seedlings. The experiment was performed by containers (128 and 200 cavities containers) and shading levels (0%, 35%, 50% and 75% shading). Germination rate of P. japonicum seeds was getting higher in the lower shading level and the highest in the full sunlight (71.9%). Plant height was the highest under 50% shading of all containers. Fresh weight and dry weight of the shoot (leaves + stem) were the highest under 50% shading of all containers, too. Meanwhile, fresh weight and dry weight of the root per plant were the highest under the full sunlight of 128 cavities container such as 0.34 g and 0.03 g, respectively. Total root length, root project area and root surface area were higher under the full sunlight of 128 cavities container such as 234.5 cm, 6.6cm2 and 20.8cm2, respectively and the next higher was under 35% shading such as 201.7 cm, 5.9cm2 and 18.4cm2, respectively. A case of root volume was the highest with 0.15cm3 under the full sunlight. As a result of the surveying the whole experiment, it is concluded that the shoot and root of P. japonicum seedling grow nicely by maintaining 35% shading.
본 연구는 매발톱꽃의 형태 및 생육량에 대한 차광 및 화분 크기의 효과를 구명하여 조경용 지피식물로서의 적용방안을 제안하고자 수행되었다. 차광률에 따른 엽병수와 엽병장의 증가는 통계적으로 유의성 있게 차광 60, 30, 0, 80% 처리구 순으로 높게 나타났으며 차광 30~60% 처리구에서 도장하지 않고 양호한 형태를 나타냈다. 차광 80%에서는 분명하게 도장하며 불량한 형태를 보였다. 잎 두께는 무처리구에서 가장 높게 나타났고 차광 80%에서는 가장 낮게 나타났다. 차광률에 따른 생육량의 증가는 차광 60, 30, 0, 80% 처리구 순으로 높게 나타났다. 화분 크기에 따른 형태 및 생육량을 전반적으로 살펴보면, Pot B(D90×H100mm)와 비교하여 Pot A(D155×H150mm)에서 자란 식물체가 통계적 유의차를 가지고 우수하게 나타났다. 조경용 지피식물로서 매발톱꽃은 차광 30~60% 처리구와 유사한 광도를 가지는 가로수 주변, 침엽수림 하부, 독립수로 식재된 느티나무(H6.0×R60), 가중나무(H8.0×R50), 은행나무(H5.5×B25) 등과 같은 활엽교목 하부 등에 식재되는 것이 적합하며, 간편한 화단 조성 및 갈이를 위하여 화분에 식재된 식물체를 필요로 하는 경우에는 Pot B보다는 Pot A와 같은 토양환경을 조성하는 것이 바람직하다.