
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 777

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Korea, odor emission control is carried out at the boundary between the discharge port and the site based on the height of the discharge port, but in Japan and the U.K. a range of characteristics are considered in odor management, including the height, size, and amount of exhaust gas, when managing the acceptance criteria of the discharge port that conforms to the odor concentration standards based on the site boundary. In this study, the permitted concentration of odor in the outlet was studied considering the design conditions of the outlet, in order to manage it based on the distance between the outlet and the residential area. To improve the effectiveness of odor management, Korean odor management measures were reviewed by applying the methods used to calculate odor concentration in Japan and the U.K. Guidelines on effective odor reduction were provided by calculating the permissible odor concentration for each condition based on the flow rate and height of the final outlet to comply with the permissible concentration at regular intervals at the outlet of the factory.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In relation to the development of automatic discharging and grinding system producing eco-friendly composite fertilizer raw materials, the performance test was proceeded. and We had obtained the following results. 1. Of the evaluation items set as performance indicators for this technology development, the “grinding capacity” of the composite fertilizer roll mill is higher than the current market-sufficient performance (1500kg/hr) of 1800kg/hr.For “grind particle size”, results of less than 1.8 mm on average were obtained, which is smaller than market-sufficient performance (average less than 2 mm). 2. As a result of the evaluation of “1batch 400kg discharge time”, the results of less than 10min/1bach were obtained, which is shorter than the market satisfaction performance (15min/1bach).
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, we examined the installation and the effect of the s-type approach lane marking near the stop line of a typical intersection access road. We examined the possibility of installation and standardization of this facility and its impact on vehicular speed management and carbon emission reduction. METHODS : To review the installation and standardization possibilities, the geometric size of the marking was set. The possibility of standardization was examined by applying it to lane markings. The velocity before and after the installation of the marking was compared and analyzed through the velocity estimation equation to assess the impact on speed management. Carbon emissions were estimated by comparing the emissions before and after applying the marking. RESULTS : The s-type approach lane marking can be installed near the stop line of the intersection access road. It was possible to standardize the lane marking by suggesting a formula to determine the size of the geometry. Additionally, the marking enabled vehicular speed management and improvement in the carbon yield. The marking decreased speeds by approximately 10 km/h, from the original speed of 36 km/h to 25.5 km/h after installation. The standard deviation per vehicle was reduced by approximately 5.9 km/h, from 5.8 km/h to 0.9 km/h. Additionally, carbon emissions decreased by 17%, from 14.1 g/40 m to 11.7 g/40 m. CONCLUSIONS : The geometry and size of the lane marking installation can be set near the stop line of the approach road. Standardization of this facility was also possible. The s-type lane marking, installed at the stop line of the approach road, has the potential to control the speed, reduce the acceleration or deceleration, and reduce the carbon emission. In the future, it is expected that such lane markings can be applied to multi-faceted areas
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concentrations of odor and volatile organic compound (VOC)-inducing substances were measured using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometers (SIFT-MS). SIFT-MS can continuously measure the concentration of odor-causing substances and VOCs in real time without pre-treatment steps. Measurements were conducted during the day and at night at 10 spots in the chemical block of the Sihwa industrial complex. Similar measurement results were observed in the daytime and nighttime for materials except methyl ethyl ketone with high concentrations. A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide was also measured at night. It is expected that an amount of emissions of VOCs and odor-causing substances under the absence of inspection can be traced if measured at other industrial complexes in vulnerable times.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미세먼지 등 대기오염이 일상화되고 국민 건강을 위협하면서 육상뿐만 아니라 해상 선박에서 발생하는 대기오염물질에 대한 관리 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 선박 배출량 현황을 바탕으로 해양경찰 업무 중심의 선박 대기오염물질 점검 실태를 진단 하고 배출 저감을 위한 국가 관리 대책을 제안한다. 최근 국립환경과학원(NIER, 2018)에 따르면 선박에서 배출된 총량(CO, NOx, SOx, TSP, PM10, PM2.5, VOCs, NH3, BC)은 국내 전체 발생량의 6.4 %로 나타났고, 이 중 NOx는 13.1 %, SOx는 10.9 %, 미세먼지(PM10/PM2.5)는 9.6 %를 차지하고 있다. 선박 발생량 중에서는 국내외 입출항 화물선이 50.6 %로 가장 많은 배출을 보였고, 어선의 배출 비율도 42.6 %로 적지 않 음을 알 수 있었다. 지역적으로 해양경찰 관할 5개 권역을 기준으로는 부산항, 울산항을 포함한 남해권 44.1 %와 광양항, 여수항을 포함한 서해권 24.8 % 순으로 배출이 많았다. 해양경찰은 대기오염물질 관리를 위해 승선 점검을 통한 선박 배출 상황을 관리하고 있지만, 각종 배출 장치의 가동이나 연료유 기준 등의 실측에는 많은 시간과 노력이 필요하고, 또한 선박의 바쁜 운항스케줄에 따른 제약으로 대부분 서류상의 점검으로 진행됨으로써 관리에 한계가 있다. 따라서 선박 대기오염물질 관리를 위해서는 대기오염물질 발생을 실측 점검으로 바꾸도록 규제를 강화하고 해경 함정 등을 활용한 해역별 모니터링 시스템을 구축하여 실질적 현장 데이터에 기초한 관리가 이뤄지도록 하는 한편, 장단기적으로 환경친화적 선박 도입을 위한 기술 개발과 법·제도적 지원이 필요하다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As water resources are limited and legal regulations are strengthened, there is a growing need to reuse residuals in WTP(Water Treatment Plant). In this study, membrane filtration system was constructed and its operation method was studied for water quality stabilization and reuse of WTP residuals. The operation parameters were stable for 1 year and 6 months. Membrane fouling was identified as particulate pollution (activated carbon) and inorganic pollution (manganese). The membrane system was operated steadily with raw water of high concentration SS(Suspended solid) containing activated carbon because membrane fouling was reduced by the effect of End-Free type. In the case of inorganic contamination, dissolved manganese eluted by chemicals and acted as a membrane fouling source, and the operating conditions for minimizing membrane fouling were confirmed by newly developing application methods and types of cleaning chemicals. Based on the results, design parameters for reducing manganese membrane fouling were derived.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 발생 암모니아 중 가축분뇨의 기여율이 높은 것은 자명한 사실이다. 암모니아 배출량 산정 과정의 정확도와 신뢰도 향상을 위해서는, 가축분뇨 발생량의 정확한 집계, 가축분뇨의 퇴비화 및 액비화 과정에서 단계별 암모니아 전환량과 발생량 산출, 퇴액비의 저장 및 운송과정에서의 암모니아 발생량 산정 그리고 토양 살포 과정과 방법에 따른 암모니아 발생량 비교 연구가 반드시 수행되어야 할 것이다. 미국과 유럽과 비교해 볼 때, 특히 국내 배출계수가 상대적으로 매우 획일적이고 시공간적으로 세분화되지 못해 국내 실정을 충분히 반영하지 못하고 있다. 암모니아 배출계수 산정의 정확도와 전문성을 향상 시킬 수 있는 방안으로, 퇴액비의 특성, 토양의 특성 그리고 기후 특성의 복합적인 고려가 가능한 챔버시스템을 활용할 수 있을 것이다. 국내외 암모니아 배출과 관련한 자료의 검토와 비교를 통해 현재 국내 시스템의 부족한 점과 나아가야할 방향을 확인할 수 있었으며, 암모니아 배출유량 산정이 가능한 챔버 시스템을 제언하였다. 향후 누락배출원의 신규 배출계수 산정과 같은 실질적인 정책과의 연계를 위해서는 실내의 챔버 시스템에서 더 나아가 현장에서의 mesocosom 시스템의 방법론 구축 또한 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of ammonia during the growing period of pigs in a facility with a mechanical ventilation system were analyzed, and the emission factor was calculated. Real-time ammonia concentration was measured using photoacoustic spectroscopy equipment, and a ventilation measuring device was fabricated to measure the amount of air vented from an exhaust fan according to the operation rate. All data were collected as one-hour averages. The mean ammonia concentration, indoor temperature, and ventilation rate was 1.44~2.08 ppm, 25.5~26.4oC, and 24~32 m3/h per pig, respectively. Both concentration and ventilation rate are important factors in terms of emission management, but correlation analysis shows that the impact of concentration is higher than that of ventilation. Using ammonia concentration and ventilation data, the ammonia emissions per pig were calculated by considering the number of pigs (0.25~1.74 g/day·pig). The final ammonia emission factor yielded a value of 0.81 g/day·pig.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odor-inducing substances were measured using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometers (SIFT-MS) and a drone equipped with an air quality monitoring system. SIFT-MS can continuously measure the concentration of VOCs and odor-inducing substances in realtime without any pre-treating steps for the sample. The vehicle with SIFT-MS was used for real-time measurement of VOC concentration at the site boundaries of pollution sources. It is possible to directly analyze VOCs concentration generated at the outlets by capturing air from the pollution sources with a drone. VOCs concentrations of nine spots from Banwol National Industrial Complex were measured by a vehicle equipped with SIFT-MS and were compared with the background concentration measured inside the Metropolitan Air Quality Management Office. In three out of the nine spots, the concentration of toluene, xylene, hydrogen sulfide, and methyl ethyl ketone was shown to be much higher than the background concentration. The VOCs concentrations obtained using drones for high-concentration suspected areas showed similar tendencies as those measured using the vehicle with SIFTMS at the site boundary. We showed that if both the drone and real-time air quality monitoring equipment are used to measure VOCs concentration, it is possible to identify the pollutant sources at the industrial complex quickly and efficiently check sites with high concentrations of VOCs.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 화력발전소 배출로 인한 지표면 오염물질 농도의 시·공간적 영향을 실측 자료를 바탕으로 정량적으로 분석하려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 배출과 농도 관계의 정량적 분석을 위해 우선 기상 조건과 주변 배출원의 영향을 고려하였다. 이를 위해 자료의 선택과 관측지점 선정 과정을 제안하였고, 선정된 지표면 시·공간 자료에 K-Z 필터와 경험직교함수(EOF) 분석 기법을 적용하였다. 사용된 자료는 2014-2017년 4년의 기간 동안 당진과 태안 화력발전소 굴뚝 자동측정기기의 농도값을 이용하여 산출한 한 시간 평균 배출량 자료와 지표면 대기오염농도 측정망 자료이다. 기상 자료로는 최근 배포 중인 ERA5 재분석자료와 기상청 종관기상관측소 한 시간 평균 자료가 사용되었다. 발전소만의 영향이 최대한 보이도록 기상 효과와 지리적인 요인을 고려하여 선택한 시간대의 선정된 관측소 자료만을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 지표면 대기오염물질의 EOF 첫 번째 모드는 SO2, NO2, PM10 모두에 대해 97% 이상의 변동성을 설명하였다. 또한 지표면 농도장의 EOF 첫 번째 모드의 시계열은 화력발전소 배출과 유의미한 상관성을 보였다. 결과적으로 당진 화력발전소 SO2, NO2, TSP 시간 당 배출량이 각각 10%가 감소하면, 남서풍 계열의 바람에 의해 직접 영향을 받는 서울 수도권 지표면 평균 SO2 농도는 0.468 ppb (R=0.384), NO2는 1.050 ppb (R=0.572), PM10은 2.045 μg m−3 (R=0.343) 정도가 감소한다고 판단할 수 있다. 태안화력발전소의 경우, SO2, NO2, TSP 배출량을 각각 시간당 10% 씩 감축하면, SO2는 0.284 ppb (R=0.648), NO2는 0.842 ppb (R=0.683), PM10은 1.230 μg m−3 (R=0.575) 정도가 감소될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 태안화력발전소는 당진화력발전소에 비해 수도권지역 농도에 미치는 영향은 작았으나, 상관관계는 더 높았다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, real-time monitoring of air quality using a real-time mobile monitoring system was conducted to identify the emission characteristics and current status of air pollutants and odorous substances that are mainly generated in domestic dyeing industrial areas and to trace the pollutant sources. The concentration of toluene in the industrial area was detected up to 926.4 ppb, which was 3 to 4 times higher than that of other industrial areas. The concentration of methylethylketone was 124.7 ppb and the concentration of dichloromethane was 129.5 ppb. Acrolein concentration was highest at E point at 521.6 ppb, methanol concentration was highest at D point at 208.8 ppb, and acetone concentration was highest at M and N points at 549.3 ppb. The most frequently detected concentration of pollutants in the air quality monitoring results in the industrial area was, in descending order, toluene > methanol > acrolein > dichloromethane > acetone, which was similar to the chemical emissions used in the industrial area by the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data. The concentration of odorous substances measured in real time was compared with the concentration of minimum detection, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide was about 10 times higher than the concentration of minimum detection at A point, which was judged to be the main odorous cause of A point. In the future, if the real-time mobile measurement system is constructed to automatically connect wind direction/wind speed, PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) data and SEMS (Stack Emission Management System) data, etc., it was judged that more accurate monitoring could be performed.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The emission of odor, characterized by the combustion conditions and biomass types resulting from the use of a biomass incinerator, was analyzed. The following biomass types were considered: bark, board waste, sawdust, wood flour, wood fiver, wastewater sludge, and timber wastewater. As a study method, the physico-chemical characteristics of each biomass type were analyzed to predict the potential substances that might be emited under incomplete combustion conditions. And, the emission components of odor emission by biomass were analyzed at the laboratory level using a combustion device. In addition, the characteristics of the contaminant (odor) emission per mixture ratio of biomass were analyzed in a stoker incinerator that is in operation in an actual establishment at a scale of 300 ton/day. In the biomass emission experiment using the combustion device at the laboratory level, the major substances such as Acetic acid, Styrene, Toluene, Benzene, Dichloromethane, etc. were analyzed, and these components were determined to increase odor index. VOCs measurement in the outlet of the stoker incinerator indicated that Acetaldehyde, Ethanol, Acetonitrile, Ethyl acetate, Toluene, etc. were detected as the major substances. These were similar to the emission substances presented by the experiment that had investigated emissions by biomass type. A study on the Effect of Operational Conditions in biomass stocker incinerator on the concentration of odorous materials emitted from stack showed a close relationship between the input by biomass type and urea, temperature in the incinerator, and the tendency to emit/produce odor.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently many companies are interested in reduction of the carbon emissions associated with their supply chain activities such as transportation and operations. Operational decisions, such as modifications in order quantities could an effective way in reducing carbon emissions in the supply chain. Cap-and-trade regulation, sometimes called emissions trading, is a market-based tool to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Under cap-and-trade regulation, emission credits are allocated to the firms and the firms trades emissions under cap-and-trade schemes. In this paper, we propose a single-manufacturer single-buyer two-echelon supply chain problem under the cap-and-trade mechanism incorporating the carbon emissions caused by transportation and warehousing activities where a single manufacturer produces a family of items in order to deliver a family of items to a single buyer at a fixed interval of time for effective implementation of Just-In-Time (JIT) Purchasing. An integrated multi-product lot-splitting model of facilitating multiple shipments in small lots between buyer and manufacturer is developed in a JIT Purchasing environment. Also, an iterative heuristic algorithm is developed to derive the common order interval, the number of intervals for each product and the number of shipments between the buyer and the manufacturer during the common interval. A numerical example is given to illustrate the savings in reduction of total cost and carbon emissions by the inventory model incorporating cap-and-trade mechanism compared to the classical inventory model. The proposed inventory model could be useful for the practical solution of two-echelon supply chain inventory problem under cap-and-trade mechanism.