
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 210

        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thepurposeofthisstudy isto examinetheproblemsofmiscommunication in military organizationsand to suggest some ways in educating military personnel for better communication.Indoingthis,thepresenceofthebarrierandobstaclesin the military communication was closely examined and diagnosed in various ways: how the communicative obstacles affect the flow of information in the military and how each dimension of obstacles is associated with various identities of military personnelsuch as rank, gender,and age.The results reveal three factors in communication problems:first,thebarriersofinformationflow incommunicationprocess; second,the conflictdue to the complex identities ofmilitary members; third,the changes in attitude ofthe communication participants.Along with these findings, suggestions for some directions of effective communication education in military organization arealsodiscussed.The communicationeducationpolicymustconsidertheaspectsofmilitary job specificationsandpriorityofmiddle-gradeoffices,Itshouldbenotedthat continuing education is also important to deliver correctness, appropriateness,andeffectivenessofcommunication
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 청소년의 부모자녀 의사소통이 그들의 인터넷게임 중독에 어느 정도 영향을 끼치는가를 알아보고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 제시된 구체적인 문제들에 대한 이론적 배경은 문헌자료에 대한 내용분석을 하였고, 실증분석은 설문지로 수집된 자료에 대하여 빈도분석(frequencies), 요인분석(factor analysis), 신뢰도(reliability), 그리고 단계적 회귀분석(hierarchial regression)을 적용하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하여 제시하면 다음과 같다. 즉, 부모-자녀(청소년)간 의사소통이 수용적일수록 청소년의 인터넷 중독에 낮게 하는데 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 부모-자녀간 의사소통의 하위변수인 대화수용성과 배려성은 높을수록 청소년의 인터넷 중독은 더 낮아진다고 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 성별, 인터넷 이용시간, 그리고 부모와의 대화시간을 통제변수로 하여 변수간 관계를 분석한 결과는 대화수용성이 높을수록 청소년의 인터넷게임 중독은 더 낮아진다고 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 통하여, 청소년이 지각하는 부모-자녀간 의사소통을 활발하게 하는 것이 청소년의 인터넷게임 중독을 예방하거나 감소시키는데 기여할 수 있음을 알 수 있다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to analyse the performance and the mechanisms of workers' participation and communications in industrial accident prevention activities leading to the reduction of industrial accidents. This study also aimed to find out the causal relationship influencing the promotion of prevention activities of industrial accidents. Of the manufacturing businesses with more than 5 workers as the population of the survey, a questionnaire was conducted with 2,500 workspaces chosen by stratified sampling. Out of 2500 workspaces, 971 workspaces equipped with industrial safety and health committee were analysed in this study. According to the results of this study, the primary influential factors on safety activities were the management of industrial accidents and the cooperations between supervisors and workers on site. The secondary influential factor was the establishment of industrial safety and health committee. Regarding the effectiveness of industrial accident reduction, -0.01 was shown by workplace safety activities by themselves and -0.09 was shown by participation and communications through indirect safety activities. This indicated workers' participation and communications play an important role in the reduction of industrial accidents. By discovering the clue to the mechanism of the workers' participation and communications, this study is expected to stimulate the reduction of industrial accidents by emphasizing the importance of workers' participation and communications in resolving the safety and health problem in the workplaces.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, Advertisement affects the daily consumption life of consumers because of the features and advantages of advertisement. In particular, and so does the TV advertisement. Therefore, customer education is required for the consumers so that they can lead a rational consumption through TV advertisement quality. In addition, with the introduction of the many new-born distribution channels, the recent market environment in apparel industry is changing, and the service and image of store types consumers can choose are increasing. The purpose of this research is to offer basic data which can help consumers to acquire necessary information and conduct rational consumption through TV advertisement. Also purchasing behavior of consumers communicate, feels of consumers about store image, TV advertisement quality of what is the attitude of the relative influence presents.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Main theme of this paper is the evaluation of the historical significance of Luciano Baldessari's exhibition works mainly during the Fifties. In order to understand the formal and logical basis of those project, his relationship with the historical Avant-gardes and the consequences expressed in his pavilion projects for the Breda Industrial Company are analyzed. The first part focuses on the influence of Italian Futurism, German Expressionism and Italian Rationalism on the formation and experience of Baldessari during the interwar years. The encounter with these movements determine the interest but also the principles along which Baldessari represents his idea of object, space and place. Specially his professional activities during Fascism would determine his attitude toward political power and the necessity of autonomy in artistic sphere. In the second part, different themes that Baldessari affronted in each project of Breda Pavilions is analyzed. Another important issue regard the historiography of the contemporary architecture. Often, many important works that lies in the threshold of the disciplines such as painting and sculpture and media art were excluded in the history of architecture just because they do not deal with the architectural object. Recently, many elements such as theatrical project and temporary objects are considered as part of urban reality and architecture with acknowledgment of their capacity to create event and situations. Along this thought, not just the reconfiguration on the territory of architecture in present but also the criterion to evaluate the past history of architecture is changing drastically. This study on the pavilions of Baldessari intends to contribute indirectly on the current issue of dominion of architecture, but also to evaluate objectively recent architecture. Consequently, architectural protagonists such as Baldessari and their ephemeral projects would be evaluated compressively in their multiplicity of significance.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산 신항과 낙동강 하구역의 접점인 연결잔교를 통해 소통되는 해수수송 특성을 파악하기 위해 수치모형실험을 통해 대상해역의 해수유동장을 재현하고 연결잔교 주변의 해저수심변화를 가지는 3가지 시나리오를 설정하여 각 시나리오별 연결잔교부를 통한 해수소통 변화를 예측하였다. 수치모의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 신항만 지역에 항내매몰로 수심이 저감된 경우(수심 10 m 가정)에는 약 0.7~18.4% 해수소통량이 저감되었다. 2) 해수소통을 위해 낙동강 하구역 지역에 수로준설(수심 5 m 가정)을 할 경우 약 3.5~21.9%의 해수소통량이 증가하였다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신항과 낙동강 하구역의 접점인 연결잔교를 통해 소통되는 해수의 수리적인 특성을 파악하기 위하여 연결잔교부에서 현장관측을 실시하고 두 해역간의 상호작용을 해석하고자 하였다. 현장조사 결과로서 연결잔교상의 최대 유속은 1차관측시 13.18 cm/sec, 2차관측시 30.80 cm/sec를 나타내었다. 해수소통량 계산결과는 1차 관측기간 동안 단위시간당 해수소통량은 184.71 m3/sce이고, 잔차해수소통량은 59.74 m3/sec로 신항만에서 낙동강 하구역 방향으로 유출되었다. 또한 2차 관측기간 동안 단위시간당 해수소통량은 331.15 m3/sec이고, 잔차해수소통량은 28.88 m3/sec로 낙동강 하구역에서 신항만 방향으로 유출되었다.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지속적인 도로 건설에도 불구하고 이용차량의 급증으로 인해 도로에서 발생하는 혼잡은 만성적인 수준에 도달했으며, 도로에서의 이동성 및 정시성 저하를 초래하는 등 심각한 교통문제를 유발하고 있다. 이러한 교통문제를 해결하기 위해서는 소통상태 추이 및 혼잡 징후 파악, 혼잡 원인 및 영향범위 분석 등을 통해 혼잡관리 방안을 수립 시행하는 일련의 과정이 필요한데, 이를 위해서는 교통상태를 모니터링 할 수 있는 지표의 개발이 가장 선행되어야 할 중요한 사항이다. 이러한 이유로 미국을 비롯한 여러 나라들에서는 다양한 형태의 혼잡판단기준 및 혼잡지표를 개발하여 왔다. 본 연구에서는 국내 실정에 부합하고 실효성 있는 교통소통관리를 위해 기존 혼잡지표들의 특징 및 국내 적용 가능성을 검토하여 향후 새로운 혼잡지표의 기능 및 요구사항 등에 대한 개발방향을 제시하였다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not ‘focus on form’ instructions can be applied to 7 year old children"s communication classes and how many uptakes are observed from each class. And if it works, what types of ‘focus on form’ will be observed and which types of ‘focus on form’ are most useful for learners" uptakes. This study observed 9 different kinds of ‘focus on form’ types and divided into two higher types: Reactive Focus on Form and Preemptive Focus on Form. From this study, there were 103 ‘focus on form’ episodes which were recorded in order to identify occasions where there was attention to linguistic form. After 98 times, learners’ uptakes were examined from 103 ‘focus on form’ episodes. Learner uptake was generally higher and successful, to a much greater extent than has been reported for ESL adult classrooms. Uptake was higher in ‘reactive focus on form’ than in ‘preemptive focus on form’, in teacher-initiated ‘focus on form’ than in student-initiated ‘focus on form’, and also higher when blended with reactive and preemptive focus on form. Having accomplished this research I conclude it is necessary when attempting to examine young learner uptakes during ‘focus on form’ instructions in a communication class, the teacher should plan to use the most effective types of focus on form ‘recast’ and teacher-initiated episodes as possible, rather than student-initiated episodes.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        MBL은 학생들에게 정확하고 효율적인 데이터 수집과 실시간 그래프를 제공함으로써 실험 시간을 단축시켜, 실험 결과에 대한 깊이 있는 토론을 가능하게 함으로 탐구의 본질적 특징인 의사소통과정을 강조한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과학 탐구와 탐구의 본질적 특징인 의사소통의 관점에서 중등학교 지구과학 MBL수업의 양상을 살펴보았다. 3개의 MBL수업을 녹화한 비디오 테잎을 주된 자료원으로 하였으며, 수업 녹화물과 전사본을 교실탐구 기본요소와 논의 요소틀을 이용하여 분석하였다. 교실탐구의 기본요소는 "문제제기", "증거수집", "설명형성", "과학지식과의 연결", "이론의 발표"의 5가지이다. 연구 결과로 첫째, 세 수업은 각 진행 단계별로 탐구 요소와 그 수준에서 유사한 양상을 보여주었다. 학생들은 교사 주도적 문제 제기로부터, 절차에 따른 증거 수집을 하고, 교사의 지도에 따라 설명을 형성하며, 특정 과학지식을 사용하도록 안내되었다. 하지만, 이론의 발표 요소는 1개의 수업에서만 관찰되었다. 둘째, 탐구의 본질적 측면으로서 논의적 의사소통은 매우 드물게 나타났다. 논의 과정을 포함한 담화 에피소드는 과학적 현상을 다루기보다 실험 과정이나 절차적 측면에 관해 이루어졌다 이론의 발표가 진행된 수업에서 1개의 에피소드만이 과학현상과 관련된 활발한 논의적 의사소통을 보여주었다. 결론적으로 MBL자료가 탐구의 본질적 특징인 의사소통을 강조한다 하더라도, 실제 수업에서 진정한 탐구의 모습을 구현하는 일은 쉽지 않다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 MBL수업에서 탐구 및 논의적 의사소통을 구현하기 위해서는 학생들에게 논의의 기회 제공과 더불어 논의를 유의미하게 개진할 수 있는 교사의 적절한 도움이 필요하다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of foreign language learning is to develop the communicative competence, it can be said that speakers might communicate their own ideas with each other according to the appropriate linguistic context and condition. Surely considering this ability is deeply related with culture, it has been focusing on the importance of learning culture. Language is part of a culture, so we have to accept naturally to program the teaching culture as a part of teaching language. Actually, such that thinking is apparently not proper. In other words, we need the education of the incorporating both culture and language. Currently, it has been growing the importance of teaching culture in Korean educational context influenced by the movement of teaching foreign language, as reflecting of that above, most of the textbooks published since 2000 have included the cultural content and materials specially with the emphasis on the communicative competence. After looking into the situation in teaching language of culture about such that textbooks, this study tries to present the educational way on the basis of the result of those facts. To do so, as the aspect of the communication in language teaching, this research intends to examine whether the cultural content in the textbooks has played a critical role in the real communicative situations where participants from the different culture and language will be able to communicate with one another effectively. This point of analysis depending on the criteria of the cultural content, the origin of culture, and the cultural activities is to distinguish three parts briefly, the pragmatical part, the area of cultural information and the learning of culture.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we discussed a methodology for education of German as a foreign language. In order to see how grammar and a function of communication should be linked, we investigated the way how grammar is dealt with in a chapter teaching “showing the way” as a communicational situation in 8 different highschool textbooks. To maximize the efficiency of teaching a specific grammar factor, we tried to establish which one should be linked to this communicational situation. Two conditions are necessary for this. Firstly, typical sentences for “showing the way” should be expressed by the grammar factor. Secondly, the grammar part associated with the expressions used for the communication situation should be more closely related to this one than any other communication situation. We concluded that the most efficient grammar factors that can be associated with the communication situation, “showing the way” are dative preposition and imperative, and that imperative can also be effectively associated with other communication situations such as “birthday and invitation”, and “health and treatment”.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop unit objectives in the view of application and systematic approach, reflecting the main features of the 7th curriculum revision which include process-oriented approach (POA). First, this study suggests that it is a better way to use the traditional objectives statements flexibly than not to use them. Next, objectives are stated mainly with contents and learner’s behaviors. But, this statement doesn't fully cover the features of POA. So, one alternative way is that content and behavior domains include the process-related factors characterized as procedure (or task) and learner-centeredness (or humanism). Finally, to suggest the factors of communicative unit objectives, all the objectives in recently and widely used course books are analyzed on the basis of Valette’s taxomony. In this analysis, it is known that content domain with language, socio-linguistics and communicative parts includes the factors such as fluency, authenticity, topic, activity, task, and behavior domain with cognitive and psycho- motor parts emphasizes and reflects creative expression and humanism (or affective factors).
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jin, Jae-Hee. 2004. Aspects of Teacher-centered Communication in Conversations between Teachers and Learners in the Korean Language Classroom. Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). This paper examines how and why asymmetrical relationships are constituted through verbal interactions between teachers and students in the Korean language classroom. According to van Dijk (1989), 'power' in institutions such as hospitals or classrooms is best conceptualized as ‘group power asymmetrical relations’ between groups. As is the case for institutional members, members of dominant groups may derive their individually exercised power from the overall power of the group to which they belong. Speakers often possess an institutional role and their conversations are backed by the power or authority of the institution. From this perspective, this paper examines how power is being exerted and assigned in conversations between teachers and students in the Korean classroom. First, this research examined if the turns at talk for the participants (teacher and students) were equally distributed. The results showed that the teacher took about 50% of the total turns at talk, which is about eight times as many turns taken by each student. This indicates that the flow of classroom conversation starts from the teacher, or in other words, is teacher-centered communication. Second, this research considered inequality that occurs during problem solving meaning negotiation. Research results also showed that in 165 negotiated exchanges, over 85% were initiated by the teacher, which underscores the extremely asymmetrical instigation of conversation in Korean language classrooms. Student deficiencies in fluency and initiation, teacher questioning methodology and dialogue guidance, the teacher's almost exclusive right to choose the topic, the excessive adaptation of students to the classroom environment as well as the nationality of students were all factors contributing to this phenomenon.
        2004.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to value the intercultural communicative competence model in English language assessment. As for intercultural communication, it becomes of utmost importance that (1) the inappropriateness of the conventional communicative competence models be demonstrated, and (2) altemative models from interculturally communicative needs be proposed and their use defended. Qualitative methodolgy and narrative inquiry are needed to make the assessment of intercultural communicative competence press forward in Korea.
        2004.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to enhance the effectiveness of students' learning behavior through teaching, it is necessary to investigate the differences between competent and less competent teachers' teaching practices. Furthermore, it is also important to examine various w