
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 384

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study mainly evaluate the aseismic performance of the existing intake tower structure, which is one of the national important infra structures, on the basis of the refined finite element (FE) analysis results. The realistic evaluation for structural damage was conducted by using the nonlinear material model that takes tension and compression strength of deteriorate concrete into consideration during FE modeling. In addition, not only tension crack but also compression crushing was analyzed by utilizing field contour functions provided in the program during nonlinear dynamic analyses when peak ground acceleration (PGA) occurred. After observing FE analysis results, it can be shown that the damage of the intake tower is the most likely to occur at the water level and the base support.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) and the Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale were used to assess balance function in patients with balance problem. These multidimensional clinical balance scales provide information about potential risk factors for falls. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the predictive properties of the PBS and FAB scales relative to fall risk in children with cerebral palsy (CP) using a receiver operating characteristic analysis. Methods: In total, 49 children with CP (boy=21, girl=28) who were diagnosed with level 1 or 2 according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System participated in this study. The PBS and FAB were performed, and verified cut-off score, sensitivity, specificity, and the area of under the curve (AUC). Results: In this study, the PBS scale was as a predictive measure of fall risk, but the FAB was not significant in children with CP. A cut-off score of 45.5 points provided optimal sensitivity of .90 and specificity of .69 on the PBS, and a cut-off score of 21.5 points provided optimal sensitivity of .90 and specificity of .62 on the FAB. Both scales showed moderately accurate of AUC with .79 and .76, respectively. Conclusion: The PBS is a useful screening tool for predicting fall risk in children with cerebral palsy, and those who score 45.5 or lower indicate a high risk for falls and are in need of balance intervention.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is about improvements to prevent the crack on welding parts of bleed air duct and vent tube in Advanced Trainer ECS owing to vibration. The configurations and the path of vent tube should be changed to prevent the crack. To assure the result of improvements, measured the status of each pressure condition attaching pressure censers on duct and vent tube. The result of life analysis shows that a crack does not happen on improved configuration while a crack initiates after 19th flight and thru cracking could happen after the 30th flight on previous configuration.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Uganda is a country blessed with the biggest number of mountain Gorillas in the whole world. These animals contribute at least 12% in revenue generation to the Tourism sector through tracking by both local and foreign tourists who pay for the tracking permits. However, Gorilla tracking is also a big challenge even in the presence of highly skilled and well-trained game rangers. Development and implementation of a secure Computer and Mobile based Gorilla Tracking (GT) system that uses GIS and GPS technologies would be the most ideal technology to use. Therefore, this study aimed to find out the critical factors that would affect the Behavioral Intention of the would-be users to successfully decide to use such GIS/GPS-GT system. We used the existing UTAUT model to integrate six factors such as Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Employee Peer Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Behavioral Intention and System Use. However, Infrastructure Availability and Non-Technical Facilitating Conditions were added to reflect Ugandan ICT context. This amended UTAUT model was used to carry out the survey. The questionnaire was emailed to 220 government employees in the fields of ICT, Tour and Travel, Environmental Groups officials and Farmers who garden near the game reserves. A total of 133 were obtained fully completed, whereas 127 were deemed usable thus yielding a response rate of 58%. The analysis results show that except for non-technical facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, peer influence, performance expectancy and infrastructure availability positively affects behavioral Intention to use GIS/GPS-GT. This indicates that people in Uganda don’t bother about regulations and rules in regard to using information system. As long as the system does what they want it to, anything else does not matter. As an employee in an organization is told to use a system by their supervisor, they have no objection to otherwise they risk losing their job. This implies that, supervisors have a great responsibility in the process of developing, implementing and using the system in Uganda.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        췌장 신경내분비종양은 다양한 임상 양상과 예후를 보이는 암종으로 기본적으로 근치적 절제술이 우선시되나, 진행성 또는 전이성 종양의 경우 내과적 약물 치료, 색전술, 국소소작 치료, 동위원소 방사선표적치료 등의 다양한 추가 치료가 필 요하다. WHO 2010 grade 1/2의 췌장 신경내분비종양은 5FU, streptozocin, doxorubicin, etoposide, dacarbazine (DTIC), temozolomide 등의 다양한 항암제치료를 사용할 수 있지만, 항암화학요법은 반응 기간이 짧고 다양한 부작용이 발생하는 문제점이 있기 때문에, 최근 everolimus와 sunitinib 등의 분자 표적치료제가 개발되어 사용되고 있다. 또한 과거에는 호르 몬 과분비 증상 조절을 위해 사용되었던 소마토스타틴 유도 체가 항종양 효과를 보이는 것으로 증명되어, 추후 신경내분 비종양의 일차 치료제로 효과가 기대되고 있다. Grade 3의 췌장 신경내분비암종의 경우는 etoposide/cisplatin 항암화학요법이 주로 사용되고, 그 외 oxalipatin/capecitabine, temozolo-mide 등의 다양한 약물 치료가 시도되고 있다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 노동법원 및 노동전문대학원 도입에 초점을 두고, 효율적· 효과적 노동분쟁 해결 및 체계적 노동전문가 양성에 실질적으로 기여할 수 있는 노동법원 및 노동전문대학원의 설립 필요성을 제시하고자 한다. 먼저 현행 일반법원의 문제점을 분석해보면, 일반법원의 판정적 해결제 도는 높은 비용, 오랜 처리기간, 복잡한 절차 측면에서 단점을 가지고 있 으며, 노동분쟁의 특수성·전문성을 반영하지 못하는 문제점이 있다. 또한 상대적 강자인 사용자가 복잡한 심금제도를 역이용하여 고의적으로 사건 을 지연시켜 근로자의 소송 포기를 유도하는 경우가 다수 발생하고 있다. 그리고 현행 노동전문가 양성제도의 문제점을 분석해보면, 우리나라의 경우 정부(고용노동부) 차원의 노동전문가 양성시스템이 부재한 상황 속 에서 노동전문가는 학계와 실무에서 자생적으로 양성된다. 즉 학계에서는 학문별 개별 입장에서만 접근하고 실무와 동떨어진 접근을 하게 되며, 실 무에서는 이론적 기반 없이 현장의 단체교섭권 및 단체행동권 중심으로 실무를 익힘에 따라 융합적·협력적 노동전문가로 양성되기 힘들다. 이에 노동분쟁 해결시스템의 경우 독일과 프랑스의 노동법원 제도를 비교고찰하였고, 노동전문가 양성시스템의 경우 중소기업청이 지원하는 대학원 제도(컨설팅대학원, 창업대학원)와 산업통상자원부가 지원하는 대학원 제도(기술경영전문대학원)를 비교고찰하였다. 그 결과, 다음과 같 은 국내 노동시스템 선진화 방안을 도출하였다. 첫째, 선진 노동분쟁 해결시스템 구축을 위해서는 노동법원 설립이 반드 시 필요하다. 그리고 노동법원은 1심에 한해 기능하며, 모든 노동분쟁을 관할하고, 근로자 측 및 사용자 측에서 선출된 명예법관(선출법관)이 노동 법원 판결에 참여하는 완전참심형 제도를 채택하고, 1심에 한하여 법원의 허가를 전제로 한 노동전문가의 소송대리를 허락하는 것을 제안한다. 둘째, 선진 노동전문가 양성을 위해서는 노동전문대학원 설립이 반드 시 필요하다. 그리고 노동전문대학원은 노무학 석·박사 학위과정의 3년 제 전문대학원으로 운영하고, 고용노동부가 운영예산 전체 또는 일부를 지원해주어야 하며, 5년의 협약기간을 채택하되 매년 철저한 성과평가를 실시하고, 노사관계 전문가 과정·명예법관 교육과정·노동소송 대리인 과정 등 다양한 노동관련 비학위 프로그램을 운영할 것을 제안한다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        혼합 간세포-담관암종은 조직학적 특성이 다양한 원발성 간암의 드문 형태이다. 혼합 간세포-담관암종의 근치적 치료 법은 수술적 절제가 유일하나, 진행성 혼합 간세포-담관암종의 치료에 대해서는 잘 정립되어 있지 않다. 저자들은 진행성 혼합 간세포-담관암종에서 선행항암화학요법을 시행 후 근치적 수술이 가능하였고, 수술 15개월 후까지 재발을 보이지 않은 증례를 보고하는 바이다.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 금융이해력 수준을 단계별로 나누어 금융이해력 수준에 따라 다양한 금 융자산을 보유하는데 영향을 주는 지 살펴보고 각 금융자산을 보유하는 데 금융이 해력 단계별 수준이 어떠한 영향력을 미치는지 분석하고자 하였다. 이러한 분석을 위하여 한국금융투자자보호재단이 실시한 2014 펀드 투자자 조사(Fund Investor Survey)자료를 통해 서울 및 6대 광역시와 수도권 신도시에 거주하는 만 25세 이 상 64세 이하 일반인 2,530명을 분석대상으로 하였다. 그 결과 기초 금융이해력 수준이 심화 금융이해력 수준에 비해 높게 나타났고, 기초 금융이해력 수준보다 심 화 금융이해력 수준이 다양한 금융자산을 보유하는데 영향을 주었으며 금융자산의 유형에 띠라 금융이해력 수준의 영향력이 다르게 나타남을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        수온 상승에 따른 조류 등 이취미 물질의 증가, 미량 유해물질의 검출로 인해 기존 여과 공정으로 시민들의 수질 기대조건을 충족할 수 없기 때문에 오존+활 성탄 등의 고도정수처리 공정의 도입이 활성화되었으며, 이미 대도시, 광역단위 에는 고도정수처리 공정 도입이 완료된 상황이다. 대부분의 국내 정수장의 여과 공정은 급속 모래여과 공정으로 구성되어 있으며, 10년간 막여과 공정이 등장하여 여과 공정에 따른 후단 오존+활성탄 공정에 미치는 영향을 파악하는 것이 필요하다고 판단되었다. 서울시 Y 정수장에 설치된 고도정수처리 파일럿 플랜트 를 활용하여 고도정수처리 공정에 모래여과수와 막여과수가 유입되었을 경우 수질 및 제거율의 변화와 활성탄 표면 변화를 관찰하였고 이를 통해 막여과 정수처리 공정 도입 필요성을 검토하였다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate to the practicing engineers, how to apply the advanced composite materials theory to the slab bridges. For general construction material used, there is certain theoretical limit in sizes. For super slab bridges construction, the reduction in panel weight is the first step to take in order to break such size limits. For a typical slab bridges panel, both concrete and advanced composite sandwich panels are considered. The concrete panel is treated as a special orthotropic plate. Advanced composite sandwich panels are considered as a self-weights less than one tenth of that of concrete panel, with deflections less than that of the concrete panel. This conclusion gives good guide line for design of the light weight of slab bridges.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The work presented in this report was a detailed comparative study of the electrochemical response exhibited by graphite anodes in Li-ion batteries having different physical features. A comprehensive morphological and physical characterization was carried out for these graphite samples via X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Later, the electrochemical performance was analyzed using galvanostatic charge/discharge testing and the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique for these graphite samples as negative electrode materials in battery operation. The results demonstrated that a material having a higher crystalline order exhibits enhanced electrochemical properties when evaluated in terms of rate-capability performance. All these materials were investigated at high C-rates ranging from 0.1C up to 10C. Such improved response was attributed to the crystalline morphology providing short layers, which facilitate rapid Li+ ions diffusivity and electron transport during the course of battery operation. The values obtained for the electrical conductivity of these graphite anodes support this possible explanation.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of filter/adsorber granular activated carbon (F/A GAC) were investigated by measuring various parameters, which include surface area, pore volume, abrasion number, floater, and water-soluble ash. The correlation between parameters was also evaluated. Moreover, rapid small-scale column test (RSSCT) was conducted for adsorption characteristics. Thirteen F/A GAC were tested, and the average values of abrasion number and water-soluble ash were 88.9 and 0.15%, respectively. F/A GAC with the larger external surface area and greater mesopore volume had the lower abrasion number, which indicated that it was worn out relatively easily. Water-soluble ash of coconut-based GAC (about 2.6%) was greater than that of coal-based GAC (less than 1%), and the pH of solution was increased with GAC, which had the higher water-soluble ash. On the other hand, floater of thirteen F/A GAC was divided as two groups, which one group had relatively higher floater (2.7~3.5%) and the other group had lower floater (approximately 0.5%). The results of RSSCT indicated that coconut-based GAC (i.e. relatively higher water-soluble ash) had less adsorption capacity. Moreover, adsorption capacity of coal-based GAC with larger surface area and greater mesopore volume was superior to others.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Background: The assessment tool developed in other countries should be translated into Korean language using rigorous methodological approaches in order to be used in Korea. Because these procedures are insufficient for establishing the cross-cultural and linguistic equivalence, the need for statistical methods is raised. The Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale was translated into Korean and the content validity was verified through the back translation method, but the reliability and validity have not yet been proven by statistical methods. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale (KFAB) by statistical methods in elderly people. Methods: A total of 97 elderly adults (39 males and 58 females) participated in this study. Internal consistency of the KFAB was measured using Cronbach’s alpha and an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess test-retest reliability between the two measurement sessions. Concurrent validity was measured by comparing the KFAB responses with the Korean version of the Berg Balance Scale (KBBS) using the Spearman correlation coefficient. Construct validity of the KFAB was measured using the exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the unidimensionality of the questionnaire. The significance level was set at α=.05. Results: The internal consistency of the KFAB was found be adequate with Cronbach’s alpha (.96), and test-retest reliability was excellent as evidenced by the high ICC (r=.996). Concurrent validity showed high correlation between the KFAB and KBBS (r=.89, p<.001). Construct validity was evaluated using exploratory factor analysis. The result from Bartlett test of sphericity was statistically significant (p<.001), and the value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was .93. Exploratory factor analysis revealed the existence of only one dominant factor that explained 76.43% of the variance. Conclusion: The KFAB is a reliable, valid and appropriate tool for measuring the balance functions in elderly people.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Rasch analysis estimates the probability that a respondent will endorse an item and select a particular rating for that item. It has the advantage of placing both the items and the person along a single ration scale and calibrates person ability and item difficulty onto an interval scale by logits. In addition, Rasch analysis is a useful tool for exploring the validity of questionnaires that have been developed using traditional methods. Therefore, it has been recommended as a method for developing and evaluating functional outcome measures. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the item fit, item difficulty, and rating scale of the Korean version of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale (KFAB) using Rasch analysis. Methods: Total 97 subjects (39 males and 58 females) with dwelling elderly adults were participated, but 3 people were excluded for misfit persons. Rasch analysis was then done by means of the Winsteps program to determine the item fit, item difficulty, rating scale, and reliability of the KFAB. Results: In this study, the ‘standing with feet together and eyes closed’, ‘two-footed jump’, ‘walk with head turns’, and ‘stand on foam, eyes closed’ items shown misfit statistics. The most difficult item was ‘stand on one leg’, whereas the easiest item was ‘turn in full circle’. The rating scale was acceptable with all criteria. Both item and person separation indices and reliability showed acceptable values. This would indicated that each domain covers a useful range of item difficulty that is appropriate for measuring a person with a wide range of functional ability. Conclusion: The KFAB has been proven reliable, valid and an appropriate tool with which to evaluate the balance of the elderly people.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 12펄스 정류기의 커패시터 중앙 DC버스에 개선된 보조전원장치를 설치하는 방법을 제안하였다. 11차 및 13차 고조파가 감소하는 이론적인 배경을 다루었으며 부하전류의 크기, 전원전압의 위상 및 크기, 커패시터 전압에 따라 개선된 보조전원의 파형 및 크기가 어떻게 제어되어야 하는지를 제시하였다. 기존의 구형파 보조전원장치를 적용한 경우는 전 영역에서 고조파 왜형률이 6~60[%]로 큰 편차를 보이지만 본 눈문에서 제안하는 개선된 보조전원장치를 적용한 경우 저 부하에서 고 부하에 이르는 전 영역에서 57~71[%] 라는 안정되고 뛰어난 고조파 왜형율 저감 효과를 보인다. 특히 10[%] 부하상태에서 기존방식은 고조파 왜형율 저감효과가 6[%]로 효과가 거의 없지만 제안된 방식은 71[%]라는 놀라운 저감성능을 보여주고 있다. 소프트웨어 PSIM을 활용하여 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통해 제안된 방식의 유효성을 입증하였다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to translate the Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) scale into Korean and to verify the content validity by utilizing a back-translation method with a view to assessing balance function and the risk of falling in a clinical research setting. This research was conducted in six steps. First, three Korean physical therapists translated the FAB scale into Korean. Second, two bilingual professors of physical therapy and a physical therapist evaluated translation conformity of Korean-translated FAB scale. In the third and fourth steps, twelve physical therapists evaluated the degree of translation comprehension, and a translator back-translated the Korean FAB scale into the original language. Fifth, a bilingual professor of physical therapy and two native speakers evaluated the technical and conceptual equivalence between the original and translation versions. In this process, inappropriate translated items were revised using recommended substitute words or sentences, and all items were evaluated on the basis of three points or more on a rating scale in terms of translation comprehension, and the technical and conceptual equivalence of the back-translation. In the sixth and last step, the translation verification committee completed the final Korean version. The above process indicated that the content validity of the Korean-translated FAB scale was established by means of systematic translation methods, and it can therefore be used to assess balance function and the risk of falls in a clinical research setting.