
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 873

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ti has received considerable attention for aerospace, vehicle, and semiconductor industry applications because of its acid-resistant nature, low density, and high mechanical strength. A common precursor used for preparing Ti materials is TiCl4. To prepare high-purity TiCl4, a process based on the removal of VOCl3 has been widely applied. However, VOCl3 removal by distillation and condensation is difficult because of the similar physical properties of TiCl4 and VOCl3. To circumvent this problem, in this study, we have developed a process for VOCl3 removal using Cu powder and mineral oil as purifying agents. The effects of reaction time and temperature, and ratio of purifying agents on the VOCl3 removal efficiency are investigated by chemical and structural measurements. Clear TiCl4 is obtained after the removal of VOCl3. Notably, complete removal of VOCl3 is achieved with 2.0 wt% of mineral oil. Moreover, the refined TiCl4 is used as a precursor for the synthesis of Ti powder. Ti powder is fabricated by a thermal reduction process at 1,100oC using an H2-Ar gas mixture. The average size of the Ti powder particles is in the range of 1-3 μm.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the early First Millennium AD, Vietnam imported Chinese language and culture, which had a lasting influence ever since. Chinese influence on Vietnamese written and spoken language is notable in particular. Despite this, due to the fact the two languages belong to two distinct families and differences in the number and structure of syllables available in each language, the borrowed Chinese language cannot transcribe all of Vietnamese personal and local names properly. This is the reason for the formation of the Nom script. From the 17th century onwards, Western missionaries used the Nom script for religious purposes, which led to the formation of the Latin-based Vietnamese alphabet. It would not be an overstatement to say that, 17th century Catholic documents written in Nom are of indispensable value to researchers who wish to study the history of the Vietnamese language and the Latin-based Vietnamese alphabet. Based on the materials from Kinh nhung le mua phuc sinh (Scriptures on Easter Rituals), this paper will focus on the Nom transcription of foreign Saints' names, which will show the differences in syllabic structure between Western languages (Portuguese and France) and Vietnamese, as well as give an overall idea of Nom transcribing rules.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 팽화스낵에 기능성 및 영양적으로 뛰어난 인삼의 활용도를 높이고자 각 조건별로 팽화스낵을 제조해 품질특성을 조사하였다. 수분함량(1, 4, 7, 10%)을 달리하여 pellet을 제조하고, 백미와 혼합한 뒤 팽화온도(180-220℃)를 달리하여 스낵을 제조하였다. 팽화스낵 제조 시, pellet의 수분함량과 팽화온도가 낮을수록 팽화가 잘 일어나지 않아 딱딱한 질감과 온전하지 않은 모양으로 제조되었다. 색도에서는 pellet의 수분함량과 팽화온도가 높을수록 명도, 적색도, 비체적은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었지만, 조직감에서는 감소하였다. 이에 따라 인삼을 이용한 팽화스낵 제조 시에는 적절한 수분함량과 팽화온도가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 이주와 난민에 관한 신학화 작업을 글로컬 교회들의 시급한 과제로 인식하고, 이에 대해 쏟아지고 있는 사회학적, 정치 문화적 접근을 넘어서서 타인의 자리에 쉽게 놓여 진 이민자들과 난민들에게 접근하기 위한 이주와 난민에 관한 선교 신학적 작업이다. 그루디 (Daniel G. Groody)1)가 이주와 난민 신학을 세우기 위해 다루는 극복해야 할 우리의 장벽들은 넷으로 구분되는데, 하나님의 형상 (Imago Dei), 하나님의 말씀(Verbum Dei), 하나님의 선교(Missio Dei), 하나님의 관점(Visio Dei)이며 이에 더해 필자는 사우어(Christof Sauer)가 다룬 하나님의 긍휼(Compassio Dei)이란 관점을 제시했다. ‘이주와 난민 신학’의 다섯 가지 관점은 메타포(Metaphor)로 서 환대적 선교의 실천을 해나가는데 있어서 특별히 한국 교회가 ‘하나 님의 선교적 차원에서 ’선교적 교회’의 모델을 세우는 데에도 도움이 될 것으로 보인다. 최근 교회들의 중대한 과제로 인식되는 디아스포라 선교적 틀이, 다문화 사회로 진입한 한국사회 안에서 교회들의 목회적 관심의 실천 안에서 뿐 아니라, 이민자와 난민들을 품고 껴안을 수 있는 21세기 상황에 적합하고, 응답적인 ‘신학적 논의’ 안에서 더욱 꽃필 것을 기대한다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the foreign direct investment (FDI) of Republic of Korean enterprises in China’s Shaanxi province has increased rapidly, which drives the trade growth between Shaanxi and Republic of Korea and makes South Korea the largest trading partner of Shaanxi province. There are many researches on this economic phenomenon, but few people focus on the promotion of Republic of Korean direct investment on Korean Language talent education in colleges and universities in this region. This study takes Shaanxi Baoji University of Arts and Sciences as the case, adopts case analysis method, and points out the promotion effect of direct investment of Republic of Korean enterprises (FDI) on the education of Korean language talents in colleges and universities through the research on the development of second foreign language teaching, international exchange, faculty reserve and foreign student education in this university. At the same time, combined with the theoretical basis of linguistic economics and research results, this paper reveals the internal mechanism of FDI and language talent education, which has certain practical guiding significance to the policy makers for the language policy making and to the language learners for promoting their learning motivations.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Yangliping TECH”is known as “the first public company of performing arts industry in new third board stick market”, Yang liping is the most eye-catching golden signboard. Although the stock market brief mentioned that the company's main source of revenue is the imaging series of commercial products, and its boutique hotel operation and other industrial chains. But we also know that the biggest risk for public companies is over-reliance on “Yang liping's personal brand”. At present, it seems that Yang liping company is in a good rising period in China's performing arts market and new three board stock market, and its development space is still large. We don't know how far it will go. If Yang liping company can develop in a scientific and sustainable way, it is bound to explore an effective market operation mechanism. This is what China's performing arts industry should learn from.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        곤충병원선충인 Steinernema longicaudum에 공생하는 Xenorhabdus ehlersii KSY 세균은 나방류에 대한 높은 병원력을 발휘한다. 본 연구에서 이 세균의 병원력이 아이코사노이드 생합성을 억제하여 기주 곤충의 면역 저하를 유발한다는 것을 확인하였다. 그러나 이 세균의 병원력은 혈강 주입에 의해 야기된다. 섭식을 통해 이 세균을 혈강으로 전달하기 위해 곤충의 중장벽을 파괴하여 병원력을 발휘하는 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)와 혼합하여 처리하였다. 배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella) 유충에 대해서 X. ehlersii 세균 배양액의 혼합 처리는 Bt 살충력을 현격하게 증가시켰다. 이러한 살충효과는 또 다른 나비목 해충인 콩명나방에 대해서도 확인되었다. 제형화를 위해 X. ehlersii 세균 배양액을 동결건조하여 Bt 수 화제와 혼합하였다. 이를 기반으로 간이 포장실험을 수행하였다. Bt 단독으로 처리한 결과 약 80%의 방제 효과를 보인 반면 X. ehlersii 혼합제는 95% 이상의 방제효과를 나타냈다. 본 연구는 곤충병원세균 X. ehlersii가 새로운 해충 방제제로 개발될 가능성을 제시하고 있다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tandem learning is a learning model actively used in the field of foreign language learning. Through interaction and mutual assistance between language partners, it is possible not only to learn independently and improve the level of target language, but also to conduct cross-cultural communication and understand foreign cultures.Generally speaking, there are two types of Tandem learning methods: Tandem learning through classroom management;The other is the out-of-class language partner learning activities organized by learners in both countries.This research is the second type of Tandem learning, in which teachers help to make connections between Chinese students in the accounting department and Korean students in the Chinese language department, and combine idioms to make mutual learning outside the normal classroom learning.Due to the lack of classroom management and constraints, as well as the low level of target language of both partners, some problems occurred in the process of activities.How to solve these problems so that the language partner activities can be carried out effectively, this study explored several solutions, and tested the effectiveness of the solutions through the end-of-term questionnaire survey.It is hoped that such a shallow study can serve as a starting point for more teachers and researchers to explore the out-of-class Tandem learning model so that more foreign language learners can benefit from Tandem learning.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the most commonly used Chinese character dictionary in Korea, Korea's the Chinese-Korean Dictionary was originally revised from the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary(1964) and retained Chinese characters from ancient times to around 1950. Since the initial edition of 1973, the dictionary has been reprinted several times and has not been revised. In view of the deletion of some worthwhile Chinese characters in the Chinese-Korean Dictionary on the basis of the Large Chinese-Korean Dictionary, or the inappropriate deletion of some entries, and the many imperfections in the compilation style, such as the lack of illustrations, Chinese phonetic notes and Chinese annotations, etc., this paper holds that the Chinese-Korean Dictionary should be revised and properly included and deleted. In addition to the valuable Chinese characters, and improve the compilation style, so that it is more detailed, more convenient for readers to use. At the same time, in order to overcome the limitations of paper dictionary, expand its capacity, update entries in time, and make it easy for readers to carry, it is necessary to launch the Internet dictionary of the Chinese-Korean Dictionary.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a bilingual dictionary, Danan Guoyu reflects the difference and integration of Chinese and Vietnamese besides double characters. It adopts a clustering mode to classify the vocabulary. It consists of three types: the same function with the same form; different functions with the same form; new words constructions by conversion. On interpretation, it takes the form of semantic associations, translations from Chinese, and quotations from Chinese classics. The bilingual dictionary records the appearance of Chinese vocabulary in Vietnam and the creation of Vietnamese. It presents the differences and collisions between the two cultures and has multiple academic and practical significances such as lexicology, lexicography and philology.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정삼투 공정에 유용한 유도용질로서 diethyl malonate를 사용한 citrate 계열의 유기 화합물을 합성하였다. 최종적으로 얻은 potassium pentane-1,3,3,5-tetracarboxylate는 1H-NMR과 13C-NMR을 통하여 확인하였다. 유도용질의 물성을 확인 하기 위해 삼투압, 용해도, 수투과도, 역염 투과도를 측정하였다. 합성한 유도용액을 사용하여 정삼투 공정을 진행한 결과, 동일한 citrate 계열인 trisodium citrate 및 tripotassium citrate보다 높은 수투과량을 나타내었으며 염의 역확산 정도는 NaCl에 비하여 매우 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 합성된 유도용질의 삼투압은 NaCl보다 약 25% 낮았으나 물에 대한 용해도는 NaCl의 8.8 배인 317 g/100 g water의 값을 나타내었다. 정삼투 종료 후 유도용질의 회수를 위해 상용화된 나노여과막을 사용하였고, 낮은 압력에서 효율적으로 회수가 가능하였다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since Xu Xuan revised Shuowen and supplemented it with “Newly Appended Characters”, the study on it has become an important part of the Shuowen studies. There are three main viewpoints developed in later generations on how to understand “Newly Appended Characters”. First, totally negative one, such as Qian Daxin. The second is that “Newly Appended Characters” is based on the orthographic Characters since the Tang Dynasty, such as Wang Mingsheng. Last, it is believed that it is inherent in Shuowen before the Tang Dynasty, such as Yan Kejun. In this paper, a textual research of 52 newly appended characters has been taken by both using the data of Shuowen cited in Huilin Yinyi慧琳音義 and combining it with the previous literature. It is speculated that one of the 402 newly appended characters of Xu Xuan’s gain is originally owned by the ancient version of Shuowen.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 목적은 『켈트족의 여명』에 사용된 이중서사기법이 에세이와 스토리, 두 장르를 결합하는 한편 시인의 반자아의 마스크로서 기능하는 점을 살펴보는 것이다. 『켈트족의 여명』은 아일랜드의 민담을 정확하고 솔직하게 편집하고자 한 예이츠의 독특하고도 창의적인 시도이다. 상상력을 사용하지 않았다는 그의 주장에도 불구하고 『켈트족의 여명』은 보편적인 상상력과 개인적인 상상력으로 가득한 책이다. 그것의 내러티브는, 예이츠가 전통 및 동시대의 작가들로부터 배워온 고도로 정교한 마스크를 통해 이루어지고 있다. 과거에 상실한 존재의 통합을 복원하는 것이 예이츠의 담대한 목적이었는데 비록 상업주의가 지배하는 세계에서 필연적으로 실패할 운명이라 해도 그는 결코 초월적 비전과 이를 향한 수단으로서 예술에 대한 신뢰를 포기한 적이 없었다. 통합을 상실한 시대의 반자아를 대변하는 서사적 마스크가 본질적으로 모순적이듯 시인의 상상력과 믿음 그리고 꿈 또한 모순적일 수밖에 없는 현실에서 예술만이 희망임을 그는 너무도 잘 알고 있었기 때문이다.