
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 229

        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        특수재난(special disaster)은 CBRN(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear)과 같은 극한 환경에서의 재난을 비롯하여 대심도 터널, 초고층 건축물 등에서의 화재와 같은 대형 재앙으로의 확산 위험성이 매우 높은 재난을 의미한다. 일반적으로 재난의 규모가 매우 크다는 점과 피해의 확산이 매우 빠르다는 특징을 지닌다. 또한 지구의 환경변화와 더불어 미래에 닥쳐올 예측하기 힘든 재난까지 포괄하고 있다. 특히 2011년 일본의 후쿠시마 원전사고를 계기로 대규모의 복합적인 특수재난에 대응할 수 있는 기술개발의 필요성이 대두되면서 국민안전처(구.소방방재청)에서는 2012년부터 5년간 290억을 투자하여 미래 환경변화로 인한 재난에 대응하기 위한 특수재난현장긴급대응기술개발사업(이하 특수재난사업)을 시작하였다. 2012년 4개의 과제가 시작되었고, 2014년에 2개의 신규과제가 선정되어 현재 6개의 연구과제가 수행되고 있으며, 참여기관은 주관, 협동, 위탁을 모두 포함하여 총 30개 기관(대학, 기업, 연구소)이 연구를 진행하고 있다.(연구과제 현황 아래 표 참조) 특수재난사업은 사업의 목적에 맞춰 소방분야와 IT, 로봇, 기계, 전자 분야와의 융복합이 가장 많이 시도되고 있는 사업이라는 차별성을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있으며, 또한 국민안전처의 R&D사업 중 연간 총 사업비의 증가율이 평균 50%을 상외하는 증가율을 가지고 투자되고 있어 많은 성장가능성을 지니고 있으며, 국민의 소득 수준이 상승할수록 안전에 대한 요구는 높아질 것으로 예상되어 미래의 환경변화를 고려한다면 가장 투자가 많이 되어야 할 사업이라는 인식이 증가하고 있어 사업비도 가파르게 증가하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이러한 특수재난에 대비하는 목적에서 볼 때 본 특수재난사업은 긴급으로 대응할 수 있는 기술개발에 중점을 두고 있지만 예방, 대비, 복구까지 고려한다면 향후 단계별로 더 많은 예산을 투입하여야 특수재난에 대응하는 선도국으로의 진입이라는 사업의 목표를 달성할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to develop survey tools for diagnosis of capacity levels in business promotion of rural residents when performing a rural development project of a regional unit. The cases of previous studies were analyzed to select community capacity indicators related to a rural development project. Five indicators were derived : social capital, consciousness of participation, community spirit, and leadership. Based on the five indicators, measurement items of various capacities were selected and 54 survey items were selected through evaluation of experts twice. The pilot tests were conducted and targeted at Jeonnam song ho-jung village and Gyeongnam Haegeumgang village to identify derived survey items. In addition, descriptive statistic analysis and reliability analysis were conducted. As a result, survey items were corrected by reducing 10 items of the total 54 items. This results showed that using this tool could help us understand capacity levels of rural residents.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the affecting factors-construction of collaborative planning process and effect on Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project. To this end, targeting the 36 districts which were selected for 2004 Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project and completed their 2010 5-year projects, components of collaborative planning process and planning effect will be drawn and the affecting factors-construction of collaborative planning and effect on Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project will be analyzed below. According to the results of this study, the affecting factors of collaborative planning process of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project on planning effect, The level of effect of individual component on endogenous variable appeared greatest mostly in the upper groups. In terms of the level of individual component effect, social learning process and interaction among participants affected greatest. The process of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project is evaluated that it reflected collaborative planning theory of Healey enough. Therefore, in the course of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project progress, collaborative planning model must pass social learning process and interaction among participants which are the most important components out of collaborative planning process as we saw in the upper groups. And in order to maximize the performance and results of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project, the following sequential affecting factors model as Figure 7 must be suggested as optimal collaborative planning models of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project. Based on the results of the study, the policy implication was drawn as follows. First, systematic supplementations in the form of a consultative body are required to perform Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project efficiently. Second, network needs to be built among different participants in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project process. Third, systematic mechanism is required to improve social learning among different participants. Fourth, systematic rearrangement is required to guarantee the residents' realistic participation in the course of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project process.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Self-sufficiency rate of food in South Korea is almost at the lowest level among OECD countries, and the decrease tend of farmland is expected to be continued. In this situation, Korea experienced a rapid change in the international price of grain due to changes in amount of grain production and food weaponization. It also started to reinforce the appropriateness of maintenance of farmland above certain standard. As one of policy means for this situation, this study selected "the use of idle farmland" as a subject, and started to consider the way to suggest the policy projects using idle farmland. The result of this study is summarized as follows. Firstly, this study defined the meaning of idle farmland, and set up the scope of idle farmland needed to this study. Secondly, this study analyzed the domestic major policy projects with prevention function of idle farmland as well as the policy projects related to idle farmland. It also investigated "recycling measures of idle farmland" that is recently promoted in Japan, and deducted the direction for developing a new model. Lastly, It suggested 9 policy project models that are finally able to use idle farmland. Suggested models are designed to access from various directions. This study suggested contents, entity, target and characteristics of projects in order to set up proper directions in promoting policy projects using idle farmland.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        재해가 발생하면 각국은 재해위험도저감 및 복원력 향상을 위해 복구 혹은 지역수요를 반영한 지속가능한 예방 사업을 수행한다. 이러한 대책들이 국가 혹은 지역에 적합하게 적용되었는지 또는 사업으로 인한 재해저감 효과가 있는지에 대한 모니터링 및 평가는 재난위험도관리에 있어 매우 중요하다. 현재 이를 위한 세부항목이나 프레임웍이 정립되지 않아 효율적인 평가가 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 사업의 재해저감 효과를 평가하고 효율적인 저감대책수립을 지원하기 위한 모니터링 및 평가 시스템을 개발한다. 국가단위 시스템 개발을 위하여 최근 6년(2007-2012) 동안의 글로벌 재해저감사업 내용과 사업에 따른 재해위험도 변화 등을 분석하여 지표항목들을 개발하였다. 지표의 객관성을 유지하기 위하여 수행목표와 유사한 항목은 지표에서 제외하였다. 효고행동계획에 반영된 성과나 기타 조사보고서에 반영된 성과는 성과지표로 반영하였다. 개발된 시스템의 적용성을 검토하기 위하여 2014-2016년 동안 수행된 캄보디아, 아이티, 과테말라, 말라위, 에티오피아, 이지부티, 스리랑카, 네팔 그리고 베트남 사업에 시스템을 적용하고 그 결과를 분석하였다.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has the natural assets resulting in UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, World Heritage Listed and World Geopark Certification, so the principle of 'Conservation First Development Later' has been set up for the vision of environmental policy to preserve these assets. This case study has been carried out to investigate the realization of the principle of 'Conservation First Development Later' for the development projects performed environmental impact assessment from 1994 to 2012 in Jeju Province, using geographic information systems(GIS). The Jeju Province has its own ordinance to consult and operate an environmental impact assessment(EIA) system. In particular, the conservation area, such as, Absolute/Relative Conservation Area and Underground Water, Ecosystem and View Conservation Zone, has been assigned and managed specially to conserve the natural environment. The 179 projects has been performed EIA for last 18 years in Jeju Province, and then the Absolute Conservation Area has been included in 22 projects and the Relative Conservation Area has been included in 34 projects. However, the 2 projects only have included the Absolute Conservation Area for 7 years after 2005. This result suggests that the application of the principle for the Absolute Conservation Area is strengthened gradually. On the other hand, the 17 projects and the 24 projects have included the Underground Water Conservation Zone assigned grade 1 and 2, respectively, and the number has been increasing after 2004. The results show that it needs to strengthen the application of the principle for this Zone. And the Ecosystem Conservation Zone assigned grade 1 and 2 have been included in 1 project and 9 projects, respectively. It is considered from this result that the principle is realized successfully for the Ecosystem Conservation Zone. In addition, it could be known that the principle is applied well for the View Conservation Zone, in this study.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has performed comparative analysis on benefit indicators in agricultural irrigation and drainage project cases between Korea and Japan. The irrigation and drainage project with publicity should do economic analysis of direct benefit factors as well as indirect benefit factors. However, traditional economic evaluations are used that benefit factors are lack of consistency and focused on direct benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop indicators for the economic evaluation of irrigation and drainage projects. We conducted a case study between Korea and Japan. The resulting benefit factors was divided into direct factors and indirect factors. The direct benefit factors were increase in income, cost savings. The indirect benefit factors were protection of property due to flooding, agricultural promotion, aesthetic improvement. The implications of this study are that the indicators of economic analysis can be evaluated and easily applied. Moreover, these indicators could promote the feasibility of economic analysis.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The existing standard cost of project management of empowerment sector in general rural development project has problems with standard cost system without considering characteristics of empowerment project and unclear division of works. These problems are a lot of trouble to fulfill the project. Thus, it needs an arrangement of standard cost considering detailed characteristics of project management in the empowerment sector. The contents and results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) To set accurate standard cost, we carried out three-step processes, such as elicitation of standard works, calculation of workload and determination of standard cost. (1) In an investigation of 30 rural area dividing 8 parts about an workload of empowerment project, an average workload is 1,499 hours. (2) Based on this results, the standard cost is calculated at 15% of project cost in over 600 million won, at 28.75% of project cost in under 500 million won, by standards of empowerment project cost. 2) It set the responsibility management cost to 15% of empowerment project cost considering existing awareness, workload and work professionalism of project management. Based on the results, It suggested the practical use as basis for efficient management of the future empowerment projects. To achieve this, It needs to promote maximizing results on the whole project through the legalization processes including amendment of existing regulations.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims at suggesting some measures to establish rural community development information system through ISP. A future model for rural community development information system was established by applying such 3-step ISP methodology as environment analysis, current status(AS-IS) analysis, future(To-Be) directions. As a result, with the vision of realizing comprehensive information service for rural development projects, rural development information system has established such goals as the assistance of project decision making through preparing rural development project data management system and acquiring evaluation efficiency, the preparation of spatial information utilization system, the utilization of objective GIS-based information through the increase of data management efficiency, the community activation and participatory rural development through rural spatial information portal service. In order to attain the goals, four strategical subject matters were derived. They are: 1) one-stop service subject matter for data management including pilot DB building for rural development projects, 2) rural information GIS service strengthening subject matter including DB building for rural development, O&M measures, 3) step-by-step DB building subject matter including the sharing of integrated information system for rural development, and 4) core value increase subject matter of spatial information data including the building of active service delivery system.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the number of aid projects for farming village has been increased, rural amenity is being emphasized. On the contrary, we have a shortfall in excavation and utilization of great resources due to the utilization limit for resources in each village and similarity with the resources from other areas. Thus, we're trying to investigate the ways to make effective use of excellent amenities for farming village development project. In this study, through the principal component analysis, we tried to extract the key factors from the selected areas and examine actual application case of resources. This study categorized the key resource into the big class such as development, farming, nature and experiencing and target areas were categorized into two main classes accordingly. The finding shows 5 example places selected as great areas are taking advantage of extracted excellent resources and 2 target areas are also utilizing enough of excellent resources of each area. Not only limit of used items, subjective view of researcher and resources of each area but also participatory intention of residents and management ways should be additionally considered for another study from now on.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A lot of rural development projects have been planned and implemented for revitalizing rural areas in South Korea. However, it is not easy to properly evaluate and quantitatively analyze project outcomes. For this reason only selected regions have been evaluated for rural projects by government agencies. In this study, we analyzed the purpose and the contents of the Rural Village Development Project (RVDP) and Green Tourism Village Project (GTVP) to find indicators for evaluating results of rural projects using logistic regression analysis. Outputs of this study show that RVDPs increase regional population and GTVPs positively affect the sales of agricultural products. We also estimated the spatial distribution of project effects through spatial autocorrelation analysis and local-spatial autocorrelation analysis. Results show that the Moran's I values for the proportion of farmers with avocational jobs, product sales changes, and population growth in Jeol-La province are positive and the biggest one is population growth. Especially, key areas of agricultural product sales are widely distributed.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study area is Cheonjang-ri, also called Alps village, making continuous profit after performing Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects. This study aims to determine the development process of activities about urban and rural interchange and its characteristics for making continuous profit by residents themselves. A focus on thinking about the process is necessary to make activities in order to achieve continuous profits in the underdeveloped rural village by residents themselves. As a result of this study, Alps village has developed new activities, improving problems which are encountered on the development process of activities. And, Alps village has developed new activities by linking them with previous activities. To improve problems, Alps village has made an effort by itself and cooperated with the subject, both inside and outside of the village. This way has been effective for increasing the number of visitors in village. Increasing the number of visitors in village has been effective in making a continuous profit. Also, continuing to make new activities in order to substitute previous activities including problems has been effective to increase profit.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has been performed with the purpose of making Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in which landscape characteristics in rural villages are reflected so that landscape in the medium to long term shall be established and managed. The issue that has been brought up is that procedures of Rural Landscape Plan and Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan have been focused on facilities. The study carries out resources survey in agriculture, daily life and history and culture to make Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in O-chon district. Through landscape evaluation map participated by local residents, landscape management areas which they can form and manage have been established. The study also suggests Projects and guidelines appropriate to management areas. The study has a different signification from the existing Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan which is fundamentally devoted to specific projects. The study shows Landscape Plan in the medium to long term and suggests guidelines available to be used by residents.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since 2004, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MIFAFF) has been carrying out comprehensive rural village development project as the core one of Rural Area Development Schemes in Korea. Up to now, 56 projects had been completed after having with 5-year plan implementation period, on which it is possible to try post-project evaluation works. This study aims to propose a rational income-generation works model of comprehensive rural village development project, based on fulfillment checking results of their statutory stepwise working procedures specified in the project guidelines and their interim/post project performance analysis results in 56 project areas above mentioned. In comprehensive rural village development project, income-generation works generally have both quantitative and qualitative effects to rural communities; the former is focussed on income increasement of villagers, while the latter on community revitalization through job creation and spill-over effects of other linked community activities. So, the research works of this study focussed on these two comprehensive effects above mentioned.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내 최초로 대규모 항만재개발이 추진되고 있는 부산북항재개발 사업에서도 항만도시의 경쟁력을 위해 국가차원에서의 경관계획을 반영하고 있으며, 해양도시 이미지 개선 및 가치향상의 과정에서 고유의 자연, 역사, 문화적 자원과 함께 각종시설, 건축물, 상징물, 생태녹지대의 상황과 특성에 맞는 경관조성에 노력을 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 부산의 경관의 특성을 분석하고, 부산시도시디자인계획(2010), 특히 색채계획과 해외의 경관색채계획의 사례조사를 수행하였다. 이를 통해 부산북항재개발 사업에서 색채계획을 반영한 경관조성방안을 다루었으며, 그 결과는 향후 다른 재개발사업에서 기초자료로 활용 할 수 있으리라 판단된다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study proposes a self-assessment model and its implementing procedure for the local industry promotion project, the purpose of which is to develop strategies for successful carrying-out of the project by diagnosing carrying capacities of its interested parties. The model, developed principally based on Eckes' Q×A=E Evaluation Model, was applied to 85 project-concerned persons which had been participated in the local industry promotion project from 2009 to 2011. Through the applicability test works of this model, its usefulness and importance for better implementation of the project was ascertained, especially to reflect cultural changes of project actors positively. The actors' recognition level of the project should be one of the critical factors for the successful implementation of the local industry promotion project. So, the higher understanding in the local industry promotion project, the more positive assessment in all respects of the project. Finally, it should be considered that the assessment results might differ for the same assessment standards from assessers' different perspectives.