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        검색결과 1,349

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The deep geologic repository (DGR) concept is widely accepted as the most feasible option for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels. In this concept, a series of engineered and natural barrier systems are combined to safely store spent nuclear fuel and to isolate it from the biosphere for a practically indefinite period of time. Due to the extremely long lifetime of the DGR, the performance of the DGR replies especially on the natural geologic barriers. Assessing the safety of the DGR is thus required to evaluate the impacts of a wide range of geological, hydrogeological, and physicochemical processes including rare geological events as well as present water cycles and deep groundwater flow systems. Due to the time scale and the complexity of the physicochemical processes and geologic media involved, the numerical models used for safety evaluation need to be comprehensive, robust, and efficient. This study describes the development of an accessible, transparent, and extensible integrated hydrologic models (IHM) which can be approved with confidence by the regulators as well as scientific community and thus suitable for current and future safety assessment of the DGR systems. The IHM under development can currently simulate overland flow, groundwater flow, near surface evapotranspiration in a modular manner. The IHM can also be considered as a framework as it can easily accommodate additional processes and requirements for the future as it is necessary. The IHM is capable of handling the atmospheric, land surface, and subsurface processes for simultaneously analyzing the regional groundwater driving force and deep subsurface flow, and repository scale safety features, providing an ultimate basis for seamless safety assessment in the DGR program. The applicability of the IHM to the DGR safety assessment is demonstrated using illustrative examples.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To obtain a license for a deep geological disposal repository for spent nuclear fuel, it is necessary to perform a safety assessment that quantifies the radiological impact on the environment and humans. One of the key steps in the safety assessment of a deep geological repository is the development of scenarios that describe how the repository evolves over the performance period and how events and processes affect performance. In the field of scenario development, demonstrating comprehensiveness is critical, which describes whether all factors that are expected to have a significant impact on the repository's performance have been considered. Mathematical proof of this is impossible. However, If the scenario development process is logical and systematic, it can support the claim that the scenario is comprehensive. Three primary approaches are being considered for scenario development: ‘Bottomup’, ‘Top-down’, and ‘Hybrid’. Hybrid approach provides a more systematic and structured process by considering both the FEPs (Features, Events, Processes) and safety functions utilized in the bottomup and top-down approaches. Many countries that develop recent scenarios prefer demonstrating scenario comprehensiveness using a hybrid approach. In this study, a systematic and structured scenario development process of a hybrid approach was formulated. Based on this, sub-scenarios were extracted that describe the phenomena occurring in the repository over the performance period, categorized by period. By integrating and screening the extracted sub-scenarios, a scenario describing the phenomena occurring over the entire period of disposal was developed.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, borated stainless steel (BSS) is used as a storage rack in spent fuel pools (SFP) to maintain the nuclear criticality of spent fuels. As the number of nuclear power plants and the corresponding amount of spent fuels increased, the density in SFP storage rack also increased. In this regard, maintaining subcriticality of spent nuclear fuels became an issue and BSS was selected as the structural material and neutron absorber for high density storage rack. Since it is difficult to replace the storage rack, corrosion resistance and neutron absorbency are required for long period. BSS is based on stainless steel 304 and is specified in the ASTM A887-89 standard depending on the boron concentration from 304B (0.20-0.29% B) to 304B7 (1.75-2.25% B). Due to the low solubility of boron in austenitic stainless steel, metallic borides such as (Fe, Cr) 2B are formed as a secondary phase. Metallic borides could cause Cr depletion near it, which could decrease the corrosion resistance of the material. In this paper, the long-term corrosion behavior of BSS and its oxide microstructures are investigated through accelerated corrosion experiment in simulated SFP conditions. Because the corrosion rate of austenitic stainless steel is known to be dependent on the Arrhenius equation, a function of temperature, the corrosion experiment is conducted by increasing the experimental temperature. Detail microstructural analysis is conducted using a scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer. After oxidation, a hematite structure oxide film is formed, and pitting corrosion occurs on the surface of specimens. Most of the pitting corrosion is found at the substrate surface because the corrosion resistance of the substrate, which has low Cr content, is relatively low. Also, the oxidation reaction of B in the secondary phase has the lowest Gibbs free energy compared to other elements. Furthermore, oxidation of Cr has low Gibbs free energy, which means that oxidation of B and Cr could be faster than other elements. Thus, the long-term corrosion might affect the boron content and the neutron absorption ability of the material. Using boron’s high cross-section for neutrons, the neutron absorption performance of BSS was evaluated through neutron transmission tests. The effect of the corrosion behavior of BSS on its neutron absorption performance was investigated. Samples simulated to undergo up to 60 years of degradation before corrosion through accelerated corrosion testing did not show significant changes in the neutron shielding ability before and after corrosion. This can be explained in relation to the corrosion behavior of BSS. Boron was only leached out from the secondary phase exposed on the surface, and this oxidized secondary phase corresponds to about 0.17% of the volume of the total secondary phase. This can be seen as a very small proportion compared to the total boron content and is not expected to have a significant impact on neutron absorption performance.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An important goal of dismantling process is the disassembling of a spent nuclear fuel assembly for the subsequent extraction process. In order to design the rod extractor and cutter, the major requirements were considered, and the modularization design was carried out considering remote operation and maintenance. In order to design the rod extractor and cutter, these systems were analyzed and designed, also the concept on the rod extraction and cutting were considered by using the solid works tool. The main module consists of five sub-modules, and the function of each is as follows. The clamping module is an assembly fixing module using a cylinder so that the nuclear fuel assembly can be fixed after being placed. The Pusher module pushes the fuel rods by 2 inches out of the assembly to grip the fuel rods. The extraction module extracts the fuel rods of the nuclear fuel assembly and moves them to the consolidation module. The consolidation module collects and consolidates the extracted fuel rods before moving them to the cutting device. And the support module is a base platform on which the modules of the main device can be placed. The modules of level 2 can be disassembled or assembled freely without mutual interference. For the design of fuel rods cutter, the following main requirements were considered. The fuel rod cut section should not be deformed for subsequent processing, and the horizontally mounted fuel rods must be cut at regular intervals. The cutter should have the provision for aligning with the fuel rod, and the feeder and transport clamp should be designed to transfer the fuel rods to the cutting area. The main module consists of 6 sub-modules, and function of each is as follows. The cutting module is a device that cuts the fuel rods to the appropriate depth for notching. The impacting module is a device that impacts the fuel rods and moves them to the collection module. The transfer module is a device that moves the fuel rods to the cutting module when the aligned fuel rods enter the clamp module. The clamping module is a device to clamp the fuel rods before moving them to the cutting module. The collection module is a container where the rod-cuts are collected, and the support module is a base platform on which the modules of the main device can be placed. The module of level 3 can be disassembled or assembled after the cutting module of level 2 is installed, and the modules of level 2 can be disassembled or assembled freely without mutual interference.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been operating the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) for spent fuel. The facility has pools and hot cells for handling and examining fuel assemblies and rods. In the first hot cell, non-destructive tests such as visual inspection, defect detection, oxide layer thickness measurement, and gamma scanning are performed on a full-length fuel rod. Then, the fuel rod is transported to the next hot cell for measuring the rod internal pressure (RIP). After the RIP measurement, the fuel rod is cut by a cutting machine to make samples for destructive tests. Currently, the existing cutting machine is broken, so a new machine needed to be designed and manufactured. The major considerations for designing the cutting machine were convenience of remote handling and decontamination. The machine was modularized and its handling parts were designed to be easily controlled by manipulators. The cover was designed to prevent radioactive contamination of the surrounding area.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korean MMTT project has been launched in order to clarify the vibration and shock loads under normal condition and transportation (NCT) in Korean geological and transportation conditions and to evaluate the integrity of SNF under such a transportation load. To evaluate the integrity of the SNF during normal land and sea transport tests, a representative SNF that represents the entirety of the different types of SNFs stored in the spent fuel pool of the power plant should be selected. And, it is necessary to make the test assembly to have a statically and dynamically similar behavior with the actual SNF. Therefore, in this project, we selected two types of fuel assembly that are expected to exhibit relatively conservative behavior under NCT, and these assemblies are being fabricated into surrogate test assemblies to have a similar characteristic as actual SNF based on the accumulated data from the poolside examination and the hot cell test so far. Tests were conducted for NCT conditions. In addition, a fatigue test was performed to integrity of the nuclear fuel rods under NCT conditions. Nuclear fuel assemblies are transported while being laid inside the cask under NCT, and are exposed to external shocks and vibrations. At this time, the fuel rod between the grid and grid is exposed to bending motion by this external force. For this simulation, a fixture was developed and used for static bending tests and bending fatigue tests. To simulate spent nuclear fuel rod specimens, hydrogen reorientation Zry-4 cladding was used and simulated pellets made of stainless steel were applied. And also, it was bonded using epoxy to give bonding conditions between the inside and the pellet. As a result of the test, cracks occurred due to the concentrated load between the pellets, resulting in damage to the fuel rod. The fatigue results showed a similar trend compared to the results performed by ORNL, and the lower bound fatigue curve presented by NUREG-2224 was also satisfactory.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When the recycling technology of spent nuclear fuels (SNF) for future nuclear reactor systems and the treatment technology of SNF for disposing of in a disposal site use a molten salt such as LiCl-KCl eutectic as a processing medium one of the essential unit processes is a distillation process that remove the salt component mixed with fission products recovered. Especially, in case of Pyro-SFR recycling system the recovered nuclear fuel materials such as U, TRU and some of rare earths come from main three processes (electro-refining, electro-winning, and drawdown processes) for recycling of SNF. These recovered fuel materials contain large portion of molten salt or liquid cadmium which requires removal of them by distillation. In spent nuclear fuels discharged from PWR the portion of composing element is as follows. Uranium is about 95%, other actinides such as transuranic elements (TRU; Np, Pu, Am, Cm) is about 1%, the rare earths (lanthanides) is about 1%, and the other elements is about 3%. For example, americium (Am) in the recovered fuel materials has a problem that the reported loss of Am inevitably occurs during the vacuum salt distillation operation. A new segregation method of AMM (actinide metal mixture)–salt system is based on the difference in melting point of the actinide elements. It is possible to apply this segregation method to recovering other actinides from AMM with accompanied salt because of relatively large amount and lower melting point of a specific element in other actinides avoiding vacuum salt distillation. This new segregation method successfully tested using a surrogate element such as aluminum due to its similar melting point with a specific element. The segregation principle is solid-liquid separation, thus the solidified actinides mixture ingot can take out of a molten salt medium.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The burnup of spent fuel is one of the important management items that must be managed before storing the fuel in dry storage facilities, as well as for transportation and disposal in the future. Currently, the burnup of spent fuel is managed by calculating the design burnup at the time of design and measuring the real burnup using in-reactor measurement devices. Furthermore, to ensure the reliability of such data, the burnup of spent fuel can be measured using burnup measurement equipment to compare and analyze the data. In fact, KHNP is measuring the burnup of spent fuel using the burnup measurement equipment (SICOM-NG-FA) developed by ENUSA in Spain. The burnup measurement equipment analyzes the axial burnup profile of spent fuel using gamma and neutron detectors. Burnup measurement is performed by moving the spent fuel up and down inside the measurement equipment and measuring the burnup of the fuel surface facing the gamma and neutron detectors. This paper aims to compare the results of measuring the burnup of spent fuel on two sides versus four sides using the burnup measurement equipment.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, radioactivity of Cs-134, Cs-137, and Eu-154, which are gamma-emitting nuclides among fission products of spent fuel, was analyzed as a tool to measure the burnup of spent fuel nondestructively. This nuclide has a unique gamma-ray energy, allowing the amount of the isotope to be estimated based on the intensity of the gamma-ray at a specific energy. The SCALE 6.2 ORIGAMI (ORIGen AsseMbly Isotopics) module and the latest ORIGEN-arp library were used for computational analysis. The spent fuel samples were selected as WH14×14 with an enrichment of 1.5~5.0wt%, a burnup of 10~60 GWD/MTU, and a cooling time of 0~40 years. The analysis results were benchmarked using SFCOMPO experimental data provided by OECD/ NEA, including isotope inventory and uncertainty measured by destructive radiochemical analysis, fuel assembly design data required for benchmark model development, reactor design information, and operating history information. 16 similar spent fuels were selected from SFCOMPO data and the calculation results of Cs-134, Cs-137, and Eu-154 were compared. The average error of the Cs-134 radioactivity calculation result was 2.81%, and the maximum error was 6.70%. The average errors of Cs-137 and Eu-154 were 2.42% and 4.95%, respectively, and the maximum errors were 5.40% and 14.91%, respectively.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As regulations on carbon emissions increase, the interest in renewable energy is also increasing. However, the efficiency of renewable energy generation is highly low and has limitations in replacing existing energy consumption. In terms of this view, nuclear power generation is highlighted because it has the advantage of not emitting carbon. And accordingly, the amount of spent nuclear fuel is going to increase naturally in the future. Therefore, it will be important to obtain the reliability of containers for transporting safely and storing spent nuclear fuel. In this study, a method for verifying the integrity and airtightness of a metal cask for the safe transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel was studied. Non-destructive testing, thermal stability, leakage stability, and neutron shielding were demonstrated, and as a result, suitable quality for loading spent nuclear fuel could be obtained. Furthermore, it is meaningful in that it has secured manufacturing technology that can be directly applied to industrial field by verifying actual products.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigates the behavior of the thermal conductivity among material properties in order to develop a thermal evaluation methodology of spent fuel assembles in a transport cask. It is inefficient to model each element of the spent fuel assembly in detail, and it is generally calculated by modeling the effective thermal conductivity (ETC). The ETC model was developed to allow a much simpler representation of a spent fuel assembly within a fuel compartment by treating the entire spent fuel rod array and the surrounding fill gas within the confines of the compartment as a homogenous solid material. The fuel rod assembly and surrounding gas are modeled with an effective conductivity that is designed to yield an overall conduction heat transfer rate that is equivalent to the combined effect of local conduction and radiation heat transfer in a plane through the assembly. When this model is applied to the transport cask, it tends to predict the cladding peak temperature lower than the results of detailed model in which the fuel rod arrangement and shape of the fuel assembly are simulated. As for the tendency of the error, the model tended to under-predict when basket temperature was lower than a certain temperature, and over-predict when it was higher. The purpose of this study is to investigate the attenuation effect of the cladding peak temperature on the related variables when the ETC model is applied to the transport cask. In addition, based on the thermal characteristics of this model, a correction factor that can compensate for this attenuation effect is presented. This correction factor is obtained by finding the difference between a separate ETC homogeneous model and a separate detailed fuel model, rather than directly applying the ETC calculated from the detailed fuel model to the transport cask.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Research on the safety of nuclear spent fuel has been heavily experimented and modelled from a mechanical perspective. The issues of corrosion, irradiation creep, hydride and hydrogen embrittlement have been addressed more than two decades since the early 2000s. Among these degradation behavior, hydrogen embrittlement and hydride reorientation have been the most important topics for establishing the integrity of nuclear spent fuel and have been studied in depth. In order to assess the safety of spent nuclear fuel, firstly, it is necessary to establish the safety criteria in all nuclear cycle, i.e., the failure criteria guidelines for nuclear fuel assemblies and nuclear fuel rods, and then examine the safety analysis. The contents of U.S.NRC Regulations, Title 10 General, Chapter 1 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Part 50, 71 and 72, describe the safety criteria for the safety assessment of nuclear fuel assemblies and nuclear fuel rods. In this study, technically important points in safety analysis on nuclear fuel are checked through the reference of those NRC regulation. As result, we confirmed that the safety assessment of nuclear fuel after 20 years of interim storage is now being tested by ORNL and PNNL. There are not quantitative criteria related to material safety. However qualitative criteria which is dependent on environmentally condition describe the safety analysis. There is some literature study about DBTT, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, flexural rigidity data. In FRAPCON code Modelling of yield strength and creep had been established, but radial hydride or hydride reorientation has not considered.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, the development of evaluation technology for vibration and shock loads transmitted to spent nuclear fuel and structural integrity of spent nuclear fuel under normal conditions of transport is progressing in Korea by the present authors. Road transportation tests using surrogate spent nuclear fuel were performed in September, 2020 using a test model of KORAD-21 transportation cask and sea transportation tests were conducted from September 30 to October 4, 2021. Finally, the shake table tests and rolling test were conducted from October 31 to November 2, 2022. The shake table test was performed with the input load produced conservatively from the data obtained from the road and sea transportation tests. The test input was produced based on the power spectral densities and shock response spectrums from the transportation tests. In addition to the test inputs from the road and sea tests, sine sweep input and half sine input were used to verify the vibration characteristics of assemblies under boundary conditions during normal conditions of transport. Because the input load of the shake table test was produced conservatively, a slightly larger strain than the strain value measured in road and sea transportation tests was measured from the shake table tests. In the case of the sea test, it is considered that the process of enveloping the data in the 20 to 80 Hz range generated by the engine propeller system was performed excessively conservatively. As a result of analyzing the test results for the difference in boundary conditions, it was confirmed that the test conditions of loading the basket generated a relatively large strain compared to the conditions of loading the disk assembly for the same input load. Therefore, it is concluded that a transportation cask having a structure in which a basket and a disk are separated, such as KORAD-21, is more advantageous in terms of vibration shock load characteristics under normal conditions of transport than a transportation cask having an integral internal structure in which a basket and a disk are a single unit. However, this effect will be insignificant because the load itself transmitted to the disk assembly is very small.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The stabilization technology for the damaged spent fuel is being developed to process the damaged fuel into sound pellet suitable for dry re-fabrication. It requires several treatments including oxidative decladding followed by reduction treatment for oxidized powder closely related to the quality of oxidized powders for pellet fabrication. For the development of operating condition for the reduction treatment, in this study, we evaluated the effect of air-cylinder based vertical shaking previously applied to oxidative decladding on powder reduction. For U3O8 of 50-100 g, the reduction test were applied with and without vertical shaking at 700°C under reduction atmosphere (Ar + 4%H2) and the concentration of hydrogen in effluent was measured to evaluate the reduction reaction. It was found that the vertical shaking system has allowed the reaction time of 50 g and 100 g U3O8 reduced by 33% compared to the test in static mode. Based on XRD analysis, the better crystallinity of the products was also achieved.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In case of damaged spent fuels, it would require additional treatment for their transportation and storage to capture the radioactive fission products in a defined space. The canning container for the damaged spent fuels is one way to seal the radioactive fission products inside the container. In the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) of KAERI, the Quiver container has been introduced for canning damaged spent fuels from Westinghouse Sweden. The main container body has been manufactured for particle-tightness of spent fuel. In addition, drying equipment is being prepared for gas-tightness of spent fuel. The drying equipment can remove water and fill the inert gas inside the container. Before drying inside the container, we evaluated the volatile fission products inventory because volatile fission products could be released during the drying process. Despite assuming highly conservative hypotheses for the inventory remaining in damaged fuel rods, the amount that could be released during the drying process was less and dose rate levels around the evacuation piping system were low.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The current storage capacity of the spent nuclear fuel at the Kori unit 2 has reached approximately 94% saturation, excluding emergency core capacity. As South Korea has not yet constructed any interim storage facilities to store spent nuclear fuel, one of possible options is to install high density storage racks in spent fuel pool at the reactor site to increase its capacity. The high density storage rack is a technology developed to allow the storage to have more spent nuclear fuel than originally planned, while still ensuring safety. It achieves this by reducing the storage gap between the spent nuclear fuel. The purpose of this study is to investigate an appropriate storage capacity for spent fuel pool in the Kori unit 2 and the factors to be considered during the high density storage rack installation. Given that the Kori unit 2 is planning continued operation and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) is preparing to install a temporary storage facility for spent nuclear fuel at the Kori nuclear site, it is reasonable to consider the installation of high density storage racks in the spent fuel pool as a storage solution for these issues. When evaluating the capacity of the spent fuel pool, the amount of spent nuclear fuel generated by other reactors in Kori nuclear site and the amount of spent nuclear fuel generated by continued operation of the Kori unit 2 should be taken into account. This study aims to consider these factors and evaluate the capacity of the spent fuel pool. Furthermore, when installing high density storage rack for the spent nuclear fuel, it should be noted that the existing storage racks at the Kori unit 2 are welded to the liner plate, which may require additional cutting work. Therefore, it is necessary to review the suitable method for the cutting work. Additionally, assuming that divers need to access the area near the storage racks or cutting & welding devices require radiation protection in the area, it is essential to analyze the expected radiation level with computational code and propose appropriate measures to limit work time or establish a work zone. Thus, this study evaluates appropriate capacity of spent fuel pool and work methods for the installation of high density storage rack in the spent fuel pool at the Kori unit 2. It is expected that this paper contributes to install high density storage racks in SFP safely.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) characterization is important in terms of nuclear safety and safeguards. Regardless of whether SNF is waste or energy resource, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Specific Safety Guide-15 states that the storage requirements of SNF comply with IAEA General Safety Requirement Part 5 (GSR Part 5) for predisposal management of radioactive waste. GSR Part 5 requires a classifying and characterizing of radioactive waste at various steps of predisposal management. Accordingly, SNF fuel should be stored/handled as accurately characterized in the storage stage before permanent disposal. Appropriate characterization methods must exist to meet the above requirements. The characterization of SNF is basically performed through destructive analysis/non-destructive analysis in addition to the calculation based on the reactor operation history. Burnup, Initial enrichment, and Cooling time (BIC) are the primary identification targets for SNF fuel characterization, and the analysis mainly uses the correlation identified between the BIC set and the other SNF characteristics (e.g., Burnup - neutron emission rate) for characterizing. So further identification of the correlation among SNF characteristics will be the basis for proposing a new analysis method. Therefore, we aimed to simulate a SNF assembly with varying burnup, initial enrichment, and cooling time, then correlate other SNF properties with BIC sets, and identify correlations available for SNF characterization. In this study, the ‘CE 16×16’ type assembly was simulated using the SCALEORIGAMI code by changing the BIC set, and decay heat, radiation emission characteristics, and nuclide inventory of the assembly were calculated. After that, it was analyzed how these characteristics change according to the change in the BIC set. This study is expected to be the basic data for proposing new method for characterizing the SNF assembly of PWR.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        CANDU Spent Fuel (CSF) dry storage system, SILO, has been operated from 1992 at Wolsung under 50 year operating license. As of 2023, this system has been operated for over 30 years and its licensed remaining operation time is less than 20 years. When it faces the final stage of operation, it has only two options; moving to a centralized away-from-reactor storage or extending its license atreactor. These two options have an inevitable common duty of confirming the CSF integrity by a “demonstration test”. Since the degradation of CSF and structural materials in the SILO are critically dependent on temperature, two important goals of the ‘DEMO test’ were set as follows. 1. Design of ‘DEMO SILO’: Development of internal monitoring technology by transforming SILO design. 2. Accurate measurement and evaluation of the three-dimensional temperature distribution in the ‘DEMO SILO’ Based on operating real commercial SILO dimension, a conceptual “DEMO SILO” design has been developed from 2022. Because, unlike with commercial Silo, ‘Demo Silo’ must be disassembled and assembled, and have penetration holes. Safety evaluation technologies like structural, thermal and radiation protection analysis also have been developed with design work. ‘Demo SILO’ should evaluate an accurate 3D temperature distribution with minimal number of thermocouples and penetration holes to avoid disruption of internal flow and temperature distribution. For this reason, a ‘Best Estimate Thermal-Hydraulics evaluation system for SILO’ is under development and it will be essential for ensuring temperature prediction accuracy. Construction of a full-scale test apparatus to validate this technology will begin in 2024. In order to supply power to many heaters and monitor temperature gradient inside of this apparatus, it has modular design concept by dividing its whole body to axial 9 sub-bodies which looks like a donut containing a basket at center position.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Flow-induced vibration can lead to fretting wear damage of fuel rods and spacer grids in nuclear reactors. Similarly, during the transport of spent nuclear fuel assemblies, continuous vibration and intermittent impact might also result in fretting wear due to dynamic interaction. Therefore, it is important to evaluate fuel rod damage due to fretting wear under such transport conditions. This study examines spent nuclear fuel rod specimens fabricated with hydride cladding tubes and simulated pellets, with hydrogen content ranging from 200 to 700 ppm and oxide film thickness ranging from 25 to 100 micrometers. Tests were conducted under a worst-case scenario, assuming continuous exposure to that condition during the expected transport time. Results indicate that the wear depth of all rod specimens occurred within the oxide film, suggesting a high resistance to fretting wear during transportation.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Comprehensive Analyzer of Real Estimation for spent fuel POOL (CAREPOOL) has been developed for evaluating the thermal safety of a spent nuclear fuel pool (SFP) during the normal and accident conditions. The management of spent nuclear fuel function provides a management tool for spent nuclear fuel in the SFP. The fuel assemblies both in SFP and reactor side can be shown graphically in the screen. The loading sequence into transfer cask can be checked respectively in the CAREPOOL. A basic heat balance equation was used to estimate the SFP temperature using the heat load calculated in the previous step. The characteristics of typical SFPs and associated cooling systems at reactor sites in the Korea were applied. Accident simulation like station black out leading to loss of SFP cooling or inventory is possible. Emergency cooling water injection pipe installed subsequent to the events at Fukushima 2011 is also modeled in this system. The CAREPOOL provides four main functions- management of spent nuclear fuel, decay heat calculation by ORIGEN-S code, estimation of the time to boil/fuel uncovering by thermal-hydraulics calculations, fuel selection for periodic spent fuel transferring campaign. All of these are integrated into the GUI based CAREPOOL system. The CAREPOOL would be very beneficial to nuclear power plant operator and trainee who have responsibility for the SFP operation.