This study aimed to investigate the catch selectivity characteristics related to the mesh arrangement of the codend in bottom trawl. Sea trials were conducted using the covered codend method from January 16 to 17, 2024, off the southern coast of Gyeongsangnam-do, focusing on the side panels of diamond and square mesh codend. A probit model was used in the selectivity analysis to estimate retention probability curves for sea pike comparing the , , and selectivity lengths, the selection range ( ), and the corresponding and values. The estimated 50% selection lengths were 23.82 cm for the diamond mesh and 25.20 cm for the square mesh whereas the corresponding selection ranges were 5.23 cm for the diamond mesh and 3.71 cm for the square mesh. The and values for the square mesh were lower, at 35.91 and 36.71, respectively, compared to 37.65 and 38.45 for the diamond mesh. Additionally, the retention probability at a fork length of 15 cm was lower for the square mesh than for the diamond mesh. These findings provide practical insights for gear design while contributing to the reduction of bycatch and small size fish catches in bottom trawl.
본 연구의 목적은 한국 중년 여성의 자녀 결혼 경험을 현상학적 방법으 로 분석하여 그 경험의 본질적 의미를 파악하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위하 여 본 연구에서는 자녀의 결혼을 경험한 50대와 60대 한국의 중년 여성 들을 대상으로 심층 면담을 진행하였고 참여자들의 생생한 일상적 경험 의 본질 구조를 드러내기 위해 Giorgi의 현상학적 방법을 사용하여 분석 하였다. 연구 결과 205개의 의미 단위, 33개의 주제, 14개의 주제묶음, 7개의 범주가 도출되었다. 도출된 7개의 범주는 ‘자식의 새로운 보호자 가 생김’, ‘나의 과거와 미래의 삶을 바라봄’, ‘자식을 품에서 떠나보냄’, ‘나를 과시하고 싶음’, ‘자식에 대한 나의 마지막 과제를 마침’, ‘새로운 가족에 대한 적응’, ‘자식에서 남편으로의 회귀’이다. 본 연구는 그동안의 연구에서 한국 중년 여성의 자녀 결혼에 따른 정서가 부정적인 것으로 나타났던 것과 달리 한국 중년 여성들은 새로운 가족을 맞아들임, 기쁨, 홀가분함 등의 긍정 정서를 느끼게 되고, 자녀와의 심리적·물리적 분리를 이루며, 새로운 가족을 받아들여 적응하는 한편 자신 곁에 남은 남편과 의 삶을 준비하는 등 자신의 지나온 삶을 정리하고 남아 있는 삶을 재정 비해 나간다는 본질적 의미를 밝혀냈다는 데 의의가 있다.
PURPOSES : Derive a road pavement design method using Geocells, aim to derive a road pavement design and construction method suitable for the characteristics of the Bangladesh region METHODS : To assess long-term performance during road construction in Southeast Asia using Geocells, field tests and numerical analysis are conducted to verify stability. RESULTS : A total of 12 displacement measurements were conducted during the field tests, confirming an average load of 15.75 kN and an average displacement of 0.542mm. Inverse analysis was performed to obtain the properties of Geocell combined with compacted soil. The numerical analysis results confirmed that the insertion of Geocell provides better stability compared to the case with only compacted soil. CONCLUSIONS : Based on field tests and numerical analysis, a road design plan suitable for the Southeast Asian environment was proposed. A preliminary test section was selected in the Comilla region of Bangladesh, and test construction has been completed. Subsequent evaluations of the structural performance by soil layer in the test construction area will be conducted to develop a Geocell road pavement method, taking into consideration the characteristics of the Bangladesh region.
This study quantitatively evaluated size selectivity for three netting shapes (T0; regular, T45, T90) and hanging ratio (35%, 70%) of T0 netting used for trawl codend. The size selectivity experiment was performed in a tank using a cube experimental model with a length of 50 cm on one side and 389 experimental individuals, jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus). In the selectivity analysis, a selectivity curve was created based on the selection ratio using a logistic function, and the 25%, 50%, and 70% selection length and selection range were obtained. The T0 netting was 19.54 cm when the 50% selective length, which is a selectivity evaluation index, had a hanging ratio of 35%, a selection range of 0.51 cm, and 22.70 cm and 3.08 cm for the hanging ratio of 70%. The T45 netting was 24.34 cm and 2.13 cm, and the T90 netting was 23.51 cm and 2.84 cm. The results of the T45 netting and the T90 netting are similar, and the 50% selection length and selection range were relatively larger than the T0 netting. There was a significant difference in the correlation between the circumference of the inner circle of the mesh by the shape of the netting and the body girth of the experimental individual (Pearson test, ). There was no significant difference in the correlation between the selection ratio by the T0 netting, T45 netting, and T90 netting with a 70% hanging ratio (one-way ANOVA, ). The results of this study showed that selectivity such as T45 netting and T90 netting appeared when the hanging ratio, which maximizes the area of T0 netting, was maintained at 70%.
최근 토목공학 분야 내 현장조건을 구현할 수 있는 스마트 건설 기술의 요소기술로서 3D 프린팅 기술의 적용 분야 가 확대되고 있다. 센서기술의 보조도구, 모듈러 시공상 적용 등으로 다양하게 활용되고 있는 가운데 3D 프린팅 기술을 단순 부재 제작이 아닌 각각의 부재들이 최대 성능을 발휘할 수 있는 최적설계 도출 방안으로 활용하고자 한다. 이를 위해 3D 프린 팅 재질인 필라멘트를 활용하더라도 신뢰성 있는 최적설계가 도출이 가능한지에 대한 연구가 선행되어야 하며, 이에 본 연구에 서는 지반보강재 중 하나인 지오셀 관련 선행연구 결과와 필라멘트의 물성치가 적용된 해석 결과와의 비교를 통해 재료적 신뢰 성을 검증하고자 한다. 해석 결과, 지오셀 구성요소에 따른 보강성능의 경향이 기존 선행연구 결과와 일치함을 확인하였기에 필 라멘트를 활용하더라고 충분히 신뢰성 있는 최적설계가 도출이 가능할 것이라 판단된다.
PURPOSES : It is necessary to implement traffic-control strategies for underground roads. In this study, the application criteria for traffic control were developed to minimize actual traffic congestion on underground roads before it occurs. In particular, the traffic congestion judgement criteria and procedure (TJCAP) were developed. They can specifically classify the possibility of traffic congestion underground.
METHODS : A microscopic traffic simulation model was used to analyze different scenarios. With the scenario simulation results, a hierarchical clustering analysis was applied to produce quantitative values from the TJCAP for each experimental network case.
RESULTS : For network case (a), it was concluded that the possibility of traffic congestion on underground roads increases when the speed of the ground road connected to the main underground road and the connected ground road after the outflow of the ramp section is low. When the connected road is an interrupted facility after entering the underground roads, the red time is long, and when the section travel speed is 15 km/h, the possibility of traffic congestion underground is highest. A cluster analysis based on these results was performed using two techniques (elbow and silhouette) to verify the final classification.
CONCLUSIONS : The TJCAP were designed to operate traffic flow with stricter criteria than traffic congestion management on ground roads. This reflects the difference in the driving environment between underground and above-ground roadways.
The spatial variation characteristics of seismic motions at the nuclear power plant's site and structures were analyzed using earthquake records obtained at the Fukushima nuclear power plant during the Great East Japan Earthquake. The ground responses amplified as they approached the soil surface from the lower rock surface, and the amplification occurred intensively at about 50 m near the ground. Due to the soil layer's nonlinear characteristics caused by the strong seismic motion, the ground's natural frequency derived from the response spectrum ratio appeared to be smaller than that calculated from the shear wave velocity profile. The spatial variation of the peak ground acceleration at the ground surface of the power plant site showed a significant difference of about 0.6 g at the maximum. As a result of comparing the response spectrums at the basement of the structure with the design response spectrum, there was a large variability by each power plant unit. The difference was more significant in the Fukushima Daiichi site record, which showed larger peak ground acceleration at the surface. The earthquake motions input to the basement of the structure amplified according to the structure's height. The natural frequency obtained from the recorded results was lower than that indicated in the previous research. Also, the floor response spectrum change according to the location at the same height was investigated. The vertical response on the foundation surface showed a significant difference in spectral acceleration depending on the location. The amplified response in the structure showed a different variability depending on the type of structure and the target frequency.
본 연구는 간호대학생의 메타인지, 학습 동기가 문제해결력에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 확인하고, 이를 통해 간호대학생의 문제해결력을 효과적으로 강화할 수 있는 학습전략 마련에 기초자료를 제공하고자 시행되었다. 연구자료 수집을 위해, 2개 간호대학에 재학 중인 간호대학생 160명에게 2021년 1월 20일 부터 3월 10일까지 설문을 통해 조사한 후, SPSS/WIN 24.0 프로그램을 활용하여 통계로 분석하였다. 연구결과, 간호대학생의 문제해결력은 메타인지(r=.44, p<.001), 학습 동기(r=.45, p<.001)와 유의한 양의 상관관계가 있었다. 또한 간호대학생의 문제해결력에 영향을 주는 요인은 학습 동기, 메타인지 순으로 전체 설명력은 32%였다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로, 간호대학생의 문제해결력을 증진할 수 있는 간호대학생 맞춤형 비교과 프로그램들이 개발·적용되기를 바란다.
본 연구의 목적은 장애아동 양육자의 물리적·정서적 웰니스 사이에서 지적 웰니스의 매개 효과를 조사하여 효율적인 관리 방안 제시에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하기 위함이다. 연구 대상자는 장애 아동 양육자 177명이며, 자료수집은 2019년 06월부터 2019년 11월까지 하였다. 자료분석은 PROCESS macro를 이용하였다. 일반적인 특성과 변수간 분석은 Independent t-test 및 ANOVA를 통해 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 변수에 대하여는 Scheffé 사후검증을 실시하였다. 변수간 관련성 분석은 Pearson 상관관계 및 위계 다중회귀분석을 하였다. 연구결과, 장애아동 주양육자의 물리적 웰니스와 지적 웰니스는 장애아동 양육자의 정서적 웰니스에 직접적인 영향을 미치며, 또한 물리적 웰니스와 정서적 웰니스 사이에서 지적 웰니스가 매개효과를 제공하고 있다. 이는 장애아동이 가진 물리적 환경의 영향도 중요하 지만, 주양육자에게 적절하고 충분한 지적 교육이 동반되어야 정서적 웰니스 증진이 이루어질 수 있다는 것을 발견하였다. 따라서 다양한 교육 프로그램의 확대는 장애아동 양육자의 웰니스 증진에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
Purpose: This is a group pretest-posttest design study that aim to examine the effect of smart problem-based learning (PBL) teaching method using flipped learning to meta-cognition, academic self-efficacy, and satisfaction level of nursing students. Method: The subjects were 76 students who took basic nursing practice, which is a major subject, from August 29 to December 13, 2018. A questionnaire was used to measure meta-cognition in web-based self-directed learning. The self-efficacy measurement used a scale consisting of self-regulating efficacy, task difficulty preference, and confidence. The measurement of practical satisfaction is a 5-point Likert scale that employs a questionnaire. Flipped learning uploaded a 10-minute lecture video, and the subjects learned through PC or smartphone. PBL teaching was developed in two modules: gavage and indwelling urinary tract. Results: Result showed a significant improvement of meta-cognition after education than before education (t=3.21, p=.043). Academic self-efficacy was not significantly changed before and after education. Practice satisfaction was significantly improved after training than before training (t=-2.19, p=.032). Conclusion: The smart PBL teaching method using flipped learning is an effective teaching and learning strategy for nursing majors. Nursing students with high meta-cognition will be able to perform well in their learning outcomes; therefore, this positive performance experience will enhance self-efficacy.
It is generally believed that the meaning of “Yi (泗)” in the Book of Songs has been nasal fluids since Mao Heng, and has been explained from the perspective of borrowing, phonetic and ideographic word-formation, etc. However, there are still seven questions about the exact meaning of “Si (泗)”, which arouses different doubts about it. From the perspectives of handed-down documents and unearthed documents, variant relationships, literary meanings, contexts, dialects and so on, the word “Yi (泗)” of “Ti Si Pang Tuo (涕泗滂沱)” should be “Yi (㳑)” meaning that the water is full and flowing out. Furthermore, “Yi (泗)” has heterogeneous relationships with “Yi (益)”, “Yi (㳑)”, “Yi (溢)”, “Yi (洫)” and “Yi (泆)”, and has homologous relationships with “Ti (涕)”, “Yi (洟)” and “Ti (嚏)”, and has an isomorphic relationship with “Si (泗)” of “Si Shui (泗水)”. These relationships can be used to collate unearthed and handed-down documents.