This paper proposes a method to improve the position control synchronization performance by synchronizing the controller operation between servo drives based on the synchronization signal of the EtherCAT(Ethernet for Control Automation Technology)distributed clock. In order to synchronize the operation of the controller between the servo drives, the phase of the operating frequency of the PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) module for motor control was synchronized based on the synchronization signal. At this time, the operation sequence of the current, speed, and position controller of the servo drive operating based on the PWM operating frequency was rearranged. Therefore, the servo drives on the network run the same controller at the same time. And the time at which the master's command is reflected to the drive's controller and the time at which the drive's status information is acquired coincided among the drives. After establishing an experimental environment in which servo drives are arranged in the EthercCAT network system, we verified that the position synchronization performance between servo drives applying the proposed method is improved.
In case of worm reducer, the worm and worm wheel are the significant design elements. Most of the worm and worm wheel are being importer and assembled because that the localization is inadequate. As the demand increases and the necessity of localization and precision grows, to develop them is now more important things.
In this study, we conducted the design, manufactured prototype and performance evaluation for worm reducer for dual lead 5.2:1 servo motor. The worm reducer is analyzed design reliability by finite element method. The performance evaluation for manufactured prototype worm reducer was conducted on the backlash, operation temperature and contact efficiency with/without load and satisfied for the all test items.
본고는 당나라 서예가 겸 서예이론가인 손과정이 직접 짓고 쓴 『서보 (書譜)』에 나타난 심미관을 살펴 그의 서예미학사상을 고찰하는데 있다. 손과정은 동진(東晉)시대 왕희지와 왕헌지의 필법을 얻은 서예가로 특 히 초서에 가장 뛰어났다. 더욱 그의 진적인 『서보』는 뛰어난 초서작 품인 동시에 내용에서도 박식하고 고상한 문장으로 서예이론뿐만 아니라 당시의 미학저작에서도 불후 걸작이라 칭하고 있다. 다시 말해서 서예로 서의 예술 가치를 가지고 있을 뿐만 아니라 이론으로서도 매우 가치 있 는 명작이다. 『서보』는 서예의 원류를 비롯하여 각 서체에 대한 기능과 특징, 그 리고 서예를 배우는 태도와 수양을 논술하고 있다. 특히 글씨 쓰는 기본 기법과 서예의 창작 경험들을 총괄하고 있다. 그는 서예의 골기(骨氣)에 있어 ‘양강(陽剛)의 아름다움’과 ‘음유(陰柔)의 아름다움’을 말하고, 의 (意)와 세(勢)의 통일을 말한다. 그리고 충화미(沖和美) 등으로 예술심미 를 논술하고 이들을 ‘도(道)’의 차원에 이입시키고 있다. 그러므로 손과정의 미학사상은 강하고 부드러움의 조화로 유가와 도가 의 서로 보완된 철리(哲理)가 내재되어 있다. 다시 말해서 유가의 “강건 유위 자강불식(剛健有爲, 自强不息)”과 도가의 “청정무위(淸靜無爲)”가 그 의 사상 저변에 깔려 있다. 그래서 손과정의 사상은 그의 서예에 나타난 ‘강하고 부드러움(剛柔)’을 함께하는 심미이상과 부합함을 알 수 있겠다.
This paper presents a method of measuring the 6 DOF motion of a micro object using images taken of interference fringes projected onto the object. Information from the fringe patterns allows for extracting the 6 DOF motion of the object in one image, allowing for real time measurement of the object's pose. This measurement technique is applied to a visual servo control scheme where the object's 6 DOF motion is controled. Experimental results of the developed system are presented.
Robotic manipulators are increasingly deployed in complex environments or to perform complex tasks. Studies on dual-arm-robots have been continually carried out in robotics areas to provide robots in dangerous environments, similar to those which human beings would be normally in, without a special change to the working environment. In previous study, a dual-arm-robot has been designed. The robot, however, has some defects in its heavy weight and big shape. In order to reduce weight of an arm robot, the robot has been designed using a hollow-shaft-servo- assembly. The hollow-shaft-servo-assembly is composed of a hollow-shaft-servo-motor, a hollow- shaft-harmonic-drive, a hollow-shaft-brake, a hollow-shaft-encoder, and a servo-drive.