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        검색결과 18

        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The construction method of scaffolding structures is different from Mortise and Tenon and bucket arch structure of traditional large woodwork. It forms an independent construction system-fixing nodes with knots, a large number of diagonal braces are used to fix shelves and the structures mostly contain X-shape and triangular shape details. Simple ones include stalls, sheds, rain sheds, altars, lamp racks etc. But the scaffolding with larger scale and more complicated structure are modeled on archways, theatres and other buildings which are used in commercial and festival activities. At present, Macao, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Sichuan, Shanxi and other places in China have retained the custom of using scaffolding structures in important festival activities, but their uses, techniques and building types are slightly different from place to place. Due to building and demolishing at any time, the construction and service cycle is short. As a result, there are almost no physical objects left. We can only deduce the use and technical characteristics of ancient scaffolding skills through the colorful building styles that have been preserved with folk activities in various parts of China, the craftsmanship handed down from generation to generation by the scaffolding guild and artisans, and the description of cultural and historical materials and the mutual corroboration of visual materials.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The tombs at the royal level of the Western Han dynasties belong to the five kingdoms of Chu, Liang, Lu, Zhongshan and Changyi, representing the new forms and ideas of the tomb architecture. Taking Shanchuwang Tomb in BeidongShan, Xuzhou as an example, this paper analyzes the architectural structure and symbolic significance of the tomb, and tries to discuss the concept of burial reflected in it.The analysis of the structure of the main body of the tomb reveals the basic logic of the tomb imitating the palace on the ground, and the definition of the nature of the annex reflects its transcendence over the general form of the tomb.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is about the change of multi-storied buildings in Hanyang, the capital city of Joseon Dynasty. The changes are divided into 3 phases in the viewpoint of architectural types and building types. The first phase is from the early Joseon Dynasty to the time of Japanese invasion to Korea and Sungryemun remains until now. The second phase is from 1592 to the the first half of the 18th century. Many multi-storied Buddhist halls were rebuilt at that time. In the final phase, many multi-storied gate buildings and multi-storied main buildings of palaces were rebuilt. And there are differences between the Buddhist buildings and the main buildings of palaces. By the way the change that architectural style of the Buddhist buildings and the main buildings of pal were switched and mixed occurred. For example, Anguksa Daeungjeon adopted the style of multi-storied gates and Injeongjeon adopted the style of multi-storied Buddhist halls. These phenomenon was result from periodical situation the monk carpenter and his disciple took part in governmental construction like Janganmun.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the foundation and subsequent reconstruction years of Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon in Busan, especially based on the five records of this building. Moreover, this paper aims to analyze the possibility of the architectural type changes by comparison with nearby Buddhist buildings. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon was built in 1655. Afterward, it had been repaired through five times, but most members of it's wood-framework were found to had been prepared and constructed in 1655. Second, such as the gongpo type, roof type, module system, intercolumnar distance and proportion of intercolumnar distance and column-height, the architectural type of this building is similar to nearby Sinhung-sa Daekwang-jeon. This was because the identical monk-craftsmen carried out the many constructions of nearby temples with their architectural skills at the same period. Third, in particular, the style and created-time of the front gongpos are different from those of the rear gongpos. That is why the front gongpos were replaced when Unsoo-sa Daeoong-jeon was reconstructed in 1771.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is basically about four-guardian-statutes-building-gate in 17th Century. In the field of art-history, there are four-guardian-statutes made of clay in order that the statutes are so gigantic and grotesque enough to threaten all the devils. This purpose of this study is to make sure that the similar variation occurred at the four-guardian-statutes-building-gate in 17th century. The results of this study are as follows. First, only Da-Po style four-guardian-statutes-building-gates were built in famous four temples separately from 1612 until the Manchu war of 1636. And there are gigantic four-guardian-statutes made of clay in the building. Second, there are Chul-mok Ik-gong style buildings were built in 1660s at Bo-Rim-Sa and Neung-Ga-Sa. The buildings including four-guardian-statutes-building-gate of Song-gwang-sa built in 1636 probably are all similar to earlier Da-Po style four-guardian-statutes-building-gates in the viewpoint of structural type and size of building. Third, it began to build Ik-gong style four-guardian-statutes-building-gates in 1676 at Su-ta-sa.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study mainly inquired characteristics and changes of 'Chang-aelgool' through 38 cases(with 161 Ssang-chang) of annex and pavillion buildings in Yeong-nam region which are built during the Chosun dynasty. The method of inquiry included actual survey of windows along with bibliographical research, and the results are as below. First, through the discovery of the term 'Chang-aelgool' as an indication of the window-forming frame in 'YeongGeonUiGwe'(1680 A.D), it is apparent that the term 'Chang-aelgool' was widely used in Korea from the late 17th century. Second, the 'Chang-aelgool' of study objects are classified into 4 categories. Type Ⅰ and Ⅱ are comprised of mitre-joints which cover the 4 corners of 'Chang-aelgool' and mainly used in building annex and pavillion buildings during the early period of the Chosun dynasty. Type Ⅲ was widely used during the early and middle period of the Chosun dynasty and drastically dropped in number during the late period of the dynasty. Type Ⅳ is comprised of mitre-joint of the upper-half, tenon-jointing of the lower-half and widely used in annex and pavillion building during the late period of the Chosun dynasty. Third, the form of 'Chang-aelgool' has changed from rectangular form with longer width during the early period of Chosun dynasty to square form during the middle period and eventually ended up as a rectangular form with longer height during the late period of the dynasty. Fourth, it is considered that while mullion which is located in the center of 'Chang-aelgool' was mainly used around the main floored room during the early period of the Chosun dynasty, became commonly used in main floored room and 'ondol' rooms during the middle period and drastically dropped in number from then and ended up being not in use after the mid 18th century.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis aims to analyze the architectural form for the restoration of noogak(樓閣), Boje-roo(普濟樓) which was constructed at the central court of Beomeo-sa(梵魚寺). The results are as follow; 1. Boje-roo was established in 1700. By the constructional records and poetic essays of the times, the architectural form of the establishment building was consisted of two stories structure. The passage system for the approach to the inner court was the nuha-jinip(樓下進入), that is to say, one might walk between the columns of lower story of the building. And one could ascend the upper stairs and approach to the upper level, inner court. 2. By the remodelling in 1812, the building was varied to one story structure. Therefore the passage system for the approach to the inner court transformed from the nuha-jinip to the ugak-jinip(隅角進入), that is to say, one might ascend the stairs of the podium and could approach the inner court through the both sides of the building. 3. Under the Japanese imperialistic rule, the structure of it's roof and walls of Boje-roo were altered to the Japanese style. In 1965, the wooden columns were shifted to the concreted column, and the wooden wall-panels were shifted to the brick wall attached stone slates. 4. Conclusively speaking, for the restoration of Boje-roo, the establishment form in 1700 is the more proper than the remodelling form in 1812.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Colin Rowe was an important historian, theorist and critic in Modern architecture. His significance in Modern architectural history lies in not only historiography which has changed our view of Modernism but deep theoretical involvement in practice. This study is a critical review and analysis on his formalist approach in Architecture. With a view that his position of formalist has indispensible relationship with liberalism from K. Popper's critical rationalism, this study try to show how his philosophical background has an influence upon his way of seeing architecture, history, form, urbanism, and meaning, etc. And this study also try to explain why the principle of architecture as an autonomous discipline which is the main point of view in Rowe's criticism has been so successful and influential. This study also explain what is the possibility and limitation of Rowe's formalist approach and way of reading buildings. His intelligent way of formal analysis can give us new understandings of how the form generates and the process of design goes on. Furthermore it guide us a new horizon of architecture as a language game. Since his early writings showed both side of formalist approach in architecture and it didn't changed a lot. We can understand his 'Collage City' was a his final answer to his formalist way of making architecture and urbanism. we can estemate it as a utopia without utopianism and an ideology without ideological color.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is focused to the historic changes of Yungnam-Ru(嶺南樓), which are based on the site layout, and architectural forms in architectural building history and historic periods analyzed with the historic reference, paintings, and photos. This study is to search the alteration of the types of axis and the formation of spaces in Yungnam-Ru which is the Ru-Gak(樓閣) The conclusion of the architectural changes from the historic period and architectural form which is the belows. The first Yungnam-Ru by name had been used to be called, before it was re-called Yungnam-Ru by Kim Ju in 1365. Therefore, the hypothesis in naming Yungnam-Ru form assumption that the building under the name of Yungnam-Ru was re-named by Kim Ju from the Old Budist Temple called Yungnam-Sa, should re-considered in history. The second, it is considered that Milyang-Sibyi-Kyungdo(密陽十二景圖) as the painting can only be seen the site layout in 1542. It could be compared the differences of the site layouts from in 1542 to the present time. At that time Nyungpadang(凌派堂) was connected the main buildings called Yungnam-Ru Chimrudang(沈流堂),building was seperated with the Yungnam-Ru at that period. In 1542, the main Building(Yungnam-Ru) was consist of 5 spans of columns(from the front) and 2 spans of columns(from the side). Now, the main Building(Yungnam-Ru) has the 5 spans of columns from the front, and two spans of columns short from the side, compared to the present facade. At the past, Chimrudang(building) has the two spans of columns and one span of columns short, compared to the present facade. The third, It supposed that main building, Nyungpadang and Chimrudang in the composite of facade was connected with Wolrang(月廊) and Hunrang(軒廊) after invatioin from japan in 1592. 1844, (Chosun dynasty, Hunjong 10) the Yungnam-Ru was re-builted by maintaining the same concept in site layout of the past, and finally the three buildings was put together with Wolrang and Hunrang. As a result, the plan of the Yungnam-Ru was expanded with many aspects. From 1542 to 1844, the present site-layout gradually completed with three buildings which was spatially connected. The forth, in the middle age of Chosun dynasty, after added Gaeksa(客舍), the building is for the government officer staying temporally from outside province) in the site, the site layout was greatly changed with volume of building. In 1844, the Yungnam-Ru as the Nugak belongs to Miljukwan(密州館) was expanded spacially and formally. After that time, the burned buildings could not have been re-built because of aspects in government ability and economical ability.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modernism in architecture is a very complex and contradictory phenomena. So much so that it has been defined in various ways throughout the history, depending on one's position in the cultural and historical circumstances. It is thus necessary to map out the various concepts of modernism and their relationships in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of modern architecture. This paper attempts to define the various positions as functionalism, formalism and artistic avant-gardism, and to trace their history from the early twentieth century to the present. The change of the concept of modernism from functionalism to artistic avant-gardism seems a logical process in the history of western modem culture. The tendency of contemporary architecture to be more abstract and self referential artistic practice reflects the fragmentation of modern culture and the separation of art and technology. The validity of this position, of course, depends on how one evaluates the role of modern art in the situation of modern culture. It could be viewed either negatively or positively. However, this position is problematic in that it disregards the fundamental differences between architecture and other arts and distanced architecture farther from its material base. Given this historical perspective on the concept of modernism, modernism in Korea should not viewed simply identical to the western modernism, nor should western modernism be imported uncritically. The characteristics of her modernization and their differences from the west should be considered, along with the different status and role of architecture in korean modern society.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are several treatises about architectural characteristics of Hyangkyo. But those treatises usually treat with the types of site plans or structural characteristics without the historic background. So there needs the approaching methods with the historic background to study about the architecture of Hyangky. This study aims at the sample research about the architecture of Hyangkyo in beginnig period. Kyodong hyangkyo is the first building in hyangkyo. There are some architectural characteristics in this building comparing with the Hyangkyo in ripening period. Such characteristics apper in the site plan of educational spaces and in the floor plans of Myongryundang, Dongjae, Seojae. And there appear some characteristecs in ritual spaces such as the architectural structure of Daesungjun, and the position of stone establishment (Kwansedae, Saengdan) The ritual form of Kyodong hyangkyo has no special characteristics compering with the Hyangkyo in ripening period. These rictual form has kept the general rule of ritura form through the history.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated and analyzed the housing type of North Korea and the current status of standard housing construction. The purpose of this study is to establish a strategy for securing the safety of North Korean standard houses with relatively low structural performance compared to South Korea. In addition, we will use this data as basic data for planning a low-cost emergency reinforcement method to prepare against the natural disasters that are taking place frequently.