식품에서 대장균군을 효율적으로 분리하기 위해 대장균군 선택배지 5종: Chromocult Chromocult coliform agar (Merck), Hicrome coliform agar (Sigma), CHROMagar ECC, Brilliance E.coli/coliform medium (OXOID), endo agar (Merck)을 선별하여 식품 분리 대장균군 83종 및 표준균주 21종에 대해서 민감도와 특이도를 분석한 결과 Chromocult coliform agar와 HICrome coliform agar에서 94%도 민감도가 가장 높았으며, Brilliance E.coli/coliform medium는 93%, CHROMagar ECC는 92%, ENDO agar는 74%의 민감도를 나타냈다. Chromocult coliform agar와 HICrome coliform agar는 대장균군의 회수율도 높았다. 그러므로 Chromocult coliform agar와 HICrome coliform agar는 대장균군을 분리하는데 가장 효율적인 배지로 생각된다.
To evaluate the performance of a new automated coliform enumeration system (TEMPO® CC) for the quantitative test of coliform bacteria contaminated in domestic livestock processed foods, a total of 507 samples of livestock foods were tested by the TEMPO® CC method, the most probable number (MPN) method, and Petrifilm method, respectively. The results of those three methods were compared to each other. Of 507 samples of livestock processed foods used in this study, 217 samples were contaminated artificially with coliform bacteria and the rest (n=290) were contaminated naturally. The results of the TEMPO® CC method for all samples were equivalent to those obtained from the MPN method, except 8 samples. In addition, 496 (97.8%) out of 507 samples made agreement between the TEMPO® CC method and the Petrifilm method. The correlation coefficients between TEMPO® CC and MPN methods as well as between TEMPO® CC method and Petrifilm method were above 0.9, and the slope and intercept of the linear regression model was different in less than 1 value. In conclusion, there were statistically equivalent levels of performance between the TEMPO® CC and the reference and alternative methods for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in livestock processed foods in this study.
In this study, disinfection effect of coliform group treated with ozone was analyzed for the effluent discharging from activated sludge treatment process in hospital wastewater treatment plant. Based on these results, it aims to get basic data to establish the disinfection facility in hospital wastewater treatment, suggesting affecting factors according to hydraulic retention time of the activated sludge process and design basic factors necessary to ozone disinfection. Removal efficiencies of coliform group for the effluent according to HRT such as 4hr, 8hr, 12hr were analyzed using a lab-scale activated sludge process, respectively. To decay the microorganism regulates the CT value multiplied disinfectant concentration by contact time. CT value is highly correlated with a removal efficiency of coliform group and according to increasing an injected ozone concentration, the CT value was increased.. When HRT was 4, 8, 12 hours , CT value takes place at minimum condition 50, 40, 334 mg/L-min, respectively.
The number of viable microorganism in drinking water was monitored according to storage temperature and storage period. The number of general bacteria in underground water was 10²-10^5CFU/ml and that of coliform group was decreased after 7days. The number of general bacteria in bottle water was increased until 7days but decreased after that day. Coliform group in bottle water were detected only 1 sample. The number of general bacteria in purified water was 10³-10⁴CFU/ml and 10²-10⁴CFU/ml at 8 and 25, respectively. Coliform group were not detected in purified water.
A total of 136 coliform bacteria isolated from spring water (112 strains) and ground water (24 strains), submitted to Seoul Health and Environmental Research Institute from June to July in 1997, were characterized biochemically and microbiologically. Colonical characteristics of each isolate were also noted, including color and texture on EMB agar. Among the 136 isolates, 50.7% were greenish metallic sheen color, 44.2% were pink and 5.1% were violet. The sixty four percent were smooth, 34.6% were mucoid and 0.7%. were rough. Twenty three bacterial species were identified by IMViC and API 20E test. Among the 136 coliform bacteria known to species, 39 isolates (28.6%) were Escherichia spp., 32 isolates (23.5%) were Klebsiella ssp., 30 isolates (22.1%) were Enterobacter spp., 19 isolates (14.0%) were Serratia spp., 6 isolates (4.4%) were Citrobacter spp., 4 isolates (3.0%) were Kluyuera spp. and 7 isolates (5.1%) were other bacterial species. Strains, which were gas-positive in lactose broth but gas-negative in Kligler Iron Agar were Ent. intermedium, Ser. liquefaciens, Ser. marcescenes and Salmonella arizoae. Strains, which were H2S production were also Kleb. pneumoniae, Kleb. oxytoca, Kleb. ornithinolytica, Ent. sakazakii, Ent. cloacae, Ser. liquefaciens, Ser. ficaria, Cit. freundii and Sal. arizoae. In the present study, most of coliform isolated from spring and ground water were E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Enterobacter spp. Since coliform with pink colony in EMB agar was isolated as frequent as coliform with greenish metallic sheen colony, coliform with pink colony should be considered as important colony. Our results suggested that new coliform strains may be emerging on the basis of biochemical and microbiological testes.
동치미 국물은 전통적으로 냉면국물로 이용되어 왔다. 본 연구의 목적은 냉면국물 모델 시스템에서 동치미 국물에 의한 대장균군의 증식억제 효과를 확인하는 것이다. 김치에서 분리한 젖산균을 무즙에 접종하여 동치미 국물을 제조한 후 세 형의 냉면국물 모델 시스템 즉, 동치미 국물형, 쇠고기 육수형 및 이들 둘의 혼합형을 각각 제조하였다. 이어서 냉면국물에서 분리된 8주의 대장균군, Klebsiella planticola B02, K. terrigena C08, K. pneumoniae D01, K. ozaenae D04, Enterobacter sp. A02, Enterobacter sp. C07, Citrobacter sp. B07 및 Escherichia sp. D03을 세 형의 냉면국물에 각각 접종하고 30℃에서 보관하면서 시간경과에 따른 대장균군 생균수의 변화를 조사하였다. 쇠고기 국물형 육수에서는 모든 균주의 대장균군이 신속하게 증식하였으나 동치미 국물형과 혼합형에서는 어느 균주도 증식하지 못하였다. 모든 대장균군 균주는 혼합형에서보다 동치미 국물형에서 훨씬 신속히 사멸하였고, 균주별로는 Citrobacter sp. B07, Klebsiella planticola B02, Klebsiella terrigena C08 및 Klebsiella ozaenae D04가 나머지 균주들보다 더 신속히 사멸하였다. 냉면 국물로 동치미 국물만을 사용하거나 동치미 국물과 쇠고기 육수를 혼합하여 사용하는 동치미 냉면이나 평양식 냉면과 같은 전통적인 방법은 냉면의 대장균군 증식을 억제하는 데 매우 효과적인 것으로 생각되었다.
1994년 7월 중에 부천지역의 대중음식점에서 물냉면으로 판매되고 있는 냉면육수 7점을 수거하여 대장균군의 오염도를 조사하였다. 아울러 4점의 냉면육수로부터 무작위로 각각 10개씩, 합계 40개의 대장균군 집락을 분리하여 동정을 하고 저온에서의 증식성도 조사하였다. 냉면육수 중의 대장균군 수는 6.0×10 exp (2)∼6.5×10 exp (4)/㎖(평균 2.3×l0 exp (4)/㎖)이었다. 분리된 40개의 균주 중에서 27개 (67.5%)는 Klebsiella속으로, 9개(22.5%)는Enterobacter속으로, 2개(5.0%)는 Citrobacter속으로, 2개(5.0%)는 Escherichia속으로 각각 동정되었다. Klebsiella속에 속하는 27개의 균주 중에서 11개(40.8%)는 K. planticola로, 4개(14.8%)는 K. pneumoniae로, 2개(7.4%)는 K. ozaenae로, 2개(7.4%)는 K. terrigena로 동정되었고, 비전형적인 8개(29.6%)의 Klebsiella는 species동정이 불가능하였다. 40개의 대장균군 균주는 모두 10℃에서 증식하는 저온성균에 해당되었고, 이중 18개(45%)는 5℃에서도 증식하였다. 본 실험의 냉면육수에서 분리된 모든 대장균군이 저온성균이라는 사실은 냉면육수 중에 지나치게 많은 수의 대장균군이 검출되는 이유를 설명하는 좋은 기초자료가 될 것으로 생각된다.
Using high voltage electric fields induced by high voltage AC (10-12 kV/cm, 20 kHz) and pulsed (20-30 kV/cm, 40 Hz) electric field generator as a semipermanent and environment-friendly disinfecting apparatus, the disinfection effect of coliform group in the effluent of sewage plant was investigated. The effects of electric field strength, treatment time, discharge area of a discharge tube, water quality factors (electric conductivity, pH and SS) on its death rate were examined. The death rate of coliform group was increased with increasing electric field strength and treatment time. For AC and pulsed electric field generator, the critical electric field strength was 6 kV/cm and 2 kV/cm, respectively, and the critical treatment time was 5 min and 2 min, respectively, regardless of electric field strength. Comparing the death rate of coliform group by AC and pulsed electric fields used in this study, its death rate was higher for the latter than the former, but did not increase linearly with increasing electric field strength. The results obtained for the effects of discharge area, electric conductivity, pH and SS on the death rate of coliform group using AC electric field (12 kV/cm, 20 kHz) were as follows: its death rate showed the trend to increase linearly with increasing discharge area; for the effect of electric conductivity, its death rate was increased with increasing electric conductivity, regardless of ionic species, increased with increasing cationic valency, but was similar between the same cationic valency; the pH 5~9 used in this study did not affect its death rate; its death rate was decreased with increasing SS concentration.