In this study, two types of thick steel plates are prepared by controlling carbon equivalent and nickel content, and their microstructures are analyzed. Tensile tests, Vickers hardness tests, and Charpy impact tests are conducted to investigate the correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of the steels. The H steel, which has high carbon equivalent and nickel content, has lower volume fraction of granular bainite (GB) and smaller GB packet size than those of L steel, which has low carbon equivalent and nickel content. However, the volume fraction of secondary phases is higher in the H steel than in the L steel. As a result, the strength of the L steel is higher than that of the H steel, while the Charpy absorbed energy at -40 °C is higher than that of the L steel. The heat affected zone (HAZ) simulated H-H specimen has higher volume fraction of acicular ferrite (AF) and lower volume fraction of GB than the HAZ simulated L-H specimen. In addition, the grain size of AF and the packet sizes of GB and BF are smaller in the H-H specimen than in the L-H specimen. For this reason, the Charpy absorbed energy at -20 °C is higher for the H-H specimen than for the L-H specimen.
In this study, three kinds of bainitic steel plates are manufactured by varying the chemical compositions and their microstructures are analyzed. Tensile and Charpy impact tests are performed at room and low temperature to investigate the correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties. In addition, heat affected zone (HAZ) specimens are fabricated by a simulation of welding processes, and the HAZ microstructure is analyzed. The base steel that has the lowest carbon equivalent has the highest volume fraction of acicular ferrite and the lowest volume fraction of secondary phases, so the strength is the lowest and the elongation is the highest. The Mo steel has a higher volume fraction of granular bainite and more secondary phases than the base steel, so the strength is high and the elongation is low. The CrNi steel has the highest volume fraction of the secondary phases, so the strength is the highest and elongation is the lowest. The tensile properties of the steels, namely, strength and elongation, have a linear correlation with the volume fraction of secondary phases. The Mo steel has the lowest Charpy impact energy at -80 oC because of coarse granular bainite. In the Base-HAZ and Mo-HAZ specimens, the hardness increases as the volume fraction of martensite-austenite constituents increases. In the CrNi-HAZ specimen, however, hardness increases as the volume fraction of martensite and bainitic ferrite increases.
The brazing adhesion properties of Ag coated W-Ag electric contact on the Cu substrate have been investigated in therms of microstructure, phase equilibrium and adhesion strength. Precoating of Ag layer ( in thickness) on the contact material was done by electro-plating method. Subsequently the brazing treatment was conducted by inserting BCuP-5 filler metal (Ag-Cu-P alloy) layer between Ag coated W-Ag and Cu substrate and annealing at in atmosphere. The optimum brazing temperature of was semi-empirically calculated on the basis of the Cu atomic diffusion profile in Ag layer of commercial electric contact produced by the same brazing process. As a mechanical test of the electric contact after brazing treatment the adhesion strength between the electric contact and Cu substrate was measured using Instron. The microstructure and phase equilibrium study revealed that the sound interlayer structure was formed by relatively low brazing treatment at . Thin Ag electro-plated layer precoated on the electric contact ( in thickness) is thought to be enough for high adhesion strength arid sound microstructure in interface layer.
이 논문에서는, 균일한 횡방향 인장변형률이 작용하는 조건에서 강체모재들을 결합하고 있는 점탄성 접착재층의 계면모서리에 발생하는 응력 특이성을 조사하고있다. Williams방법을 응용하여 라플라스 변형공간에서 특성방정식을 구하였고, 주어진 점탄성 모델에 대해서 변형공간에서의 특성방정식을 시간공간으로 해석적으로 전환하였다. 시간 공간에서의 특이차수는 수치적으로 계산하였다. 계면을 따라 발생하는 응력의 특성을 조사하는데 시간영역 경계요소법을 적용하였다. 수치해석 결과에 의하면, 특이차수는 시간이 경과함에 따라 커지는 반면에, 자유모서리 응력확대계수는 시간에 따라 이완되는 특성을 보여주고 있다.
Ti-48AI(at.%) 모재위에 RF magnetron sputtering을 이용하여 AI-21Ti-23Cr(at.%) 조성의 박막을 코팅하였다. RF power 200W, 증착압력 0.8Pa, 증착온도 573k에서 증착된 시편의 가장 우수한 고온재산화성을 나타내었다. 573K에서 증착된 AI-21Ti-23Cr 코팅층은 증착시에는 비정질을 형성하나 산화시험동안 결정화가 진행되며, 표면에는 치밀한 Al2O3층이 형성되었다. 573K에서 코팅된 시편에 대하여 1073K, 1173K 및 1273K에서 100시간동안 등온산화시험을 실시하였다. 무게증량곡선은 모든 온도에서 parabolic law를 따르는 안정된 산화거동을 보였으며 이와같은 산화특성은 표면에 치밀한 Al2O3층이 형성되었기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 1273K에서 산화시험 후 코팅층의 기지는 고온산화에 따른 AI원자의 소모와 모재로부터의 Ti원자의 확산에 의해 TiAICr상을 형성하였으며, 무게증량은 낮은 온도에 비해 다소 크게 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다.
In this paper, block shear fracture behavior in base metal of fillet-welded connection fabricated with duplex stainless steel (STS329FLD) were investigated through experimental procedures. Main variables are weld lengths in the longitudinal and the transverse directions of applied force. As a result, test specimens failed by typical block shear facture (the combination of tensile fracture and shear-out fracture) in base metal not weld metal. Ultimate strength of the specimens tended to get higher with the increase of the weld lengths.
This paper deals with block shear fracture behavior in base metal of carbon steel welded connection. Monotonic tensile experiments have been conducted to investigate the structural behaviors of carbon steel fillet-welded connection with the block shear fracture in base metal. Main parameters are weld lengths in the longitudinal and transverse directions of applied force. Finite element analysis in this paper focused on the ultimate strength and fracture mode of welded connections. It was shown that predictions by finite element analysis method were in a good correspondence with test results for ultimate behaviors such as fracture mode and ultimate strength.
수수류 청예용 1대잡종 품종육성을 위해서 1986, 1987년에 실시된 수수 유전자원의 특성조사 결과를 평균 연관 군집 분석과 주성분 분석법에 의한 품종군 분류법으로 교배모본을 선정한 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 수수 단수수 및 수수 수단그래스 교잡군 육성을 위하여 각 군별로 개화기가 유사한 것 중에서 초고 및 형태적 형질이 다양한 특성을 지닌 것들을 교잡군의 모본으로 선정하였다. 2. 수수류의 품종군 분류에서는 √D2 에 의해 3개 계통군으로 분류할 수 있었는데 I 군은 수단그래스, II군은 단수수, III군은 종실용 수수였고, 수단그래스와 종실용 수수와는 원연관계였다. 3. 주성분분석의 결과 제5주성분까지만 취했을 때 전체 성분의 88.3%, 제 1, 2의 2개 주성분만으로는 59.3%를 설명할 수 있었으며, 제 1 주성분에 대하여는 수단그래스와 종실용 수수, 제1, 2주성분에 대하여는 단수수와 수단그래스 및 종실용 수수가 잘 구분되었다. 한편 제1주성분은 이삭밀도와 형태, 백립중, 식물체색, 종실의 영 피복 정도와 높은 상관관계, 제 2주성분은 개화기간, 초고, 까락의 유무와 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 4. 이상의 결과로 선정된 품종들을 청예용 품종육성을 위한 교배모본으로 사용할 때 F1 의 잡종강세가 높고, 그들 양친의 조합능력에서 계통간 현저한 차이를 나타낼 것으로 기대된다.