Particulate matter is known to have adverse effects on health, making it crucial to accurately gauge its concentration levels. While the recent advent of low-cost air sensors has enabled real-time measurement of particulate matter, discrepancies in concentrations can arise depending on the sensor used, the measuring environment, and the manufacturer. In light of this, we aimed to propose a method to calibrate measurements between low-cost air sensor devices. In our study, we introduced decision tree techniques, commonly used in machine learning for classification and regression problems, to categorize particulate matter concentration intervals. For each interval, both univariate and multivariate multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to derive calibration equations. The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 measured indoors and outdoors with two types of LCS equipment and the GRIMM 11-A device were compared and analyzed, confirming the necessity for distinguishing between indoor and outdoor spaces and categorizing concentration intervals. Furthermore, the decision tree calibration method showed greater accuracy than traditional methods. On the other hand, during univariate regression analysis, the proportion exceeding a PM2.5/PM10 ratio of 1 was significantly high. However, using multivariate regression analysis, the exceedance rate decreased to 79.1% for IAQ-C7 and 89.3% for PMM-130, demonstrating that calibration through multivariate regression analysis considering both PM10 and PM2.5 is more effective. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the accurate calibration of particulate matter measurements and have showcased the potential for scientifically and rationally calibrating data using machine learning.
We investigate the effect of phosphorous content on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe83.2Si5.33-0.33xB10.67-0.67xPxCu0.8 (x = 1–4 at.%) nanocrystalline soft magnetic alloys. The simultaneous addition of Cu and P to nanocrystalline alloys reportedly decreases the nanocrystalline size significantly, to 10–20 nm. In the P-containing nanocrystalline alloy, P atoms are distributed in an amorphous residual matrix, which suppresses grain growth, increases permeability, and decreases coercivity. In this study, nanocrystalline ribbons with a composition of Fe83.2Si5.33-0.33xB10.67- 0.67xPxCu0.8 (x = 1–4 at.%) are fabricated by rapid quenching melt-spinning and thermal annealing. It is demonstrated that the addition of a small amount of P to the alloy improves the glass-forming ability and increases the resistance to undesirable Fex(B,P) crystallization. Among the alloys investigated in this work, an Fe83.2Si5B10P1Cu0.8 nanocrystalline ribbon annealed at 460oC exhibits excellent soft-magnetic properties including low coercivity, low core loss, and high saturation magnetization. The uniform nanocrystallization of the Fe83.2Si5B10P1Cu0.8 alloy is confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis.
BiFeO3 with perovskite structure is a well-known material that has both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic properties called multiferroics. However, leaky electrical properties and difficulty of controlling stoichiometry due to Bi volatility and difficulty of obtaining high relative density due to high dependency on the ceramic process are issues for BiFeO3 applications. In this work we investigated the sintering behavior of samples with different stoichiometries and sintering conditions. To understand the optimum sintering conditions, nonstoichiometric Bi1±xFeO3±δ ceramics and Ti-doped Bi1.03Fe1-4x/3TixO3 ceramics were synthesized by a conventional solid-state route. Dense single phase BiFeO3 ceramics were successfully fabricated using a two-step sintering and quenching process. The effects of Bi volatility on microstructure were determined by Bi-excess and Ti doping. Bi-excess increased grain size, and Ti doping increased sintering temperature and decreased grain size. It should be noted that Ti-doping suppressed Bi volatility and stabilized the BiFeO3 phase.
흑요석 내 미세결정은 화산암질 마그마의 과냉각 조건에서 정출된 아주 작은 결정이다. 백두산, 일본 규슈와 홋카이도, 그리고 이태리 리파리 섬에서 산출되는 흑요석을 대상으로 그 내부에 포함된 미세결정의 형태와 조직을 전자현미경을 사용하여 관찰하여 정리하였다. 전자현미경의 후방산란전자 이미지로부터 관찰한 보다 자세한 미세결정에 대한 형태학적 분류는 기존의 광학현미경으로 얻을 수 없는 미세결정의 결정화에 대한 정보를 제공해 준다. 이 논문에서는 Clark (1961)의 미세결정 형태 분류 14가지 중에서 10가지에 대해 새로이 기재하였다. 즉, Lath, Crenulite, Bacillite, Margarite, Belonites, Trichites, Arculites, Furculite, Scopulites, Scopulitic growth 등의 미세결정에 대한 형태와 조직적 특징을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 이런 기재적 연구로부터 향후 산성 마그마의 냉각과정동안 흑요석 내 미세결정의 결정작용과 광물 공생관계를 밝히는데 활용될 것이다.
유전자 친자확인시험법은 동일 종 내에서도 개체를 식별 할 수 있는 강력한 분자진단체계이다. 반달가슴곰 우수리아 종(Ursus thibetanus ussuricus)은 한반도를 비롯한 중국, 러시아 등지에 분포하나, 우리나라에서는 지역적으로 절멸된 것으로 추정되고 있으며, 현재는 멸종위기야생생물Ⅰ급으 로 지정되어 있고, 북한, 러시아, 중국 등에서 재도입되어 종복원이 진행 중에 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라에 재도입된 반달가슴곰집단의 친자확인, 가계도 작성, 미확인개체 추적 등 방사개체의 관리에 요구되는 분자진단체계의 구축을 위하여 차세대염기서열분석법을 통해 결정한 반달가슴곰 전 장유전체 서열(whole genome sequence, WGS)에서 미세 부수체(microsatellite, MS) 마커 개발을 목적으로 하였다. 전장유전체 서열은 총 12개체의 혈액 DNA를 이용하여 결정하였고, 결정된 서열에서 총 1,730,507개의 단순반복서열(simple tandem repeat, STR)의 정보를 발굴하였다. 이 중 반복단위(repeat unit)의 길이가 2-6 nt로 구성된 STR은 총 5,954개였다. WGS 상에서 검출된 STR의 관찰이형접합율(observed heterozygosity, Ho)을 고려하여 총 97종을 1차 선정하였다. 부-모-자 유전자형의 멘델유전(mendelian inheritance)을 만족하는 48종의 마커를 반달가슴곰 전체 집단에 적용하여 시험하였고, 중합효소연쇄반응(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)을 통해 유전자형을 결정하였다. 유전 자형의 다양성지수와다형정보량(polymorphic information content, PIC), 동일개체출현율을 고려하여 최종 15종의 MS 마커 세트를 구성하였다. 분석결과, 전체 집단에서 출현한 평균 대립유전자의 수는 6.267개였으며, 기대이형접합율(expected heterozygosity)는 평균 0.7242을 나타내었다. 평균 PIC는 0.6718, 동일개체 출현율은 1.867×10-14 수준으로 높았으나, 부권부정율은 0.00337로 다소 낮은 수준을 보였다. 재도입된 1세대집단 전체에서는 평균 대립유전자 수 5.867개, 평균 기대이형접합율 0.7217, 평균 PIC 0.6573을 나타내었고, 후손 전체에서는 평균 대립유전자 수 5.933개, 평균 기대이형접합율 0.7140, 평균 PIC 0.6554를 나타내었다. 하지만, 후손집단을 2세대와 3세대로 구분했을 때, 2세대는 평균 대립유전자 수 5.867, 평균 기대이형접합율 0.722, 평균 PIC 0.657, 3세대는 평균 대립유전자 수 4.467, 평균 기대이형접합율 0.694, 평균 PIC 0.601을 나타내어 세대가 진행될수록 대립유전자의 수와 기대이형접합율, PIC 모두 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 최종 선정된 15개의 MS 마커체계를 이용하여 반달가슴곰 집단에 대한 미확인 개체 추적, 친자확인 등을 시험하였다. 최근 포획된 개체들 중에서 개체명이 확인되지 않았던 4개체는 자연출생 2세대, 3세대, 전파발신기가 탈락된 방사 1세대로 확인 되었다. 또한 동일성검사 결과 올해 5월 교통사고를 당한 반달가슴곰은 KM-53이며, 올해 출생한 새끼 반달가슴곰들에 대한 검사를 통해 2개체가 인공수정에 의해 출생한 것으로 확인되었다. 이상의 결과들은 본 연구에서 확립한 MS 마커의 조합이 자연방사와 자연출생 개체들로 구성된 반달 가슴곰 집단의 개체관리를 위한 분자마커체계로 유용하게 이용될 수 있음을 보여주고 있다. 또한 본 연구를 통해서 확립된 MS 마커들은 현재 지리산과 수도산에 서식하고 있는 반달가슴곰 집단의 개체관리, 미확인 개체 추적, 친자확인 등 유전자분석에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 아울러 향후 유전적 다양성 증진, 집단간 교류개체 선정 등에도 필요한 유전 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 결론적으로 반달가슴곰 전장유전체 서열을 토대로 마련된 분자진단체계는 향후 반달가슴곰의 보호와 생태복원을 위한 종복원에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
백두산과 일본 규슈에서 산출되는 흑요석을 대상으로 그 내부에 포함된 미세결정의 형태와 조직을 전자현미경을 사용하여 관찰하였다. 미세결정에 대한 형태학적 분류에 따르면, 백두산 흑요석 내의 미세결정은 Arculites, Asteroidal, Crenulite 등의 형태만 보이고, 규슈 흑요석 내의 미세결정은 Arculites, Bacillite, Belonites, Crenulite, Furculite, Lath, Margarite, Scopulites 등의 다양한 형태를 보인다. 이 사실은 백두산과 규슈 흑요석은 포함된 미세결정의 형태에 따라서 구분 가능함을 지시한다. 한편, 동일한 Arculites 형태의 미세결정의 경우 백두산 흑요석은 휘석 결정 내에 자철석의 결정들이 포함된 포이킬리틱 조직을 보이는 반면, 규슈 흑요석은 자철석과 휘석이 서로 입상 내지 입간 조직을 보인다. 이러한 흑요석 내 미세결정의 형태 및 조직의 차이는 향후 우리나라에서 선사시대 유물로 출토되는 흑요석제 석기의 산지를 밝히는데 이용될 수 있다.
본 연구에서는 silicalite-1 제올라이트 분리막 합성 시에 종결정 코팅용액 pH 변화가 제올라이트 분리층 미세구조에 미치는 영항을 고찰하였다. 75 nm 크기로 합성된 종결정은 에탄올에 분산된 후 침지코팅법으로 지지체 표면에 코팅되었으며 분산용액의 pH는 2.2, 7.0, 9.3으로 조절되었다. pH가 7인 경우, 균일하고 두께가 3~4 μm인 silicalite-1 제올라이트 분리층이 형성되었고 분리층 결정입 크기는 100 nm로 미세하였다. 반면, pH가 2.2와 9.3인 경우, 분리층 두께가 얇고 불완전하였으며 분리층 결정입 크기도 약 1 μm로 조대하였다. pH 7에서 완전한 제올라이트 분리층이 형성된 것은 침지코팅 중에 지지체와 종 결정이 서로 다른 부호의 전하를 가져 정전기적 인력이 작용하여 균일하고 조밀하며 두껍고 다층의 종결정 코팅층이 형성되었 기 때문이었다. 반면에 pH가 2.2와 9.3인 경우, 침지코팅 중에 지지체와 종결정이 서로 같은 부호의 전하를 가져 정전기적 반 발력이 작용하기 때문에 불완전한 덮힘에 의하여 불완전한 분리층이 형성된다고 판단되었다. 결론적으로, 종결정 코팅용액의 pH가 silicalite-1 제올라이트 분리층의 두께, 결정립 크기 등 미세구조를 결정하는 중요한 인자임을 확인할 수 있었다.
The GaN-powder scrap generated in the manufacturing process of LED contains significant amounts of gallium. This waste can be an important resource for gallium through recycling of scraps. In the present study, the influence of annealing temperatures on the structural properties of GaN powder was investigated when the waste was recycled through the mechanochemical oxidation process. The annealing temperature varied from 200oC to 1100oC and the changes in crystal structure and microstructure were studied. The annealed powder was characterized using various analytical tools such as TGA, XRD, SEM, and XRF. The results indicate that GaN structure was fully changed to Ga2O3 structure when annealed above 900oC for 2 h. And, as the annealing temperature increased, crystallinity and particle size were enhanced. The increase in particle size of gallium oxide was possibly promoted by powder-sintering which merged particles to larger than 50 nm.
This study investigated the microstructure and wear resistance property of HPHT (high pressure high temperature) sintered PDC (polycrystalline diamond compact) in accordance with initial molding pressure. After quantifying an identical amount of diamond powder, the powder was inserted in top of WC-Co sintered material, and molded under four different pressure conditions (50, 100, 150, 200 kgf/cm2). The obtained diamond compact underwent sintering in high pressure, high temperature conditions. In the case of the 50 kgf/cm2 initial molding pressure condition, cracks were formed on the surface of PDC. On the other hand, PDCs obtained from 100~200 kgf/cm2 initial molding pressure conditions showed a meticulous structure. As molding pressure increased, low Co composition within PDC was detected. A wear resistance test was performed on the PDC, and the 200 kgf/cm2 condition PDC showed the highest wear resistance property.
The optical film for light luminance improvement of back light unit that is used in light emitting diode/liquid crystal display and retro-reflective film is used as luminous sign consist of square and triangular pyramid structure pattern based on V-shape micro prism pattern. In this study, we analyzed machining characteristics of Cu-plated flat mold by shaping with diamond tool. First, cutting conditions were optimized as V-groove machining for the experiment of micro prism structure mold machining with prism pattern shape, cutting force and roughness. Second, the micro prism structure such as square and triangular pyramid pattern were machined by cross machining method with optimizing cutting conditions. Variation of Burr and chip shape were discussed by material properties and machining method.
This study investigates the microstructure and thermal shock properties of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) produced by the high-temperature, high-pressure (HPHT) process. The diamond used for the investigation features a 12~22 μm- and 8~16 μm-sized main particles, and 1~2 μm-sized filler particles. The filler particle ratio is adjusted up to 5~31% to produce a mixed particle, and then the tap density is measured. The measurement finds that as the filler particle ratio increases, the tap density value continuously increases, but at 23% or greater, it reduces by a small margin. The mixed particle described above undergoes an HPHT sintering process. Observation of PDC microstructures reveals that the filler particle ratio with high tap density value increases direct bonding among diamond particles, Co distribution becomes even, and the Co and W fraction also decreases. The produced PDC undergoes thermal shock tests with two temperature conditions of 820 and 830, and the results reveals that PDC with smaller filler particle ratio and low tap density value easily produces cracks, while PDC with high tap density value that contributes in increased direct bonding along with the higher diamond content results in improved thermal shock properties.
본 연구에서는 종결정 코팅층이 NaA 제올라이트 분리막 형성에 미치는 영향에 대하여 고찰하였다. NaA 제올라이트 분리막은 평균입경 100 nm 종결정을 다공성 α-알루미나 표면에 진공여과 코팅하고 100˚C에서 24시간 수열처리하여 합성되었다. 이때 지지체 표면에 분포된 종결정 양을 조절한 후 형성된 NaA 제올라이트 분리층의 두께와 결정입 크기 등 미세구조에 미치는 영향에 대하여 고찰하였다. 종결정 코팅 양은 지지체를 통과한 종결정 수용액의 여과 양을 조절하여 제어하였다. 종결정을 단일층으로 코팅한 후 합성하였을 경우, 코팅 양이 증가함에 따라 분리층 단면에서의 두께와 균일도는 증가하였으며, 표면에서의 결정입 크기는 감소하면서 균일도는 증가하였다. 반면, 종결정을 다층으로 코팅한 후 합성하였을 경우, 균일한 분리층을 형성하였지만 단일층으로 코팅된 경우에 비하여 불균일하였으며 두꺼운 분리층이 형성되었다. 균일하고 초박형의 결함이 없는 제올라이트 분리층을 형성하기 위해서는 종결정을 균일하고 단일층으로 코팅하여야 함을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구로부터 종결정의 코팅 상태가 이차성장에 의한 NaA 제올라이트 분리층의 미세구조를 결정하는 중요한 인자임을 확인할 수 있었다.
This study evaluated the enhancement of microstructural and mechanical properties of a cross rolled Ni-10Cr alloy, comparing with conventionally rolled material. Cold rolling was carried out to 90% thickness reduction and the specimens were subsequently annealed at 700˚C for 30 min to obtain a fully recrystallized microstructure. Cross roll rolling was carried out at a tilted roll mill condition of 5˚ from the transverse direction in the RD-TD plane. In order to observe the deformed microstructures of the cold rolled materials, transmission electron microscopy was employed. For annealed materials after rolling, in order to investigate the grain boundary characteristic distributions, an electron back-scattering diffraction technique was applied. Application of cold rolling to the Ni-10Cr alloy contributed to notable grain refinement, and consequently the average grain size was refined from 135 μm in the initial material to 9.4 and 4.2 μm in conventionally rolled and cross rolled materials, respectively, thus showing more significantly refined grains in the cross rolled material. This refined grain size led to enhanced mechanical properties such as yield and tensile strengths, with slightly higher values in the cross rolled material. Furthermore, the<111>//ND texture in the CRR material was better developed compared to that of the CR material, which contributed to enhanced mechanical properties and formability.
The aim of this study was to investigate microstructures and mechanical properties of nano-sized Ti-35 wt.%Nb-7 wt.%Zr-10 wt.%CPP composite fabricated by high energy mechanical milling (HEMM) and pulse current activated sintering (PCAS). Grain growth of the mechanically milled powder was prevented by performing PCAS. The principal advantages of calcium phosphate materials include: similarity in composition to the bone mineral, bioactivity, osteoconductivity and ability to form a uniquely strong interface with bone. The hardness and wear resistance property of nano-sized Ti-35 wt.%Nb-7 wt.%Zr-10 wt.%CPP composites increased with increasing milling time because of decreased grain-size of sintered composites.
Mo nanopowder was synthesized by ball-milling and subsequent hydrogen-reduction of powder. To fabricate ultra fine grained molybdenum, two-step sintering and spark plasma sintering process were employed. The grain size of specimen by two-step sintering and spark plasma sintering was around and , respectively. Mechanical properties of ultra fine grained Mo with relative density of above 90% were significantly improved at room and high temperatures comparing to commercial bulk Mo of 99% relative density. This result was mainly explained by the grain size refinement due to diffusion-controlled sintering.
Bulk nanostructured metallic materials are generally synthesized by bottom-up processing which starts from powders for assembling bulk materials. In this study, the bottom-up powder metallurgy and High Pressure Torsion (HPT) approaches were combined to achieve both full density and grain refinement at the same time. After the HPT process at 473K, the disk samples reached a steady state condition when the microstructure and properties no longer evolve, and equilibrium boundaries with high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) were dominant. The well dispersed alumina particles played important role of obstacles to dislocation glide and to grain growth, and thus, reduced the grain size at elevated temperature. The small grain size with HAGBs resulted in high strength and good ductility.
Titanium alloys have been attractive due to a high ratio of strength to weight as well as good corrosion resistance. However, strengthening causes a decrease in ductility in Ti alloys, as is usual in other alloys. For enhanced strength without ductility reduction, grain refinement and tensile properties were investigated as functions of thickness reduction of cold rolling and annealing condition in Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al alloy with a β single phase. The average grain size of the specimen, which was cold-rolled by 90% and annealed at 700˚C for 5 min, was decreased to approximately 19 μm. The grain refinement of 63 μm to 19 μm increased yield stress by 90 MPa without a significant decrease in total elongation. The Ti-15-3 alloy exhibited very low work hardening during tensile test at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min. This result was discussed based on dynamic recovery associated with dislocation annihilation in grain boundaries.
A Cu-Fe-P copper alloy was processed by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) for ultra grain refinement and high strengthening. Two 1mm thick copper sheets, 30 mm wide and 300 mm long, were first degreased and wire-brushed for sound bonding. The sheets were then stacked on top of each other and roll-bonded by about 50% reduction rolling without lubrication at ambient temperature. The bonded sheet was then cut into two pieces of the same dimensions and the same procedure was repeated for the sheets up to eight cycles. Microstructural evolution of the copper alloy with the number of the ARB cycles was investigated by optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and electron back scatter diffraction(EBSD). The grain size decreased gradually with the number of ARB cycles, and was reduced to 290 nm after eight cycles. The boundaries above 60% of ultrafine grains formed exhibited high angle boundaries above 15 degrees. In addition, the average misorientation angle of ultrafine grains was 30 degrees.
Glass ceramics were made from coal bottom ash by adding CaO and Li2O as glass modifiers and TiO2 as a nucleating agent in a process of melting and quenching followed by a thermal treatment. The surface of the glass ceramics has 1.6 times more Li2O compared to the inner matrix. When TiO2 was not added or when only 2 wt% was added, the surface parts of the glass ceramics were crystalline with a thickness close to 130μm. In addition, the matrixes showed only the glass phase and not the crystalline phase. However, doping of TiO2 from 4 wt% to 10 wt% began to create small crystalline phases in the matrix with an increase in the quantity of the crystalline. The matrix microstructure of glass ceramics containing TiO2 in excess of 8 wt% was a mixture of dark-gray crystalline and white crystalline parts. These two parts had no considerable difference in terms of composition. It was thought that the crystallization mechanism affects the crystal growth, direction and shape and rather than the existence of two types of crystals.
The influence of various surface morphologies on the mechanical strength of silicon substrates was investigated in this study. The yield for the solar cell industry is mainly related to the fracturing of silicon wafers during the manufacturing process. The flexural strengths of silicon substrates were influenced by the density of the pyramids as well as by the size and the rounded surface of the pyramids. To characterize and optimize the relevant texturing process in terms of mechanical stability and the fabrication yield, the mechanical properties of textured silicon substrates were investigated to optimize the size and morphology of random pyramids. Several types of silicon substrates were studied, including the planar type, a textured surface with large and small pyramids, and a textured surface with rounded pyramids. The surface morphology and a cross-section of the as-textured and fractured silicon substrates were investigated by scanning electron microscopy.