PURPOSES : On a thin epoxy overlay pavement, epoxy is placed on the existing bridge deck pavement, followed by the spraying of aggregates on it. The bond strength between the existing pavement and overlay pavement is an important factor representing the performance of the thin epoxy overlay pavement, in addition to the skid resistance and roughness. Therefore, the bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness of a thin epoxy overlay pavement constructed for field tests under various field conditions are examined in this study.
METHODS : The usability of epoxy and aggregates on a thin epoxy overlay pavement is identified by testing their material properties in a laboratory. A construction test is performed using the pretreatment conditions of the existing pavement surface and the number of layers of overlay pavement as variables. The bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness are analyzed 3 d after constructing the test pavement, and immediately before and after applying repetitive traffic loadings at 6 months.
RESULTS : When the existing pavement is in good condition, as in this study, the bond strength of the thin epoxy overlay pavement is affected more significantly by the existing pavement condition than the material properties of epoxy, in which destruction is indicated in the existing pavement. The skid resistance is affected primarily by the condition of the aggregates sprayed on the epoxy. The pavement on which the aggregates are well sprayed indicate a high skid resistance. The roughness is not affected by any variables, such as the pretreatment conditions, number of thin pavement layers, and repetitive traffic loadings.
CONCLUSIONS : A long-term evaluation of the bond strength, skid resistance, and roughness will be conducted on a test pavement. In addition, another construction test will be performed to investigate the performance of a thin epoxy pavement overlaid on a bridge deck pavement under inferior conditions.
PURPOSES : Given that large-scale repair works of expressway bridge pavements have high maintenance cost and long traffic blocking time, the thin overlay method that maintains the existing pavement is attracting attention. In this study, because the bridge thin overlay has not been introduced in Korea yet, the basic physical properties of the epoxy thin overlay, which is mainly used for the bridge thin overlay, were investigated, and the skid resistance and bond performance were analyzed.
METHODS : Basic physical property tests were performed on each of the epoxy binders, aggregates, and mixtures used in epoxy thin overlay. They were also compared and reviewed against foreign standards. The epoxy binders were tested for viscosity, gel time, and thermal compatibility. The aggregates were tested in terms of water absorption, specific gravity, and gradation. The compressive and flexural strengths of the mixtures were investigated. The epoxy thin overlay has the possibility of detachment of aggregates, so the skid resistance was tested according to the paving phase. In addition, to investigate the bond performance, which is the most important performance of the epoxy thin overlay, the bond strength test was performed by varying the moisture condition and treatment condition of the existing layer surface.
RESULTS : The basic physical properties of the materials used in the epoxy thin overlays satisfied foreign standards except for the gradation of aggregates. The skid resistance did not satisfy the standard when the epoxy was exposed, whereas the skid resistance did satisfy the standard when the aggregates were exposed, even after the abrasion test. The bond strength of the epoxy thin overlay satisfied the standard in all cases. The bond strength was the highest when the relative humidity of the existing layer surface was 60%.
CONCLUSIONS : The materials of epoxy thin overlay that could be obtained in Korea satisfied the basic physical property standards except for aggregate gradation. Given that the aggregate gradation could be adjusted, it can be concluded that the epoxy thin overlay could be introduced in Korea. In addition, it was confirmed that the skid resistance and bond strength of the epoxy thin overlay were high enough to be used in general road conditions. It was determined that the existing layer surface should maintain an optimal relative humidity of approximately 60% because the moisture condition affects the bond strength.
The purpose of this study is to enhance heat insulation effect and to decrease fire hazard by attaching aluminum foil to expanded polystyrene, which is mainly used for insulating materials, to have fire retardant. The result of the test confirmed that the insulating materials, expanded polystyrene of 10 kg/m3 and 14 kg/m3 of density attached aluminum foil on both sides, showed 12%, 14% of improved heat transfer coefficient respectively compared to existing expanded polystyrene of the same density. Besides, they met all the standards for the testing of heat release and gas hazard. On the other hand, the one made of general expanded polystyrene could not meet the standards of the heat release test and the gas hazard test.
원자로 격납건물은 냉각재상실사고와 같이 내부의 과도한 압력이 유발되는 사고에 있어서도 방사성 물질이 외부로 누출되지 않도록 막는 최종의 방벽이다. 이러한 격납건물의 기능적 중요성에 기인하여, 건설 초기 구조건전성시험(SIT)을 수행한다. 이러한 SIT거동을 가장 실제와 가깝게 예측하기 위한 해석 연구를 수행하였다. 해당 연구의 결과는 2편의 논문으로 정리되었는데, 본 논문은 그 중 II편으로 I편의 해석모델 구성 시의 주요 고려사항의 분석 및 예비해석 결과를 반영한 상세 해석 모델의 구성 과정 및 해석 결과를 제시하고 있다. 특히 비부착식 텐던으로 시공된 구조물에서 덕트관에 의한 강성 저감효과 및 덕트관을 사이에 둔 텐던과 콘크리트간의 밀착 여부에 따른 영향을 해석 시 최대한 고려하고자 하였다. 이러한 과정을 통해 구축된 해석 모델에 따른 변위과 신고리 3호기 SIT 측정변위를 비교한 결과, ASME CC-6000 기준을 충분히 만족시키는 결과가 나타남을 확인하였다.
원자로 격납건물은 냉각재상실사고와 같이 내부의 과도한 압력이 유발되는 사고에 있어서도 방사성 물질이 외부로 누출되지 않도록 막는 최종의 방벽이다. 이러한 격납건물의 기능적 중요성에 기인하여, 건설 초기 구조건전성시험(SIT)을 수행한다. 신고리 3호기 SIT 시험 당시 계측된 변위를 예측하기 위한 초기 해석 모델은 일부 위치에서 실제 변위를 과소 평가하는 경향을 보임에 따라 이를 개선하고자 하는 연구가 수행되었다. 해당 연구의 결과를 I 편과 II 편의 논문으로 정리하였으며, 본 I 편에서는 초기 해석모델을 개선해가는 과정에서의 해석모델 구성 시의 주요 고려사항의 분석 및 예비해석 결과를 제시하고 있다. 우선적으로 콘크리트 자체의 해석요소(mesh) 구성과 라이너, 철근, 텐던 등의 요소간의 연결 설정이 중요함을 확인하였다. 또한, 다양한 예비해석의 결과를 통해 비부착식 텐던으로 시공된 구조물에서 덕트관에 의한 강성 저감 효과 및 덕트관을 사이에 둔 텐던과 콘크리트간의 밀착 여부에 따른 강성 영향을 적절히 고려하는 것이 중요함을 확인하였다.
신 구 콘크리트의 부착강도 시험시 두 재료의 계면에서 파괴가 유도되어 순수한 부착강도를 측정할 수 있도록 계면에 원형의 비부착면을 삽입하여 직접인발시험에 의해 부착강도를 측정하는 실험방법을 제시하였다. 먼저, 새로 제안한 실험방법에 의해 계면에서 응력이 집중되는 정도를 파악하기 위해 유한요소해석을 수행하여 두 재료의 탄성계수비 및 비부착면의 면적 (균열률)에 따른 계면에서의 파괴에너지를 산정하였으며, 부재의 크기 및 하중에 대한 보정을 감안하여 무차원함수로 환산하였다. 그리고 본 연구에서 제시된 부착강도 시험방법의 신뢰성을 입증하기 위해, 3가지 크기의 원형 비부착면(균열률 0.2, 0.4. 0.6)이 삽입된 신 구 콘크리트 복합시편(유황 폴리머 콘크리트+보통 콘크리트)을 사용하여 부착강도를 측정하였고 앞서 전개된 무차원함수로부터 계면 파괴에너지를 역산하였다. 시험결과, 모든 시편이 계면에서 파괴가 유도되었다. 또한 실험 데이터 및 해석결과를 분석하여 균열률이 0.4~0.6인 경우에 부착강도의 오차가 가장 적게 발생될 수 있음을 파악하였다.
현재 이루어지는 구조물의 안전진단과 성능에 대한 정밀검사는 기술자에 의해 수행되어 측정된 데이터가 경험적 판단에 의해 변화될 수 있는 수준에 머물러 있는 실정으로 본 연구에서는 프리캐스트 콘크리트 구조물을 실제 현장에서 이루어지는 설치방법과 동일하게 설치 후 기존 동적센서와 3축(3측(X, Y, Z축) 가속도 측정 센서 부착하여 손상정도에 따른 가속도 응답과 FFT분석 결과를 비교하여 P.C구조물의 안전진단에 대한 데이터의 불확실성에 대한 개선과 교체시기, 손상예측 등에 대한 기초자료로 활용하기 위함이다.
The purpose of this experimental study is to develop the waterborne silicon acrylic surface finishing material of parking lots. Adhesion strength experiment was conducted in order to enhance performance of the finishing material by adopting modified polyamide resin. The results qualified the standard regarding bond strength which is prescribed in KS F 4937. They are confirmed that the strength tend to increase as the amount of polyamide increased and could be an optimum surface finishing material applicable for parking lot floor.
The purpose of this experimental study is to carry out test for the surface finishing material of parking lot using Cross-linking agent(Zinc Oxide). The specimen was fabricated by KS F 4937, Cross-linking agent 2%, 3%, 4% is mixed in water soluble acrylic resin. As a result, bond strength of surface finishing material using Zinc oxide 4% was confirmed to be superior than surface finishing material using ordinary Acrylic resin.
This research developed the fiber pullout impact test machine to investigate interfacial bond strength between fiber and cement based matrix under high velocity. To achieve the goal, firstly the existing pullout test machines were investigated. And then, these drawback were comprehended. Finally, Fiber pullout impact test machine base on strain energy frame impact machine was proposed.
This research developed the fiber pullout impact test machine to investigate interfacial bond strength between fiber and cement based matrix under high velocity. To achieve the goal, firstly the existing pullout test machines were investigated. And then, these drawback were comprehended. Finally, Fiber pullout impact test machine base on strain energy frame impact machine was proposed.